Likes of the cat family: what kind of people do cats like and why?

For most people, choosing a cat involves many doubts and preparation difficulties. However, when the time comes to take the animal home, it fills each family member with great joy from its very appearance.

At this stage, the cat’s socialization is just beginning – the moment comes when she decides on her preferences. The pet explores its new home, chooses the best place to sleep and play, and remembers where its tray and bowl of food are located. The choice of the owner is also included in the set of life attributes necessary for the existence of a cat.

How is the owner selected?

Although cats are considered pets that are not affectionate, this is far from true. First of all, these pets try to mark and inhabit their own territory, and the choice of the family member who will most appeal to them is left for later.

However, as time passes, the cat becomes more closely acquainted with each resident of the apartment or house. The choice of the owner in any case happens sooner or later, because this is one of the basic psychological needs.

It is quite difficult to understand how cats choose their owner, but most often it turns out to be completely different from the person who feeds, cleans the litter box and takes care of it. Preference is given to people who show the greatest emotional involvement in the pet’s life. This category includes games, activities, conversations with your pet and other moments of joint activity. Psychological comfort plays a vital role in establishing the pet-owner bond.

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Meows to a specific family member

Cats do not meow when communicating with each other. The exception is the relationship between cats and kittens. To establish contact with people and express emotions, these animals chose the sound “meow” and hundreds of its intonation shades.

Cats can be both silent and sociable, depending on their character. A “talkative” cat will not once a day complain to a dear family member with a sad “mau” and swear with a dissatisfied “marf”. Cats are very good at reading human intonations. So the owner and pet who love each other have emotional, meaningful “dialogues.”

How to determine who is the owner of a cat?

There are several criteria that help to identify the person whom the pet has chosen:

  • cats spend more time next to their owners. She feels comfortable and calm next to him, she feels confident and protected;
  • the pet strives for close contact - caresses, rubs against legs, begs for tenderness;
  • the cat tries not to let its owner out of sight. She sits down so that she can see him, fixes all movements with her eyes or runs after him with her tail;
  • the animal can synchronize sleep rhythms with a loved one. She is awake when her owner wakes up and falls asleep with him;
  • Among all the people who want to take her in their arms, the cat will choose its owner. She will purr, wiggle her paws and show her affection in every possible way. Some cats try to climb onto the shoulders or lie on certain parts of the human body;
  • if a cat develops the habit of sleeping in a bed, then it will do so on the owner’s side;
  • the pet patiently endures all unpleasant procedures, for example, nail trimming, if it is carried out by the owner;
  • being a predator by nature, the cat will bring “prey” and trophies to a certain person for whom it feels affection;
  • The cat has an excellent memory. If the owner leaves for a long time and then returns, she will accept him favorably and make contact.

The true owner of a cat is not always the only person in the family. Quite often she chooses a couple or an adult and a child with whom she experiences the greatest psychological contact.

Personality matters

Anyone who has multiple cats can tell you that each one is unique. And their preferences may depend on several different factors, from early socialization and breed to normal personality traits. The best human-cat relationships are those in which the person recognizes the uniqueness of the animal and cares for it accordingly.

In other words, you can't always tell why a cat loves one person more than another. The best thing you can do is to take good care of your pet, learn to communicate with him through attention and affection, and watch for signs that he is happy and comfortable. If your cat prefers to spend the most time with you, then you are most likely her favorite person.

How to form an attachment correctly?

The choice of an owner by a cat occurs at the very beginning of acquaintance with the territory. If one person lives in the apartment, then the pet will not have much choice and the connection will be established by itself after a while.

If a family lives within the house, the situation becomes somewhat more complicated. The cat begins to absorb and instinctively analyze the attitude towards itself from the first moment of its appearance. She is initially looking for a person who will perceive her as an independent being worthy of respect.

Very rarely does a cat focus on the physical aspects of everyday life, for example, feeding, petting or changing the contents of the tray. A much more important aspect is being attentive to her needs, helping to satisfy her instincts and recognizing her right to a certain territory.

As a result, there are several rules that should be followed:

  1. You should not force your love and adoration on your cat. Give her time to get to know and explore her new environment;
  2. Be attentive to her demands and requests. Since the cat is trying to find its place in the house, it can demand access to any room, often mark corners and doors, play mischief, defining the boundaries of what is permitted. Patience and commanding concern will help at this stage;
  3. Communicate with your cat and spend as much time as possible with her. Try to play while supporting the hunting instinct. Affections, conversations and cozy gatherings also play a vital role;
  4. Learn your cat's habits and favorite treats. They will help you establish contact.

Quite often, despite all efforts, cats for some reason choose the wrong people as owners who want to be them. There’s nothing you can do about it, you can only continue to establish contact. After some time, the cat may decide to recognize another person.

Why did the cat choose you? Astrology will give the answer

We only think that we choose our own pet. In fact, mustachioed and striped pets choose us and appoint us as their owners. To understand why a cat appeared in your house, you should turn to astrology for the answer. You can find out why the kitten chose you and for what purpose it came to your home by remembering what month of the year it happened.

The cat, which appeared in the month dedicated to the zodiac constellation Aries , came to your home because one of the household members was in dire need of energy support. The Aries Murka has a difficult character; it will make its owners worry. You shouldn’t be surprised by her running away from home, scratching at the bedroom door in the middle of the night, and demanding constant attention. However, everything she does is for the good of the house in which she lives.


A cat that appears in the month of Taurus will protect your home from theft, material losses, and negative emotions. An animal that comes into your life at this time of year is a signal that your home may be attacked by burglars. You should take steps to keep your property safe. With its appearance, such a cat will help improve the financial well-being of your family.

If a cat appeared in your house in the month ruled by the zodiac constellation Gemini , it means that there are a lot of random people in your house who have bad energy. It will help rid the owners of uninvited guests and ward off ill-wishers from the house. Such a kitty will have healing powers. She will cope perfectly with headaches and malaise, you just have to hold her on your lap.


The kitten that appeared in July, the month ruled by the Zodiac sign Cancer , will help cleanse your home of negative energy accumulated in things. Let him trample on your clothes thrown out of the closet, lie on pieces of furniture and take away all the negativity that has accumulated in them.

Murka, who came to your home in August, ruled by Leo , will protect you from unnecessary financial expenses. In addition, such a cat can protect you and your loved ones from evil spirits, destructive emotions and harmful passions.

If you got a cat in the month ruled by the zodiac constellation Virgo , it means that someone in your house is very sick, or it is urgently time for you to do major repairs. Thanks to the September kitty, you will cleanse your home of energy dirt and ordinary dirt, such as cockroaches, mold, and mildew. True, this furry darling will not stay in your home for long. She will leave having completed her mission.


If a cat appeared in your home in the month ruled by the zodiac constellation Libra , know that she came to protect your family from disintegration. Thanks to the furry pet, the family life of the spouses will improve and harmony will appear in it. The cat will remove from the house all the negativity caused by envious people and ill-wishers.

With the appearance of a cat in your home this month, you should insure your property. This may be a sign from above about possible troubles such as theft, flood or fire. Be carefull! Take steps to avoid such troubles. In addition, the appearance of a cat in the month of Libra predicts an imminent change of residence. It is possible to move to another home or even another city, forced sale or exchange of an apartment.


A cat that appears in your home in the month ruled by the zodiac constellation Scorpio will become the protector of your family from evil spirits. It will protect you from any manifestations of black magic, the machinations of evil people, envy and negative energy. If a cat comes to you at this time of year, it means that you or your loved ones are under an energetic attack, and you need protection.

A cat that comes into your home in December, which is the month of Sagittarius , can be called a rare guest. This actually happens in rare and extreme cases. She warns the owners of the home about the serious danger that threatens them from the authorities. You should be very vigilant and try to avoid situations that could cost you dearly. The likelihood of big problems, in particular litigation, which can turn into real disaster for your family, is too high.


The January cat, which appeared when the zodiac constellation Capricorn , tells you that it’s time to change something in your life! You are too withdrawn into yourself, hiding from the world around you. It's time to let something new and good into your home. This warning especially applies to bachelors and single women. If you got a cat in January, it’s time for you to change your life for the better and start looking for a mate. It's time to banish loneliness from your home. Take care of yourself, your personal life!

If a cat comes to your home in the month dedicated to the zodiac constellation Aquarius , it will bring changes to your life. You will have a desire to be free, to change something in your life. The cat will literally start kicking you out of the house so that you can finally expand your social circle, make new friends, and make your life brighter and full of positive emotions. Enough of your reclusiveness! It's time to change this. The cat, as an indicator, shows you that your life lacks love and warmth, friendship and communication.


A kitty who came to the house in the month ruled by the zodiac constellation Pisces is a rare guest. It comes only to people doomed by fate to loneliness, to those who bear the mark of widowhood or have what is called the crown of celibacy. This month, cats can choose witches or sorcerers as their owners to help them in magical rituals.

No matter what time of year a furry pet appears in your home, rest assured that it has chosen you to make you happier!

Tags: astrology, cats, pets, pets, negative energy, pets

Climbs on your head

Some pets fall asleep on their owner's head. In this way, they show their sincere love towards the owner and show their readiness to be protectors in the pride, which includes beloved family members.

If a person managed to give a cat a feeling of security and trust, she will be grateful to him and will repay this gift with her independent cat love.

  • Author: Elena Romanenko
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Can cats love? Maybe they are just getting used to a new home, where it is warm and comfortable, where they are fed and nurtured?

When finding itself in new conditions and with strangers, it doesn’t matter whether the cat is an adult or a small one, it experiences severe stress and becomes disoriented. The animal will become attached first of all to the one who will feed it, protect it from annoying family members and teach it to live in a new place.

Men are most often chosen as cat owners because they are not fussy and pay attention to the animal when it approaches it. No intrusiveness or emotionality.

With whom the cat feels the most relaxed, she can fall asleep next to him, and will be favorable towards him.

You should not perceive the constant presence of a pet near worship. She simply watches you, feels your superiority, directed to her protection.

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