Can a person become infected with worms from a cat (child and adult): routes of transmission

Worms are a topic that is not usually discussed in polite society. Indeed, there is little pleasant in helminths, and many believe that becoming infected with them is a great shame.

In fact, every person in his life runs the risk of getting helminthiasis - this is the name of the disease in which the body is parasitized by worms, called helminths or simply worms.

Of course, helminthiasis must be treated. It is equally important to take preventive measures to prevent worm eggs from entering the body. In this article we will answer questions about how to do this.

Symptoms of helminthiasis: how to understand that there is a “stranger” inside you?

There are many signs of worm infection, and we will list the main ones. If you notice at least a few of the symptoms, you should consult a doctor:

  • itching in the anus and genital area (typical of pinworm infection);
  • urticaria - redness of the skin and rashes on it (allergic reaction to helminths);
  • swelling of the mucous membranes (also observed due to exposure to allergens);
  • abdominal pain, nausea, changes in appetite (increase or decrease), rapid weight loss;
  • diarrhea, constipation, increased gas formation, other stool disorders;
  • changes in blood composition;
  • weakness, fatigue, dizziness;
  • headache;
  • enlarged lymph nodes, liver and spleen;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • blood in the urine, frequent urge to urinate;
  • dry cough, shortness of breath;
  • constantly elevated temperature.

However, there are cases when helminthiasis is asymptomatic for a long time. We recommend that you pay maximum attention to your health and make an appointment with a doctor for preventative measures. This is especially true after traveling to countries famous for unsanitary conditions.

Helminths: so what are they?

We call worms the simplest round or flat worms that parasitize the body of humans or animals. Experts identify more than 400 species of human worms, of which about 100 species have been found in Russia.

The most famous helminths are, of course, roundworms, pinworms and various types of tapeworms. However, even experts will not be able to list all existing types of worms. Moreover, in exotic countries you can become infected with helminths that are absolutely atypical for our region.

It is precisely because of the variety of worms that it is difficult to give the patient a correct diagnosis. Symptoms of helminthiasis can resemble manifestations of various diseases, depending on which particular parasite has entered the body.

In addition, a person can suffer from several types of helminths at the same time, which further complicates the clinical picture and has a detrimental effect on the patient’s condition.

Based on the places in which the worms are localized, they are divided into:

  • cavity or luminal - living in different parts of the intestine (pinworms, whipworms, dwarf tapeworms, broad tapeworms);
  • tissue - choosing body tissues as their habitat (muscles, lungs, heart, liver, skin, eyes, etc.).

The roundworms we all know can be classified as both types of helminths. Most often they live in the intestines, but sometimes roundworm eggs travel through the bloodstream to other organs of the body and develop there.

According to the World Health Organization, every second inhabitant of the Earth becomes infected with helminths every year without knowing it. Some Russian and foreign researchers come to the conclusion that certain parasites can be found in the bodies of 95% of people.

Indirect signs

Indirect signs include mainly changes in the appearance of the animal, as well as a decrease in appetite or its exacerbation; perverted appetite or caprophagia may be observed.

  • The belly takes on a barrel-like shape. It looks stuffed and round, often hanging low. This happens with a strong degree of invasion. The difference between a barrel belly and an obese cat's belly is that other parts of the body do not have fat.
  • Severe exhaustion and loss of fat and muscle mass
  • The condition of the coat is an important indicator of health. Parasites deprive cats of significant amounts of beneficial nutrients. The result may be tangled, dull fur.
  • Frequent intestinal disorders (stool mixed with mucus or unusual color and consistency), vomiting
  • Types of helminths such as hookworms can cause anemia. Pay attention to the color of the mucous membranes. If you notice that they are pale, then you need to see a specialist.
  • In kittens, signs of the disease, in addition to those listed above, may include developmental delays, smaller growth compared to their peers, decreased activity, and there may be dried crusts in the corners of the eyes.

All of these signs may indicate parasite infestation. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to submit a stool test for parasites to a veterinary laboratory. Due to the fact that helminth eggs are not released every day, it is best to collect the analysis within three days in one jar and bring it for diagnosis. This technique gives more reliable results.

On Internet forums dedicated to pets, owners often ask how to tell if a cat has worms. There are many signs of infestation. If you have suspicions, get tested at the clinic and consult a veterinarian.

Appropriate prevention will be an excellent method of maintaining the health of your beloved pet. It is advisable to give your cat anthelmintic medications at least once every six months. Your veterinarian will tell you about the dosage and frequency of treatments during your appointment.

How to identify worms yourself

There are obvious signs of worms multiplying in the animal’s body, and you can try to diagnose the problem yourself. So how can you tell if your cat is infected with worms?

We recommend paying attention to symptoms such as:

  1. Developmental delay , which is typical for kittens, they grow poorly and do not develop enough;
  2. Wool quality. If it is dull, or there is loss of it, then you need to reconsider your diet, add vitamins, and conduct diagnostics, including for the presence of parasites;
  3. Problems with bowel movements , stools are too loose, frequent, or there is prolonged constipation;
  4. Despite the cleanliness of cats, constant licking of the anus should alert you;
  5. Impurities form in the eyes ; if they are removed, they form again in a short period;
  6. The gums and mucous membranes become whitish. This is a sign of anemia caused by parasites;
  7. Frequent vomiting. If the cat vomited once, then perhaps this process was provoked by fur or a fragment of food, but frequent reactions are symptoms of a developing pathology or worms;
  8. Unnatural abdominal shape, barrel-shaped bloating;
  9. Structure of feces. Blood, mucus, or the worms themselves appear in the stool.

If you find worms in your cat, you need to contact the clinic to select the optimal anthelmintic drug. Since there are different types of worms, there are differences in their treatment.

At home, it is difficult to accurately determine which parasites an animal needs to be rid of.

In addition, many diseases of internal organs, pathologies affecting the immune system, and improper care and nutrition of the cat have similar symptoms.

Ways of helminths entering the body

There are several of them, but the most common ways are four:

  1. From person or animal to person. This is how, for example, pinworm infection occurs. If a person infected with this type of worms touches various objects without washing their hands, then this will become a risk factor for others (it is not without reason that enterobiasis - and this is what pinworm infection is called - is an occupational disease of teachers, because pinworms are a real scourge of primary schoolchildren) .
  2. Through the soil. Worm eggs enter it along with human and animal feces, after which they are carried by water, insects, pets or wind (with dust particles) and end up on food or directly into the digestive tract or respiratory tract.
  3. When eating food that has not been subjected to heat treatment. Raw or half-raw meat or fish infected with worms are very dangerous. Therefore, you should very carefully choose restaurants that serve sushi.
  4. For insect bites. This happens quite rarely, but the risk of contracting helminthiasis through a bite increases when traveling to exotic countries.

How does a pet become infected?

A cat can become infected with worms by drinking untreated water from rivers and lakes. This is possible, for example, if you take your pet with you into nature. Also, helminth larvae can enter the animal’s body when crustaceans and raw fish are included in the diet. Infection can occur if the cat has fleas and lice eaters, which are carriers of the cucumber tapeworm.

Raw fish may contain larvae of many helminths

Another way parasites enter a pet’s body is by catching and eating rodents: mice and rats. Worm larvae penetrate into the pet's gastrointestinal tract through the dirt that a person brings on shoes. Infection occurs even faster if the pet often walks and has contact with street animals.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you feed your pet raw meat, especially pork, beef or lamb. At the same time, there is a high risk of larvae entering the animal’s body. You can give your cat meat that has undergone heat treatment. The same applies to chicken by-products.

Helminthiasis - a childhood disease?

Worms are often considered a childhood disease. The reason for this is that children often do not follow the simplest hygiene requirements: they do not wash their hands when coming from the street, after visiting the toilet or petting an animal, they eat dirty fruits and vegetables, and they may drink unboiled water. Kids, in addition, get to know the world by testing it by taste - they, as you know, put everything they can reach into their mouths. This is how parasite eggs enter the body.

The facts today are as follows: yes, children suffer from helminthiasis more often than adults. But this does not mean that advanced age is insurance against the penetration of worms into the body.


Preventing infection of the owner from a cat involves measures in two areas:

  1. Prevention of cat diseases, consisting of regular deworming and vaccination.
  2. Prevention of human infection, consisting of compliance with personal hygiene requirements. Children should not be allowed to play near the cat litter box.

Most infections are transmitted by young animals to children. Such pathologies are treatable better than those that a person receives from his own kind. The satisfaction gained from communicating with fellina is not comparable to the dangers that she can bring to a person.

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How dangerous are worms?

A reasonable question: if the worms will most likely disappear on their own after some time, is it worth treating them? Doctors answer: this step is necessary.

Some types of worms have a very long lifespan and during this time they will have time to harm our health. But even parasites such as pinworms, which die after about a month, are harmful to the body.

Possible consequences of infection:

  1. The waste products of worms act on the human body as poisons or allergens, reducing overall well-being. An allergic reaction, in turn, can lead to Quincke's edema and death.
  2. Living in human tissues and organs, helminths damage them mechanically and interfere with normal functioning.
  3. Worm larvae, migrating throughout the body in the bloodstream or entering the respiratory tract, can clog blood vessels and cause bronchial obstruction.
  4. Some types of helminths disrupt the digestive process, which can lead to severe poisoning.
  5. Experts have discovered that there are helminths that cause cancer.

Worms are the most dangerous for children: in addition to a huge range of diseases and decreased immunity, they can cause developmental delays, both physical and mental.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

Read further:

Are worms contagious to humans? Can a child get infected from a cat?

What worms can you get from a cat: a list of common cat worms

More effective medications for intestinal, protozoan and other parasites in cats

Opisthorchiasis in cats: symptoms, drugs for treatment, can you get infected from a cat?

What is Streptococcus anginosus and what danger does it pose to adults and children?

What do parasitic wasps look like and do they pose a danger to people?

Treatment of helminthiasis

Having determined the presence of parasites in the body, the doctor develops a course of treatment based on which worms have “settled” in the person, and prescribes the necessary medications.

Some people believe that you can use “grandmother’s remedies” (for example, eating garlic) and thereby get rid of “uninvited guests”. But, as we have already said, helminths are diverse, and only a doctor, after conducting all the necessary research, can confidently conclude what type of helminthiasis the patient suffers from and how it should be treated.

SMC Best Clinic has everything you need to conduct laboratory tests, and our doctors have extensive knowledge about helminths and the treatment of helminthiasis. You can safely entrust your health to us.

Cat health

Veterinary medicine identifies a lot of diseases that cats often face. These include skin lesions (lichen), digestive disorders, problems with development and growth, exposure to various parasites and many others. Animals can develop helminths even if they are constantly at home and do not go outside.

Why do cats have worms and what causes their appearance? The presence of parasites can occur due to various factors that need to be carefully examined. This can prevent dangerous consequences in the future.

It is worth noting! Removal of worms from cats should be carried out immediately after the presence of these pathogenic parasites is detected. The animal’s body is not able to independently fight helminths and their larvae; its immune system does not produce antibodies to these pathogenic organisms.

Preventive measures against worms

In order not to become infected with helminths, you need to remember about hygiene: always wash your hands, vegetables and fruits, get rid of the habit of wetting your fingers with saliva when turning pages, and generally putting your hands to your mouth, do not try foods in markets, eat with caution in unfamiliar restaurants and regularly take shower.

These measures, however, do not guarantee complete protection against worms - this should not be forgotten. Therefore, get tested at least once a year and be sure that there are no “dangerous residents” in your body.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for worms in cats will also help rid your cat of worms. They are quite simple and affordable. The most effective include the following:

  • A garlic enema will help remove worms from your cat at home. To prepare it you will need 6 cloves of garlic, which need to be cut into small pieces. Next, the garlic is poured into a glass of water and infused for two hours. Then you can give the animal an enema. However, with this method you need to be very careful, as a burn to the intestines is possible;
  • fresh carrot enema. You need to squeeze about 20 ml of juice from the root vegetable and do an enema;
  • a decoction of herbs - tansy flowers, peppermint, buckthorn bark, wormwood. You need to pour 2 large spoons of herbal mixture into a container and pour a glass of hot water. The prepared decoction must be given to the pet in the morning for three days.
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