What is the weight of a British kitten by month?

Criteria for normal weight of cats and kittens

First of all, 3 factors influence a cat’s weight: its breed, age and lifestyle. For this reason, veterinarians do not recommend relying on a single standard. The norm calculated for a specific pet is much more reliable.

Breed affiliation

On average, domestic cats weigh 3.6-4.5 kg, but, depending on the breed, this figure freely “walks” up or down. For example, Maine Coons will always be larger than short-legged Munchkins, even at the kitten stage.

The constitution of the body is no less important. The norms for the “British” and “Scots” are practically the same, but the former are characterized by more developed muscles, and the latter by graceful proportions.

Differences are also observed within the breed. Most felines are characterized by pronounced sexual dimorphism. This means that a male can always be distinguished from a female thanks to the extra pounds. In most cases the difference is 1-2 kg.


A cat's weight constantly changes as it grows. The minimum indicator is typical for kittens, but they gain new kilograms much faster and practically do not store fat.

By 1.5-2 years, weight stabilizes, and its deviation becomes undesirable. Older animals most often suffer from obesity and exhaustion, as metabolism slows down with age and the number of chronic diseases increases.

Nutrition and activity

Weight is affected not only by the amount of food eaten, but also by the quality of food and the frequency of meals. For this reason, homeless animals are more likely to suffer from thinness. In addition to irregular and meager nutrition, their lives are marked by excessive activity. Street cats are constantly in search of food and are forced to regularly defend their territory.

Pets live in maximum comfort. Their activity level depends on the efforts of the owners, breed and age. The main fans of games are the “Abyssinians” and “Orientals”, and the main admirers of the sofa lifestyle are the “British” and “Persians”. Because of this, the latter are more likely than others to suffer from obesity.

British kitten weight standards

Check the label regularly to get an idea of ​​what weight your kitten should be.

But do not forget that all kittens have their own complexion and heredity. Always leave a small reserve, taking into account the personal characteristics of the pet (for example, spayed and sterilized animals should be assessed differently).

How to visually understand that your pet has a normal weight

A cat's normal weight can be easily determined by its proportions. In the absence of deviations, the animal’s body corresponds to the following indicators:

  • clearly defined waist;
  • a toned stomach with a thin layer of fat;
  • poorly visible ribs and pelvis that can be palpated.

A predominance of muscle mass over fat is also recommended. It is easy to identify in short-haired representatives due to its more pronounced relief.

Kittens at three and four weeks of age

By the beginning of the third week, small fluffy balls usually begin to emit the first purr, the picture of the visual field of any kitten becomes definite: visually they will already be able to find their mother. After a week, the development of the organs of hearing and smell ends, the ears take shape

In addition, kittens at the age of 3-4 weeks take their first hesitant steps and pay attention to their sisters and brothers. At the same time, their milk teeth appear, the incisors emerge first, followed by the canines, premolars and molars.

At 4 weeks, you don’t have to worry about the fact that it’s too early to introduce your young pet to the toilet. It is advisable to take care of the baby and, just in case, purchase a litter tray designed for kittens. They often perceive it either as food or as a toy. Ordinary contents of the litter tray may be harmful to the animal if swallowed (for example, silica gel).

Normal development of kittens of different breeds

At birth, most kittens weigh between 70-130 g. Maximum weight gain is observed in the first month of life. The average daily gain is 15 g, so by 4 weeks after birth many animals reach 500 g.

You can see detailed changes in body weight from 1 to 12 months in different breeds in the table below.

Breed Weight by month (kg)
1 2 3-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12
British 0,56-0,83 1,15-1,6 1,7-4 2,65-5,6 3,6-6 4-7 4,2-8
Scottish 0,25-0,75 0,42-1,8 1-3,9 2,2-5,5 2,3-6,1 2,6-6,6 2,6-7
Maine Coon 0,55-0,75 1,1-1,6 1,6-4 2,9-6 3,2-7 3,8-7,3 4-8,7
Don Sphynx 0,2-0,4 0,5-0,8 1-3 1,3-3,6 2,2-5,1 2,8-5,7 3,2-6,4
Canadian Sphynx 0,4-0,65 0,9-1,3 1,5-2,5 1,9-3 2,6-4,4 3,1-4,8 3,4-6,8
Persian 0,37-0,5 0,6-1 0,95-2,2 1,4-3,6 2,3-4,3 2,8-5,6 3,5-6,2
Siamese 0,23-0,7 0,52-1,6 1-3,3 1,2-4,1 1,7-4,6 2-5,1 2,3-5,6
Siberian 0,35-0,74 0,59-1,45 1-4 1,6-5,1 2,7-5,8 3-6,2 3,5-7
Russian blue 0,25-0,74 0,45-1,7 1-3,9 1,7-4,9 2,3-5,3 2,5-5,5 2,5-5,8
Abyssinian 0,3-0,8 0,55-1,5 1-3,7 1,5-4,5 2-5 2,3-6 2,5-7,5
Ragdoll 0,28-0,71 0,49-1,47 1,2-3,67 1,7-5,69 2,5-6,3 3-7,2 3,3-7,7
Exotic 0,25-0,77 0,47-1,55 1,2-3,5 1,7-4,7 2,1-5,2 2,4-5,7 2,8-6,2
Bengal 0,35-0,56 0,64-1,3 1,2-3 1,7-4,3 2,8-5,1 3,2-5,6 3,3-6,3

The table shows that after reaching six months, the rate of weight gain slows down. At this stage, puberty occurs. After this, the weight gain is less significant.

The difference between males and females is also clearly visible, but at first there may be slight deviations within the litter. That is, some girls may be ahead of boys due to a more balanced diet. It may be related to the total number of newborns (lack of nipples) and the degree of milk production of the recently given birth pet.

Separately, we should consider the developmental features of outbred kittens and mixed-breed kittens. First, let's outline their differences:

  1. Mongrels (outbred). Obtained through uncontrolled and most often natural mating. They do not have documents due to the unknown breed of their parents. They can be born as a result of mating of mixed breeds or other mongrels. In this case, the maximum mixture of a wide variety of breeds can be seen.
  2. Metis. Obtained by mating animals belonging to different breeds. They do not have documents due to the unofficial nature of such matings. They have more predictable behavior and appearance.

Due to the peculiarities of birth, the norm for mongrels and mixed breeds is very different from general standards. A pet born not according to the rules of selection can take traits from both parents at once. As a result, even here the most reliable method remains visual inspection.

Growth and feeding of a kitten

The period of growth is of particular importance in the life of an animal, since it is during this time that the foundations for health and well-being are laid for life.
This process is influenced by many factors, but nutrition plays a major role. When choosing a cat's diet, it is important to take into account the characteristics of digestion, ability to perceive taste and sense of smell. Only specially formulated food can ensure that your cat receives all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, regardless of its age, breed or activity level.

Monitor your kitten's growth by daily weight gain (10-30 g per day). The baby grows most rapidly at the age of 4 to 5 months, when weekly growth should reach 100g.

It is important to always weigh your kitten at the same time. Initially, before weaning, daily weight monitoring is recommended, and after two months of age, weighing is carried out weekly or biweekly

■ GENDER: Males generally have a higher growth potential than females, so their growth period lasts several weeks longer. At the age of 6 to 12 months, they overtake cats in weight.

■ HERITANCE: At birth, a kitten receives half of its mother's genes and half from its father. Size, conformation, and other morphological characteristics of the parents and lineage of the animal may also influence growth.

■ HORMONES: After birth, growth depends on the correct synthesis of certain hormones. Early neutering does not affect the kitten's growth rate or its size as an adult.

The kitten's weight should not plateau or decrease. It is better to weigh your kitten regularly: he needs to gain an average of 15 grams per day. If this does not happen, the baby should be fed with a cat's milk replacer.


How much should an adult cat weigh: table by age and breed

As noted above, weight gain continues until approximately 1.5-2 years. From this moment on, it stabilizes, so the owner can simply hold it.

The table below shows the weight norms for male cats by age and breed.

Breed Weight, kg)
Males from 1.5 to 8 years Females from 1.5 to 8 years
British 5-8 3-6
Scottish 4-7 3-5
Maine Coon 8-12 4,6-7,5
Don Sphynx 5-7 3,5-4
Canadian Sphynx 5-7 3,5-4
Persian 4-6,2 3-5
Siamese 4-5,6 3-4
Siberian 6-9 3,5-7
Russian blue 3,5-5,8 3-4
Abyssinian 4-7,5 3-4,5
Ragdoll 7-10 4-6
Exotic 4-6,2 3-5
Bengal 5-7 3,5-4,5

When the animal reaches 8 years of age, it is classified as elderly. The processes in his body slow down. Most of what you eat is stored as fat, and due to reduced activity, muscle mass noticeably decreases. As a result, a pet that meets the above standards may look much more well-fed. This is due to the fact that fat is always lighter than muscle. This feature of the body once again confirms the advisability of a visual inspection.

It is also worth mentioning the relationship with castration and sterilization. After surgery, animals often weigh more than normal. The reasons here are the same as with aging: a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in usual activity.

What to do if your Bengal begins to gain weight poorly

Having noticed deviations in weight gain, you should determine the reasons for this.

Bengals are one of the cat breeds that lead an active lifestyle.

A few common reasons:

  • Poor nutrition. Underweight occurs if the kitten is malnourished or does not receive enough nutritional components. Make sure that the kitten eats 6 times a day and has constant access to clean drinking water.
  • Refusal to eat. This problem especially often occurs among owners who purchased a kitten from a breeder. The pet may already be accustomed to a certain food and refuse to eat a new one. In this case, you should transfer the kitten to a new food gradually.
  • Stress. Sudden changes in environment and other factors can provoke stress. When stressed, kittens may refuse to eat. As a rule, adaptation takes from a couple of days to a week, after which the pet begins to eat normally and gain weight again.
  • Diseases. If a Bengal eats properly, but still does not gain weight well, this may indicate diseases of the digestive system. In this case, you should definitely show your pet to a veterinarian.
  • Parasites. Weight loss may indicate the presence of worms. Prevention against parasites should be carried out every six months starting from three weeks of age. For kittens, a suspension is used: it is easier to administer into the body.

Be sure to read:

All 6 cat breeds with short legs: Bambino, Munchkin, Napoleon, Lamkin, Kinkalow and Skookum

Deviations from normal weight in cats and kittens - and what the owner should do

The average weight of an adult cat should not deviate significantly up or down. In the first case, there is a risk of obesity, and in the second - exhaustion. In addition to the number on the scale, the appearance and behavior of the animal can tell about these problems.


With excess body weight, the cat becomes as passive and lazy as possible. She is reluctant to play with toys and lies on the sofa almost all the time, as it becomes difficult for her to move. She can no longer jump high. When examining the body, you may notice the following changes:

  • the appearance of clearly visible fat deposits on the stomach, back and face;
  • loss of a pronounced waist and bone line;
  • difficulty or impossibility of palpating the ribs and pelvis due to fat.

To get rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to reduce the volume of the daily portion and increase the activity time with the help of various teasers, game complexes and interactive toys.

If the animal does not eat enough and constantly begs, increase the number of feedings without increasing the total calorie content. Many pets simply do not feel full, so you should not rely on their hungry eyes with a waist that is far from a wasp.


If your cat's weight has dropped below the recommended norm, be sure to confirm possible malnutrition with a visual inspection. The need for urgent weight gain can be determined by the following signs:

  • a pronounced line of rib and pelvic bones, appearing directly through the skin;
  • a small number of muscles and a protruding spine;
  • lack of subcutaneous fat on a strongly sunken tummy.

The most common cause of exhaustion is nutritional problems. This includes low calorie content, an unbalanced diet and a discrepancy with the animal’s taste preferences. In the first case, there is a lack of calories, in the second, a lack of proteins and fats, and in the third, a banal refusal to eat.

To eliminate body weight deficiency, you need to act based on the situation:

  1. Review the daily serving amount. The norms for dry food can be found on the packaging, but when feeding “natural” it is better to use a special formula.
  2. Namely: adjust the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their percentage ratio should be 52:36:12.
  3. Choose food that is more attractive to your pet. Don't rush to change brands. Chances are that your pet just doesn't like the taste of chicken.

If your pet eats dry kibble, then it makes sense to look for a special line of food with a high calorie content. It will make it easier to gain kilograms and eliminate the lack of substances important for the cat’s body.

When you need veterinary help

You should contact your veterinarian if you are severely obese or malnourished. Both cases are fraught with quite serious complications and are often associated with concomitant diseases (endocrine, cardiovascular). The following symptoms will help you find out about the pathology:

  • lethargy and apathy;
  • change in appetite (deterioration or perversion);
  • frequent vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction, including changes in the color, shape and consistency of stool;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • increase or decrease in temperature;
  • increased salivation;
  • excessive tearing or suppuration of the eyes;
  • yellowing or blue discoloration of mucous membranes.

If the disease is confirmed, the animal will require specific treatment. In addition, the doctor will help you choose a special diet with low or high calorie content.

The first days after birth

Many consider this short period in a child’s life to be the most touching. The kitten is born completely helpless: it is blind, does not hear anything and navigates the new world only by smells. By the way, studies have shown that, among thousands of other aromas, a small cat can smell the scent of its mother, who at that moment in a kitten’s life is not only the closest creature, but also a source of nutrition and care. The kitten does not yet know how to feed itself, so usually the animal, together with its brothers and sisters, is breastfed by its mother. The babies also don’t go to the toilet yet - the cat licks them. The kitten's fur is thin, so it often gets cold and needs to be warmed near its mother. The bones are also not yet strong, so it is not recommended to pick up, hug, or actively play with very small pets. A newborn cat baby weighs only about 100 grams and reaches a length of up to 10 centimeters.

At the age of three days, the kitten loses its umbilical cord, and at five days the baby can already hear the world around him. Very small pets do not yet stand on their legs, but can already crawl around the room for short distances.

There is probably no person who does not know that newborn kittens are absolutely defenseless. They are born tiny, like little mice, blind and deaf. The only thing they need in the first weeks is their mother. She is with them almost around the clock, leaving only occasionally to eat and relieve herself.

On the 5th-6th day, the withered umbilical cord of the furry babies falls off. Eating, sleeping and periodically defecating are all they do in their young age. The cat tries to lick each kitten: thus, she cares for the offspring, maintaining hygiene and giving them regular abdominal massages, which helps stimulate sufficient excretion of feces and urine.

After three months of age, it is difficult to notice radically noticeable changes in the development of furry babies. True, they grow intensively for up to six months. From 12 weeks to 6 months, they undergo natural preparation for independent living, acquiring fundamental skills and abilities through constant play.

During this period, a feature of the psychological development of almost sexually mature adult cats is the building of a hierarchy. The determination of the leader and subordinate members of their society, which includes people, is an essential component of the relationship between animals of a given species and other inhabitants of the house. It is not surprising that upon reaching 6 months of age, having grown stronger and gaining sufficient confidence in their own abilities, they test the limits of what is permitted, often challenging the owner.

How to weigh your pet correctly

You can find out how much a cat weighs at a veterinarian's appointment or right at home. In the second case, you will need electronic scales. Mechanical ones are suitable only for the calmest pets. In other cases, the arrow will constantly jump, not having time to lock on.

The most reliable option is to weigh it in your hands, but you can also put the animal in some kind of container or secure it in a bag. In the first case, it will be necessary to subtract your own weight from the resulting figure, and in all others, a lot of additional devices.

Why is it important to control your pet's weight?

Caring owners must keep a diary of their kittens' weight from the very first days of their life. This allows you to monitor the development of your pet. It is very difficult to control based on visual parameters: that is why the measurement is based on weight. It is recommended to have accurate electronic scales in the house and weigh babies every day in the first weeks of life, and later - at least once a week. The weight of a newborn baby must be at least 60 grams, otherwise you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Such a baby must be fed with special care in the future.

How not to buy a fake British

A purebred cat cannot be cheap. If someone offers a “real” British cat for ridiculous money, then the kitten is not British after all. Only conscientious breeders and reputable nurseries give a guarantee of the “quality” of the breed.

They value their reputation very much, kittens are sold only after reaching the age of 3 months, and at the same time they are very interested in what hands their pets fall into.

Those wishing to purchase a purebred British cat select options in advance, consider alternative scenarios, and even first meet the parents of the future kitten.

It has been noticed that the English breed is most favored by wealthy and independent people who spend a lot of time outside the home and are accustomed to having all the best around them. In such a situation, a British kitten would be an ideal option.

He is beautiful, independent, and will never get bored or offended by his owner for long hours of loneliness. A complete coincidence of characters and desires is the best guarantee of peaceful and happy leisure time together.

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