Stress in an animal. How to make transportation easier for your pet?

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How to safely calm a cat if it does not tolerate travel well: it is very nervous when sitting in a carrier, and literally throws tantrums every time? It is advised to give valerian before traveling, but is it harmful?


Elena Gogua

Veterinarian, author of a blog with advice for pet owners.

Cats generally don't like to travel. They like routine and their home because it makes them feel safe. There are two ways to solve your problem.

Preparing for the trip

To travel with a pet, you need to stock up on certificates and treat the animal for parasites. Be sure to have a veterinary passport of the cat with you, which indicates: gender, breed, nickname, date of birth, etc. The owner's details are listed in a separate column. The document contains the following information:

  • marks for prevention and treatment of worms;
  • a list of mandatory vaccinations;
  • data on surgical interventions;
  • about the implementation of the chip (if any).

The rules change from time to time, so it is recommended to find out about all the points in advance. It is recommended to take wet wipes and disposable diapers with you, as cats often get seasick. To travel by train or plane, you will need to purchase an additional ticket for your pet.

Leave a request for a cat hotel

Drugs with chemical composition

These products can only be used after consultation with a veterinarian and after prescribing the required dosage for each specific cat. They have quite a few contraindications and are used exclusively in emergency situations:

  1. Buspirone (tablets). An effective remedy for combating stress in cats. However, the effect of the medicine does not begin immediately, but after several weeks of use (about a month). It has the effect of accumulating in the animal’s body. Prescribed for phobias in animals.
  2. Diazepam is a strong tranquilizer. It quickly calms and relieves aggression in cats, but has a number of contraindications.
  3. "Vetranquil" (liquid for injections). Very quickly calms down, eliminates excitability and nervousness of the animal. Begins to act in a few minutes.
  4. "Amitriptyline" (liquid for injections). Used for injection into the muscles and veins of the animal. Has a strong sedative effect. Relieves aggression and severe stress in cats. It works quickly. It has a number of contraindications.
  5. "Xylazine" (liquid for injections). Has a strong sedative effect. It starts working in a few minutes. It will help relieve the animal’s strong excitability, aggression, and tension. It has a fairly large list of contraindications.

Where to start getting used to traveling

It is necessary to accustom the animal to being carried while still a kitten so that it calmly reacts to a confined space. If you plan to take an adult cat on a trip, then it is worth treating the box with special pheromones. This way he will get through the road more calmly. If you are traveling by car, you should introduce your furry friend to the car. You can take him in your arms and sit in the salon. Let him sniff everything, climb around the chairs, then you need to start the engine for a short time. The next day you can take a ride around the house. After letting your pet out at home, you should praise him and treat him with goodies. It is advisable to do such training within a week or two before traveling. The purpose of short walks is to let the cat know that it is not in danger.

Causes of motion sickness

The cat is less likely to get sick if it is in a carrier or covered box. In the dark, surrounded by walls, your pet will feel safe.

Veterinarians justify a cat’s acute negative reaction to a trip by exposure to stress factors and a physiological reaction due to a weak vestibular apparatus. A change of scenery, a strong smell of gasoline, and deafening noise from cars and people causes stress and panic in pets, which can lead to poor health and a desire to empty their stomach. If the animal travels in transport for the first time, the negative symptoms intensify. Research has also shown that in a moving car, the part of the cat's brain that controls gagging is activated, a possible explanation is a reaction to strong vibration and rapidly changing objects outside the window.

How cats behave on the road

Every animal has its own character and health characteristics.
Even a cat accustomed to the road can become frightened by something and behave inappropriately. If a pet is transported for the first time, it usually begins to meow heart-rendingly, rush around in the box, and may urinate or drool. Some owners, wanting to help, open the carrier. Advice: don’t do this, the “prisoner” will try to get out of the car, no matter what the cost. A runaway animal will be difficult to find later. It is advisable to put a collar on your pet with the owner’s phone number before the trip. It is necessary to securely secure the carrier in the car so that it does not fall and the cat is not injured in it. Some people take their pet on a car trip wearing only a harness. This way you can transport animals that have been in a car more than once. They breathe calmly, lie in their arms or watch the road through the glass, and react adequately to noises and sounds.


Let's look at some more tools that pet owners may come across on the Internet. We are talking about imported “things” that are not registered in Russia, but are offered in online stores on order.

"Bach Drops" (England, although there are other producing countries)

They are a mixture of five different original flower essences of a certain Dr. Bach. Generally intended for humans, but there is a form labeled “pet” that does not contain alcohol, specifically designed for animals. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive, but it is not cheap.

Online stores also offer such products as Anxitane (amino acid), Zylkene (peptide), Calm (chamomile, valerian, hawthorn), soothing gel 'Quiet Moments' (amino acid, vitamins, herbal ingredients).

With a similar composition (amino acids + vitamins + herbs) in various combinations, other variants of sedative drugs may occasionally be found, the names of which make no sense due to their exceptional rarity. As a rule, they are also quite expensive.

Everything's under control. How to deal with pets in the countryside

More details

What is the best way to transport a cat?

Cats have sharp teeth and claws; in a stressful situation, they can even dig into their beloved owner. On the road, it is recommended to purchase a spacious plastic box with a lattice door and side viewing windows. The device is convenient for traveling with your pet in any vehicle, as it is made of durable plastic. The hard bottom allows the cat to stand confidently on its paws and protects it from bumps and falls during traffic. Open carrying areas provide great visibility and airflow. Plastic boxes are light weight and easy to clean. For short distances, you can buy a metal cage, but only for calm cats.

Handy sedatives: how else to help your four-legged friend

Don’t forget that your furry pet, although it sometimes behaves willfully and excessively mannered, depends on warmth and affection. Especially in a stressful situation, when everything familiar is replaced by the unknown and dangerous. Simple stroking and tickling behind the ear will reassure the animal. Warm words of support, spoken in a cat’s native voice, will be a powerful help in the fight against nervous tension. And it doesn’t matter that the meaning of the words will be incomprehensible to the cat - the intonation with which they are spoken, the emotional message, is much more important. After all, only the owner knows how to caress and cheer up his furry friend. And, of course, do not forget about calmness - the animal will intuitively convey the state of its owner. It may be worth taking care not only of a sedative for your cat on the road, but also in case of stress and poor emotional well-being while traveling, purchase a human sedative. Have a pleasant journey and good mood along the entire journey to both the owner and his furry pet!

How to calm down without drugs

It has long been known that the owner’s voice has a calming effect on the animal. In an extreme situation, this will help the cat cope with emotions. The first signs of a worsening condition are rapid breathing with the tongue hanging out, nervous movement around the cage. If possible, you should bring the box with your pet to an open window. A gentle conversation in a calm tone will help the cat relax and calm down. Veterinarians advise singing anything to an animal on the road - a lullaby, a cheerful or sad melody.

Before traveling, it is recommended to purchase cat supplies soaked in calming pheromones at the pet pharmacy. This could be: a collar, an aerosol can, wet wipes, and other means. Peppermint essential oil, herbal infusion, perfectly relaxes.

Special food additives also relieve anxiety in animals. The components are selected in such a way that they block the excitation of nerve fibers in the brain. The cat will calmly endure the trip, perhaps even sleep.

Herbal preparations: methods of use

The most popular sedatives for cats in this category are:

  1. "Fitex" (liquid for instillation). Contains medicinal herbs. This product should not be used if your pet has low blood pressure. Give 3-5 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening. Can be added to food provided it is completely eaten.
  2. “Stop Stress” (drops) – calming drops for cats. Similar in composition to the drug "Fitex", but also contain phenibut. Used at the rate of 1 kg of animal – 1 drop of product. It should be given in two doses.
  3. "Cat Bayun" (tablets and infusion). They contain only plant substances and can be given to cats from 10 months. The result is achieved after 5-7 days of use.
  4. “Fospasim” (liquid for injections and drops). The drug is quite fast acting. Consists of medicinal herbs and mineral components. Injections are administered subcutaneously or into the muscle at a rate of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. Drops – 10-15 drops 1-2 times a day. The course lasts about 10 days.
  5. “Feliway” (in the form of a spray or a bottle with a substance for connecting to an outlet). Its distinctive feature is that it contains pheromone F. The drug is odorless and colorless. Non-toxic.

What to do in crisis situations

— When traveling in a car, you should never let the cat out of the carrier, otherwise you may provoke an accident.
It’s worth trying to lower the box with the cat at your feet onto the mat and turn on the airflow. — Cover the box with a terry towel or disposable diaper so that the cat does not see flashing cars. You need to leave a gap at the bottom for air to enter.

- If the animal continues to scream, then you should talk to it gently. This should be done by the passenger, but not by the driver, so as not to create an emergency situation.

— It is advisable to stop and take your pet out into the fresh air. Sometimes a cat wants to fulfill its physiological needs. For an indoor cat, it is better to use a litter box that she is used to.

- You can offer water, distract your pet with a game.

— If a cat is under extreme stress, then you cannot do without an anticonvulsant drug. The medicine has an analgesic and strong sedative effect. You should always have the drug on hand, it will not cause much harm, but there is a condition - the veterinarian must select the dosage.

Don't be afraid to travel with a pet, it's exciting not only for you, but also for your pet. You won't both need to worry about separation, just prepare thoroughly.

In our hotel for cats, we offer our clients a Transfer service; if you do not have the opportunity to bring your pet in person, we will do this in the most comfortable conditions for the cat.

Stress in an animal. How to make transportation easier for your pet?

When going on a trip with your beloved pet, you should take care in advance not only of a veterinary passport, F1 certificate, rabies vaccination, but also of comfortable conditions for its movement. Stress in an animal is a difficult task that the owner will have to cope with, since most tailed animals are terrified of leaving their native walls.

To ensure that the animal is in a calm state, it is necessary to visit a veterinarian before the trip. The specialist will be able to tell the owner what medications need to be purchased for the trip in case your companion is not feeling well.

Necessary set of medicines on the way

Pet owners should remember that a veterinary first aid kit is a must on the list of essential things. Here's what it should include:

  • sedatives, for example, “Cat Bayun” (from 100 rubles for 50 tablets), “Stop Stress” (up to 200 rubles for 20 tablets), “Vetspokoin” (pack of 15 tablets for 200 rubles);
  • hemostatic agents, for example, “Vikasol” (from 30 to 50 rubles per pack of 30 tablets);
  • sedative medications such as Acepromazine, Fluoxetine in capsules (from 50 rubles for 20 tablets);
  • antishock medications (ammonia, Prednisolone)
  • painkillers (“No-Shpa”, “Analgin”)
  • disinfectants: hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, etc.

All of the above medications are available in veterinary clinics and pharmacies. Additionally, it is necessary to include dressing materials in the first aid kit - bandages and cotton wool.

First aid

At the first signs of motion sickness, the animal should be released into the air and given clean, fresh water to drink. If your pet does not feel better after these manipulations, then it is better to give him an anti-motion sickness pill.

Overheating in a pet can manifest itself as lethargy, a distant look, a warm nose and ears, and hot paw pads. To reduce the temperature, you should take your four-legged friend out into the fresh air, then wet a towel and apply it to the animal’s paws and face. You can also give an antipyretic tablet and periodically spray clean water from a spray bottle towards the tailed animal.

Subsequently, you need to strictly monitor the temperature of your long-eared comrade, since when it rises, the pet’s blood pressure may rise, which, in turn, may cause nosebleeds or even loss of consciousness. Prolonged overheating can even lead to a coma in an animal.

An excellent solution to eliminating the problem of dehydration would be to have a special travel drinker. A universal drinking bowl will allow your pet to receive another portion of water at any time without attracting the owner’s attention. The liquid in such a device is not able to flow out on its own, since it is supplied automatically when the animal’s face touches it.

What to do with your pet during your trip?

On your upcoming trip, you can take your pet’s toys, with which he can be distracted during the journey.

The following exciting games are ideal for cats and small dogs:

  • Ball track "PetsGates"

Rolling a ball in a circle in a plastic container. Your pet will be able to play like this for several hours in a row. The mechanism of the game is that by touching the ball with its paw, the fluffy pushes it and the ball moves in a circle by inertia.

In this case, the ball is well secured on the upper sides by the flaps of the plastic case and under no circumstances can it jump out. The cost of such entertainment will cost the owner about 1,300 rubles.

  • Application on an electronic gadget - “Cat Toy”

A realistic game that will keep your cat and dog busy for a long time. You should be especially careful when giving the tablet to large dogs, as they can scratch the screen of the device with their claws.

On the display, the pet will be able to see a very realistic mouse, crow, ladybug, cockroach or laser pointer.

The principle of this application is that the animal must catch objects moving across the tablet screen. There are several levels of play available to your pet, so the little tail always has a chance to become a champion! And the sound effects specially selected by the developers will delight any little eared animal.

Such programs can be freely downloaded through any Internet resource.

We create comfortable conditions

Upon arrival, the owner must pay attention to his furry. After all, usually, upon arriving in an unfamiliar place, four-legged travelers first hide in a dark place - behind a closet or under the bed. Sometimes they can sit for a day without food or water and only wait until night to go out on reconnaissance.

Therefore, at a new place of stay, you need to immediately create a separate corner for your pet so that he can quickly get used to it and get out of a stressful state.

To do this, you need to choose a quiet, not too sunny place. Then put there the familiar bedding that you prudently grabbed from home, place the feeders and lay out your favorite toys. Feeling native smells, the animal will not hide in the corners, it will be able to relax and feel comfortable.

If the tailed traveler cannot calm down after the journey, it is recommended to give a sedative based on natural ingredients with food.

Once you have arrived at your destination, you should avoid taking a long trip the next day. The animal should be in silence for at least a day, have the opportunity to calmly rest and recover. This is especially important in the warm season, when the sun is unbearably hot outside the window. It is also worth noting that the larger the pet, the more difficult it will be for the move and the more time it will take to recuperate.

Therefore, when going on an exciting journey, try to organize it so that your favorite little ear can endure the road with minimal damage to its own health.

Comfortable travel for you and your pets!

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