The cat is afraid of strangers: causes of fear and ways to overcome it

The cat is wildly afraid of strangers

The cat is approximately 7 months old (neutered a week ago, vaccinated, healthy). Two months ago she was picked up on the street. Since then, he only trusts the girl with whom he lives. He hides in front of strangers, shakes, and is wildly afraid. As soon as he realizes that a stranger has come in, the cat changes before his eyes and disappears. At the same time, he is an ideal cat with his owner. Affectionate, sociable, playful. This behavior problem has remained unchanged for these two months.

Some cats cannot stand strangers in the house. One of the reasons for this behavior is the lack of communication with people at an early age: sometimes, for a cat to hide from guests for the rest of its life, it only takes one case when a guest was too noisy or treated the kitten poorly.

A particularly nervous and fearful cat can be given a sedative - special drops, but you should not give such a remedy all the time. A sedative is just a small help that helps to slightly speed up the process of getting used to strangers. In any case, with or without drops, frequent meetings with people should help the cat understand that the arrival of guests does not threaten it in any way. It is very important that the cat, without running away, learns to allow strangers at a fairly close distance.

One of the ways to accustom a cat to guests is to prevent it from running away and hiding. To do this, put a harness on it or put it in a carrier for a while. Moreover, it is desirable that the cage is located in the same room as the guests, who need to be warned so that they behave calmly, do not shout or raise their voices. At first, your family members can play the role of invitees. Of course, at first the doorbell will alarm the pet, but the cat will no longer be able to escape from the carrier and as soon as it sees its friends, it will quickly calm down. If you do this constantly, the cat will very quickly get used to the idea that the doorbell does not pose a threat. Over time, you will be able to ask "real" guests to enter the room with one of the family members and sit next to the cage. It is only important that the training is regular. In this case, the cat carrier will become a shelter.

As soon as the cat, being in its house, gets used to guests, you need to gradually accustom it to closer contact with them. Let guests sit as close to the pet's cage as possible, but do not lean over. In this case, you can offer the cat some kind of treat: food strengthens relationships much faster than affectionate conversations. Most likely, the cat will refuse the treat at first, but sooner or later everything will work out. The main thing is to be patient and attentive.

Insufficient socialization

You bought a kitten, no guests came to you for half a year, but then a celebration happened. The arriving people threw the cat into a panic; she hid under the sofa, screaming and trembling. Firstly, you made a mistake by not socializing the animal as a child; in fact, the cat only knows you and fear of guests is a normal reaction. Secondly, you can help your pet by placing him in a separate room, letting him hide and closing the doors - in the midst of the celebration, this option is optimal.

Many cat owners prefer not to work with such behavior, justifying it by saying that the cat does not have to love everyone. The truth is that a pet really doesn’t have to love anyone, but fear is stress and therefore harmful to the body. Socialization of an older animal is carried out gradually, at first, with the use of sedatives.

Invite one guest once a week and do not rush things; the ward must take the initiative himself and go out to the stranger. It’s not bad if the guest brings a gift or a toy for the pet. Give the cat a treat or toy from your hands, that's enough. By sensing the smell of a stranger and associating it with positive emotions, the tailed one will become a little more confident. The following method produces faster results:

Important! Under no circumstances try to force strangers and a cat to become friends!


Why is a cat afraid of strangers?

A famous English writer once said: “A real cat strives to live its life peacefully, so that people interfere with it as little as possible. In this way, real cats are very similar to real people.” Indeed, most cats, despite their love for their owner, behave somewhat distantly, reacting sharply to the invasion of the personal space of strangers. Moreover, some individuals are very afraid of strangers and, when they appear, rush to sneak away. What could be the reason for this behavior and can it be corrected?

Fear of light

Perhaps the pet is simply afraid of light. This is the norm if we are talking about a kitten or a pregnant cat.

The cubs are born completely blind. Their eyes are closed because they are not yet formed to meet the light. The pupils, which can dilate or contract, are responsible for the perception of light. The pupils of kittens that have just opened their eyes cannot adjust to the brightness of the light, so you can often notice how babies hide in dark places, and sometimes simply turn their faces away from the lighting fixtures. This phenomenon will pass when the animal grows a little.

Cats that are preparing to become mothers change their behavior: some become more sociable, others diligently avoid human society. But in one thing they are the same: when the birth approaches, they want to build a nest for themselves.

Representatives of some breeds do not do this themselves; they wait for the owner to think of making a nest for them. Usually during this period the cat behaves very restlessly, it meows loudly and leads the owner to the place where it wants to have a home. In this case, it is very important to arrange a cozy bed for the expectant mother, protected from bright light, and to monitor it, because the cat will wait for human help during childbirth.

Those cats that set up a nest on their own expect one thing from the owner: he must guess her intentions and make room for a home. Helping the animal with this is very important, because if this is not done, the furry mother in labor may well choose a shelf in your linen closet for these purposes. To prevent the animal from hiding, you can help him with arranging his home:

  1. Make a box with one low side and three high ones.
  2. Cover it with soft materials. You can use old clothes for this.

Main causes of fear

The character of cats is not as flexible as, for example, dogs. In addition, these animals are not so successful in training, and few people manage to teach them complex tricks. Experienced cat owners believe that if a pet experiences fear of humans, this can lead to serious consequences. There is a completely logical explanation for this - even small mustachioed striped animals are, in fact, predators, and at the genetic level they are accustomed to attacking a frightening subject, rather than fleeing.

Among the main reasons for cats' fear of people are:

  1. Human rudeness towards animals, physical torture, deliberate intimidation.
  2. Previous negative experience of communication between an animal and people, because we must not forget about the excellent memory of cats.
  3. Infringement of rights to territory.
  4. Lack of self-confidence.
  5. Incomplete or impaired socialization.

Excessive fearfulness of a pet usually worries the owner, but most conditions can be corrected. The main thing is to find out why the animal is afraid of people.

Poor care

If the owner is used to solving all problems with his fist, then there is nothing surprising in the current situation. The behavior of a purr is difficult to condemn. She is simply forced to demonstrate her strength every day so as not to die. How does the baby know that you are not going to kill her?

In the natural environment, members of a flock are subject to strict selection. At best, weak animals receive scraps and slowly die. They simply don't have a chance to get ahead. If there is a shortage of food or water, the stragglers are disposed of first. This is why it is so important for animals to demonstrate strength.

Wild and domesticated cats

Usually, when talking about wild cats, we mean animals born on the street. The four-legged animals stay in the nest for up to 1.5–2 months and do not see people or other animals. Afterwards they explore the world under the strict control of their mother. Naturally, the “two-legged giant” seems like a threat to the little kitten. The reaction is quite predictable - run for cover, and if caught, then scratch, hiss, bite and call for the mother.

Important! Even a 1-2 month old wild kitten is capable of causing serious scratches and bites, and if the mother comes to the cry of the baby, you will have a very hard time. Not only will the mother cat attack, but she will also chase you until you leave her territory.

Tamed cats are animals that lived in human company for some time, but suddenly began to be afraid of people. In addition to bites and scratches, you can receive gifts from a frightened animal in the form of piles and puddles, torn wallpaper or torn curtains. It is more difficult to correct the behavior of a domestic cat than a wild one. A kitten on the street can be accustomed to itself gradually, because the main reason for fear is mistrust. The domestic cat already knows people, but harbors a grudge (fear).

Important! Overly aggressive behavior also indicates fear, but the reason may not lie in fear of people.

Loud sounds

But cats hear much better than dogs (we will modestly remain silent about people). If you haven't forgotten, they are predators, and they hunt alone. Nature has endowed them with exceptionally acute hearing: in order to catch where prey is hiding, and at the same time remain alert in case an enemy suddenly sneaks up. This means that they are incredibly sensitive to all surrounding noise.

Since cats do not fully understand human entertainment and everyday comforts, they are frightened by sounds to which we have long been accustomed. Firecrackers, fireworks, the hum of a vacuum cleaner, the sound of a falling lid - any strong and unexpected noise. To be fair, we also flinch at sudden loud sounds. Let's remember that there are creatures next to us who are always on guard and try to spare their vulnerable nervous system.

The main reasons for cats’ fear of people and methods for correcting behavior

What to do if your cat is afraid of people and even you? What if an animal attacks your children or guests? Does it bother other animals in the house? First, you need to figure out what causes your pet’s stress. The first thing to exclude:

Rough behavior, physical punishment, intentional intimidation

Do you scream, spank, swing or stomp on your pet? This is rude, aggressive and threatening behavior, if after such gestures the cat begins to be afraid and attack you - do not be surprised, you deserve it! If you want to correct the situation, start with yourself; it is not your pet’s fault that he is forced to defend himself and fear for his life.

Negative experience

Usually, in this case, cats are afraid of certain people, for example, veterinarians after undergoing surgery. Also included in this category are animals that have experienced rough treatment or bullying by their former owners. Animals that have experienced the horrors of existence in municipal shelters are usually also afraid of people who resemble former caretakers.

When they are forcibly held

Cats are extremely independent. This does not mean that they do not feel affection for their owners and do not want to spend time with us. This means that since they do not need attention, it is almost impossible to impose it. Our relationship with them develops like a sinusoid, now up, now down - today they adore us, tomorrow they don’t notice us.

Cats are really scared when people rush to hug them. Gentle hugs are, of course, allowed. But when we grab them in our arms and begin to squeeze them as hard as we can, they don’t at all think that it’s out of great love. Restriction of freedom is perceived as a threat: save yourself while you’re safe! A cat's way of communication is strikingly different from a human's, so it is better not to be offended by your pet, but to try to learn its language.


When meeting another person for the first time, we may have the opportunity to figure out whether the stranger is a threat; there are some signs that can make us wary. Cats are a much smaller animal than humans and therefore have some reason to be afraid of new people. They become attached to and trust their human family because they know that we will provide them with food, water, shelter, care and, importantly, are unlikely to harm them.

With strangers, many cats won't feel the same confidence. Additionally, some people may seem more intimidating than others. This may be due to body posture, smell, or a number of reasons known only to the cat. Like others on this list of things that scare cats, some are very friendly and will approach strangers without fear.

How to fight

If the animal does not want to make contact and snorts, then you should not go against its will, as you will only make things worse. Harm the cat and you yourself will end up scratched, and the problem will never be solved.

Recommend: Protective collar for cats

You can also use sedatives , but this is only on the recommendation of a veterinarian, otherwise it can become addictive.

To overcome your animal’s fear of strangers, you need to listen to the following recommendations:


Habit is second nature to cats. They like to live according to a schedule: eat, sleep, play, repeat in the same sequence. They are afraid of disruption to their usual routine. No, they don’t jump out of fear, everything is much more complicated. They are afraid that something bad will happen to them.

For example, if a cat has always been fed at lunch, and then this time is moved, he begins to worry that he will remain hungry. Of course, he will not die of hunger, but the very thought inspires fear. And most of all, cats are afraid of drastic changes: the arrival of a new family member, moving to a new house, even our new job with a different schedule.


The sarcastic expression “loves a dog like a cat” did not arise out of nowhere. Yes, they can coexist peacefully, but this rarely happens from the first meeting. Cats and dogs that grow up together often become best friends. Then they do not perceive each other as a predator of another species, and do not fight for resources, as in the wild.

When a cat sees an unfamiliar dog, even a playful and friendly one, it flees or takes a defensive pose. He is afraid and this is natural. Even cats and dogs, who generally get along well, occasionally quarrel and fight. The owner’s task is to provide safety and positive reinforcement, then the pets will learn not to be afraid of each other.


For us, bright balls are a festive attribute, a reason for joy and fun. For cats, these are creepy rubber monsters. The inflated balloon rises and moves through the air. The cat takes him for a living creature, and a flying one at that! When the ball hangs over him, he thinks that IT is preparing to attack.

But if only this. Cat claws are reliable weapons, but when they grab onto the ball, there is a loud bang. Done, the cat is scared to death. Especially if this is a very impressionable cat.

Feeling insecure

A cat may be afraid of strangers due to loud noises or a lack of self-confidence. This behavioral problem can be corrected by providing your pet with a personal space. If the size of the apartment does not allow you to allocate an area, it is enough to build a rigid ladder from the floor to the closet, where the animal will feel safe. The instinctive desire of cats when there is a real threat and fear is to climb a tree. A tall complex with a scratching post, shelves on the wall - all this will help your pet feel confident.


Actually, they are afraid of any surprises. The cucumber is an eloquent image of such a surprise, embodied in GIFs and videos. Everyone has probably seen how unsuspecting cats are given a cucumber from behind, and they jump in horror. And the owners laugh - we know that this is just a vegetable, not scary at all. But, apparently, for a cat, a green, long, incomprehensible object is associated with danger - what if it’s a snake? Moreover, he appeared unexpectedly, meaning he could attack.

By the way, other vegetables and fruits cause the same shock. Zucchini, zucchini, bananas from the same series. The joke is very stupid. Why deliberately frighten an animal and cause its heart rate to increase? Isn't there a better place for a cucumber?

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