Is it possible to get lichen from a domestic cat - the first signs of the disease, routes of transmission and methods of treatment

The appearance of dubious spots on the skin, which sometimes itch and flake, is a serious reason to consult a doctor and check for dermatological diseases.

Pityriasis rosea (Giber's disease, roseola exfoliates, pityriasis, pithiasis) is an acute skin disease with specific rashes, a peculiar course and a tendency to seasonal relapses. It manifests itself in the formation of pink spots on the skin of the chest, back, limbs and other parts of the body, located along the lines of maximum extensibility (Langer's lines). Over time, the rashes become like large medallions. From the moment the first maternal plaque (large spot) is detected until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, 30-45 days pass.

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Causes of pityriasis

Despite the fact that Gibert's disease is very common, the mechanism of the disease is not fully understood. The following factors are believed to play an initial role:

  1. Exposure to viruses (type 7 herpesvirus, etc.), bacteria and other infectious agents. This is confirmed by tests that prove the presence of pathogens in the body. Very often, skin disease appears against the background of influenza, acute respiratory infections and other infections.
  2. Attachment of allergic reactions.
  3. Bites from bedbugs, lice and other blood-sucking insects.
  4. Reduced immune defense.
  5. Frequent hypothermia and stress.
  6. Violation of gastrointestinal functions and metabolism.
  7. Introduction of vaccines.

Symptoms and diagnosis of lichen in cats

The main symptom by which it is determined that a cat has lichen is the presence of spots without hair. An animal can be susceptible to four types of lichen, but there are also common symptoms:

  • lack of hair;
  • skin inflammation;
  • severe itching;
  • change in skin color;
  • peeling.

Each type of lichen is characterized by individual manifestations.

Type of lichenMain signs
Ringworm● small rash on the skin; ● increased anxiety; ● baldness of individual areas on the body; ● round, scaly spots; ● growth of spots and their adoption of an oval shape; ● the appearance of a serous-purulent crust.
Tinea versicolor● pale oval spots on the skin that grow if left untreated; ● deformation of the claws if they are damaged; ● partial or complete disappearance of stains at low air temperatures.
Shingles● the appearance of a large number of pink spots on the skin; ● slight itching; ● damage to the groin area, abdomen and the inside of the hind limbs; ● peeling of the inside of the spot; ● increased body temperature; ● enlarged lymph nodes.
Ringworm● the appearance of red spots on the skin; ● soreness of the affected areas; ● bubbles with liquid in the affected areas; ● the appearance of fever.

Important! Trichophytosis in cats, which is transmitted to humans, can occur in an atypical form. It is characterized by the absence or mild manifestation of symptoms, which makes timely diagnosis difficult.

Diagnostic features

Diagnosis of lichen involves a visual examination by a veterinarian and examination of the clinical picture. Then the doctor prescribes one of the methods to determine an accurate diagnosis:

  1. Fluorescent Wood Lamp. Under the influence of its rays, areas with lichen acquire a green tint. However, this method cannot boast of 100% results, therefore it is used as an alternative diagnostic method.
  2. Examination of particles of fur or skin scrapings under a microscope. The study takes little time, but it is not always possible to identify the pathogen. A negative result does not guarantee the absence of lichen.
  3. Isolation of fungus in a nutrient medium. The most accurate diagnostic method. It involves the movement of skin particles into a special composition that is favorable for the development of infection. Next, it is observed and studied under a microscope. The main disadvantage of such a study is the long period (up to 3 weeks).

Symptoms of pityriasis

Clinical manifestations of pityriasis rosea are caused by exposure to infectious pathogens and the development of allergic reactions. The skin disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • General weakness, enlarged lymph nodes, elevated body temperature.
  • The formation on the body of small pinkish and mauve spots that have a symmetrical shape and appear along Langer’s lines. Rashes appear on the back, limbs, chest, neck, groin and other parts of the body.
  • The appearance on the skin of 2-3 bright red maternal plaques (their diameter is 4 cm), dotted with scales. After a week, small pink rashes form from these large spots.
  • Dropout spots spread throughout the body and increase in size (their diameter is 1-2 cm), can peel off, and resemble medallions in shape.
  • Severe skin itching.
  • Increased irritability.

With proper therapy, the symptoms of pityriasis disappear after 5-8 weeks, and the patient fully recovers. Longer therapy is required if the rash has dense nodules, blisters or papules. In exceptional cases, pityriasis rosea turns into eczema, purulent inflammation of the skin, folliculitis, streptococcal infections, etc. develop. The development of complications is facilitated by the patient’s excessive sweating, a tendency to allergies, constant friction of the skin and improper treatment.

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Ringworm: how to avoid getting infected?

Ringworm is a contagious disease. It is caused by a special microbe - a fungus that parasitizes the skin of humans and animals.

Fungi in humans affect the hair of the head, beard, skin of the face, hands, and torso. Children get ringworm more often than adults. People become infected with the fungus from each other. For example, through shared combs, hats, towels, pillows, washcloths, etc. Infection can also occur in a hairdressing salon if razors, clippers, scissors, and combs are not disinfected there.

Most often, children become infected when playing with stray cats and dogs. And also from calves, cows, horses, which can also suffer from ringworm. When infected with lichen, red spots appear on the patient's skin, often in the form of rings. They flake and sometimes itch. Round bald patches with broken, as if trimmed hair form on the head, which is where the name “ringworm” comes from.

With this disease, it is very important to start early treatment. In the first days, when there are only red spots on the skin, you can get rid of them easily. But when lesions appear on the head, treatment continues for 1.5-2 months. Children with ringworm are limited in their communication for the entire period of the illness.

Parents should know that ringworm is dangerous. Infection with it can occur when fragments of hair or scales from a patient get on the smooth skin or upper part of the head of a healthy person. Therefore, if suspicious spots appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition, you need to remember a number of rules. Adults must know that the patient must always wear a cloth cap on his head in case of a disease of the scalp and a bandage in case of damage to the smooth skin. The underwear of such a person must be washed separately with mandatory boiling or at maximum temperature in a washing machine. At the end of treatment, final disinfection must be done. All members of the patient's family, including adults, should be examined by a doctor. A sick child has no right to attend school, kindergarten, or nursery. He must have a separate bed and personal items.

Ringworm, as already mentioned, can be contracted from sick people and animals. You cannot play with stray cats and dogs, much less put them on the bed. If the animal turns out to be sick, you need to take it to a veterinary clinic. After touching cats and dogs, as well as calves, cows and horses, be sure to wash your hands. You cannot use other people’s hats, combs, towels, or washcloths. And also notebooks, books, toys for children with ringworm. Don't sleep on someone else's bed or share a shared bed. Request that hairdressing salons disinfect their tools, and wash your hair with hot water and shampoo after a haircut.

At the first sign of ringworm, consult your doctor. Children, if they notice illness in their friends, immediately inform the teacher about it. It is necessary to strictly observe the cleanliness of the body, clothes and especially hands. Wash your face, hands and feet with soap daily. This is the key to fighting ringworm.

I. KABAKIN, chief physician of the Syzran Dermatovenerological Dispensary

"Volzhskie Vesti"

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Diagnosis of pityriasis

If you find suspicious spots on the skin, you should promptly contact a dermatologist. During a visual examination, the doctor assesses the nature of the rashes, their shape, size, location on the body and is able to make the correct diagnosis. After dermatoscopy, the following studies are additionally carried out: biochemical tests of blood and urine, RMP (microprecipitation reactions with antigens), skin scrapings from injured areas.

A more complex diagnosis is carried out if the skin disease lasts more than six weeks. In these cases, discharge from the affected lesions is sent for bacterial culture. A biopsy and subsequent histological studies will help make the correct diagnosis. In order to distinguish Zhiber's disease from other types of lichen, toxicerma, psoriasis, complicated syphilis and other pathologies, fluorescent diagnostics are carried out, scrapings are checked for the presence of pathogenic fungi, RPR tests are done for syphilis, etc.

What is lichen

Ringworm, or dermatophytosis, is a common fungal disease. Its causative agents are two types of microorganisms: microsporum and trichophiton. Fungi quickly develop in the tissues of the animal, causing infection of the fur, claws and skin.

Feline tinea spreads easily between animals and can also be transmitted to humans. Care items, particles of wool and skin act as an intermediate link.

Interesting! The fungus develops only during the wool growth stage. If hair growth is stopped, then the pathogen becomes harmless. This feature explains the spontaneous recovery of some animals.

The incubation period, according to various sources, ranges from 7 to 14 days. A pronounced clinical picture is typical for cats under one year of age. The reason for this may be:

  • lack of nutrients;
  • undeveloped cellular immunity;
  • viral diseases.

Adult animals get lichen if their immunity is low and if they are under regular stress.

Pityriasis rosea in pregnant women

Pityriasis occurs more often in women than in men. It is especially dangerous when the skin disease occurs in pregnant women. If you notice any rashes, it is important to immediately visit a dermatologist and undergo treatment. It is unacceptable to risk the baby’s health and expect the plaques to disappear on their own. If the disease is not treated, then bacterial infections appear, which are much more difficult to deal with.

If a pregnant woman has not been diagnosed with pityriasis rosea, it is nevertheless important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • clothing made from cotton and linen is preferable to synthetic and woolen fabrics
  • limiting heavy physical activity
  • For hygienic purposes, use only warm water
  • timely moisturizing of damaged skin areas

Prevention of feline lichen

Deprivation in a cat can be avoided thanks to preventive measures:

  • the house must be clean, and the cat’s sleeping area must be disinfected regularly;
  • furniture surfaces are wiped with a bleach solution once a week;
  • It is not advisable for the pet to have contact with stray cats and dogs;
  • The cat's diet must be balanced and contain all important vitamins, micro- and macroelements.
  • Preventive measures also include regular examination by a veterinarian, who can immediately detect the first symptoms of an incipient disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

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As already mentioned, the disease is more often contracted by animals with weakened immune systems, as well as kittens and older cats. This is a risk group that requires more attentive care and quality nutrition.

Treatment of pityriasis

When a patient is diagnosed with Gibert's disease, the dermatologist develops an individual treatment regimen to avoid dangerous complications. There is an opinion that pityriasis rosea will go away on its own in a few weeks. As a result, complications arise, and the patient comes to the dermatologist with an advanced form of the disease.

Drug treatment includes the following medications:

  • antihistamines that relieve the patient from itching, swelling and redness on the body
  • corticosteroid, desensitizing and antipruritic ointments. Medicinal compositions containing betamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc. are applied to the affected skin and lightly rubbed in. The medications eliminate rashes, get rid of peeling, and effectively restore the skin.
  • drying agents containing zinc to accelerate skin healing
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics are indicated in cases where a bacterial infection is associated with pityriasis rosea. It is unacceptable to start taking antibacterial drugs on your own, since they are selected individually, taking into account laboratory tests.
  • antifungal medications: drugs containing clotrimazole and other active substances are prescribed topically in the form of gels and ointments
  • antiviral drugs containing acyclovir and other active components. Dermatological tests have confirmed that if antiviral drugs are prescribed in combination with antibiotics from the first days, the patient quickly recovers.
  • neutral water-shaken preparations Dermatologists prescribe pharmacy talkers containing zinc oxide, menthol and anesthesin to patients with pityriasis rosea. These products relieve itching and pain in damaged areas and speed up recovery.
  • iodine is an aggressive, but extremely effective remedy. Injured skin is treated with iodine in the morning and evening. Initially, the skin begins to peel off more actively, but then there are no extra scales left on it. Not all experts recommend that their patients cauterize damaged areas with iodine, since this drug can be harmful if used incorrectly.

Recommendations for patients

During the treatment period, the patient is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Follow a hypoallergenic diet: avoid nuts, citrus fruits, chocolates, honey, etc. Products containing artificial colors should be excluded from the menu. It is worth limiting the consumption of fried foods, carbonated drinks, fast food, strong alcohol and coffee.
  2. Limit water treatments within reasonable limits and give preference to the shower.
  3. Refuse to use aggressive hygiene and cosmetic products for the body. Gels and other detergents should not dry out the skin.
  4. Give preference to underwear made from natural fabrics.
  5. Moderate sunbathing - ultraviolet light helps the skin recover faster.
  6. Follow the recommendations of a dermatologist, apply to the skin only products recommended by a specialist.
  7. Folk remedies can be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Treatment of lichen at home

To cure your pet you will need to follow a number of rules:

  • The room where the cat is kept must be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Sterility is the enemy of fungi;
  • ointments and sprays are used to treat foci of the pet’s disease 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • wash the cat with antifungal shampoos twice a week for 6 weeks;
  • Injections against feline lichen . There are contraindications for pregnant women, nursing kittens and kittens under 2 months. The prices for lichen vaccines for cats are low, but the effect is excellent;
  • the use of griseofulvin, itraconazole, and ketonazole tablets. The drugs are given every 12 hours at a dose of 5-10 mg per 1 kg of body weight;
  • stains can be treated with iodine, which will promote their speedy healing.

Can you get shingles from a cat?

Feline lichen is transmitted to another animal or person mainly through contact and household contact. Infection can also occur in other ways:

  • lichen is transmitted from person to person through objects of regular use (combs, towels);
  • in the absence of disinfection of grooming tools in animal salons;
  • can be transmitted from cat to person through contact with fur;
  • through soil in which the pathogen persists for up to 3 months;
  • when working with hay that contains hair from a sick animal.

The risk of contracting lichen from a cat increases with the presence of certain factors:

  • low immunity;
  • frequent stress, prolonged depression;
  • prolonged contact with an infected person;
  • constant care of sick animals;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • contact of a child with a lichen-infected cat;
  • presence of dermatological diseases.

How do you know if pityriasis rosea is going away?

After a course of therapy, the spots disappear without scarring. In place of the plaques, clean skin remains, possibly lighter. Over time, the color evens out. In patients with atypical lichen, ulcers may form.

Complications during self-medication:

  • infection of affected areas with bacteria;
  • suppuration, ulcers;
  • hyperpigmentation.

To prevent this development of the disease, at the first symptoms of pityriasis rosea, it is recommended to make an appointment with a dermatologist.


Following these rules will help you avoid getting infected and will save your cat:

  • Vaccination of an animal against lichen.
  • Never pet other people's cats. Teach your children to do this. Stray street cats are especially dangerous.
  • Wash your hands with soap: every time you pet your pet; when you come home from the street; after contact with cat accessories: tray, toys, bed.
  • Keep your cat away from dirty outdoor shoes and clothing. Wash your shoes when you get home. Clean your hallway regularly.
  • Walk your cat in areas where there are no other animals. Avoid contact with stray animals. It is best to keep your pet in an apartment.
  • Isolate a cat infected with shingles from other pets and children for the entire course of treatment.
  • At the first indirect signs: restlessness, frequent scratching, take the animal to the veterinarian to make or rule out a diagnosis of ringworm.


Remember that timely detection of pathology and proper treatment will definitely return your pet to health and will not harm the health of your family!

Vaccination against ringworm

Therapeutic and prophylactic vaccinations against lichen in cats are carried out as part of complex therapy for an animal or for healthy animals as a preventive measure. Vaccinations are given to healthy kittens at the age of 3 months.

Therapeutic vaccination is the most effective modern way to get rid of fungal infections of the skin and fur of cats. Injections are given 2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days.

Vaccines used in veterinary medicine:

  • Polivac TM is a highly effective vaccine based on 8 types of strains of weakened fungi (trichophytin, microsporum). The effect of the vaccine lasts 12-14 months. To develop lasting immunity, a second vaccination is carried out 14 days after the first. Vaccination of healthy cats does not cause complications. After a year, revaccination is carried out.
  • Vakderm-F is a drug based on non-living spores of ringworm. The injection therapy product is used simultaneously with topical medications (ointments, sprays). To completely cure an animal, 2-3 injections are enough. For preventive purposes, it is used to vaccinate kittens from 2 months of age and healthy adult animals. The effect of the vaccination occurs after 25-30 days. Vaccination is carried out twice with an interval of 1014 days.
  • Microderm is a therapeutic injection veterinary drug with high effectiveness against ringworm. To achieve the result, the medicine is administered to the cat twice with an interval of 10-15 days. The product is characterized by low toxicity. Suitable for preventive immunization.


Injections against lichen cannot be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating cats, animals with hyperthermia.

What is pityriasis rosea and why is it called pink dandruff?

The content of the article

Pink dandruff (Pityriasis rosea - PR) is an acute inflammatory disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the appearance of skin rashes mainly on the torso and limbs. It is an erythematous, scaly disease. The disease occurs seasonally. The etiology is most likely viral. The most likely factor is herpes virus type 7 (HHV7).

Most cases (75%) involve people aged 10 to 35 years, although there have been reports of cases diagnosed in a 3-month-old infant and in an 83-year-old man. The disease occurs throughout the world without any particular racial predilection.

Pityriasis rosea is a disease for which patients visit a dermatologist with a frequency of up to 2% of all visits per year. Occurs mainly in spring and autumn; in summer the level of symptoms decreases significantly.

The disease affects more women than men in a 2:1 ratio. The duration of the disease is 6 to 8 weeks, but is highly variable.


The presence of even all the symptoms of feline lichen does not provide a 100% guarantee of diagnosing dermatophytosis. These may be signs of decreased immunity or vitamin deficiency. Therefore, veterinarians take samples of fungi from fur and skin, and diagnose lichen from the affected areas using laboratory testing. This is a simple and effective method that any veterinarian can do.

Another method is a Wood's lamp. The cat is exposed to the light of a lamp; harmful fungal spores that cause lichen glow with fluorescent light. The effectiveness of the method is only 60%. Since it is not possible to illuminate the entire body, the light exposes fungal spores that cause other diseases.

Can a mother cat pass ringworm to kittens?

A cat affected by ringworm can transmit ringworm to small kittens.

For their body, this infection will be quite difficult, since the immune system of newborn babies works in a different mode.

The owner's task is to prevent the mother cat from becoming infected. If this happens, you need to consult a veterinarian about developing treatment tactics.

The course of therapy in this case is developed taking into account the possible harm from antifungal drugs to the body of a cat bearing kittens.

Most medications used to treat ringworm in adult cats are toxic enough that they can harm unborn babies.

Many names - one face. Symptoms of pityriasis rosea

The first description of the disease as "ringed roseola" dates back to 1798. Uch. Robert William defined the disease as irregularly shaped spots consisting of small thin scales that never coalesce into scabs and are not accompanied by redness or signs of inflammation.

Other names for this disease: erythema annulatum, tonsurans maculosus, Herba, roseola squamosa (Nicolas, Chapard), pink lichen (Wilson), pityriasis versicolor (Horand), pseudoexanthemata nitoexanthemata, roseola furfuracea herpetiformis (Behrend) - mainly determined the morphological features and variability individual spots.

Pityriasis rosea

Only in 1860, the French physician Camille Melchior Gibert gave the name, which lasted almost 150 years. He wrote: “There is only one thing that can be described under the name of pityriasis rosea, and the characteristic features of this pathology are: small, branched spots, very faintly colored, no larger than a fingernail, numerous and tightly fitting ... the disease usually lasts up to 6 weeks or 2 months... in young people... ". Pityriasis means "bran" or "fine husk" and rosea translates to "pink".

The symptoms of pink dandruff are indeed quite characteristic. First, a heraldic lesion (the so-called mother plate) appears on the skin, most often on the torso. Usually it is several centimeters of red or dark pink erythema, covered with scales inside.

After a few days (and sometimes weeks), much smaller skin lesions of similar morphology are seeded. The rash occurs symmetrically, mainly on the torso and neck. There are no changes in the mucous membrane. Usually the skin lesions do not cause itching.

Possible variations of the rash:

  • urticarial form of RL – blisters appear instead of plaques;
  • vesicular form of RP - rashes in the form of small bubbles with clear or cloudy liquids;
  • papular form of RL – protruding, cavity-free formations.

What are the types of lichen

Ringworm in cats is caused by two types of fungi - Microsporum and Trichophyton .

Microsporia is characterized by the appearance of bald patches on the head or body of a cat. Crusts and small rashes appear on the skin. In the vast majority of cases, lichen caused by microsporia is diagnosed in the area of ​​the tail, paws and muzzle, and is less common on the body itself.

Trichophytosis is more often diagnosed in small kittens. A characteristic sign of lichen caused by the development of the Trichophyton fungus is the appearance of round areas of alopecia. The hairs break off at the site of the lesion, and the pathology is localized in the head, neck and paw pads.

Other types of lichen - weeping, pink, etc. - fictional.

The disease provokes severe itching, which leads to scratching and often contamination with bacterial microflora. Ringworm is often complicated by a purulent bacterial inflammatory process.

Is lichen transmitted to humans and in what way?

Ringworm can be transmitted from cats to humans.

Recently, due to more careful adherence to hygiene standards and rules, lichen is transmitted to humans from cats less frequently. But this is still possible when in contact with fungal spores.

Elderly people and young children are at risk. This is due not only to hygiene features, but also to the specifics of the immune system.

It is known that in young children the immune system is just developing, so it is faced with various diseases.

In older people, ringworm develops more often due to problems in the functioning of the body's defenses and metabolic disorders.

As a precaution, you should not touch stray animals, and if this happens, it is important to properly treat your hands with an antiseptic or wash them with soap. Deprive yourself of a harmless disease, albeit a rather unpleasant one. Its treatment is long-term, characterized by the use of systemic antifungal drugs that negatively affect the functioning of the liver and other internal organs.

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