Professional cat grooming - types of cat haircuts (85 photos)

Many people have no idea that cat grooming is now gaining immense popularity. Before this, it was believed that cutting a ginger cat, which is a family favorite, was terrible and wrong. There are tons of different cat hairstyles, and we'll show you cat haircuts with photos to make sure it's safe and beautiful. You will see what the “Dragon Cat” haircut is like and decide what to do for the comfort of your pet.

Why do cats get their hair cut?

First, you need to understand why cats are groomed. The main reason is grooming. Long-haired cats have very thick and long fur, so it can sometimes be difficult to care for. If wool has become matted or tangles have formed, they are carefully cut off. The cat usually begins to lick the tangles, the fur ends up in the intestines, which is very harmful. Also, if the tangles are not removed in a timely manner, ulcers will appear and fleas may appear. Thus, the animal gets rid of suffering, because the matted fur tightens the pet’s skin. You can cut any breed, because almost all cats have fur that requires special care.

Cats need care for their fur if they find it difficult to care for themselves.


After shearing, the Maine Coon's coat changes structure, becoming softer, fluffier, and prone to tangles. Therefore, the need for such a procedure is limited to only a few cases:

  • neglected tangles that cannot be combed out or sorted out;
  • inability to properly care for your pet;
  • owner's allergy to wool.

After shearing, the coat requires much more careful care.

Hygienic cat grooming

A hygienic haircut is intended specifically for caring for the fur and the pet. This haircut is a necessity if the cat is often in pain. A hygienic haircut copes with a lot of tasks:

  • Blocks the formation of tangles.
  • Balances the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Easy coat care.
  • Normalization of body thermoregulation.
  • Parasites will not be able to attack the cat.
  • Maintaining cleanliness of fur in the genital area.

There are also disadvantages to hygienic haircuts. After you remove the fur from a cat, its body temperature will drop significantly, and the risk of getting sick from a draft or ultraviolet radiation is very high. And the new wool may not grow to its original length and will no longer be the same as it was originally. Also, for a cat, losing its fur is a very stressful event, so after a haircut, the pet may become depressed or begin to take revenge on you. Disease of the nervous system is a serious case.

There are a lot of grooming tools, it is important to know how to use them correctly.

How to cut a cat's hair at home

First you need to purchase the necessary tools:

  • a metal comb with medium-frequency teeth, which will be needed more than once in other care procedures;
  • hairdresser's scisors;
  • electric hair clipper with a power of 4.5 kW. Power is important especially for cutting long-haired breeds and cats with dense undercoat; a weaker machine simply cannot cope in such a situation. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the sound of the machine: the quieter it is, the less likely it is to frighten the animal;
  • hydrogen peroxide in case of possible skin damage;
  • disinfectant solution for processing instruments;
  • odorless wet wipes for removing cut hairs;

The place for the procedure should be well lit and high enough, approximately at the level of the abdomen, so that the owner does not bend over too much (for example, an ironing board or table). It will not be possible to carry out a haircut alone at first, so it is advisable to have an assistant who will hold the cat in the process.

The pet is secured by the front and hind legs in a position lying on its side. During the process of cutting hair, you need to talk to your pet, give him the opportunity to relax and calm down. There is no need to try to trim a nervous animal at once; it is better to carry out the procedure in several approaches. After finishing the haircut, wipe with a damp cloth or rinse in warm water so that the cut hairs do not irritate or prick. It is recommended to reward the cat with a kind word and a favorite treat so that the haircut is not associated with an unpleasant action.

Note! It is not the fact of hair loss that causes a negative reaction in most cats. During a haircut, they are touched on their vulnerable spots, which they perceive as an attack on personal freedom. They can tolerate such an attitude for no more than 20 minutes, during which time a professional groomer or owner should cut the pet’s hair.

It is recommended to perceive grooming as a hygienic procedure, without paying attention to any aesthetic errors. The cat’s mental health and calm reaction to repeating the procedure are more important than the owner’s ambitions.

Aesthetic cat grooming

Aesthetics clearly must be present in the haircut so that the cat looks beautiful and well-groomed. Many people use this type to make their cat stand out from the crowd. Many people use this before photo shoots, exhibitions, or when the owner wants to give his pet an unusual look.

But a beautifully trimmed pet also looks very attractive, which pleases its owner. It's both beautiful and easy to care for.

When wool is found at every corner in the house, flies in the air and gets into food, the situation is very unpleasant. Flying wool will definitely be found in spring and autumn, because during this period the molting season begins. If you notice large amounts of hair all year round, you should see a doctor. Perhaps the cat has developed a disease or it is simply a lack of vitamins.

If the cat does not clearly need a haircut, do not neglect its position and take it under escort for a haircut. After all, wool is given to protect the animal’s skin from external factors and to feel the outside world.

The owner is happy when there is little wool in the house, and it is pleasing to the eye.

Grooming cats at home

If grooming of cats is required at the owner’s home, and not in a specialized institution, then the cost may increase slightly due to the arrival of a specialist at home. Or in cases of anesthesia, the cost also increases slightly because the necessary drugs are consumed.

For some, the cost of cat grooming is expensive. Therefore, they practice grooming at home or invite a specialist to their home; it will also be cheaper than in a clinic.

But there may also be some disadvantages here, namely, no one knows the exact qualifications of the groomer and how well he did and does the job, so here you also need your own approach to finding “hairdressers for your pet.”

But remember that every cat owner is obliged not to neglect the procedure described above and to cut his pet as needed, thereby giving him a well-groomed and sleek appearance. And the cat will never remain in debt to the owner. He will thank him with his love, affection and affection!

How often are you allowed to cut your hair?

For hygiene reasons, it is recommended to do haircuts as needed. But the need varies, so you shouldn’t be partial with it.

Groom your pet twice a year. The new fur grows back to its size in about six months.

Frequent trips to the cat hairdresser will disrupt the structural balance of the fur, and it will deteriorate, which can harm the pet.

If you are preparing your cat for an exhibition, grooming should be done here 3-4 months before the exhibition itself.

This is enough to maintain hygiene and aesthetics.

Types of fashionable haircuts

You may have often seen photographs or live images of cats that look completely different from other cats with their haircut. You can get a regular haircut, where the tangles are trimmed and grooming functions are performed. But fashionable haircuts are very popular. Such haircuts are done to make people look attractive or before participating in exhibitions. Let's look at their types, for whom they are suitable and decide which is better.

Haircut "Lion"

In this model the fur is cut very short. The head, chest and neck remain unchanged, but the limbs, back and tail are trimmed. The tail is designed in such a way that it appears like a tassel, like that of a lion. The paws are cut to the elbow and knee bends so that the toes remain. This is the haircut you need:

  • So that there is much less wool on the floor and it is easier to collect.
  • To adjust the body’s thermoregulation so that your pet’s summer passes without suffering.

This model is suitable for Maine Coons, Persian, Norwegian Forest and Siberian cats.

Haircut "Lion"

Haircut "Puma" ("sheepskin")

Puma is a simplified version of "Lion". For this look, the head, tail, paws and chest are left untouched or trimmed a little with scissors, but the entire back, that is, the back, is cut with a clipper. This is the haircut you need:

  • For old animals who can no longer take good care of their fur.
  • To adjust the body’s thermoregulation so that your pet’s summer passes without suffering.

Typically, this model is suitable for British, longhaired, and Himalayan cats. And also ragdoll, Burmese, Neva masquerade cats.

Puma haircut. This is what a cat's breast looks like

The Dragon

The pet's fur is cut off completely without touching the head. The tummy and sides become smooth, but the back is shaped into various shapes. These can be sharp teeth, mohawks, steps. Some even cut out letters or ornaments. So, the cat becomes like a dragon.

A baby dragon is made for a pet in order to stand out from the crowd.

This model is suitable only for long-haired cats.

Many veterinarians even warn against reproducing such a haircut, since the cat’s body thermoregulation is disrupted due to uneven cutting.

Haircut "Dragon". There are folds on the back, like a dragon.

Puss in Boots

This is the same “Lion”, only here the neck is cut off and only the head remains unchanged. Reproduce the model for:

  • Improved thermoregulation.
  • Easy coat care.
  • Beautiful wool design.

This haircut is suitable for British and Scottish fold cats.

Haircut "Puss in Boots". The cat's paws look like they're wearing boots

Under the kitten

This type is intended more for long-haired dogs, because their fur cannot be properly cared for. Thus, a haircut reduces shedding and there are fewer tangles. Also, cats become younger, because they will look like a kitten, and in warm climates they can tolerate the heat more easily.

This model is suitable only for long-haired cats.

Haircut features

Before deciding whether to cut or not, it is worth understanding what actions can be performed on an animal’s fur and what cannot.

  • Do not cut your head under any circumstances. The hair on the head helps the cat maintain orientation. By cutting, you deprive him of this.
  • You can clean the ears, but do not cut the hair there. In the ears, wool protects against dirt getting inside.
  • It is also forbidden to cut a cat's fur completely bald. The cat's thermoregulation should not be completely disrupted.
  • There is a high risk of exposure to stress, because such a haircut takes about three hours, and the cat is not very happy that his fur, which he has taken care of for years, is mercilessly destroyed.
  • The stomach is a very vulnerable part. There are many folds collected there that can easily be confused with hairs of wool.
  • The tail can be decorated in different ways: with a tassel, a whisk, a squirrel, a herringbone.
  • Paws are also processed into socks or knee socks.
  • Brush your cat often. This way, he will get used to the procedure faster, and his fur will be fine.

Usually cats take care of cleaning their ears themselves. But sometimes you have to seek the help of a specialist

Owners' arguments

All Maine Coon owners who groom their pets or plan to do so put forward several arguments in favor of this, but all of them are unconvincing.

The animal is hot

The argument that a cut Maine Coon will be easier to tolerate hot weather is fundamentally incorrect. The coat, which seems unnecessary to the owner and does not allow the cat to feel comfortable, is actually of great importance for the pet’s thermoregulation. Lush fur is a natural means of protection from temperature changes, including heat, and its absence almost completely deprives the pet’s body of the ability to withstand high air temperatures.

The disruption of the natural microclimate for the Maine Coon, which occurs as a result of haircuts, makes the animal vulnerable and sensitive to external stimuli. Direct sunlight falling on the unprotected skin of the Maine Coon can lead to burns and heat stroke.


Wool matted is one of the reasons why a Maine Coon can be cut. However, it is better to prevent the formation of tangles or not to bring the situation to a neglected state, solving the problem immediately. Most often, mats appear in the groin area, armpits, under the neck and on the hind legs. There are several reasons for this:

  • molting period;
  • getting small particles and crumbs of filler into the wool;
  • getting feces and urine on your pants.

The best solution to the problem would be to parse the tangles using special means, but this is only possible if they are detected in time, otherwise it is impossible to do without cutting. This must be done carefully, since large tangles are close to the skin, which in these places is thin and sensitive. Another method of getting rid of mats, most often used by groomers from the USA, is shaving the hair with a clipper. This method migrated from dog grooming.

Creative types of haircuts

For this species, it is important that this is done by a professional in this profession, that is, a groomer. Together with it, you can create a beautiful pattern or look that will not have a bad effect on the cat.

Wool is flexible and can be used to create various patterns: waves, stripes, lines, shapes. Such patterns can be drawn anywhere, the main thing is to observe the measure.

This creative haircut is more suitable for aesthetic reasons and does not affect the cat’s hygiene in any way. The cat definitely doesn’t need patterns, but for some owners it’s important to look at their cat.

Other types of haircuts, such as "Harlequin", "Continental Chic" or "Modern" are suitable only for cats who attend exhibitions. You should not give such haircuts to cats that do not go to exhibitions or photo shoots.

After grooming, it is important to continue to monitor your pet’s fur and comb it in a timely manner.

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