Stress in a cat: possible causes, symptoms, treatment

Stress in cats is a common occurrence. Whiskered pets are terrible conservatives, so any change in their usual life causes fear, sadness and other negative emotions in them. Prolonged nervous tension affects not only the psychological state of the animal, but also the physiological one.

In the absence of outside help, it can lead to very serious consequences, so the main tasks of the owner in such a situation are to find and eliminate the stress factor.

Causes of stress

Sometimes stress is caused by serious reasons, sometimes by very minor ones, for example, buying a new litter. Let's name the most common ones:

  • moving or renovation - a new place of residence confuses the animal and makes it very nervous, as does the fuss during renovation;
  • jealousy - manifests itself towards a new family member, a newborn child or a new pet. The cat thinks that the newcomer is encroaching on his personal territory and stealing the attention of his beloved owner;
  • malaise - a cat constantly suffering from pain or the consequences of injury, is stressed, afraid and worried;
  • emotional shock - a long departure or death of the owner provokes severe stress.

Also, a stressful condition in cats can be caused by a trip to the veterinarian, a change in the daily routine, or rearrangement of furniture. Obesity contributes to constant stress. If you change the usual feeding schedule, you will also make the cat worry.

The danger of stress

The life of a domestic cat is closely connected with the actions of its owner. However, this does not mean that the animal likes everything. Sometimes people are forced to expose their pets to any stress factors.

It is impossible to explain to a cat that she just needs a bath, a haircut or a trip to the vet, that people move or die, and sometimes just betray their friends. Pets become attached to both people and places of residence, they worry, experience emotions, and their range is almost as wide as that of a person.

The nervous system reacts instantly to circumstances that are negative from the animal’s point of view. Acute stress is characterized by the following physiological manifestations:

  • pulse and heart rate increase;
  • breathing becomes faster and shallower;
  • pressure rises.

Such symptoms, just like in humans, are associated with a sharp release of stress hormones. The nervous system is able to cope with an acute condition, but with prolonged exposure to negative factors, the pet can fall into a chronic depressed state. The animal's cardiovascular system changes, digestive processes are disrupted, and immune defense is reduced. That is, emotional problems are reflected in the functioning of the body.

How stress manifests itself

In order to provide timely help to your pet, you need to know how stress manifests itself. The symptoms of this phenomenon are not always easy to recognize, especially if you do not know much about animal psychology. Pay attention to the cat's behavior. Perhaps he:

  • licks himself excessively, so that the consequences in the form of scratches and bald spots remain on the skin;
  • yawns constantly;
  • has sharply changed food habits, shows excessive appetite or has started gnawing on inedible things;
  • constantly follows you and meows or simply nervously moves around the territory;
  • tries to isolate himself by choosing dark places.

Pay attention to the condition of the cat's fur. Under stress, it worsens significantly - it fades and falls out. A stressed animal may lose its usual interest in keeping its coat clean.

Toilet problems will indicate a stressful state. One of the main warning signs is difficulty urinating. The reason is stress hormones, which cause inflammation of the bladder. Hence the physical manifestations of extreme anxiety and excitement. If the cat is clearly uncomfortable going to the litter box, he does it too often, he walks by, or there is blood in his urine - these are alarming symptoms. Diarrhea sometimes indicates stress.

What medications will help the cat?

Medicines, in particular sedatives, do not solve the problem. However, in order to relieve stress, certain medications (drops, herbal teas, tablets) may be prescribed. The problem requires complex treatment. One pill won't help.

It is better to use drugs with calming effects as a means to prevent stress and reduce anxiety, rather than for treatment. For example, if you have a long move ahead, then you can give your cat medications such as Stop Stress, Kot Bayun, Fitex, Fospasim in advance. Synthetic pheromones Feliway in the form of an aerosol and similar substances are also suitable.

The use of tranquilizers and hormonal drugs does not bring anything except harm to the health of the pet. Therefore they have no place on this page.

Why does your pet need help?

The harmful effects of stress on a cat’s body cannot be underestimated. External events provoke overstrain of the nervous system, which affects not only the cat’s behavior, but also its health. Internal organs begin to fail.

There is a distinction between long-term and short-term stress. The latter is caused by minor changes in the animal’s life and often goes away without consequences. Long-term stress is more dangerous, as it gradually damages the body more and more, and the cat gets sick. The immune system suffers, the pet can easily catch an infectious disease. The consequences of stress are the appearance of skin diseases, hypertension, and increased blood sugar. This will be noticeable in the tests if you go to the veterinarian for examination.

There are three stages in the development of stress:

  1. in the first stage you usually don't notice anything. But you can see how the pet has become apathetic or, on the contrary, overly excitable. Changes may also affect nutrition: the cat eats much more than usual or refuses food altogether. This stage is characterized by a decrease in pressure and temperature, a decrease in body tone, and rapid breathing;
  2. at the second stage, the cat adapts to the situation, recovers and calms down, the condition returns to normal in the absence of stimuli;
  3. in the third stage, exhaustion occurs if you do not eliminate the stress factor. The animal is no longer able to recover, calming down, and stops eating, sometimes even to the point of death.

To prevent something irreparable, be attentive to the cat and help on your own. If this does not work and the situation is serious, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What can the owner do

If you notice signs of stress in your cat, then you need to eliminate its causes. After this, the animal should return to normal. During this time, you should pay more attention to him.

The task of a cat owner who is under stress is to switch his attention and distract him from the stress factor. Offer new toys and entertainment, give tasty food.

Physical activity helps with stress. The best option is to purchase a play complex where the cat can climb, jump, and play with all sorts of devices. Consider the age and health of your pet. Physical activity must be adequate. The cat’s nervous system does not need overload to avoid an emotional breakdown.

You can relieve stress in a cat using the immersion method - simulate situations that irritate the animal. The goal is to teach him that there is nothing dangerous in them. For example, if a cat is panicking on the street, take it outside in a carrier, gradually increasing the walking time.

A stressed pet will be relaxed by the owner's attention. Pet him and massage him often. It will be useful for you too. A good method of relaxation is a pleasant smell. Aromatherapy calms animals, whose sense of smell is much better than ours. Use an aroma lamp or special incense sticks. Choose the scent of lavender, mint, cedar, bergamot. They give a sedative effect.

Try different methods of getting rid of stress, taking into account the reasons that caused it. A combination of several methods may be required. You will understand what is right for your cat only through practice.

Adjust your animal's diet when stressed. Sea fish, vegetable oil, eggs, and fish oil will be beneficial for the nervous system. Choose ready-made food containing fatty acids.


In order not to cause stress when moving, you need to take a bed, bowl, and tray from your old apartment. Before transportation, Kot Bayun or Stop-stress is given in preventive dosages for several days. Feed replacement is carried out gradually, over 5–7 days, increasing the portions of the new food.

It is easier to prevent stress than to deal with its consequences. You need to have sedatives in your first aid kit, and entertaining toys in your apartment. The cat must feel the love and care of its owner.

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