Kuklachev told which cats treat heart and depression

Small pets are not only close to us. They can be good friends and even healers. Most pets feel their owners so well that they understand their mood. Felines know how to treat people and can help cope with illnesses. Naturally, this does not mean that the main treatment needs to be cancelled. Cats can help you recover faster. What breeds have similar abilities and whether all pets sense the human condition, we’ll talk further.

Do cats feel sick?

Any close communication is built on love and trust. If you have successfully overcome the first stage and were able to build a relationship in the “owner-pet” system, we can congratulate you. You've probably already noticed how the small predator gets used to living with people. During this period, he may show self-indulgence or disobedience. Most often, a small kitten behaves this way. But when the animal grows up, communication with it becomes even more interesting. They can love a person and give him their energy. Whether you have a headache or a cold, your cat will sense it. Some animals do not like communication very much; they walk more on the street or stay away from the owner’s bed. But the same Siamese who show such coldness can come to console the owner when they feel unwell. It is interesting that cats help even when a person does not allow the animal to come near him. They persistently lie on the sore spot and warm it up. True, there must be the necessary level of trust between the animal and the owner. With this treatment, cats are able to harmonize a person’s internal state and psychological well-being. It is known that a good mood has a positive effect on the outcome of treatment. So cats act in a similar way.

Towards good trading

Another sign is associated with the strong energy of animals. In Scotland, it is believed that if a black cat washes itself in front of a store or in front of a pub, it means that the financial situation in this establishment will soon improve. There is no clear explanation why this belief appeared. But there is one guess that cats live where they are fed. And the owners of the establishments rarely feed the animals their own food. But guests of the establishment often take scraps from their table to the animals. And the more animals live near the establishment, the better the pub or restaurant is doing. So such a sign can work in both directions. For example, city visitors could identify a popular establishment in an unfamiliar place. But such a theory is still a guess and should not be particularly trusted.

What does the scientific community think?

Science can perceive some phenomena as something mystical and untrue. And people are often skeptical of fables. When it comes to treatment, we try to weigh all the pros and cons to understand how effective the doctor's advice will be. If you have a cat at home, you know how calming it can be. Scientists' versions talk about the healing effects. The purring of cats undoubtedly influences the human condition. It's all about the impulses that accompany the soothing sound. Pay attention to the calm and balanced behavior of a pet that comes to a sick person. He shares energy with him, and any owner will say that you can feel this when communicating with the cat. Therefore, there can be no doubt.

Scientists conducting research in the 70s set out to find out whether cats could cure diseases. To do this, they invited subjects to participate in the experiment. People were divided into two groups. Both received appropriate drug treatment. But people from only one group interacted with cats. As a result of the study, indicators improved for all subjects. But the sample that was asked to communicate with cats showed higher results. This is not the only discovery by scientists that has shown the healing benefits of communicating with pets.

People have been observing this feature in the behavior of cats for a long time. Later, the studies were repeated in Canada, Great Britain, and Japan. As a result, similar data were obtained.

But feline therapy, treatment with cats, appeared even earlier. In Ancient Egypt they were revered and respected. They were Cleopatra's favorite animals. And even then people were looking for an answer to the question of what breeds of cats treat people. In Tibet, residents did not doubt the healing abilities of these pets. They knew about this phenomenon in the East. In addition, the pages of the Koran describe one incident that happened to the Prophet Muhammad. One day a cat saved him from a snake bite.

Autumn is the time to treat veins!

Patients suffering from enlarged veins in the legs, spider veins and small, unsightly saphenous veins often want to have their problems solved by a phlebologist at the beginning of summer, intending to get their legs in order before the start of the holiday season. Of course, who doesn’t want to wear short skirts and sunbathe on the beach, delighting others, and most of all, themselves with beautiful legs?

However, our patients forget that treatment of varicose (dilated) veins often involves the development of bruises (hematomas) and wearing compression stockings for several days or even weeks. Hematomas will not allow you to show off in short dresses, and medical compression hosiery is quite uncomfortable to wear in hot weather! Moreover, after undergoing some procedures on the legs for unsightly veins, it is not recommended to fly or sunbathe for at least a month!

The phlebological service of CELT works regardless of the weather outside and tries not to turn away patients, especially those for whom summer is the only opportunity to take care of their health and put their veins in order. We are often contacted by teachers for whom summer is a lull before the new academic year, people who are in Moscow traveling to resorts, etc.

Vein sclerotherapy

  • Cost: 6,500 rub.
  • Duration: 20-60 minutes
  • Hospitalization: No hospitalization required

More details

It's the end of summer, autumn is coming - a time of rain and coolness, there are almost 4 months until the next New Year's trips to warm countries - there is time to visit a phlebologist, undergo a consultation and the necessary ultrasound examination and solve all problems with varicose veins!

The autumn-winter period is the ideal time for sclerotherapy for spider veins, foam sclerotherapy for larger saphenous veins, for radiofrequency obliteration of saphenous varicose veins and for combined operations for advanced forms of varicose veins! Even with advanced varicose veins, the period of complete postoperative rehabilitation ranges from 5 to 20 days and you can go on vacation again!

The autumn-winter period is also an ideal time to conduct an ultrasound examination of the veins to identify hidden deep vein thrombosis associated with any injuries in suburban areas, during active sports, and simply after long air flights that cause deep vein thrombosis, i.e. .n. "Traveller's thrombosis" Thrombosis is also called "economy class syndrome" because... mainly occurred during air travel. However, the risk of thrombosis is equally high among passengers on buses, cars and trains. Every year, this syndrome is detected on average in 1-3 people per 1000 adults aged 35 to 80 years. The main danger of deep vein thrombosis is the detachment of a blood clot and blockage of the pulmonary artery, which can be fatal. Cases of sudden death from pulmonary thromboembolism in completely healthy people getting off an airplane after long air travel have been described more than once. German scientists have calculated that every year more people die from deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism during flights than in plane crashes. Research has shown that in the UK, more than 2,000 air passengers die every year from the so-called “long travel syndrome”.

Ultrasound of the lower extremities

  • Cost: 6,000 rub.

More details

An accurate method for diagnosing various venous problems is ultrasound duplex scanning of veins followed by consultation with a phlebologist-vascular surgeon. CELT recommends that all our patients who have problems with veins in the legs do not delay diagnosis and treatment and contact the phlebological service at the most favorable period.

Does the cat's breed affect the outcome of treatment?

It is no coincidence that people asked this question. They noticed that in case of various diseases, a cat of a certain breed may be next to a person. It is important to make a small disclaimer - all feline pets have healing effects. But in certain cases there is a rather interesting trend. There are healing cat breeds that cope with headaches, osteochondrosis, and nervous diseases. If you are tired at work and a cat greets you at home, you have the opportunity to fill yourself with positive energy.

A person can have various diseases, and even a non-pedigreed cat will come to your aid. Not all of them are affectionate and domesticated, but they sense the human condition. Many owners note that when the animal lies down next to or on the sore spot, it purrs and warms up. Curious to know what cat breeds are treated? Then let's move on.

Over a long period of observing the behavior of cats, people noticed that:

  • Cats with long hair, for example, Angora, Persian, Siberian, have a great effect on a person’s psychological state. They are able to console people in despondency and help overcome depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Both adults and children love to play with cats;
  • When talking about which cats treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, we need to focus on the Persian breed. They are known for their special abilities to influence such ailments;
  • If a person has vegetative-vascular dystonia or has other heart diseases, a cat cardiologist will help him. This is the name given to pets with medium and short hair, namely British and shorthaired exotic cats;
  • The digestive tract, kidneys and liver are treated by cats that are hairless and have short fur coats.

As you can see, people noticed the interesting and useful abilities of their younger brothers. In addition, they were able to identify breeds that have a healing effect on certain organs. Many cats can treat diseases, but some are better able to target certain diseases.


Why does a black cat come into the house? There is a belief that the animal protects the family it chooses from dark forces. They say that black cats protect their owners and take all their troubles and problems upon themselves. Animals can even save a person from death. And cats cope with problems such as spoilage in a timely manner. Therefore, you should not drive away an animal if it has chosen your family. Adopt a kitten or an adult cat and give her the opportunity to peacefully coexist with you. Believe me, the fluffy creature will help you avoid many problems and also cope with failures.

What is the secret of the healing effect?

  • Purring and frequency of vibrations, thanks to which a cat affects human rhythms. She captures negative and positive aspects and harmonizes them;
  • Transformation of negative energy. The human condition is perceived by the cat’s nervous system, which is open to contact with humans. Many argue that small predators can “take away” bad energy and give out good energy;
  • Closing the energy rift. Such gaps can arise due to negative experiences, as well as around a diseased organ. If a pet lies on a diseased organ, it can create its own bioenergy field. It sounds unexpected and completely unscientific. But such methods work and can complement treatment.

Knowing which cats treat people and why feline therapy has been practiced since ancient times, you can discover new aspects of communication with your pet. And you try to watch your pet and treat him with respect. You will definitely feel that communication with cats always has a positive effect. The main thing is to show love and care for the pet yourself.

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