How long do Siamese cats live, details of care and maintenance of the breed

Siamese cats have a distinctive appearance that sets them apart from other cats. First of all, it is an unusual color - light fur with dark spots on the face, paws, ears and tail.

Scientists say that this color is associated with incomplete manifestation of albinism. In other words, Siamese cats can be considered albino in some way. It is interesting that kittens are born completely white, and dark spots on the body appear later.

Moreover, the older the cat gets, the less pronounced albinism becomes.

If previously strabismus in Siamese cats was the norm, today it is a genetic defect, so such cats are rejected from breeding. In addition to strabismus, a hallmark at the end of the tail was previously considered a birth sign. Today it is also a genetic defect.

Average life expectancy at home

The lifespan of each animal depends on many factors, however, thanks to statistical data, it is possible to create a rough analysis of mortality among certain breeds. A Siamese pet in a favorable environment lives on average 15 years.

In the case of strong immunity and good pedigree, the age can reach 30 years or more, although such cases are rare.

It is generally accepted that Siamese animals have a long life expectancy because the breed has an important character trait - endurance. Native to Thailand, the cat family has adapted to survive in difficult situations. These facts are not without meaning and indicate that the Siamese breed really surpasses others in the number of long-lived cats.

A striking example is the Siamese representative, listed in the Guinness Book of Records: a cat named Scooter celebrated his 30th birthday in 2022.

Pets are often susceptible to diseases from poor nutrition: dry food can negatively affect the cat’s important organs. It is important to understand that the long life of a pet directly depends on the conditions of keeping, care and immunity of the cat.

In addition to diseases that are associated with care, there are a number of ailments that appear in Siamese cats more often than others. These diseases significantly shorten a pet's life, so it is important to be aware of them and prevent them before complications arise. Here is a list of common problems among Siamese representatives:

  • glaucoma;
  • strabismus;
  • renal failure;
  • problems with the respiratory system.

With favorable development, a Siamese pet can survive an average age of 15 years and approach the mark of 25, but you should always consult with veterinarians: some cats find it difficult to live, that is, they lose vision and have heart attacks. In these cases, it would be humane to euthanize your beloved friend to relieve him of pain.

What does life expectancy depend on?

Some felinologists consider the decisive factor not to be genetics, but a person’s attitude towards their own pet. Caring and competent care improves the quality of life and increases the number of years lived.


The same microclimate is suitable for a cat and a person, so it is better to keep the animal in an apartment and not let it wander alone. On the street, a pet is exposed to the same risks as its yard counterparts, but is more defenseless against them. He is not able to assess the danger and react in time, so the likelihood of dying under the wheels of a car or from dog bites increases.

Walking unattended is detrimental to your health:

  • the owners do not notice the onset of serious illnesses;
  • It is difficult to remove ectoparasites and helminths from a cat;
  • Inflammation due to hypothermia occurs more often;
  • higher chance of contracting infections.

An unsuitable habitat is outbuildings: warehouses, sheds, garages. Dampness, drafts, and cold reduce immunity, and the body ceases to resist disease. The life of a pet is reduced to 8 years if it walks outside on its own or lives in an outbuilding. Only walks with the owner on a special harness will be useful.


Your daily diet plays a critical role in your health and longevity. There is no consensus among veterinarians about which type of food is healthier. Some advise following a diet that is as close as possible to natural conditions. Others recommend ready-made food, which contains balanced beneficial components.

Both options are allowed, the main thing is not to make mistakes:

  • Prepare food for the cat separately, do not give food from the common table.
  • The main part of the diet consists of animal proteins: beef, poultry. Excess fish leads to urolithiasis.
  • Constantly enrich the diet with vegetables and fermented milk products; if the pet refuses, add bran to the meat.
  • Give a cat on a natural diet additional pharmaceutical vitamins and microelements.
  • Buy ready-made food in specialized stores, choose products from trusted manufacturers, lines according to age and health status.
  • Avoid cheap food: because of it, salts are deposited in the urinary organs, stones and sand form.
  • Prevention of vitamin deficiency in cats on prepared food should be carried out twice a year.

Cats don't move much, so it's easy to overfeed them. Obesity is more dangerous for them than malnutrition. Animals with excess body weight develop the same problems as humans: cardiac dysfunction, diabetes, tumors.

Veterinary assistance

Contacting a veterinarian sometimes saves lives:

  • Preventive examinations. Early diagnosis helps to identify hidden pathologies and eliminate them at an early stage, which increases the chances of recovery. The effectiveness of examinations depends on the equipment of the clinic. The animal cannot describe its own sensations in words, so a full examination is impossible without diagnostic equipment: ultrasound scanners, biochemical analyzers, electrocardiographs and others. It is better to take your pet to a clinic where the necessary equipment is available.
  • Annual vaccination. Vaccinations protect against serious and fatal diseases. Some breeders consider them unnecessary for homebody cats who do not go outside and do not meet other animals. Doctors refute this position: a person does not know how to predict possible negative situations in the future. Owners bring pathogenic bacteria on street clothes and shoes; you can catch the infection at a veterinary clinic; encountering sick rodents is not ruled out.
  • Correct treatment. The life of an animal depends on the professionalism and integrity of the veterinarian. Doctor’s negligence and errors in choosing a treatment regimen lead to complications, pathologies are not completely cured and return, and chronic diseases deplete the body and shorten the life span.

The lifespan of a cat indirectly depends on the genetic program. A person can influence it if he creates favorable living conditions and carefully monitors the pet’s health.

Chronic diseases

Poor nutrition and infrequent visits to the veterinarian provoke the development of chronic diseases. The most common problems are with the gastrointestinal system or kidneys. Feeding “from the table” - those products that are intended for people - leads to chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, and liver failure.

The reason for this is the high content of fat, spices and salt in human food, the difficulty of digesting it. Therefore, veterinarians do not advise feeding cats their own food; this is a direct path to digestive organ failure.

Economy-class dry food and excess fish in the diet lead to kidney disease. Excess salts from granules and fish are deposited in the form of stones in the kidneys and ureters and interfere with the normal passage of urine. The insidiousness of urolithiasis is in its hidden course. It may take several years for stones to block the urinary system. An animal can die from an acute attack of renal colic. But if this does not happen, the cat will begin to develop chronic renal failure, which accelerates death.

For the longevity of your pet, you should follow the simplest tips: take a kitten from trusted breeders, get vaccinations on time and feed them with high-quality food. If nothing bothers your ward, then just a quick annual visit to the veterinarian is enough to keep him around for many years.

Siamese cats are one of the most famous breeds, they are valued all over the world for their slender figure, special voice, playful nature, blue eyes, and many other things. If cared for properly, Siamese cats can truly enjoy their comfort and longevity.

What changes in a pet's life?

After castration and sterilization, the animal does not pay any attention to individuals of the opposite sex. He is no longer interested in marriage games. The purr no longer leaves a “mark”, and its behavior becomes lethargic. All this worries any caring owner very much.

Purrs completely change their attitude towards food. It is food that begins to bring special pleasure to the animal. A cat can eat little, however, despite this, the risk of obesity increases significantly. All because the pet doesn’t move much

For this reason, it is extremely important to monitor how much food your pet consumes. It is important not to reduce the number of meals

By the way, so that food does not become the only joy in the life of a castrated or sterilized pet, it is worth entertaining it. Here you can do without premium cat food. You will need something completely different - cat play sets, special stairs. Although good food is quite suitable as a reward for movement.

A spayed and neutered animal cannot do without physical activity. As soon as a pet stops moving enough, the risk of developing urolithiasis increases many times over. If there is a sufficient amount of minerals in the pet’s daily diet, then this will not happen.

It is also important to reduce the amount of phosphorus and magnesium. They contribute to the formation of stones in the cat’s body.

How long do they live?


Many cat owners mistakenly assume that castration or sterilization of an animal shortens its life by a significant period. This statement contradicts real facts: castration does not shorten the life of a little friend, but, on the contrary, increases the average life expectancy by 2-5 years!

Moreover, a neutered cat, even at an advanced age, maintains an active lifestyle and playfulness.

In addition to the above data, castration of a cat can also harm longevity: poor nutrition after surgery, tissue infection and other ailments are hidden behind insufficient attention to the postoperative period. To avoid negative consequences, you need to carefully monitor your four-legged friend, because his future life depends on it.


Even purebred cats often find themselves without a roof over their heads. Stray animals significantly reduce their existence due to malnutrition and many infections, so that on average a stray Siamese cat lives 3-4 years. This is due to the fact that animals get sick, and no help can be expected from humans.

Also among yard animals there is a high risk of death from an accident: without their own home, once pets are forced to sleep in the open air, which leads to adverse consequences.

How to measure a cat's age by human standards?

Often, along with questions about how many years cats live at home, you can hear interesting questions that are also related to the age of the pet, but of a completely different nature. Many people are interested in how long a year is for cats compared to us humans.

There are funny things when, having heard that a cat is an adult and asked how old the cat is, 3, children and adults fall into dissonance, however, such people simply did not take into account that a cat’s life is shorter and it passes faster, so Murkino 3 - it's like our 17. Or how much? Let's figure it out.

First, let’s admit that when asking how old a cat is, we don’t even try to get information about how old the cat is, and when we hear the answer, we can usually only understand how old the cat or cat, this particular one, lives. This question could also sound like “how long, or how many years, has this cat lived with you.” When we really want to take an interest in age as a phase of an animal’s life, we clarify whether he is still a kitten or an adult cat, whether it is time for him to have offspring or whether he is old.

So how can you explain to a child, and many adults, why a cat grows up faster at the same time, which cat is young and which is already at an advanced age, and, what can be especially useful, can a cat’s pampering be attributed to adolescence, or It's time to demand it like an adult.

How to convert “cat” age to “human” age

To answer such questions, people conventionally “converted” cat age to human age.

It is clear that drawing analogies based on comparisons of intelligence is close to madness. Getting attached to physical development also turns out to be difficult. Here we see a growing kitten and it seems to us that this can be compared with a teenager of about 14 years old, but our motor activity is different - at 14 years old they no longer rush around like that, do not jump and do not run. And understanding that cats love to behave this way even in adulthood, and even the most “well-mannered” ones, you are completely lost. No, the method is still incorrect.

Therefore, in order to determine how old a cat is on average in terms of our years, we decided to take into account emotional characteristics. A baby, both animal and human, is a helpless creature, no matter how many days or months it lives.

Adolescence is characterized by an almost formed body, but at the same time life experience is still minimal, and signs of puberty begin, regardless of how many months, years or days the cat lives. You can notice that a cat is aging by losing interest in life.

If you begin to notice that motor activity, feelings, and reaction acuity have become dull, but the animal is not sick, perhaps it is just old age. Does this mean that the pet has little time left to live - no, not at all, life expectancy will depend on how long cats of this particular breed live at home and exactly the same nutritional conditions and other things.

There are other attempts to derive a system of correspondence between our age and their age. One of them - the simplest - is simple multiplication. Just find out how long a cat lives, take its age and multiply by 7. But this doesn’t work. Take a one-year-old cat and compare him to a seven-year-old child, and see that the system is a failure.

There are several other systems, but the most truthful seems to be the one in which everything is more complicated - a coefficient is applied for each year of the cat, and the coefficient is calculated for each month for the first year.

A simplified way to calculate a cat's age

The most simplified method, which is more or less convenient to use, is as follows: the first year is equated to 15 by human standards; further 1 to 4. For example, a cat is 3 years old, how old is this in human terms? 15 years for the first year + 4 years for the next two, we get 15 + (4+4) = 23 years.

But the main question, how long they will live, already depends on how long cats with similar characteristics live on average. For example, depending on the breed, you need to ask what the life expectancy of Scottish fold cats is, or find out how long British cats live at home, while checking with the breeder how long the parents of this particular cat lived, and with the veterinarian, what is the health status of your cat , if you are sick with something, look for statistics on how long British cats with such diseases live. You can search for answers endlessly, but they will not give any guarantees. Just take care of your cat. The trends in this direction are encouraging.


The lifespan of a cat will be largely influenced by care and nutrition. The main activities depend on where the newly arrived family member comes from. If you purchased it from a responsible breeder, then everything is much simpler. As a rule, kittens are sold only at 2.5-3 months. At this time, they are able to feed themselves, they do not depend on their mother and will endure separation from her almost painlessly. By 3 months they receive their first vaccinations: usually this is a complex vaccine against several microbes at once.

In the future, revaccination is required every year - it is necessary to strengthen immunity. If for some reason the vaccine is not administered on time, then repeated injections are given. Only double vaccination can create strong immunity against infections.

The Siamese breed is characterized by good health. They are little susceptible to pathologies of internal organs. Therefore, the only thing your pet needs is an annual examination by a veterinarian with blood and urine tests. These studies will help identify possible diseases at an early asymptomatic stage.

Siamese, as representatives of the East, grow up quickly. Therefore, early sterilization is applied to them. During estrus, both males and females behave excessively active, meowing loudly and protractedly. Already at 6-7 months they are operated on, because the best results can only be achieved with sterilization before the first heat.

How to cope with loneliness

Most representatives of the cat family take loneliness calmly. They happily sleep in a cozy corner, waiting for their owners to return.

But this does not apply to Siamese cats. Without owners, the animal quickly begins to get bored and even suffer. Running around the rooms, Siamese cats loudly call their owners and almost cry, thanks to their developed vocal cords. And if cats spend a lot of time alone, this can ruin their character - they will become withdrawn, aggressive and even angry. It’s definitely not worth bringing them to this state. If you live alone and spend a lot of time outside the home, leaving your pet alone, then it is better to get not a Siamese cat, but some other, calmer breed.

Ways to increase an important demographic indicator

Vigilant owners are attentive to the health of their pets.

There are several tips that you can follow to maintain your Siamese cat’s immunity for a long time.

  • Examination by a specialist - at least once a month. Such frequent communication with the veterinarian is due to the fact that diseases can develop rapidly in cats. To prevent complications in the bud, it is better to visit the veterinarian more often.
  • Sterilization puts a strain on the cat’s body: animals often gain weight after surgery. This happens due to the fact that metabolism slows down, and food arrives in the same volume. After castration, it is necessary to follow a certain diet, thanks to which the cat’s body will not be oversaturated with food.
  • Water procedures in old age are bad . In old age, a cat's body slowly loses control over important life support systems. Sometimes it is better to skip a shower or bath intended for a Siamese cat: a slight draft will quickly create a threat of illness.
  • There is no need to let the cat outside. Statistics from several years of studying cat mortality indicate that cats that regularly walk live several years less than cats that sit at home on a permanent basis. This is due to infections that wandering pets pick up and bring with them. This does not mean that you should absolutely not let your cat go for walks - just buy a collar and walk your little friend on a leash. This way he won't get into a trash can and fight with a street cat.

When old age comes

Around the age of 8-9 years, Siamese cats become less active. At this age they begin to get sick more often. Signs of aging Siamese cat:

  • the coat loses its former luster and becomes sparse;
  • the pet sleeps more often than plays;
  • vision and hearing deteriorate;
  • claws peel off;
  • The character of the cat changes - some become irritable, others become calmer.

Older cats often suffer from chronic diseases, catch colds more often, and many animals have problems with the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

With good care, the pet will live for another 5-7 years, but now you need to be more careful about its health. You should undergo a routine examination by a veterinarian more often than before - every 2-3 months.

Animal character

A person with a Siamese cat should be prepared for its loud meowing. The animal has a clear voice, and many cat lovers consider this a unique feature of the breed.

The pet becomes attached to its owner. He loves attention and affection, but has bad character traits. The Thai cat is harmful and touchy. If you offend him in some way, he will not let you sleep at night, he may start going out of the litter box and ignoring his owner. If you decide to get a Siamese cat, be prepared to treat him like a child. But most often, the cat takes root in the family and gives love and affection to all its members.

The Siamese breed is jealous and vindictive and will not get along with another breed, especially if the latter takes all the attention of its owners. She begins to get angry, hisses, and can scratch her owner, another pet, and even a child. If you get a cat from Thailand, then you can forget about other domestic animals (especially parrots and hamsters). In the event that you limit yourself to keeping only a Siamese animal, this furry beast will give you love and devotion. She will become a faithful friend for you and even for children who will not give rest to the animal.

The note! In terms of temperament, the Siamese breed is similar to mixed-breed cats, although the latter have a brighter and more magnificent exterior.

Pets from Thailand are incredibly smart. Many call them the smartest animals among the entire class of cats. This makes it easier to raise a cat, and also allows you to teach the animal a number of tricks and commands, if the owner has time for this. Animals instantly become accustomed to the tray and a single feeding place.

Siamese cats love attention. If an animal has become attached to its owner, it will not leave him even a step, therefore, the owner of such a cat must have an independent work schedule in order to spend as much time as possible with the pet. Otherwise, “Thais” become depressed, their activity and appetite decrease, which sometimes leads to serious illnesses.

The note! If your Siamese cat's activity has decreased or she has stopped eating, the animal is most likely sick. To check this, just look at it. If the eyes are red, this is a clear sign of illness and the animal needs the help of a specialist.

The last thing worth mentioning is the animal's maternal instincts. Like any other feline species, young females become very attached to newborns, this is natural. So is the Siamese cat, she painfully endures parting with kittens, but as long as they feed on her milk. After the babies begin to eat “adult” food, they can be safely separated from their mother.

Interesting fact! If you cross a Siamese cat with a Canadian Sphynx, you will get a new breed - the Oriental. It will differ from the Sphynx by its thin hair, and from the Thai pet by its long muzzle and ears.

Description of the breed

We talked about character, now let's go over appearance.

Types of Siamese cats

Today there are several varieties of Siamese cats:

  • The Siamese is a classic breed that has nevertheless been tamed by breeders. It is the most popular, so we will talk about it a little later and in more detail.
  • Thai (aka Old Siamese cat) are reminiscent of Siamese before breeders worked on them. Having the same color, they are distinguished by a stronger physique and smooth body lines.
  • Siamese Oriental - the body type resembles Siamese cats. But at the same time, the color is different - spotted or solid, mostly shades of dark gray.
  • The Siamese Sphynx (aka Peterbald) is a copy of the Siamese Oriental (which, by the way, was used to develop a new breed), but is completely devoid of fur.
  • Fold - basically almost no different from Thai, but as a result of the work of breeders, representatives of the breed acquired curled ears. Well, this gives them additional originality and the breed has many fans.

Now let's take a closer look at the appearance of the Siamese cat.

Appearance – what does a Siamese cat look like?

The appearance of the representatives of the breed is memorable. The body is flexible, slightly elongated and at the same time tubular. The head resembles an elongated wedge, the eyes are large, almond-shaped, and obliquely set. Of course, all representatives of the breed must have blue eyes, this is one of the main distinguishing features.

The ears are large, wide at the base, and pointed at the tips. They are located in such a way that if you draw an imaginary line from the nose to the tips of the ears, you will get an equilateral triangle.

The coat lies close to the body and is short. There is no undercoat. The tail is long, whip-like, thin throughout, and the tip is pointed. Some breeders believe that a Siamese should have a broken tail - a deformed tip. Actually this is not true. Similar defects occur in representatives of many breeds, although not all Siamese cats have it.


Representatives of the breed cannot be called particularly large. In most cases, height at the withers ranges from 23 to 25 cm, but there may be exceptions in any direction. True, large deviations may be perceived by judges as a defect.


A purebred Siamese cat that eats a nutritious and balanced diet, and at the same time has enough exercise, weighs about 4-5 kg. Cats tend to be a little lighter, ranging from 3 to 4 kg. But cases have been repeatedly observed when, after castration, cats became less active, which is why the weight reached 7 kg.


The coat is smooth, shiny, but not too fluffy. Short, soft, silky.


The classic color of Siamese cats is called seal point. In the minds of many breeders, he has become so attached to the Siamese that they no longer pay attention to the build, coat type and other important features of the breed, calling them all Siamese cats.

Indeed, the color is very characteristic. The color is light gray with dark (dark brown to black) ears, paws, muzzles and tails. If in front of you is a cat with a characteristic color, but white paws, it is definitely not a Siamese.

Do not confuse force point, red point and color point. The red point is characterized by white and red (paws, ears, muzzle). And color point is a collective name for several colors, in which most of the body has one color (from white to gray), and specific parts of the body have another (black, gray, brown, red).

Life expectancy of Siamese cats and features of the breed

This breed originates in hot Thailand, where it was revered as royal. Only people of high rank could have such a cat. The animal was under the protection of the authorities and it can be said that it had an even more privileged position than a person. The first mention of this breed appeared in the 16th century. In the 19th century, Siamese cats first ended up in England, and then dispersed throughout Europe and other countries. Siamese owe their popularity in the world to Queen Victoria.

Interesting fact: Siamese cats have well-developed fine motor skills of their paws, so don’t be surprised if your cat gets into her purse, unfastens the lock, and opens the door by pressing on the handle.

The body of the Siamese cat is thin, lean, the limbs are long, but the muscles are well developed, grace and coordination are in the animal’s blood. Genetically, this breed enjoys excellent health, but they are predisposed to dental problems and ear infections. Otherwise, there is no need to worry too much about how long Siamese cats live at home: the average life expectancy of this breed is 14-18 years. However, the figure often increases to 20 years, and cases of Siamese cats have been documented living for 30 years. However, a lot depends on the conditions in which the pet is located.

Factors in cat longevity

This animal is believed to have 9 lives. This opinion was formed on the basis that a cat falling from the 5th floor will not break. An animal that has been involved in an accident may also remain alive. How long do cats live? One year of her life is equivalent to 7 years of human life. On average, cats live up to 20 years. Although they

, if you care for them correctly and regularly.

Factors that influence a cat's lifespan include:

  • living conditions of the animal,
  • proper and balanced nutrition,
  • cat breed,
  • genetic predisposition to certain diseases,
  • presence of stressful situations.

Living conditions

Life expectancy is primarily influenced by the habitat. Animals that live in an apartment and rarely go outside can live much longer than their street counterparts. The short life of barn cats is due to factors such as:

  • dog attack;
  • car accident;
  • infection with various infections from other animals;
  • poor nutrition, poisoning;
  • human threat.

On average, barn cats live 5-8 years.

Domestic cats live up to 20 years. The main factor in their longevity is favorable living conditions, proper care and concern from their owners, as well as the lack of the lifestyle that street cats lead. Pets live stress-free lives because they are confident that they will not be poisoned, will not be attacked, and that they are completely safe at home.

Cats feel very well how they are treated, so you need to love her and create comfortable living conditions for her.

Cats need to be fed a proper and balanced diet. You should not feed animals only with special food; you must give them regular food. The food will be different from the food the pet owner eats. For a pet to live a full life, you need to know certain nutritional rules.

It is known that cheap dry food is addictive and provokes the development of various diseases. Milk can cause stomach upset in cats, since the cat's adult body is not able to process the lactose contained in milk. Only kittens can be fed milk. If the animal does not want to eat dairy products, then you should not insist on it.

The meat should be lean, it can be either raw or boiled. The meat can be soaked in a small amount of vegetable oil or mixed with boiled vegetables. It is necessary to feed cats sausage and purchased minced meat as little as possible, since these products adversely affect the liver of animals.

Obesity is common, which can cause diseases such as diabetes, constipation, stroke, and oncology. If a cat’s ribs cannot be felt, then it must be fed a special diet in order for it to lose weight faster.

It is believed that the lifespan of a cat depends on the breed. This is a rather controversial statement, since in addition to the breed there are many other, more significant factors. Nevertheless, it is believed that British and Siamese cats live up to 15 years, Persian cats - up to 17 years.

How long do British cats live? This is not known for certain, since many factors influence life expectancy. The Briton breed was developed in Great Britain in the 19th century. A distinctive feature of this particular breed is that the animals have a stable immune system and therefore rarely suffer from various diseases.

How long do Siamese cats live? Siamese live from 12 to 18 years. There are cases when they lived up to 20 and 30 years, but this is very rare for this breed. This breed is considered the healthiest among all other breeds. In addition, do not forget about special vaccinations and frequent veterinary examinations.

The longest-living cats are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. British Lucy lived for 41 years and is still living. The oldest cat comes from the USA and lived 38 years. According to statistics, cats live the longest in the UK.

Any owner of a furry friend wants their pet to live as long as possible. Which cat breeds live the longest? Siamese, Bengal, Persian, Siberian cats will delight you for 15-18 years. It is worth noting that these breeds had long-lived cats.

The long-living cat and cat were included in the Guinness Book of Records. The cat lived 38 years, and the cat lived 38 years and two months. There is currently a cat living in the UK, she is already 43 years old. She is active, but has difficulty hearing. There is a cat living in Australia, she is 37 years old. She is healthy and active, and no one can tell by her appearance that she is that old. Therefore, to the question of how long long-lived cats live, we can safely answer that almost half a century.

The love of the owners, excellent care and quality food help pets live long and remain vigorous and healthy.

Attitude towards other people, pets, children

The Siamese are very open and sincere. They treat everyone condescendingly, majestically, demonstrating royal majesty in everything. They will not miss the opportunity to remind the owner of their origin. In the apartment, Siamese are real emperors, demanding a lot of territory for games and royal pastime.

Siamese rarely find a common language with other cats; they are very sensitive and jealous, and do not intend to share the love and affection of their owners with anyone else. With dogs, these cats find a language with fifty percent success.

They are jealous of their owners, but due to different weight categories and size discrepancies, they rarely enter into open confrontation.

Siamese are indifferent to rodents, birds, and other exotic animals. They do not see a competitor and a serious adversary in a creature that is much smaller in size.

The desire to attack a smaller target remains only at the level of instincts when they get too excited. By providing small pets with the proper level of safety, conflicts can be successfully and easily reduced to zero.

Siamese pets treat children politely and affectionately. They will lull babies with gentle purrs, and play with small children without letting out their claws.

Cats of this breed do not offend the small and weak; they live fairly.

Cats are wary of strangers in the house and guests; during a feast they will prefer to hide from prying eyes.

Record holders among cats

Since the British have an average lifespan, representatives of this breed were not included in the list of record holders. Ordinary cats from England, which is their homeland, often live up to 20-30 years. Perhaps the good performance of the British is associated with this factor.

A cat named Spike from a simple English village lived for about 30 years. At the age of 19, he was seriously injured in a fight with local guard dogs and was close to death. He managed to get back on his feet and continue his adventures around the area.

Another centenarian from England with the laconic nickname Ma has surpassed the age of 34. Her breed is unknown, but she was tabby and until the end of her days she performed the duties of catching mice and other pests.

How to keep a Siamese cat at home?

By nature, these animals are extremely clean, so care for them is minimal. In particular, Siamese do not need regular bathing - they do not tolerate this procedure well. These cats have no undercoat, so the animal gets very cold with wet fur. Experts advise bathing once every six months or when the coat is heavily soiled. After the procedure, the cat should be kept in a towel for about half an hour, changing it a couple of times as the moisture is absorbed. If the animal is not afraid of loud sounds, you can dry the fur with a hairdryer, but at minimum power and constantly moving the air flow.

Other important points about keeping a Siamese cat:

  • Brush the coat in the fall and spring to ease the shedding process. Doing this once a week is enough. In summer and winter there is no particular need for such a procedure.
  • Once a week, brush your Siamese cat's teeth, making sure to use a special toothpaste. If you avoid this procedure (or the animal “refuses” it in every possible way), examine your pet’s teeth a couple of times a month for pathologies.
  • Wipe the corners of your Siamese cat's eyes with a dry cloth weekly to remove any accumulation of pus. In some cases, the procedure is performed even less frequently.
  • Check your cat's ears every week for infections, foreign bodies, or inflammation. It is recommended to wash sinks with special solutions a couple of times a month. The veterinarian will tell you the names and principles of use.

Methods for castrating a cat

Any method that affects the suppression of sperm production and sex hormones has its pros and cons. They are used after a thorough examination of the patient by a veterinarian. Only the data obtained helps make a decision on the technique that is suitable for a particular cat.

Public method

With the open method, all the outer layers of the scrotum are cut and the testes are reached. Then the ligament is cut and clamps are applied to the cord, which is formed from vessels and vas deferens. A ligature is placed below the clamp. The incision is made strictly between them. The stump must be cauterized with an alcohol solution of iodine, and the scrotal cavity is filled with antiseptic powder.

Today, doctors prefer predominantly the open method. The exception is very young kittens, but too early castration of a cat is not common in our country.

Private method

The goal of veterinarians when using the closed method is to permanently block blood flow in the testes. This requires special forceps. First, the scrotum is shaved and a disinfectant is applied. Then the bag is pulled back and forceps are applied to the base. The doctor sharply squeezes them, resulting in a specific sound, which indicates the crushing of the appendages of the genital organ.

After 20-25 days, the testes begin to completely die and atrophy, their cells are eventually replaced by connective tissue. The closed method has a number of advantages: ease of operation, as well as a minimal recovery period. Sexual functions are permanently blocked.


Veterinarians rarely use this method. Its purpose is to ligate the animal's vas deferens, as a result of which it loses the ability to fertilize females. However, sexual activity remains at the same level. The main advantage of the operation is considered to be a low degree of trauma and the preservation of the pet’s natural behavior.

Among the disadvantages are the high cost of the intervention, as well as the long duration of postoperative care. You will have to monitor your cat's condition after a vasectomy for at least 2 weeks. Not all doctors recommend this method, because such castration of a cat is a complex type that not all specialists do.

Chemical method

Choosing this method of castration of a cat allows you not to use anesthesia and do without surgical intervention. A Suprelorin implant is injected under the pet's skin, which dissolves very slowly. This ensures a long-term effect from the procedure: from 0.5 to 3 years. If the male needs to be bred before the expiration date, the implant is surgically removed. A chemical method is prescribed in the case of various pathologies that do not allow the use of anesthesia.


Rational feeding is an important point to ensure a happy life for a pet. Every living creature needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In the first weeks, proteins are of greatest value, as the most important building material.

Over the years, the need for proteins gradually decreases. An older animal will need a gentle diet. These should be foods that are easy to digest.

There are several feeding options:

  • ready-made food;
  • natural food;
  • mixed.

At an early age, natural foods are most beneficial. These are meat, vegetables and cereals, with the obligatory addition of vitamin complexes. The most important supplement for Siamese babies is often cottage cheese and milk porridge. These are important sources of calcium for the body, which quickly gains weight. Meat and offal must be of high quality and low-fat varieties. It is not advisable to feed your mustachioed ward pork and pork by-products, as they contain an excessive amount of fat.

Store-bought food is convenient because it does not need to be prepared. You just need to open a new package. They contain all the essential minerals and vitamins, so no additional nutritional supplements are required. Dry granules can be left in a bowl all day - it will not spoil. Canned food, on the contrary, should not be stored in the fresh air for more than two to three hours. They are more expensive than dry ones, but do not have their disadvantages: when eating a dry product, the wards must drink a lot. This is important for complete digestion of dried granules.

Mixed feeding is not recommended by veterinarians, as it will cause an excess of certain vitamins. Industrial feeds have a balanced composition, which the wards need depending on the number of years they have lived. The addition of natural substances leads to an excess of nutrients in the body, for example, cottage cheese - to excess calcium, liver - fat-soluble vitamins.

Owner reviews

By studying reviews from owners, you can learn a lot of interesting things about Siamese cats. For example, many breeders highly value the dog's cheerful disposition, determination, keen intelligence, and ease of care. A more controversial attitude to the habit of meowing a lot is that the cat accompanies its owner everywhere and tries to tell him something, skillfully changing the timbre of his voice. In addition, some people like the animal’s high attachment to people, while others consider this a disadvantage - leaving them alone for a long time is not recommended.

Finally, few people are enthusiastic about the difficult nature of the Siamese. Many of them are accustomed to their owners being led, especially if people cannot immediately put the cat in its place. This could lead to serious communication problems in the future.

Average lifespan of a cat

As observations and studies show, over the past few decades, there has been a stable trend towards an increase in the average life expectancy of domestic cats. This feature is primarily associated with the active development of veterinary medicine, the emergence of new and modern medications, as well as the production of innovative and qualitatively new types of ready-made diets for feeding pets.

This is interesting! Of course, the average life expectancy of a cat, as well as the onset of its so-called “retirement” age, are very individual parameters that are determined, in particular, by the breed characteristics of the cat and its size, type of nutrition and compliance with the rules of care.

Over a very short period of time, from about 1982 to 1996, the average life expectancy of cats increased by as much as three to four years . Certain progress in this direction is due to various factors. In particular, awareness of the need to implement targeted age-related preventive measures, represented by improved veterinary care and age-appropriate nutrition for the cat.

Life expectancy of a beloved pet

How long do cats usually live?

  • Genetics also matters: if a cat's parents lived a long time, she will inherit this gift. Timely vaccination is another factor influencing life expectancy.
  • Siamese cats are an ideal breed for home and family. With proper care and maintenance, your pet will grow into a good, kind friend who will delight its owners for many 20, or even 30 years.

Maine Coon are cats bred in the USA and descended from animals from the state of Maine, located in the northeast of America. Currently, this fairly large breed is widespread and recognized not only in America, but also by domestic cat lovers.

The lifespan of any domestic cat can vary significantly depending on many factors, including conditions and breed characteristics.

Maine Coons are long-lived

As a rule, ordinary yard cats, forced to obtain food on their own and exposed to various external factors, rarely live more than five years.

However, domestic cats can live up to twenty years with proper care.

According to practice and scientific observations, the first signs of aging in Maine Coons appear at 8 years of age, but shifts are often observed, both upward and downward. It is quite problematic to independently carry out specific calculations and calculate the average life expectancy of such a pet as accurately as possible.

However, it is assumed that an animal in a healthy condition, kept in the most favorable home conditions, with the required level of physical activity, as well as with timely medical care and all comprehensive preventive measures, can live about fifteen years.

Of course, the Maine Coon breed cannot be classified as long-lived. However, the peculiarity of such a cat is fairly good, relatively unproblematic health, and breed diseases may include some joint diseases, to which most European Maine Coon lines are susceptible.

Among other things, when maintaining a home, special attention should be paid to the cat’s urinary system, since this breed is characterized by an increased tendency to form kidney stones.

What affects life expectancy?

  • The extreme mobility of Maine Coons, given their relatively large size, often causes various injuries, especially when they are kept in urban areas.
  • Paradoxical as it may seem, these cats are perfectly adapted to natural conditions. The luxurious Maine Coon fur also requires special attention.
  • Due to the quality characteristics of the wool, this breed is at risk of infection by all kinds of ectoparasites and is susceptible to pathologies of connective tissue and skin.
  • Otherwise, Maine Coons are quite strong, have a very strong physique and well-developed immunity, and they cannot cause serious problems to their owners. And the average life expectancy of an animal, due to the characteristics of the breed, is about 15-18 years.

There are several factors that influence the overall lifespan of a domestic cat, and the main criterion that determines the age of death is the habitat or living conditions. All other things being equal, including heredity and the presence of chronic diseases, street cats manage to live two to three times less than their domestic counterparts.

There are many dangers and various pathogens of dangerous diseases on the streets. Uncontrolled reproduction on the streets is also a very negative factor.

Nutrition also greatly influences a cat's lifespan, but there is currently no consensus among experts and veterinarians about what the “right” food should be given to a cat.

Not only ready-made treats can be used that can provide the animal with all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamin complexes, but also physiological natural products for animals. In any case, the finished products should not be below the premium level.

Veterinary practice shows that the animal is castrated.

How to increase the lifespan of a Maine Coon?

This is due to the fact that animals that have undergone this procedure are minimally susceptible to developing all kinds of diseases in the sexual sphere, including no problems associated with frequent childbirth. This feature is due to the fact that those who undergo such a procedure have a minimal risk of developing all kinds of diseases in the genital area, and among other things, there are no problems associated with frequent childbearing.

However, in some cases, sterilization causes noticeable drowsiness and apathy in the animal, as well as an excessive increase in appetite, which inevitably leads to the development of obesity and diabetes and, as a result, a shortening of life. There is also evidence of a risk of cancer after sterilization.

Only completely healthy animals that do not have hereditary, congenital or chronic diseases have a good chance of living to an old age.

How many years do Siamese cats live?

One of the most important aspects of the longevity of a Siamese cat is the health of the pet. Purebred animals are more prone to a wide variety of diseases. Siamese pets are genetically predisposed to a number of hereditary diseases, which in most cases reduce the quality and significantly reduce the overall life expectancy:

  • adenocarcinoma or cancer of the small intestine, which occurs more often in male Siamese breeds;
  • psychological alopecia or baldness, manifested by hair loss;
  • alakhasia of the esophagus, which causes a decrease in the ability to contract the walls of the esophagus;
  • asthma or allergic bronchitis that occurs upon contact with an allergen;
  • brachyuria or short-tailed Siamese cat caused by a monogenic recessive defect;
  • heart defect accompanied by difficulty breathing;
  • subluxation or protrusion of the sternum, which is a disqualifying defect;
  • GМG1 gangliocidosis, accompanied by tremor of the hind limbs and head;
  • hydrocephalus in the form of an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which is a recessive pathology;
  • hyperesthesia of behavioral or neurological type;
  • geriatric hypotrichosis, manifested in the form of thinning and hair loss;
  • chronic open-angle glaucoma with increased intraocular pressure;
  • hip dysplasia, quite often inherited;
  • intractable pathologies of the upper respiratory tract;
  • blockage of the digestive tract, the complication of which is complete intestinal obstruction and death of the Siamese;
  • single and multiple malignant breast tumors;
  • cutaneous asthenia, the homozygous combination of which is lethal for a pet;
  • genetic mucopolysaccharidosis, accompanied by insufficient enzymatic activity of aryl sulfase “B”;
  • neonatal isoerythrolysis of newborns;
  • congenital nystagmus;
  • endocardial hereditary fibroelastosis of the primary type;
  • porphyria with impaired protein synthesis in the blood;
  • some types of lung cancer;
  • diabetes mellitus accompanying excess body weight.

Why do you need to castrate a cat?

“Is this necessary?” – pet owners often doubt. Castration is not done unless you have a purebred animal and you plan to engage in breeding. In all other situations, veterinarians unanimously recommend surgery.

Some believe that there is an alternative to castration - these are hormonal pills or injections. Of course, such a drug will calm the animal, but how does it affect the body? As a result, inflammatory processes and even neoplasms can occur in the body. The operation will have to be done, only more complicated. Experts do not recommend using such measures, but to immediately spay or neuter your pet.

Castration of a cat has pros and cons. Let's look at them, which will help you make a decision in this matter.

Pros of castration

  1. The most popular reason for castrating males is to prevent territorial marking. This instinct manifests itself in order to attract the opposite sex. The marks have a pungent odor because the urine contains secretions of sex hormones. Accordingly, it will be more problematic to remove them.
  2. As a result of castration, the pet's hormonal levels are normalized, it becomes calmer and more flexible. Periodic uncontrollable screams, aggression and attempts to get out into the street stop.
  3. The most important aspect is health. Let's start with the fact that the cat will not fight during sexual heat, and also will not become infected with some kind of infection from a yard cat. Castration allows you to avoid diseases such as inflammation of the prostate gland and the formation of malignant tumors. In some cases, surgery is necessary for health reasons (cryptorchidism, testicular disease or injury).
  4. The result of all points is the absence of stress and a longer life expectancy than their uncastrated counterparts.
  5. After castration, you are relieved of the responsibility of “what to do with the kittens?” If you do not have a purebred animal, then you will have to give away the kittens or get rid of them. Do you have enough friends, considering that a cat needs to mate at least 8 times a year? And if he lives on the street, can you imagine how many stray kittens he will produce?

Disadvantages of castration

  1. Castration of an animal, although ordinary, is still an operation that is performed under general anesthesia. There is a small risk of complications after anesthesia. You can reduce it by performing a pre-operative examination and all the doctor’s recommendations.
  2. Financial and time costs. Financial resources are required for preoperative examination and the operation itself. You will also need one day to observe your pet.

Now you know the positive and negative sides of this issue. The decision always remains with the owner.

Possible consequences

  • There is a possibility of complications such as bleeding or infection. Be concerned about the competence of the doctor who will perform the operation. Check reviews about the clinic and do not communicate in dubious places. An equally important point is preparation before surgery and subsequent proper care.
  • Many people say that castration leads to obesity. Indeed, the pet begins to spend more time at the plate. After the operation, instead of two instincts (reproduction and nutrition), only one remains. The solution is to switch to low-calorie food and follow the nutritional rules for castrates. It is also recommended to devote more time to active games.
  • There is an opinion that urolithiasis occurs in castrated cats more often than usual. This disease may or may not occur in both neutered and non-neutered pets. The operation has nothing to do with this. The occurrence of the disease depends on other factors: nutrition, water consumption, maintenance and others.

Possible situations

“Why does a neutered cat continue to mark?” There is such a practice that after castration a pet continues to mark its territory. In this case, it takes time for his hormonal levels to normalize. Sometimes it takes 6-12 months.

“Can a neutered cat still want a cat?” It happens that castration is not effective and the cat continues to walk with all the accompanying actions. Such situations arise with adult animals in which hormones are produced not only by the testes, but also by the pituitary gland

Therefore, it is important to know: at what age can castration be performed and not delay the operation?

“Can a cat get pregnant from a neutered cat?” If after castration the cat continues to walk, then contact with the cat is possible. In this case, the cat's needs are met, but she will not be able to have kittens.

Choice of kittens

The issue of purchasing a Siamese kitten should be approached based on future plans for the pet. It is necessary to consider whether the animal will participate in exhibitions or simply live at home as a pet.

Where to buy and how much it costs

Due to the popularity of Oriental-type cats, many offers to buy animals of this breed have appeared on the market, but not all of them can guarantee purebredness. Therefore, it is better to buy an animal from breeders with a good reputation. It is worth keeping in mind that kittens with a pedigree are quite expensive - from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles. and higher. The price of an ordinary kitten is from 3 thousand rubles.

What to look for

For those who are going to participate in exhibitions and engage in breeding, it is important to confirm the purebred of the breed. In this case, you should pay attention to documents reflecting the pedigree, and it is advisable to get to know the baby’s parents. If the kitten will simply serve as a family friend, it is enough to focus on the appearance of the parents and compliance with the main indicators of the breed standard.

In addition, when choosing, you need to pay attention to general signs of health:

  • wool quality and skin condition;
  • the presence or absence of nodules and bumps on the body;
  • condition of the eyes, ears, mouth and nose;
  • mobility;
  • body mass.

When choosing a pet, you need to take into account that Siamese kittens are born completely white. Color appears gradually from two weeks of age and may change during the first year of life.

History of the breed

Surely many readers and admirers of the breed are interested in the origin of the Siamese cat. Thailand (its old name is Siam) is the birthplace of this beautiful pet.

Theories about exactly when the breed was developed vary greatly. Experts call the range from the 14th to the 18th centuries. They lived exclusively in palaces - ordinary people were forbidden to keep aristocratic animals. The Siamese king could give these kittens to those close to him.

Representatives of the breed came to Europe already in the nineteenth century - the traveler managed to take one out. The new breed presented at the exhibition received mixed reviews - from “charming” to “nightmarish”. Unfortunately, it was not possible to get offspring for a long time, since there was only one cat. A few years later, the British ambassador received a couple more animals as a gift from the Siamese king, which in many ways became the progenitors of the European branch and material for further selection.

Already in the 60s of the last century, a single standard for the breed was established. Well, today lovers of Siamese cats can be found in any country in the world - the breed has long become one of the most popular and widespread.

What affects life expectancy

The average life expectancy of any domestic cat directly depends on several main factors, which are presented:

  • type and quality characteristics of the diet;
  • strict adherence to the correct conditions of detention;
  • the presence of a characteristic genetic predisposition to diseases;
  • sterilization or castration of the pet.

Life expectancy largely depends on the breed. As practice shows, on average, Siamese cats live about 18-20 years. The average duration is also influenced by the environment in which the pet is kept. If a pet has not left the house throughout its life, then it can live much longer.

This factor is due to the high risk of contracting any life-threatening infection on the street and getting run over by vehicles. Among other things, a city walk can cause quite severe psychological trauma to an animal.

The overall length and quality of life is greatly influenced by the diet, which must be correct and balanced, sufficiently rich in all the vitamins and mineral components necessary for the growth and development of a Siamese cat. In this regard, the opinions of experts are strongly divided. Many veterinarians believe that exclusively prepared diets allow you to fully saturate the animal’s body with useful components. However, some time ago, experienced breeders used only freshly prepared food, independently prepared from high-quality products, in the practice of keeping Siamese cats.

This is interesting! Sterilization and castration, according to the observations of many veterinarians, can significantly extend the life of a cat of any breed, including the Siamese.

This procedure reduces the risk of various pathologies associated with the urinary and reproductive systems, so such a pet lives on average four to five years longer. However, it must be remembered that a castrated or sterilized animal quickly gains weight and may become less active, so the owner of such a pet should be careful about the composition of its diet and provide the Siamese cat with a variety of activities that promote sufficient physical activity.

Factors affecting lifespan

There are various situations: some owners have pets that live long and happy lives, while others, on the contrary, often get sick and die quite quickly. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the factors that influence the life expectancy of an animal. If we consider them in detail, it will be possible to prevent them. So, there are several main factors that influence a cat's lifespan.

Genetic predisposition. A certain breed of cat is prone to certain diseases, so you should be attentive to those systems that suffer the most. For example, the weak point of Persian cats is their kidneys; they often suffer from kidney failure. For this reason, Persians live no more than 10 years.

Accommodations. Cats at home live better than their relatives on the street. Pets eat well, are less likely to suffer from bacterial and viral diseases, and are protected from various infections, which cannot be said about street cats.

Food. Diet largely affects the lifespan of cats, but we should not forget about the balance of food. A lack of both vitamins and minerals can negatively affect a cat’s well-being, and sometimes even lead to irreversible changes in the animal’s body. You should consult with a specialist before choosing food.

It is worth understanding that some doctors prefer industrial food (dry and wet), while others emphasize the importance of natural food.

Sterilization. This factor can be viewed from two different angles

Thus, some doctors are confident that sterilization has a beneficial effect on the life expectancy of an animal, since after it the pet becomes protected from diseases of the reproductive system. Typically, cats live a little longer after sterilization. On average, this figure is up to 20 years. But cats that give birth regularly, on the contrary, harm their bodies and live less than usual. Other doctors, on the contrary, are confident that sterilization has a negative impact on cats, as it leads to inactivity and indifference. As a result, cats often suffer from obesity and diabetes, which leads to a short life.

Tendency to chronic diseases. Typically, pets with chronic diseases or diseases that are inherited do not live long. For example, animals with diabetes can live about 4 years, but the presence of urolithiasis predicts only 5 years of life.

Stress. Only pets surrounded by love become long-lived. A positive psychological climate has a great effect on the condition of the animal, which adds several more years to life. Stress has a detrimental effect on a cat's condition.

Confinement of space and cramped conditions. Of course, felines live better at home than outdoors. But in this case, it happens that they do not have enough space for an active life - for running, playing and jumping. A cat is primarily a predator that has fairly developed instincts. You should not buy a kitten if you live in a small apartment or if your home does not have enough space for active activities.


It is difficult to establish the average lifespan of a four-toed house dweller.

Representatives of the British breed can live the same amount of time. It happens that an animal dies 2-3 years after birth, it all depends on the lifestyle, health and atmosphere in which it lives.

The life expectancy of a Siamese cat is affected by:

  • heredity. Long or short life is directly related to the genetic characteristics of the genus;
  • care. Good food, hygienic care and love from the owner/mistress will give the pet longevity;
  • quality treatment. Regular disease prevention and timely medical care.

Similar breeds

Yes, in nature there are cats similar to Siamese. First of all, these are Thai , also known as Old Siamese. The external resemblance is immediately noticeable, however, the latter have a stronger physique and smooth body lines.

The Oriental Siamese should also be included here - its build resembles a Siamese, but the coat color is different.

Of course, if you take a serious approach to choosing a pet, carefully study all the features of the breed and make a thoughtful choice, you will get not just a cat, but a faithful friend who will give you many bright and happy moments.

How to extend the life of a Siamese cat

In order to positively influence the life expectancy of a pet, it is necessary to remember that starting from the age of ten, it is very important to pay special attention to the health of a Siamese cat, because ten years is already an old age, and it is very important:

  • provide your pet with a variety of high-quality food;
  • give preference to dietary foods intended for older Siamese cats;
  • conduct systematic preventive examinations in a veterinary clinic;
  • do not neglect regular vaccination;
  • monitor even the slightest disruptions in the health or behavior of your pet;
  • provide the animal with regular and adequate physical activity;
  • be sure to take care of your Siamese cat’s teeth, follow hygiene standards and care rules;
  • carry out regular preventive treatment against ecto- and endoparasites;
  • If necessary, the animal must be castrated or sterilized.

It is important to very strictly monitor not only the quality of food, but also the total quantity and size of the daily daily portion.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to overfeed an animal, especially if castration/sterilization surgery has been performed.

With strict adherence to absolutely all rules of maintenance, including hygiene and prevention, as well as in the absence of the most severe genetic defects, Siamese cats can live just under a quarter of a century.

What can be done to prolong the life of an animal?

Cats, like humans, develop various diseases as they age. The development of pathologies is provoked by poor nutrition, low physical activity, and poor ecology. Research into the aging process in animals has been carried out by many scientists. As a result, the approximate beginning of this period was established: 5-6 years.

The research was based on the fact that with the onset of aging, the amount of natural antioxidants in the body of cats decreases, and the immune system weakens. These processes cannot be stopped, but they can be significantly slowed down

To make your cat's old age happy, it is important to follow several recommendations:

Selection of high-quality food and regular intake of multivitamins. Neutered kitties must follow a diet; such animals are prone to obesity. Closely monitoring the pet's condition. You can't always tell from a cat where it hurts. It is necessary to detect any changes in the animal’s behavior and consult a doctor promptly.

The importance of vaccinations and preventive examinations has already been mentioned above. Physical activity

Their health and life expectancy directly depend on how active domestic Persians, Sphynxes, British, Siberian, Siamese, Scottish Folds and other breeds of furry pets are. Caring for your ears, teeth, and maintaining good hygiene. Regular antiparasitic treatment. Fleas are carriers of dangerous diseases, so insects must be gotten rid of immediately. Intestinal parasites can cause serious problems in a cat's body. Sterilization. If the animal is not intended for breeding, then it is better to undergo surgery. The attention, affection and care of a loving owner not only prolongs the pet’s life, but also makes it bright and joyful

If animals do not have congenital pathologies, then following these simple rules will allow them to live to 20 years or more.


One of the most important aspects of a cat's longevity is good health. Pure breeds are more prone to a variety of diseases than mixed breeds. Pets can suffer from a variety of diseases, including urolithiasis, kidney disease and eye disease. All of these diseases affect the life of a pet.

It is almost impossible to give a clear answer to the question “how many years do Siamese cats live?” We can only say that on average, Siamese cats live longer than males. The most important thing is that the pet is always in good condition . To do this, you need to undergo regular examinations at a veterinary clinic, create a daily menu, regular walks in the fresh air, and receive attention and sincere love.

All these actions are actually completely easy, perhaps unnecessary in some places, but it is thanks to them that the Siamese cat will live a long life at home, experiencing love and tenderness for its owners. In such an atmosphere, Siamese cats can live 23 years, if not more.

Siamese cats live an average of 20 years if he is forced to move more often and given more attention. Even in old age, an animal should not be left to chance and allowed to sleep all day long. We need to create a motivating environment for them so that they themselves want to run around the house and play. At home, Siamese cats live a very long time if there is care and sincere love around them.

Rules that will help prolong the life of your pet

  • proper nutrition (calorie-balanced and age-appropriate);
  • physical exercise;
  • timely vaccination against various diseases;
  • prevention against all kinds of disorders;
  • castration or sterilization of the animal (of course, at the request of the owner);
  • routine examinations and examinations by a veterinarian.

How long your pet will live will depend only on you. Give him your care, warmth and love, rejoice in his successes, and he will certainly be happy! Health and longevity to your pet! I hope I was able to answer the question of how many years cats live at home.

Castration methods

The following castration methods are distinguished:

  1. Medicinal (chemical).
  2. Ray.
  3. Operational.

Medication method

A chip with a drug is inserted under the animal's skin, which is slowly absorbed by the body. The medicine lasts from six months to three years. At the same time, you can remove the chip at any time and put the animal into breeding.

This method is most often used by breeders so as not to completely deprive the cat of the ability to reproduce. In addition, this is the optimal method for animals for which surgical castration is contraindicated due to intolerance to anesthesia or high risks.

At the same time, the medical method of castration does not reduce the risk of various sexual diseases. In addition, the medicine does not work immediately. The first three to four weeks after the introduction of the chip, the animal’s behavior, on the contrary, may worsen: the cat will yell, mark everything around and snap. This is due to the fact that at first there is an increased production of sex hormones in the body.

Only after three weeks will a decrease in hormone production begin, and sexual behavior gradually stops. Therefore, if quick castration of an animal is necessary, it is better to choose a surgical method.

Beam method

The animal's testes are exposed to radiation. Hormone production stops, and sperm become nonviable. In this case, the testes remain in place.

Clinics that practice this method of castration highlight the following advantages:

  • rapidity;
  • efficiency;
  • there is no need for surgical intervention;
  • there is no risk of negative consequences from anesthesia.

And yet, despite the large number of advantages, many veterinarians are against this method. The main reason is that an animal exposed to radiation will have an increased risk of developing various inflammations, and in the worst case, oncology.

Operative method

During the operation, the vas deferens are tied (vasectomy), or the testes are completely removed from the scrotum. The second method is the most popular.

During a vasectomy, the doctor makes an incision in the abdomen and ties the vas deferens, which means the animal will no longer be able to impregnate females. At the same time, sexual behavior is preserved. A cat can mate with cats without the risk of producing unwanted offspring.

This operation is considered more complex than standard removal of the testes. The animal will have to undergo rehabilitation for at least two weeks. In this case, stitches will be required, and the postoperative wound will need to be taken care of.

In general, this method is not particularly effective. It does not solve the problem of sexual behavior, and does not reduce the risk of diseases of the reproductive system. It is only effective in avoiding unwanted offspring. At the same time, the cat continues to live a full sex life.

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Removing the testes from the scrotum is the most common method of neutering cats.

During surgery, the animal may be under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The surgical intervention itself lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. Much more time is spent administering anesthesia and preparing the animal for surgery.

There are several ways to perform the operation:

  1. Open. An incision is made on the scrotum. This includes dissecting the vaginal tunic of the testis. The testicle is squeezed out of it, cut off from the vessels and vas deferens, which are tied together in a knot. The spermatic cords are removed into the vaginal membrane.
  2. Closed. With this method, the testicle is not removed from the tunica vaginalis, but along with it is cut off from the spermatic cord.

If the operation is performed correctly, there is no need for stitches. The wound is simply treated with an antiseptic. It heals quickly.


The most popular colors are the following:

  • Chocolate point (the main color is ivory, there are a small number of milk chocolate spots, the paw pads and nose are light brown with a slight pink tint);
  • The seal point color is a whole palette of shades. Cream to light yellow as the base color and brown flowers on the limbs and face.
  • The Blue Point, as the name implies, boasts an elegant bluish-gray color. At the same time, the cat’s nose is colored slate gray, as are the paw pads, and gray-blue spots and inclusions are allowed on the body.
  • The lilac point includes a pink nose, lavender paw pads and a white body with blue and gray spots.

In the photo there is a Siamese cat of the main colors: chocolate, blue, lilac.
The above colors are accepted by the Cat Fanciers Association. And the International Cat Association allows a few more: red point (apricot or red spots on a snow-white body); caramel point (pale shade of cream, caramel pink paws and nose); cinnamon point (the coat has a noble shade of bone, pink-brown paw pads and the nose of the same shade).

Practical advice

It's no secret that the most important aspect of longevity is good health. And if bad habits do not affect the pet’s health (although the myth about valerian is extremely tenacious!), then an indifferent and even disregardful attitude will bear its unpleasant fruits:

  • Movement is one of the main tips for extending the life of a pet. Active games in the fresh air, hunting for soft toys or annoying rodents (in a private home), or simply running a race and being mischievous with children will greatly prolong the life of a Siamese cat.
  • Do not overfeed your pet . And the point here is not at all about caring for the figure. Obesity will lead to a passive lifestyle, apathy and long sleep (although cats are known couch potatoes!).
  • Oral examination . Cats are miniature predators. After a hearty lunch, pieces of food can get stuck in your teeth, which harm the integrity of your gums. Examine your pet periodically to promptly eliminate unpleasant odor from the mouth or coating on the tongue.
  • Prevention of fleas and worms. If you have the slightest complaints, bloating, or bad bowel movements, contact your veterinarian.
  • Private childbirth . Pregnancy is a huge stress for the body of a Siamese cat. And although they last relatively short, they can be difficult. It depends on the number of kittens, the physical and moral condition of the cat, the quality of food, care and attention.
  • The frequency of births more than once a year adversely affects the life expectancy of a cat. Siamese cats, as a rule, live longer than cats because the latter wear out the body much more during childbirth.
  • Sterilization or castration. Surgery increases the lifespan of cats to an average of 5 years.

Owning a Siamese cat is an important and responsible step. The owner should weigh all the pros and cons before purchasing or transferring an animal from friends. As you know, beauty requires careful attention and patience. But if you decide to take such a difficult step, then the Siamese princess will definitely reciprocate.

At what age is surgery performed?

Experts recommend sterilization and castration after the kittens' genital organs are fully formed. This happens starting from the age of six months. An operation performed earlier slows down the growth of the animal and provokes diseases of the genitourinary organs due to underdevelopment of the urethra.

There are many advantages to the operation, but some owners believe that it is inhumane and will negatively affect the condition of the pet.

The optimal age for surgery on a kitten is 7-9 months. The cat will mature, but will not have time to gain sexual experience. Although there are no restrictions on castration, it can be done at any older age if there are no contraindications to its implementation.


No organ - no problems (and all possible diseases associated with it - inflammation of the uterus, venereal sarcoma, tumors of the uterus and ovaries, tumors of the testes, prostatitis, etc.).

No unwanted offspring.

You can walk calmly and not be afraid that male dogs will follow your female dog in heat; your fence will not be stormed by 15 nearby male dogs who smelled the scent of force majeure (our doctor had a case where a homeless male jumped into the window of a female dog in heat in a private house).

Reducing the risk that a male dog, sensing a bitch in heat, will go crazy, break off the leash and get lost/get hit by a car.

Absence of signs of sexual behavior (cats do not scream during heat, cats do not mark the house with urine, although this certainly does not manifest itself in everyone).

Reducing the risk of developing mammary gland cancer when castrated before the first heat.

The advantages of castration often include the ability to solve behavioral problems in animals (unclean behavior, aggression towards fellow animals), and of course, sometimes castration helps with this, but, unfortunately, not as often as is commonly believed and as we would like. Everything is out of my head. We cut off the uterus and ovaries or testes, but we do not cut off the head (this is not in our principles). Moreover, alas, sometimes we are faced with the fact that after castration the animal’s behavior deteriorates (it is still unknown what this is connected with and whether it is connected with castration at all, but a certain pattern can be traced, so we cannot help but warn you about this). In general, after “dismounting” (gonads), behavior can change unpredictably - maybe the animal will become calmer, or maybe, on the contrary, it will begin to dominate everyone, just in case.

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