Panleukopenia, or feline distemper: causes, symptoms, forms of the disease and prevention of infection

The main danger is that human infection cannot always be determined immediately and not only cats, but also dogs can be carriers. In addition, these are parasitic organisms; they not only live by feeding on human or animal resources, but the results of their vital activity significantly pollute the organism in which they live.

It is worth considering that infection with this type of worms is a serious disease and can lead to unpleasant consequences and long-term treatment for both pets and humans.

The main danger is that human infection cannot always be determined immediately and not only cats, but also dogs can be carriers. In addition, these are parasitic organisms; they not only live by feeding on human or animal resources, but the results of their vital activity significantly pollute the organism in which they live.

Video about under what conditions a person can become infected with worms from pets:

Types of worms in cats

Several types of parasites can live in an animal's body. Some worms in cats can be transmitted to humans and can be hazardous to health. They affect the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, intestines, blood, lymph and thyroid gland. What parasites in cats can be transmitted to humans?

Cestodes - tapeworms

Flatworms grow over 70 cm in length. The multiple segments of the worm's body are where the larvae mature. When ripe, they come out with feces, and the body of the worm continues to grow and produce more and more new larvae. Cats become infected by eating raw meat or fish. Fleas are also carriers of larvae. Read about how to get rid of fleas here. Tapeworm segments can be seen in the form of sesame seeds around the cat's anus, in vomit, and on the litter.

Signs of infection:

  • weight changes: the animal can gain weight sharply or, on the contrary, lose weight sharply;
  • appetite becomes increased or the animal refuses to eat;
  • the stomach is swollen;
  • hair falls out;
  • The cat constantly licks the anus.

Tapeworms are rarely transmitted to adults. Children are most often infected.


These are the most common helminths in cats. Roundworms look like spaghetti. They grow up to 5 cm or more. Cats become infected with roundworms by eating rodents and raw meat. The cause of infection can also be contact with sick animals. Helminths affect the intestines and stomach, can lead to blockage of the bile ducts, and parasitize other organs. Roundworms poison the animal's body and cause allergies.

Signs of infection:

  1. weight loss;
  2. weakness appears;
  3. the stomach increases;
  4. Vomiting and diarrhea begin.


The worms are white, thread-like, small. They grow up to 2 cm in length. They are not common in cats, but are deadly for animals, as they feed on their blood. Infection occurs through contact with feces or soil contaminated with parasite larvae.

Signs of infection:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • anemia;
  • wounds on the paws;
  • diarrhea;
  • dark feces with blood.

Threaded worms are also transmitted from cats to humans. Infection in humans leads to severe organ damage, inflammatory processes, anemia, allergies, and the formation of granulomas. Complications can be very serious and even fatal.

Are roundworms transmitted to humans and what diseases do they cause?

Roundworms are transmitted to humans, affecting the stomach and intestines, causing a very serious disease - ascoridosis. Unfortunately, the disease is insidious and doctors do not always make the correct diagnosis in time, confusing ascoridosis with asthma, pneumonia and other diseases. Roundworms produce allergens, which cause serious allergic reactions in humans. They harm the intestines, disrupting the absorption of vitamins and iron, which ultimately leads to anemia and vitamin deficiency.

Severe signs of panleukopenia

At the beginning of the development of symptoms of distemper in cats, the vomit has a watery yellow color. However, as the disease progresses, they resemble mucus with bloody impurities. Blood can also be found in bowel stool. With distemper in cats, this is not surprising. When sick, feces emit an extremely unpleasant odor. It is advisable to begin treatment before such symptoms appear.

It is believed that the first few days after the incubation period are the most critical. In addition, the disease may not have a specific severity at all. In this case, without available clinical symptoms, it is even more difficult to determine distemper in a kitten. There are often cases when an animal dies without obvious disturbances in the process of life. Even when the disease does not manifest itself in any way, irreversible processes take place in the brain during this same period.

Ways of infecting animals with helminths

To understand whether worms are transmitted from cats to humans, you need to understand how the animal itself becomes infected. Even with good care and maintenance, helminthic infestation of your pet cannot be ruled out. Helminth eggs can be found in soil, sand, feces, and also in food. The following routes of infection exist:

  • when eating raw fish and meat;
  • parasites are transmitted from one infected cat to another;
  • there are insects that infect cats with helminths - fleas, mosquitoes, flies;
  • while walking on the street;
  • kittens can become infected in utero from their mother if deworming was not carried out before pregnancy;
  • helminths can be transmitted through mother's milk to babies;
  • a person can bring worm eggs into the house on shoes or clothes.

The main routes of infection for a cat are food and from the owner's street clothes and shoes.
Symptoms of worm infection in cats are not always pronounced. Only with severe infestation do helminths come out with feces and vomit. Poor appetite, apathy, lethargy may be the first signs of a pet being infected with worms. But the animal owner may not associate these manifestations with the invasion. And at this time, the sick cat already becomes a source of infection.

Do cats get distemper?

The very name of the disease contains the word “canum” or “canis”, which means “dog” in Latin. A contagious (contagiosus - infectious) virus that can be transmitted from sick animals to healthy ones was first isolated by Dr. Carre back in 1905. And he isolated it from sick dogs.

This virus has been found in foxes, arctic foxes, mink, raccoons, ferrets, sables, martens, bears, badgers, hyenas, wolves, jackals, coyotes and otters.

All named predators belong to the canid family (Canidae), which is divided into 10 genera and 35 species.

Cats are not included in any subfamily of canines. They have their own family – Felidae (lat.)

This means that the canine virus of the Morbillivirus genus from the Paramyxoviridae family, which causes canine distemper, has nothing to do with cats.

Do cats get canine distemper?

Cats do not get the real plague Febris catarrhalis infectiosa canum (canis)!

Cats have their own “distemper” - an infectious gastroenteritis caused by the parvovirus virus panleukopenia feline (felidae), no less dangerous and deadly than canine paramyxovirus. The disease caused by parvovirus is called Panleukopenia (Feline panleukopenia), which is often called “feline distemper” due to the similarity of symptoms with Carré disease and the antigenic relatedness of the pathogens.

Interestingly, only one animal of the canine family suffers from panleukopenia - the raccoon.

The first symptoms of helminthiasis in humans

Manifestations of helminthiasis in humans depend on the type of cat worms parasitizing in his body.

Toxocariasis manifests itself:

  • allergic reactions (a general blood test shows a high level of eosinophils);
  • difficulty breathing (due to bronchospasm, pneumonia, pleura);
  • decreased visual acuity, purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane and inner membranes of the eye;
  • in case of damage to the central nervous system - epileptoid-like seizures.

Hookworm infection can be suspected in a person based on the following signs:

  • decreased performance;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • anemia;
  • bowel dysfunction.

Cucumber tapeworm causes excessive salivation, attacks of nausea, abdominal pain, itching in the anus, sleep disturbances, and anemia.

When infestation with echinococci worsens, the manifestations depend on the location of the parasite:

  • brain - pain, vomiting, dizziness, increased intracranial pressure, epileptic seizures, delirium, depression, dementia, paralysis;
  • gallbladder and ducts - hepatic colic, attacks of nausea, vomiting, jaundice, colorless stools, increased body temperature;
  • lungs – dry cough, later with sputum or blood, shortness of breath;
  • kidneys - loss of appetite, general weakness, weight loss, itching of the skin, pain in the hypochondrium or lumbar region, renal colic, fever, blood in the urine, urinary retention;
  • heart - myocardial infarction, rhythm disturbance, blockage of the pulmonary arteries with hemoptysis, pain, fever;
  • spinal cord – pain in the legs, arms, chest, paralysis of the limbs, dysfunction of the pelvic organs, curvature of the spine.

Giardiasis often does not manifest itself at all. Symptoms of a pathological condition caused by Giardia are pain in the right side under the ribs, around the navel, in the pit of the stomach. The temperature rises, appetite disappears. A person is also tormented by other manifestations:

  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • flatulence, diarrhea;
  • fatigue, sudden mood changes;
  • dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • joint inflammation.

A person can live with Toxoplasma for many years and not even know about the presence of the parasite. The acute stage of infection is manifested by symptoms similar to the flu. In people with weak immune systems, toxoplasmosis can cause encephalitis.

What's scary about cat distemper?

Gastroenteritis is not the worst thing that happens when cats get distemper, although the accompanying dehydration can lead to death.

Much more terrible is leukopenia, which rapidly develops during panleukopenia, characterized by a sharp decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood - the white “knights” of immunity.

With the development of viral gastroenteritis, a pathology of the formation of white blood cells in the red bone marrow develops.

Due to the weakening of the immune system, the following things begin to fall on the unfortunate cat, as if from a cornucopia:

  • ulcerative stomatitis with death of gum tissue;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • fungal and viral (secondary secondary) infections;
  • dysfunction of the liver, pancreas and spleen.

The extreme degree of leukopenia is agranulocytosis, when the blood almost completely loses leukocytes.

In this condition of the animal, some endemic diseases can create a real threat to the pet’s life due to septic shock, and food entering the intestines is not digested, forming necrotic ulcers along its walls. The prognosis is extremely unfavorable.

Fortunately, it is impossible to progress feline distemper to such a state that the doctor diagnoses leukopenia, with proper care for the sick animal, because immediately after contacting the doctor, the veterinarian prescribes a number of diagnostic tests.

Among them are mandatory blood tests - general and biochemistry.

How to get rid of parasites

Drugs that are used to eliminate helminthic infestations in humans:

  1. Biltricide. Contains the active component praziquantel, which is active against a wide range of parasites. This drug is most often prescribed for infection with echinococci. The medicine acts on the muscle of the worm, causing paralysis. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor after a stool analysis.
  2. Pirantel. Prescribed to eliminate ascariasis. The active component helps block the neuromuscular system, due to which the worms leave the gastrointestinal tract in a paralyzed state. To eliminate roundworms, the drug is taken 2 times with an interval of 7 days. The dose is determined by the doctor depending on body weight.
  3. Fenasal. The drug is active against tapeworms and is often prescribed to eliminate widespread tapeworms. The active ingredient is niclosamide. This substance causes the parasite to lose resistance to enzymes and gastric juice, undergoing breakdown and digestion, as a result of which it leaves the body along with feces. Therapy often does not exceed four days. To eliminate tapeworms, 6–8 tablets are prescribed per dose.
  4. Vermox. Contains mebendazole, which is active against alveococci. The drug interferes with the utilization of glucose by the parasite, as a result of which the worm dies. The course of treatment can be at least three days.
  5. Nemozol. The composition includes albendazole, which is active against a wide range of worms and can be used for mixed infestations.

To get rid of parasites, you can also use traditional methods that do not have a negative effect on the liver, but are less effective than the listed medications. The most common deworming remedy is raw pumpkin seeds, which contain the substance cucurbitin, which is harmful to a wide range of helminths. The course of treatment is at least a month. You need to eat 100 seeds a day an hour before meals, then take a break for a week and continue treatment according to the specified regimen.

Pumpkin seeds are a safe and effective remedy for worms

Another effective remedy for worms is garlic. You will need 5 cloves, which need to be peeled and crushed, mixed with 300 ml of milk. Then put it on the fire and after boiling, remove the product from the stove. Let the milk cool and drink it all at once. The procedure should be repeated daily for 10 days. It is advisable to take this remedy 2 hours after meals.

Garlic helps remove parasites from the human body

Preparations for worms - photo gallery

Biltracid is prescribed for infection with echinococci

Pyrantel helps block the parasite's neuromuscular system

Vermox contributes to the disruption of glucose utilization by the parasite

Nemozol is active against a wide range of worms

Phenasal is active against tapeworms


Symptomatic, since the panleukopenia virus is not a mono-infection. In order to eliminate secondary secondary infections that develop against the background of a weakened immune system, and suppress pathogenic microflora, antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed.

For painful conditions, isotonic solutions with glucose and B vitamins are indicated subcutaneously.

You should not try to make such an IV with your own hands - the consequences may become irreversible.

But it’s never too late to learn intramuscular “injections”!

Folk remedies for treating worms in cats

There are a lot of folk recipes against worms in cats, but, in addition to the therapeutic effect (not proven), the animal may experience a lot of side effects. This is explained by the fact that folk remedies may not kill helminths, but increase their activity due to the discomfort it creates. At times of increased activity, helminths begin to migrate sharply, which creates increased trauma in internal organs and tissues, provokes internal bleeding and intestinal blockage due to their massive accumulation in one place.

All recommendations listed below are given for informational purposes only. Do not consider it as a guide to action!

  • Infuse the onion, cut into four parts, in warm boiled water overnight and give the cat this infusion on an empty stomach in the morning for 7-10 days.
  • Drink fennel or chamomile decoction instead of water during the day.
  • Give a water infusion of tansy twice or thrice a day 30-60 minutes before meals.
  • An alcoholic tincture of wormwood is used twice a day 30-60 minutes before meals.
  • Enemas using carrot juice once a day for a week.

Differential diagnosis

Diagnostic measures begin with collecting anamnesis and examining the cat by a doctor. The veterinarian palpates the abdomen: with panleukopenia, an enlargement of the mesenteric lymph nodes is detected. During or after the procedure, the animal often begins to vomit.

Before treating panleukopenia in cats, your veterinarian will order laboratory tests of blood and feces. The CBC allows the doctor to suspect distemper in case of a low level of leukocytes. A fecal fecal panleukopenia test helps detect the causative agent of the infection.

Antihelminthics for cats

Anthelmintic drugs are prescribed for medicinal purposes by a veterinarian after all tests have been carried out, the type of parasites, the location and degree of helminthic infestation have been determined.

The doctor must select the brand and form of a targeted drug that acts on a specific type of worm. Or prescribe a medicine with complex action if the cat is infected with several types of helminths or the type of worms could not be determined.

For the purpose of prevention, anthelmintic drugs for cats are prescribed 2-4 times a year. It is mandatory to carry out antiparasitic treatment before mating, before vaccinations and simultaneously with anti-flea drugs.

Medicines for helminths

In veterinary pharmacies, anti-worming drugs for cats with targeted and complex action are widely available in various forms of release:

  • Drops on the withers are the most popular products, characterized by quick action and ease of application. The drops are applied to the withers and between the animal's shoulder blades - there is no need to force the cat to drink the bitter medicine.
  • Profender (Bayer) - price in Russia for 1 pipette 350-450 rubles / in Ukraine 110-230 UAH);
  • Dironet Spot-on (Agrovetzaschita) – price in Russia 350 rubles / in Ukraine 160 UAH.
  • Stronghold (Pfizer) – price in Russia 1150 rub. / in Ukraine 550 UAH.
  • Anti-worm tablets - given to the animal along with food or “in its pure form”. Preparations with high effectiveness of a complex and targeted (for one type of worm) remedy. Individual selection is possible taking into account the type of parasites, the degree of infestation and the condition of the cat.
  • Kanikvantel plus - price in Russia 195 rubles / in Ukraine 70 UAH;
  • Enwire - price in Russia 165 rubles / in Ukraine 78 UAH;
  • Drontal (Bayer) – price in Russia 320 rubles / in Ukraine 179 UAH;
  • Milbemax – price in Russia 330 rubles / in Ukraine 145 UAH;
  • Pratel - price in Russia 38 rubles / in Ukraine 6 UAH;
  • Trontsil - price in Russia 215 rubles / in Ukraine 15 UAH;
  • Febtal – price in Russia 150 rub. / in Ukraine 71 UAH.
  • Suspensions or pastes are given to the animal orally using a dispensing syringe. It is convenient to dose and give to cats that refuse to eat tablets.
  • Prazicide for adult cats - price in Russia 108 rubles / in Ukraine 45 UAH;
  • Prazicide sweet suspension for kittens - price in Russia 127 rubles / in Ukraine 38 UAH.
  • Sugar cubes - given to the animal as a treat, with food, or dissolved in water and fed to the animal through a syringe. Animals willingly eat the medicine.
  • Polyvercan - price in Russia 605 rub. / in Ukraine 310 UAH.

How to use an anthelmintic drug correctly

  • modern drugs for preventive purposes are given once in the morning, a preliminary fasting diet is not required;
  • when treating worms in a cat, the drug must be given again after 10-14 days;
  • before each vaccination, it is necessary to give antihelminthic drugs 10-15 days before the expected date of vaccination;
  • you also need to give antihelminthic drugs 3 weeks before childbirth and 3 weeks after;

How to deworm kittens

  • It is not recommended to give anthelmintic drugs to kittens younger than 8 weeks;
  • kittens are dewormed for the first time at the age of 2 months, when the body is stronger and can perceive the toxic substances of anthelmintic drugs;
  • the drug is chosen on the recommendation of a veterinarian, the dosage is calculated based on the age and weight of the kitten;
  • repeat the procedure 10-14 days after the first dose.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine for worms in cats does not have proven effectiveness and is presented in the article for informational purposes.

  1. Give a decoction of chamomile or fennel to drink instead of water.
  2. Cut the onions into 4 parts and pour a glass of warm boiled water. Give your cat this water to drink in the morning on an empty stomach for 7 days.
  3. Common tansy. Pour 1 tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain. Give the cat this infusion 2-3 times a day, then feed it no earlier than 30-60 minutes later.
  4. Alcohol tincture of wormwood is used 10 drops 2 times a day. Feed the cat no earlier than every 30-60 minutes.
  5. Carrot juice enemas (20 ml) once a day for a week.

Stages of the disease

Lightning fast

Most often, this distemper occurs in young cats under one year old; the nervous system is primarily affected. After infection, the cat begins to behave strangely and aggressively. Then she begins to be afraid of light, so she spends most of her time behind furniture.

Later it will be possible to notice the presence of blood in the feces.


On days 2-4 after infection, you will notice a sharp increase in temperature up to 41 degrees. The cat begins to lose interest in food, goes to the toilet more and more often and vomits yellow foam. The cat may die suddenly as the infection quickly reaches the respiratory tract.

Due to periodic spasms of the larynx, the cat cannot drink, so the situation worsens in addition to severe dehydration.


Veterinarians believe that this is the best form of the disease, since at this stage the disease can be successfully treated. Most often, fluffies that have been vaccinated go through this stage. Even doctors cannot notice obvious signs, so pets, if they go to the clinic in a timely manner, quickly recover.

How does a cat become infected with worms?

Adult worms, their eggs and larvae are constantly in the environment: in the grass, in the ground, everywhere on the roads, on the streets, in parks, etc. Even if the cat is kept exclusively at home, this does not guarantee that it will not become infected with helminths. In this case, they will be brought into the house on human clothing and shoe soles.

The risk of invasion (infection) also increases when:

  • feeding your mustachioed pet raw meat, fish and water from the tap;
  • the presence of blood-sucking skin parasites (fleas and lice eaters);
  • contacts with infected cats;
  • contacts with objects contaminated with helminth eggs;
  • the presence of worms in a pregnant cat, which can infect kittens in utero.

Susceptibility, sources

All felines are susceptible to the feline distemper virus. Under natural conditions, cats of all ages suffer from distemper, but among pets, kittens under the age of one and a half years are most often susceptible to the disease.

Intrauterine infection is possible.

In the absence of timely treatment, the fatal outcome in kittens reaches 90-100%.


The main source of the disease are sick cats or recovered virus carriers.

Virus carriers (cats who have had the disease) release the panleukopenia virus into the external environment with urine, saliva and feces.

Contaminated pet care items also serve to create and spread the virus.

Cats and kittens of any age can “catch” the feline infection by consuming foods where the virus has taken root. Sometimes all you need to do is smell such products - the virus easily spreads by aerogenous (airborne droplets and airborne dust) routes.

The mechanism of transmission of the pathogen through the bite of blood-sucking insects cannot be ruled out.

Prevention methods

Prevention rules for children and adults:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after contact with your pet.
  2. Do not kiss your pet or allow him to lick his lips.
  3. Clean your cat's litter box as often as possible.
  4. Do not allow your cat to eat from a plate intended for humans.
  5. Do not let your pet lick ice cream and other foods while eating.
  6. Do not hand feed the animal.
  7. Teach your child to the mandatory rules of hygiene after playing with a pet. If we are talking about small children, then you need to help them with this at first.

Hand washing is the best way to prevent helminth infection

How to prevent your cat from getting worms:

  1. Carry out preventive deworming once every 3 months.
  2. Never feed your pet raw meat and fish.
  3. Do not allow the animal to lick the floor.
  4. Check your pet for fleas monthly. If any are found, immediately take measures to remove them.
  5. Carry out wet cleaning with chlorine-containing products daily.
  6. Keep shoes only on the shelf. Don't let the animal play with her.

To prevent the appearance of worms, I always gave my cat broad-spectrum medications. She and her daughter also took medications once a year to prevent infection. However, the doctor said that it is not recommended to take it for prevention; it is only advisable for pets. And the best thing for people is to simply maintain hygiene and periodically consume fresh pumpkin seeds, which improve intestinal function and are not harmful to the body, unlike modern anthelmintic medications.

Worms can occur in almost any cat. At the same time, parasites can provoke a number of complications and be transmitted to humans

It is important to carry out deworming on time and keep your hands clean after contact with your pet. You should not take medications uncontrollably, but if you suspect the presence of parasites, you should consult a doctor

Medicines in the treatment of helminthic infestations

In order to determine the need to use medications, you must first consult a doctor and undergo a full diagnosis. Doctors will prescribe a series of tests that will help diagnose the type of helminthiasis. This will make it possible to select the most effective and safe medications. Self-medication in this case is completely unjustified, since anthelmintic medications are mostly very toxic and, if used incorrectly, cause serious harm.

In the treatment of helminthic infestations in humans, a variety of medications are used, which differ in their composition, spectrum of action, as well as the presence of side effects and contraindications.

Thus, levamisole can be used in the correction of ascariasis. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to take a single dose of 150 mg of the active substance once in the evening, the children's dosage is 2.5 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Levamisole can provoke a variety of side effects, among which the most common are problems in the digestive tract, represented by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

The drug does not have many contraindications, including individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding, agranulocytosis and children under fourteen years of age. This medication is also available under the trade name Dekaris.

One of the most popular medications for helminthic lesions is Pirantel. It copes with ascariasis and enterobiasis. It is usually prescribed to take 10 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Pyrantel has few contraindications; it is not used only during pregnancy and in case of excessive sensitivity to its components. Also, the medicine can cause a minimal number of side effects, which disappear soon after therapy.

They may include nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea and stomach discomfort (pain).

Only a doctor can choose the appropriate medicine. And it should be used only in accordance with the instructions.

In parallel with the treatment of people, it is imperative to deworm the pet. Various drugs are used for this, but before using them it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Doctors most often prescribe Drontal to their tailed patients, and they usually recommend giving small kittens Milbemax, etc. Practicing veterinarians strongly advise using such medications once every six months - for preventive purposes.

This will help prevent transmission of the disease from cats to humans.

How to prevent disease

Cat diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations:

A balanced diet is the basis of pet health

It is important that the food contains the vitamins and minerals the kitten needs. Lack of drafts - they are undesirable for both people and animals. Drafts are especially dangerous for short-haired breeds and sphinxes.

But even those with thick coats can become hypothermic and get sick. Fungi and dampness are another dangerous enemy of health. They pose a serious threat to humans and animals. Temperature regime – pets are demanding of the microclimate. In winter, the temperature in the apartment should be between 22–24 °C, and in summer – 18–20 °C. Vaccination – it will help protect the animal from dangerous infections. The first vaccinations are given at 8–9 weeks of age, repeated vaccinations at 11–12 weeks. Further vaccinations are carried out annually. Lack of free range - a domestic cat can become infected with various diseases from street animals. The best way to avoid this is to keep your pet at home and keep a close eye on it while walking.

Prevention is the best way to keep your animal healthy. Regular visits to the veterinarian will help identify chronic diseases in the early stages, avoid complications and serious problems. Any deviation in the pet’s well-being can reduce immunity and cause illness.

The owner cannot infect a cat with a cold, but can infect it with atypical influenza A. If the pet is unwell, it must be shown to a veterinarian, because typical cold symptoms can be signs of more serious illnesses.

With proper and timely treatment, the animal will quickly recover and return to its normal lifestyle.

I like it I don't like it

Review of deworming medications for cats

The range of modern anthelmintics allows you to choose a medicine that suits your cat’s age and health condition. Anthelmintics are available in the form of tablets, suspensions, drops on the withers, pastes, injections, sugar cubes. Each form has its own set of active ingredients, contraindications, side effects, and price.

Based on the nature of their action, anthelmintic drugs are divided into highly specific and complex. The former are used for targeted treatment after the pathogen has been identified, and the latter for preventive purposes. Antihelmintics also differ in their mode of action. The death of parasites occurs as a result of:

  • depression of the nervous system;
  • paralysis of the muscular system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • destruction of integumentary tissues.

An overview of the most popular deworming remedies, which are most often recommended by veterinarians, is presented in the video:

Drops on the withers

The liquid, which is poisonous to parasites, is contained in a disposable pipette. Drops are applied to intact skin on the withers along the spine, that is, where the cat cannot lick off the medicine. After applying the drip drug, the pet cannot be bathed for four days, and it is not advisable to stroke or pick it up for 24 hours. The active substances penetrate the blood and, having reached the localization site of the helminths, infect them. Some anthelmintic drugs act without penetrating the vascular barrier.


The anthelmintic agent in the form of a suspension is shaken before use. If you need to give a small dose of medicine, it is advisable to first dilute it with a small amount of boiled water. The need for a diet or the use of a laxative is prescribed only for those remedies that act on an empty stomach. The suspension is injected onto the root of the cat's tongue using a plastic measuring syringe.


The tablet form of anthelmintics is considered the most common. Tablets and capsules do not require special storage conditions. The need to abstain from food for each type of deworming tablet is prescribed in the instructions.

Products for kittens

It is advisable that antihelminthic drugs for young cats be prescribed by a veterinarian. They must be safe, low-toxic and effective against parasites. It is not advisable to dilute the suspension or divide tablets intended for adult cats. Pet pharmacies have products intended specifically for kittens.

From the age of three weeks, babies are allowed to be given Drontal, Prazicide, Trontsil K, Kanikvantel for deworming. For five-week-old kittens, the deworming drug Profender is intended, with Milbemax for six-week-old kittens. When three months are reached, the permitted list is supplemented by Pratel, Febtal, Polyverkan, and Inspector.


Anthelmintic tablets for kittens contain milbemycin and praziquantel as active ingredients. Thanks to its complex action, the anthelmintic is effective in combating various parasites. The medicine belongs to the group of moderately dangerous and in recommended quantities is not toxic to a growing organism. To achieve an anthelmintic result, a kitten weighing 0.5-1 kg requires 1/2 tablet. The advantage of the drug is that it can be given to the kitten along with food without laxatives. The cost of Milbemax for kittens is from 150 rubles.


The sweet anthelmintic drug is available in the form of sugar cubes weighing 8 grams each. The therapeutic effect is due to the combination of oxybendazole and niclosamide. Polyvercan is prescribed to young cats whose weight exceeds 1 kg. The dose consists of half a cube per 1-5 kg ​​of animal weight. It is added to the kitten's food or dissolved in drinking water. For treatment purposes, the dose is repeated after 10 days. And then they give the pet a prophylactic dose once a quarter. The average price for sugar cubes, packaged in eight pieces, is 400 rubles.

Signs of helminthiasis in cats

The manifestations of the disease in cats depend on the type of parasites predominant in the animal’s body. Particularly dangerous conditions arise when the liver, biliary tract, kidneys, lungs, and heart are damaged. Damage to these organs can lead to the death of an adult.

For kittens, the threat is the accumulation of a large number of worms in the intestines, which leads to obstruction.

Parasites not only cause mechanical damage to internal organs. The result of infection in cats is a disruption of metabolic processes and a decrease in immune defense.

The following signs indicate the initial stage of infection:

  • the pet began to lose weight quickly;
  • his appetite has worsened;
  • bloating and flatulence are observed;
  • loose stools often appear;
  • worms or their fragments and blood admixtures are noticeable in the feces;
  • the animal is coughing.

During the acute period of helminthiasis, cats often develop a fever. They become depressed, lethargic, and suffer from constipation. The mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes turn pale.

If your cat develops these symptoms, you should take him to the veterinarian. The doctor will determine which parasites caused the animal’s illness, tell you whether cat worms are dangerous for humans, and prescribe treatment.

Establishing diagnosis

If your cat shows signs of panleukopenia, you should immediately measure its temperature. Normally, this indicator is in the range of 38–39 °C. If it is elevated, you need to immediately take the cat to the veterinarian. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe tests to confirm or refute the diagnosis:

  1. Clinical blood test. With panleukopenia, the number of leukocytes and red blood cells is always reduced in the cat’s blood.
  2. Nasal swab.
  3. Stool analysis.

To successfully treat feline panleukopenia, it is very important to differentiate it from other diseases that have similar symptoms. It is necessary to exclude pancreatitis, feline leukemia, poisoning, damage to the gastrointestinal tract by foreign bodies, acute toxoplasmosis and feline immunodeficiency virus.


Preventing infection of the owner from a cat involves measures in two areas:

  1. Prevention of cat diseases, consisting of regular deworming and vaccination.
  2. Prevention of human infection, consisting of compliance with personal hygiene requirements. Children should not be allowed to play near the cat litter box.

Most infections are transmitted by young animals to children. Such pathologies are treatable better than those that a person receives from his own kind. The satisfaction gained from communicating with fellina is not comparable to the dangers that she can bring to a person.

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Types of parasites

This point often worries owners of domestic cats. The answer is quite simple - your pet’s diet contains raw fish or meat, waste, flies, all of which can cause infection. In addition, mother cats can transmit helminths to their kittens through milk.

Worms can easily pass from cats to humans through skin tissue or fleas.

The presence of special signs of infection in an animal is determined by the degree of disease and the number of parasites in the cat’s body. Symptoms differ between cats and small kittens, and this is also influenced by the type of helminth present. The main signs of the presence of worms can be:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea or frequent constipation;
  • Individual larvae or even worms may be observed on the cat’s fur or near the anus;
  • kittens and cats may be bothered by itching of the anus;
  • there is stool with blood or mucus;
  • round and dense belly;
  • long-term weight loss;
  • changes in appetite;
  • cough, difficulty breathing;
  • heavy shedding;
  • underdevelopment of the kitten’s physical characteristics;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pallor or yellowness of the mucous membranes;
  • premature birth.

Cat owners need to take into account that these symptoms are similar to signs of various infections. If the cat is dewormed at this point, the course of the infection may become more complicated, which in some cases leads to death. In this case, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis; this can only be done by a qualified veterinarian. In our Murkosha shelter, animals can receive timely and professional help.

Read about how to help your cat here: “Signs of an Unhealthy Cat”

If a pet owner suspects that their cat has worms, it is necessary to treat it immediately. You shouldn’t delay this, since the appearance of several signs of worms immediately indicates that parasites are already living in large numbers in your cat’s body.

Worms can appear even in the healthiest cat, so prevention won’t hurt:

  • make sure your cat does not suffer from fleas;
  • remove raw foods from the animal’s diet;
  • regularly replace the filler in the pot, do not forget to disinfect the tray;
  • keep your shoes out of reach of your pet;
  • adhere to basic hygiene rules - wash your hands thoroughly after interacting with your cat, do not allow licking of the face;
  • It is necessary to deworm pets 4 times a year; if a cat walks outside, deworming should be carried out more often;
  • Parasite prevention should be done 2 weeks before vaccinations.

If you have taken several cats or kittens into your home, prevent and treat helminths for all animals at the same time. Products used for humans should not be used to treat cats.

How to avoid getting infected with worms from a cat: prevention

Infection with worms threatens not only pet lovers. No less often than them, those who practically do not communicate with cats and dogs become victims of helminths. Following simple rules will help protect against invasion.

General measures

Knowing how worms are transmitted from cats to humans, you can learn how to care for your pet without the risk of infection:

  • After contact with an animal, wash your hands immediately;
  • clean the cat's toilet using gloves;
  • do wet cleaning of the house using disinfectants;
  • treat cat fur for fleas;
  • Avoid contact with stray animals.

In summer, mosquito nets must be installed on windows and doors in private homes. They will protect the home from insects, and the cat will not be tempted to hunt flies.

To prevent the spread of eggs, you need to keep your shoes clean. After returning from the street, you need to check if there is dirt on the sole. With it, worm larvae enter the house.

Pet deworming

Regular use of antihelminthic medications will help destroy existing parasites and prevent the spread of larvae. Infestation prevention for cats is carried out 2 to 4 times annually. A quarterly procedure is necessary if the animal eats raw meat, fish, or goes outside.

The anthelmintic drug is given to the cat twice. The animal should take the second portion 2 weeks after the first.

To treat and prevent worms, veterinarians recommend giving cats the following medications:

  • Kanikquantel;
  • Drontal plus;
  • Cestal;
  • Prazicide;
  • Praziquantel.

Prophylactic use of anthelmintic drugs in humans

To prevent helminthiasis, it is recommended to take antihelminthics twice a year - Aldazole, Vermox, Pyrantel, Praziquantel, Decaris. The pediatrician selects the dose and medication for the child, focusing on the child’s age and weight.

Echinococci and heartworms

Parasites in cats that can be transmitted to humans can affect more than just the intestines. One of the most dangerous types of helminths is echinococcus. With echinococcosis, vital organs are affected. Animals become infected with echinococcus by eating rodents. These worms can pass from cats to humans. Echinococcus eggs can remain under the nails for a long time. Echinococcus larvae parasitize the human body, and adults parasitize the animal body. The larvae form cysts in the human liver, lungs and brain. The disease can be deadly. Hydatid cysts can only be removed surgically.

Heartworms parasitize the heart and lungs of animals. The infection can be transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. In the human body, heartworms can affect subcutaneous tissues, lungs and eyes. With subcutaneous dirofilariasis, nodules form on the skin. The pulmonary form of the disease is asymptomatic in half of the cases; cough, chest pain, wheezing, and general malaise may be observed. When the eyes are affected, conjunctivitis occurs.

Echinococci and dirofilariae are dangerous because they affect vital human organs

Is the disease dangerous for humans and other animals?

Feline panleukopenia does not pose any danger to humans. This disease is also not transmitted to other pets.

Interesting! Panleukopenia also affects wild felines: cheetahs, tigers, lions, leopards, panthers, as well as raccoons and skunks.

If the cat is cured, it will become immune to the disease. However, the pathogen will live in feces and urine for approximately 6 weeks, so the pet will be a carrier of the infection during this time. If the animal died from panleukopenia, another cat is allowed to be brought home no earlier than a year later. Before moving to a new home, your pet must be vaccinated.

The likelihood of death from panleukopenia among cats is very high. Almost 70% of adults and about 90% of children and adolescents die.

How to get rid of parasites

Drugs that are used to eliminate helminthic infestations in humans:

  1. Biltricide. Contains the active component praziquantel, which is active against a wide range of parasites. This drug is most often prescribed for infection with echinococci. The medicine acts on the muscle of the worm, causing paralysis. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor after a stool analysis.
  2. Pirantel. Prescribed to eliminate ascariasis. The active component helps block the neuromuscular system, due to which the worms leave the gastrointestinal tract in a paralyzed state. To eliminate roundworms, the drug is taken 2 times with an interval of 7 days. The dose is determined by the doctor depending on body weight.
  3. Fenasal. The drug is active against tapeworms and is often prescribed to eliminate widespread tapeworms. The active ingredient is niclosamide. This substance causes the parasite to lose resistance to enzymes and gastric juice, undergoing breakdown and digestion, as a result of which it leaves the body along with feces. Therapy often does not exceed four days. To eliminate tapeworms, 6–8 tablets are prescribed per dose.
  4. Vermox. Contains mebendazole, which is active against alveococci. The drug interferes with the utilization of glucose by the parasite, as a result of which the worm dies. The course of treatment can be at least three days.
  5. Nemozol. The composition includes albendazole, which is active against a wide range of worms and can be used for mixed infestations.

To get rid of parasites, you can also use traditional methods that do not have a negative effect on the liver, but are less effective than the listed medications. The most common deworming remedy is raw pumpkin seeds, which contain the substance cucurbitin, which is harmful to a wide range of helminths. The course of treatment is at least a month. You need to eat 100 seeds a day an hour before meals, then take a break for a week and continue treatment according to the specified regimen.

Pumpkin seeds are a safe and effective remedy for worms

Another effective remedy for worms is garlic. You will need 5 cloves, which need to be peeled and crushed, mixed with 300 ml of milk. Then put it on the fire and after boiling, remove the product from the stove. Let the milk cool and drink it all at once. The procedure should be repeated daily for 10 days. It is advisable to take this remedy 2 hours after meals.

Garlic helps remove parasites from the human body

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