Subcutaneous mites in cats (Demodicosis). Causes, symptoms and treatment

The subcutaneous tick is one of the dangerous types of parasites that, progressing in the epidermis of the animal, can lead not only to painful symptoms, but also death. Ticks can be found in grass, water, soil, and on the skin of animals. They threaten the health of our pets every day. Subcutaneous mites in cats cause a disease called demodicosis. Cats get sick at any age and regardless of breed. The disease progresses quickly, and ignoring treatment can lead to dangerous complications.

What is demodicosis

Demodectic mange is a parasitic disease that affects the fur and epidermis of an animal. The Demodex mite, which causes the disease, can be of two types depending on its location on the animal’s body: the first type settles in hair holes, and the second parasitizes in the layers of the skin. Several parasites can settle in a small area due to their microscopic size.

Demodectic mange is divided into three types:

  • localized;
  • generalized;
  • juvenile

The pathology, although not fatal, brings both the animal and its owner a lot of trouble and problems. When the symptoms become noticeable, the first question that arises is whether the disease demodicosis is transmitted to humans or not. In fact, a tick cannot cause any harm to a person. The disease is contagious only to animals. Cats and dogs are most often affected. Therefore, we can safely say that the tick is not dangerous to humans.

Treatment of the disease

Drug effects

The first stage of treatment is aimed at destroying ticks. To do this, the cat's skin is treated with a 1% chlorophos solution or a 5% soap emulsion. Further therapeutic measures depend on the severity of the disease:

  1. In case of minor damage, when there are 2-3 lesions on the animal’s body, the hair is first cut off, then treated with acetone using a cotton swab. After this, Acrodex aerosol or 14% iodine tincture is applied to the skin. After 3 days, treat with Vishnevsky ointment to relieve inflammation. This set of events is carried out 2–4 times with breaks of 5–6 days.
  2. With moderate severity of the disease, when 3–5 lesions form, 1% coral emulsion or 2% chlorophos solution is rubbed into the skin. Treatment must be carried out 5 times with an interval of 5–6 days. At the same time, the cat is given a 1% chlorophos solution. The dosage is determined by the doctor.
  3. If the disease takes a severe form and large lesions appear on the body, the skin is treated with a 2% chlorophos solution. This drug is also given to the animal orally, but a 1% concentration of the composition is used. The procedure is repeated every 5 days until the cat recovers. After treatment with chlorophos, the damaged areas are lubricated with Vishnevsky ointment with the addition of 2% dicresyl or Acrodex aerosol.

Good results are obtained with the use of the drug Ivomec. It is administered subcutaneously. But keep in mind that Ivomec should be used with caution. Some cats are hypersensitive to this drug. To prevent anaphylactic shock, you should first give a test injection at the minimum dose determined by the veterinarian based on the weight of the animal.

The drug can be used provided there is no reaction. In some cases, after repeated injection of Ivomec, cats experience increased salivation, passivity, and the appearance of red spots on the skin. These manifestations do not require medical intervention; after 2–3 days they disappear on their own.

Drops are also used to combat subcutaneous mites:

  1. The drug Frontline is applied to the withers.
  2. Bars drops are applied to the skin between the shoulder blades. To treat the lesions, the cat needs to part the fur. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by a veterinarian, it depends on the weight of the animal. Treatment is carried out no more than once a month until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  3. Stronghold is applied between the animal's shoulder blades. Apply once a month. If necessary, after this period, repeated processing is carried out.

Photo gallery: drugs for treating pets

Drops Bars for cats

Stronghold for cats


Is it possible to get infected from animals?

This type of parasitic organism is not believed to be transmitted to humans. However, when examining a sick animal, it is still recommended to wear gloves. The disease is contagious to almost all mammals, but a person cannot become infected with subcutaneous mites from a cat.

When a tick gets on the epidermis of a pet owner, it dies. It is worth noting that there are still cases when demodicosis can be transmitted to a person from a sick animal and people become infected with this parasitic disease. In case of inflammatory processes in the body and chronic diseases, subcutaneous mites can also be dangerous for humans.

Learn about other types of ticks on cats >>>

Is it possible to get infected from a person?

The Demodex mite affects not only animals, but also people. However, these are completely different types of parasite. As has already become clear, infection from an animal is not dangerous. But transmission from person to person is possible.

Routes of infection from humans:

  • direct contact;
  • cloth;
  • bed sheets;
  • facial cleansing in the salon.

According to statistics, 90-92% of the population are carriers of the subcutaneous mite. But demodicosis manifests its symptoms only in certain cases: weakened immunity, frequent stress, pregnancy, metabolic disorders.

An exacerbation of the disease is often observed in the autumn season. The reason for this is the experience of hot summer days, when the skin often sweats and becomes oilier. In addition, summer heat, or rather ultraviolet radiation, can significantly weaken the immune system.

What does a subcutaneous mite look like in cats?

Translated from Latin, Demodex means “worm,” and for good reason. Demodex actually looks like a microscopic worm, 0.2-0.5 mm in size (about the size of a semolina grain). The body color of the parasite is light gray. As it moves across the skin, it can cause tickling.

Types of subcutaneous mites:

  • Demodex (Demodex cati or Demodex gato);
  • Sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes canis);
  • Notoedros cati.

The adult is an adult parasite, often with an elongated body. It has eight legs and a small head (sometimes the head is not visible at all). The body is completely covered with a shell of chitin. When a tick bites a cat, it quickly grows in size, filling the stomach with blood.

Find out also about the diagnosis, routes of infection and treatment of ear mites in cats,

Infection and susceptibility

When a beloved and well-groomed pet brings a parasitic organism into the house and suffers greatly from it, the question arises, how is demodex transmitted? Cats become infected through direct contact with a sick animal. Also, scabies mites in cats can appear through contaminated items used to care for an infected animal. This could be a towel, a comb, a sleeping place.

Susceptibility increases significantly when the cat has a weakened immune system or has inflammatory diseases. Poor nutrition significantly reduces the body's defenses.

Preventive measures

The main prevention of this disease is to maintain a strong immune system in a cat with a complete, balanced diet and proper care. It is also necessary:

  • treat the tray, bedding, and bowls with disinfectants every week;
  • regularly use sprays and tablets with antiparasitic properties;
  • Put your pet on a collar treated with anti-parasite agents.

If a cat has suffered from generalized demodicosis, it must be sterilized.

Symptoms of subcutaneous mites

If there was a tick bite, symptoms in cats do not appear immediately, but only at the third stage of the life cycle of this parasite. So how to determine the presence of a parasite under the skin? When the disease manifests itself, the pet begins to suffer. What happens during this period to the infected animal?

The main symptoms and signs of subcutaneous mites in cats:

  • deterioration of hair, hair loss;
  • redness of the affected part of the body;
  • the animal constantly scratches due to severe itching;
  • peeling and dandruff form on the skin, and then pustules;
  • the affected area becomes covered with a hard crust;
  • ichor (watery liquid) oozes from the top of the growth;
  • wounds on the body are bleeding.

Subcutaneous mites in cats must be diagnosed in time in order to begin timely treatment. Diagnosis is possible from a specialist, but you can also identify the problem yourself by knowing the main symptoms. If the cat is not treated in a timely manner, the number of parasites increases and entire colonies form.

Symptoms of Demodex infection

Experts from veterinary medicine claim that the entire cat tribe is carriers of the tick, but most animals have an asymptomatic stage, the first stage of the disease.
In the vast majority of domestic couch potatoes, it remains inactive until the end of their lives, because loving owners simply do not allow favorable conditions for the development of demodicosis to arise: their pets are always healthy, well-fed, strong and have a stable immune system. However, certain breeds of even very well-groomed animals have an increased risk of getting sick. These are Siamese and Burmese pussies. Also at risk are young individuals and animals suffering from internal parasites. And of course, no one has yet canceled genetic predisposition.

An attentive owner will not miss the onset of the disease in his mustachioed friend if the tick suddenly goes into an active, local phase and begins an attack:

  • Small, coin-sized, dark areas on the skin surface will appear around the nose and mouth.
  • The epithelium thickens, cracks, and scratches and scabs form.
  • Baldness begins in the affected areas (around the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, paws and neck). Characteristic “demodectic glasses” are formed.
  • Papules are formed, from which, when squeezed out, ichor and a wax-like secretion flow out, and mites come out with it.
  • Abscesses and shiny redness around indicate an infection.
  • The fur becomes disheveled and unkempt, as if moths had worked hard on it.
  • Itching of the skin is practically absent, since the subcutaneous mite does not move.
  • The pet has a weakened, emaciated appearance.

How to treat subcutaneous mites in cats

Curing subcutaneous mites in a cat is not so easy. It all depends on how advanced the condition was. The first thing you need to do is bathe the animal using a special medicated shampoo. Experts recommend “Doctor” or “Elite”. Bathing is carried out to cleanse the skin of pus, dandruff, and ichor.

After bathing, it is important to disinfect the affected area with Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. When the skin dries, the main treatment should be applied, which involves external preparations (for mild forms) or injections (for severe forms).

If you do not help the animal, the subcutaneous tick in cats will begin to lay larvae, that is, to multiply. In especially severe cases, the animal dies.

Diagnosis of the disease

Demodex mites can cause serious illness

When making a diagnosis, your veterinarian considers several factors. One of them is the presence of symptoms that are characteristic of demodicosis. But if you focus only on external signs, this disease can be confused with an allergic reaction, ringworm or dermatitis. To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out.

A skin scraping is taken from the cat. The affected area is squeezed with fingers on both sides to remove mites from the follicle, then the skin is scraped off. During the procedure, a few drops of blood may appear. Scrapings are taken at least 4-5 times, because mites can also be found on a healthy cat. Next, the collected material is sent for sowing. That is, they are placed in a special nutrient medium in which, after a certain time, colonies of microorganisms grow.

Medicines and injections

If this is your first time encountering this problem, it will be quite difficult for you to choose a remedy for subcutaneous mites in cats on your own. Since the disease is divided into two forms (depending on the size of the affected skin), localized and generalized. Medicines are prescribed after examination by a veterinarian.

Localized form

This form of the disease is characterized by small skin lesions. Choosing a remedy for subcutaneous mites in cats for this form is not difficult, since there is a large selection of ointments, sprays, and shampoos. The treatment is simple, the main thing is to start on time and follow the correct sequence. Remember, the drug is applied only after cleansing the skin.

Medicines for localized form:

  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • Aversectin ointment;
  • Unoiled;
  • Tsidem;
  • Demos liniment;
  • Amit;
  • Ivermek-gel.

In addition, the animal will need a drug that will increase immunity. This could be Gamavit, Immunoparasitan, Gala-vet or Maxidin.

Generalized form

This form of demodicosis is more difficult to treat, since almost all of the animal’s skin is affected. You shouldn’t give up, even if your pet already has ulcers and severe irritation – you can cure your cat.

In order for the drug for external use to be well absorbed, it is recommended to cut the animal’s hair and bathe it with medicated shampoo. After soaking the skin with special medicinal oils and after drying, treat the affected areas with the prescribed drug. In more severe cases, injections will be needed.

Preparations for injection:

  • Cydectin - single dose - 0.4 ml;
  • Dectomax - the dose is calculated by the veterinarian depending on the weight of the cat.

If the disease occurs with complications, this means that a secondary infection has joined demodicosis. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic injections.

Antibiotics for complicated forms of demodicosis:

  • Betamox;
  • Amosin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Kanamycin;
  • Baytril.

In case of a complicated form, it is important to balance your pet’s diet. Include foods fortified with minerals and vitamins. This can be boiled porridge with fish or meat, with the obligatory addition of vegetables.

Classification of the disease

The disease can occur in mild and severe forms

Demodicosis can occur in two forms, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. The generalized form is characterized by extensive damage to the skin. A sick animal develops purulent rashes that give off an unpleasant odor. Generalized demodicosis affects the cat's shoulder blades, paws, neck and sides. After opening the rash, wounds remain on the skin and become crusty.
  2. The localized form results in a red rash that appears on the cat's face. A crust resembling scales forms on the affected areas. In attempts to clean their fur, cats often damage these formations, resulting in wounds appearing on the skin. It is through them that infection can enter the animal’s body.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies for subcutaneous mites in cats is permissible only if the veterinarian has not found any contraindications. Of course, if the animal already has a complicated form, then you should not waste time on home treatment. After all, natural drugs are much weaker than pharmaceutical ones, so you will need 2-3 times more procedures. But the generalized form will not wait long. The pet may simply die.

Folk remedies for the treatment of mild demodicosis:

  1. Bathe your cat daily in medicated shampoo, and after the procedure, wipe the affected skin with a decoction of sage and chamomile. To do this, add a large spoon of each herb to 500 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Let cool to room temperature. Before each procedure, the decoction should be slightly warmed.
  2. Bathe your animal with tar soap. After each procedure, wipe the affected area with calendula infusion.
  3. Treat areas where hair has fallen out with kerosene every two days. After the procedure, do not bathe the animal for 2 days.

During treatment, be sure to disinfect the place where the cat sleeps and all pet care items. Any medicine for external use should be at room temperature.

Do not forget that alternative treatment can lead to poisoning of the body or other serious complications.


If you do not respond to the symptoms of the disease in time, the disease can lead to complications.

What are the consequences of ignoring treatment?

  • abscesses of hair follicles;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • weakened immunity;
  • slowing down metabolism;
  • deterioration of apatite;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands;

In addition, if the subcutaneous mite from a cat is not removed in time, tissue necrosis with signs of rotting occurs at a late stage.

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