Why do cats steal food if there is enough in their bowl?

Some cat owners notice that their pets steal food from the table. After just one or two such cases, it becomes more difficult to trust your pet. Further theft will cause conflicts.

This is undesirable behavior that can and should be corrected. In addition, food included in the human diet can harm the health of the animal.

Uniformity of feed (lack of nutrients)

To keep your cat healthy, fit and active, her diet must be nutritious and balanced. Receiving monotonous food with the same set of nutrients, sooner or later the animal will begin to experience a lack of some of them.

To replenish the missing energy, the pet begins to look for additional food. And it doesn’t matter that the food of interest is outside the cat’s bowl.

Sources of essential nutrients can be:

  • garbage dump;
  • other people's food bowls;
  • bin;
  • household food (set table, meat or fish left in the sink to defrost, unsorted bags of groceries, refrigerator).

You need to: review your pet’s diet, diversify its diet, prepare and buy only high-quality food that includes a large complex of nutrients.

Folk remedies

The most popular folk remedy is vinegar. It is diluted in a 1:1 ratio and the area where the animal shits is washed. It not only removes unpleasant odors, but also repels the pet. Some people prefer to use bleach or bleach. But, firstly, not all mustaches are repelled by this smell. Secondly, for people living in an apartment, frequent use of bleach is unlikely to be beneficial, especially for children.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate, iodine solution (a few drops per liter of water), and hydrogen peroxide are suitable for disinfection. A paste of baking soda and water removes odor well, and after drying it can be easily swept up or removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Hunting instinct

Cats by nature are predatory animals and natural hunters. Even well-fed pets are no exception. At home, the need to realize instincts, practice and train hunting skills can make them cunning and dexterous thieves. This can happen if:

  • they lack activity, they run and jump a little;
  • they do not receive rewards (loot) after playing.

The role of prey is given to food left unattended. The theft is carried out in the form of a game and consists of the following stages:

  • tracking;
  • ambush;
  • attack;
  • eating.

Everything is like that of predatory animals in the wild.

Need: more time to play active games. At the end, offer a treat (prey).

Why does the cat walk on tables?

The cat does not always steal food from the tables. Of course, this is a fairly common reason for a pet to appear on such a surface, but it is far from the only one.

Among the main factors that encourage a cat to visit this place are the following:

  • showing curiosity. It is quite possible that before leaving home you put some interesting thing on the table for your pet. Cats are creatures who are interested in everything. If they have already explored the entire apartment, every corner of it, be prepared for the fact that they will also begin to climb onto the table, especially if you leave something there;
  • theft of products. Most often, cats climb onto the kitchen table for leftover food. You shouldn't put all sorts of goodies here after your meal is over. A domestic predator will quickly understand what's what. In addition, for this animal a piece of stolen food is a kind of prey;
  • daytime nap. Interestingly, the cat loves to nap in a place where there is a smell of food. These scents calm her down. That is why a pet can choose a kitchen countertop as a place to sleep;
  • adoration of high surfaces. The cat likes to climb higher to observe the situation in the house. Such a pet can often be seen on the windowsill, because it offers a wonderful view of the street. It’s hard to find a more interesting activity for a furry pet than watching what’s happening from above. This is why the cat may often climb on the table. By the way, in most cases, he develops such a habit when you have several pets living in your house at once;
  • looking for a warm place. If your home is cool in winter, be prepared for the cat to find a way out. The higher it is located above the floor level, the warmer it is.

When the reason for this behavior in your cat is clear to you, it’s time to start fighting the bad habit.

Desire to attract attention

Pets, like children, really need communication. They need not only to be fed, watered and stroked periodically. Cats should spend time playing with them. If attention is not enough, it is begged for, knocked out or scratched out. Stealing can be one of the ways to attract attention. For them, it's more of a game called "Catch Me If You Can." Having started such a game, the cat can safely count on the unusual activity of the owners and a surge of close attention to his person.

You need to: devote more time to the cat (petting, playing, walking).

We stop stealing things

With regard to stealing things, everything is more complicated than with food. So, if you think that the cat is stealing out of boredom, there is only one way out: play with the purr more. If the cat prefers some specific things, then might it be advisable to buy the cat his set of toys?

Let him frolic to his health, and you won’t have to think about how to wean your cat from stealing things. Well, in the case of stealing out of gratitude, I’m afraid that nothing will be done. Just love your cat and appreciate his reciprocal love, even if shown in such an unconventional way.


Cats are very inquisitive and there is an explanation for this:

  • the need to control one’s territory and the events occurring on it;
  • desire for security.

Curiosity encourages your pet to check out its possessions and be interested in the surrounding smells. It is not surprising if, having discovered an exciting aroma from the table, the cat wants to get to know its source better. Why curiosity can turn a cat into a repeat offender:

  1. Having tried the owner’s food at least once out of curiosity, the cat may “get involved” and raids on the table will become regular.
  2. If the smell comes from food (prey), this is wrong from the cat’s point of view. Food must be examined, tasted and “hidden” from potential competitors so as not to be stolen.

Do: do not leave food not intended for the cat in accessible places.

Feeding rules for owners

The first question for the owner is: is the cat eating enough? You may be mistaken in thinking that you are feeding your pet well. If you notice that your pet is stealing food from the table, make sure that you provide it with adequate nutrition.

When weaning your animal from climbing onto the table, follow a few “food” rules:

  • before you sit down at the table, first feed your pet well;
  • Offer a cat begging for food something unappetizing, for example, highly peppered meat. He must understand that your food is not tasty;
  • Train your animal to wait quietly while you prepare dinner. Stop attempts at persistent begging. If you give in, the cat will decide to climb onto the table.

By weaning a cat from stealing food, it can show character and begin to starve. Your task is not to give in. Soon the pet will realize that it is better to eat what is in its bowl.

Cats steal food even when they are full - they are driven by curiosity or the instinct of a hunter. This behavior requires correction.


Cats have an excellent sense of smell, many times greater than the human sense of smell. In the animal world, smells are one of the valuable sources of information. They will tell you what is where and who is where. The aromas of food have a particularly exciting effect. Goodies left unattended tempt the cat, making him forget about a full bowl, good manners and the threat of punishment. Walking past a table with food and not trying to steal a piece is a difficult task even for the most well-mannered pet.

Do: do not leave food and leftovers on the table or in other accessible places.

Repellent methods

When weaning yourself from jumping on the table, a spray bottle will help. Immediately spray the cat as soon as he attempts to jump. This is the simplest scaring maneuver.

If the cat is not afraid of splashes, wean him off the bad habit using other methods. Smells and sounds will help you:

  • a cat who is not afraid of splashes from a spray bottle will be afraid of cold water in a baking tray standing on the table. Reinforce in the animal the unpleasant association “jumping with paws plunging into cold liquid.” If your pet is cunning and avoids the baking sheet, pick it up and place its paws in the water. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times;
  • scary sounds – cats don’t like loud noises. They will be deterred by a tin tray or bowl. The animal jumps and the dishes fly down with a crash. An alternative option is to cover the surface with plastic bags that rustle under your paws;
  • pungent odor – due to their well-developed sense of smell, cats cannot tolerate strong odors, but people may even find them pleasant. Use lemon juice or vinegar solution to treat the table top. The smell will not last long. You can place citrus slices on the table and add fragrant essential oils;
  • irritating surfaces - cover the tabletop with tape, preferably one-sided, so as not to damage the surface. The cat will not like the fact that his paws stick to the surface of the table. This method is not suitable for kittens, as the baby may become very frightened.

How to wean a cat from stealing

It will take time and patience to wean your cat from stealing. Not only pets, but also owners will have to change their habits:

  1. Never leave food on the table unattended, whether the table is set for a meal, leftovers after a meal, or food just brought from the store.
  2. Never leave dirty dishes with food leftovers in the sink.
  3. Never feed your cat from your plate.
  4. Never throw tasty morsels from your table onto the floor (it’s better to put them in a bowl after a meal).
  5. Block the animal's access to the trash can.
  6. Review your diet and pay more attention to your pet (including active games).
  7. Clean food and water bowls frequently.


  • follow the sequence of actions;
  • keep to the plan;
  • All family members should act harmoniously, avoiding situations where one prohibits and the other allows.

Caring owners just need to understand the needs of their pet, adjust their habits and set aside time for full communication with their pet. This approach will help rehabilitate the thief or significantly reduce losses from his raids.

Squelch - and your food is gone. This cat Negan swoops in like a hurricane and steals everything his owner eats.

In Minnetonka, Minnesota, there lives a very cheeky cat who steals food and doesn't blush. Moreover, any kind of food: both the one that doesn’t fit well and the one that fits very well - even in your mouth. The owner of the hungry monster no longer knows what to do, so he created a Facebook page about him. Now the cat is a star.

Negan is a gray cat. His little black sister's name is Lucille.

Negan looks harmless enough, but he's only pretending. As soon as his owner starts eating, the cat is right there.

Here's an example of Negan's daring theft when he couldn't resist a burger. And look at the dogs! They wait and don’t get impudent.

The Facebook page about Negan's audacity immediately reveals the essence of the cat: "Negan the cat who will take half of your food."

The pet only steals food so far, but he just hasn’t heard about the cat Sir Whiner, who steals money from passers-by. But Negan has a lot of potential. No matter how hard it grabs you, it won’t let go.

And it’s like everyone is ok that he continues to eat the burger that the cat bit? Cats do lick their asses, right?

But others came to his defense.

I didn't see anything bad in the video. I won't eat it myself, but if he doesn't mind eating the food after Negan has taken a bite of it, there's no need to blame him. Life is an individual thing.

Others believe that the owner himself is to blame for allowing the cat to steal food in this way.

You never taught him discipline, that’s why he steals food from you. I would be so mad. Cats sit and lick their butts all day, and you let them come near your food.

If you allow them to treat you like this, they will continue to beg or steal food right out of your hand. It's not cute at all.

Many users could not resist commenting on the excess weight of the cat's owner. Someone decided that Negan was doing him a favor by stealing food.

Come on people, watch it and understand what this video is about. Bad guy Negan saves this guy from a heart attack. Negan is a true MVP (most valuable player in sports - Medialeaks note).

Obesity, as it turned out, affects not only people, but also cats, and the problem is becoming more and more serious. In Great Britain, for example, so many fat cats have appeared that zoologists have already begun to explain what needs to be done with pets.

Why the kitchen table attracts animals

How to stop a cat from climbing on the table

Having figured out the methods of influence that will help wean your pet from walking on the table, it is worth understanding why they generally like to be in territory that is forbidden to them. The answer to this question lies in several reasons.


First of all, the reason for such chaos is cat curiosity. This is an innate character trait, so the cat will always climb into all corners of the house, as well as pieces of furniture. New interesting objects that the owner brings home will always be the center of attention of the animal

The objects on the table will not be left out of attention either.

Curiosity attracts cats to the table

To prevent a curious animal from being interested in climbing onto the kitchen table, you just need to remove all objects from it and leave it completely empty.

Advice! It is worth pushing all the chairs around the table under the table.

Search for food

Cats love to steal food from humans. Everyone knows that instincts are developed not only in wild animals, but also in domestic cats, so they consider stolen food to be their rightful prey. You can combat this in the following way: after a meal, put all food in the refrigerator, carefully collect leftover food, wiping the surface.

The cat climbs onto the table for food

Desire to rest

Furry friends love to sleep where the aroma of food is present. Sitting on the tabletop, like on a bed, and stretching out to their full height, they feel quite comfortable. To avoid such arrogant behavior, you need to equip a special place for your pet where he will feel good and cozy.

Advice! Since cats like to climb higher, to enhance the effect, you can put a cat resting place, for example, on a nightstand.

Cat in a cozy lounger

Love for heights

Four-legged pets like to watch what is happening from above. They climb higher and from there they look at what is happening below. Basically, this behavior can be noticed when there are several animals living in the house.

In this case, the owner will come to the aid of a special shelf that needs to be hung in the kitchen. It will serve as an “observation post.” If a cat jumps on the table, you need to shush him and move him to a personal shelf.

Cats love to climb higher

Finding a warm place

During the cold season, cats are always looking for warm places for themselves. As you know, warm air rises, so animals consider a table an excellent place for a cozy pastime.

To keep your pet warm outside the kitchen countertop area, you need to build a hammock for him near the radiator or move a chair next to it

It is also necessary to remove the desk lamp and laptop from the table after using them, as they also emit heat, attracting unwanted attention.

Warm place for the cat

Hunting instinct

Cats are natural hunters. If the table is near the window, then the animal can sit on it to watch what is happening on the street through the window. Cats can follow a fly, a bird or the glare of the sun.

In this situation, it is necessary to curtain the window or act more radically and move the table to another place. There is another, more cunning option: you can hang a bird feeder opposite another window, thereby providing the animal with a new place to observe.

If you find out the answers to the questions why cats like to jump on the table and why it is dangerous, it will be easier to deal with this problem. A few simple ways will help you fight your pet’s bad habit. Having studied these methods, pet owners will be able to easily put all the tips into practice. You just need to be patient, spend a little time, and everything will definitely work out.

Further more

Pots, pans, bread bins, microwaves, sugar bowls, ovens - the cat is ready to stick its nose everywhere if it is not stopped. It seems she would have examined the refrigerator if it didn’t have a door! Or she would even settle in the area of ​​a trash can, which the owners sometimes forget to take out on time.

What can we say about the fact that some of the purrs willingly drink from the kitchen tap, instead of taking a couple of sips from their own bowl of water. But sometimes all these liberties began to appear even at a kitten’s age and looked simply like a harmless prank, which the owners perceived with a smile and did not take into account.

Alas, it later turned into a persistent pattern of behavior that the cat began to confidently follow.

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