Red Maine Coon - color options for cats with white and other colors

With the appearance of a pet in the house, life becomes brighter and more fun. Most people prefer cats because there is no need to walk with them every day, and they are very friendly and sociable. Once you decide to have a cat in your home, you should carefully select the breed. A good choice would be the red Maine Coon, which is distinguished by its huge size, good disposition, and sociability.

General characteristics of Maine Coon cats

The Maine Coon is the largest breed of cat, bred in America in the northwestern state of Maine. Studying the general characteristics of coons, it is worth highlighting:

  • country of origin - USA;
  • the weight of females is up to 5-7 kg, males up to 12-13 kg;
  • life expectancy from 12 to 15 years;
  • the average cost of kittens in nurseries is from 20 to 70 thousand rubles;
  • the length of the animal is more than 1 meter.

Representatives of this cat family differ significantly from other breeds: their huge size, massive paws, the presence of tufts on their ears, a fluffy and long tail (in most individuals its length is 70 cm). The cats got their name due to their great external resemblance to raccoons (color and fluffy tail).

Important : Maine Coons, like raccoons, love to stand on their hind legs and look into the distance.

How to determine?

You can determine if your cat is a Maine Coon by examining its physical traits and characteristics, observing its behavior and other characteristics, and ultimately through DNA testing.

Checking your cat's physical characteristics and characteristics.

A convenient way to find out if your cat is a Maine Coon is to look and check your cat's appearance and features. Distinctive physical features of purebred Maine Coons:


  1. Body shape and frame. Maine Coons have a rectangular shape and a muscular build. These cats have wide chests and very long bodies.
  2. Size. This cat breed is huge in size, but only reaches its full size between three and five years of age. Males are larger than females: the former weigh up to 10 kg, and the latter - from 5 to 7 kg. The length of this breed can reach 1 meter.
  3. Eyes. Maine Coons have large, widely spaced and expressive eyes. It is oval in shape but appears round when they open their eyes wide. Eye color is usually green, gold, blue or copper. Some of these cats, especially those with white coats, tend to have different eye colors and differences.
  4. Ears. This cat breed has large ears that are set high on the head. They slope slightly outward and are wider at the base and are only moderately pointed with the characteristic lynx tips.
  5. Head. Maine Coons have prominent cheekbones and a firm chin. The head is slightly longer than wide, the muzzle is square. The side profile is continuous and smooth. They have prominent jaws, although cats neutered at a young age may have softer facial features.
  6. Mane. The fur of this cat breed is longer on the neck compared to the fur on their body. Their mane makes them look impressive and regal, like mini lions.
  7. Wool. Maine Coons have a thick, shiny, double-layer coat that is resistant to water. Their silky fur is shorter on the shoulders, longer on the belly, and they have shaggy fur that runs along the belly.
  8. Wool color. These gentle giants come in a variety of color combinations, but there are five recognized solid colors for purebreds, namely white, black, cream, blue and red. White Maine Coons have pink noses and paw pads, while black Maine Coons have black noses and black or brown paw pads. Maine Coons, with bright red fur without shading or markings, have a brick red nose and paw pads, while Maine Coons have gray nose skin and paw pads. Meanwhile, cream Maine Coons have pink noses and paw pads.
  9. Paws and pads. Because Maine Coons are huge in size, they also have long legs, large paws, and huge pads that help them walk on snow and survive in cold winter climates. Their paws also produce tufts of fur that keep them warm in cold weather.
  10. Tail. This cat breed has a long, bushy tail that is larger at the base and tapers at the tip. It keeps cats warm in harsh cold weather as they wrap it around their body.
  11. Observe your cat's behavior and other characteristics.

Maine Coons tend to be talkative and can make high-pitched chirping sounds. They make a high-pitched and melodic chirp, especially when they are happy, excited, or following you somewhere.

Here are other character and behavior traits of purebred Maine Coons:

  1. they are affectionate
  2. they follow their owner around the house
  3. they love water
  4. this breed has canine qualities and is loyal to its owners
  5. they are playful
  6. these cats are sociable
  7. they are tolerant of children and get along well with other pets


Through DNA testing.

In addition to observing your cat's behavior and physical characteristics, another way to determine its breed is through DNA testing. Consult your veterinarian about genetic testing, as there are also health and insurance benefits.

Here are the benefits of a cat DNA test:

  1. your cat's family tree and ancestral roots
  2. your cat's personality
  3. your cat's risk for disease
  4. for your cat's treatment and prevention plan

You can determine if your cat is a Maine Coon by checking your cat's physical traits, characteristics, and behavior and comparing them to the breed's standard characteristics. If the qualities listed above exactly match your cat, your cat may be a Maine Coon. However, if she meets at least three or four of the traits mentioned earlier, your cat may be a mix of Maine Coon and several other breeds.

Red color options

Maine Coons come in a variety of colors. The most common are ginger cats, namely:

  • fiery red. This coloring is characterized by the presence of a bright red color with a clear pattern;
  • red and white. This color is the most common. Two-colored red and white cats are divided into those whose head, ears and tail are red, or whose red fur has white spots on the chest and white socks on the paws;
  • brindle. With this coloring, the fur has dark stripes located vertically and parallel to each other;
  • smoky. This color is in greatest demand. The base of the hairs are white, and the tips are red. The color intensity can vary: from darker to lighter. When half a hair is dyed, this type is called “regular smoke.” If 1/4 of the hairs are dyed, it is considered to be “shaded smoke”;
  • creamy. A uniform cream color is very rare in Maine Coons. Dark lines appear on the muzzle, forming eyeliner around the eyes. Also, spots and stripes of a dark shade may be present on the sides.

Meet Pavel Volya's cat - Boomer and other star PURS (Part 2)

Pavel Volya from the Comedy Club has a large mega cat of the Maine Coon breed living at home. A huge black cat named Boomer, according to the comedian, weighs at least 20 kilograms and eats more food than Pavel himself did in his student years.

Of course, the artist is exaggerating - cats of this breed weigh on average 10-12 kilograms, and Boomer looks gigantic against the backdrop of the puny comedian. The cat's size also has its advantages, Pavel jokes - Boomer will never shit in his shoes, because he simply won't fit in them.

Katy Perry and her cats Krusty and Kitty Purry

The singer dreams of becoming a cat in her next life, wears cat outfits to concerts and enjoys communicating with her two pets - Kitty Purry (literal translation - something like “Purring Cat”) and Krusty.

Striped Kitty appears in the singer's videos and goes on tour with her. The cat even inspired Katie to create her own perfume, Purr, with a bottle cap in the shape of a cat's head. And the gray-and-white cat Krusty took part in the creation of the singer’s next fragrance, “Meow.”

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is known for her love of animals - either a dog or a pig. But recently the scandalous singer got her own fluffy cloud - a snow-white kitten named Shanti Om.

The first word in the name of the Persian cat translates as “peace,” and Miley tried to make her pet famous throughout the world. He has every chance of becoming an Instagram star - his personal page @shantiombb already has almost 130 thousand subscribers. Charming Shanti lives like a king: her own room, three cribs to choose from, hundreds of toys and a private bathroom.

Victoria Bonya and the cat Sultan

Star and TV presenter Victoria Boni had a cat for 10 thousand euros. The exotic Savannah cat was not her first pet. She and her common-law husband Alex already had a cat, Luna, and only next to her could Victoria’s beloved one calmly fall asleep. But the cat died, and the couple immediately began looking for a replacement. The three-month-old exotic beauty immediately won the hearts of Victoria and her fans.

Even the nickname was chosen by the whole world. The options of naming the cat Cash (they gave so much money) or Schumacher (and it can be shortened to Shukher due to his playful nature) did not catch on. The exotic cat was named Sultan, but he soon had to be given away due to Victoria’s boyfriend’s allergies.

We invite you to check out the first part of our selection of celebrity cats, where you will see the furry pets of Karl Lagerfeld, Taylor Swift, Dita Von Teese and handsome Ian Somerhalder! PreviousPreviousRead another storyNext

Meet Pavel Volya's cat - Boomer and other star PURS (Part 2)

Genetics of color

Maine Coons have only two genetic colors: black and red. The remaining colors are artificially bred by breeders, and they are based on these two natural colors.

Important : most breeders use a special color chart to determine the future color of kittens.

There are certain rules when breeding red Maine Coon kittens:

  • When mating a ginger cat with a cat of a different color, the kittens will not inherit a uniform red color. Most likely, their color will be tortoiseshell;
  • When mating a red cat with a cat of a different color, the kittens will be born completely red.

Amazing baby

The popularity of the Maine Coon breed was brought by an unusual kitten with a human face. A two-month-old cat named Valkyrie has attracted the attention of users all over the Internet. The owners posted a video and photographs online showing a face that is surprisingly human-like. “It’s as if a person was imprisoned in a cat’s body,” this is how they spoke about Valkyrie. The video received over a million views, going viral and becoming memes. The unusual color of the Valkyrie - “black smoke” - added even more mystery to this cat.

Character and habits characteristic of large red Maine Coons

Each kuna has its own individual character, making them unusual. As practice shows, the color of kittens does not affect their behavior and temperament. This breed is open to communication with people; cats are especially good with children.

This breed is very inquisitive and always shows interest in what their owner is doing. Red Maine Coons love affection and attention. They can even lie on their owners’ laps, but more often than not, coons prefer to sit next to each other on the sofa, maintaining their personal space. The red Maine Coon is restless and very active, they always need to do something. Therefore, having decided to purchase a ginger kitten from a nursery, think in advance whether you can devote at least half an hour a day to play with him.

Attention : many people believe that Maine Coons are independent and love being alone. In fact, this is not the case, and it is not recommended to leave cats alone in the house for a long time, as they will become sad.

Origin story

The history of the origin of all native cat breeds, including the giant Maine Coons, is shrouded in legends and myths.

The first hypothesis about how this breed appeared dates back to the times of the Vikings, when they conquered new lands. In the year 1000, warriors traveled on their boats to the New World, and with them the ancestors of Norwegian forest cats got there. However, the Vikings were soon forced to return to the old continent. But the cats stayed for a long time, and as a result of crossing with local cats, the Maine Coon appeared.

The second version dates back to the time of the French Revolution, when Queen Marie Antoinette planned her escape from Paris (1793). She sent her cats to Captain Samuel Clough's sailing ship in advance. The couple of monarchs did not manage to leave France, but the animals safely reached the shores of the United States in Maine. There the cats received new blood from local animals, which became the basis for the formation of a new breed.

Another legend says that Maine Coons are the offspring of a domesticated cat and a wild Manx raccoon.

Objective data about Maine Coons appeared only at the beginning of the twentieth century, when “The Book of the Cat” by the American Frances Simpson was published in 1903. In it, the author described in detail both her own pets and the animals that belonged to her friends. The beginning of the story dates back to 1861, which became the main starting point in the biography of this extraordinary breed. Then there are almost no blank spots left in the Maine Coon chronicle:

  1. Beginning in 1860, Maine farmers exhibited local cats during the annual fair.
  2. Most of all, Maine Coons were valued not for their external qualities, but for their incomparable ability to hunt rodents - the large cat easily coped with the invasion of mice in grain barns.
  3. In 1895, 12 Maine Coons took part in the first national North American show - the cat Cozy from Maine was named the winner of this show.

Then history made an unpleasant zigzag - in the twentieth century, the large Maine Coon breed was almost destroyed by the expansion of the Persians and Turkish Angora cats. In 1911, the aborigines took a prize for the last time at an exhibition in Portland and disappeared from the field of view of felinologists for 40 years.

The big cats were rescued in the same place where their lineage began - in the agricultural regions of America. Farmers were indifferent to fashion trends, but they were concerned about the safety of the crop. So the Maine Coons did what they knew how to do best - catch rodents.

In 1976, the breed was completely restored, it returned to international exhibitions and from that time on never disappeared. Another 9 years later (1985), Maine Coons were recognized as the official state cat of Maine.

This is interesting! Red Maine Coons belong to the group of “talkative” cats. They masterfully control their voice and love to purr loudly, meow in every way, and sometimes even imitate the sounds of the surrounding nature.

How to care for an adult pet's fur

A healthy pet's coat should be silky, shiny and flowing. Her condition is affected by:

  • proper nutrition, balanced in the amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • conditions of detention. For example, a sedentary lifestyle, poorly ventilated rooms and regular stress negatively affect the appearance of the coat;
  • proper care. Coons need to be combed 2-3 times a week with a special comb and bathed once every few months with shampoos carefully selected at the veterinary pharmacy. At the time of shedding (it can be seasonal, or associated with hormonal changes in the body of cats aged from 6 to 12 months), the pet must be combed daily.

Changing teeth

Kittens' teeth change quite painfully and unpleasantly for others - the animal begins to gnaw on everything and experiences discomfort. This usually occurs at 6 months, but can happen later, at 9 months. At this age, baby and permanent teeth are adjacent. Just like in humans, teeth first become loose and then fall out. Baby teeth need to be removed.

It is necessary to inspect the animal’s gums while changing teeth. If ulcers and suppuration appear, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian.

Remedies that relieve pain when changing teeth:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil.
  2. A solution of oak or chamomile bark.
  3. Yarrow solution.

For purebred animals, the process of the appearance of new teeth is very important: at this moment, a bite is formed, one of the breed standards. If it is violated, the cat will lose its exhibition qualities. Therefore, it is important not to leave your pet to its own devices during this period, but to monitor how the teeth are changing and, if there is any problem, go to the doctor.

Health and feeding

The Maine Coon breed is characterized by excellent health. With proper care, timely vaccinations and a balanced diet, they almost never get sick.

Important : kittens are given the first vaccination at two months of age, the second at 3 months, and the third at 1 year.

Despite the good health of cats, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian at the slightest discomfort. Especially if your pet has:

  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • cough and sneezing;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dulling or hair loss.

Special attention is paid to the nutrition of Maine Coons. Their diet should be balanced, and with the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Adult cats are recommended to buy premium food. They contain a high percentage of meat and all the beneficial substances are present.

If it has been decided to feed the kitten natural food, the diet should contain:

  • meat products (beef or chicken);
  • quail or chicken eggs. No more than 1-2 times a week;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, cheese, yogurt;
  • cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • vegetables and fruits: carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers.

Attention : cats should not be given sour cream, yoghurt, fermented baked milk and cream, as they often contain harmful additives.

This breed is very sensitive to water quality. The drinking bowl should always be filled with fresh and clean water. It is advisable that the water be filtered or settled.

Important : It is not recommended to give boiled water to Maine Coons. It ruins their teeth.

How to choose a kitten

In Europe, especially in the USA, as well as in Russia in recent years, the Maine Coon breed of unique raccoon cats, despite its relatively high price, is very popular. These giants, calm and docile by nature, take root well in the house, love their owner and are friendly towards small children. They are fun to play with, Maines are active and mobile and respond well to training. Often unscrupulous breeders do not sell purebred coons.

The task of choosing a Maine Coon kitten is not easy and requires following simple but important tips:

Firstly, learn more from books and the Internet about the distinctive, standard characteristics of coons. They visit exhibitions, study what the Maine cat breed and small kittens look like. Secondly, they look for a nursery with a good reputation and communicate with the owners and their pets. An honest breeder will tell you everything about the babies and help you choose. It will guarantee that the kittens are purebred Maine Coons and not mestizos. Then they take a closer look at all the specimens from the lambing. Even at a young age, coon kittens differ from each other and have an individual character. One is restless, constantly spinning, and the other, on the contrary, is balanced. The third eats greedily and with pleasure

Intuition, as a rule, will tell you which one is more suitable and will become a favorite in the house. Choosing gender, boy or girl, is not so important. The indigenous Maine Coon breed, according to the rules of felinological standards, is crossed only within the species, therefore kittens of the “pet” class are neutered before sale. The buyer independently, visually, examines the future pet for signs of disease, looks through and feels the fur, which is fluffy and silky without bald spots, insects and dandruff. Checks how clean the eyes and ears are and whether there is any purulent discharge anywhere, especially from the genitals. At the time of sale, the kitten must be more than 3 months old

At 2 months he should receive the first set of vaccinations in the nursery. It is good if he is weaned from breastfeeding and transferred to independent feeding. Learn about the diet in detail.

What to pay attention to

What coat color the Maine has is important, but not essential. All the coons are big handsome men and look great, to the envy of others

External purebred characteristics of the breed are studied more closely

Pay attention to:

  • massive, rectangular body with a wide chest and a square head;
  • on a slightly elongated muzzle, large pointed ears with funny tassels, a distinctive feature of Maines;
  • the eyes have a slightly slanted appearance, which gives them a predatory look, making them look like a lynx;
  • the tail, the pride of the Mui people, is long and fluffy, covering the entire body.

How to distinguish the breed

It is difficult to distinguish a purebred, real Maine in infancy from a mestizo, a simple cat. A specialist in standard breed characteristics can help you distinguish. The main feature is that coons at 3 months of age are always much larger than their outbred counterparts and on average the weight of girls reaches 2 kg, and for boys 2.5 kg, and for ordinary cats up to 1.5 kg. The maine's body is well formed, large, covered with thick, silky hair with a massive head, with a fluffy long, thick tail. The paws are of medium length, look powerful, polydactic, with tufts of hair visible between the six toes. The Maine Coon's passport contains a pedigree note with data on at least 4 generations of ancestors.

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