Which cats closely resemble dogs in character and behavior?

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Cats are unpredictable creatures. Sometimes their behavior is so strange that it makes owners wonder if their animal is really a cat. There are several breeds whose character is similar to that of a dog.

  • 2 Maine Coon
  • 3 Siberian cat
  • 4 Abyssinian cat
  • 5 Sphinx
  • 6 Manx cat
  • 7 Devon Rex
  • 8 Burmese cat
  • 9 Burmese cat
  • 10 American Curl


Many people believe that cats are independent animals that do not need people. This certainly cannot be said about representatives of the Ragdoll breed, since they are characterized by a tender attachment to their owners.

They, just like dogs, cannot stand loneliness. Therefore, they will happily wag their tail, fawn when the owner returns home, and get bored if they are left alone for a long time.

A big cat from the jungle - but not at all dangerous

This most amazing and expensive cat breed called the Savannah, a domestic version of the wild Serval, was bred in the 1980s. And not just for the sake of scientific interest. The fact is that big wild cats are very popular among wealthy gentlemen. To protect real cheetahs and leopards from such “nature lovers” (and vice versa), breeders created this alternative - an animal that looks formidable and dangerous, but is actually affectionate and sociable.

The first Savannah was introduced to the world in 1986 by Bengal breeder Judy Frank. She was the result of crossing a male true serval with a domestic Siamese cat. And in 2001, the breed was officially recognized and registered.

The size of these cats is impressive: they reach 45 centimeters at the withers and weigh up to 14 kilograms. True, it all depends on what generation she is from; The more serval there is in it, the larger it is. And more expensive - the price for Savannah ranges from 7 to 23 thousand dollars.

In terms of habits, Savannahs are more reminiscent of dogs than cats - they also love to play fetch, walk the streets on a leash, and splash in ponds. And training them is a pleasure.

There is no feline independence in them either. While you are at home, the shroud will follow your tail, and when you leave, it will be bored and wait at the door. In general, a dog, and that’s all. Unless he barks.

Maine Coon

Owners of this breed often notice their dogs' habits. Despite their stern appearance, which supposedly indicates that it is better not to approach them, Maine Coons are very friendly.

They treat people around them and other pets with great sympathy, just like dogs. In addition, they are very loyal to their owners and are ready to stand up for all family members.

What is a puppy cat?

There is a growing market for cats that act like dogs, and these pets also have a name - puppy cats. This name refers to certain breeds of domestic cats with behavioral patterns reminiscent of dogs.

These canine tendencies, although uncharacteristic, are considered within feline behavior and have been enhanced through selective breeding. Some of these actions include:

  • Following the owner from room to room
  • Desire for constant recognition and physical affection
  • Lack of aggression towards unfamiliar cats
  • Enjoying swimming

While these features may seem attractive to owners, problems can arise. Overly trusting and friendly felines are vulnerable to unpredictable dogs, people and situations. Therefore, it is recommended to use wearable devices to track and identify your cat if it goes missing.

Although these canine characteristics can be exhibited regardless of breed, some breeds are more prone to this behavior.

Siberian cat

Siberian cats are real warriors. They will not tolerate strangers (whether animals or people) and will definitely let you know about it. It's better not to joke with people like that.

They love their owner so much that they constantly strive to protect him from any troubles and attacks, even if their size does not help cope with the real threat. Despite such affection, they are very independent and self-sufficient.

Devon Rex

The relatively young Devon Rex breed is already loved by people. These animals are almost dog-like devoted to their owner. They are characterized by exceptional peacefulness, they get along with other inhabitants of the home, try to understand each of them and even, if possible, adapt to their habits.

Devon Rex always try to be close to a person, love to walk with him and even agree to a leash.

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinians personify friendliness and loyalty. Cats of this breed will cherish their owner all their lives and will be sad when he is not around.

They are also very mobile, which often creates a problem for households who dreamed of peace and relaxation to the sounds of gentle purring. Unfortunately or fortunately, Abyssinian cats will not lie on their knees for hours and sleep sweetly.


Another cat dog is Savannah. They have excellent memory and a lively mind. A cat of this breed can be taught dog commands: “fetch”, “come to me”, “sit” and so on. Savannahs even prefer to be friends with dogs, choosing their company over other pets.

Savannahs are distinguished by canine loyalty; they choose one owner from among all household members, become attached to him, trying to protect and protect their person. Well, you understand who is in charge here, and who is a complete two-legged imperfection that needs to be looked after.

Savannah can and should be walked, because these are very active cats, they need to splash out energy. If you do not give vent to the energy of the savannah, it can “explode” like a grenade, making a mess at home. Since this breed of cat has a strong protective instinct, accustom the animal to a harness and take it out for walks in this way. Like an overly vigilant dog, the Savannah may misunderstand the intentions of a stranger on the street and attack him while protecting his owner. These cats are not at all afraid of water, you can take Savannah on a picnic, to nature, let her play with water or take a swim.

Manx cat

The characters of these tailless creatures combine a lot of pleasant qualities. First of all, they are excellent hunters. Therefore, there will definitely be no mice or rats in the house and its surroundings.

You can safely take them fishing, as they love to fish. Manx are loyal like no other, they love everyone around them, especially children, just for the fact of their existence.

Wolfdog of Saarloos

Breeders have been working on the development of the “domesticated wolf” for decades. In 1925, a breeder from the Netherlands, Lander Saarloos, crossed a Russian she-wolf and a male German shepherd, and spent his entire life selecting the strongest and hardiest dog-wolf puppies and crossing them with each other. And after Sarlos’s death in 1969, his wife and daughter continued the experiments.

The result was an animal that was almost no different in size and appearance from a wolf - just as strong, smart and hardy, with the same pack instinct, stubborn and independent character. These wolf-dogs don’t even know how to bark, they just howl at the moon sometimes. So, in essence, this is still the same wolf... with one, but very significant difference: Sarloos’s dog willingly recognizes a person as the leader of his pack. Therefore, as service dogs, they simply have no equal. In Holland and some other European countries, these dogs are used as guide dogs, they participate in rescuing drowning people, help pull people out of rubble, etc.

However, experts still do not recommend taking a wolf dog into a home, especially where there are small children. There is too much of a wild animal in him, you never know...

Burmese cat

Another breed that felinologists have nicknamed cat-dog. The Burmese is friendly to everyone and easily becomes attached to people. And if he is nearby, then she will constantly fawn on him.

If a loved one leaves, then she may even become depressed. When a cat does not feel attention, it can begin to commit robbery - throwing objects across the floor or damaging furniture.

Cat Breeds That Act Like Dogs

The cultural assumption that cats are distant pets, lacking affection compared to dogs, is not as black and white as we think. Animals develop individual characteristics depending on their environment and interactions with people. However, due to selective breeding, many of the following breeds develop a tendency to have close and frequent contact with people.

Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cats are a loyal, fun breed that loves the water and playing with their favorite toys. These cats are very social and therefore require more attention than most other domestic cat breeds. If left isolated for too long, they may become depressed, so think about how much time you can afford to spend with your feline friend.

Abyssinians respond well to training, a leash, and they also enjoy following their owners everywhere they go. This makes them a great breed for those who enjoy going for walks from time to time.


Ragdolls are one of the most common cat breeds that behave like dogs. They have earned the name "rag doll" for their tendency to relax and rest in a doll-like bent position when picked up. This is a calm breed with a gentle temperament that often seeks physical affection from its owners.

Ragdolls adapt well to their environment and they are also good with children and other pets in the home. They are a great indoor cat breed, similar to dogs, because they love spending time with family and greet their owners at the door.


The Manx breed is unique in that it has a canine tendency to appear when their owners whistle or shout their name. Manx cats are a rare breed of cat not only because they are tailless, but also because they really like people.

These cats have endless affection for people. They are also known for jumping, jumping over obstacles, and even sometimes collecting and burying toys. These cats are very responsive to their owners. Manx cats can be taught commands.

Turkish Angora

To describe this breed in just a few words, it would be intelligent, loyal and sociable. Turkish Angoras are loyal to their families and take every opportunity to be involved in everything you do.

A unique trait about this breed is that they love to swim—on their own terms, of course. Turkish Angoras are playful, mischievous and determined, making them well suited for homes with a lot of activity. Like most dogs, this cat breed adores children and adults, making them an excellent family pet.


The Bombay is another common cat breed that acts like a dog. They can often be found on sidewalks and in parks, walking on a leash with their owner.

Bombay cats are also notorious for finding new ways to entertain themselves. This means they are great with dogs and will get teased from time to time. Like most other cat breeds that act like dogs, Bombays love to show and receive affection, making them a fantastic choice for those who love playful and interactive pets.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is one of the largest cat breeds. Maine Coons are loyal, loving and playful towards their owners. Because of their loyalty, they are wary of strangers, which can be beneficial for their safety. Like a long-haired dog, this breed requires regular brushing.


The Birman is a fun-loving companion who likes to be playful when you need quiet time and clingy when you're busy. Although they can be described as being like a little brother, the Burmese has a gentle nature and sweet disposition.

Burmese are good with children and they love to receive and give affection. This breed is easy to handle and care for, making them good show cats. Like dogs, they pay attention to commands and can be trained. This makes the Burmese cat breed ideal for dedicated dog lovers.

American Curl

Distinguished by its unique folded-back ears, the American Curl is also known for its gentle nature and empathy towards children. This is a playful and energetic cat breed that loves to explore its environment. American Curls are known to have canine alertness.

Burmese cat

Another unique cat that acts like a dog is the Burmese. This breed is known for exhibiting canine loyalty, similar to that of the Abyssinian breed. Both breeds also share high intelligence and a tendency to watch their owner's every move.

Unlike many other breeds, Burmese are much more vocal. Burmese cats are very active and will require a lot of play time from you. This makes them a great choice for pet owners with an active puppy. Burmese cats become dependent on their owners, so make sure you have time for him.


Sphynx cats are probably one of the most unique cats in the feline family, they are a warrior, loyal and loving breed. They are notorious for following their owners around or hiding under a soft blanket for hours.

Sphynx cats have an extroverted personality, making them a popular cat breed for families. To the untrained eye of a cat, Sphynx cats appear completely hairless, but most of their skin is covered with a thin layer of peach fuzz, which gives them a soft texture. To his surprise, the hand slides easily over his body. However, due to their lack of hair, Sphynx cats are susceptible to skin irritation and temperature fluctuations. This means you should bathe them regularly, use sunscreen, and provide them with warm, soft clothing when it's cold outside.

Cats are intelligent creatures and their behavior can be influenced by training. Many people have trained their cats to perform tricks, fetch toys, and even listen to commands. Cats will also quickly learn to associate certain behaviors with the sound of the clicker. Offer Prudent Pet today!

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