Causes of unpleasant odor from cats and its sources

The absence of odor, including from the mouth, is one of the pleasant advantages of domestic cats. The breath of a healthy animal should not be foul. The unpleasant signals our nose picks up can be a symptom of a serious illness or a sign of poor care. To understand why a kitten has bad breath, you need to examine its gums and teeth, and also assess your pet’s well-being in order to notice other symptoms in time.

Should a healthy cat smell?

Nature took care of the hunting cat and provided for the absence of smell. “Washing” the cat is of great importance. Animal saliva contains lysozyme. This is an enzyme that, when contacted by microorganisms, immediately destroys their membranes.

The smell of flesh is the smell of microorganisms. It is they who, by multiplying, reveal their presence. The higher the population, the stronger the odor emanating from the microbe's breeding site. By destroying the microflora on itself, the cat normalizes it and prevents reproduction.

The cat washes itself often because the enzyme is very unstable. When it comes into contact with air, it quickly breaks down and must be applied again and again. If a cat feels good, it will not be lazy. Constant washing is a guarantee that there will be no odor.

What Can Cause Strong Urine Odor?

Besides the smell of ammonia in urine, there are many other factors why your cat has foul-smelling urine.

  1. Dehydration . Most cats do not like to drink water and this causes dehydration. If your cat doesn't drink enough water, her urine becomes more concentrated, and concentrated urine has a stronger ammonia smell.
  2. Unmodified filler . If you don't change your cat litter, the ammonia becomes concentrated. The litter may look clean, but your cat's urine has seeped deep into the litter. This causes a strong urine odor from your litter box.
  3. Diet . Your cat's diet may also be the cause of a strong ammonia odor in her urine. Most pet owners feed their cats foods containing chicken protein. These proteins produce urea (as mentioned above) and cause urine to smell strongly.
  4. Stress . Keep in mind that stress can also cause your cat's urine to smell strong (albeit indirectly). Experiencing stress and anxiety will cause some behavioral changes, which include peeing all over the house and beyond. The strong-smelling cat urine lingers for a long time and can even be smelled from a couple of meters away!
  5. Urinary tract infection . A more serious cause of strong urine odor is a urinary tract infection. With sepsis, a life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection, your cat's urine has a strong odor.

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Liver or kidney diseases as causes of pathology

Chronic kidney disease leads to disruption of the exchange of salts and fluids, which in itself leads to changes in the composition of sweat and the volume of its excretion. In addition, with uremia, the formation of kidney failure against the background of chronic progressive kidney diseases, the level of ammonia and urea in the sweat increases, which gives the body the smell of cat urine. This smell is resistant to usual hygiene measures and does not disappear even after bathing. This smell is typical for pyelonephritis and nephrosis, uremic syndrome.

Liver diseases, in which the metabolism of intermediate metabolic products and their breakdown within the organ are disrupted, also lead to the appearance of urine odor.


We know why cat urine stinks, now let's look at the reasons why your cat might smell like urine:

  1. Matted fur . If you have a long-haired breed, such as a Persian, you may notice that the fur around the base of the breed has become matted. When this happens, the cat may not be able to clean the area as thoroughly as it should, which can result in urine getting into the fur.
  2. Overweight . Cats that tend to be overweight or obese may have a harder time keeping their hindquarters clean.
  3. Urinary tract infection . Bacteria causing the infection can cause your cat's urine to smell foul. Additionally, once an infection is present, your cat may feel the need to urinate more frequently or even drip some urine onto the skin and fur around the urethra.
  4. Arthritis pain . Older cats or cats that have a history of joint problems may develop arthritis. This painful condition can limit a cat's movement, especially towards the rear where urine and feces can collect.
  5. Chronic illness . Cats that are not feeling well reduce the amount of time they spend grooming themselves. Lack of daily care can lead to a strong urine odor in your cat.

Sources of unpleasant odor from cats and their prevention

An unpleasant-smelling animal cannot cause disgust; it should alert you. Pathologies in the body can happen at any time. Finding out the cause of the smell in a timely manner and providing assistance will help you quickly deal with the problem.

Odor from wool and leather

Pathological processes on the animal's skin may not be visible due to the presence of fur. In this case, the smell gives away the problem.

To establish the location, you need to examine the animal. It is enough to carry out palpation. Starting from the head with your fingers, moving through the cat’s skin, you need to move towards the tail. If, upon palpation, irregularities are detected, they should be inspected by spreading the hair. In case of pain, the animal will give away the location of the pathology by its reaction to pain.

Upon examination you can identify:

  • papules (nodules);
  • pustules (ulcers);
  • vesicles (air bubbles);
  • abscess (limited purulent inflammation);
  • phlegmon (not limited purulent inflammation);
  • scabs (crusts of dried tissue and purulent masses);
  • scales (dry dead tissue).

As a rule, in the initial stages, during the ripening process, there may be no smell. It appears when the tissues are lysed and the purulent masses go beyond the process itself.

Reasons not related to the cat's health

In this case, it is easiest to eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon. The urine will stop staining the pet and the smell will disappear.

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If a cat is healthy, but smells of urine, the reason for this is usually mistakes made by the owners.

  • Wrong litter box - if a cat has outgrown its litter box, then when it settles in it, it is often positioned so that the cat ends up on the floor. Because of this, when he goes to the toilet, his paws come into contact with a puddle, and the urine is absorbed into the fur, which begins to smell strongly. Due to their natural disgust, cats do not want to wash their paws, and therefore the smell becomes stronger each time. The solution to the problem is simple: to make the cat’s urine smell disappear, just wash your pet’s paws and buy a tray that fits the size.
  • Poor quality litter – if the litter in the tray slowly absorbs urine, it stains the cat’s paws and the cat develops a strong unpleasant odor. To eliminate it, the owner should definitely get rid of the bad litter, replacing it with a high-quality one, or use a tray with a mesh bottom for the pet. In this case, urine will not get on the paws.
  • Insufficient hygiene of the litter box - when the owner is inattentive to the cat's litter box and stops cleaning it on time, it is not at all surprising that the cat stinks of urine. Settling down in a dirty tray, the pet rummages through the litter, which no longer retains the smell of waste, which is why the animal becomes saturated with it. In this case, the only remedy that will help is regular cleaning of the cat litter box.
  • The toilet is in the wrong place - if a cat, in addition to the litter box, leaves puddles in the house and in other places, often using shoes for this, she steps on her own urine, which creates an odor from herself. In addition, we must take into account that in this case the cats’ urine also smells in the rooms where they are. After weaning your pet from improper toileting, urine is removed from things with a special composition.
  • The listed causes of cat urine odor can be eliminated quickly and effectively. The animal does not require treatment and there is no threat to its life.

Why does the “cat” smell appear?

Sweat itself has no odor. Its appearance is provoked by bacteria that actively reproduce on the human body, especially if the person neglects the rules of hygiene. However, in addition to microorganisms, the appearance of an unpleasant aroma is influenced by toxins and waste products excreted through the skin. Therefore, before contacting doctors and starting to sound the alarm, it’s a good idea to reconsider your diet and lifestyle. It is possible that it was precisely the shortcomings in their management that provoked the appearance of the smell of cat urine.

  1. Excess proteins. A common problem for athletes, especially those involved in weightlifting, is an excess of protein in the body. Since few carbohydrates necessary for its breakdown are consumed, the body begins to get rid of protein in another way. It is simply excreted through the skin pores along with sweat, giving the same smell of urine.
  2. Excess of hot or spicy foods. A large number of foods that are difficult to digest, especially those containing artificial additives, can lead to sludge in the body, which, in turn, will affect the intensity of sweating and its smell. The most consumed of these products can be considered mayonnaise and ketchup. However, it is not only food chemicals that cause stench. Natural products such as garlic or onions can also do this. Therefore, it is advisable not to get carried away with them beyond measure. You should consume tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, raspberries, honey, and ginger with caution.
  3. Regular drinking of beer. Despite the fact that this drink is considered low-alcohol, it can cause serious harm to health. This happens provided it is consumed regularly. Beer increases the load on the kidneys, which “shift” part of their work to the sweat glands. Moreover, a strong specific smell becomes a companion to sweat.
  4. Taking certain medications. Antibiotics, as well as penicillin-based antidepressants, put a lot of stress on the liver. Therefore, non-systemic use of medications, the action of which is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microorganisms, can also provoke a change in the smell of sweat.

: Cough, weakness and sweating without fever in an adult

It is quite common for women to have a cat urine smell due to hormonal changes. During menopause, the body undergoes restructuring, which causes hormonal imbalance. A woman may experience excessive sweating and the appearance of a peculiar aroma. It can also appear periodically during menstruation and pregnancy.

Important! Sometimes severe stress can also make sweating more smelly.

Excess weight provokes profuse sweating and increased odor.

If the above factors are absent in your life, but the smell of cat urine is still present, then most likely it is caused by some kind of disease.

Such pathologies may be:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • pathologies of liver and kidney functioning;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • diabetes.

Important! It is worth remembering that it is necessary to fight not with the smell itself, but with its cause. Especially if it is a disease.

What to do?

When choosing therapy, it is worth considering the age, sex of the animal and stage of the disease. Often, with diseases of the urinary system, it is impossible to completely cure a cat. This is due to the fact that symptoms often appear late and pet owners seek advice from a veterinarian when the disease has passed the first stage of development. But if you follow all the doctor’s instructions and start the selected therapy in a timely manner, long-term remission can be achieved.


If a cat is diagnosed with dehydration, then intravenous use of saline solutions is prescribed. For inflammatory diseases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. To improve the removal of stagnant fluid in the body, diuretics are used. But such drugs should be selected individually for each pet. To maintain the general condition of the body, vitamin therapy is used. If the source of why a cat stinks of urine is severe stress, then veterinarians will prescribe herbal-based sedatives. Such drugs include Fitex and Kot Bayun. In severe cases, surgery is used. If the cat's urine begins to smell unpleasant due to sexual heat, then doctors recommend resorting to castration.

What to feed your pet?

Sometimes, to solve the problem, it is enough to switch the animal to a higher quality diet.
If the cat’s urine begins to smell strongly, but the diagnosis did not reveal any pathological changes in the body, then the cause of the unpleasant smell of ammonia in the urine lies in poor diet. In addition, a balanced diet is important for regaining health after drug treatment. Doctors advise using special high-quality feed. It is advisable not to mix them with fresh products. The following brands are recommended:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Hills;
  • Acana;
  • Purina Proplan;
  • Eukanuba.

If your pet eats natural foods, you should remember that the diet should be varied. The pungent odor of urine disappears after the balance between carbohydrates and proteins in food is restored. In addition to meat and fish, food includes cereals (buckwheat or rice porridge), vegetables (carrots, zucchini). To improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, dairy products are included in the diet: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. It is not recommended to give your cat canned, smoked or pickled foods. An adult animal or kitten must have constant access to clean water.

Hygiene rules for cats

A healthy cat takes care of itself. She spends a third of the day on this. However, the owner is also obliged to take part in this.

Cat hygiene consists of caring for:

  • skin and hair. This includes bathing, combing while simultaneously examining and palpating the skin. To do this, you can use special shampoos and foams, combs and comb mittens. (For long-haired ones, you need a set of different combs). The animal should be bathed 2 times a month; hairless breeds that sweat profusely in summer should be bathed daily. If the animal is unwell, bathing is not used. You need to comb it 2 times a week (daily during the molting period);
  • ears . They should be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in warm water or zoo lotion. Using smooth movements and turning the swab clockwise, you can easily clean your cat's ears. If the accumulation of dirt is large, dry and old, then you can drop a few drops of lotion, sunflower oil or water into the cavity. The animal will shake out the excess, and what remains will soak the crusts. Next, you can use a cotton swab. The hygiene procedure is carried out once a week;
  • oral cavity. The removal of stones and plaque should be carried out by a specialist in the clinic. For prevention, the cat should be given solid food and allowed to chew on soft bones and cartilage.

Healthy feeding rules

The cat is a carnivore. The basis of the diet should be animal feed:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products.

Practice shows that constant feeding of dry food, even the most “promoted” brands, does not add health. Among these “eaters” there are no long-livers. Humans are not yet able to select an animal’s diet with molecular precision so that it is balanced by:

  • natural proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins.

When to contact a veterinarian

Considering that a healthy animal does not smell, any smell that is unusual for the owner should be the reason for a visit to the veterinarian.

You cannot debug a visit for a long time. Microflora develops very quickly. Purulent processes tend to end in sepsis and death of the animal.

You should consult a doctor immediately if:

  • the animal is oppressed;
  • elevated body temperature was recorded;
  • the cat shows aggression and constant interest in the problem area;
  • inflammatory purulent processes were found on the skin;
  • the smell is “smelled” from the nose and other symptoms quickly join it;
  • the cat shakes its head, discharge and an unpleasant odor are visible;
  • prenatal processes are not typical with a foul odor;
  • postpartum discharge is profuse and there is a stench;
  • the anus is inflamed and smells unpleasant.

When contacting a doctor, laboratory and clinical examinations will be performed.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe:

  • dermatological shampoos;
  • antibiotics;
  • ear drops;
  • change of diet;
  • surgical intervention.


To maintain health, it is important to follow the correct diet: protein foods should be combined with carbohydrates. The cat should always have access to water, especially in the hot season. It is advisable to monitor the cat’s behavior and notice the slightest changes in its character. This will help to detect the development of the disease in time. It is also worth protecting the animal from stress: do not leave your pet alone or with strangers for a long time, carefully transport it from place to place. If your cat's urine smells strongly, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. After treatment, the pet must undergo scheduled checks every six months.

How to get rid of unpleasant odors in your apartment and home

Many owners solve the problem of odors radically - wash everyone, wash everything and wash it. However, without finding out the cause and providing assistance, the method can have a lightning-fast effect, but not long-lasting.

Seeing a doctor, establishing a diagnosis and providing the animal with proper care will help quickly eliminate the foreign odor.

Of the most harmless deodorizing agents, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to place containers with a saturated solution around the house. The prepared product should be changed when the color turns brown.

Modern chemical products (such as “Anti-odor”) can be purchased both at pet stores and in household chemical stores. They will help temporarily, but will not solve the problem.

To prevent unpleasant odor from becoming a problem, you need to constantly monitor the diet and health of the animal.

How to remove the smell?

An unpleasant aroma on furniture can be easily removed with a prepared vinegar solution.
To remove the smell of cat urine from furniture, use a vinegar solution. It is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3 and applied to objects. If your clothes stink, use Belizna bleach. This product is also used to clean cat litter. To reduce the smell, use lemon juice or citric acid. To combat the pungent odor of urine from kittens or adult cats, sprays are applied to objects: “Himola”, “True Friend” or “Laina”.

Painful conditions of the body

There are other reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor of sweat that are not associated with impaired renal and hepatic function:

  1. Pathologies of the endocrine system.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases, which are accompanied by the appearance of an inflammatory process in the urinary and reproductive system.
  3. In women, problems with sweat odor can occur due to hormonal imbalances.
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  5. Uridosis. During the transition of this pathology to the acute phase, the body produces a huge amount of uric acid, thereby activating the sweat glands. Uridosis is usually caused by liver disease. Its therapy should not be aimed at eliminating external symptoms, but at combating the cause of the development of pathology. The treatment course is necessarily accompanied by a strict diet, salt is excluded from the menu, protein is limited. In addition to diet, doctors advise the patient to take a shower several times a day, and after washing, use deodorants that have an antiseptic effect on the treated area of ​​skin.

The listed diseases are quite dangerous, so if a symptom appears, when your armpits smell like cat urine, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Usually, for such complaints, to diagnose the pathology, the doctor prescribes:

  • colonoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • general urine analysis;
  • gastroscopy;
  • urography;
  • general blood analysis;
  • direct sweat testing.

It is sweat analysis that allows you to confirm the reason for the diagnosis, and in some cases, make it. Sweat analysis consists of examining chloride levels.

Bacteria Helicobacter pylori

In some cases, the reason that your armpits smell like cat urine is the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach or intestinal area. In advanced cases, these bacteria begin to cause an ammonia smell. Fetid amber appears due to the fact that colonies of pathogenic bacteria provoke the appearance of ulcers. The presence of this pathogenic microflora can only be determined using gastroscopy and a series of tests.

If people sweat offensively for this reason, patients are prescribed antibacterial treatment, which is combined with preventive therapy for the formation of ulcerative pathologies. After finishing the course of antibiotics, the stench usually disappears.

Diagnostic methods

The reason for this odor in urine can be determined using standard biochemical studies.
In most cases, it is enough to do biochemical tests of urine and blood to determine the disease in a cat. To identify malignant formations or inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, ultrasound or contrast radiography is performed. Blood pressure measurements or biopsies are rarely ordered.

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