A complete comparison of related cat breeds Siamese and Thai: differences and character

Some people believe that Siamese and Thai cats are variations of the name of the same breed. After all, both come from Thailand, which relatively recently was called Siam. In addition, these spectacular furry beauties are indeed quite similar. However, Siamese and Thai cats are different breeds, each with unique traits.

Care and maintenance

Siamese kitten
Caring for a Thai cat is not at all burdensome. Like a kitten of any breed, the little Thai must first of all be taught to use a litter box and a scratching post. Kids are very smart and quickly understand what's what. Take a closer look at exactly where the kitten sharpens its claws most often, and place there either a store-bought device or a hand-made device made from thick fabric.

Curtains on the windows are very attractive to Thai babies, so for the first time tie them to a height inaccessible to the little prankster. Over time, they will become uninteresting to him, and the animal will direct its curiosity and activity in a different direction.

Your pet is unlikely to like the bathing procedure, but he will endure it with truly royal endurance. Make sure that water does not get into your ears during bathing procedures. Do not use “human” shampoos - there are enough specialized cosmetics on sale.

Caring for the fur of a Thai cat is extremely simple. It is enough to simply stroke your pet with a damp hand once a week to collect lost hairs. You can use a brush made of soft natural bristles or a special mitten - cats love massage, which, in addition to being cosmetic, also has a healing effect. A characteristic feature of the acromelanic color is its temperature dependence. The cooler the room where a Thai cat lives, the more active the age-related darkening of the coat occurs, which can negatively affect the exhibition career. The most problematic colors in this sense are seal point and blue point. The process can be slowed down if the animal is kept at an air temperature of +23 to +25 °C.

Only cats kept exclusively inside the house need to have their nails trimmed. This is done 2 times a month using a nail clipper or sharp nail scissors. Be careful not to damage living tissue with blood vessels.

Oral care involves periodically brushing your teeth and checking the condition of your gums. Performing this procedure periodically is advisable if you feed your Thai cat natural food.

Ears and eyes are cleaned as needed.

Feeding the cat

The two main rules are balance and sufficiency.

Kittens are fed 6-8 times a day in small portions, an adult animal receives food twice a day. Food should always be fresh, not cold or hot. Having a bowl of constantly clean water is a must.

I found my place in this house

Each owner decides the issue of balance independently. If at first you should follow the diet that the breeder followed, then in the future you can gradually transfer your Thai cat to a diet that will be more convenient for you.

There will be less hassle with ready-made feed. There is one “but” here - the widely advertised options from supermarkets are not suitable, otherwise health problems will arise. Use only specially developed premium and super-premium grades.

Supporters of a natural diet should remember that food from our table is not suitable for Thai cats. Your pet will have to cook separately. The menu must include raw meat, cut in such a way that the cat does not immediately swallow the piece, but chews it for some time. But be sure to cook the fish. Contrary to popular belief, it should not be made the dominant food product. Moreover, do not feed fish to a pregnant animal. Pamper your cat with a chicken egg once a week. Cottage cheese is welcome in the diet, but low-fat varieties are better. Hot and spicy dishes are excluded from the diet of Thai cats.

Vegetables and fruits can be given without restrictions - the cat will choose what she wants to eat at the moment.

If your Thai does not leave the house, make sure that her diet includes fresh grass or green cereals (seeds can be bought at a pet store and grown in ordinary flower pots).

When creating a menu, be sure to take into account the age of your pet - this will help avoid many problems. You can cook for cats only from fresh and high-quality products.

Where's my food?


Thai cats are clean and can lick their fur for several hours. Even due to increased activity, pets do not damage furniture. But a small kitten still needs to be accustomed to a scratching post and a tray.

A warm climate is very important for a pet. Since keeping them in cold conditions, in addition to colds and other diseases, can cause color changes.

It is imperative to provide the cat with free space where she can play and frolic.


Like any other short-haired breed, it is enough to brush the coat 1-2 times a week. You can also remove lost hair from the body by simply running a wet hand over the cat’s body several times; the excess hair will remain on your hands.

If the cat is a participant in exhibitions, then it is advisable to bathe it. This should be done in warm, but not hot water, and use a special shampoo for animals so that the fur remains soft and silky. This procedure is performed once a month.


Immediately after purchasing a cat, you need to make a decision regarding the type of pet food: natural food or special dry food.

Attention! Combining two types of food is strictly prohibited.

In the case of industrial feed, you just need to choose a suitable brand, at least premium.

If the decision has been made to feed the cat natural food, their menu should be balanced and nutritious. Food should be served slightly warmed.

Adult cats need to be fed 2-3 times a day, and kittens 5 to 6 times (this is explained by the fact that they are more active).

Be sure to add to the diet:

  • chicken and beef meat;
  • yolk of chicken or quail eggs;
  • fermented milk products with reduced fat content;
  • boiled fish;
  • low fat pork.

It is strictly forbidden to pamper your cat with food such as:

  • products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats and spices;
  • coloring vegetables.

Caring for ears, eyes and claws

When caring for a Thai cat, you need to pay attention to the following parts of the body:

  1. Eyes. Thai cats normally have moderate discharge from the eyes, so this can be removed with a damp cloth. If your cat has a lot of discharge from the eyes or no discharge at all, it is recommended that you contact your veterinarian.
  2. Ears. Despite the fact that the ears of Thai cats are small, they also need to be cleaned of dust and dirt. To do this, use cotton swabs and liquid for wetting. But do not clean too deeply, as there is a risk of damaging the ear.
  3. Teeth. It is recommended to clean with a toothbrush and a special paste for cats. If it is not possible to purchase such a paste, then you can simply wipe your teeth with wet and dry gauze. It is recommended to do this regularly, several times a week.
  4. Claws. They need to be trimmed to avoid injuries that the cat can inflict on itself by getting caught on furniture and clothes. For the procedure, scissors or nail clippers are used. It is necessary to cut off the transparent part without touching the vessels and living tissue.

Walking your pet

Thai cats take walks very well.

Recommendations for walking an animal:

  • It is better to take the cat out on a leash so that it cannot run away and get lost;
  • Before walking, you should put on a flea collar and treat the fur with insect repellent;
  • the walk should take place in a place where there are no dogs;
  • Do not walk during estrus.

On the street, a cat is more interested in warmth rather than vitamin D, since this is genetically embedded in them.

How are Thai cats different from Siamese cats?

The differences between Siamese and Thai cats are obvious

When you see a Siamese, you pay special attention to his body. Nature has endowed these animals with an elongated and thin body.

Representatives of the breed appear longer than all others due to their thin tail. Sometimes it seems that pets are not fed enough, but this is not so. The Thais are a completely different matter: fluffed, large, plush. They appear large even when they are not. This is also an illusion, since this is their body. A thick, but not long tail also helps to enhance the effect. If the Siamese has a thin and elongated muzzle, then the Thai has the opposite - this is one of the most striking key differences. Animals also differ from each other in color. Siamese cats have a light coat, and dark spots can only be seen on the tail, paws and face. As for representatives of Thai individuals, their darkening has different shades, ranging from purple to charcoal.

You might think that quadrupeds have only external differences, but there are also plenty of internal ones. It's about character. Animals are complete opposites in relation to each other. Thus, the Thais are famous for their kindness and relative calmness, which cannot be said about the Siamese. It can be difficult with them sometimes. If a cat wants to show his character, then he will definitely show it.

Siamese can be taught a lot, but it should be within reason. If a pet gets angry with its owner, it will continue to harm him for a long time. Therefore, before buying an animal, you should think about whether this is really the friend you want to see next to you.

Perhaps you should pay attention to the affectionate and devoted Thais. Although everything is individual

Siamese cats also love their owners and everyone who lives in the same house with them, but they do not show it so clearly. Four-legged animals do not tolerate loneliness well; for them it is tantamount to a test, so it is better not to leave cats alone for a long time. As for Thais, representatives of this breed have a hard time getting used to new people, so it’s especially hard for the “lost” ones.

Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts about the Thai cat breed:

  1. Thais are very talkative and artistic pets. They can show their mood through the intonation in their voice. It is very common to observe how the pitch and volume of their voice changes depending on situations.
  2. Thais are born pure white, and with age they acquire darkening fur on the face, ears, paws and tail.
  3. From the Thai cat came the Burmese and Balinese.

Overall, we can say that Thais are wonderful pets, graceful, elegant, loving and artistic. They will definitely help to diversify life, fill it with warm feelings and emotions and will never leave the owner in despair. But before you get such a pet, you need to carefully study the information about them.

What to feed a Siamese kitten?

You can start feeding the baby, even if he still receives nutrition from his mother, from 1 month. Food must contain the necessary elements for growth and development. Therefore, gradually begin to introduce the following foods into your baby’s diet:

Meat – beef and beef heart. It must be thoroughly washed and ground into minced meat. Before serving, mix it with sprouted wheat grains or crushed yeast tablets. The pet should receive at least 30 grams of meat products per day;

Fish: salmon, navaga, cod, trout

It needs to be boiled well to increase protein digestibility; It is important to add pureed unsweetened vegetables to each serving of fish or meat. They can be taken from regular baby food in jars;

Egg yolk combined with mashed potatoes or sprouted wheat grains

Be sure to boil the eggs before serving, do not use raw product;

Cheese, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese. Keep cow's milk aside for now as it can cause digestive problems. It’s better to prepare cottage cheese mixed with yolk.

Dry food can be given from 2 months. But remember that you cannot mix homemade food with specialized food.

. Choose one or the other diet.


In the distant past, Thai and Siamese cats were considered representatives of the same breed. The differences between the animals, not only externally, but also in character, turned out to be so obvious that after some time they were divided into two different breeds, despite the fact that they had a common ancestor - the traditional Siamese.

The confusion arose from the kingdom of Siam, which we know today as Thailand. It was from here that the first Siamese cat was taken out. Then, during selection, another breed appeared, which also began to be called Siamese. For a long time, the Siamese and Thai cats, which had differences (you can see the photo in this article), belonged to a single breed. Although these animals are separated today, most cat lovers consider all individuals with the characteristic dark mask on the face to be Siamese.

Experts say that the thickness of the coat and its shade most often depends on the climatic conditions of the country in which the variety appeared. Today there are almost forty different species of such cats in the world.

We'll talk about the differences between Siamese and Thai cats a little later, but for now let's figure out what common characteristics these animals have. Both breeds are intelligent, curious and very playful. They become obligatory participants in all family affairs; the animals are extremely sociable and “talkative.”

They have almost the same, or at least very similar color, which on the paws, tail and face can be brown, gray, black or purple. The fur on the body is light. Cats have a characteristic eye color for these breeds - blue or blue. That's all the similarities. If you look at photos of representatives of one and another breed, you will never confuse them again.

Origin of rocks

The Siamese cat is a favorite of many around the world. This breed was first bred in Siam. At the same time, not everyone knows that this is a Thai cat, and not a Siamese. Many people confuse the breed, which is due to the double name of the state where the first babies were born. Today Siam is as familiar to everyone as Thailand. It was from this country that four-legged animals were brought to the USA and European countries.

Siamese cat

First, a Thai cat, born in Siam, appeared in the world. To make things easier for themselves, many people began to call the breed based on its place of origin, that is, Siamese. Much later, breeders developed a breed that today everyone knows as Thai.

Difference in appearance

But you have to somehow distinguish between these two breeds. After all, each of them has half a century of its own history. During this time some differences must have occurred. And indeed it is.

The first thing that allows you to distinguish between Siamese and Thai cats is their appearance. The structure of their bodies differs significantly, and it is difficult to confuse them. Although the misconception about what a “Siamese cat” is remains, perhaps due to the eyes and similar characteristics of the owners.

So, what are the differences between these breeds regarding appearance?

  • Head. Siamese have an elongated muzzle and the same elongated triangular ears, while Thais have the more familiar rounded one, with small rounded ears;
  • Limbs. Thais have medium-length paws, while Siamese have longer and more elongated paws;
  • Tail. Siamese cats have a long and “whip” tail, while Thai cats have a shorter and slightly plumper tail;
  • Body. Thai cats have a fairly massive physique, although they cannot be called fat (unless overfed, of course), while Siamese look like catwalk models - slender, elongated and proud.

It is possible to distinguish cats

In addition, there is a difference regarding wool. No, colors, for the most part, differ little between breeds. This also sometimes misleads home-grown “experts”. The difference is that Thais sport a fairly warm and dense coat, but Siamese cats in this regard are similar to Sphynxes. No, they are not hairless, but their coat is much shorter than the Thai one.

The difference between them in appearance in profile (even in the photo) is also clearly visible. Among the Thais, it has a slight concavity at eye level. And Siamese cats, in turn, have an almost perfect straight profile, without any bends. Yes, and their faces are different. Thai cats have an almost perfectly rounded face, but Siamese have a pointed, triangular face. So, in fact, it is almost impossible to confuse these breeds, knowing about these points. Even in the dark.

Standards for both breeds

The characteristics of the breed are the main thing that identifies this or that representative. If there was no crossbreeding, then there are some characteristic nuances that exist in some animal species and in others.

The Thais have them like this:

  1. Compact body. At the same time, a beautiful and large physique. The weight of some adult animals can be over 8 kg.
  2. The limbs are of medium length. As for the tail, it is thick and small.
  3. The head shape of Thai cats is always round. In addition, it is worth noting the profile, which has a concavity at eye level.
  4. The ears are small and their tips are slightly rounded.
  5. The eyes are round in shape, expressive and large.
  6. The coat is smooth, shiny, short and without undercoat.

Siamese have the following:

  1. The body is flexible, long and slender.
  2. The limbs are long. The tail is exactly the same.
  3. The head resembles a wedge. If you look closely, it seems that the tips of the ears and nose together form a rectangle.
  4. The profile is straight only. The eyes seem to be slightly slanted and almond-shaped.
  5. The ears are quite wide, pointed at the very base. The ears are the first thing that catches your eye when you see a cat because they are large.
  6. The fur is smooth and short.

Character and behavior

Smart and quick-witted Thais are not without reason called the “intellectuals” of the cat world. They are open to everything new, explore the world around them with curiosity, and until their death they retain childlike spontaneity and curiosity. And you can’t deny Thai cats a royal sense of dignity. Once in an apartment, Thais will immediately single out that same leader - the dominant member of the family, and will kindly give him most of their attention and generously shower him with affection. The cat will also not ignore the rest of the household, but it will only truly miss its leader when apart.

The talkativeness of Thais is a quality that can be viewed both negatively and positively.

The Thai cat masterfully knows how to convey all his emotions through a whole range of sounds and intonations: he knows how to thank for a delicious dinner, ask to change the tray, swear, rejoice, threaten, talk about what happened during the day each time in his own way. And believe me, this is indescribably funny.

Thais have a keen sense of their owner's mood. Having realized that a loved one is angry or sad, they will act exactly according to the situation: run to him to calm him down or hide further away to wait out the storm.

Which cat's smile walked on its own?


Curious animals will not leave “blank spaces” on the map of their home. Everything will be examined: right down to the space under the bathroom and the piles of dust on the cabinet. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your cat will either singe its whiskers from the stove, or get its nose pinched by a box, or fall from a height. But such an experience - even if it was painful - does not teach a Thai anything, alas, and he will stubbornly continue to do exactly the same thing.

Thai cats love to watch what is happening on the street from the window. And it’s not easy to watch: it often happens that an animal, trying to catch a bird or a butterfly, falls from a great height and falls to its death. Therefore, either do not open the windows, or install special strong nets in the openings.

Thais love children. Even small ones that can hurt the cat. Thai cats happily play with babies, hiding their claws, and you can leave even very small toddlers with them without fear.

Thais are great at entertaining themselves, but self-sufficiency borders on amazing affection for people. Therefore, the main thing is that he is nearby, then the cat will tolerate both short-term loneliness and a change in life environment.

Gets along well with other cats and dogs, but perceives rodents and birds as prey.

This breed is not recommended for allergy sufferers!

Expert's opinion Vera Ivanovna Dusheba In 2010 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

A fussy Thai cat can be calmed down by splashing cool water on it. There is definitely no need to behave aggressively, otherwise the cat will take note of this and begin to repeat after you. Hide valuables, important documents, medicines and wires away, buy your pet new toys from time to time - this will protect your environment from destruction.

Thai character

These four-legged animals are distinguished by devotion and fidelity; previously they were kept only in noble families; they were the privilege of the aristocracy. Their description first appeared in the nineteenth century; such celebrities as Alekhine or Vivien Leigh had representatives of the breed.

If you get such a cat, he will follow you everywhere, watch what you do, and participate in it. Four-legged animals are sociable and affectionate, they especially caress immediately after waking up - they need to get their morning dose of love. Every morning they come to their owner to be petted. If he doesn't pay attention, they will put their paws on him and then jump.

Such kitties meow briefly, look into people's faces, and touch them. They are smart and intelligent - they will not meow loudly, demanding their own, unlike the Siamese.

To read: Maltese breed description and puppy cost

They are active, love to play, are well trained, and can also walk safely on a leash in a harness. You can often see them walking sedately along the sidewalk, not chasing small rodents or reacting to birds - natural restraint and good upbringing make themselves felt. But it’s better not to let them go for walks alone - firstly, they have weak immunity, and secondly, such a charmer can be stolen by those who are not ready to spend several thousand, or even tens of thousands of rubles on buying a kitten with documents.

Difference in character

Breeds can be distinguished not only by appearance. There are characteristic differences in the temperament and behavior of animals. Be careful, the character may differ from the personal characteristics of cats, from the place of residence and upbringing.

Representatives of the Thai breed have a rather individual character. They are usually balanced and calm. Characterized by curiosity and attention to detail. Thais are pretty smart cats. They are highly trainable and are able to learn even non-standard commands.

Thais love their owners and get used to them. At the same time, they rarely show jealousy and get along easily with both children and other animals. You shouldn't leave them alone for a long time. When left alone for a long time, a cat may develop mental problems. Playing with Thais is fun and safe; they practically do not let out their claws.

Representatives of the Siamese breed love their owners. This feeling is always accompanied by increased jealousy. If you treat a cat poorly, often scold it, beat it and punish it, then its character will deteriorate. Animals are very loud. They yell more often than the usual meow.

These cats will scream until they receive increased attention to themselves. You need to give them a lot of attention, they are very playful and need it

If the owner is absent for a long time, the cat becomes apathetic and ceases to be interested in what is happening around. At the same time, representatives of the breed are very freedom-loving and are distinguished by their independence. You shouldn't expect complete obedience from them.

Character of the Thai breed

As already mentioned, the main difference between a Thai cat and a Siamese is its character. The animal is distinguished by its gentleness, calmness and intelligence. Pets really like to watch everything that happens around them. There is a real feeling that they are assessing the situation and trying to understand what will happen next. Representatives of the breed become attached to their owners from a young age, so they tolerate separation very hard. The owner's refusal to accept them is a great tragedy. The Lost Ones need more than one month to adapt to their new family and begin to recover from stress.

The gentle nature of the Thai cat allows you to have several animals in the house. Moreover, these can be not only representatives of this breed, but also many others. Pets get along well with decorative rabbits, chinchillas, and dogs.

Important! Thais cannot be alone for a long time; their psyche can be seriously disturbed.

Therefore, if the owners are not at home for days due to business trips, for example, then you should get either another pet, or leave as many toys as possible for the furry so that he does not have to get bored.

Thai cats are one of the kindest cats, so you can safely leave them alone with kids. Animals, even if they play, never release their claws. Tired of the kids, they just get up and walk away.

The peculiarity of the breed is its “talkativeness”. These are almost the only representatives of cats that can make such a variety of sounds. In addition, pets have well-developed facial expressions, from which a caring owner can easily determine what mood the animal is in and what it wants. The appearance of the four-legged animal is inimitable thanks to this nuance.

Sometimes curiosity gets the better of furry creatures too much. Of course, they have a sense of self-preservation, but if something interesting is happening in the house, they will never miss it, even if it is scary.

To accustom a kitten to a potty, a scratch pad, and a place to sleep, you should teach your baby to be tidy from childhood. The animal quickly remembers all the necessary rules and does not break them. Until the age of 4-5, pets are especially active, so you should be prepared for this. Later, age will make itself felt, but from time to time the cat will still remember his younger years with pleasure.

What is the best name for a Siamese cat?

The general rule that applies when choosing nicknames for any domestic cat is that it should contain hissing sounds: this will make it easier for the cat to get used to its name, love it and willingly respond to it. Fortunately, there are plenty of “sizzling” Russian nicknames and, despite the fact that the origin of your pet is by no means local, he will certainly like one of them.

A Siamese boy can be called Barsik, Darcy, Kuzya, Archie, Elastik, Zenit, Baikal, and for girls Arisha, Shunya, Lusha, Yasya, Pusha, Snezha, Bun are perfect

One way or another, when choosing a name from a long list of options, you should pay attention to the individual characteristics of your new family member: it is possible that a suitable nickname will “find” him by itself

Character and temperament of the Thai and Siamese cats

Representatives of these breeds have characteristic temperamental traits. Despite the fact that a pet’s behavior largely depends on the conditions of keeping and upbringing, its character is given to it at birth, and it will not be possible to radically change it. When choosing between a Thai and a Siamese, you must definitely evaluate the disposition of each of these animals. Information about the character of representatives of these breeds:

Siamese cat

Breed nameCharacter
  • intelligence;
  • high intelligence;
  • sociability;
  • devotion;
  • lack of tendency to unmotivated aggression;
  • pronounced hunting instinct;
  • friendly attitude towards relatives.
  • jealousy;
  • aggression may occur due to lack of attention or an attempt to pet;
  • tendency to raise one's voice to achieve one's goals;
  • stubbornness;
  • waywardness;
  • vulnerability;
  • rancor and vindictiveness;
  • independence and love of freedom;
  • indifference to strangers.
  • equilibrium;
  • sharp mind;
  • energy;
  • devotion;
  • good nature;
  • playfulness;
  • non-conflict;
  • good attitude towards small animals and children;
  • lack of inclination to use claws and teeth.
  • curiosity;
  • attachment to the owner, bordering on importunity;
  • need for constant communication;
  • rejection of loneliness.

Siamese and Thai: who is smarter?

It is impossible to say for sure which of these animals is smarter. Both Thai and Siamese beauties stand out in the cat world for their intelligence and curiosity. The only difference is that the former are more accommodating, while the latter are much more independent.

Representatives of each breed can be taught order or trained. However, they require a different approach to themselves. A Siamese cat cannot be forced to do anything against its will. But one should not consider her more stupid because of her tendency to be stubborn.

Caring for Thai cats

Thai cats are unpretentious animals and this breed does not require any special care. The cat must be combed every two weeks to remove dead hairs. You need to bathe your pet once a quarter.

Cats do not like water, and it is better to bathe the animal with caution. Although, if a Thai is accustomed to water, he will experience this procedure quite calmly

Once every two weeks, the cat’s ears need to be cleaned; this should be done carefully using cotton swabs. Once a week you need to trim the tips of the claws with special scissors. The color of a Thai largely depends on body temperature and the environment. In areas with poor blood circulation, the fur becomes darker, so if you do not want your cat's fur to darken prematurely, keep the animal warm.

Before you bring a kitten home, prepare your apartment for its arrival. Put away wires, cables, and valuables that the cat could break or damage. Remove dangerous and toxic substances away, close all cracks in which the cat could get stuck. Set up a sleeping place for the cat, a place for food and prepare a tray with filler. Thai cats are very playful, so to prevent the animal from getting bored, it is better to prepare toys for the cat in advance.

When you just bought a kitten, take preventive measures against parasites, even if at first glance the cat seems clean. Once every six months, the cat must be shown to the veterinarian in order to monitor the health of the animal. If you do not want the animal to bear offspring, it must be castrated. It is better to carry out this procedure at an early age, as kittens tolerate surgical interventions more easily.

Health and illness

The Siamese cat breed is famous for its good health and is considered a long-liver. However, some representatives of this breed may suffer from various diseases characteristic of the cat family.

Genetic breed abnormalities

Both mixed and purebred breeds can suffer from a variety of ailments that are genetic in nature, for example:

  1. Liver disease, which is accompanied by protein metabolism disorders, is scientifically called amyloidosis. The consequence of this disease is liver failure and the formation of breast tumors.
  2. Diseases of the vestibular apparatus.
  3. Retinal atrophy.
  4. Congenital heart defect.

Fortunately, all of the above ailments occur rarely.

Other health problems

Due to the wrong approach to caring for the Siamese breed, the following diseases may occur:

  • tartar;
  • fleas;
  • worms;
  • lichen;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Despite the fact that these are common cat diseases, they require special preventive measures.

Prevention methods

To avoid unpleasant diseases, you need to undergo routine checks from experienced specialists. In addition, it is advisable to follow the following list of procedures:

  1. Clean your ears regularly with a cotton swab.
  2. Rub your eyes with chamomile infusion.
  3. Brush your teeth with a brush and special toothpaste.
  4. Get timely vaccinations.
  5. Carry out routine deworming.

Don't forget about proper nutrition.

Features of caring for a Thai cat

“Thais” are a breed with high cleanliness that do not require complex care. To look after the coat, you need a special brush for short-haired breeds. Bathing animals comes with complications, as cats do not like water and will actively resist attempts to wash them. Veterinarians advise carrying out bath procedures only when absolutely necessary, when the cat cannot independently remove dirt stuck to the fur.

Claw care

Claw trimming is not required if you have a scratching post and constantly use it. If the pet denies special devices, then the haircut is carried out as carefully and patiently as possible, so as not to accidentally injure the cat.


The organs of vision are a weak and problematic area for the “Thais”. In an animal without pathologies, they are clean, without foreign secretions. The appearance of a film in the area of ​​the inner corner extending onto the iris, inflammation, suppuration and swelling are signs of infection. The cat needs to be taken to the veterinarian and treated.

Dental hygiene

Regular examination allows you to avoid serious pathologies. There should be no ulcers, swelling or redness in the oral cavity. When plaque appears on your teeth, you need to clean them. Some owners carry out the procedure themselves, others prefer to entrust teeth cleaning to doctors.

Tebby point

Differences in Appearance

At exhibitions and nurseries you can often hear the question “How much does a Siamese-like cat breed cost?” After all, not everyone understands the differences between these two varieties. You can distinguish a “Siamese” from a “Thai” by their appearance. However, it is precisely because of their appearance that people who do not understand the breed often confuse them. After all, pets have a similar coat color. But the differences in the appearance of pets are very significant.

One variety differs from another in the structure of its head. The Siamese breed kitten has a wedge-shaped skull. At the same time, his nose is straight and elongated. The Thai kitten has a round head and a sloping nose. The eyes of Thai cats are round. Siamese cats have more elongated eyes, which are characterized by an arrogant squint.

Another feature by which the breed can be easily identified are the ears. For “Thais” they are rounded at the tips and located in proportion to the head. Among the “Siamese” they are huge in size compared to their heads. You can draw a regular triangle between their nose and ears.

Siamese kittens differ from Thai kittens not only in their heads, but also in their bodies. "Siamese" have a thin, graceful body, a long tail and paws. They weigh only 3–4 kg. The “Thai” is fluffy and larger in size than its relative. Cats of this breed weigh between 4–8 kg. Their body is denser and more muscular.

There is also a difference in the structure of the tail. Thai cats have a drooping thick tail. Its length is moderate. The "Siamese" differs from the "Thai" by its whip-shaped tail. It is very thin and long.

Its tip is sharp. If Siamese and Thai cats have such obvious differences, then why do many people confuse them? The fact is that animals still have a number of features in appearance that are the same in both varieties.

These include:

  • eye color – blue. This color is quite rare in cats;
  • coat color - there is a dark mask on the muzzle, the tail and paws are also dark in color, and the body itself is light;
  • the wool is short. However, fluffy Siamese cats are not found. But the “Thais” have more voluminous wool. Although, depending on the subspecies, a fluffy Siamese cat may be found.

It is worth noting that for these breeds such parameters as the thickness of the coat and its shade depend on the climatic characteristics of the country where they live. Moreover, the older the animal, the more pronounced the difference from another breed. Therefore, a very young Thai cat may look like a Siamese, but at the same time fluffy.


Oriental breeds are prone to early puberty, therefore, cats come into heat at a fairly young age. Now the breed is closed. For breeding it is necessary to obtain a certificate of conformity.

Mating should be done on the cat's territory. This process can last from 2 to 5 days.

A cat's pregnancy can be determined at 3-4 weeks. The shape of the body is rounded, the animal becomes calm and affectionate, and the appetite improves. In one litter, a cat can have up to five cubs.

There are currently many known nurseries for Thai cats, for example:

  • "Thai Riddle" - Moscow.
  • "Catus Vivendi" - Moscow.
  • "ShineThai" - Moscow.

Appearance of Siamese

Among Siamese cats there are about 40 varieties of the breed. All subspecies of the breed have their own external differences.

siam standard

However, there is a certain breed standard for all of them. A real Siamese has a flexible, long body, you can even call it thin, it has a lot of dignity and elegance. The tail is distinguished by its length and shape; it is whip-shaped. The paws are just as slender. The head is wedge-shaped. Siamese have eyes of a rare color - blue with an almond shape. The ears of Siamese are also notable. At their base they are large and continue the line of the head. They have pointed ends.

The main difference between Siamese and Thai cats is their color. The body, paws, tail are light in color, the muzzle and toes on the paws are dark. Surprisingly, Siamese kittens are completely white at birth. They will begin to darken from the age of one month, and their color will be fully formed only by the first year of their life.

How to recognize a kitten

You need to distinguish a Siamese cat from a Thai cat especially when you buy a kitten. This is not so easy to do, since key external characteristics are not yet expressed as clearly as in mature representatives of these breeds. However, there are some things you can take into account. For example, from an early age it is noticeable what shape the kitten’s head has: if it’s wedge-shaped, it’s a Siamese cat, and if it’s round, it’s a Thai cat.

As for the tail, in the Thai pet it tapers to the tip, while in the Siamese it has the same thickness along the entire length. Even by the physique of the kittens it is already clear who is in front of you. Siamese are always thin, while Thais are stronger and stockier.

Take into account the key features and you will immediately understand how the cats of these two related and very similar breeds differ, which means you will not be mistaken in the process of choosing a small fluffy kitten.

Siamese and Thai cats: differences in character

There is an opinion that Siamese cats are endowed with a harmful, quarrelsome and vindictive disposition. However, the owners of these animals and breeders strongly disagree with this statement. They note that Siamese are very smart, easily, playfully master training and, like dogs, are extremely attached to their owners.

However, these animals are wayward and jealous, although they are the first to try not to show aggression. If they feel any threat towards their owner, they will immediately come to his defense.

Experts believe that Siamese and Thai cats are completely different. What differences in character are immediately noticeable? Thais are peaceful, more affectionate, active and loyal animals. They value care very much and are always friendly not only towards humans, but also towards other pets. Thais are playful, and if the owner does not pay attention to them, they will find something to do that family members may not like.

Thai breed is open. This means that anyone who suspects their pet is Thai can bring their pet to the club for examination. Two experts will determine the cat's breed. This cannot be done with Siamese, since the breed is closed.

Content specifics

The Thai Siamese cat is not picky, but has its own characteristics. These include:

  • great curiosity often leads to it falling out through the window; it is necessary to close all window openings with a net in advance;
  • they are sociable and fearless, which makes them similar to dogs;
  • friendly, can independently choose their approach to communication with the owner;
  • have developed facial expressions;
  • are well accustomed to walking on a leash;
  • afraid of drafts and cold weather;
  • Occasionally they need to be bathed, protecting their ears from water.

These cats are considered long-lived, with an average lifespan of approximately 14 years, but with proper care they can live up to 30 years.

Care and hygiene

Grooming is minimal, since “Thais” practically do not shed. It is enough to comb them once a week with a special glove and remove six from it; during periods of shedding, the number of combings increases. To make the coat shine after the procedure, you can wipe it with a piece of suede or silk.

For this purpose, special drops and lotions are used. For oral hygiene, special pastes and brushes are used. If the pet does not sharpen its claws enough on its own, then they are trimmed as necessary with a nail clipper.


Thai cats are a breed that is not picky about food. Therefore, their diet includes food of at least premium class, and for cats with light colors - holistic food.

If the owner prefers to feed the animal with fresh products, then it is necessary to select those that contain proteins of natural origin:

  • chicken egg yolks;
  • quail eggs;
  • poultry fillet;
  • beef liver;
  • curd mass;
  • lean boiled pork;
  • boiled fish - give pieces without bones.

Due to the high iodine content in seafood, it is not recommended to include them often in the diet, since iodine can affect the darkening of color

It is also important to maintain a balance between meat and fish products and to include vegetables and grains in your food.

Contraindicated for “Thais”: fatty, salty, smoked foods and sweets, especially those containing cocoa beans.

What not to feed a Thai

You should not feed your cat river or lake fish. It may contain parasites that will enter the pet's body.

Raw meat may also contain worm eggs. This kind of food is unacceptable. You should not give smoked or fried food to Thai cats. This negatively affects the kidneys.


Thai cats are naturally considered animals with good immunity. If pets receive vaccinations on time and undergo preventive examinations, then serious problems with their health should not arise.

Amyloidosis occurs as a result of the accumulation of abnormal proteins in the blood plasma, which begin to be deposited in the liver and pancreas. As a result, organ rupture and profuse hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity may occur. Since the disease is genetic, the best thing that can be done is constant examination of the animal, especially females, which are more susceptible to it.

The owner should be alert to the following signs:

  • natural curiosity is lost and interest in games is not shown;
  • constipation alternates with diarrhea;
  • stool becomes pale;
  • appetite worsens;
  • mucous membranes and skin are icteric.

Strabismus, if present, does not pose any threat to the life of the animal. Because it is a birth defect. The only thing in which it can become an obstacle is disqualification at exhibitions.

How to choose a kitten

If you want to buy a pet of this breed, you need to carefully consider and pay attention to the following things:

  1. Eye color. Pets of pure Thai breed and without defects, have bright or deep blue eyes.
  2. A rounded muzzle with a strong chin, widely spaced medium-sized ears, and round, slanted eyes.
  3. Clean ears.
  4. Straight tail without kinks.
  5. No unpleasant odor, physical defects, or discharge from the eyes or nose.

In addition, color can change throughout life due to climate change. In cold temperatures the coat darkens and in hot climates it becomes lighter. Such color changes are caused by the genes of Siamese ancestors and are characteristic of all point colors.

The kitten must have the following documents:

  • kitten's birth certificate or completed pedigree;
  • veterinary passport;
  • purchase and sale agreement in two copies.

Siamese and Thai cats, what are their differences?

To this day, there is confusion between these popular cat breeds. Siamese and Thai cats, their differences are significant, but at first glance you may not understand and get confused. In this article, we will analyze in detail what their differences and similarities are, and we will also find out why there is such confusion between these breeds of pets.

It's all down to their complicated history. They have one common ancestor, it was brought from Siam, modern Thailand. However, these are completely two different breeds that can be classified under the general Siamese-Oriental group.

Difference between Thais and Siamese

Cats of the Thai breed are considered the main relatives of the Siamese, because they originated precisely from the Siamese breed, through the long work of felinologists. At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to their breeding work, the Thai cat breed was developed. The modified breed primarily had external differences, a different shape of the body, paws and head, a different character.

Origin story

In the old days, Thai and Siamese cats were considered the same breed. After all, they have one ancestor - the traditional Siamese. However, then they separated. As a result of their spread around the world, animals were subjected to selection. That's why Thai and Siamese cats appeared. They can be distinguished by external signs.

Representatives of these varieties were known in Thailand hundreds of years ago. At that time, this country was called Siam. It is from this name that the species got its name. At the moment, there are about 40 subspecies of these pets in the world.

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