A cat, a cat that climbs a lot, loses hair all year round: the reason is molting time. What to do, what to feed, what to give to a cat and a cat, how to care for a cat and a cat so that their hair does not come out?

If you begin to notice that your cat is losing a lot of hair, and this does not look like the usual seasonal shedding, since whole shreds end up on the bedding and floor, it means that there is something wrong with the pet, it doesn’t have enough vitamins, it has allergies and etc. Often, the fur loses its beautiful appearance, and the pet licks itself so actively that bald spots form.

The cat, the cat is climbing a lot, hair is falling out: it’s time for cats and cats to shed

A cat's healthy, shiny hair is the pride of its owner. But what a disappointment if cat hair is observed every now and then in all corners and places in the apartment. The problem of hair loss in cats is not uncommon. Sometimes there is no need to worry, but there are times (and they happen often) when the animal should be examined. Let's figure out in order why cats shed and how to deal with it.

Cat owners know that every day they have to clean up hair in their house or apartment. This is a completely natural phenomenon; people also lose some hair every day.

Important: Twice a year, cats lose more hair than usual. Don't be alarmed right away, this could be seasonal molting.

As a rule, the beginning of seasonal molting is very scary for “newbies”. Experienced owners who have had a pet for several years perceive this phenomenon calmly.

Shedding in cats: what to do?

Seasonal shedding does not depend on the pet’s diet, humidity level in the house, care and other factors. It’s just that a cat changes its summer coat to a winter coat and vice versa. This phenomenon is quite normal, and nothing needs to be done about it. The only thing you can do to help your pet is to brush its fur more often. Molting occurs in spring and autumn. In what time frame - each animal individually.

If you see that your cat has begun to shed, first examine your pet's skin, nose and eyes. If the eyes and nose are clear, the skin is pink, and there are no bald spots, just wait a little. Everything will be back to normal soon.

If the problem is not as simple as it seems at first glance: the fur begins to come out in clumps, the shedding is prolonged, bald spots appear on the animal’s body - this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

How to choose the right vitamins?

So, you noticed that your cat's hair is shedding a lot. What to do? If you are sure that the pussy is healthy and there is no reason to visit the veterinarian, you can simply buy a special vitamin complex. The choice will depend on several factors:

  • age of the cat (vitamins are different for kittens and old cats);
  • presence of pregnancy;
  • preservation of the ability to reproduce (castrated and sterilized animals need a special complex);
  • release form of the drug (gel, tablets, drops, paste);
  • availability of a product certificate.

The cat's hair is constantly falling out in clumps, all year round, in summer and winter: reasons

The causes of excessive hair loss, which is permanent, can be very different. However, they all indicate one thing: not everything is in order with the animal’s body. Let's look at it in order:

  1. Lack of vitamins . The cat's diet should be balanced. Special food contains a certain amount of vitamins that are necessary for the cat's body. If you feed your cat natural products, pay attention to the diversity of the diet. Sometimes, due to an unbalanced diet, cats develop allergies or dermatoses.
  2. Hormonal disbalance . Often, owners suppress the cat’s sexual desire with special drugs. In this case, hormonal imbalance may occur. Along with hair loss, hormonal imbalance reveals itself through the following signs: cat apathy, reluctance to approach the food bowl, weakness, unusual behavior.
  3. Ringworm . Round bald spots appear on the animal's body; the skin in these places may be reddened or too white, and there may also be scales. In this case, a visit to the veterinarian is extremely necessary, since the disease is dangerous, not only the animal suffers, but people can also become infected.
  4. Skin mites and helminths . A sign of skin mites is baldness of the face, paws, and ears. Pay attention to how often your cat itches. Helminths are also a serious problem; they have a detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs and externally manifest themselves in the form of dermatoses.

It is a mistake to think that worms or skin mites cannot appear in a cat that does not go outside. Even if a cat does not eat raw meat, it is not a fact that it will not become infected with worms. These parasites can be brought into the house on shoes or clothes.

Dermatomycosis in cats

Important: Another cause of hair loss in cats can be stress. Like people, cats are prone to anxiety and overstimulation of the nervous system.

What may seem insignificant to a person may be perceived as painful by a cat. This includes physical and emotional factors.

Physical stress factors:

  • Electric shock;
  • Burns;
  • Injuries;
  • Past illnesses.

Emotional factors:

  • Moving to a new place;
  • The appearance of new residents (animals or people) in the house;
  • Loss of owner;
  • Restriction of freedom.

These or other events may not necessarily cause hair loss and deterioration of the cat’s condition, but it is still worth paying attention to the nervous shock of your beloved pet.

Hair can be shed all year round

Other diseases

Veterinarians include helminthiasis, allergic reactions, autoimmune pathologies and dysfunction of internal organs as other causes of receding hairline and bald spots. Hair loss is just the least of the problems. In some cases, an animal left without treatment may die.

Infection with worms

The waste products of worms lead to severe intoxication of the body and gradual failure of internal organs. An infected animal loses its appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. His fur is thinning and dull. Despite the dramatic weight loss, the belly remains round and firm.


Allergies can be food or non-food. Detecting the allergen on your own is problematic, so treatment is often prescribed before the pathogen is identified.

In addition to alopecia, an allergic reaction from the skin may be accompanied by severe itching. Scratching can cause the damaged areas to become red, flaky, and blistered or eczema-like. Tearfulness, rhinitis and gastrointestinal disorders may occur.

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune (focal) alopecia is a malfunction of the body. Immune cells begin to produce antibodies to destroy their own cells, mistaking them for foreign ones. Hair follicles are affected. Antibodies not only destroy existing hairs, but also prevent the formation of new ones. Bald areas are no longer restored.

This disease, like all immune pathologies, is very rare. Areas affected by alopecia grow over time. Without timely treatment, the condition of the coat will only worsen. The sides, groin and thighs of the animal are primarily affected.


Hyperthyroidism is a pathology of the thyroid gland that disrupts the natural amount of hormones produced. Due to increased levels of hormones, the cat develops seborrhea. He constantly licks himself, and when he is stroked, tufts of fur remain on his hands.

Hyperthyroidism is a secondary disease. It occurs with pathologies of the liver and kidneys, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and immune system. In addition to alopecia, symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, increased urination and weight loss.

What to do, what to feed, what to give to a cat to prevent hair from coming out?

When a cat has a problem with hair loss, owners ask themselves: what to do? Your actions in this case are mandatory; inaction can lead to deterioration in the health of the pet, and sometimes other household members.

First of all, make sure that it is not shedding. If you see that the problem is serious, analyze the animal's diet. Create a menu for your cat:

  • Introduce low-fat varieties of fish, meat, offal, cottage cheese and milk into your diet.
  • Don't give your cat milk instead of water. Milk should act as a separate food, no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Do not overfeed cats, especially older ones.

If your cat is used to ready-made food, it may be worth buying a higher quality food. There is also a special medicated food for cats prone to dermatitis. It is impossible to find out exactly which vitamin an animal lacks at home. This requires a visit to the veterinary clinic.

A rich diet and balanced nutrition are the key to healthy cats

In the case when the cat’s hair falls out and the cat’s skin itches due to allergies, you can add ⅛ of a suprastin tablet to the food 2 times a day. The source of the allergy, of course, needs to be found out and removed.

There are special vitamins for cats that can be given during the molting period, as well as for hormonal disorders. An experienced veterinarian will tell you what is best to give specifically in your case.

If you see that a balanced diet is not helping and your cat is losing more and more fur, consult a doctor. Do not neglect consulting a specialist, because a cat’s skin disease can be transmitted to people, for example, mycosis. Correct diagnosis and prescription of suitable treatment will help your pet to be cured faster.

If your pet has been found to have lichen, lice and other parasites that live on the body, take care not only of treatment, but also of disinfection of the home. Furniture and carpets should be thoroughly disinfected, and the animal's bedding should be replaced with new one.

What to do if your cat is going bald?

Popular cat vitamins for a healthy coat

There are a lot of preparations to improve the condition of the coat. It is best if they are selected and prescribed by a doctor. The most popular vitamins for cats against hair loss are:

  • "Farmavit Neo";
  • Cat Felltop Gel;
  • "Vittri";
  • Laveta Super For Cats;
  • "Phytomins";
  • Derm Liquid;
  • "Sherstevit";
  • Derm Caps;
  • "Beafar";
  • Gimpet Katzentabs;
  • "Kitzim";
  • Kitty's + Taurin + Biotin;
  • Canina Cat-Fell OK;
  • “8 in 1 Brewer’s Yeast Excel”;
  • "Felvit."

How to care for a cat so that their fur does not fall out?

Below are general guidelines to help keep your cat's skin healthy and have a strong, shiny coat:

  1. Monitor your cat's diet and enrich it with vitamins and minerals.
  2. If you buy ready-made food, choose high-quality food, do not be fooled by the low price.
  3. Bathe your cat and don't forget to brush its fur regularly.
  4. Keep the animal's bedding clean.
  5. Vaccinate your cat against ringworm.
  6. Give medications for worms according to the regimen selected by the doctor.

Now you know what to do and what to look for if your cat is losing hair. Proper care and care for your pet will ensure a healthy life for you and a calm life for you.

How to choose the right device?

To choose the right furminator, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Scallop width. The larger the animal, the wider the comb should be.
  2. Length of teeth. It should match the length of the animal's fur. Teeth that are too short will not reach the undercoat of “fluffy cats,” and teeth that are too long will not be suitable for short-haired cats.
  3. Quality of tooth sharpening. They should be even, smooth, without nicks or irregularities. Defects in sharpening interfere with quality combing. Irregularities will tug the fur and injure the skin. To check the quality of sharpening, run the furminator over your own head. If you do not experience any unpleasant sensations, the quality of sharpening is normal. Pulling hair? The sharpening was unsuccessful.
  4. Ejector button. Its presence allows you to get rid of hairs on the work surface in one motion. It must be remembered that such devices fail faster.
  5. Comfortable handle. It is best if the handle is rubberized, has a convex relief and a rounded end. Hold the Furminator in your hand, feel its weight, and measure the length of the handle against your palm.

Not long ago, universal furminators went on sale. They have removable combs of varying lengths and widths. With their help you can care for several pets of different sizes. But the moving connection becomes loose over time and the device becomes unusable.

Do all cats shed: a godsend for allergy sufferers

Probably, there is no need to explain why the animals from the following list will never encounter the problem under discussion - they simply do not have that dense and abundant coat that forces the owners of Persians, Bobtails and Maine Coons to look for new ways to deal with hairs settling on all possible surfaces.

  • The Sphynx is one of the most popular breeds; its representatives look completely hairless, but in fact they have very short fur, similar to suede - small and fluffy. These are pets that are “not for everyone” – the animal’s peculiar appearance can scare off many cat lovers.

photo from the site: zamanula.ru

  • The Peterbald is a cross between a Sphynx and an Oriental - a graceful animal with thin legs and a slender body. The homeland of these unusual cats is Russia. Based on the presence and abundance of fur, they are divided into several groups: hairless, flock (with short hairs similar to fluff) and brush (coat is hard and curly).

photo from website: murkote.com

  • Devon Rex – the skin of this alien creature is covered with wavy curls. Representatives of this breed do not cause allergies, have a cheerful disposition and will definitely appeal to those who prefer unusual pets.

photo from website: murlo.org

  • Ukrainian Levkoy - long-legged and flexible fold-eared hairless cats - is an excellent option for those who want to have both a Scottish Fold and a Sphynx at the same time. Such pets are extremely sociable and easily make contact.

photo from the site: ZooPicture.ru

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