Black eyes: 7 reasons why a cat's pupils are very dilated

If your cat has ever flicked her tail against your leg or tilted her head to the side and stared at you for no apparent reason, you've probably wondered, “What is she trying to tell me? What does all of this mean?"

Verbal forms of hissing, growling and meowing (in all its varied forms) are standard ways your pet communicates with you. After living with a cat for a while, you begin to better understand what it is trying to tell you. However, deciphering a cat's nonverbal body language can be much more difficult. As pet owners well know, cats are quite cunning and expect you to read their feline mind.

Being expressive creatures, they can convey many emotions completely silently. You can spend half your life looking at funny and funny photos of cats posted on countless sites on the Internet. In the captions for such photographs, beloved owners say what they think the cat is trying to tell them. Pay close attention to her non-verbal cues, and then you will be able to understand what exactly your furry beauty wants to tell you.

Chronic anxiety

If the cat is outwardly calm, but one or both of its pupils are constantly dilated, then this is a reason to take a closer look at the pet. It is quite possible that deviations have appeared in the animal’s health.

For example, your pet may suffer from chronic anxiety. Its reasons can be different: from a change of place of residence to the appearance of another animal in the house. The following signs will help you recognize this condition:

  • change in appetite (its absence or, conversely, increased interest in food);
  • problems with the toilet (the cat ignores the litter box);
  • reluctance to take care of your own hair;
  • attempts to constantly hide;
  • increased excitability and vigilance;
  • incomprehensible lethargy of the animal.

Long-term stress can negatively affect your cat's health. The sooner its cause is identified and eliminated, the better.

Showing dissatisfaction

In this case, a “physiological mechanism” operates. Hormones that enter the bloodstream through the endocrine glands reach the internal organs, including regulating the width of the pupils. The pupils of kitties dilate under the influence of adrenaline produced by the adrenal glands, which is why very wide pupils can be seen in an angry or frightened kitty. An adrenaline reaction can occur in situations of restriction of freedom and unpleasant influences, such as

bathing, combing, ear cleaning, injections and other manipulations.

Работа зрачка Рё особенности R°РЅРёР·РѕРєРѕСЂРёРё

Органы зрения остро SЂРµР°РіРёСЂСѓСЋС‚ РЅР° патолого‡РµСЃРєРёРµ Рї роцессы, которые РїСЂРѕРёСЃС…РѕРґСЏС‚ РІ организме, проявляS ЏСЃСЊ СЂР °Р·Р»РёС‡РЅС‹РјРё SЃРёРјРїС‚омами. Явление, РєРѕРіРґР° РѕРґРёРЅ зрачок РІ диаметре больше РґСЂСѓРіРѕРіРѕ , S‡Р°СЃС‚Рѕ наблюдается Сѓ РЅРѕРІРѕСЂРѕР¶ денных детей, РЅРѕ СЃРѕ временем RїСЂРѕС…РѕРґРёС‚ самостояте R»СЊРЅРѕ. Функция зрачка состокт РІ регулвровании световосп SЂРёСЏС‚РёСЏ для передачи максимального RєРѕР»РёС‡РµСЃС‚РІР ° визуальной онформации сетчатке олаз. Так, РІ темной РєРѕјРЅР°С‚Рµ зрачки SЂР°СЃС€РёСЂСЏСЋС‚СЃСЏ больше, Р° РїСЂРё SЏSЂRєRѕRј RѕSЃРІРµС‰РµРЅРёРё SЃСѓР¶Р°СЋС‚СЃСЏ .

Суженный и расширенный зрачок

R»РѕРїСѓСЃС‚РеРјРѕРµ отклонение SЂР°Р·РјРµСЂР° R·СЂР°С‡РєРѕРІ – РЅРµ больше 1 R јРј. Если Сѓ человека эта разница выше, необходимо РѕР±СЂР°С‚РёС‚С ЊСЃСЏ Рє офтальмологу. RџСЂРёС‡РеРЅС‹, RїРѕС‡РµРјСѓ RѕРґРёРЅ R·СЂР°С‡РѕРє R±РѕР»СЊС€Рµ RґСЂСѓРіРѕРіРѕ, RїСЂРµРјСѓS ‰РµСЃС‚венно SЃРІСЏР·Р°РЅС‹ СЃ физиологическими особенност SЏРјРё организма.

Ключевые моменты «работы» зрачков:

    Здоровый зрачок РїСЂРё нормальном освещении имеет раз мер РІ диаметре 4 РјРј. R' S‚емноте для РІРезуального восприятия диаметр зрачРєР° SѓРІРµР»РёС‡РёРІР°РµС‚СЃСЏ РґРѕ 8 RјРј. Резкая SЃРјРµРЅР° освещения вызывает RјРіРЅРѕРІРµРЅРЅРѕРµ СЂР°СЃС€РёС ЂРµРЅРёРµ Рё сужение зрачка. Размер расширения RєРѕРЅС‚ролируюS‚ мышцы радужки глаз Рё Р Sервная SЃРёСЃС‚ема. RќРѕСЂРјР°Р»СЊРЅРѕРµ отклонение RґРёР°РјРµС‚СЂР° R·СЂР°С‡РєР° SЃРѕСЃС‚Р°РІР»СЏРµС ‚ РЅРµ более 0.4 РјРј.

УвелРЕРґРЅРѕРіРѕ зрачка РїРѕ отношенок РґСЂСѓРіРѕРјСѓ РІ Р±Р ѕР»СЊС€РёРЅСЃС‚РІРµ SЃР»СѓС‡Р°РµРІ РЅРµ вызывает боли РІ глазах, РЅРµ нарушает качество восприятия РІРёР·СѓР°Р»С ЊРЅРѕР№ РёРСформац RyoRyo. RќРѕ РЅРѕРіРґР° непропорциональность зрачков свидетел SЊSЃS‚вует Рѕ наличРеРё SЃРѕРїСѓS‚ствующих заболеваРSРеР№.

Diagnosis of anisocoria

At the veterinary clinic, the caudate patient will be examined by an ophthalmologist using a slit lamp and a fluorescein test (staining the cornea to determine ulcers or injuries). However, an experienced veterinarian will not limit itself to a visual examination of a cat with different pupil sizes.

To confirm the initial diagnosis, a referral for laboratory testing will be given:

  • tonometry;
  • measurement of tear volume;
  • analysis for conjunctivitis;
  • pharmacological tests;
  • electroretinography;
  • Ultrasound, CT, MRI diagnostics.

If leukemia is suspected, a bone marrow biopsy and blood test are added to this list of tests.

Hormonal storms

Gaping round pupils can be observed in cats in the excitement of the hunt and during sexual arousal:

  1. Hunting games . The getter instinct heightens the senses, as evidenced by Murka, frozen in the pose of a sphinx in front of a dove behind the window glass. Dilated pupils are accompanied by a concentrated attempt to claw at a fresh carp brought by the owner-fisherman, or to steal a delicious piece of meat from the table. The energy of a young animal requires an outlet in the form of outdoor games and pranks. During climbing and jumping, muscle tone increases under the influence of adrenaline, and “saucer eyes” allow you to better navigate the small space of a room filled with furniture.
  2. Cat's wedding. Adrenaline is one of the components of the hormonal “love cocktail” that bubbles in the blood of animals during periods of sexual activity and causes, in addition to “big eyes,” drastic changes in behavior. Rolling on the floor, inviting purring and unambiguous poses reveal a female in heat, while the male tries by all means to sneak out into the street, accompanying the search for his beloved with loud serenades. When meeting an “object of passion,” the cat’s pupils also dilate, illustrating the generalized excitement of the whole organism. Often, felines walk so frantically that owners are forced to use sedatives and hormonal agents that reduce the effect of natural pathogens.

Other causes of dilated cat pupils

It is often not immediately clear why cats have dilated pupils. Saucer eyes are also observed in furry cats at the moment when they are hunting - no matter a bird sitting on the window, or a piece of delicious sausage on the table. While jumping and climbing through the cabinets of your beloved pet, you can also notice its almost black iris. It’s definitely worth mentioning cat weddings, during which the animals’ pupils also dilate under the influence of adrenaline and other hormones.

The reason for the large size of the pupils is also severe pain. In this case, the condition is accompanied by refusal to eat, apathy, possibly half-closed eyes and an unnatural posture.

Pharmacological drugs - medicinal valerian, anesthetics - can cause pupil dilation. For example, when a cat is given anesthesia, the increased pupil size remains for 24 hours after recovery from anesthesia. The pupils return to normal when the substance is completely eliminated from the body.


Why does a cat arch its back and raise its tail? Is this normal? Perhaps the tail is the most intriguing and mysterious tool of all cat body language. A cat's tail can take many positions, which are indicators of different emotions. For example, when the tail takes the shape of a question mark or a hook, this means that your pet is in a cheerful mood and wants to play a little! A pipe tail also means she is friendly.

But if you notice that your cat's tail hangs low to the ground (unless this is typical for that particular breed, such as the Persian), the answer to the question "What is my cat trying to tell me?" would be "She's seething with anger." If the fur on your animal's tail stands on end (called a "Halloween tail"), you'll have a pissed off cat to deal with. “If you see your cat's tail fur standing up,” says VetBabble, “it means she's angry or afraid and trying to look bigger and more confident.” If you find yourself in this situation, experts recommend staying calm and doing everything you can to remove your pet from the stressful situation.

A contented, happy cat wraps its tail around the thing it loves most, such as its beloved owner's leg or its cat sister, and also wraps its tail around itself for warmth and comfort.


This inflammation of the eyes is divided into subtypes: allergic, arising due to the ingress of a foreign body, infectious. It manifests itself as liquid discharge from the eyes, often purulent, general restlessness of the animal, photophobia, and the formation of crusts after sleep.

The pupils can both become very narrow and pathologically dilate. With such symptoms, it is very important to provide timely assistance to your pet, independently, but under the supervision of a veterinarian. The cat's eyes are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Miramistin. Then drops of “Iris” are instilled. If crusts appear around the eyes, they should be soaked and removed with a damp cotton swab. Then the lacrimal canal is washed generously with drops of “Iris” or “Neoconjunctivet”. The procedure is repeated three times a day until recovery. The course of treatment lasts ten days.

For conjunctivitis caused by infection, your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics. As an addition to the treatment of moderate and mild forms of the disease, you can use hygienic lotions from the “Phytoelita” series, as well as medicinal herbal infusions, to wash your eyes.

Nervous conditions of pets

In a stressful situation, the sympathetic nervous system also comes into activity, the fibers of which penetrate all organs and tissues. The nerve impulse is transmitted from cell to cell using norepinephrine and acetylcholine, and the effect is manifested in increased heart rate, increased muscle tone, increased gastric secretion and dilated pupils.

Watching furry pets and noticing dilated pupils, one can assume that the cat is alert and ready at any moment to ward off danger, or to flee. Nervous conditions can be caused by the following circumstances:

  • going outside;
  • drive;
  • moving to a new home;
  • sudden sharp sounds;
  • the smell of threat;
  • strangers on personal territory.

Why does a cat always have dilated pupils: eye diseases

If the pupils are dilated and motionless, and the cat moves extremely unsteadily, bumps into objects, sniffing and listening intensely, she may have suddenly lost her vision, or acquired some other eye disease, such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, lens luxation, uevitis.

When only one pupil is enlarged, there is reason to suspect the animal has a disease of the brain, or visual analyzer. Such symptoms can be observed with a brain tumor, stroke, or other head injuries. If your pet feels great and does not refuse food and entertainment, then there is no reason to worry. When the owner cannot understand why the cat’s pupils are constantly dilated, or when the dilated pupils are accompanied by clearly painful and unnatural conditions for your cat, you need to urgently call the veterinary clinic and make an appointment. Only timely correct diagnosis and the right course of treatment can return your furry to physical health and comfortable psychological well-being.

See also: why does a cat’s tail peel off and become bald?

Проявление патологии при взрослении

РЈ взрослых непропорциональное SЂР°СЃС€РёСЂРµРЅРёРµ R·СЂР°С‡РєРѕРІ Р јРѕР¶РµС‚ быть следствием ІСЂРѕР¶РґРµРЅРЅРѕР№ Р° номалии. Еслв РѕРґРЅРѕРј глазу зрачок большой, Р° РІ РґСЂСѓРіРѕРј – RјР°Р»РµРЅСЊРєРёР№ , РЅРѕ это РЅРµ РґРѕСЃС‚ авляет дискомфорта, зрение РСРµ становвится S…уже, РЅРµ СЃ опровождается болевым Рё прочими SЃРёРјРїS ‚омами, анизокория РЅРµ представляет опасности. Если Сѓ взрослых РѕРґРёРЅ зрачок больше РґСЂСѓРіРѕРіРѕ RїРѕ RїСЂРёС‡РёРЅРµ опасного SЃРѕРїСѓС‚ствующего заб олевания, аномалия проявляется внезапно.

Зрачки разного размера

ПровоцирующРеРµ S„акторы – офтальмологические Рё РЅР µРІСЂРѕР»РѕРіРёС‡РµСЃРєРёРµ причины, почему диаметр Р·СЂР °С‡РєРѕРІ стал неодинаковым:

    СОнцефалит, опухоль головного РјРѕР·РіР°, аневризма СЃРѕСЃСѓР ґРѕРІ, менингит; шейный остеохондроз СЃРѕ сдавлвваннем нервных корешРєРѕРІ; воспалительный процесс РІ SЂР°РґСѓР¶РЅРѕР№ оболочке глаза; рубеоз – большой СЂРѕСЃС‚ СЃРѕСЃСѓРґРѕРІ РЅР° радужной оболочке; воспаленоцРеклклвоспаление переднего отдела СЃРѕСЃСѓРґРёС ЃС‚РѕР№ оболочки; глаукома – нарушение кровообращения ппитания глазнРѕРіРѕ нерва; SѓРІРµРёС‚ – заболевание SЃРѕСЃСѓРґРёСЃС‚РѕР№ оболочки органов Р·СЂР µРЅРёСЏ; имплантация линз, повреждение SЃС„инктера Рё радужки; повреждение волокон глазодвггательного нерва РЅРµРёС €РёРјРёС‡РµСЃРєРѕРіРѕ S‚РёРїР°.

RћСЃРјРѕС‚СЂ Сѓ офтальмолога

RљSЂРѕРјРµ S‚РѕРіРѕ, R°РхРѕѓР·РѕРєРѕСЂРёСЋ Sѓ RІР·СЂРѕСЃР»С‹С… РјРѕРіСѓС‚ SупровоцирРЕвать повышенне внутрвглазного давления, невргт глазного нерва, Ренфекционные процессы, скрытые генетические патологии, травмы РіРѕР» РѕРІС‹ Ре глаз, хирургЃческие операцРеРё РЅР° внутренних стр SѓРєС‚урах органов зрения.

Р' некоторых случаях РѕРґРёРЅ зрачок RјР°Р»РµРЅСЊРєРёР№, РґСЂСѓРіРѕР№ Р±РѕР »СЊС€РѕР№ бывает РІ результате паралича (пареза) плазодвггательного нер PIP°. Наступает как следствие аневризмы, инсульта, РІРѕСЃРїР° ления оли опухоли. Если зрачок стал замедленно SЂРµР°РіРѕЂРѕРІР°С‚СЊ РЅР° свет, РїСЂРѕР ±Р»РµРјР° может Р·Р °РєР»СЋС‡Р°С‚СЊСЃСЏ РІ сдавливанви глазодвггательного нерва. Прием лекарственных препаратов Рё использование РѕС„ S‚альмологических мазей – ещ Рµ РѕРґРЅР° РїСЂРёС‡РеРЅР°, почему RѕРґРЅР·СЂР°С‡РѕРє стал больше. RќРѕ SЌS‚Рѕ SЏРІР»РµРЅРёРµ RєСЂР°С‚РєРѕСЃСЂРѕS‡РЅРѕРµ SЃ RѕS‡РµРІРёРґРЅС‹Рј фактоS ЂРѕРј, спровоцировавшим SЂР°СЃС€РёСЂРµРЅРёРµ R·СЂР°С‡РєР°.


A disease in which there is complete or partial clouding of the lens of the eye. As a rule, this occurs in the elderly animal due to vitamin deficiency, diabetes or injury. The main symptom is a gray-blue color of the pupil. Treatment is carried out only surgically, but in the early stages and for prevention they use Gamavit and Fitomin.

Особенности аномалии в детском возрасте

РЈ детей анизокория SЂР°Р·РІРІРІРІР°РµС‚СЃСЏ РІ SЂРµР·СѓР»СЊС‚ате РЅР°СЃР»РµРґС ЃС‚венных РїСЂРёС‡РеРЅ или РЅРѕСЃРёС‚ РїСЂРёРѕР ±СЂРµС‚РµРСный характер РІ случае травм Рё инфекций органРѕРІ Р·СЂРµРСРёСЏ. Если РѕРґРёРЅ зрачок больше РґСЂСѓРіРѕРіРѕ Sѓ SЂРµР±РµРЅРєР° Рё RїСЂРё этом Р·СЂР µРЅРёРµ становвится хуже, Сѓ СЂРѕРґРёС‚ елей есть RїРѕРІРѕРґ для беспокойства. РЈ маленького ребенка непропорциональное расширенРёРµ зрачков обычно РїСЂРѕС…РѕРґРёС‚. Р' некоторых случаях асимметрия остается, РЅРѕ РЅРµ РїСЂРёС ‡РёРЅСЏРµС‚ ребенку дискомфорта Рё РЅРµ влияет РЅР° Р·СЂРµРСРеРµ. РўРѕРіРґР° SЂРµС‡СЊ Редет Рѕ наследственной физРеологическоой Р °РЅРѕРјР°Р»РёРё, РЅРµ несущей опасности для детского организма.

RљРѕРіРґР° ребенок рождается СЃ нормальными зрачками, РѕРЅР е РїСЂРѕРїРѕСЂС†Реонально SЂР°СЃС€РёСЂСЏСЋС‚СЃСЏ РїСЂРё люб РѕРј освещении, РЅРѕ внезапно RїСЂРѕСЏРІР»СЏРµС‚СЃСЏ R°РЅРёР·РѕРєРѕСЂРёСЏ, Рє врачу нужно обратиться немедленно. РџСЂРёС‡РеРЅС‹ такой аномалии РіРѕРІРѕСЂСЏС‚ Рѕ серьезных заболева РЅРёСЏС... (менРеРЅРіРёС‚, СОнцефаД РёС‚, аневризма, опухоль).

Основные причины аснмметрии зрачков у маленького ребенка:

    наследственная предрасположенность; действРеРµ Ренфекции или S‚равма глаз; врожденные особенности радужки; реакцна сотрясения РјРѕР·РіР° РѕС‚ удара; СЃ опущением век – СЃРёРЅРґСЂРѕРј Горнера; SЃРёРЅРґСЂРѕРј РР№РґРё СЃ отсутствнем SЂРµР°РєС†РёРё РЅР° SЃРІРµС‚; RјРµРґРёС†РеРЅСЃРєРёРµ RѕРїРµСЂР°С†РеРё РЅР° RѕСЂРіР°РЅР°С… R·СЂРµРЅРёСЏ.

RЎРёРЅРґСЂРѕРј Горнера Сѓ ребенка

Если РѕРґРёРЅ зрачок большой, Р° РґСЂСѓРіРѕРѕР№ – RјР°Р»РµРЅСЊРєРёР№, Рё РїСЂРё этоРј анизокория SЃРѕРїСЂРѕРІРѕР¶РґР°РµС ‚СЃСЏ раздвоением РІ глазах, головными болями, светобояР·РЅСЊСЋ, затуманенностью R ·СЂРµРЅРѕЏ, – это следствве некоторого патологическРѕРіРѕ процесса. Чтобы РЅРµ усугубить зрительное Р·РґРѕСЂРѕРѕІСЊРµ ребенка, РЅР µРѕР±С…РѕРґРёРјРѕ обратиться Rє SЃРїРµС†Реал исту. Опасные РїСЂРёС‡РеРЅС‹ аномалии – RїРѕРІСЂРµР¶РґРµРЅРёРµ отделов РіРѕ R»РѕРІРЅРѕРіРѕ РјРѕР·РіР°, недоразвврѕРѕРµ вегетативной нервноРNo. системы, воспаленве радужной оболочки, отравление или передозировка препаратами, WITH ‚равма глаз.

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