If the cat died. Death of a cat. Memorial pages.

Unfortunately, the life of pets is not as long as that of humans. They may die of old age, illness, or be killed in an accident. Therefore, cat owners are often faced with a situation where their pet needs to be buried. Not everyone understands how to do this correctly so as not to break the law. In addition, some owners want to come to the grave of their pet and preserve his memory. Therefore, it is important to know how to bury a cat to avoid problems in the future.

Where and how to bury a cat correctly

By getting a pet, people get used to it, and it becomes an integral part of their family.
And I don’t want to think about the fact that when I have to say goodbye to him. But, unfortunately, such turns of fate are inevitable, and each of us has had to deal with the loss of our pet at least once. Then the owners face a new problem - how and where to properly bury their pet. Alas, not everyone knows how to do this correctly. This article will help shed some light on this situation. Very often people do not think about which burial place is most suitable for cats. Usually their last place of refuge is abandoned areas or forest wastelands. Few people know that this is not correct, and even punishable.

Even in ancient times, the Egyptians knew how to properly organize a cat's funeral. They knew that if an animal was not buried in a suitable place, its remains could begin to rot and spread throughout the area in the form of harmful infections and microbes, which could provoke the emergence of various diseases among local residents. It was for this reason that they chose places that were located further away from people.

Today, not everyone realizes the seriousness of this event. Very often, an animal can be buried in the backyard of their home or in a motherwort. This is very wrong. After all, what if the cat died from an infectious disease? What will happen then after some time, when his remains begin to rot? It’s better not to imagine this, since a large number of civilians could suffer.

But do not forget that today we live in the twenty-first century, and if you had to face the loss of your beloved cat, then it would be best to seek help from specialists for its burial. They will be able to carry out the burial procedure correctly. Moreover, at the moment there are quite a large number of cemeteries that are intended specifically for animals.


This type of burial of cats is perhaps the simplest and most harmless today. It not only saves you from searching for a burial place, but also will not cause any harm to the health of the people around you.

There are not only crematoria for people, but crematoria for animals have also appeared long ago. And what’s surprising is that there are a sufficient number of them.

You can take the urn with the cat’s ashes with you and scatter them in the air, or you can leave them in the cemetery. Everyone chooses the method that is more suitable for them.

There are two types of cremation: general and individual. Individual is carried out if the owner takes the pet’s ashes with him.

Christian funeral

Not all people have a positive attitude towards cremation. Many people think this is wrong and offensive. Therefore, they prefer the standard method of burial in a grave, on which you can install a monument, and if something happens, come to cry or just be sad, and also remember all the good things that were associated with the cat.

The cost of the fine will depend on the territory in which the animal was buried and what possible disease it suffered from. In general, for violation of safety rules, as well as improper veterinary disposal of animal waste, the fine amounts to eight hundred euros. If people have already been injured, the amount can increase to three thousand euros.

Therefore, before deciding to bury a cat on a plot of land, you need to overcome many obstacles, and also be sure that this action will not cause any harm to people and the environment.

Burial in an animal cemetery

If you have the opportunity and permission to bury your cat on a plot of land, then you should prepare for this procedure in advance. It's definitely worth digging a grave, which should stand in this condition for at least a night.

It is best to wrap the body of a deceased cat in cotton cloth and place it in a box (it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as the body fits freely in there). After this, the box is placed in the grave and buried.

It is very important that the grave is deep, and no animal could dig it up. You can leave some identifying marks at the burial site, for example, fencing the grave with pebbles or planting ornamental grass.

Cat burial options

The difficult question of choosing a place to bury an animal’s body arises for almost all owners. Each burial method has its own characteristics.

For those who live in rural areas, it is much easier to solve the problem of burying a pet. Since villagers can choose any place for this purpose. Although the farewell ritual itself, as a rule, is easier in such settlements. You can bury the cat in a forest belt or in a small planting located next to the house. You should not bury the body close to bodies of water, especially if they are used by people. The village gives you the opportunity to bury your pet in your own yard, choosing an area that is unused and not occupied by plants. Some rural cemeteries have a special area in advance where you can bury domestic animals.

It is much more difficult to bury a cat in the city, since this procedure cannot be carried out in city parks, as well as in gardens or near multi-story buildings. Various abandoned park areas or areas behind garages are also not an option, since burial in such places can lead to a fine. That is why it is better for city residents to resolve this issue together with specialized institutions or take the body of the animal outside the city limits.

Some people buried the cat in human cemeteries. However, this is illegal. This area is guarded by caretakers; in addition, they control the location of the graves and such actions can lead to problems.

What to do in winter?

It is very difficult when a pet dies in winter, since in the cold months the ground freezes and it is extremely difficult to dig a hole with a legally established depth of more than 80 cm. In order to prepare the ground, they first remove the snow, cut off the top layer of soil with a chainsaw, and then reach the desired depths using a shovel.

An important fact: a depth of less than 80 centimeters is unsafe, as other animals may come to the smell, dig up the animal’s grave and spread its remains around the area. This is not only inhumane, but also dangerous if the cat died from various infectious or other diseases.

Burial of a cat in a special cemetery for animals

A good way to bury a cat is to bury it in a designated animal cemetery. The owner, for a fee, will be able to get a place with a prepared grave, on which, after a while, it will be possible to install a monument. Such cemeteries allow people to come to the burial site of an animal. They are located so as not to harm the environment, since the bodies are first cremated before burial. Unfortunately, few such cemeteries have been created, so many owners choose other methods of burying a cat.

How to bury a cat correctly

The death of a beloved pet is a sad event in the life of a caring owner. An animal can die from old age, illness, or from an accident, so every owner must be prepared for such a test. How to bury a cat, what is needed for this? Is it possible to bury a cat on my property? We will consider all these and many other questions in detail.

In society, there are no clear rules for burying pets, but for loving owners, a ward is a full-fledged member of the family, to whom they want to say goodbye with dignity. How to bury a cat? First, make sure that the ward is really dead.

Interesting fact! Sometimes animals fall into an unconscious state (coma or deep sleep) and only appear dead, but their heart continues to beat. Take your pet to a veterinarian so that he can determine the fact of death.

There are several ways to bury a deceased animal:

  1. Conduct a cat funeral in a specialized animal cemetery.
  2. Cremate the animal by contacting a funeral service agency.
  3. Bury the cat in a summer cottage, in a private yard or in a forest.

Unfortunately, animal cemeteries are not available in every city, so it is advisable to consider this option only for residents of large cities and megalopolises.

Organizations providing funeral services prepare the animal for burial, find a suitable coffin for it, dig a grave and install a monument.

All these services are paid, but you do not have to worry about the location and procedure of burial.

Some companies provide animal cremation services. You can also bury the urn with your pet’s ashes in a specially designated place.

Where to bury a cat if there is no specialized cemetery?

Initially, with a similar question, you can contact a private veterinarian or the state veterinary service. As practice shows, companies providing funeral services for animals work closely with private and public veterinary organizations.

Pet burial places

You can officially bury a cat only with the help of companies that have the appropriate permission to do so in the form of a license. If you don’t have time to look for such a service or financial opportunity, then the easiest way remains is to bury your pet on a personal plot or in the forest.

Do not risk burying your ward in the courtyards of apartment buildings or in parks where there are a lot of people. Firstly, you will not be able to calmly (without prying eyes) say goodbye to your pet, and secondly, self-burying is prohibited by veterinary and sanitary rules and some laws relating to the well-being of the population.

If you decide to bury yourself, then allocate a small plot of land for your pet, where fruits or vegetables will not be grown.

Important! Veterinary and sanitary rules for the destruction of biological waste prohibit the burial of domestic animals in the ground. Only burning of corpses in specially designated areas is allowed.

How to properly bury a cat? According to the rules, it is necessary to report the death of a pet to the authority that registers animals (Veterinary Department). The authorized body performs an autopsy and only then issues a burial permit to a licensed organization. The procedure is lengthy and far from smooth.

Is it possible to bury a cat in a human cemetery? No matter how much we love our four-legged friends, burial in a human cemetery is prohibited. This issue is regulated by both legal and moral norms. The church considers the cemetery a sacred place where cats and dogs have no place.

How to bury a cat in winter

In winter conditions it is more difficult to bury a person under his care, since the ground tends to freeze. How to bury a cat in winter in this case? Is there a simplified way to dig a grave?

If you are hesitant to cremate your pet, then you will definitely need a chainsaw, a shovel and a crowbar to dig a grave for the animal yourself.

The snow is removed with a shovel, the outline of the grave is visually marked, and then the frozen ground is cut with a chainsaw. The hole is deepened with a shovel, and frozen pieces of earth are broken with a crowbar.

Without further ado, it is clear that burying a pet is an unpleasant and stressful experience. To say goodbye to your furry companion and not torment yourself with mental anguish, it is easier to contact a special service that will organize a decent funeral for your pet.

Legislation and burial

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Legislation takes animal burials very seriously. It is not allowed to simply throw away or bury dead animals in populated areas. This can lead to environmental problems, the spread of infection, and soil and water contamination. Therefore, you need to know exactly how to bury a cat correctly.

According to the law, only cremated animals are allowed to be buried and only in places strictly designated for such an action. Otherwise, administrative liability and punishment in the form of a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles cannot be ruled out. The amount may soon double. It is not recommended to take risks and hope for luck; there is always the possibility of meeting with strangers or representatives of the law.

The death of a pet is a bereavement and a great stress. Many owners want to see their pet off on its last journey with dignity. The best way out would be to contact specialized services, having previously requested from them all the necessary documents and permits. Self-burying a cat is possible only in certain cases, which you should definitely know in order to avoid problems with the law.

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Other places to bury a pet

Do not risk burying your ward in the courtyards of apartment buildings or in parks where there are a lot of people. Firstly, you will not be able to calmly (without prying eyes) say goodbye to your pet, and secondly, self-burying is prohibited by veterinary and sanitary rules and some laws relating to the well-being of the population.

If you decide to bury yourself, then allocate a small plot of land for your pet, where fruits or vegetables will not be grown. Place the person under your care in a cardboard or wooden box, dig a hole at least 60 cm deep (preferably 1 m), pour bleach at the bottom of the hole so that the corpse does not release dangerous toxins during the period of decomposition. Then place the box in the hole and bury it.

If we compare the life of a person and a pet, the duration of the latter is quite short. The average lifespan of representatives of some groups reaches a decade, for some it is less, for others it is more. But none of them is able to avoid death. There are many opinions about whether animals have a soul or not, but sooner or later everyone is faced with the question of where pets are buried?

It is common for people to worry about their demise while they are still alive. They save money and buy plots of land in the cemetery. They are preparing to ensure that this event does not take them by surprise. Whereas the death of a pet can come unexpectedly. And then the question arises: where to bury the animal?

There are no official cemeteries for animals. That is why people bury them wherever they have to. It can be:

  • vacant lots,
  • yard next to the house,
  • roadsides
  • parks,
  • squares,
  • flower beds,
  • spontaneously organized cemeteries.

That is why many people try to bury an animal within a public cemetery through deception and secret means. But in this case, problems arise with public opinion. Even if there is a desire to bury a pet within the family plot, both cemetery services and the church will still be against it.

It is considered unacceptable for humans and animals to be together, although everyone agrees that they also deserve love and respect.

The most convenient and easiest way to bury pets is in official cemeteries, but, unfortunately, there are still few of them in our country - only about five. So, in Moscow there is only one such cemetery, which is located in the Moskovsky district. Residents of St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg can bury their pets at official burial grounds.

Official cemeteries are good because they guarantee the safety of graves and monuments installed on them. You can be sure that you have not violated the laws, environmental and sanitary standards of the city. You know exactly where your pet is buried and can visit him at any time.

Some pet owners choose to bury their deceased pets right in the yard. This is not recommended, especially if the animal died from an infection or you do not know the exact cause of death. Bodies can be carriers of various viruses, as well as pathogenic fungi, bacteria and other organisms that, after decomposition, enter the soil and infect groundwater.

For the same reasons, it is not recommended to bury your pet’s body in your dacha or near residential areas. If you do not want to cremate the animal, take it away from the city, find a beautiful place in the forest and make a grave there.

Where should you not bury a cat?

To avoid problems with neighbors and other people, it is worth considering that in some places you cannot bury pets.

How to raise a kitten correctly and make it affectionate and calm

The following are prohibited:

  • front gardens near residential buildings, children's playgrounds;
  • city ​​parks;
  • places near bodies of water;
  • cemeteries for people.

Psychologists also do not recommend burying a pet on personal plots, citing the fact that a nearby grave will constantly remind you of the pet and cause bitterness and pain.

If you decide to put the cat to rest at the dacha, then you should follow all the rules. For work you will need a shovel, gloves, and a box.

You need to act in this order:

  1. Dig a hole of suitable size.
  2. The bottom layer is made of bleach.
  3. Place the body in a box or a special coffin, close it tightly and bandage it.
  4. You can put your pet’s favorite things and toys in a box or grave.
  5. Lower the container into the hole and carefully cover it with earth.
  6. Compact it well, put a funeral stone or just cobblestones on top to limit access to the grave.

If desired, the burial site can be decorated with flowers.

Important! All terms and conditions must be followed to avoid legal problems.

Ashes after cremation can be buried or scattered, but it is worth remembering that in some places such procedures cannot be carried out.

Box with a deceased animal

How to prepare

When burying a pet, you should inquire about local prohibitions, and then choose a burial site, coffin and headstone. The actions boil down to placing the pet in a coffin, digging a hole, and finally decorating the grave with decorations

Paying attention to these details will make it psychologically easier to say goodbye to your pet.

You should think about how easy it is for a pet owner to recover from stress.

Theoretically, the acceptable period for ending suffering for a deceased animal is about a year.

If, based on past experience, such a period lasts longer for a person, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​burying the pet himself. The funeral must be carried out no later than 24 hours after the death of the pet. If the period drags on, it will be much harder to survive the event. Of particular importance is the time when the funeral occurs after surgery, protracted treatment, or during the summer season.


Difficulties are possible if seasonal and weather conditions are unsuitable: a funeral will require a hole at least 0.8 meters deep, which is not easy to organize in winter or during rain. Insufficient deepening may cause body odor to attract wild animals who will dig up the ground. It is advisable to cover the gravestone with stones, but you should not make it particularly noticeable in places not intended for burial, so as not to attract undue attention from people.

If the owner of the animal is against cremation, the burial site is cleared of snow, the ground is cut with a chainsaw, and an additional hole is dug with a shovel.

If it is not possible to bury the cat immediately, you can seek the help of a veterinarian, asking him to preserve the pet’s body. If you need to wait a few days, storing the body in a polystyrene foam container filled with ice is acceptable.

Self burial

If you decide to bury an animal on the territory of a private home, you can choose a place where the cat loved to play and relax. A secluded area is suitable, not used for planting vegetables and not favored by residents, so that people not initiated into the ritual do not step on the burial, and children do not use the place for games. For the procedure, you will need gloves when touching the cat's body, a container, and a rope for tying the box if it will be used.

It is recommended to pour a layer of bleach at the bottom of the container so that when the body decomposes, no harmful substances are released into the air, and then place your pet’s favorite items in it. You can write the name of the animal on a large stone, and plant a plant or tree on the grave itself.

A similar sign

The death of a cat is an event that every owner of such a pet faces sooner or later. What signs can be used to understand that death is approaching in order to make the last minutes of life easier for the animal? What could be the pathological and natural causes of a cat’s death? How to properly bury a four-legged family member when this sad event occurs?

New friend, new life

You shouldn’t “knock things out” and immediately get a new pet after the death of a cat. Before you get a new animal, think about whether you can love it or whether it will be a painful reminder of an old friend?

Don’t try to immediately replace your old attachment with a new one, sort out your feelings

Remember that this will be a completely different animal, with its own character, temperament, and habits. He will need to be raised to accept your family's way of life. This creature requires affection, care, and attention. You need to understand that a new cat is a new friend, and not a “replacement” for a departed one.

Cremation after death

Situation. A woman's cat died. She wants to bury him, but does not know how or where the law allows this to be done.

As per the law. The cat can be cremated or processed at a veterinary and sanitary disposal plant. Burying a pet's corpse is only possible in rare cases.

Why is that. After death, animals remain beloved pets for their owners, but from a legal point of view, they turn into biological waste. There are special rules for disposal of such waste: they are needed to ensure that decomposing corpses do not spread infections among people and other animals.

Animals are cremated by veterinary organizations. In Moscow, these are, for example, “Biocontrol”, “Status-vet”, “Bely Klyk”, “Bio-vet” and other clinics. The pet's ashes can only be collected if the owners have agreed on individual cremation.

In factories, animal corpses are processed into meat and bone meal. Veterinarians will advise which plant to contact: not all organizations accept animals from individuals, some work only with farmers.

Burying the corpses of pets in the ground is only allowed in permafrost areas or if there has been a mass death of animals due to a natural disaster.

How to be. Here are short instructions that will help you not to get confused in difficult times:

  1. Contact your veterinarian within 24 hours of your pet's death. The doctor will examine the animal for infection and determine how it can be buried.
  2. After this, you can give the corpse to one of the specialized collection points: they will charge a small amount for disposal.
  3. There is another way: order cremation at one of the veterinary clinics or at a pet cemetery. This service is more expensive, but the owners can pick up the ashes after the procedure.
  4. You can leave the urn in the columbarium and pay annual rent or take it home for free. The law also does not prohibit scattering ashes, but it is better to do it in a secluded place.

Tags: law, animals Cover - Gustavo Fring / Pexels Polina Kalmykova 03.10, 07:06 What difficulties did you encounter when you got a pet?
Hero T—J Leave the animal to the tenants. You have to be a complete breadmaker.


PP, you have to be a bread-maker to rent such an apartment)


PP, there are actually many such cases.

Reply Edited

As for burying animals, I understand that it would be more correct to do it as described in the article, but in my city there is only one such center where animals are cremated, and it is quite far away, and there are no legal pet cemeteries. Therefore, I personally was not able to cremate any of my pets and, to be honest, I did not want to cremate them and buried them in the ground. They didn’t die from an infection, if anything. I think many people do the same. Is it generally unpleasant to think about factories, or is this meant for farm animals? In general, this is a big problem in our country, and the state refuses to accept that many pets are dear to their owners, and people want a civilized funeral for them. Terms like recycling of biological waste generally make one cringe.

Reply Hero T—J

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