The cat has yellow vomiting: causes, possible diseases, treatment, reviews

When a cat vomits yellow liquid, this means two options: vomiting bile or eating a certain type of food. If a cat eats a specific food, it may vomit yellow color.

It is quite easy to distinguish it from bile: vomit has a gray tint.

In this case, there is no reason to worry; you simply need to exclude this type of food, since the cat’s body does not accept it.

The situation is different with rich yellow vomit - this means that bile has entered the cat’s stomach, which should not be in the cat’s stomach if the body is healthy.

What does each discharge indicate when vomiting occurs?

If your pet has vomited a couple of times at most and is feeling quite normal, there is no need to panic. This can be caused by intestinal irritation, which occurs due to swallowing fur or a large clump of grass. In this case, it is recommended to monitor the pet’s condition for one day and then look for the reasons for the deterioration of its health.

The cat may vomit bile, as indicated by the yellow color, and may also suffer from other discharges. Regular vomiting of a rich yellow or green hue primarily indicates that there are problems in the functioning of the liver or kidneys. There may also be stomach problems.

Blood present in the vomit may indicate that the esophagus or pharynx has been damaged by some sharp object, such as a fish bone.

Other predisposing factors

What are the reasons for this? There can be many of them. Firstly, it all depends on the animal. If your cat has a habit of greedily pouncing on food, gobbling up an entire bowl in a couple of seconds, then he can’t help but vomit. This often happens when a long-haired cat has a lot of hair accumulated in its stomach. It is possible that the pet simply ate something that smelled tempting but was inedible (the already mentioned sausage skins). Very often, a cat vomits bile with foam when he has some kind of liver or thyroid disease. Sometimes this is an indirect sign of the presence of heartworm.

Regurgitation may occur during the recovery period from surgery. In particular, after sterilization.

By the way, what is the danger of this pathology? The fact is that in most cases, bile enters an empty stomach. And this substance is a powerful chemical reagent, very aggressive towards unprotected tissues. Simply put, over time, bile literally eats away the gastric mucosa, which at best leads to gastritis, but much more often it ends in ulcerative lesions. This is very common in cats whose owners feed them once a day, but in large quantities. And dry food.

Causes of nausea and vomiting in cats

Burping fur is a physiological process of getting rid of external irritants and should not be a cause for concern. But if this happens regularly, you should contact a specialist who will determine the cause of this condition.

The main reasons why a pet may vomit:

  1. In Siamese cats, underdevelopment of the posterior wall of the stomach (pylorus) is common. Because of this, “fountain” vomiting occurs. In this case, only surgery helps.
  2. Pregnancy can also cause nausea and vomiting due to changes in the body and hormonal imbalance.
  3. Vomiting often accompanies ear diseases in cats.
  4. Disturbances in the liver (pancreatitis, lipidosis) or pathologies associated with the kidneys can cause yellow vomiting in the cat.
  5. Nausea is also accompanied by pathologies such as stomach or pancreatic cancer.
  6. Intestinal obstruction.
  7. Parasites that poison the pet’s body from the inside.
  8. Stress (moving, a long trip in transport can cause motion sickness in a cat and, accordingly, vomiting).


The appearance of yellow, foamy vomiting in a cat may be accompanied by other symptoms, which indicates disturbances in the functioning of orgasm. Often there is a refusal to eat, an increase in body temperature, dark urine, diarrhea and yellowing of the mucous membranes.

Vomit with a strong, unpleasant odor may indicate acute or chronic liver failure. With this pathology, yellowing of the sclera, fainting, and an unpleasant odor from the mouth can be observed.

If toxic elements accumulate in the liver for a long time, this ultimately leads to inflammation (lipidosis). There is also such a disease as feline distemper, which is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature to 41 degrees, apathy, frequent diarrhea and vomiting. At the same time, the cat constantly walks hunched over.

Yellow vomit

The cause of yellow vomiting in a cat is bile entering the stomach. During normal functioning of organs, it must be excreted through other channels. The appearance of yellow vomit indicates problems with the gallbladder or liver. Bile is a hostile environment for the gastrointestinal tract. If it nevertheless leaks into the stomach, then after a certain time the walls of the organ begin to become inflamed, and this causes yellowish vomiting.

A cat whose vomit is bright and rich yellow could eat food of this shade. And he didn’t suit her. This factor is also worth considering.

Yellow vomit with foam in a cat

Vomit with foam, regardless of the shade, may indicate such a dangerous disease as feline distemper. Symptoms develop gradually. Vomiting can occur up to 10 times a day, but the cat does not lick itself, looks for places away from bright sunlight and does not react to others.

There is also a complete refusal of food and water, since the animal itself feels great discomfort. If you have such signs, home treatment does not help, you need to seek help from a specialist as early as possible.

Vomit analysis

The variety of diseases that make pet owners wonder why their cat is vomiting makes them difficult to identify. But to make an accurate diagnosis, analysis of the composition of the vomit will be of significant help. Therefore, when seeking help from a veterinary clinic, you should take the collected biological material with you. If it is not possible to seek help from specialists, you can try to help the animal yourself. To do this, you need to study the composition and color of vomit from a kitten, adult cat or other pet. The color of vomit indicates the following conditions:

Dark brown vomiting occurs with gastric bleeding or spontaneous opening of a neoplasm. This color is the result of mixing blood and gastric juice. If the vomit has a strong smell of excrement, this indicates a high probability of intestinal obstruction. Yellow color indicates the reflux of bile into the stomach. The symptom is characteristic of diseases such as gastroduodenitis, hepatitis, and diseases of the small intestine. Bloody spots. If the vomit contains blood impurities, there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the gastrointestinal tract by a foreign object, as well as gastric ulcers. In this case, you should examine the pet's mouth for the presence of foreign objects and remove them if found. If the animal still burps constantly, you should seek help from a veterinary clinic. White foam. This type of vomit indicates that your pet's stomach is completely empty. This occurs as a result of insufficient feeding or poor diet. Most often this happens due to the inexperience of owners who have adopted the animal recently. However, if the animal is already an adult, this indicates the possibility of cancer. Green vomit may occur when eating large amounts of grass.

But if undigested food has this color, it means that bile is refluxed into the stomach, which often accompanies infectious diseases. For a more accurate diagnosis of the disease, it is important to pay attention to the color of the biomaterial and the presence of foreign objects, mucus, undigested food, and parasites in it.

Vomiting bile in cats - is it dangerous or not?

It may appear if the cat does not eat for a long time, yellow vomit. In this case, vomit may have a yellow color even with a slight release of bile, which is formed as a result of reverse peristalsis of the duodenum. If these are one-time incidents, they should not cause concern. If your cat vomits frequently, for example, after every meal, you should consult a veterinarian. Only he can say after a comprehensive examination whether these symptoms are dangerous or not.

The specialist will order a general blood and urine test, an x-ray and an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Questions about the animal’s nutrition are also often asked. Only after this is the cause of the yellow vomit identified and treatment prescribed.

It is worth understanding that a large amount of bile in the stomach may be accompanied by green vomit. This indicates intestinal obstruction and requires urgent medical attention.

The mechanism of the gag reflex

Usually, owners believe that the cat vomited due to coughing. In fact, it is a symptom of vomiting, not a cause. The attack usually proceeds as follows:

  1. The cat appears to have increased salivation. She worries, constantly licks herself and swallows the saliva that forms.
  2. Then a cough begins, the animal breathes frequently and deeply, and stretches its head forward.
  3. The area of ​​the pharynx and abdomen contracts, first fruitless vomiting appears, and then with the contents.

Important! For cats, vomiting every 3-4 days is normal.

Most often, cats vomit when they eat too quickly or eat too much. This often happens when feeding with low-quality industrial feed or with a mixed diet. Vomiting may also appear in the morning if the cat fell asleep hungry the day before.

If vomiting occurs from overeating, you just need to not let your pet eat or drink for 8 hours, and instead of water, offer to lick an ice cube. If a cat systematically vomits due to an incorrectly formulated diet, it needs to be reconsidered.

All long-haired cats also suffer from nausea and vomiting. When licked, the fur enters the stomach, where it gradually rolls into lumps, which cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. This is why burping fur should not be a concern. If there is blood, foam or mucus in the vomit, you should immediately contact the clinic.

Vomiting in a pregnant cat

An animal may burp while carrying kittens, since the body is being rebuilt at this time and a hormonal imbalance occurs. There is nothing wrong with this if it happens in the morning and there are no impurities in the vomit. If the spasms are repeated, the discharge comes with different impurities, you should seek advice.

Perhaps this is the body's natural reaction to pregnancy. In this case, it is worth reconsidering the diet of the expectant mother and sticking to dietary foods. A cause for concern may be a condition when the cat neither eats nor drinks, and the vomit is yellow. Only a doctor will determine how to treat such an ailment after assessing the condition. If diarrhea also appears, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist. With such symptoms, the body of a pregnant cat loses twice as much moisture. Severe dehydration can be fatal.

What does the appearance of vomiting and blood in the stool indicate?

Bloody feces are quite common in cats. Common causes include constipation if your pet eats too much dry food. Prolonged defecation leads to constipation, and hence blood in the stool. In this case, it is worth reviewing the diet, and the pet’s stool will return to normal.

If your cat has yellow vomiting and bloody feces for a long time, you should be wary, as this may indicate a dangerous disease.

This is often how a disease called hematochezia manifests itself. It is accompanied by heavy bleeding in the lower intestine. Many people confuse it with melena, but with this pathology the stool is black. Hematochezia is accompanied by apathy of the pet; he refuses food and water, and also often runs to the toilet. If you have these signs, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

What to do?

To begin with, if a cat is vomiting, it is necessary to rule out poisoning or infection and this must be done as soon as possible. Then the nature of vomiting is revealed . If you are vomiting with worms, go to the hospital immediately for treatment. Vomiting with food indicates overeating; nausea during sterilization is considered normal, but only when there are no other signs; vomiting in the morning indicates a gallbladder infection.

Prevention is considered to be compliance with the rules of housing and feeding. Try to eliminate dry food when your cat has stomach problems. If the cat is picky and does not eat anything other than it, then try making it with boiling water, which will make the food softer. If cats eat wallpaper, it is necessary to provide them with a toy. That is, knowing why a cat is vomiting, you will no longer think about what to do, and will immediately take measures to alleviate the condition of your pet.

Causes of blood in stool

Often, the reasons that lead to the appearance of blood in the stool are associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Disorders that are accompanied by the appearance of feces containing blood in a cat:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • poisoning;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • kidney dystrophy, pancreatitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • eating disorders;
  • foreign body in the stomach.

These diseases require treatment under the supervision of a veterinarian. If constipation is treated by switching to a dietary diet, then some pathologies cannot be eliminated without medication or surgery.

There are also a number of diseases in which blood may appear in the stool.

  1. Melena or tarry stools. The pathology is accompanied by bleeding that occurs in the lower intestine. It can be caused by an ulcer or damage to the digestive tract. Other signs also appear: she refuses to eat, behaves apathetically, hunches over, and vomits.
  2. Colitis. The disease can be accompanied by both constipation and diarrhea, and yellow vomiting. The cat neither eats nor drinks. What to do with such a pathology? Contact a specialist immediately.
  3. Toxic infections. When poisoned with hemolytic poisons, the animal hides in a dark corner, often vomits, refuses to eat and behaves apathetically. He may experience an increase in body temperature.
  4. Helminthiases. Accompanied by copious and frequent vomit (including worms), stomach upset (constipation or diarrhea), mucous membranes become yellow, conjunctivitis appears, and breathing is heavy. At the same time, the cat also experiences a decrease in the amount of hair and weight loss.

All these pathologies require timely therapy, since its absence can lead to the development of peritonitis, anemia and even death.

First aid

A veterinarian is involved in finding the causes and treating vomiting in a yellow cat. But what if you have to travel far to get there? How to provide first aid to your beloved pet? To begin with, it is worth eliminating the development of dehydration, which can occur with excessive vomiting or diarrhea. You need to force the cat to drink as much as possible. Give a small amount of water every half hour. It is also worth not feeding the animal, but putting it on a fasting regime for at least 24 hours.

It is not recommended to give your pet antiemetic medications that are intended for use on your own. If the vomiting does not stop for more than a day, you should contact a veterinarian to eliminate the causes. But before that, you can only alleviate the unpleasant symptoms. Especially when the cat has diarrhea, yellow vomit, and neither eats nor drinks.

What to do and how to alleviate the animal’s condition:

  • if the vomit contains lumps of hair or food that has not been digested by the stomach, it is worth holding off on feeding for now; you can only give water;
  • with frequent belching, which is somewhat similar to vomiting, it is worth reviewing the diet, namely, removing canned food, sweets and fatty foods;
  • Chamomile decoction will help restore peristalsis and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (1 tsp is given up to four times every morning).

This first aid can help if the pet does not have serious problems with the liver, gall bladder or other pathologies of internal organs.

Diagnostic measures

In a veterinary clinic, if a yellow liquid is vomiting, the doctor will carefully examine the cat, palpate its stomach, check its mucous membranes and measure its body temperature. Next, he will need detailed information about the cat’s condition, as well as documents with notes on vaccination, deworming and previous diseases.

To make a correct diagnosis, the following manipulations are usually performed:

  • X-ray of the intestines, liver, bladder;
  • CT scan;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • endoscopy;
  • biochemical and general blood test;
  • analysis of stool, vomit and urine.

Owners should not refuse diagnostic measures, because they are all aimed at saving the cat’s life. Unfortunately, even modern diagnostic methods do not always make it possible to find out the causes of vomiting yellow liquid, so they often complement each other. For example, ultrasound and x-rays will not help determine poisoning, and also do not always show acute inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and liver. This is why doctors prescribe additional tests.

When to seek help from a veterinarian?

What should I do if my cat has yellow vomit, he doesn’t eat or drink, and these symptoms have lasted for more than a day? If even with first aid your pet’s condition does not improve, you should consult a specialist. You should also consult a veterinarian if the following signs appear: diarrhea, lethargy and apathy, and increased body temperature.

All this indicates that the animal is unwell. In this case, only a veterinarian can identify the causes of the pathology and prescribe the correct therapy.

What treatment is prescribed?

The pet must be shown to a specialist if the owner did not help him on his own.
If your cat is vomiting bile and the condition does not improve after first aid, you should urgently take your pet to the doctor. After an initial examination and medical history, the doctor will give a direction for a series of diagnostic procedures that will help find out why the cat is burping. When the diagnosis becomes known, a comprehensive treatment regimen is prescribed aimed at eliminating the original source of the problem.

Sorbents will help remove toxins from the body, and to prevent the cat from vomiting again, antispasmodics and antiemetics are prescribed. During therapy, food intake should be limited; it is better if the cat fasts for a day. It is necessary to ensure that the animal drinks plenty of liquid. Water will help remove toxins from the body faster, making treatment more effective. To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to give the cat a solution of Regidron. If the animal's condition is satisfactory, it can be treated at home, but be constantly in touch with the doctor. When a cat vomits yellow liquid and there are brown, red or black inclusions in it, hospitalization is required.

The cat has yellow vomiting: treatment and prevention

To begin with, the veterinarian will conduct a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of the disease. Only after this is the appropriate treatment regimen prescribed. These may be drugs to stop nausea and vomiting, and in this case, a gentle diet must be prescribed.

If a cat has yellow vomiting, antispasmodic drugs and sorbents are most often prescribed. They actively remove toxins from the body. If a pathology is detected with organs such as the kidneys or liver, medications are prescribed that restore the proper functioning of these organs, depending on the disease. It is also possible to undergo surgery. For example, with intestinal obstruction.

In order to prevent disturbances in the functioning of the cat’s vital organs, it is worth following preventive measures, which include the following:

  • Feed your pet only with fresh and high-quality products;
  • overeating or hunger is unacceptable;
  • get all vaccinations on time;
  • prevent the appearance of worms and fleas or remove them in a timely manner;
  • Conduct regular examinations of internal organs, which will help identify serious pathology in the initial stages and prevent its development.

If you follow these simple rules, you can significantly extend the life of your four-legged friend. This will also relieve him of the discomfort and suffering that are associated with improper functioning of the organs (stomach, kidneys and liver).

Associated symptoms

Yellow vomiting in a cat may be accompanied by additional symptoms depending on the cause that led to its appearance:

  • the presence of hairballs, food particles, foam in the vomit;
  • refusal to eat;
  • deterioration in wool quality;
  • constipation.

If you are repeatedly vomiting yellow liquid, you should give your cat something to drink as often as possible. If he does not drink on his own, it is recommended to pour liquid into his mouth every half hour to prevent dehydration. There is no need to feed the cat during this period.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to give your cat antiemetic drugs without a doctor's prescription.

If your pet's condition does not improve within a day, you should take him to the veterinarian.

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