What to feed Scottish Straights - nutritional recommendations

Owners of cats of different breeds should familiarize themselves with the rules for caring for their pet. There are several recommendations on how to feed the Scottish Straight. Representatives of this cat breed rarely have digestive problems and are in fairly good health. Proper feeding of an animal is the key to its normal development, excellent mood and longevity.

Place and utensils for feeding

The Scots are quite calm and delicate by nature, so it is better for them to set up a place to eat in a quiet and secluded place.

Choice of cookware:

  1. Volume . It is recommended to feed such babies from not too deep, but wide bowls made of materials such as clay, ceramics or high-quality plastic.
  2. Material of manufacture . It is important that the bowls do not make noise or cause stress to the kitten when eating. It is not recommended to use metal or aluminum utensils that can release dangerous chemical compounds when the temperature increases.
  3. For water. A deeper container with water is placed separately. A straight-eared Scottish kitten should have free access to clean water around the clock.


Regardless of upbringing, a cat of each breed has character traits. It is not for nothing that Scottish cats are recognized as one of the best domestic breeds - they will become a real member of the family, adopting human qualities and habits.

Scottish Straight

Straight-eared kittens are balanced and easy-going; they do not have attacks of rage or hatred towards humans.

Such a cat will get along with all family members, but she chooses one owner, to whom she becomes very attached.

Straits are great intellectuals and have a strong character.

They will become a sensitive friend for their beloved “parent,” but they will not tolerate subordination.

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They play with children humbly, but do not pay much attention to them.

The Scottish Straight is a very smart cat.

Understanding the owner at a glance, he will accurately grasp the mood: he will feel sorry and even try to cheer him up when his soul is heavy, and not every loved one can dispel the sadness.

Straights have a lot of love, but their curiosity is something.

Since childhood, this furry miracle has gotten used to following its owner’s heels.

Like a little person, he will watch you cook, wash dishes, shower or work.

Despite hyperactivity, such a cat understands the word “no”, quickly potty trains and gets along well with other animals.

Scottish fold

Fold-eared cats are similar in character to their straight-eared counterparts, but within the breed there are very different characters. Some of them are affectionate, others are prone to aggression, some are active and playful, others are slow and calm.

Scottish Folds have a peculiarity - they remember only what is useful to them. To teach such a cat the necessary skills, you need to demonstrate its benefit in this.

Meanwhile, folds are loyal, not intrusive and have a strong sense of self-esteem.

The lop-eared little ball gets very used to the house and its favorite toys. Like straights, it cannot stand loneliness. And he can also eat, it seems, a whole ton of his favorite food.

Feeding mode

The feeding schedule and frequency depend on the age of the Scottish Straight kitten. Small kittens eat often, in small portions. Grown-up pets can be fed 1-2 times throughout the day.

The ideal feeding schedule, taking into account the age category of the baby:

  1. Until reaching 2 weeks , feeding is carried out 9-10 times throughout the day at equal time intervals. A single serving of milk or milk substitute is about 3-4 ml.
  2. From 2 to 2.5 weeks - 8-9 times a day at equal time intervals. A single serving of complementary foods increases to 5-8 ml.
  3. From 2.5 weeks to a month - kittens are fed 8-9 times during the day and one feeding is carried out at night. The baby should consume about 10 ml of formula or milk at one time.
  4. From 1 to 3 months – meals are taken 6-7 times during the day.
  5. From 3 months – feeding is carried out 5-6 times throughout the day. Milk and formula are already being replaced with feed.
  6. From 4 months – the frequency of feedings is reduced to 4 times a day.
  7. At the age of about six months , kittens are fed 3-4 times throughout the day.

It is very important to follow a schedule and offer the kitten food at the same time, avoiding skips and delays.

At a young age, irregularities in the schedule threaten the baby with serious disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system.

How often should I give food?

A small and an adult Scottish Straight pet needs to be fed differently. Animals from 1 year old are given food 2-3 times a day, babies - more often, 3-4 times. Over time, the older Scottish Straight is fed less frequently. It is important that the diet for a cat at any age must be balanced, containing vitamins, minerals and other necessary components. The animal should not be overfed or, conversely, put on a diet. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian first.

In order for a Scottish Straight kitten to be healthy, fully developed and feel good, it is important to provide him with proper nutrition, a competent diet and feeding regimen, taking into account all the characteristics of this breed.

Introduction of complementary foods

At an early age, the basis of the Scottish Straight kitten's diet is milk, cat milk substitutes and various mixtures. When the baby reaches 2.5-3 months, you can gradually introduce new natural products into his menu. An excellent option for first complementary foods are:

  • dairy products (milk, cheeses);
  • high-quality minced meat;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt).

Industrial food is introduced into the diet of a Scottish Straight kitten at the age of 3 months.

Initially, it is recommended that children be offered high-quality mousses, pates, and jellies. Before the baby reaches six months of age, it is best to pre-soak dry food in kefir or milk.

Tips for choosing a kitten

You can buy a Highland Straight kitten from 3-4 months. It is at this age that kittens acquire characteristic breed traits, by which they can be distinguished from outbred cats or mixed breeds.

First of all, think about why you need a kitten. If for exhibitions, then you need to choose only show-class kittens - the highest quality and meeting the standard. And, of course, the most expensive ones - from 50,000 rubles. If for breeding, then a show or breeding class is suitable. Such cats cost from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles. Pet kittens can be of any class, but usually they are pet class. They are also purebred, but have a slight drawback that makes them unsuitable for breeding and exhibitions. Such kittens cost from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Highland straights can cost up to 60,000 rubles

You should only buy a kitten from a professional nursery. This is a guarantee that you will purchase a purebred animal. The breeder must have all the documents for both the cats and the cattery

It is very important to look at the parents of the litter and their pedigrees and veterinary passports. If they fully comply with the standard and are healthy, then the kittens will be the same

You should not buy kittens from the poultry market, they cannot be purebred, but they can inherit serious health problems

Best Second cat in the house

The most characteristic feature of Highland dogs is their “plushness.” It is not as pronounced as among the British, but it is also present. Their cheeks are full and plump, their muzzle is short and wide, their eyes are round, wide open, with a naive, curious expression. Wide, small or medium-sized ears with rounded tips are crowned with tassels of varying degrees of density, set wide, but not low, emphasizing the rounded skull. The fur is soft, silky, with a thick undercoat and slightly tousled.

And, of course, you should pay attention to the health of your potential pet. The kitten should be active, playful and curious, and should not be afraid of humans - a healthy cub without mental problems is willing to make contact

The kitten's eyes are perfectly clean, do not water, the skin is without wounds, bald spots or scratches, the fur is in no way matted, but clean and well-groomed. The nose is dry and clean, there are no problems with the musculoskeletal system.

When purchasing a Highland Straight, it must be absolutely healthy.

The Highland Straight is a godsend for the most picky owner. She is able to please absolutely everyone thanks to her unique character, sweet habits and no less cute expression on her face. This cat will become a wonderful friend for the whole family, but in return it will require love and proper care.

Industrial food for straight-eared Scottish kitten

Many owners love ready-made food for kittens as the most convenient and simple way to provide their pet with properly balanced, age-appropriate food. Among the advantages of a ready-made diet are:

  • long shelf life;
  • minimal time spent on feeding;
  • a wide range, allowing you to diversify the menu and select food taking into account the taste preferences of the kitten itself;
  • convenient, simple dosing and determination of the optimal single portion.

The best manufacturers. Only high-quality ready-made food from trusted manufacturers is suitable for feeding. At the same time, it is recommended to give preference to products developed by specialists specifically for Scottish Straight kittens, taking into account all the characteristics of representatives of this breed. An excellent choice for owners would be:

  • Acana;
  • Orijen;
  • Hill's;
  • Advance.

Cheap products are prohibited. It is better not to use budget food due to its low nutritional value and poor quality. In addition, the dyes, flavors, and taste enhancers present in the composition can cause serious damage to the kitten’s health and cause the development of disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary, digestive, and hormonal systems.

Combination of feeds. Also, those who like to use ready-made food should be aware that it is strictly forbidden to base kittens’ diet exclusively on wet or dry food - these 2 types of food must be combined. From time to time, the baby’s menu needs to be expanded somewhat, enriched with vegetable purees, pates, canned food, and sour milk.

History of the origin of the Scottish Straight breed

The ancestors of the Scottish Fold, like the Scottish Fold, were ordinary British cats without a pedigree. In the 60s 20th century One Briton found an unusual cat with her ears pressed to her head. He really liked the cat and took her to his home.

Scottish straight-eared cat without creases on the ears

A few years later, the found beauty gave birth to kittens, which also had beautiful folded ears. Then the farmer and his wife decided to further develop the cat breed. After a short time, felinologists discovered that pure crossing of two Scottish Folds leads to health problems in the offspring.

For your information! Zoologists found a solution to this problem by crossing two related species: the Scottish straight-eared cat and the fold-eared cat. In fact, without the Scottish Straight, the Scottish Fold breed would disappear.

Features of a natural diet

A natural diet, according to veterinarians and experienced breeders, is the most beneficial and optimal for the digestive system of a Scottish Straight kitten and involves feeding the pet exclusively with natural products. Advantages of this feeding method:

  • high quality and freshness of products;
  • affordable, affordable cost;
  • great variety and choice;
  • the ability to create a diet taking into account the baby’s taste preferences.

It is important that all products are fresh and natural, and also at room temperature.

When feeding natural products, it is necessary to serve the baby slightly warmed food, since cold food slows down metabolism and metabolic processes and impairs digestion.

Allowed natural products. The diet of a kitten that has reached 2.5-3 months can safely include:

  1. Eggs – both quail and chicken can be used. For Scots, 1 egg or boiled yolk per week will be enough.
  2. Dairy and fermented milk products enrich the baby’s body with vitamins, fats and nutrients. Cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir can be given to kittens once every 2 days, either in pure form or as an additive to cereals.
  3. Vegetables and fruits provide the body with fiber and vitamins. As a rule, Scottish Straight kittens prefer unsweetened fruits and berries. Greens, boiled and stewed vegetables are good to eat. A vitamin supplement in the form of chopped, grated raw vegetables mixed with porridge or meat will be very useful.
  4. Fish – the kitten’s diet should include boneless and low-fat fish. The ideal option would be salmon and tuna. Offer the product in small portions, 1-2 times a week. It is better to abstain from seafood and river fish until the kitten is one year old.
  5. Meat is the basis of a natural diet for naturally carnivorous Scottish Straight kittens. Meat should make up about 85% of the daily menu. At the same time, not all varieties are suitable for small pets - you need to choose high-quality meat, fresh and lean. Veal, lamb, chicken, turkey are good choices. Although some owners offer their pets raw meat scalded with boiling water, if we are talking about a kitten under one year of age, it is better to first subject the product to heat treatment - stewing or boiling.
  6. Cereals and porridges are rich in carbohydrates, B vitamins, beneficial for digestion and metabolism. Oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice are good for Scottish babies. Porridge can be served as an independent dish, especially if you cook it with milk or broth.
  7. By-products are allowed to be introduced into the diet of kittens older than six months. They have lower nutritional value than meat, so portions are correspondingly increased and offered 1-2 times a week.

To improve digestive function, it is recommended to give probiotic and enzyme preparations to kittens growing on natural food. In order to increase the vitamin content of the diet, it is good to add specialized supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes to it. A veterinarian will help you decide on the type of medication and the optimal dosage.

What to feed?

For Scottish Straight, dry mixtures or natural products, properly prepared, are suitable. It is important to eat a balanced diet. When feeding ready-made dry food, no additives are needed - everything is provided by the product manufacturers. The composition of such products includes essential vitamins and other valuable components.

If the main diet consists of natural products, it should be supplemented with vitamin complexes. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian before purchasing them. The menu must include raw dietary meat, dairy products, vegetables, grains, eggs and herbs. You should decide in advance which feeding method is acceptable; you should not mix them.

Cheap food is not suitable for this breed.

There is no need to feed your cat cheap food, since it contains very few nutrients. Before picking up a kitten from a breeder, you should check with him about the correct feeding plan. For the first few days, the pet should eat as it is used to. A sudden change in diet can cause gastrointestinal upset. As a rule, breeders and the cat give the new owner some familiar food and litter pellets, which will make it easier for the pet to get used to its new home.

Dry food

Finished products for kittens, adult cats or sterilized cats must be super-premium, premium class, or belong to the holistic group. This product already includes the necessary vitamins and other valuable substances. Dry food for the Scottish Straight should be pre-soaked in water, milk or kefir. It is not recommended to purchase economy and middle-class products, since their main sources of protein are offal and questionable ingredients, not meat, and also include flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives. Such food can harm the cat’s body and provoke the development of chronic diseases.

Premium and super-premium foods are not cheap, but they already contain all the important ingredients in the correct percentage. There are no artificial colors or flavors. Elite dry food can be introduced into your cat’s daily diet, but first it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with their composition. According to standards, products must contain at least 26-30% protein and 9% fat.

Combined nutrition

A combination of industrial and natural food, called a mixed or combined diet, is not the best option for feeding Scottish Straight kittens. When combining different products, various adverse effects are possible:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system.

The only acceptable combination option is the use of dry, semi-moist and wet food when choosing a ready-made diet.

Prohibited Products

There is a whole list of what should not be given to Scottish Fold cats:

  • fatty meat (pork and lamb);
  • smoked, dried, salted meat products;
  • river bony fish;
  • fresh cow's milk;
  • raw eggs;
  • legumes, potatoes, garlic, onions;
  • citrus;
  • sweets and baked goods.

Eating unwanted foods can lead to gastroenterological diseases and allergic reactions.

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