How to name a kitten for a girl, nicknames for cats - the best options

Popular nicknames for boys starting with the letter G

Simple and popular nicknames are suitable for any cat, regardless of its breed:

  1. Grishuny, Grinya, Hymen, Gobr, Himalaya, Gibson, Gottfried, Gargarush, Gangster, Gaston, Garrison, Gonzo, Gladius, Gale, Guevara, Gagarych, Huck, Gobert Downey Jr., Hubert, Gadik, Gunter, Goshka, Heroin, Count Sukhodrisch , Glashik, Garfil, Gobollino, Galileo, Gastal, Gauguin, Geass, Guest, Gaffey, Glenn, Grundik, Gulliver, Grishenka, Henry, Gressi, Goliath, Gerry.
  2. Adonis, Gestalt, Gaisan, Glen, Grade, Gabriel, Huck, Gang, Gavrila, Gollum, Garson, Thunderpeter, Humbolt, Grant, Grimka, Gryaznulya, Grgapitich, Gumel, Gerery, Goliath, Gaglik, Count, Gizmo, Howard, Hephaestus, Gummy, Gak, Humbert, Ganya, Gorro, Hermes, Gastian, Givi, Galkin, Godric, Hegemon, Guidon, Gazpacho, Gyuchar, Gin, Gor, Grau, Hyperbaloid, Gribo, Gable, Gartsik, Godzilla, Garm, Gert, Garfi, Guests, Count Murzen, Gourmet, Gustaf, Harrison, Gross, Gray, Gucci.
  3. Gerd, Huron, Hermes, Thunder, Goofy, Gimli, Hashish, Greek, Gagosh, Gray, Gurgen, Gur, Harold, Gizma, Ganesh, Oboe, Gerd, Goodwin Magicovich, Goblin, Gatto, Gesha, Guzman, Gerardion, Hercules kis- kis, Grim, Glitch, Herot, Golden, Goldenbucks, Goliath, Homer, Garis, Gerund, Gavryusha, Gregorian, Griffin, Gerbassio, Grifel, Garfield, Heron, Grace, Hasek, Goshka, Gwendoline, Count, Gugu Ra, Geshka, Gavrik , Ganja, Greg, Ganymede, Gunya, Hertz, Grigus, Gizdik, Grace, Gapit, Gabsi, Hussar, Guinness, Golum, Gnome, Goga, Gryzlik, Houdini, Gorynych, Gringo, Grend, Oboe, Garmosha, Goodwill.
  4. Gonzik, Gorgist, Guy, Hasan, Garik, Guzlik, Graham, Geri, Gartsik, Gardzhi, Golum, Gromozyaka, Thunder, Grizzly, Gregor, Geshka, Hamlet, Count Kopeikin, Gutalin, Herbert, Grem, Grian, Gruzny, Gedryus, Groovy , Thrasher, Eyeball, Gnaw, Helius, Reptile Clawed, Degree, Georg, Duke, Gok, Gu, Gaboy, Glen, Gadinks, Gemor, Hansik, Adonis, Earl Grey, Gena, Grill, Grail, Peas, Giz, Gandalf, Garrett , Gomelien, Gorol, Hera, Fuzzy Gad, Goodwin, Harry Potter, Gelik, Hutsul, Gabriel, Herbert.
  5. Gordon, Gregory, Gustav, Grand, Huron, Henry, Grid, Gauk, Gwendolyn, Grot, Heinrich, Guslyar, Hans, Goyar, Grisha, Guchar, Green, Hector, Hans, Gavryushka, Gregoire, Grif, Hollywood, Gordon, Gaisan, Homer, Gackt, General, Proud, Gnaw, Gabriel Woof, Ganjubas, Grishka, Helios, Herald, Geist, Ganzhik, Godzilla, Gregory, Garsi, Highlander, Guka, Garnel, Fried egg, Guinness, Gardey, Terrible, Guk, Gabriel, Gufik , Duke of Anjou, Guchon, Grustik, Gyaur.
  6. Silly, Gle, Gremlin, Guus, Graun, Goulash, Gogol, Garlik, Gride, Glazasticus, Gregory, Proud, Goofy, Grammy, Gavroche, Gliston, Gismi, Gigabyte, Guf, Google, Dreams, Hamadryas, Gabriel, Golyauf, Gardfield, GorGor, Garfi, Count, Gilgamesh, Garrick, Galafino, Gudron, Glan, Gravitsapa, Gonzik, Guar, Gemzar, Hanover, Grishunya, Guor, Gabbana, Gong, Galy, Gel, Gaspar, Herman, Dirty, Hero, Grimaldi, Grail, Hercules, Golden, Gesar, Gucci, Gerey, Hamlet, Griferchik, Greenwich.
  7. Gannymede, Gosha, Gonzo, Galileo, Guardion, Gross, Loud, Glamor, Gishbald, Hymen, Gyurem, Harry, Groom, Helios, Horace, Gromozeka, Graphic, Hepphyllius, Garnerri, Gerasim, Gride, Gizi, Grinch, Gold, Harold, Guddini, Gitty, Gwen, Huckleberry Finn, Golubchik, Gaiduk, Gordey, Gryz, Gish, Howard, Harvey, Herald, Grail, Gosha, Woof, Le Havre, Humbolt, Gafik, Gagarin, Greeney, Grandonmaximus, Graun, Hermes, Goiko, Gimenor , Gizmo, Deaf, Gary.

Interesting names for female cats based on color

The easiest way to choose a name for a cat is based on its color. To do this, you need to play associations or use a foreign language dictionary again.


Snow-white beauties usually resemble cold winter and bright light:

“ Frosty (frozen), Icy (cold), Snow (snow), Shiro (white), Suga (sugar), Tofu, Moonlight (moonlight).

If the color is complemented by blue eyes, then the pet will have to be called Angel (Angel) or Kami (goddess).


Deep black color is no less fascinating than white. Associations to this color are completely opposite:

“ Noir, Night (night), Kuro (black), Mystic (mystery), Cola.

Tabby (spotted)

The presence of pronounced spots is very rare. A pet with this color can be called:

“ Fifteen, Blob, Spotty (spotted), Mineko (spotted cat), Onyx (mineral with spots).


In felinology, the gray color is called blue. Despite this, it does not look at all like sky blue or sea blue. This color is close to fog and haze, so options for a nickname could be as follows:

“ Gray (gray), Shadow (shadow), Smokey (smoky), Foggy (foggy).


Felinologists call the red color red, so it is most often associated with warmth and animals that are similar in color. Also, a ginger cat can be named after a fruit:

“ Foxy (fox), Goldie (golden), Sunny (sunny), Fire (fiery), Flame (flame), Peach (peach), Mango, Apricot (apricot).

Rare color

The rarest colors include lilac (lilac), fawn (beige) and cinnamon (cinnamon). If your pet is the happy owner of one of the listed colors, then name it:

“ Violet, Lavender, Mocha, Cupcake, Nougat or Cinnamon.

Funny and funny nicknames for boys

If you want to make your pet stand out, you can come up with a funny but harmless name for it:

  1. Gmok, Gell, Hephaestus, Grinya Gris, Gregory, Hudson, Giray, Gerasik, Gul, Greg, Genocide, Grenka, Hercules, Grieg, Harry, Hero, Heron, Hamilton, Gandolf, Graham, Galaksay, Georg, Glamurchik, Gabi, Gufus , Leader, Gospar, Count Kusaka, Greenway, Grimlin, Gantlos, Gilas, Gigantus, Gafar, Gunther, Grieve, Talk, Ganduras, Humanoid, Grunge, Gasya, Gauss, Hyde, Hex, Gashik, Racer, Grimmjow, Gadzhi, Gooch, Govor, Gnome, Glasha, Gambit, Gnidiolis, Gashtet, Gold, Gandolf, Garzi.
  2. Guk, Gul, Gulliver, Gulden, Gulfik, Goulash, Gumarbas, Gunar, Gunafrisdon, Gundik, Gunthild, Guor, Gur, Guran, Gurgulat, Gurd, Gurzuf, Gury, Huron, Guru, Gurkhan.
  3. Count De Front De Boeuf, Le Havre, Grand, Gray, Goofy, Gabsi, Gylbahar, Gryaznysh, Helmut, Gerak, Guardelius, Golden Gross, Gary, Gordan, Gospar, Hyde, Gerchok, Gus, Herostratus, Griefer, Garfik, Gates, Where Snow lies, Howard, Greenway, Greek, Gykasha, Garneri, Hercules, Germanarix, Guar, Gresi, Gadget, Hero, Hyperboloid, Gruzd, Hassan Abdurahman Ibn Hottab, Giray Grend, Guff, Gabrus, Hussar.
  4. Ganj, Gandhi, Gandosh, Ganesh, Ganji, Hanibal, Gannicus, Hans, Gansalis, Gunter, Ganya, Gapit, Gaplan, Garalt, Garant, Garat, Garaf, Garachi, Gard, Gardez, Midshipman, Gardertinho, Gargi, Gardi, Guardion, Garge, Gary, Garibald, Garibaldi, Garik, Garison, Harlem, Garm, Garmon.
  5. Gryzik, Gust, Gipperion, Guidon, Guinness, Grieger, Comb, Gustavo Murkes, Gard, Gage, Goth, Grisha-Savely-Ivan, Count Orlof, Gweneth, Garm, Glontiy, Gaur, Gigantiluis, Givrodiy, Gavryusha, Goldie, Garnet, Hanibal, Gines, Garus, Terrible, Ganges, Gran Cain, George, Guyar, Gerolf, Gogliano, Gremlen, Gigimon, Guslik, Gorely, Grandt, Gringo, Guardik, Guliver, Gad, Le Havre Pet, Grandepakhus, Gvozdik, Girold, Gregory House , Gir, Govorun, Gregor, Guingum, Horatio, Gurley, Halicapter, Grunya, Gustaf, Count Adolf Drakulovich, Guano.

Funny names

If the pussy has a playful, perky character and is constantly “playing pranks”, a funny, amusing nickname would be perfect for her:

  1. Gargoyle, Gialada, Granada, Gylbahar, Galina, Galla, Galya, Gummy, Gwaida, Gipsy, Gladys Snow Beauty, Garcia, Gisel, Gray, Gelata, Gesea, Hermione, Gusochka, Glafira, Gasya, Grazy, Genia, Gabi, Geisha, Gita, Grizabella, Hermi.
  2. Gaide, Gayla, Gablina, Go-go, Gadget, Grandy, Gulka, Havana, Garnel, Gisel, Countess Unita, Gyulli, Gutierra, Ganya, Gaia, Engraving, Guska, Galatia, Heroic, Greni, Gabo, Glaize, Gisel, Gara , Gerbera, Gerda, Grazia Dolce Lazanna Maroussia, Empress of Rus'.
  3. Gleya, Geppy, Gabriella, Hexa, Glafira, Grinda, Hansel, Gray, Gabo, Galaxy, Gertie, Pride, Gulka, Gataka, Gingta, Dream, Gunesh, Guillotine, Gray, Gashta, Gipsy Grelka, Giba, Hephaestion, Galda, Garbo , Hansa, Guinevere, Gardea, Guidel, Grenade, Gabby, Gzhela, Gracie Lou Fribush, Gelin.
  4. Granta, Garmione, Geza, Gertrude, Giratina, Gray, Grizma, Grinya, Grisha, Guchia, Galaxy, Gaidi, Gracie, Gataka, Glema, Gabbi, Gabi, Gerdaldina, Gisela, Galahara, Gorrome, Gabri, Gerl, Guryana, Gitana, Gyoza, Geissi, Geisha, Hecate, Gunel, Gretta, Gretti, Goodi, Gulya, Guta.
  5. Geolla, Harpy, Gavrya, Gavyasha, Gadzila, Viper, Geisy, Glenta, Galconda, Harmony, Gisella, Countess, Gamiel, Gessi, Gadget, Nut, Gala, Galatea, Gorgon, Gummy, Glancy, Germanicus, Genevra, Gerdosia, Gordelia, Gracie, Gyumara, Grenade, Gaina, Geraldina, Gokto, Gretta, Gefia, Gesha, Geza, Gema, Golma Tender Princess, Gordeika.
  6. Gulchar, Ginka, Goli, Gusiki, Galatea, Gertrude, Pride, Gulshat, Garana, Gzhelka, Grayfa, Gusochka, Gaberonia, Galadriel, Hermione, Golda, Guko, Garcia, Geese, Nut, Gedda, Guess, Hashishka, Gadriel, Heroica, Girsa, Gabriela, Golfonozka, Guinea, Gingema, Geys, Gladys, Galatia, Grace-Mlada-Air, Genoa, Gordenia, Gvaida, Gita, Glafira, Glash, Glasha, Golyshka, Gaida, Gemasya, Hromada.
  7. Gukharka, Gebby, Gaversina, Grissi, Galya, Hesiona, Gothic, Gunya, Hashishka, Gloris, Grizma, Galaxy, Gerta, Gulena, Gotlinda, Golda, Gardeya, Galla, Gul, Glyucha, Gedda, Garsa, Gadget, Hera, Gokta, Gray.

The most beautiful nicknames

If the kitten is purebred, a beautiful, noble nickname will suit him:

  • Gorman;
  • Gilgamesh;
  • Gabriel;
  • Gabor;
  • Harry;
  • Hiawatha;
  • Groucho;
  • Horace;
  • Harvard;
  • Gator;
  • Gus;
  • Guddini;
  • Gandalf;
  • Gilbert;
  • Gamin;
  • Gringo;
  • Hyperion;
  • Hermes;
  • Godfried;
  • Gawain;
  • Gustav;
  • Godzilla;
  • Gilroy;
  • Galahad;
  • Hercules;
  • Gurion;
  • Garrick;
  • Goliath;
  • Hans;
  • Guide;
  • Gael;
  • Hephaestus;
  • Garfunkle;
  • Ganymede;
  • Hannibal;
  • Hector;
  • Galvin;
  • Gargantua;
  • Huckleberry;
  • Garfield;
  • Gumbo;
  • Giant;
  • Homer;
  • Hero;
  • Hamlet;
  • Glen;
  • Guinness;
  • Gonzo;
  • Grant.

How to choose the right name for a cat

The final name for the cat is chosen by its owner, but there are still a number of rules that should be followed:

  1. Focus on dull and hissing sounds.
  2. Avoid offensive and derogatory nicknames, as well as negative meanings.
  3. Try to keep it to 1-3 syllables. More complex designs are acceptable, but subject to their reduction in everyday life.

During training, try to associate the animal's name with positive associations. Call your pet every time you give him food, play with him, or pick him up to scratch him behind the ear. Having achieved the desired reaction, increase the distance for calling and gradually remove stimulation with additional treats.


On average, training takes 1-2 weeks.

Nicknames for cats by character

Despite the existence of a standard, the behavior of an animal is formed not only under the influence of genes, but also from a number of external factors. For this reason, the character of the “mustaches” is often different even if they belong to the same breed. This moment, like the color, can also be reflected in the nickname:

“ for active – Bestia, Bomb


for the calm ones - Nega, Sonya


for gluttons – Pyshka, Firebox


for the intelligent – ​​Marquise, Princess


Take your time with the decision and compare the baby’s behavior before and after adaptation. Initial timidity may be associated with simple stress.

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