How to pet a cat - the right places where your pet feels good

Ironing correctly

Petting a pet is a kind of massage; it relaxes and soothes.
But here it is important to take into account the cat’s wishes. You need to pet an animal if it wants to. Many pets do not like prolonged affection, so they purr for the first two minutes, and then begin to attack furiously with their teeth and claws. Many people don't know how to properly pet cats. Mistakes lead to misunderstandings between owners and pets. Sometimes accumulated irritation causes serious problems in animal behavior. They begin to bite and scratch any person who reaches out to them. Sometimes pets shit in the wrong place or tear apart things and furniture. Cats are very vindictive.

You cannot approach a shy pet unnoticed. He must see who is coming. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a trusting relationship. First you need to make sure that the cat agrees to affection. To do this, you need to extend your hand to her nose, let her sniff or touch. A person’s movements should be smooth and calm. If the pet avoids the hand, or there is no reaction at all, you cannot insist by imposing your affection. And if he begins to actively contact, feel free to start stroking.

Animal color

You should definitely pay attention to the color of your furry pet. This is a very important aspect that will allow you to accurately interpret the image you see.

As in real life, in a dream cats can be of a variety of colors:

A black animal indicates that it is time to visit old friends or invite them to your place. The dreamer is overcome by bad thoughts about people and life in general. You need to try to get rid of them and tune in to a positive wave. A white cat in a dream means that you need to try not to miss important information. Having fun with friends, the sleeper will be able to relax and gain strength. Such a pastime will bring him relief and allow him to forget about his problems. Thanks to his fighting nature, a person will be able to overcome numerous obstacles along the way. Deception from new acquaintances is likely. The red cat hints that it is better not to tell anyone about your immediate plans, otherwise nothing will work out. Hearing the voice of intuition in time will help you avoid annoying mistakes. It is recommended to repay your debt to friends as soon as possible so as not to lose their favor. Thoughts about problems will not allow you to relax. You need to give yourself some time to rest. The gray color of the pet indicates that a careless phrase could be the cause of a serious family scandal. To achieve your goal, you will need to sacrifice your free time. If the sleeper uses the help of his colleagues and listens to their recommendations, he will get what he wants. There are plenty of opportunities ahead to showcase your talents. To avoid problems, you need to conduct business openly and honestly. A spotted animal indicates that the work may require too much effort, so it is better to immediately decide how much work can be done

It is recommended to focus on the main thing so as not to get distracted by the unimportant. This will help you avoid significant obstacles along the way.

Where can I iron?

Cats have favorite places that give pleasure when touched:

  1. Cats love gentle head rubs. But you should not touch the ears, they are a sensitive organ, touching them gives cats discomfort. Pets get the most pleasure when the top of their nose and forehead are caressed. It is in this place that the mother, while washing, licks the kitten. Since childhood, such memories are laid down in every animal on a subconscious level. Gentle stroking with your fingers evokes pleasant feelings.
  2. You shouldn’t leave cats’ cheeks without affection. Many pets literally go crazy the moment they are gently and correctly stroked with finger pads under the eyes and near the whiskers.
  3. The back of the head and the area behind the ears are no less sensual places. Taking the cat in your arms, you can start with gentle stroking at these points. Caressing behind the ears will allow the animal to relax and get its share of pleasure.
  4. The chest and neck are also permissible for the master's caresses. It is difficult for cats to reach these places. Therefore, they allow their owners to scratch their chest and neck. It is more correct to start stroking from the chin. If the pet likes it, it purrs and actively stretches its neck.
  5. Considering that cats move on four legs, when walking, the entire load falls on the back and spine. Stroking these areas brings the greatest pleasure and helps you relax. Therefore, a light massage is pleasant and useful.
  6. Some cats love to have their belly rubbed. But you need to pet your pet only when she asks. Cats are very careful. Lying on their backs, they are vulnerable, and therefore do not always welcome caresses in the abdominal area. These animals will never lie down in front of a stranger. Cats allow their bellies to be petted by people they completely trust. Typically this category includes members of the family in which the pet lives.

Why do cats like ironing?

Stroking reminds cats of the times when their mother licked them: but now the human hand acts as the mother’s tongue. With each stroke, the cat receives a portion of love and care.

When a cat is especially happy, it may begin to trample its owner with its paws - doing the so-called milk step. You should not scold an animal for putting its claws out at you - after all, this is done with the best intentions.

Where you shouldn't iron

Cats also have places where petting not only does not bring pleasure, but also causes some discomfort, which is why the animal even enters a state of stress and aggression.

Such places include:

  1. Tail. Touching him provokes a defensive reaction. Therefore, you cannot pet the tail. This organ serves as a steering wheel and allows the cat to easily maneuver between obstacles, maintain balance, and stay on sharp turns. There are a lot of nerve endings in the tail. Rough handling causes severe pain. Therefore, the animal is wary of those who want to touch its tail. This organ indicates an emotional state. If a cat wags its tail or knocks it on the floor, it means it is irritated and ready to attack.
  2. Ears. There are many nerve endings located here. The hearing range of a cat ranges up to 65 kHz (in humans up to 20 kHz). This animal relies entirely on its ears to navigate its environment. In addition, this is a very delicate and sensitive organ. Even the slightest touch causes discomfort.

You should also not stroke your cat against the grain. Such caresses will cause pain to a short-haired dog, and in response the animal will begin to bite and scratch.


No cat in the wild will sleep in an open area. This is because the cat is a small predator and has plenty of natural enemies. In order to feel calm, you need to find a shelter, a place where no one can reach. Or at least you need to know that there is such a place nearby. This is a manifestation of instinct. Outdoor cats climb into basements, trees and roofs. Pets hide under sofas and climb onto cabinets where no one can reach them. A box is another shelter option. Safe on all sides - beautiful!

This also explains the love of cats for very small boxes, which, it would seem, are completely out of size for them. Lying down in such a box, the cat feels the walls of its shelter with its whole body, and thanks to this it is very calm.

It's the same story with packages. By getting into the bag, the cat may feel more protected. She has “walls” on all sides, which means everything is fine.

An experiment was conducted at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Veterinarian Claudia Vink, working with cats at an animal shelter, noticed a correlation between the existence of a shelter and the animals' anxiety. She divided the newly arrived cats into two groups. The first group had access to the boxes, the second group was deprived of it. As a result, those cats that could hide in the box were much less stressed, quickly got used to the environment and were more willing to make contact with people.

So don’t deny your cats the pleasure of sitting in boxes - it not only looks cute from the outside, but is also healthy for them.

Useful tips

There are several rules regarding how to properly pet a cat:

  1. It is not advisable to pet a cat if he does not want to. Also, you cannot hold your pet by imposing your affection on him.
  2. Before you start petting, it is important to make sure that the cat is in a good mood. If the animal growls threateningly, its ears are flattened, and its tail flickers from side to side, then it is better to retreat. It is important for the pet to understand that his wishes are respected.
  3. You should not pet a frightened cat. Such a gesture will only increase her stress. It is better to talk to the animal in a quiet, measured voice. The cat will calm down faster, and the owner will have the opportunity to comfort him with gentle strokes.
  4. You should not pet your cat while eating, sleeping, or sitting in the litter box.
  5. Cats do not like eau de toilette and scented cosmetics. After using these means, it is better not to touch your pet.
  6. You cannot pet a cat while hanging over him with your body. Also, you should not look directly into his eyes for a long time. It is advisable to sit in a chair or on a sofa and wait for the animal to come and lie down next to you.
  7. Animals love to have their paws and pads stroked. But not all! These are very sensitive places. You need to touch them gently and carefully. If the cat is not delighted with such caresses, the owner will know about it immediately.
  8. The cat itself jumped onto your lap - a good sign. But you shouldn’t start petting her right away. Often she comes to lie relaxed on the warm lap of her owner and, when he starts petting her, she gets offended, jumps off and leaves.
  9. Before petting, it is useful to play interactive games with the cat (10-15 minutes), using 2-3 toys. The animal will warm up, release accumulated energy and negative emotions, and perhaps with gratitude and pleasure ask the owner for affection.
  10. You cannot pet a cat after punishment. She will regard this gesture as encouragement, a sign of weakness on the part of the owner. In the future, the animal will also misbehave and manipulate people.
  11. Sometimes cats rub against their legs. But this is not a call for stroking, as many people think. So he marks a person with a smell like “his territory.”

Information on how to properly pet cats will help you avoid many problems. Awareness will bring mutual pleasure and benefit to the human body who regularly caresses his pet.

Correct assessment of the situation

In order to “guess” the right time for affection and expressions of love for your pet, you need to learn to understand its behavior:

  1. If a cat purrs and meows loudly, this does not mean that it is friendly. Pets do not change their behavior because of stroking or for the purpose of receiving additional affection and gaining human attention. Cats can become aggressive and irritable this way.
  2. If your pet jumps onto your lap on its own, it may be wanting to rest. In this case, the mustachios perceive the owner as a source of heat and warm themselves. They don't want to play or be petted.
  3. When in a playful mood, the cat will actively rub against its legs, poke its muzzle into its hands and touch them with its paws. The cat lies down next to the owner, begins to stretch out, curls up into a ball, begging for love. In this case, her actions cannot be ignored. Even when you are very busy, you can pet a cat for 1-2 minutes and strengthen your friendship.

Cats have a changeable and independent character, so they can only ask for short-term affection and do not crave long-term communication with humans.

At the same time, animals are vindictive and touchy. If you don't pet them, they will avoid their owner for a long time.

Also watch the video on how to properly pet a cat:

The animal is overfed

Many owners simply pour dry food into a bowl and allow the pet to eat as much as it wants, adding more as it becomes empty. There is nothing wrong with this, because cats by their nature are not predisposed to overeating. But sometimes “the settings go wrong” and the animal loses its sense of proportion. The reasons for this may be different:

  • experienced a period of hunger or malnutrition;
  • excess carbohydrates in the diet (sudden surges in blood sugar spur appetite);
  • food that is too tasty and difficult to stop eating;
  • hormonal changes, taking certain medications.

Cats prone to obesity need to strictly ration the amount of food they eat. If you use ready-made complete food, there will be no difficulties with calculating the diet: all the necessary information is already on the packaging. On our foods it is presented in the form of a table, with a separate column for overweight cats.

When measuring food, you should use a branded cup or an accurate kitchen scale. Cat portions are very small, so even an error of 10–15 grams can interfere with weight loss

Also note that the indicated dosages are calculated per day, not per feeding.

When feeding homemade food, the diet must be individualized

It is important to take into account not only the energy value, but also the distribution of macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates)

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