Why cats don't like the smell of citrus fruits

Surely, every cat owner has noticed that his animal does not like the smell of citrus fruits, and as soon as you start peeling tangerines and oranges, your pet immediately leaves you. Let's figure out why cats don't like the smell of citrus fruits, and what to do about it?!

The first thing this problem is associated with is that when peeling oranges or tangerines, they begin to release essential oils, which each of us smells, but cats cannot stand this smell. Citrus fruits have a pungent smell, and not even all people like it, let alone pets. Cats have a more developed sense of smell than humans, therefore, strong odors are much more unpleasant for them than for humans. By the way, cats are unpleasant not only the smell of citrus fruits, but also other strong aromas.

Read more about citrus aversion

Some owners use this trick to wean their cat from going to places where it is not supposed to be. For example, you took an animal with you to the dacha, and it began to mark corners, which is why an unpleasant odor appeared. What to do in this situation? It's simple, you just need to scare away your pet with citrus fruits.

For example, if you treat the corners with citrus essential oil, the cat will no longer come to that place. But remember that you need to do everything in moderation, as animals may be allergic to this smell. Moreover, cats can damage the glands located in the nose, which are responsible for the charm of the little friend.

Be careful, because very often cats are allergic to citrus fruits, so if you notice the first signs of an allergic reaction, immediately contact your veterinarian to prescribe treatment, otherwise your pet may have serious health problems.

Onion and garlic

One of the most unpleasant odors, which are used to deter cats from going into forbidden places, comes from onions. To achieve the desired effect, the vegetable is peeled, cut into small slices or grated. After this, they are laid out where needed.

You can rub onion juice on areas of furniture that your pet is encroaching on. The smell will be unpleasant not only to the cat, but also to its owners. However, this is not so scary - after a few hours the aroma will be invisible to people, but the cat-repellent effect will remain for another couple of days.

Do all cats hate the smell of citrus fruits in the house?

Despite the fact that cats are afraid of the smell of citrus fruits, among them there are those who not only calmly tolerate this smell, but are also not averse to enjoying a piece of fruit. It’s hard to say why this happens, and why some cats perceive citrus fruits normally, while others may suffer from the insidiousness of such a delicacy. If you are peeling, for example, a lemon, and your cat is sitting next to you and the juice splashes on it, as often happens, then be sure that your pet will no longer be present when cutting the fruit.

If you notice that when cutting citrus fruits, your cat does not react in any way to the strong smell, then this is a reason to be wary, because it may happen that the cat does not smell the smell. This problem can be associated with both a cold and other diseases. Therefore, at the first signs of lack of sensitivity, contact a specialist as soon as possible. Remember that scent for an animal is one of the most important senses, without which a pet cannot live fully.

Cat repellents

One option for repelling an animal is the Anti-Gryzin spray purchased at a pet store, which contains essential oils that repel cats. But such a product can negatively affect the health of the plant if applied directly to leaves and flowers. To do this, we offer you a number of other methods that can interact more gently with plants.

Using deterrent odors

Since felines have a keen sense of smell, they clearly respond to odors. For example, cats are disgusted by the smell of alcohol-containing liquids, including alcohol, vinegar, citrus, coffee grounds, and allspice. Take a cotton pad, soak it in the above mentioned foods and place it next to the flower pot. This precaution will be temporary as the odor dissipates over time and should be maintained and updated regularly.

How can you use your cat's dislike of citrus fruits for beneficial purposes?

From the above, you have already understood that with the help of citrus essential oils you can wean your animal off unwanted things. Let's take a closer look at the options in which citrus fruits will help train your pet:

  • If your cat does not go to the litter box, but does it in another place. If you are faced with such a situation, then you can apply citrus essential oils to the places where the cat relieves itself, and be sure that it will not go there again;
  • If your cat often breaks furniture or chews wires. Many people think that this problem occurs only among those who have dogs. But, in fact, cat owners also face this problem. All you have to do is apply a few drops of essential oil on the furniture or wires and your problem will be solved;
  • If your cat is marking territory. Those pet owners who have a cat know that at a young age these little furry friends constantly mark their territory, for example, corners, things, etc. This is a serious problem, because this smell is extremely difficult to remove. Therefore, if you want to get rid of such a problem or avoid its occurrence, then take note of this simple method;

But this method has several nuances. Firstly, the essential oil will quickly dissipate and its smell will not be felt, so you will have to repeat this procedure often until the pet learns to behave as expected. Secondly, there is a more serious problem such as allergies. Many pets cannot tolerate citrus odors and may suffer from them, so consider whether the risks are worth it and consult with your veterinarian to make sure your cat is not allergic.


Repellent compounds that you can make yourself:

  1. The juice of one lemon is mixed with a glass of water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray on problem areas.
  2. Crush the peppercorns and boil with 1 glass of water. Filter, spray.
  3. Take 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 liter of water, stir thoroughly and spray.
  4. Coffee grounds are mixed with lemon juice, 1-2 drops of lavender, rue or eucalyptus oil are added. Form balls and place them in places of possible marks.
  5. A 35% solution of vinegar essence is suitable for neutralizing dirt from concrete, wood, and tiled surfaces. You can wash the floor stained with excrement in the entrance, then spray it with a synthetic repellent spray.
  6. Garlic and onion are grated or finely chopped. Place them on saucers in the corners of the rooms, near indoor flowers.
  7. Essential oils of lemon, rosemary, lavender are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and mixed thoroughly. Pieces of fabric soaked in the composition are placed in problem areas.
  8. The pet's habit of climbing on tables is eradicated by leaving alcohol in the dining area. The smell of alcohol disappears quickly; the liquid has to be renewed several times a day.
  9. Ground black and red pepper is recommended for use in open spaces. For example, to protect garden beds from uninvited guests. In an enclosed space, a caustic suspension can cause burns to the mucous membranes and provoke an attack of coughing and sneezing.
  10. Take 2 drops of lemon, lavender, orange oils and mix with 60 ml of water. Spray from a spray bottle.
  11. Boil citrus peels with half a liter of water for 20 minutes. Allow to cool, add lemon juice and 1 tsp. dishwashing detergents.
  12. A solution of potassium permanganate and citric acid will help get rid of the persistent odor of urine.
  13. An infusion of onion peels mixed with tart cologne creates an extremely unpleasant aroma for cats.

Each animal is individually intolerant to a certain smell. You have to experiment to be successful. The use of folk remedies is preferable. They do not contain synthetic additives.

What dangers, besides allergies, do cats have to citrus fruits?

If a citrus product gets into an animal’s body, the pet may suffer from gastrointestinal problems, weakness, and other equally serious problems. If you overdo it and give your pet too many citrus fruits, then you risk creating greater health risks for your pet. The thing is that citrus fruits contain substances that affect the animal’s liver and can damage it. If we talk about serious situations, then such indiscretion can end sadly for the animal.


Eucalyptus has a repellent effect on many animals, including cats. The fact is that a pet smells several times stronger than a person.

If a cat gets into the habit of marking some place in the house, then an aqueous solution based on eucalyptus oil can scare it away. Mix a few drops of oil with water and spray the marked area with this solution.

What to do if your cat is poisoned by citrus fruits?

If an animal is poisoned by citrus fruits through the skin, then the first thing to do is wash the pet in warm water to completely eliminate the smell. Then dry it and go to the veterinarian as soon as possible to prescribe treatment. If your cat has eaten food that contains citrus fruits, then you need to immediately go to the veterinarian, because only he can prescribe the correct treatment.

It is worth remembering that when treating a cat for citrus poisoning, as a rule, the stomach is washed and special medications are administered. Also, body temperature is checked, and the condition of the whole body is carefully examined to identify any allergic reactions that have manifested themselves.

Educational moment

Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger, and in our case, more educated. This dislike of citrus fruits can be used to train a pet. How will this help? The pungent smell will repel the cat from visiting places forbidden to him, and will fill the room with a pleasant, fresh aroma.

For example, flower pots or furniture for sharpening claws. Place lemon, orange or tangerine peels in the right places to scare away the animal. If the cat marks the territory, this area must be thoroughly washed with detergents and treated with a scented substance. The peel of the fruit dries quickly and ceases to emit a pungent odor, so it is better to buy essential oil and drip it in the necessary places.

Brief conclusions

We all want to please our pets with something tasty, but we need to remember the consequences. Even if your cat is not allergic to citrus fruits, it is better not to risk it and not give him the treat at all, so as not to create health problems for your pet. But, if for some reason, it happened that the animal ate citrus fruits or inhaled their smell, and you began to notice allergy symptoms or malaise, then contact a veterinarian as soon as possible in order to provide timely medical assistance to your pet. Please note that before weaning your cat off dirty tricks using the smell of citrus fruits, be sure to consult with your veterinarian.

Useful tips

  • The cat sharpens its claws on upholstered furniture/wallpaper, etc. Treat these areas with citrus scents. Provide him with a special scratching post and isolate him until the animal gets used to it.
  • Marks. The best option is castration; it is very difficult to fight physiology.
  • Shit. Choose a convenient tray and filler. Treat the places where the cat went to the toilet and limit access to them until the cat “forgets the way there.”
  • Chews wires. This not only causes damage to the owner, but is also very dangerous for the animal, as electric shock is possible. All wires in the house should be hidden; now there are convenient baseboards, plastic boxes and other design solutions for this.

Mysterious nature

You can easily scare your pet away from the place of harm, but he will find something new. Therefore, it is important to understand the reasons for the animal’s bad behavior.

  • The animal must have its own pot with suitable filler.
  • Place for claw point.
  • Toys that can be chewed.

The cause of unwanted behavior may be the pet’s poor health. Take care of his health so that you can live together.

Cat mint.

Nepeta cataria plant

, better known as catnip, has a powerful, narcotic-like effect on many cats.
The active ingredient in the plant, nepetalactona
, is psychoactive, stimulating the brain and putting cats in a playful mood.

Thus, when cats smell the scent of catnip, they begin to rub against it, lick, chew, exhibit unusual behavior such as jumping and even hunting non-existent animals. Catnip is one of the most effective stimulants of mental and physical activity. Its smell is very attractive to most cats. You can read more about it in the article Catnip. Effect on cats.

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