“You are mine, only mine...” The cat hugged the only kitten and did not let him go - even to eat!

The sight of a cat lapping milk from a saucer is firmly entrenched in the minds of adults and children. Cats and milk, kefir, cream are inseparable, because cartoons and fairy tales show this, and there is even a saying: “It’s like sour cream for a cat.” Beginning livestock breeders do not think about whether cats can drink milk, and without a doubt allow them to eat it.

The solution to the question “Is it possible to give cats milk as children?” It seems very simple, because kittens drink their mother's milk. This means that the usual should pass as the first bait best. But that's not true. The structure of cat's milk in terms of vitamins and microelements, as well as the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is not similar to the composition of cow's milk.

Some cat owners think about this and boil the product or give them pasteurized one. But this is also wrong. Younger cats can only be given cat milk replacer as bait, which can be purchased at specialized veterinary stores.

Arguments against giving kittens cow's milk:

  • it is too heavy for the cat’s digestive system and contains many calories;
  • it contains a lot of estrogen, which is harmful to the growing body of a small animal;
  • Together with milk, harmful substances that could be in grass, cow feed or water can enter the cat’s body.

All this applies primarily to kittens raised in the city. Country cats with strong, accustomed bodies can even drink fresh milk from a cow.

Causes of cat fights

Cat fights can occur for a number of reasons. Most often, cats living in the same territory are prone to conflicts due to the following factors:

  • temporary isolation;
  • aggression provoked by fear;
  • social pressure due to the large number of individuals;
  • unsuccessful acquaintance with each other.

Why do cats fight?

The reason for male conflicts lies in the nature of the cat's origin. To take a place in the sun, small predators made their way to it with teeth and claws.

In most cases, cats are called to fight by the instincts of the hunter, and sexual desire also plays a big role. Therefore, fights for territory are organized by mature, uncastrated males, especially if there is a “walking” cat nearby.

Most often, fights between cats are caused by defending the territory in which they live. This applies to a greater extent to outdoor cats. The cat defends its territory, following instinct. The more land under his paws, the more satisfying he will eat. In addition, the cats living in this territory will be exclusively at his disposal.

Most often, cat fights are caused by a struggle for territory.

When we moved to a private house, we inherited a cat. He lived somewhere in a barn, walked exclusively on the roofs, and ate what we gave him there. He was absolutely unkind, I was even afraid of him. But nevertheless, all around was his territory, which he fearlessly defended from uninvited guests. We sometimes observed these fights with our own eyes, but more often we saw the consequences in the form of scratches on the brave man’s face, torn out shreds of fur. We realized later how important defending this territory was for us personally, when the cat died. The yard was filled with cats darting here and there, each of whom considered it his duty to mark the territory. All this, to put it mildly, smelled unpleasant, and we just had to get a new cat - a yard guard.

Why do cats fight?

There are frequent cases of fights between females. Of course, for a lady it’s an unworthy occupation, but you can’t escape from nature. Cats, due to genetics, are much less prone to aggression and, it would seem, they have no reason to start fights. But if cats are seen fighting, then the reason for this is the mating season. Females can compete for the attention of a cat, even if there is no one in sight.

Another reason for fighting between two cats is motherhood. This instinct gives rise to aggression not only towards its fellow tribesmen, but also towards the owner.

I have 4 cats: a mother and her three daughters. Naturally, they all grew up together. We also got pregnant at the same time. I have never seen any signs of aggression between them. They even gave birth in the same box, although a separate place was prepared for each, and together they fed their babies indiscriminately between their own and those of others. But after sterilization, fights began between them. It is not clear to me what they shared among themselves, but two cats had to leave their common house for a while. And only the coming cold brought them together again - together, apparently, it was warmer.

Why does a cat fight with a cat?

If you carefully consider the hierarchy of the cat family, it will immediately become clear that the male occupies the dominant place. A cat is always more flexible, since nature dictates that the male is stronger. But, just like in human families, cats often have discord and fights can break out.

Most often this happens if the cat strives to take a leading position. The male will not stand on ceremony with such disobedience. Fights between cat and cat rarely continue for a long period. Often they are not taken seriously.

Is it possible to give cats milk: arguments for and against

There is no clear answer to the question: “Can cats be given milk?” There are reasons to vote both “for” and “against”. Reasons against include:

  • laxative effect;
  • possibility of an allergic reaction;
  • calorie content and severity of the product for the digestive system.

There is only one argument in favor, but a big one: cats love it. And even if they knew about its harm to the body, they would hardly stop drinking it. Therefore, if a cat wants milk and previously drank it without side effects, then you should not deprive him of such pleasure. The main thing is not to do this very often and to correctly determine the norm. The optimal intake would be 15 milliliters of dairy product per 1 kilogram of pet’s weight. It definitely won't harm his well-being.

How to behave as an owner during cat fights

If cats, peacefully coexisting in the same house, begin to fight, then this cannot be ignored. Sharp claws and teeth can cause irreparable harm to the health of pets:

  1. Initially, the animals must be separated. But you shouldn’t get into a fight with your bare hands. This is fraught with injury to the person himself. The most effective way is to spray with cold water. You can make a loud sound, pop, etc. In other words, the animals need to be switched to another stimulus.

    There is no need to separate fighting animals with your hands; for a person this will end in deep scratches at best

  2. After a fight has been stopped, the cats should be taken to separate rooms so as not to provoke a new conflict. In a calm environment, animals should be examined for injury. If pets are wounded, they must be treated.
  3. If the owner wants to avoid further clashes, then the matter will not end there. It is necessary to establish what caused the conflict and, if possible, eliminate this factor.

How to find the cause of the conflict

The cause of conflict between animals is not always easy to find. The problem of aggressive behavior can be caused not only by the psychological characteristics of animals, but also by health problems. If one of the cats is sick, then the second one tends to attack him in order to defeat the weak one. Animal nature does not know compassion.

The cause of a conflict between two animals may be the bad mood of one of the pets. One cat became a victim of another only because it turned out to be weaker and turned up under the “hot paw” at the wrong time. A visit to the veterinarian or a bath can trigger a fight. If one of the animals was subjected to one or another procedure, then its smell has changed somewhat, and the second cat ceases to perceive the first as a member of its family.

The listed reasons are not a complete list of possible factors that could serve as a reason for a fight. For example, cats can start a fight because of jealousy, changes in the body at the hormonal level, because of the bad character of one of the pets, etc. The owner should analyze everything that happened in the house in the last hours before the fight. The cause of the fight must be established with maximum accuracy so that it can be eliminated and prevent future fights between pets.

Why does a cat hug a kitten?

When human mothers give birth, a hormone called oxytocin is released, which gives them a feeling of intense connection with their baby.

This same hormone is released when cats give birth, and it also helps them fall in love with their kittens.

It's wonderful to watch a mother cat care for her kittens, feed them, protect them, provide them with the warmth they need, and teach them how to hunt!

But is this a hug in our human understanding?

Not really. Although the mother cat does not know that she is hugging the kitten, she is showing an element of maternal protection and affection towards her kitten, she is warming it up in what looks like a hug.

What to do to avoid provoking clashes between cats

After eliminating the cause of the conflict, an important step in the peaceful coexistence of cats in the same house is the prevention of such incidents. We must use all possible means to achieve, if not complete unity, then at least a long-term truce.

Personal hygiene items

Each pet should have its own items that only it uses. These include bowls, combs, trays, scratching posts:

  • this will help avoid fights over food or going to the toilet;
  • This approach creates more hygienic living conditions for pets.

When the owner observes open clashes between animals, bowls with food and water should be placed as far from each other as possible, for example, in different rooms. The same goes for trays.

It is better if each cat in the house has its own bowl.

Each animal must be provided with its own toys. It is important not to confuse them in the future, otherwise the offense may spread from the furry neighbor to the owner. Cats are very sensitive and, if they catch someone else's scent on a toy, they can easily react in a negative way.

Individual games

The owner of several pets must learn one simple rule: give each pet at least 30 minutes a day for play. This allows you to create harmony in relationships with each representative. In addition, cats will see that they are equally important to their owner.

During the game, the cat will throw out excess energy, along with which aggression will go away.

If the owner is not alone, then several people can play with the cats at the same time, and then change places. With such a setup, it is important that during the game the cats do not intersect and cannot interfere with each other. An interactive puzzle toy can be an excellent option to keep your pet occupied. You can order it online or buy it at a pet store.

A puzzle game can keep your pet occupied by separating it from another animal in a separate room.

How to make furry bullies friends

In order to make warring cats friends, associations of a positive attitude can be useful. The owner of the animals must achieve a situation in which the animals have only positive perceptions of each other. To do this, treats and affection are used. For example, pet cats only at the same time. Treat them to “goodies” in the presence of each other, etc. Here you need to be careful and behave in such a way as not to single out one animal from the whole group, otherwise a new conflict cannot be avoided.

So we became friends with each other, not only the cats, who began to conflict with each other, but also the cats and the dog. Now, for example, my animals do not perceive each other as enemies: the dog does not touch the cats, they have stopped hissing and rushing at her. So the method works is to simultaneously stroke the animals and speak kind words to them.

Cuddling kittens

One of the images I came across while searching for cuddling kittens shows two felines, one standing upright with his front paws wide open and looking at the other kitten across from him, who appears to be sitting nonchalantly.

You might think that a kitten standing upright really wants to hug its furry friend. In fact, a kitten standing on its hind legs is using the other as hunting practice, while a sitting kitten is preparing to defend itself.

While this obviously seems like a joke, it perfectly illustrates the very human perception of cat behavior.


If pooping on the bed is a new behavior for your cat and there have been no recent changes in the family, first look for illness. Some health problems are very time sensitive, so knowing what to look for can help.

There could be several medical reasons why your kitty is interested in your bed as a litter box. Here are some of the diseases that could be the culprits.

  • Intestinal parasites
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Food sensitivity
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes
  • Liver disease
  • Cancer

New pets or children

If you're dating a new addition to the family—human or animal—it might not go over well with your roommate. After all, you didn't ask your cat if someone else could live with you. Your cat may have difficulty adjusting to this significant change.

They may crap on your bed, especially if a new pet or person is staying in your room. It's more of a call for attention than an angry act—no matter how you feel about it. Remember to introduce people slowly and be patient during the process. In this case, he should calm down as they acclimatize.

Cats hugging people

Cats are not born knowing how to interact with people, they need to learn how to be pets.

So, why do cats stand on their hind legs while their front paws reach out to their owners as if wanting to hug them?

Supposedly this is an instinctive behavior, something that some cats have learned to do because they know it will lead to pleasant consequences, such as affection or a tasty gift.

Moreover, they are probably doing this in response to a signal we have given them, either consciously or unconsciously!

Some scientists have even suggested that cats deliberately spread their scent to their owners through secretions secreted from the skin glands around their cheeks and ears, and this may be the reason why some cats also wrap their paws around their owners' necks.

Plain old grudge

We've all been the object of our cat's scorn. This is not a pleasant place. Cats can be downright ruthless when they're unhappy, giving you behind-the-scenes clues that they're just scared.

If you have done something to upset your cat, you may want to rekindle the relationship. Your cat may be telling you that she doesn't approve of your new boyfriend. Or they might smell another animal when you get home - how dare you! You need to look into the triggers to fix the problem.

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