Khao-Mani: description of the cat breed, standards, house maintenance

Kao-mani are snow-white short-haired cats with a royal bearing and regal character. The magnetic look of their large expressive eyes has an irresistible attractive force, and their Eastern origin only fuels interest in these animals.

To understand what a Kao-Mani cat is, let’s look at the main characteristics of the breed.

Himalayan cat

The breed has a soft Persian coat of Siamese color: on the body it is light or cream, on the tail, paws and face it is darker. The eyes of the “Himalayans” are a clear Siamese blue. Quiet, furry animals prefer home mode and can easily do without walks.

The price of a Himalayan kitten is $500-1300.

British Shorthair

Neat cats with an easily recognizable “cheeky” appearance are extremely independent, silent and reserved. They do not like to be picked up or sat on laps, and do not approach strangers. Self-sufficient "British" cats are considered cats for businessmen who are rarely at home.

The cost of a “British” kitten is $500-1500.

Care instructions

Khao mani do not require special care. It is enough to comb the wool once every 7 days using a regular rubberized brush. This way the dead hairs will be removed, and the cat will get its portion of the massage.


Difficulties almost always arise with swimming: khao mani, to put it mildly, do not like water. Moreover, even if you teach them from childhood, it will be difficult to cope with adults. But kao mani cats are very clean, so it will be enough to wipe their paws and body with wet wipes, and wash them once a year (or if the animal gets dirty so much that it cannot wash itself).

Does your cat like to swim?

Not really


The ears are cleaned with damp cotton pads (soaked in chlorhexidine or ear lotion).


Claws are trimmed if the cat is too lazy to grind them down on a scratching post (however, this rarely happens).


Teeth should be brushed once every 2 weeks, but not every cat will calmly accept this procedure. Some even refuse to let their owner approach them with a toothbrush in their hands.

The best option, of course, is to accustom kao mani to regular cleaning from childhood. Invite the kitten to play with a brush (buy either a special brush or a regular one for children and shorten the bristles), buy a special paste (meat or fish flavored).

This breed belongs to the group of rare and expensive breeds. There are not many nurseries: in their historical homeland - in Thailand, Slovenia, France and in the United States of America. Pet-class babies (exclusively for home care) cost about $10,000. Breeding and exhibition animals - from $20,000. In addition, you will have to pay for delivery and paperwork. There are no nurseries in Russia. You can look for private breeders, but you should choose the seller carefully so as not to “run into” an unscrupulous businessman.

Maine Coon

This huge, powerful breed comes from American farm cats. Males can weigh 15 kg, females - 8. The tufts on their ears give them a lynx-like appearance. By nature, “thugs” are friendly, trainable, and can walk on a leash. Cautious with strangers, loyal to family members.

Maine Coon price is $600-1500.

When can I pick up a kitten?

To answer this question, you need to know some nuances about the development of kittens. As you know, a cat can have from one to seven kittens in one litter. This fact, as well as the breed, affects the weight of newborns, which ranges from 70 to 140 grams.

At birth, babies are almost completely hairless, completely blind and deaf. But with a well-developed sense of smell and touch. It is by smell that they find the mother cat to feed on her milk. Already on the fifth day of life, kittens begin to hear sounds around them. And on the tenth day they gradually open their eyes and begin to see.

After a few more days, babies can determine the direction of sounds

The animals learn to walk, not confidently and cautiously, and by the twentieth day they are able to move a short distance from the common crib.

By four weeks, kittens’ bodies are able to digest not only mother’s milk, but also additional complementary foods. At this age, following the example of a cat, they learn to lick themselves and go to a tray with soil or sawdust.

By the sixth week, most kittens become quite independent, they can play with their brothers and go to the litter box; milk nutrition is increasingly replacing complementary foods. By 7–8 weeks, the animals have all their milk teeth, their fur changes and their true color can be seen.

A very important condition in the development of a kitten is the presence of the mother and brothers to receive the very first and necessary knowledge in life. During the first months, all the kittens hardly leave each other a single step. They sleep, eat and play in a friendly ball. The cat raises them, teaching them to use a tray, a scratching post and to hunt, and, if necessary, bites especially mischievous children.

At about the age of two months, mother increasingly drives the babies away and sleeps on her own. They, in turn, get used to independent life and, under the guise of play, can hunt each other, lying in wait in ambush. By three months, the “fluffies” become completely independent, do not need mother’s milk, know how to use a tray and reach a weight of one and a half to two kilograms.

They get used to the people around them and play with them and toys without fear. During a period of carefree childhood, each kitten develops its own exceptional character.

From all this we can draw a simple conclusion that a kitten should be taken to a new home when it:

  • able to feed independently;
  • will be able to lick himself, thereby taking care of his hygiene;
  • confidently uses a scratching post and litter tray;
  • socially adapted, that is, he received proper education from a cat.

If these conditions are not taken into account, your pet may have problems with digestion and infectious diseases. He will be too timid and fearful or, conversely, overly aggressive, which can lead to dire consequences in the future. Will not be trained to use the litter box.

Thus, the most optimal age for changing a kitten's home will be about two to three months. Then the furry family pet will be properly raised and delight its owners, receiving love and affection from them. These requirements should be observed when the family consciously approaches the choice of a pet and is not limited in time.

But there are situations when a kitten is taken away from a cat before two months for a variety of reasons as a way to save “drowning”. In this case, the baby will need especially careful care and education, which he did not receive from his mother. For all the warmth and affection received, the kitten will definitely be infinitely grateful and will become another member of the family.

Video - funny boxer cat

Read how to treat otitis media in cats here.


The Bengal-Oriental hybrid has the coloring of a serval and is named after the African reserve where these graceful felines run free. In addition to meowing, the Serengeti makes many sounds that cannot be heard from any other cat. Long-legged, lean runners need regular walks. They are brave, inquisitive and social.

Serengeti kittens cost $600-2000.

Russian blue

The founders of the breed, excellent rat catchers, were taken from Arkhangelsk. The Russian Blue has a short, silvery coat and large, almond-shaped eyes that are an exceptionally rich green color. This cat has a quiet voice, she does not like change and has difficulty adapting to new conditions; prefers to hide from strangers.

The cost of Russian Blue is $400-2000.

What makes up the price of a purebred cat?

1. This price includes the funds spent on the purchase of the producers from whom the kittens were received.

2. Costs of maintaining a cat and her kittens. This includes the cost of feeding a small kitten, litter and various accessories, as well as veterinary care.

3. Related costs. This category includes:

  • the cost of an animal’s participation in exhibitions, which includes costs associated with its registration and travel to the venue of the exhibition event
  • costs for paperwork: manufacturer's certificate, registration of the cat's name, pedigree and metrics
  • in some cases, this may also include payment to the owner of a purebred cat for mating.

4. Payment for the labor of the breeder, from whom not only all financial investments are required in the acquisition and maintenance of purebred breeders, raising the resulting litter, but also daily work associated with the care of kittens, care and education of born animals (for example, litter box training).

5. The price of a kitten also depends on what class it belongs to. It often happens that the cost of animals, even from the same litter, varies greatly precisely because of their assessment and assignment to a certain class for the prospects of further breeding and participation in exhibitions.

The cheapest pet class kittens. These animals have slight external flaws that do not meet the strict standard and type of the breed. Therefore, such pets are intended only for home keeping; they do not participate in exhibitions and do not act as producers.

Breeding class kittens are more expensive. Animals of this class more fully comply with the requirements of the breed standard and type and participate in the breeding program.

The most expensive are show class or highest show class kittens. Animals in this category have ideal characteristics of the breed and are its representatives; they participate in exhibitions and shows.

6. The cost of the animal is also affected by the rarity or exoticism of the breed.

To get a rough idea of ​​the prices for purebred kittens, you can familiarize yourself with the approximate cost of animals of specific breeds.

It will be interesting:

  • what to name a British kitten;
  • what to name a Scottish fold kitten;
  • nicknames for red kittens;
  • beautiful nicknames for cats.

Prices for kittens of various breeds

A beautiful Abyssinian cat costs from 10 to 25 thousand rubles (2500-6250 UAH).

The cost of a very beautiful spotted Bengal kitten ranges from 15 to 40 thousand (3700-10000 UAH).

If you are interested in how much representatives of the Kuril Bobtail breed cost, then prepare to shell out from 5 to 25 thousand rubles (1200-6000 UAH).

A Devon Rex cat costs between 10-30 thousand (2500-7500 UAH).

Kittens with the original appearance of the Cornish Rex breed can be purchased for an amount ranging from 8 to 25 thousand, and the maximum price is 40 thousand rubles (2000-10000 UAH).

Not so widespread ragdolls will cost 15-25 thousand (3500-6000 UAH).

The price of Russian Blue cat kittens ranges from 6 to 20 thousand rubles (1500-5000 UAH).

It is quite possible to buy a Siamese kitten for 2-3 thousand, although their price reaches 15 thousand rubles (500-3500 UAH).

The offspring of a Siberian cat costs from 5-6 to 20 thousand rubles (1200-5000 UAH).

The price of sacred Burmese kittens averages 15-20 thousand rubles (3500-5000 UAH).

The cost of kittens of the smallest cat breed - Singaporean - starts from 10 thousand rubles, and on average will be 30-60 thousand (2500-15000 UAH).

The original Don Sphynx can be purchased for an amount ranging from 5 to 15 thousand (1200-3500 UAH).

If you are wondering how much the St. Petersburg and Canadian Sphynx will cost, then it will cost 10-25 thousand rubles (2500-6000 UAH).

“Indoor tiger cubs” of the Toyger breed cost at least 20 thousand, and on average their price is 30-50 thousand rubles (5000-12500 UAH).

In conclusion, we can say that an expensive purebred kitten is bought for more than one year, and if you divide this cost by the number of years that it will live with you, giving you joy, it turns out that the price of a pet is not so high.


The elven image includes the main identifying feature - noticeable elongated ears. The hairless cats of this hybrid breed have truly unusual ears: large, like those of a sphinx, with tips bent back, like those of a curl. Elves are attached to everyone at home and do not tolerate loneliness well. Ideal for city apartments.

The price of the elf is $2000.


God created a cat so that man would have a tiger to pet, and man bred a “little tiger”—the toyger. Its dense, silky coat is decorated with wide alternating black and yellow stripes. Despite the “brutal” coloring, the character typical of the breed is balanced and calm.

The price of a toyger kitten is $500-3000.

American Curl

The main characteristic of curls is their folded ears. This feature is the result of a natural random mutation. The turn of the tips of the ears is strictly regulated: it must be no less than 90 and no more than 180 degrees. Curls are sociable, non-aggressive and easily adaptable.

The cost of the breed is $1000-3000.


Khao mani do not have any problems with the digestive system, but this does not mean that they can be fed with just anything. A cat’s menu differs from a human’s, because they should never eat many foods, while others need to be eaten regularly and in large quantities.

Natural products

Should be on the menu:

  • lean meat (veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, horse meat, lamb);
  • offal (kidneys, liver, spleen, udder, chicken necks, ventricles, hearts);
  • porridge (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet);
  • boiled chicken yolks, boiled quail eggs;
  • fish (flounder, navaga, hake, salmon) and seafood (squid, shrimp);
  • vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, asparagus, broccoli);
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, cream, hard cheese, bio-yogurt).

Cats drink only clean water, neither ice nor hot. You can purify the liquid using any kitchen filter, or buy bottled water in the store.

Meat in the diet should be at least 45%, vegetables and eggs - at least 15. The rest is cereals, fruits and fish. Kittens, depending on their age, eat 4-6 times a day, teenagers - 3-4, cats over 8 months - 2 times (morning and evening).

Recommended food

Below are the recommended holistic class foods. Links with the names of the food are clickable, on them you can, within our website, get acquainted with the descriptions of the food and read reviews from owners of cats of the Khao Mani breed.


Bengal cat

The green-eyed hybrid of a wild Bengal and a domestic cat has dense short hair of a golden-orange color, decorated with dark spots. The character of these cats is also “hybrid”, combining trust in humans and developed hunting skills. They will not give birds and small rodents a chance to live.

The price of a Bengal huntress is $1000-4000.

Origin story

The history of the appearance of kao mani is shrouded in secrets and legends. This breed appeared in Thailand many centuries ago. The first information appears in written sources and images of the 13th century. Kao Mani were (and still are) considered a breed bestowed by the gods. Thais are convinced that these different-eyed, snow-white creatures bring wealth and honor to their owners. One of the cats was present as an honored guest at the coronation of the Thai monarch Rama VII Prachadipok in 1926.

For many years, these cats were protected like the apple of their eye, they were forbidden to be exported outside the country, and only in 1999 several cats entered the United States. They started working with the breed there.

In 2001, the breed received the right to register, but it was admitted to exhibitions only in 2012 and only by the TICA organization, since felinologists from other organizations are in no hurry to recognize the breed (and Kao Mani are not allowed to compete - they are only allowed to be demonstrated as an example of rare beauty). To this day, this breed is supervised by specialists from the International and British cat organizations, as well as the Kao Mani Lovers Club.

There are several hundred purebred Khao Mani cats in the world. In Thailand itself, due to the indiscriminate mating of khao mani with outbred individuals (unfortunately, they do not consider it necessary to monitor this there), there are less than two hundred purebreds left.


The pedigree of this large breed includes the wild South American Geoffroy cat. The result of “wild blood” is a unique leopard-like coloration of short, dense fur and a triangular “jaguar” head with intense amber or green eyes. The safari cat is self-sufficient and friendly. She needs walks: in the wild she can sufficiently indulge her hunting instincts.

The cost of the breed is $4000-8000.


These expensive and rare cats have a long exotic history. For hundreds of years, khao mani (“white shiny jewel”) could be kept and bred exclusively by the kings of Thailand. Some especially prized kao-mani have eyes of different colors. These are extremely social cats, so it is best to buy them for those who already have a feline in their home or buy two kittens at once.

The price of kao-mani is $7000-10000.

Breed standard

Ideal individuals of Kao-Mani have the following description.


Wedge-shaped, slightly elongated in length, medium in size, has dense, rounded high cheekbones. The short nose in profile has a slight stop on the bridge of the nose.

The lobe protrudes slightly forward. The chin is moderately pronounced. The forehead is elongated and slightly rounded. Fault without disqualification - short and blunt or long and narrow muzzle, nose without a stop, “Roman profile”.


Medium size. The cut is eastern, the outer corners are raised up and lie on an imaginary line drawn from the nose to the tops of the ears. Color - bright blue, green, amber or topaz. Heterochromacy occurs in a third of individuals - a combination of blue and yellow or blue and emerald.

Preference is given to individuals with a “diamond” shine to the iris.

Eyes that are too large or small and have a straight cut are considered a fault, but are allowed.


Medium size, fairly widely spaced. The height of the shells is slightly greater, and the distance between them is slightly less than the width of one ear at the base of the skull. The tips tapering towards the tops are rounded.

Fault not accompanied by disqualification, excessively large or small ear size, incorrect placement.


Medium size. The abdomen is usually well tucked, with slight sagging allowed, especially in males. Medium density bone. The muscles are highly developed and elongated, most significantly in males. Females sometimes have a slightly graceful type.

Acceptable disadvantage: females have a male type of structure, males have a female, heavier body, excess weight.


Sufficiently long, with well-developed muscles, medium-sized, elongated pads.


Proportional to the length of the body, tapering to the tip, at which a small break is permissible. Fault without disqualification - defects that significantly shorten the tail.


Short, close to the body, without undercoat. Medium texture, but not rough.


The only one is uniform snow-white. Kittens up to one and a half years old may have small colored spots on their heads; they disappear as they grow older.


Small and medium-sized animals. Females - 2.5-3.8; males - 4-5 kilograms.


In addition to intra-breed ones, crossings with oriental breeds from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Burma of medium build and white color are still allowed.

Disqualification criteria

Disadvantages that cause the animal to be completely removed from the ring and the end of its exhibition and breeding career:

  • eye defects - blindness and strabismus;
  • strong protrusion of the xiphoid process of the sternum (carina).


Representatives of the Chausie breed carry the “wild” genes of the swamp lynx and retain the courage, mobility, appearance and habits of their predatory ancestors. Requires a large play area. Chausie's diet should include meat and fish with a minimal presence of grains; dry cat food is not suitable for them.

Cost – from 8000 to 10000 $.


A distinctive feature of this breed is deafness and heterochronism.

Congenital deafness occurs in 35% of cases. Such cats are practically no different from their counterparts: they are also active and playful, but require more attention and care from their owners. The hearing gene causes fluid in the inner ear to dry out, resulting in deafness in one or both ears.

Despite the presence of wool, kao manis catch cold easily. So don’t be surprised if, after sitting in a draft after a bath or walking in a wet garden in cool weather, your pet starts sneezing. After all, they have no undercoat at all!

The gums are weak, so khao mani needs to be fed plenty of raw meat and taken to the veterinarian for checkups every six months.

If there are kinks or knots on a cat’s tail, it will develop serious problems with its spine as it ages. If you notice that your cat has begun to behave nervously and aggressively, does not allow you to touch its tail and hind legs, and is constantly trying to lick itself from behind, show it to the doctor.

Puberty in Khao Mani kittens begins early: at 7 or even 5 months. So, if you want to rid your animal of hormonal “bursts” and save your own nerves, take your pet to the veterinarian for castration or sterilization during this time period.

Vaccinations and deworming are mandatory procedures even for cats that do not show their noses outside. Don’t take risks: a person himself can bring pathogens into his home.

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