Kot Bayun for cats drops and tablets: Recommendations for use, reviews + Photos and Videos

To make the cat calmer

  • Fact 1:
    Give tablets to a cat 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals
  • Fact 2:
    Can be given 1 hour after the cat has eaten its main meal.
  • Fact 3:
    Duration of use is 1 week, then you should take a week break and repeat the intake again within 1 week
  • Fact 4:
    The drug is produced both in the form of drops and in the form of an infusion (in drops)

Why do you think your cat periodically loses her mental balance, becomes restless, loud, sloppy, or whatever, just goes crazy? In 90% of cases, the owner will say that this is a seasonal exacerbation, the so-called mating season. But in fact, this is not the only reason for the animal’s stressed state. What should you do? Of course, to help, and not only the tailed pet, but also yourself (nerves are not iron). Cat Bayun is what will restore universal peace. No, only the pussy will drink it, not you, but believe me, it will be easier for everyone.

Side effects

Basically, the drug has no side effects. But if adverse reactions appear, it is important to show the cat to a specialist as soon as possible.

The drug should not be used to sedate pregnant cats, as the sedative may have a negative effect on the offspring.


Indications for use

Preparations from the Kot Bayun line for cats have the following indications:

  • aggression from a cat towards a person;
  • hostile attitude towards other animals, which is associated with competition and struggle for territory;
  • aggression, which is caused by fear;
  • the presence of phobias, for example, fear of loud or sharp sounds, fear of separation from the owner and increased nervousness before competitions or traveling by car;
  • behavioral disorders during sexual estrus, for example, aggression during mating, increased anxiety during false pregnancy and territorial marking;
  • attacks of hyperactivity or apathy in a cat;
  • loud meowing for no apparent reason;
  • excessive licking of the same area of ​​the body, which is associated with neurosis;
  • eating your own feces;
  • strange cat habits, such as chasing its tail or non-existent prey.

The use of Kot Bayun drugs is advisable in the treatment of various neuroses. The veterinarian will help you choose the appropriate form and draw up the correct treatment regimen.

What do cat lovers say?

Lyubov: My ginger cat Stepan started to get very nervous a few weeks ago. As soon as my husband and I go to bed, he immediately begins his performance. Then he will start running and scratching the walls, then he will just scream at the bowl. Moreover, the meow was so loud that it was heard not only in ours, but also in the neighboring apartment. As a result, we could not bear it, and after 3 nights I went to the clinic. The doctor prescribed us Kot Bayun tablets. I was amazed at the result, because 2 hours after taking it the cat went to sleep. We just slept like logs all night. The remedy is proven, I can recommend it, I will give the pills for another week, and then we’ll see. I hope that Styopka will understand that she needs to sleep at night, and not run along the walls.

Ekaterina: We started giving my Siamese cat Kot Bayun during her heat. Moreover, she was not the only one suffering from unpleasant symptoms of estrus. She also caused me and my son a lot of trouble, as the continuous meowing continued even at night. Sometimes even neighbors complained about us. As a result, I decided to stop by the veterinary pharmacy after work. The seller suggested this effective remedy to me. Seraphima did not particularly resist taking the tincture; within an hour the effect appeared, as it became less active. I bought it for 150 rubles.

Igor: For the summer, my family and I decided to go to the dacha for a whole month. We couldn’t leave our cat Sima alone in the apartment, so we took her with us. But she did not like such a move at all, since in the evenings she ran around the house and chewed the wallpaper. The veterinarian advised us to use Kot Bayun infusion. After just 3 days of taking the medicine, the cat stopped being aggressive, and now even allows herself to be petted.

Composition and properties of the drug

The drug Kot Bayun is a domestic product. It is available in the form of infusion, tablets and liquid feed additive, which have the same composition of active ingredients. They differ in additional ingredients.

The Kot Bayun line of drugs contains the following main components:

Component categoryComponents
Aqueous solutions from dry raw materialsoregano, sweet clover and valerian
Phytocomplex (liquid extracts)hawthorn, hops, motherwort, peppermint and ivy, catnip, lemon balm, meadowsweet, St. John's wort and thyme.

The infusion looks like a yellowish to brown liquid. It has a specific aroma. With prolonged immobilization, a sediment forms in the liquid, which disappears after shaking.

These active components (more precisely, the bioactive substances in their composition) provide the therapeutic effect of Kot Bayun brand products. The medicine has a sedative, anti-anxiety, adaptogenic, antispasmodic and mild analgesic effect.

The composition of the Kot Bayun infusion is supplemented with purified water.

The solution is packaged in 10 ml glass bottles. The cardboard packaging contains a bottle of medicine, a cap with a built-in dropper or a dosing syringe and instructions.

The tablets are white or yellowish and convex on both sides. They may contain small inclusions. Their mass is 0.2 g.

The main composition of the solid dosage form is supplemented with calcium stearate, starch and lactose.

The tablets are packaged in plastic jars or strip bags of 50 pieces. The cardboard box also contains instructions.

Kot Bayun Phytodiet is a food supplement in the form of a yellowish to brown liquid. Has a pleasant herbal aroma. At rest, a precipitate appears in the solution, which disappears after shaking. An additional component of the drug is purified water.

The liquid is packaged in glass or plastic bottles of different volumes (10 or 15 ml). Each cardboard pack contains 2-3 bottles, as well as instructions for use.

Interesting! Store the medicine (tincture, drops or feed additive) in the packaging in a dark place. The optimal temperature for storage is from 0°C to +25°C, humidity is about 50%. The drug must be used within 12 months after manufacture.



Larisa. “I have three cats at home. Often we have to take home, at least temporarily, lost or abandoned animals. To relieve nervous tension in pets I use Kot Bayun drops. I'm pleased with the result. I usually have a “strategic” supply of drops at home just in case.”

Marina. “We found a cat in a holiday village. We decided to leave it. In the fall they took him to their home. In an unusual place, the cat changed dramatically, aggression and severe anxiety appeared. On the advice of the doctor, we used Kot Bayun. Everything got better in just three days. The cat became the same – kind and affectionate.”

Violet. The owner of a Thai cat. “When she’s in heat, my Taika is very nervous and anxious, screaming for several days. Cat Bayun did not solve our problem. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of the breed and temperament.”

Natalia. “When our cat began to grow up, his character changed. I didn’t want to send him for castration. I found information on the Internet about Kot Bayun drops and decided that this was just what I needed, based on herbs, without hormones and chemicals. At first I bought it in tablets, but giving them to my cat was very problematic. I decided to try the drops. It was much easier with drops. After a course of the drug, our cat became the same as before.”

Lyudmila. “Our handsome boy will soon be 20 years old. All this time he lives in an apartment. He was castrated a long time ago, as soon as the first concern appeared. A few years ago, his cat friend died. They lived next to her for more than 10 years. Soon the cat seemed to be replaced. He became very restless and loud. It looked like he was bored and was calling his friend. This went on for several months. We went to the veterinary clinic. The doctor prescribed Kot Bayun. And what’s most interesting is that the cat ate these tablets himself, and perhaps smelled the valerian contained in them. But the pills still didn’t solve our problem. This is probably due to the advanced age of our handsome man...”

Victor. “We are going to the dacha with my family for the summer. We take the cat with us too. She doesn't tolerate travel well, so we give her the Kot Bayun course in advance. When moving to the city - the same thing - we give a drug for prevention. We are satisfied with the result."

Daria. “Every cat in heat is a huge test of our nerves, and when a baby appeared in the family, the problem worsened. I didn’t want to give my cat drugs with hormones, knowing that they could cause serious changes in the body, so I decided to try Kot Bayun. Yes, it doesn’t help immediately, but there is definitely a result. After some time, the cat becomes calm and adequate.”

…veterinary specialists

Olga. 7 years in the profession. “Cat Bayun is a remedy of non-hormonal origin, a herbal medicine. It has proven its effectiveness in various cases: stress, excessive anxiety during sexual hunting in animals. I have not observed any cases of allergies or side effects in my practice. I can confidently recommend it as a safe and effective drug if used as indicated in the instructions.”

Maksim. 10 years of experience in veterinary medicine. “I believe that the drug does not cause harm when used; this has never happened in my practice. It is quite safe, there is no negative effect on the reproductive organs, therefore it is recommended even for the youngest animals. It is completely natural. I recommend it for use."

How is diagnosis carried out?

There are two ways to determine allergies - by blood test and by skin testing. Skin tests can be either superficial: applying the allergen to scratched skin, or injection: injecting it under the patient’s skin. All procedures are carried out under the supervision of an allergist to monitor the patient’s condition.

The skin reaction usually appears approximately 30 minutes after the start of the test. A blood test is used when the age or health of the patient does not allow skin testing. This allows you to minimize risks. The blood test is done over several days.

Analogues and prices

The cost of the drug is low - about 100-150 rubles, the medicine is sold in all veterinary pharmacies.

Herbal complexes have a similar effect:

  1. Stop stress;
  2. Fitex;
  3. Vetspokoin and others.

Infusion Kot Bayun

The dosage of the solution for cats is 2 ml, which is equivalent to ½ tsp. They should be taken 3 or 4 times a day for 5–7 days every month.

Before use, unscrew the bottle, put a cap with a built-in dropper on it and measure out the required dose of the medicine. It is recommended to shake the liquid to distribute the components evenly, and also warm it in your hands.


CAT BAYUN (infusion) is a sedative of plant origin for dogs and cats.
Trade name of the drug: Cat Baiyun® infusion (Cat Baiyun infusum).

The drug is a liquid from light yellow to brown in color with a characteristic herbal odor. During storage, sediment may form, which, when shaken, breaks down into a uniform cloud.

Dosage form: infusion for oral use.

Conditions of sale and storage

The infusion can be purchased at a price of 200 rubles. per package. Tablets are a little cheaper. The price starts from 150 rubles. No prescription required to purchase. You can purchase the medicine at any veterinary pharmacy. Both forms of release must be stored for a year at temperatures from 0 °C to 25 °C. Opened packaging with infusion should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Attention! It is important to avoid direct sunlight on the medication package. It is also not recommended to freeze the medication.

Instructions for use

All forms of the drug are administered orally.

According to the instructions for use, the infusion and liquid food additive are mixed with wet food or a small volume of water, and then given to cats. You can also feed the animal from a syringe without a needle.

Important! Kot Bayun drops and Phytodiet solution do not contain additives that create unfavorable conditions for the development of microbes, so they can deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, after opening the bottle, store the medicine in a cool place for about 7 days.

Tablets for cats and cats are crushed and mixed with wet food. They can also be given using an introducer (pill dispenser). If the previous methods are not suitable, then the tablet can be dissolved in 1-2 tsp. water, and then feed the animal through a syringe.

All forms of the drug are suitable for kittens from 10 months.

Why is a cat nervous and how does it manifest itself?

When a person is nervous, he can scream, cry, get angry, stomp his feet and generally show his emotions in every possible way. How does Murka express his excited state?

  • Aggressive towards owners and other animals;
  • marks the environment;
  • stops going to the litter box;
  • makes heart-rending screams;
  • has an obsessive desire to constantly lick himself;
  • shows unreasonable fear;
  • shows nervousness;
  • becomes overly active;
  • damages walls, furniture, etc.

There are many reasons for a nervous condition:

  • a “competitor” (another living creature) appeared in the apartment;
  • the period of estrus has come;
  • events occur that the animal categorically does not like (moving, being in a carrier for a long time, crowded transport);
  • new place of residence and other stressful situations.

Cat Bayun is not a medicine, it is a sedative that will gently help your pet get through “difficult” times.

Precautionary measures

Things to consider before using the medicine:

  • Do not exceed the dose of the drug without first consulting your doctor.
  • Wear gloves when handling the medicine.
  • Keep the medication away from children.
  • In case of overdose, it is important to cancel the treatment and give the animal activated carbon in the amount of 1 tablet. Then immediately contact your veterinarian.
  • Do not give drops or tablets to cats under 10 months of age.
  • Do not take the medicine under any circumstances, as it is intended exclusively for animals.
  • If during therapy the pet begins to feel worse, then the drug should be discontinued.
  • Keep drops and tablets away from heating devices.
  • For the treatment of pregnant and lactating cats, use only with the permission of a doctor.

In case of drug overdose, activated carbon can help

Attention! After handling the drug, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

How to use the medicine correctly

The drug must be given to pets for at least 5–7 days. In this case, the infusion must be shaken slightly before use. A single dose is 2 ml, regardless of body weight. The infusion can be given to the cat forcibly before meals or diluted with a small amount of water (1 tbsp) and after that given to the animal. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure using a syringe without a needle. The infusion should be given to cats 3-4 times a day.

The most convenient way to give medicine to a cat is with a syringe without a needle.

Before use, the tablets can be crushed and mixed with 1 tbsp. l. water. Then draw it into a syringe and inject it into your pet 20 minutes before the intended feeding. You need to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Mixing medicine with food is not recommended. This form of release can be given to the animal using a special tablet dispenser, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Medicine can be given to your pet using a tablet dispenser.

One dose of medication should not be combined with other drugs. It is advisable to wait at least 1 hour before giving medications. This is especially true for hormonal drugs, since St. John's wort, which is included in the composition, affects the absorption of such drugs. Tablets and drops should also not be combined with other sedatives.

Attention! It is important to carefully restrain the animal before infusing the drug. Otherwise, the cat may break free and spit out the medicine. Before releasing your pet, you need to make sure that he has swallowed the medication.

Operating principle

Kot Bayun is a sedative drug that contains herbal components. Active substances in aqueous solutions and liquid extracts provide the following effect:

  1. Sedative (calming). Helps relieve or reduce emotional stress.
  2. Relaxation of smooth muscles of organs and relief of spasms.
  3. Eliminating or reducing pain associated with smooth muscle spasm.
  4. Reducing the cat's fear of various phobias.
  5. Saturation of the body with useful substances. Helps the cat’s body cope with the effects of stress and other negative factors.
  6. Adaptation. Helps the animal quickly adapt to a familiar or new environment.

Regular use of Kot Bayun brand products makes your pet's behavior more stable and adequate. The likelihood of excessive nervousness or aggression in any situations (including stressful ones) is reduced.

Interesting! Reviews from cat owners say that the drug Kot Bayun often helps cope with stress and symptoms of estrus. Although in some cases it does not show a therapeutic effect. According to veterinarians, everything is individual and it is possible that you need to select a similar remedy or adjust the dosage regimen.

Prohibition on taking the drug (Contraindications)

Kota Bayun contains many different herbs. It may happen that your pet becomes intolerant to some of them. In case of allergic reactions, you need to stop taking it and give the cat an antihistamine.

You should not give the drug to babies under 10 months old, their nervous system has not yet fully formed and the sedative can be harmful. There are no other reasons to refuse to use tablets or infusion; even pregnancy is not a contraindication.

Sometimes after taking Kota Bayun, the pussy may experience a lethargic state. Don't worry, it's not dangerous and goes away on its own. Of course, if the dosage is observed!

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