What cats heal people and how to choose a furry healer?

Many years of research by scientists prove that the healing abilities of cats are unlimited, so animals can treat various diseases. There is a known case where a domestic cat cured its beloved owner from cancer. The man fully recovered, but his pet died, so often during therapy the cats experience symptoms similar to those that bother the patient. Even non-pedigreed pets can treat people; the main thing is the close spiritual relationship between the patient and his four-legged friend.

The benefits of cats for humans

Scientifically, treatment with cats is called feline therapy. This direction in medicine became officially recognized relatively recently; previously, cat therapy was considered folk medicine, and a doctor who heard from a patient that his cat was able to take some of the pain and discomfort upon himself perceived these words with skepticism. However, it is true that cats have a positive effect on the human body.

It is known that a cat’s body temperature is 38–39 °C. Therefore, healers recommend using such living heating pads to treat sore joints, colds, and fever. When stroking an animal, it releases electrostatic energy, which during illness has a positive effect on the functioning of many organs and systems. Healing cats help boost immunity with their purring. The sounds produced when purring fall within the range of 15-45 Hz. Thanks to special vibrations, the human body heals at the cellular level. There have been recorded cases where cats were able to completely cure incurable fatal diseases.

A cat heals a person by influencing him psychoenergetically. An animal of any color is very beautiful, its fur is pleasant to the touch. When a person communicates with such a cute creature, he experiences a lot of positive emotions. Thanks to this effect, the body’s protective functions are increased, various infections are destroyed more quickly, the patient’s health improves, and pathological signs weaken.

Fact #3

A cat's meow is not “conversation” at all. In addition to body language and gaze, cats communicate with their fellow cats using a number of other sounds - purring, rumbling, grumbling, squeaking, snorting, howling, hissing and even whistling and “chirping”. Moreover, cats pronounce each of these sounds with dozens of intonations (dogs, for example, have an order of magnitude fewer of these), giving them, accordingly, a different meaning.

Adult cats use a short, loud and sonorous “meow” with a rising (“questioning”) intonation only when they are in pain and when addressing kittens, when they are trying to attract their attention. Well, with a person, for the same purpose - they say, “what do you need,” or “look at me and do this and that!”


It has been scientifically proven that a black animal has a healing electromagnetic field.
The fact that gray, red, and black cats cure human diseases became known by accident. During a scientific experiment conducted at the National University of Therapeutic Methods in London, a cat accidentally wandered into the room past the working devices. The recorded indicators surprised scientists. It turns out that cats influence electromagnetic vibrations. Thus, a magnetic field is formed at the location of the animal, which is emitted by various medical devices used to treat internal diseases in humans.

The magical power of purring

Scientists have been studying such an amazing cat ability as purring for many years. Purring is a powerful healing tool that helps your cat be resilient and in good health.

  • There is a whole section in cat therapy that is dedicated specifically to purring.
  • These sounds help people heal faster, and nothing is as calming as a lurking, purring cat.
  • When a person hears these sounds, his blood circulation improves, his heart rate and blood pressure normalize.

Cats absorb negative human energy, converting it into positive impulses.

How does a cat treat its owner?

Domestic cats heal people, causing a lot of positive emotions with their appearance and behavior. The patient, seeing such cuteness, relaxes, forgets about pain and discomfort. It is in a positive attitude that the maximum healing effect is achieved. Men and women who have cats at home are much less likely to suffer from various diseases. If the pets feel that something is wrong with the owner, he is sick and experiencing discomfort, the animals immediately provide first aid. They lie opposite the diseased area and take away negative energy. Thanks to this effect, a person can recover faster at home, without resorting to traditional medicine.

Fact #9

If you think that absolutely all cats “go crazy” from valerian, you are mistaken - some animals completely ignore its smell, while others find it very unpleasant. And for good reason, by the way - consuming the root of the valerian plant (“cat grass”), from which the medicine is produced, can cause real poisoning in your pet.

But still, the majority of domestic animals and their large wild relatives actually react to this drug very violently, sometimes even aggressively. And all because the source plant contains the substance actinidin, the smell of which is almost similar to one of the components of pheromones contained in cat urine, as a result of which the stimulating effect of valerian changes the hormonal and emotional background of the animal.

In a similar way, but due to a different component, nepetalactone, catnip extract (“catnip”) also acts on representatives of the cat family.

How to choose a cat that treats?

Famous healing breeds

A Persian breed pet is ideal for the role of healer.
Each cat breed has an individual character and temperament. Cats-healers should be positively disposed towards a person, have a feeling of affection and love for him. This is the only way an animal can help a patient get rid of diseases that are caused by a variety of internal and external causes. Admirers of the Persian breed claim that Persian cats cope with diseases better than others. They have the following effects:

  • relieve stress;
  • relieve bad thoughts;
  • take on negative energy.

Other cat healers claim that the best furry doctor is the Siamese breed. The animal, with its vibrations, creates a microclimate in the home that has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. In such a room, any infection is destroyed without a trace. List of diseases that Siamese cats can easily treat:

  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • inflammatory bacterial complications.

If a person has heart pain, and in addition diseases caused by disruption of the cardiovascular system are progressing, it is recommended to get a cat of the British or Scottish Shorthair breed. But sphinxes are considered healers who relieve kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

Can barn cats heal?

Even mongrel fluffies can improve the well-being of their owner.
It has been proven that outbred cats of various colors treat people no worse than their titled relatives. Kittens and adult pets of nobles have a more affectionate, flexible character. And if a four-legged friend is saved by a person from certain death, he will forever remember this kind, incomparable act of value. The animal will literally heal the patient’s aura with its breath and will be able to treat various joint, cardiovascular, and viral infectious diseases.

How do colors affect healing abilities?

Cats, whose fur coat is predominantly white, treat diseases of people of various etiologies; in addition, they stimulate metabolic processes in the body, due to which recovery occurs faster. Depression, stress, and nervous disorders are treated with the help of pets with pure black coat color. But tricolor cats, as well as red, gray, and striped relatives, completely remove the negative. When contacting them, a person experiences pleasure, relaxes, and forgets about worries and everyday problems.

Fact #8

A cat’s “whiskers” are not whiskers at all, but special tactile vibrissae hairs. They are located not only at the end of the muzzle, but also above the eyes and under the chin. And their analogues, smaller hairs that perform the same function, are also found on the animal’s body on the tail, on the inside and back of the limbs, on the pads of the paws, on the tips of the ears and in the ears themselves!

Vibrissae are a cat’s “space navigation system”; with their help, it orients itself in the world around it. It is a known fact that in cats with visual impairment these hairs are much longer and thicker than those in healthy animals - nature, as it were, compensates for the lack of one sense organ with the superiority of another.

How is the treatment carried out?

To help its person, the pet can come and lie down next to him.
There are no exact instructions for effective treatment for cats. Like a person, an animal may be in the mood for communication, or perhaps at this moment it does not want to contact the patient. However, often pets who love their owner come to him themselves, lie down next to him, climb into his arms, or even try to sit in front of the problem area in order to provide the most effective healing effect.

Spayed or neutered cats lose the ability to treat various diseases.

Do cats feel sick?

Any close communication is built on love and trust. If you have successfully overcome the first stage and were able to build a relationship in the “owner-pet” system, we can congratulate you. You've probably already noticed how the small predator gets used to living with people. During this period, he may show self-indulgence or disobedience. Most often, a small kitten behaves this way. But when the animal grows up, communication with it becomes even more interesting. They can love a person and give him their energy. Whether you have a headache or a cold, your cat will sense it. Some animals do not like communication very much; they walk more on the street or stay away from the owner’s bed. But the same Siamese who show such coldness can come to console the owner when they feel unwell. It is interesting that cats help even when a person does not allow the animal to come near him. They persistently lie on the sore spot and warm it up. True, there must be the necessary level of trust between the animal and the owner. With this treatment, cats are able to harmonize a person’s internal state and psychological well-being. It is known that a good mood has a positive effect on the outcome of treatment. So cats act in a similar way.

Who shouldn't have a cat?

If a patient believes that cat therapy is a fiction, it is better for him not to hope that the pet will come and relieve him of any ailment. Only a close relationship and mutual love between man and animal can work miracles and heal from the most serious and dangerous diseases. It is contraindicated for adults and children who are allergic to wool to come into contact with furry treats. However, even in such a situation, there is a way out - to get a hairless breed of sphinx. The main thing is to love, respect and appreciate your pet. The cat, feeling the sincere attitude of the owner towards him, will definitely reciprocate, but, in addition, he will help improve his health and cure him of a disturbing illness.

Fact #6

Surely any cat owner has encountered a situation where the pet insistently demands to open all the doors in the apartment or house. Moreover, this does not mean at all that he wants to enter there.

In most cases, the fluffy is completely satisfied with the very fact of opening, without even bothering to glance at the seemingly treasured next room.

It's all about the predatory nature of cats. They don’t need the next room at all, and they demand to open the door to it in order to completely control their own territory (yes, if you don’t already know, your apartment belongs to your cat, and certainly not to you). Behind a closed door all sorts of dangers and unknowns can lurk, and with its opening there is an excellent opportunity to look in there (if you suddenly want to), find out everything, or even escape.

What does the scientific community think?

It is believed that cat treatment is a myth, a simple placebo effect. But the practice and research of scientists from different countries have proven that feline therapy is not fiction, but reality. Experiments conducted in Japan, Germany, Canada and the USA have shown that the best four-legged healer is a cat. Science has proven that people who have furry pets live longer and are happier. This is due to the most powerful energy exchange, in which the role of the donor is given to the meowing pet.

Felinotherapy is not a replacement for classical drug therapy, but an additional method of treatment. Pets have healing abilities. And this is not a myth, but the truth. Cats can provide medical treatment for joint pain, prevent heart attacks, and teach communication to disabled children. She heals at her own request. And only the one he loves and trusts completely.

Healers or wizards

People who keep a cat in a house or apartment know very well that furry cats need negative energy. She attracts them like a magnet. Catching negativity in a person, the animal subconsciously strives for this place. This is how these cute creatures are designed.

All owners know that pets love to be near electrical appliances that emit negative vibrations. But man is constructed in the opposite way.

Removing negative energy helps to get rid of a painful condition. Therefore, such a pet becomes a kind of miraculous gift from God to man.

Cats feel everything, so they treat certain diseases. Having sensed the place where a person needs help, the procedure begins. And each one does it in their own way. One tries to warm with its warmth, and the other resorts to using sharp claws, which results in a kind of acupuncture.

As soon as rumbling or purring begins, you know that the healing process has begun. Sounds act on a person as a sedative , relaxing the whole body and letting go of unnecessary thoughts. There is no need to push your pet away; she will leave on her own when she finishes the “session.”

What diseases require cat therapy?

Cat therapy is used to calm people down in stressful situations. Treatment cats are a “lifeline” for drug addicts and alcoholics during withdrawal periods. Cats are great friends for capricious only children in the family. Communication with these animals stimulates the return of mental clarity and memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Felinotherapy is increasingly used during the treatment of a number of other diseases.

Heart diseases

Cats treat cardiovascular diseases such as hypotension, hypertension, angina and arrhythmia. They are sat on your lap and stroked for 5-10 minutes, listening to the cat purr. After cat therapy in people:

  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • heart rate stabilizes;
  • blood circulation improves.

Felinotherapy helps restore motor activity, memory and speech after a stroke.


Cat therapy helps restore healthy sleep. Insomnia is treated in a simple way:

  1. The treating cat is seated on the table.
  2. The patient sits next to him on a comfortable chair.
  3. For 5 minutes he presses his forehead to the “doctor” and closes his eyes.

Perform cat therapy every other day. Somnologists recommend sleeping with your furry pet in the same bed, which helps improve sleep and prevent somatic ailments.


Frequent touching of a person to a cat during the blues reduces the concentration of cortisol (the “fear and stress” hormone) in the blood and increases the level of oxytocin. Cat therapy effectively treats depression and makes people move on with their lives.

Feeling lonely

A domestic cat will never allow a person to feel lonely. She has the amazing property of showing a person her affection and love at the right moment. Her purring and relaxing massage will relieve fatigue and lift your spirits. As a form of relaxation therapy, cat therapy is used in nursing homes.

Fractures, external injuries and pain syndrome

The therapeutic effect of cat therapy in the treatment of fractures is due to the purring of the cat. The frequency of the sounds it produces is perceived by the human body as ultrasound. Ultrasonic vibration relieves internal spasms and tightness and starts the regeneration process. Biocurrents emanating from wool heal external wounds. The warmth of the cat's body eliminates pain.

Cat therapy for rheumatism

Felinotherapy helps relieve pain caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is used to treat human joints, creating a heating pad effect at the site of inflammation. A cat therapy session is carried out every other day for a month. Its duration is from 7 to 10 minutes. The best healer for rheumatism is the Persian cat.

Prevention of allergies in children

Children who interact with cats from infancy develop more antibodies. They get sick less often, are more mentally stable and learn better. Cototherapy improves immunity and reduces sensitivity to allergens (wool, house dust, bed mites, pollen). A domestic cat is a kind of allergy vaccine.

Autism and other mental disorders

Regular feline therapy sessions help children with autism build relationships with other people. The best treatments for autism are Oriental and Maine Coon cats. They subtly feel the mental state of the child. Help him adapt to the social environment. They are able to show emotions, but cannot speak. Thanks to this, the autistic child is protected from negative verbal assessment of his actions.

Cat therapy also provides significant assistance in the treatment of people with alcohol addiction, early dementia, and suffering from “unreasonable panic attacks.” For therapy, a long-haired cat with a sociable and good-natured character is chosen as a doctor.

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