Maine Coon: description of the breed, character, owner reviews

Maine Coons are the largest domestic cats. While there is a strong demand for miniature breeds among dogs, the opposite trend is observed among cats. People want to see at home, if not a tiger, then at least a lynx. Therefore, giant cats with tassels on their ears are in great demand.

Stories about Maine Coons and their unusual appearance do not make the right impression. Weighs 12 kg? Yes, we fed the yard Barsik up to 10 kg, just think. Oh, how wrong those of little faith are. Only when you see a cat about a meter long, without a drop of fat on his muscular body, in a cloud of luxurious fur, do you understand what a Maine Coon is.

Then there are questions that are funny for breeders - won’t he eat us? What about the dog? What about children? Should I feed him raw meat? And so on, endlessly. But my eyes are already burning, I can’t get rid of the thought - what if... I wish I had something like that!

Maine Coons became popular precisely because of their brutal appearance. This cat is an oasis of wild nature in a city apartment. Add to this their amazing character and ability to become a real companion - the high price of kittens has not stopped anyone for a long time, the army of Maine Coon fans is growing every day. A description of the Maine Coon breed will help you understand whether such a pet is right for you.

Author of the article: Olga Shiltsova, practicing veterinarian, author of the books “Dachshund of Fate” and “Tails of Fortune”

Description of the Maine Coon breed

Popularity 4th place among 86 cat breeds


12-15 years


25-41 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

20-40 thousand rubles


4-12 kg
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Key facts

The Maine Coon is one of the most unusual and fascinating cat breeds in the modern world. They can be called a lazy breed, although they are not averse to engaging in some active play with other family members.

The description of the Maine Coon breed says that it originated in the USA back in the 19th century. These representatives of pets occupy first place in size among other cat breeds.

This breed is easy to care for, despite its rather long and fluffy coat. It is not necessary to take them for grooming; regular combing at home is also suitable.

The characteristics of the Maine Coon are as follows: they are one of the most affectionate, kind and affectionate. Coons are good with children and other pets, make contact easily and are not afraid of guests. It is worth noting the high intelligence of cats, thanks to which they are easy to train.

Due to their thick and fluffy coat, which repels water, Maine Coons are able to withstand frost. This is also facilitated by the presence of pads that have spring functions and help you move easily through snowdrifts. But at the same time, they can easily withstand very high temperatures, so there is no need to cut the coon for the summer.

Having become interested in something, these felines take a rather amusing and funny pose: they stand on their hind legs and look with surprise on their faces at the object that attracts their attention.

The health and life expectancy of the Maine Coon are high; giant cats can live 14-15 years.

How the empire gave birth to revolutionaries

He was born on February 20, 1886 in Transylvania, in the village of Lele near the city of Sziladceh, on the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Bela's father was a rural notary, an ethnic Jew, and his mother, Hungarian by nationality, professed Calvinism. His origin largely determined the boy’s life path - from the very beginning of his life he faced humiliation on ethnic and religious grounds. Anti-Semitism in Austria-Hungary was commonplace, and little Bela experienced first-hand what it was like from childhood. He also received punishment from representatives of the Catholic majority for his mother’s religion.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, revolutionary circles were formed from such persecuted people, offended by injustice, both in Austria-Hungary and in Russia.

At the age of 16, Bela became a member of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party, actively involved in political life.

Even at the gymnasium, teachers noted that the young man had an undoubted talent as a writer. After leaving school, he entered the university's Faculty of Law, but interrupted his studies in 1904 and began working as a journalist in Kolozsvár and Nagyvárad.

In 1905, journalist and socialist Bela Kun actively worked to organize political strikes in enterprises in Transylvania. The workers' protests end in clashes with the police, and Bela Kun, arrested as the organizer of the riots, receives his first sentence - two and a half years in prison.

Bela Kun. Photo:

History of the origin of the Maine Coon

The breed was developed in America two centuries ago. There is a very interesting and entertaining legend associated with the name of the breed. With the first part of the phrase, everything is extremely simple: Maine is the name of the state where the breed was bred (Maine). Thanks to the long and fluffy tail, a legend arose that the ancestors of cats were crossed with a raccoon. Hence the second part of the word - kun (short for English racoon - raccoon).

How did Maine Coon cats appear in America? Historians believe that representatives of the short-haired breed were first brought to America. And a little later, along with representatives from the New World, long-haired quadrupeds were also brought. After this, the crossing of the two species began, as a result of which the modern breed appeared.

In 1861, a Maine Coon cat named Captain Jenks of the Marine Cavalry made a huge impression on audiences at an exhibition in Boston and New York. It was then that the first wave of popularity of this breed passed. Unfortunately, in the twentieth century this place was occupied by the Siamese and Persians, but not for long. After the end of World War II, they regained their position, and it was then that the first Maine Coon Association was opened - the Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association (MCBFA).

Socialist revolution. Hungarian version

In March 1918, Bela Kun and like-minded people formed the Hungarian Group under the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) from former Hungarian prisoners of war - the actual predecessor of the Hungarian Communist Party.

Meanwhile, the defeat of Austria-Hungary in the First World War led in November 1918 to the collapse of the empire and the emergence of the independent Hungarian Republic. In accordance with the course towards world revolution, Bela Kun and like-minded people go to Budapest to repeat the success of the Russian Bolsheviks.

The politician’s amazing energy and oratory skills do their job - the Hungarian communists manage to gain widespread support among the working class. In February 1919, one of the communist demonstrations in Budapest ended in clashes with the police and Kun was arrested again, this time on charges of treason.

Bela Kun speaks at a rally in Budapest, 1919. Photo: RIA Novosti

But the situation in Hungary remains unstable, so the communist leader, even while in prison, continues to lead the party and is looking for allies to come to power. The union of communists and social democrats in Hungary is helped by the Entente, which is trying to dictate to the authorities of the young republic the rules of conduct in domestic and foreign policy.

The offended pride of the Hungarians leads to the fact that on March 21, 1919, the government of the republic, which pursued a policy of concessions towards the Entente, resigns, and a new cabinet is formed by the Communists and Social Democrats, united in the Socialist Party.

The new government proclaims the creation of the Hungarian Soviet Republic and releases Bela Kun from prison.

Hopes for help from Soviet Russia did not materialize - at that moment all the forces of the Russian Bolsheviks were concentrated on the fight against the White movement.

What does a Maine Coon look like?

Maine Coons were originally brought to the very harsh climate of Maine, which influenced their appearance. To survive in such conditions, they developed dense, thick and long hair to protect them from frost, and special pads on their paws for moving through snowdrifts. The large size is due to the need for hunting. Now even in the photo the Maine Coon looks cute, and it’s hard to say that he was once a tough hunter.


The head has an elongated shape and massive dimensions. This was required for the ancestors to “dive” into holes to catch rodents.

The color of the eyes always depends on the color of the coat: it can be blue, greenish and even yellowish. The shape of the eyes is round, slightly slanted.

The ears have a dense cartilage structure, abundant hair, and “lynx tassels.” Thanks to these differences, cats could easily hunt rodents and small game. For this, American farmers loved them very much. Also, to protect themselves from the cold, cats use an interesting method unique to them. They close the ears very tightly to prevent cold air and wind from entering there.

Body type

The neck is elongated, of medium length, large and very muscular (especially in males). There is a so-called “collar”, which is very highly valued by breeders. The fuller the collar, the more expensive the kitten can cost.

What does a Maine Coon look like in proportions? The long body with good hair is somewhat reminiscent of a rectangle. The muscles are well developed and there is also a strong skeleton. The limbs are large and massive, with abundant hair.

The tail is long and fluffy. Equal in size to the length of the body. Some representatives may have stripes characteristic of a raccoon. In the past, Maine Coon tails served as heaters in extreme situations. Because of its length, cats could easily wrap it around their entire body and keep warm.

Coat and color

The wool is long, on average 10-13 cm, and has water-repellent properties. On the tummy, vellus hair takes up more space, and on the back there are only coarse hairs. The hair grows from the head to the panties and serves to warm the body from cold weather.

The color of Maine Coons is quite varied. It differs in several categories:

1. Drawing

2. Coat color

3. Presence or absence of stains.

Maine Coon coat colors are black, white and red. Sometimes the colors may "mix" a little. The pattern is tiger, marbled and spotted. The spots are not always present and can be located on different parts of the body. Most often they are located on the paws, muzzle, neck and ears. Maine Coon color varieties offer a wide range of variations, and the breed has not suffered from excessive interference by breeders.

Attitude towards other animals

Maines tend to live in small groups; they can easily adapt to the presence of other animals in their space. If there is another pet living in the house, then the Maine Coon will easily find a common language with him, will play and feel quite comfortable.

For hamsters, guinea pigs and pet rats, it is important to remember that the raccoon cat's genetics include the ability to hunt.

Small animals awaken this instinct in them and become a signal to action. In this case, life in the same space will not work out for pets.

Oddly enough, this is especially true for aquarium fish. Cats simply catch them with their paws and eat them.

Maine Coon character

In general, the Maine Coon breed can be compared to a dog. These cats are very loyal to their owner, kind and very often follow him like a tail. They also have warm feelings towards other family members, so this breed can be called one of the friendliest and sociable.

Many people mistakenly believe that the Maine Coon’s character is angry and stern, looking at its face, but they do not even suspect that behind such an appearance lies simply an angelic disposition.

Maine Coons love to take funny poses and make unusual sounds, but they meow quite rarely. The temperament of males and females has quite strong differences:

  1. Males are less affectionate than females. During the heat period, Maine Coons can be a little aggressive and mark their territory, which becomes an unpleasant problem for their owners. The solution is castration.
  2. Cats are more affectionate, they love to be close to their owner. Often choose a place at the feet. During estrus they do not show aggression or other unpleasant character traits.

Both females and males have a neutral attitude towards guests in the house, but they will not be particularly happy if someone else begins to pay a lot of attention to them. Coons are very caring parents, so after the birth of their offspring, they do not leave their kittens for a minute, constantly looking after them.

Although this breed is very attached to family members, they also love independence. Maine Coons choose high places for themselves so they can watch everyone comfortably. Cats are not particularly playful, but no one can be immune from torn wallpaper, broken pots and chewed wires, so it is better to accustom them to scratching posts from childhood and monitor their behavior.

Coons will treat children calmly. But do not forget that it will be unpleasant for the animal if its tail or whiskers are pulled. Therefore, children need to be told in advance that the new family member should be treated carefully and affectionately. If you have a newborn baby, and the cat has been living with you for a long time, then there is no need to worry. Maine Coons are good with small children and will not show aggression or jealousy. And when the child grows up, the pet will not mind accepting him into his company.

These giant cats are not aggressors. They can easily get along with other cats and even dogs, because the hunting instinct in them has almost died out, and in the past they only hunted rodents and snakes.

Owner reviews

“I dreamed of a Maine Coon for several years, but ordinary cats lived with me all my life. But a couple of years after the arrival of the long-awaited kitten, I greatly regretted it. I can’t stop him from climbing tables and cabinets and stealing food. Wool is everywhere, I no longer have the energy to clean it up. Food expenses are quite significant, and the tray takes up half of the hallway. So he also digs like an excavator, scattering the filler. He destroyed all my repairs - not only with his claws, he also likes to chew on everything, especially wires. I changed the curtains several times, they were all torn. So think before you adopt a Maine Coon – all the problems that can be associated with cats will have to be multiplied by three.”

“Tyson looks menacing and looks angry, but in reality he won’t offend anyone. He doesn’t recognize tenderness, he keeps his distance, but he always comes to bed and can almost lie on his head. Smart, noble, but not arrogant. Ideal!"

“I adore my kunator, but my Timofey is such a pig! He always scatters food around the bowl, and he also likes to scoop up water with his paws. He doesn't go to the potty carefully, I clean his fur pants every day. Everyone's tail catches garbage. Another peculiarity is that he constantly takes funny poses! At first I constantly ran after him with a camera. When he sleeps, it’s absolutely something. A favorite of the whole family, all pranks are forgiven."

“My husband is sure that our cat understands human speech. She often pesters us to play, even though she is already 3 years old. I don’t understand the worries about fur – what did you want from a long-haired cat? Tosya is no more troublesome than an ordinary cat, our pride and joy. We were choosing between Maine Coons and Norwegians, we are very glad that we finally got a Maine Coon.”

“The cat never scratched my little daughter, although she periodically pestered him. If he doesn’t like something, he simply goes to the top (they made him a cool climbing complex). Maintenance costs about 5 thousand a month, which may seem like a lot to some, but it’s normal for us, we knew what we were getting into. When guests arrive, at first everyone talks only about the cat, he attracts everyone’s attention.”

Raising a Maine Coon

So, these cats are very flexible and can be trained without any problems. Of course, they don’t have to be trained, but they should be accustomed to a litter box, a scratching post, and proper behavior in the apartment. Maine Coons have an excellent memory, allowing them to easily remember and learn anything new.

To prevent your pet from getting bored, buy him some toys and install climbing frames. Firstly, the animal will be in motion, which is incredibly beneficial for its health, and secondly, it will prevent damage to property. If you wish, you can teach your Maine Coon some simple commands; affection, praise and treats will help you with this.

Looking for a Maine Coon? Find your pet from 6 offers Buy as a gift

Distinctive character traits

The character of Maine Coons is usually balanced and flexible. They are friendly, love communication and usually spend most of their time in the company of people. They also love to be played with, but they can also simply lie down next to their owner, emitting a cheerful purr. In addition, they are very photogenic and love to be photographed.

Another feature of this breed is that they get along well with other pets: cats and dogs. But you should be very careful with hamsters and parrots. These cats have a well-developed hunter instinct, so it is better not to provoke them. Many owners note that these cats are very smart and can even be trained. They can be taught to fetch small objects, for example, light toys, balls. It all depends on the patience of the owner.

Maine Coon Health

Possible diseases

This breed has very good immunity and does not have many diseases compared to others. However, these large cats also suffer from some ailments.

1. Maine Coons have very sensitive digestion, which can often cause stomach upsets. But you can protect yourself and your pet from this if you choose high-quality food. If you feed your pet food from the table, then you should limit its consumption of fatty, spicy and salty foods, or it is better to exclude such food altogether.

2. Kidney disease or urolithiasis. Happens quite often.

3. Diseases of the joints. Most often, individuals living in apartments and leading an inactive lifestyle are affected. Therefore, you should buy your pet some toys with which he can spend part of his day. This will reduce the risk of joint problems.

4. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Refers to genetic diseases. It is very difficult to identify the disease, because it does not manifest itself externally, so you need to take your pet to a veterinarian-cardiologist for preventive examinations.

Maine Coons may develop diseases that are common in other breeds. Any deviation from norms of behavior may indicate the initial stage of the disease. In general, the health of the Maine Coon can be considered exemplary.

Reproductive health

The female coon's estrus begins between 6 and 9 months, but the animal is not bred during the first estrus. It is necessary to wait until the age of 1 year, and for the first time find a more experienced male. Two inexperienced animals are usually not bred.

Mating is prescribed on the 3-5th day of estrus, but preparation should begin much earlier. The first thing to do is to find a cat through clubs or in private advertisements - the future father of the kittens. Both animals are wormed 2-4 weeks before mating, and 1-2 days before mating, their claws are trimmed so that the partners do not injure each other.

The female is brought to the male’s territory and left for several days - this allows the animals to get used to each other and perform several acts.

Hereditary diseases of Maine Coons: it is important to know

Popularity played a cruel joke on the breed - amateurs began to breed Maine Coons, crossing them uncontrollably. Extremely long cats with weak bones and problem joints, or small individuals with weakly expressed breed characteristics, appear. If you have already chosen this breed, take a kitten with a pedigree. This is not a guarantee of an exhibition career, just information about ancestors up to the 4th generation. Take a fully vaccinated, healthy baby at 3-3.5 months. Look at the conditions in which the kittens were kept, do not agree to meet “near the metro”.

Maine Coon kitten

Some hereditary diseases have become established in the breed:

  1. HCM – hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

This heart disease causes the sudden death of young cats, sometimes caused by neutering surgery. Before general anesthesia, all Maine Coons need to have a cardiac ultrasound (ECHO), and ideally, it should be done every year until they are 4-6 years old, even if no surgery is planned. The same defect occurs in British breed cats.

  1. Spinal muscular atrophy.

The first signs of this disease appear at 3 months - muscle weakness and trembling are noticed in the kitten. By six months, the pet becomes clumsy, staggers when walking, and cannot jump on and off.

Although muscle atrophy in this disease is constantly progressing, some animals live up to 7 years. But such a life cannot be called fulfilling.

  1. Erythrocyte pyruvate kinase deficiency.

Hereditary anemia. The cat's red blood cells are destroyed, which eventually leads to death. The disease begins to appear between the ages of six months and 5 years. The pet becomes lethargic, appetite disappears, and diarrhea develops. The variety of symptoms makes it difficult for doctors to make a correct diagnosis. The same disease occurs in Abyssinian cats.

  1. Hip dysplasia.

Congenital disorders of joint development are becoming more common in Maine Coons. This leads to early arthrosis and chronic pain.

  1. Gingivitis.

Maine Coon kittens are predisposed to juvenile gingivitis. Severe redness of the gums is noticed at 6-8 months. The disease may subside by age 2 with proper treatment.

If a cat's gum inflammation is autoimmune in nature, then the only effective treatment is the removal of all teeth except the canines.

In addition to hereditary diseases, young Maine Coons develop osteodystrophy (nutritional hyperparathyroidism) if fed improperly.

If you take a kitten from a responsible breeder, you can hope that the Maine Coon will be free from genetic defects and will live a long life - 15-16 years. Rarely anymore, the breed is not long-lived like Persians or Siamese.

Features of feeding and diet

Your pet's diet should include all the following:

  • proteins are essential components for ensuring the good functioning of all organs, for growth and well-being;
  • carbohydrates are a source of energy;
  • fats are a source of energy and a component for the formation of immunity;
  • vitamins and minerals.

The most important thing in purchased food is the presence of a meat ingredient in the composition in the first place. It should not contain many preservatives (it is better if they are absent altogether), so it is advisable to buy food from professional brands.

As for homemade food, the majority should be meat products: chicken, turkey, beef. You can also include cereals, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and eggs in your diet. In pet stores you can buy a special grass - sprouted grain crops.

When choosing a diet, you should take into account the size of cats, because they are very different from other breeds. If this is your first time, consult your veterinarian or breeder for advice.

Care and maintenance

Maine Coons can be brushed at home as needed; this should not be a problem. Particular attention should be paid to the areas on the back and sides - the fur is thicker there and tangles can form. You should also arrange bathing procedures once every three to four weeks. Maine Coons are not afraid of water, so there should not be any problems. Make sure to choose the right shampoo so that it does not harm the animal.

The inside of the cats ears should be pinkish. Pet stores sell special wipes for ear and eye hygiene. But you can clean them using a soft cloth or napkin.

To protect yourself from damaged wallpaper and scratches, and also to help your cat with claw points, you need to give your pet a manicure and pedicure once a week.

For Maine Coons, you should purchase a tray that has a larger area than standard ones. It is also recommended to buy closed trays, as some representatives of this breed like to scatter the filler, burying “their business.”

The general rules for caring for and maintaining a Maine Coon are no different from the rules for caring for any long-haired cat. Trimming the claws, cleaning the ears, eyes, teeth and regular brushing is all that is needed for a giant cat.

Comrade Stalin is unhappy

In the 1920s, Bela Kun remained an influential figure in the international communist movement, serving as a member of the Executive Committee and Presidium of the Comintern. In this capacity, he tried to organize revolutionary actions in Germany and Austria, but failed. In Austria he was even arrested, but thanks to a noisy campaign in his defense raised in the USSR, he was released and deported to the Land of the Soviets.

In the mid-1930s, clouds began to gather over Bela Kun. A supporter of the world revolution in the confrontation between various political groups in the Bolshevik Party, Comrade Kun did not agree with the line of Comrade Stalin . In the fall of 1936, he lost his posts in the Comintern and the Communist Party of Hungary. In return, he received a post at a publishing house, where he worked on literary translations from Hungarian.

Such a career decline became the last intermediate step before arrest for many famous heroes of the Russian revolution who did not see eye to eye with Joseph Vissarionovich. This happened with Bela Kun - in the summer of 1937 he was imprisoned in Lefortovo prison on charges of espionage and leading a counter-revolutionary terrorist organization.

The henchmen of People's Commissar Yezhov , who carried out the “Great Terror,” did not have any reverence for the former revolutionary heroes. According to the testimony of those who happened to see Bela Kun in prison, there was no living space left on him from the beatings and torture.

On August 29, 1938, Bela Morisovich Kun was sentenced to death by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. The sentence was carried out on the same day.

Bela Kun and Kliment Voroshilov in Moscow, 1925. Photo: RIA Novosti

Tips for choosing a kitten

First of all, you should find out as much information as possible about nurseries and breed standards. This is especially important for those who are going to buy a show-class kitten and participate in exhibitions with it. All information can be found on TICA, WCF, CFA felinological systems.

Of course, it is important to decide on the gender and class of the animal you are purchasing, and also decide which branch you will choose. There are two of them: American and European. The first is distinguished by thick hair, wide and obliquely set eyes and larger sizes than the second. Europeans are relatively miniature, their fur is not so thick and long, but at the same time the “lynx tassels” are more pronounced.

After 12-15 weeks, you can purchase a kitten and take it to your home. If you purchase an animal from a good nursery, they will definitely tell you about each kitten and litter. The animal will be vaccinated according to age, branded, and all pets from the litter will be toilet trained and scratching posts.

If you see that the kitten is inactive, lies down all the time, and looks lethargic, then this is a clear sign of an unhealthy animal.

Ask the breeder to introduce you to one of his parents. By the behavior of the mother or father, you can easily determine the temperament of the future pet. Also, an experienced breeder will definitely give you food and filler for the first time, which the kitten has been accustomed to since birth. It is possible that your favorite toy will go with you, which will help the animal adapt more easily to new conditions. It is recommended to purchase Maine Coon kittens from nurseries so that you do not later discover any defects in your pet or raise a completely different breed instead of a Maine cat.


Also, the word “chan” has become widespread among young people; it also comes from the Japanese language and means the same as “kun,” but in relation to a girl. A similar prefix is ​​used in informal address to a younger girl, a close friend or lover.

Gradually in the Russian language it began to be used as a common noun for a sweet, attractive and positive girl.

So we looked at the origin of the word “kun”, its translation and the reasons why it has become so popular even among young people who are not into watching anime.

How much does a Maine Coon cost?

The average price of a Maine Coon fluctuates around 20,000-50,000 rubles, but this is not always the limit. It all depends on the class of the kitten and its gender. Animals of breeding class and show class (for breeding and exhibitions, respectively) will cost more. But the pet class will cost less (these are pets).

It is worth noting that males are more expensive than females. If an individual has a rare coat color, the price will rise. The price may even depend on the level of the nursery. The cost is due to expensive maintenance. Therefore, there is no need to skimp and purchase an animal at the poultry market or respond to incomprehensible advertisements. Healthy and vaccinated Maine Coon kittens will definitely please you with their beauty, kindness and affection!

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The cost of a purebred kitten

Those who have decided to get a handsome Maine Coon should remember that this pleasure is quite expensive. The cost of a kitten starts from 15 thousand rubles. However, for this price you can buy a cat without a pedigree. If the owners plan to participate in various exhibitions in the future, the cost of a kitten with a good pedigree can reach 120 thousand rubles. For a purebred kitten, it is best to contact special nurseries.

If a kitten is inexpensive, you should be very careful and be sure to follow the description of the breed when purchasing. Since many sellers breed kittens only for sale, they may not offer a purebred Maine, but a mixed breed, so you should first study photographs of Maine Coons and compare external data with the animal they offer for sale.

If the external characteristics match and the fluffy is cheerful and healthy, you can safely buy such a baby.

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