American Bobtail: description of the breed, standards, content

The history of the American Bobtail begins in the 60s of the last century. They are distinguished by their short stubby tail. This is not a defect or circumcision, but is directly the result of a genetic mutation. These cats come in short- and long-haired varieties, and both are distinguished by excellent health. The reasons lie in genetics.

The American Bobtail is not related to the Japanese, despite its similar appearance. The short tail of the first one was the result of a dominant mutation, and the Japanese one was due to a recessive one. These cats are distinguished by their stature and large size. Beautiful and striped American bobtails, like the similar-looking spotted mini-lynx pixie bobs, are considered a national treasure of the United States of America.

Kurilian Bobtail

The Kuril Bobtail breed is at a record young age, but at the same time enjoys serious popularity. Unusual bobtail cats came from the Kuril Islands to the mainland at the end of the 20th century and were first mistaken for distant relatives of the Japanese bobtail.

Upon closer examination, however, it turned out that the Kurils are more powerfully built, and have a more “wild” appearance, and in general, only their tail is similar to a cat that comes from the country of the samurai. More precisely, its absence. In all other respects, the Kurilian Bobtail is much more reminiscent of representatives of the Siberian breed - in terms of hair, constitution, and head shape. You don’t have to be either a psychic or a felinologist to guess that the main distinguishing feature of the breed is the tail. It may seem as if nature laughed at Kurilians, depriving them of this genuine feline pride, an expressive indicator of mood and an important tool for maintaining balance. However, the cats feel surprisingly great even with the “misunderstanding” they inherited, ranging from 3 to 12 cm in length. The thing is that, as compensation for their mistake, wise nature presented these cats with unusually long hind limbs as a gift. This feature makes Kurilian Bobtails unsurpassed jumpers, and also gives a special charm to their gait.

And yet, the tail is a very special part of the appearance of the Kurils: it is by the type of its structure that the purebred feline origin is determined. Among the slang names for varieties of tails, there are very funny options: stump, panicle, spiral, pom-pom, bob. These “stumps” with “spirals” are for smokers the same as fingerprints for a person - an indicator of uniqueness. There are no two cats in the whole world with the same tail: the creases, shape, mobility and size of each are strictly individual.

The nature of the Kuril Bobtails has not only given them an unusual appearance: these cats also have an exceptionally rare character. So much so that you can’t immediately tell who you’re dealing with – either a cat or a dog. In fact, these bobtailed creatures are distinguished by a devotion to their owner that is unusual for most cats - up to raising him to the rank of idol, as well as the ability to engage in dialogue, obedience and a sharp mind. Be prepared for the fact that this cat will follow you everywhere: both because it is too attached to you, and because it really does not want to miss any even more or less important event.

Affectionate and friendly, balanced and inquisitive, Kurilian Bobtails get along well with children and get along with any living creature in the house, including dogs. And although the Kurils have tender feelings for all household members without exception, they designate one single family member as “their” owner, whom they will follow on their heels. For all those who want to acquire a gentle, affectionate and loyal creature, you cannot find a better friend than the Kuril Botail.

How much does a Kurilian Bobtail cat cost?

A Kurilian Bobtail kitten in Russia will cost from 10,000 rubles, in Ukraine you can buy it for 2,000 hryvnia. As usual, the price depends on the sex, pedigree and class of the cat.

It is interesting that for this breed, in addition to the pet, breed and show classes, there is a “novice” class. This includes kittens not bred on mainland Russia, but directly exported from the Kuril Islands. Usually their pedigree is unknown, but according to their appearance they correspond to the breed.

Maintenance, health, nutrition

These cheerful and playful cats really enjoy walks in nature. They easily learn to wear a leash, so in urban environments they can be walked in parks. There are no subtleties regarding care.


The American Bobtail has a short spine and no tail vertebrae, making it prone to musculoskeletal diseases.

In addition, some of the most common diseases of this breed are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory skin lesions;
  • diseases of the oral cavity with the formation of tartar.

There are cases when a bobtail is born without a tail. This may result in an abnormally short spine with associated problems.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are difficult to prevent, but allergies, skin diseases and diseases of the oral cavity can be prevented. For these purposes, pet owners must regularly maintain hygiene, comb the cat, bathe it and feed it properly.

Life expectancy on average is 10-15 years.

The right diet

The ideal options would be super premium or holistic food. They contain all the useful and necessary elements. In addition, they are systematized by breed, health status, age, etc. The nutritional allowance for one meal is indicated on the food bags. The baby needs to eat about 3-4 times. Cats aged from six months to one and a half years are fed 3 times a day, and adults - only in the morning and evening hours.

Mekong Bobtail

Or Thai, as they used to be called, is a living legend from the world of cats. Legend has it that in the ancient temples of Siam, beautiful princesses were guarded by unusual cats with dark faces, paws and tails. While bathing, the princesses strung their jewelry onto the broken tails of the furry guards. The tails of Mekong Bobtails are unique. Each cat has them unique, decorated with whimsical kinks and loops. Some are hidden under the fur, then you can feel them with your fingers.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by completely canine habits. They love to carry things in their teeth, they walk calmly while on a leash, they love to “follow the command” Aport! They will simply offer you a game in which your role is to throw toys at them. When they walk, their paws click like a dog's. They rarely scratch, but in defense they can bite.

Mekong Bobtails are very inquisitive, they always accompany their owner, trying to stay close to him. They will never look away if you decide to look longer into their blue eyes. They are very sociable and talkative. However, they are restrained and do not allow themselves to show strong emotions, as happens with Siamese. If a pair of Mekong Bobtails lives with you, then the cat holds dominance. The cat will be more involved in raising the younger generation. It is the cat who will lick the kittens, accustom them to food and toilet, and teach them other wisdom.

How much does a Mekong Bobtail cat cost?

Average price – $400

American Bobtail

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The USA is considered the birthplace of the American Bobtail; the breed was bred in the 1950s. The American Bobtail has a wide-angle muzzle with soft contours that meet at the chin and slightly slanted oval eyes. The ears, set high on the muzzle, are usually medium in size with a wide base. The bobtail is also distinguished by dense, semi-long, double and slightly shaggy hair and a short tail that does not reach the base of the hind legs. The cat's legs are small and powerful, and its paws are round and compact.

The breed began to be bred in the second half of the 20th century. It is believed that this breed originated from short-haired tabby kittens from the Arizona Indian Reservation. The first crossings of kittens were carried out with a Siamese cat. It was planned to create an analogue of the Snowshoe breed with a short tail, but this idea was soon abandoned, as weak and sickly kittens were born. After which new designs were introduced, diversity was added to the color palette, and the gene pool was enriched.

It became internationally recognized in 1989, although the standard was adopted back in 1970. How this breed appeared is still unknown; there were suggestions that the ancestors were the lynx and the Japanese bobtail and, possibly, the semolina. Nowadays, the American Bobtail's coat is quite thick and long, but initially, even before crossing with Persian Colorpoints (Himalayan in the USA), they were short-haired.

This breed of cat is more suitable for a family with children who spend most of their time at home. Since these cats do not like loneliness, they are quite intelligent and calm and, despite the fact that they have a good command of a good vocabulary, they are very taciturn. They are good-natured, but very freedom-loving, and on top of that, they calmly treat other individuals, be they dogs or cats.

How much does an American Bobtail cat cost?

How to determine how much an American Bobtail kitten will cost you? The problem is that this breed is mainly bred only in the USA. So a bobtail will cost an average of $500 (30,000 rubles or 12,000 UAH). This price is for a pet class kitten. The cost of show cats and cats for breeding starts from $1,300 (RUB 80,000 or UAH 30,000).

How to care for your pet

When you decide to take care of a Kurilian Bobtail, you should be prepared for the peculiarities of keeping and caring for them. Characterized by a high life expectancy, the Kurilian will please the owner longer if you monitor the pet’s condition.


Cats of this breed are unpretentious. Bobtails are clean, take care of their own hygiene, and shed little. The wool does not tangle or form clumps.

However, the pets will not be harmed by the attention of the owner, since modern smokers are already accustomed to living in apartments. It is enough to thoroughly but gently comb cats with specialized combs 1-2 times a week.

These cats are comfortable with water, so you can wash them without fear of getting scratched. Bobtails will not experience stress from taking a bath, but frequent bathing is still not recommended.

With constant water treatments, the quality of the coat decreases and the skin of cats dries out. It should be washed as needed.

It's not just the fur that requires care. It is important to pay attention to the cat’s ears, eyes, and teeth.

Ears should be cleaned with cotton swabs using special solutions. The use of alcohol-containing products is strictly prohibited.

Excessive zeal in this process can only harm the pet, so accuracy is very important. When cleaning, it is worth carrying out an external inspection to see the problem in advance.

Sensitive cat eyes are washed exclusively with cotton swabs or a cloth. The use of paper napkins for these purposes is excluded; they irritate the mucous membrane. The direction of movement is from the outer corner to the nose.

Teeth brushing is not only necessary for humans, but is also beneficial for cats. The procedure is carried out regularly, at least once a week. Brushes and pastes are used, in addition to them, specialized food is used.

If problems are noticed, it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic, and also attend routine examinations at least once a year.


Kurils are distinguished by good health and strong immunity, passed on to them from the ancestors of the Siberians. Despite this, regular vaccinations, as well as examinations by a veterinarian, are required.

Frequent walks, playing with leaves and snow, exploring the surrounding world - all this can be dangerous for unvaccinated cats. Pets should be trained from the moment they appear in the house, taught to go to the doctor and wear flea collars.

Over time, even strong, naturally hardy smokers become susceptible to disease. Diseases of the eyes and urinary tract are already age-related problems for cats.

It seems that a short tail and deformity of the vertebrae in it carry additional health hazards, but this is not so. This feature of the body structure is natural for bobtails.


In order not to add complications with the gastrointestinal tract associated with constant molting to the bobtail’s collection of diseases, you need to choose the right diet.

A vitamin cocktail made from herbs is useful for your pet, which he will enjoy eating. Greens can be grown in a pot on the windowsill and some of the problems with hair loss will disappear.

Cats should be fed what their ancestors obtained in nature. That is, fish, vegetables, poultry. The favorite treats of yard cats are milk and fermented milk products, but they are undesirable for bobtails. Digestion will be disrupted when natural and dry food are mixed in the diet.

It is important to remember that the bobtail menu depends on the age of the pets, which means it requires careful preparation. From one year onwards, cats can be given raw meat as the basis of their diet, fish, chicken and quail eggs, cereals, and chopped vegetables. Kittens should add vitamins, artiodactyl scars to the menu, and give preference to natural food.

The feeding regimen is selected depending on the age of the animal. Up to four months - 5-6 times a day, up to nine - 4 times, after ten months switch to 2-3 meals a day.

Japanese Bobtail

The birthplace of the breed is Japan. The first mentions of short-tailed cats date back thousands of years. In paintings from the 15th century, you can see long-haired bobtails with a fluffy pom-pom tail, short-tailed cats next to geishas.

In 1602, in Japan, it was ordered that all cats be released into the streets to save the country from a rodent invasion. As a result, bobtails essentially became Japanese street cats. The Japanese Bobtail is an intelligent and very active cat. They love companionship and use their rich vocabulary, from soft purrs to loud meows.

The short-tailed bobtail loves different games: not only with his favorite toy, but also outside on a leash, and even in the water. They are easy to learn different tricks. The short tail of the Japanese Bobtail is a genetic mutation. But unlike, for example, Manx, this gene does not carry with it other disorders of the skeletal structure. These cats are quite resistant to other diseases. Japanese Bobtail kittens are born larger than other breeds. They develop faster and begin to walk, run and explore the world around them early. But they are sold like everyone else - at the age of 3-4 months. You need to feed such a cat at the rate of 80 kilocalories per kilogram of weight per day. Obesity usually does not threaten bobtails due to their high activity. Features of care are reduced to the standard: weekly combing, cleaning of ears and eyes as necessary, rare bathing.

How much does a Japanese Bobtail cat cost?

The price for a Japanese bobtail ranges from 30 thousand rubles and above. It all depends on color, pedigree and many other factors. Yes, it's expensive, but it's worth it. If you want a real piece of Asia to live in your home, the Japanese Bobtail is your pet! Give him your heart, and he will give you his whole soul in return!

Mr. Cat warns: diseases and vaccinations

Any artificially bred breed has mutations. This statement is also true for bobtails. Despite the fact that selection was carried out not by man, but by nature, the change in the genotype led to its consequences.

Distinguished by their good health, smokers are predisposed to diseases associated with their origin and structure.

It is believed that the structure of the tail has a direct effect on diseases typical of a cat of this breed: hemorrhoids, inflammation of the anus, intestinal prolapse.

A common illness is urolithiasis (UCD). If there are problems with the cat’s kidneys, it is necessary to switch from food for the prevention of urolithiasis to a special one that restores kidney function.

The first vaccination of cats is done at the age of 6-8 weeks. Recommended vaccine against rhinotracheitis (FVP), calicivirus (FCV), paleukopenia (FPV). After 4-6 weeks, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is performed. Based on the results, further vaccination is performed. The rabies vaccination is carried out at the 16th week. Further booster vaccinations are required annually, and screening for parasites (helminths) is also necessary.

Bobtail dog

Under the shaggy coat of this dog lies a wayward, cheerful animal with persistence and innate herding instincts. The Old English Sheepdog or Bobtail loves people and is a good watchdog, although it is not a guard dog. The dog requires decent attention, especially in matters of grooming.

The first thing that catches your eye when meeting a bobtail dog is its amazing coat. Previously, these dogs were unreasonably considered stupid. In fact, the bobtail is an independent and intelligent animal. From an ordinary herding dog, the Old English Sheepdog has turned into an excellent companion dog that can help on the farm and brighten up the loneliness of any person. This is a very good-natured and active dog.

Many people describe the Old English Sheepdog as a kind, loyal pet that adores people. At the same time, sometimes the dog is distinguished by its stubbornness. Let's look at the main points that those who decide to become a bobtail owner need to know. The Old English Sheepdog has a fairly loud voice, but it is not a guard breed. Bobtail will be a great friend for children. He gets attached to people. To keep such a dog, you need to fence the yard with a high fence. Very often, shepherd dogs easily jump over small fences.

Early socialization of the dog is essential. This is of key importance in education and will prevent mistrust and aggression towards strangers. Some experts advise purchasing Old English Sheepdog puppies from breeders who raise puppies in their own homes. This is due to the fact that from birth the animal is among people and gets used to the appropriate atmosphere.

After purchasing a puppy, it is best to send it to a special class for training, but first consult with your veterinarian. Training from a professional will guarantee proper and effective education and training. The need for early training is primarily due to the fact that at this age puppies are completely controllable and make excellent contact. During training, you should reward your dog with praise and favorite treats. The most important thing in training an animal is patience and consistency.

Quite often the Old English Sheepdog is compared to a yard dog. The reason for this is her active behavior. The herding instincts inherent in this breed are the reason for the animal's activity. That is why the surrounding area should be securely fenced. This does not mean that the pet should be kept outside. When the family is at home, the dog should be with you. Lack of attention towards your pet can cause aggression and stress.

The distinctive feature of any Old English Sheepdog is its coat. This is also the most difficult part of caring for a dog. The thick and long coat will require weekly brushing from the owner, so be prepared to spend half an hour to an hour weekly. If you want your bobtail to take part in exhibitions, then the coat requires daily care! The disadvantage of this breed is

possible wool on carpets and furniture, however, with sufficient care such troubles can be avoided.

How much does a bobtail puppy cost?

Bobtail price:

  • minimum price: $800.00
  • maximum price: $1200.00
  • average price: $1088.89


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