How long do cats and dogs live and how to extend the life of your pet?

If you once contract an incurable virus called “my dog”, your life will change forever. It’s a rare dog lover who doesn’t call himself “mom” or “dad” of his tailed child. And there’s nothing wrong with these people’s heads. This is how not only a feeling of love is subconsciously manifested, but also a huge responsibility towards four-legged friends. After all, their fate is completely in our hands. The same goes for cat lovers.

A responsible owner needs to know how many years dogs and cats live at home, what factors influence their life expectancy, what to expect as they age, and how to extend the life of a pet. Below are not only answers to the most important questions, but also a number of practical recommendations for you.

Some statistics

An interesting study was conducted in November 1999 by the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA). The results showed that dogs that resemble wolves in appearance (size, muzzle shape) live longer than representatives of the breeds on which selection has worked. At the same time, 46% of pets die from old age, and only 8% of them reach the age of fifteen. The cause of death for 64% of dogs is disease or euthanasia. Among the fatal diseases of older animals, cancer (16%) and cardiovascular diseases (8%) lead.

Is it true that mongrels live longer?

Disputes on this topic in veterinary circles do not subside. Some experts claim that purebred animals with good genetics are not inferior in life expectancy to yard dogs and mixed breeds. Other scientists cite an inexorable figure of 10 statistical years for purebred dogs and “give” two additional years (12 years) to mongrels and mixed breeds. But both opposing camps agree that, compared to other dogs, mongrels adapt better to life’s troubles and have increased immunity . Of course, we are talking about our beloved family dogs. With good nutrition and care, patios can please owners for 18-20 years, while homeless animals rarely reach maturity (3-5 years): too many dangers await the poor fellows on the street, from hunger to accidents and human cruelty.

Bowhead whales

According to biologists, these huge creatures belong to the category of true long-livers among mammals. At one time, observations were made of a bowhead whale known by the nickname Bada, who died at the age of about 245 years. This case is an exception. Since the majority of representatives of the species live up to a maximum of 60 years.

However, scientists have repeatedly recorded other similar cases. The researchers observed several more bowhead whales, whose ages were close to the record and ranged from 91 to 172 years. Harpoon tips that were at least a century old were recovered from the bodies of these animals.

What affects a dog's lifespan?

There are quite a lot of factors on which the answer to the question “How many years do dogs live at home?” depends. We will look at the main points you need to pay attention to.

Dog size

Small dogs live longer than their larger relatives, often celebrating their twentieth birthday. They can be called old only at 12-14 years old. While giant dogs are destined to live only 8-10 years (their decrepitude begins already at the age of six).

Breed of dog

In addition to size, a pet’s life expectancy is influenced by its exterior features. We are talking about the so-called “risk groups” (predispositions to certain diseases). The more unfavorable factors are combined in a breed, the less likely it is that the dog will cross the ten-year mark.

  • English bulldogs in old age often face obesity (the first factor), and the large head of puppies is a planned indication for a cesarean section in a bitch, which in the future also reduces life expectancy (the second factor).
  • Massive St. Bernards are prone to developing hip dysplasia, gastric volvulus, and bone cancer. The structure of the eyes of these noble dogs suggests diseases such as entropion, cataracts (several factors).
  • Dogs with a short muzzle (Pekingese, Chin) suffer from breathing problems, have less endurance and quickly overheat. Short-faced, massive dogs (bulmastiffs, boxers) are prone to fainting and heart attacks in hot weather. They are also at risk for eye injuries and narrowing of the nostrils.

Knowing the specifics of “breed” ailments, they can be predicted and avoided. Proper care and prevention throughout life, starting from a young age, will help with this.


The length and quality of life of a pet is largely determined by its genetic health. If the dog’s immediate ancestors lived a long life (in accordance with the breed), then most likely your pet will join the ranks of canine long-livers. Before purchasing a puppy, study its pedigree and talk to the owners' parents and grandparents.

Genetic and acquired diseases

  • Currently, the hereditary nature of almost 500 diseases that shorten a dog’s life expectancy (retinal atrophy, thyroid dysfunction, nervous disorders) has been established. If there were carriers of genetic diseases in the dog's pedigree, the chances that they will appear in the descendants increase many times over. Therefore, it is important to purchase purebred puppies from responsible breeders who only breed physically healthy animals with a stable psyche.
  • The animal's body is most vulnerable in childhood and old age. Infections with age lead to complications in the form of chronic diseases. Injuries and dislocations lead to inflammation of the joints and tendons. It is impossible to protect your four-legged friend from all troubles. But a caring owner can significantly reduce the risks (timely vaccination, treatment against internal and external parasites, compliance with walking rules).

Contents and diet

  • One of the indicators of how many years dogs live at home is their diet. The nutritional and energy needs of tailed friends change over the years. With food, the animal must receive the required amount of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.
  • A sedentary lifestyle shortens its duration. Any dog ​​needs active walks in the fresh air and physical activity. The larger the dog, the more active exercise it requires. The working qualities of dogs cannot be neglected. The owner must understand that each breed was developed to perform specific tasks. Using an animal in accordance with the ideas of the breed gives the dog’s life completeness and meaning, gives additional years and protects against psychosomatic diseases and stress.

Ecological situation

There are a lot of dangers for dogs living in big cities, but most of them are easy to prevent.

  • Contact of a dog's paw pads with deicing agents can cause severe dermatitis. To avoid this, use a special protective cream or shoes for dogs.
  • Do not allow your dog to eat or lick city snow. It contains heavy metals that cause the development of cancer of the esophagus and larynx.
  • Try not to smoke in the presence of pets. It has been proven that passive smoking in dogs, as in people, leads to premature mortality and oncology of the respiratory tract.

Emotional Health

Stress has a detrimental effect on the health of four-legged friends. There are cases when a healthy animal began to become decrepit before our eyes after psychological trauma. Dogs do not tolerate loneliness and their own uselessness. Whereas pets that do not lack communication and attention remain active until old age.

Oceanic Venus

This marine valve mollusk leads a sedentary lifestyle, receiving all the nutrients and oxygen necessary for existence through water filtration. To avoid becoming a victim of predators, such animals dive deep into the sand and remain there for a long time without the need for food. According to researchers, the Oceanic Venus can live up to an incredible 400-500 years.

How many years do dogs live at home: review of breeds

Our table provides summary data on the life expectancy of the most popular dog breeds. Let us immediately make a reservation that these are average indicators that can only serve as a guide. It is almost impossible to predict in advance how long your pet will live.

Breed Number of years Breed Number of years
German, Dogue de Bordeaux 7-8 Golden retriever 10-12
English bulldog 8-10 Collie 12-15
Caucasian Shepherd Dog 9-11 Dachshund 12-14
West Siberian Laika, Husky 10-14 Yorkshire Terrier 12-15
German Shepherd 10-14 Toy Terrier 12-14
Rottweiler 9-12 Chinese Crested 10-11
Airedale 10-12 Poodle 10-14
Boxer 10-11 Bolonka 18-20
Basset Hound 9-11 Saint Bernard 8-10
Newfoundland 7-9 Giant Schnauzer 10-11

Antarctic sponge

Let's continue the conversation about the life expectancy of different animal species. The plant is exactly what an Antarctic sponge might appear to be at first glance. However, it is not. Sponges are animals, but they are practically immobile. Some of them move from place to place by a few millimeters during the day. Such creatures are distinguished by extremely measured growth, which owes their longevity.

Currently, biologists have registered about 50,000 species of sponges. The bulk of creatures in this category live only a few decades. However, the exception to the “rules” is the Antarctic sponge. Scientists were able to find samples whose age exceeded one and a half thousand years.

How to extend the life of an old friend dog

No matter how many years dogs live at home, their character and habits change. It is important for the owner to understand that the correct foundation laid from early childhood will be very important when your dog begins to age. In order for your pet to live a long, fulfilling life, you need to enlist the support of a veterinarian and adhere to simple rules:

  • Starting at the age of 7, undergo a routine medical examination twice a year. The specialist will prescribe general blood and urine tests, examine the dog’s lymph nodes, mouth, eyes, and evaluate the dog’s heartbeat and lung function. This will allow you to diagnose a possible disease in the early stages;
  • If a dog contracts a viral infection in old age , there will not be much chance of a successful outcome. There is a dangerous misconception that after 5 years, dogs develop cumulative immunity, and there is no need for annual vaccinations. This is not true! An elderly pet also needs immune support, which vaccination can provide.
  • More than half of older dogs suffer from inflammation of the oral cavity, diseases of the teeth and gums, which spread the infection throughout the body. It is important to teach your dog to “brush his teeth” in advance. Modern veterinary drugs make this procedure simple for the owner and quite tolerable for the pet;
  • In older dogs, the coat becomes thinner, turns grey, and looks unkempt. Daily brushing with an ultra-soft brush will improve the condition of the skin and coat. But you need to bathe an elderly pet as rarely as possible, using gentle detergents;
  • Develop the habit of regularly feeling your dog for tumors and lumps. If a problem is detected, do not delay your visit to the clinic;
  • Sterilization (castration) can prolong a dog's life . Thanks to the operation, the animal will avoid “empty” heats, as well as the occurrence of cancer of the reproductive system;
  • aging dogs often become weather dependent (their health changes with weather conditions). This may confuse the owner. You need to monitor the condition of an old animal more carefully than a young pet. As the body ages, it loses its former ability to respond to treatment;
  • An elderly pet should be fed several times a day in small portions, completely excluding treats from the common table. The diet should be carefully balanced according to age (the older the dog gets, the slower its metabolism);
  • Follow a regimen of walking and moderate exercise. If you notice that your dog gets tired quickly, consult a veterinarian;
  • older pets become very conservative and react sharply to any changes in their usual lifestyle. Try not to change his habits, protect him from stress and anxiety;
  • Multivitamin complexes or oil preparations are useful for maintaining the health of an older pet . But their selection and dosage should only be made together with a specialist;
  • Owners of old dogs often face the problem of their pet being unclean. With age, reflex connections fade, and the dog may begin to get dirty in the house. Do not scold or punish the dog under any circumstances; it is not to blame for anything. Uncontrollable urination can be associated with both aging and kidney and bladder dysfunction. Try to change your schedule and take your pet outside more often, or gently train your dog to relieve itself on newspapers .

Giving your pet a dignified old age is the least a person can do in response to boundless love that lasts a dog’s entire life.



Why does a person need to know the age of a pet?

Information about the age of a pet is needed in order to:

  • Optimally distribute his physical activity;
  • prevent illness in time and provide proper care to maintain the pet’s well-being;
  • properly organize the diet and supplement it with the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • provide the pet with the necessary care;
  • carry out vaccinations in a timely manner;
  • understand when you can start mating or sterilize your pet.

Compliance with all these points will help provide the animal with the necessary conditions for a healthy existence and increase its lifespan.

How does life expectancy depend on breed and heredity?

There is an opinion that purebred cats live much longer. As a rule, this is not the case. It is necessary to take into account the influence of selection: sometimes it can cause diseases. Therefore, it is worth choosing a pet from experienced breeders and it is advisable to study its pedigree in order to determine life expectancy, as well as the period of activity and the risk of possible diseases.

It is believed that cats of the British breed can reach the age of 15 years, Persian cats live on average up to 20, and Siamese cats - up to 30. But do not forget that each case is individual: sometimes outbred pets can live happily ever after.

Land turtles

Let's continue our conversation about the life expectancy of different animal species. Turtles are the real record holders here. As the results of a study of this issue show, on average, these creatures die at the age of about 150 years. Naturally, a lot here also depends on the conditions of existence.

The oldest turtle known to biologists is an animal called Advaita. The latter was kept by the English military man Robert Clive as a pet. After the death of the owner, the turtle ended up in the Calcutta Zoo. Surprisingly, Advaita managed to live here for another 130 years. The cause of death of the animal was the formation of cracks in the shell. After the death of the turtle, scientists decided to determine its real age. To do this, the researchers used the method of radiocarbon dating of tissues. The test results showed that at the time of death, the age of the turtle Advaite was a record 250 years, with possible minor deviations in the indicators.

What can I do to extend my pet's life?

Monitor your pet's well-being

If you notice a lack of appetite, lethargy, discharge from the eyes or flaking, contact your veterinarian immediately. Any disease robs a cat of strength and vitality.

Sometimes a visit to the cat doctor is worth making without a specific reason. This way you can detect the hidden course of the disease in time and prevent its development by getting vaccinated. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right food for your cat’s age, physical characteristics, and health.

Ensure your cat can lead an active lifestyle

Come up with games for her, make her move. Pets who spend time on the couch have a significantly reduced life expectancy. Special toys or walks in the fresh air will help cats stay in good shape.

Don't let your cat roam unattended

A domestic cat on the street can fall into the clutches of dogs, fall under the wheels of a car, become infected with something from street cats, or even be poisoned. Getting to know the street can be very stressful for your pet, which will also negatively affect its health.

Spay your pet

Neutered cats live on average 2-3 years longer than their counterparts. Pregnancy and childbirth are a big burden for a cat, which is why cats often live longer lives. In addition, sterilization protects against many diseases and stress, and helps normalize hormonal levels.

Choose the right diet

A balanced diet will prolong the life of your pet and protect against colitis, kidney failure, allergies, obesity and other diseases. You need to feed your pet three times a day, making sure that the animal does not overeat.

You should not combine natural products with industrial feed. High-quality dry food is usually balanced enough to provide the cat with all the necessary substances.


The average lifespan of different animals is not that long. As for creatures such as jellyfish, they absolutely do not “concern” with the issue of aging. Recent observations of these animals shed light on their fantastic abilities. Thus, jellyfish, which belong to the species Turritopsis nutricula, are one of the smallest creatures on the planet, measuring only about 4 millimeters. They are unique because they have the ability to return to “infancy”. Such jellyfish develop like any other representative of the fauna. However, upon reaching maturity, they can revert back to the polyp stage, after which the maturation process restarts. As data from special studies show, jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula potentially have immortality.

History of Pets

It goes back centuries, and also contains interesting facts about cats and dogs. Therefore, let us pay a little attention to how man’s relationship with these creatures originated.

In ancient times in the Far East, Pekingese lived in palaces and had their own servants. But ordinary people could not even dream of royal dogs.

The Mayan Indians did not just value dogs that helped them in a difficult life. They devoted every tenth day to their pets.

The ancient inhabitants of South America also treated their smaller brothers with great respect. They had a legend that people used to live underground. Of course, the dog with her amazing sense of smell was able to bring him into the world.

The first dogs were domesticated wolves.

Ancient thinkers were also interested in them. Plato sincerely believed that they possessed the soul of a philosopher. Aristotle created the treatise “On the Soul of a Dog.”

In ancient Greek mythology, we are also faced with the fact that an important place is given to the dog. Remember, the kingdom of the dead is guarded by the three-headed Cerberus.

In Egypt they believed that the liver of a living creature was the concentration of its power. If a person was bitten by a rabid dog, doctors advised eating its liver. Of course, provided that she could be found.

The amazing is nearby

You just need to be able to see. Interesting facts about cats and dogs for children will be doubly useful, as they will allow them to better understand their pets and take better care of them. Do you know why a cat needs a mustache? These are not just hairs on the body, but a separate sensory organ that is equipped with nerve endings. Information from the whiskers goes directly to the brain. This way the cat will not get lost in the dark and will be able to hunt calmly.

  • A cat can't see small objects well at close range. Therefore, if you want to interest your pet in something, then do not shove it right under her nose.
  • All kittens are born blue-eyed. Most will soon change color.
  • During one pregnancy, a cat can bear kittens from different fathers.
  • Cats can jump up to six times their height. If a person could do this, he would calmly jump over houses.

Stages of a cat's maturation compared to human years

Each age period of cat development has its own characteristics:

  • 0–6 months. At this time, the kitten is very actively developing and growing rapidly. The period corresponds to a person’s age from birth to 7.5 years.
  • 7 months - 2 years. This is the period when the cat is growing up. By the age of 2, pets already know all the wisdom of life and turn into adult animals. In humans, this occurs from 8 to 25 years of age.
  • 3–6 years. At this time cats are most active. They are behaviorally and physically mature, alert and healthy. In humans, this period corresponds to the age from 25 to 45 years.
  • 7–10 years. If you properly care for and feed your cat, then during this period of its life it will lead the most active life. By human standards, this is approximately 45-55 years.
  • 11–15 years old. At this time, cats become calmer, sleep more, and play less. Pets show the first signs of aging: vision deteriorates, the quality of fur and teeth changes. The appropriate age for a person is 60–75 years.
  • 16 years or more. At this age, older cats need more careful care; they need to be given vitamins and quality nutrition. This way the pet will live safely for many years to come. In humans, this period corresponds to the age of 79 years or more.

This is interesting! A cat named Poppy, who lived in the UK, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. She died at 24 and is officially the longest living cat. If we translate her age into human “language”, it will be equal to 114 years.

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