It is recommended to pack cats in a sock to prevent them from escaping during bathing. 

Despite the fact that felines are very clean animals by nature, it is necessary to carry out additional hygiene procedures, such as cleaning the pet's eyes, ears and nose, trimming claws, grooming, and bathing cats .

It is recommended to carry out these manipulations immediately before feeding your furry friend, so that positive emotions associated with food are cemented in his mind.

Many experts are of the opinion that washing these amazing animals is harmful. Firstly, bathing cats is accompanied by washing off the fat layer from the pet’s skin and fur, which can negatively affect its health. Secondly, many mustachioed striped animals perceive this procedure extremely negatively.

For some pets, licking ( see Caring for a cat's ) with their rough tongue is enough to care for their fur, but there are situations when bathing cats is simply necessary:

  1. in order to get rid of parasitic insects;
  2. in case of severe contamination;
  3. before the exhibition.

It is very important to know that washing sick cats is contraindicated, as an infection can enter a weakened body!

Ways to bathe cats

  • Fill a basin, sink or bathtub with warm water (35 C) to a level of no more than 10 cm.

For greater stability and calmness of the individual, you can put a terry towel or a non-slip mat at the bottom of the container.

Next, you need to take the cat by the scruff of the neck and moisten the fur with water so that its head remains dry. Then you need to apply a special shampoo for cats, lather and rinse thoroughly.

If the shampoo remains on your pet's fur, he may lick it off, which can, in rare cases, lead to poisoning.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to place cotton swabs in your pet’s ears, as well as drop eye drops into his eyes (no more than 1 drop in each eye). This must be done so that during bathing water or shampoo does not get into the cat's eyes and ears.

  • A safer way to bathe cats is to place the entire animal in a permeable bag, leaving only its head outside.

First, shampoo is added to the bag, then the cat is placed, the edges of the bag are tied around its neck and immersed halfway in warm water. The pet is washed through a bag, and the shampoo is washed off in a basin or in the bath.

  • The local washing method can be used when the cat is not very dirty and does not need a full bathing procedure. For example, if a pet comes in from the street with dirty paws or dusty fur, you can simply wipe it with a cloth soaked in warm water.
  • There are also situations when the cat gets dirty with something sticky, such as tar, paint or asphalt. In this case, it is necessary to treat the stained areas with olive or sunflower oil, completely clean with a cloth, and then wash with shampoo.
  • If a cat has been burned by chemicals, it must be thoroughly washed with water and treated with brilliant green.

To wash or not to wash?

Cats are one of the cleanest creatures on earth: they can spend up to 20% of their time grooming their fur. Cats hate dirt and foreign odors, so they will lick themselves at any opportunity. Why wash them then?

Cats should be washed in the following cases:

  • the animal was very dirty
    . If the cat gets into the mud and definitely cannot cope with this problem on its own, it needs to be washed. It is especially important to remove harmful contaminants from the fur before the cat eats them;
  • exhibition coming soon
    . If you are one of those owners who happily take their cat to shows, then before the event you need to put your pet in order, including thoroughly washing and combing it;
  • too fluffy coat
    . Representatives of long-haired breeds cannot always cope with caring for their fur on their own. In this case, before washing the cat, you need to comb it thoroughly using a special comb, and then wash it with a special shampoo;
  • molting
    _ Bath procedures facilitate the process of getting rid of lost hair and free the skin from dirt;
  • characteristics of the breed
    . Sphynxes and rexes (curly-haired cats) need to be washed regularly. Too soft wool quickly becomes dirty, and excess sebum accumulates on the bare skin.

Procedures after bathing cats

After washing the cat, dry it with a personal towel (under no circumstances should you use your own) or dry its fur with a hairdryer. But it is worth remembering that the hot air of a hairdryer is harmful to the cat, and you can only dry it at a distance and at a low temperature. It is safer to dry your cat with a towel after bathing, because due to the noise of the hair dryer, it may get scared and simply run away.

Bathing cats usually does not last long, after which the individual is placed for some time near a heat source (for example, a radiator).

After the fur is completely dry, it can be combed.

Bathing cats ends with cleaning the eyes, ears and teeth, as well as trimming the claws.

How to dry wool after washing?

After water treatments, the cat should be wrapped in a warm terry towel and held in your arms for a while so that the moisture is absorbed. For better drying, you can replace the wet towel with another dry one and gently blot the wool. It is not advisable to dry a cat's coat with a regular hairdryer: hot air can burn the animal's delicate skin, and loud noises will only increase the stress level. But if you have a hairdryer with air flow and temperature controls, you can try drying your cat on a gentle setting.

To prevent the cat from getting sick after the bath procedure, there should be no drafts in the apartment. You can put the bedding next to the radiator, where the cat can dry out faster.

Trimming a cat's claws

Trimming a cat's claws is done very carefully, since if the living part is not damaged, it may occur. During the procedure, you need to squeeze the animal's paw so that the claws protrude from the pads. Next, the very edge of the claw is cut off with special tweezers.

In order for trimming a cat’s claws to be successful, it should be done with a break to treat each paw, as well as gently talk to and caress the pet. This procedure allows you to reduce the cat’s destructive instinct - the claw point (see Why cats sharpen their claws) .

The cat's teeth are cleaned with a cloth and special toothpaste. If dirt and wax accumulate in your pet's ears, clean them with a cotton swab soaked in mineral oil or petroleum jelly. The cat's eyes are washed every week only with warm boiled water.

When bathing a cat, the following rules should be observed:

  • Do not wash your pet frequently;
  • You cannot bathe your cat on a full stomach;
  • You can bathe only 4 hours after eating;
  • if the cat is long-haired, then it must be combed before bathing;
  • Do not wet the cat's head and allow water to get on the pet's mucous membranes.

If you follow these simple recommendations, bathing your cat will be painless for both the owner and the pet.

Important criteria when choosing a bath

Number and sizes of pets

Equipment in salons should be aimed at dogs of various breeds and sizes, while simple models with less functionality are more suitable for home use. When choosing, you should also take into account the presence of additional bottom levels, which will allow you to bathe both large and small dogs and cats.

Material of manufacture

Despite the fact that manufacturers use plastic that is resistant to damage and wear in production, it is still not as durable as options made from steel or polypropylene. Therefore, if you plan to wash a large flow of animals, then it is better to opt for more durable and wear-resistant options.

Inexpensive plastic options are quite suitable for home use. However, it is worth considering that pets that are too large and heavy should not be bathed in them.

Weight and dimensions of the structure

Professional designs should be larger and heavier, because in salons the grooming bath is used much more often than at home. Home options should be lighter in weight and more mobile, so that they can be conveniently disassembled, stored and transported.

Manufacturer's warranty and maintenance

An important criterion, especially when purchasing expensive models with lifting mechanisms. When purchasing, check the warranty period and the possibility of service from the seller.

How to choose a convenient and effective paw washer

To avoid making mistakes when choosing, you should determine your purchase goals in advance. And of course, take into account the size of your four-legged friend.

Criterias of choice:

  • Brand. The best manufacturers produce safe and durable products.
  • Container size. To prevent the animal from experiencing discomfort, its claws should not rest against the walls of the container.
  • Hole diameter. The animal's paw must easily penetrate into the container, otherwise the animal will experience discomfort.
  • Cover tightness. If the nozzle does not fit tightly, splashes will occur.
  • Container material. It is desirable that the structure be made of hard plastic that can withstand mechanical stress and shock.
  • Brush material. Silicone bristles are the most convenient.
  • Is the design collapsible? If the inner brush can be removed, the container is more hygienic. It is easy to disassemble, rinse well and dry.
  • Inner surface of paw washers. If the container inside has additional ribbed inserts, the dog will get rid of dirt faster and more efficiently.
  • Pet store consultants can provide useful recommendations on choosing animal washes. It is also a good idea to do a comparative analysis by visiting several retail outlets. This will help you buy the right thing at a reasonable price.

How to make a paw washer with your own hands

If pet stores do not live up to your expectations - they don’t have the required sizes or the prices are prohibitive, you can build a cleaner for your four-legged pet yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for making a structure for washing paws at home:

  1. Choose a container of suitable size. The household may have unnecessary plastic buckets and jars that can be used for a homemade design. The main thing is that the container does not have sharp edges and is made of dense, unbreakable material.
  2. Make a nozzle from cardboard, rubber or silicone mat. The lid is cut according to the diameter of the upper rim of the container.
  3. Glue a brush onto the walls of the “glass” so that the “stamens” “look” inside the bowl. A silicone product is best.
  4. Glue a rubber circle with a ribbed pattern to the bottom of the glass. The mat should correspond to the diameter of the lower tier of the “glass”.
  5. Dry the product thoroughly.

The homemade paw washer is ready. Now it’s worth carrying out test work, and only then offering the procedure to your four-legged friend.

Furminator anti-shedding brushes

Devices that make shedding easier for everyone - the animal, the owners, the furniture and the vacuum cleaner. The Furminator brand is the most famous and authoritative in the world of such brushes, which is why they are often called furminators, regardless of the manufacturer. A furminator cannot be called a brush in the full sense of the word - it is something like a small comb with a blade. It combs and removes dead undercoat without damaging the guard hair, which is very important for the health of the skin and coat of a dog or cat. The Furminator must be selected based on the hardness and length of the coat and the size and breed of the animal. Knives become dull over time, so they need to be replaced - replacement attachments are sold for furminators. You don’t need to have any special grooming skills - just “comb” your pet in the direction of hair growth (from nose to tail) at intervals that depend on the degree of shedding: for some, once every few days or even a couple of weeks is enough, while for others, barely whether not daily procedures. They cost on average from 1500 rubles.

Product benefits

Manufacturers make these products in different colors.
The mesh like bathing bag comes in different sizes and colors. Made from nylon. Thanks to the laces, which are located at three points (at the neck, in the middle and at the back), you can fix the animal, adjusting to its size. In addition to water procedures, the device also has additional functions and helps to carry out the following procedures with a cat:

  • nail trimming;
  • veterinary procedures;
  • hygiene sessions.

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A lifesaver for dog lovers who have to wash their pets’ paws after every walk, especially if it’s wet outside. It couldn't be simpler - it's a glass or mug with a silicone lid with slits in it. Inside the glass there are soft bristles - also made of silicone. To wash it, you need to pour water into it (you can add a little cleanser), stick the dog’s paw in and gently move the glass up and down. The silicone parts of the paw washer are very soft, they do not injure, but they clean thoroughly enough - sand and other dirt are washed out of the wool well.

The most common: Soft Gentle (from 390 rubles depending on size), “Anti-scratch” (from 600 rubles) and Paw Plunger, they are more expensive (from 1170 rubles), but they also seem to be more impressive - they have a lid on a chain and a handle , which is more convenient to hold.

This thing is suitable primarily for fairly tall short-haired dogs, as well as for dogs walking in overalls that cover the stomach and leave their paws open. Owners report that they have adapted to using such a paw wash both before traveling in a car, for example in a taxi, and outside the city, where it is not always possible to properly wash the dog in the bathtub or over the sink.

Rating of quality paw washers for 2022

According to buyers, devices for cleaning pets’ paws from street dirt should have the following qualities:

  • Have good functionality;
  • Be easy to use;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Have a compact size that allows you to take the device with you on a trip;
  • The material of the washing container should be durable, and the bristles should be moderately soft and pleasant to the touch;
  • Prices for goods should not “bite”;
  • Ergonomics and environmental friendliness are prerequisites.

Based on these requirements, the editors of the Yanashla website have prepared a review of the best, from the point of view of dog breeders, paw washers that can be bought in the online store.

TOP 5 best mechanical paw washers

The rating of the best paw washers in this segment includes products from American, Chinese and Russian manufacturers. Customers of online stores note the ease of use of the devices and the quality of workmanship.

5th place: Xiaomi Jordan & Judy Pet Foot Washer Brush

Sold at a price of 650 rubles.

A practical device for washing the paws of a four-legged pet. The design features a filter with a ribbed surface, thanks to which you can easily and quickly remove dirt particles from paws and claws. The material of the “glass” is ABS plastic.

Xiaomi Jordan & Judy Pet Foot Washer Brush


  • Tactilely pleasant material;
  • Cleans quickly and efficiently;
  • You can take it with you.


  • The hole at the top of the “glass” is rather narrow;
  • The bowl is large for small dogs, and small for medium dogs;
  • The design is simple;
  • Impractical color.

4th place: Paw Plunger medium

The average price is 2188 rubles.

This type of cleaner is designed for breeds weighing 7-34 kg. The principle of use is simple: the animal's paw is placed in a cup and moves up and down. The bristles will gently remove dirt, and the petals at the top of the container will prevent moisture from splashing out.

Paw Plunger medium paw washer


  • Quality materials;
  • The case is disassembled;
  • Cute design;
  • Simple and convenient use.


  • Poor rinsing between fingers;
  • A bit short;
  • Weak wool extraction.

"Bronze": Cool

Sold at a price of 498 rubles.

Portable model for large dogs. The height of the container is 14.5 cm, width is 9.5 cm. The device can also be used as a washcloth by turning the silicone brush with the bristles outward and putting it on your hand.

paw wash Krutyak


  • Versatility;
  • Ease of use;
  • Compactness;
  • You can take it with you;
  • Removes dirt well;
  • With washcloth function;
  • Soft bristles, pleasant to the touch.


  • Soft body and non-rigid bottom;
  • The structure is unstable and cannot be placed on the floor.

"Silver": Skiico

Costs 549 rubles.

The portable Clean Dog design with dimensions of 90x150 mm is suitable for medium-sized dogs. The soft fibers inside the bowl remove dirt well. An ideal device for dog owners who don’t want to bother with basins and brushes.

Skiico paw washer


  • Easy to use;
  • Quality goods;
  • Soft silicone “antennae” are washed well;
  • Portable device.


  • Not identified.

"Gold": ZDKPetsy

Sold at a price of 932 rubles.

Comfortable cup with internal removable silicone brush. The anti-scratch model is designed for dogs from 5 to 35 kg. Silicone “antennae” will clean out dirt in a couple of minutes. Dog owners just need to immerse their pet's paw in a device filled with water and detergent and twist the container clockwise. The design is suitable for both dogs and cats.

paw washer ZDKPetsy


  • Easy to use;
  • It washes away dirt well not only on the pads, but also between the animal’s toes;
  • You can take it with you;
  • Collapsible, easy to clean;
  • Inexpensive product.


  • Not identified.

Rating of the best electric paw washers

The best inexpensive devices with batteries for cleaning the paws of four-legged friends are presented by sellers from China. With Ali Express you can order the product you like at an affordable price. Reviews about the devices are mostly positive.

"Bronze": Pb+

Costs 3500 rubles.

A good helper will quickly remove dirt from your pet's paws. The design is a 200 ml bowl made of durable plastic. Product size M is suitable for puppies and kittens.

paw washer Pb+


  • With handle, comfortable to hold;
  • Soft fibers remove dirt and massage the pads;
  • Easy to use.


  • The color of the product is easily soiled;
  • Doesn't wash very well between fingers.

"Silver": Portable sink

Sold at a price of 2290 rubles.

The design has parameters of 100x100x160 mm, the diameter of the inner bowl is 8 cm. The device has a built-in 1500 mAh battery, the charge lasts up to 8 hours with daily use. The sink easily removes dirt from the animal's fur, pads and between the toes. The silicone brushes are removable, making them easy to clean.

paw washer Portable wash


  • Bowl made of high quality durable plastic;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Compact device;
  • It does not make noise, so it does not scare the animal;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Cleans well.


  • The easily soiled color of the plastic is white.

“Gold”: OfficialPet Electric Washer

The product can be purchased for 1,595 rubles.

The Chinese-made model consists of a container made of ABS plastic and a silicone insert. Dimensions of the washing bowl: 10x16 cm. The model is suitable for small animals weighing no more than 15 kg. Battery capacity is 2000 mAh, can be used for at least 12 days on one charge. Can be used for cats and dogs.

Electric washer OfficialPet


  • You can wash your paws in the entrance so as not to bring dirt into the house;
  • Cleans the pads and space between the animal’s toes well;
  • Does not scare the pet;
  • Durable housing;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Compact device.


  • Not identified.

The rating is based on customer reviews and has no advertising purposes. User opinions are subjective.


Many owners use regular bathtubs and sinks to bathe their pets, but sometimes this is not the most convenient solution. Discussion on the pesiq forum

Opinion from a user from the labrador forum:

To summarize, we get the following summary - if you want to restore less often or completely change the bathtub, then buy your four-legged friend a separate one. In the case of salons and nurseries, the choice is more obvious; a groomer’s bathtub is an indispensable accessory; it’s good that the choice today is quite wide.

How to wash a cat without water

Bathing a cat without water can be done using other alternative and effective methods:

  • special dry shampoos that are sold in pet stores and are presented in the form of a spray or powder. The composition of such products is based on the content of koalin (white clay) and other mineral components that maximally absorb fat and dirt. After treatment, the wool is combed out with brushes;
  • a special paw comb does a good job of combing out applied dry shampoo and other dirt. It can be purchased at a pet store or grooming shop;
  • the use of wet wipes that are designed for cleaning cat hair. These tools are convenient to use while traveling. At the same time, ordinary devices for people are not suitable in such cases;
  • preparing a bran bath. Dry washing a cat can also be done without water, but this method is best suited for short-haired cats, since mats can form with long hair. Warm bran is rubbed into the animal's skin, massaged well, and then the remaining mixture is carefully combed out.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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