These mystical pets: signs and beliefs about cats in the house and outside it

Cats have been domesticated for a very long time. Most experts agree that this happened in Ancient Egypt. In this state they were considered divine beings and were worshiped. And, most likely, they were interested, like other deities, about the future.

From Egypt, cats spread to Europe, Asia, and then to America. Observing their behavior, people gradually formed certain ideas about what certain actions of animals could mean. Today, a huge number of popular beliefs and signs have been accumulated related to these mysterious beautiful creatures that have been living next to humans since ancient times.

Observing cat behavior

Very often, by observing the behavior of a pet, one can draw conclusions about events in the near future. The following signs are associated with cat behavior:

  1. The cat washes itself when guests arrive (some believe that the sign works if the animal washes itself while sitting “facing” the front door).
  2. Hearing a cat sneeze, according to Italians, portends the imminent onset of happiness. According to other beliefs, a cat sneezes to warn of a possible illness. In such cases, it is recommended to quickly say to the animal: “Hello!”, this will neutralize the bad prediction. Also, the sneezing of an animal near a young couple is often taken as a sign of imminent marriage.
  3. If a cat knows that it is not allowed to sit on the table, but suddenly climbs onto it, this indicates that the people who were recently visiting and sitting at the table have bad intentions towards the owners. Climbing onto the table, she tries to “expel” bad energy in order to protect her loved ones.
  4. If there is a small child in the house, and the cat stubbornly climbs into his crib, you should not drive her away. Children are defenseless against evil spirits, especially in their dreams, and the tailed protector will help ward off the forces of evil.
  5. If it is unusual for a cat to be very affectionate towards people, but she unexpectedly came, demanding to pet her, or rubs against her legs, this indicates the imminent acquisition of a new thing (most often successful) or the receipt of a gift.
  6. If a cat sits on the threshold, turning towards the exit, this indicates that she is trying to prevent bad news, troubles or death, as well as unclean spirits from entering the house. Pets also protect themselves from evil forces when they go to the toilet in a completely inappropriate place, for example, on beds. It is impossible to scold and punish for such actions: ancestors have long noticed that this sign actually comes true.
  7. Sitting on the windowsill and looking out the window, the cat often warns that people with bad intentions or unwanted guests will soon visit. In this way, the cat tries to delay them on their way and prevent them from entering the house.

It is also interesting to observe how and where the cat sleeps. This can tell a lot to an attentive person. If a pet comes into bed with its owner and tries to perch on his head, this indicates that something is bothering the person, and the pet wants to drive away these thoughts.

If an animal lies down at its feet, it tries to cleanse the owner of bad energy brought home from the outside. When a cat persistently tries to sleep between a married couple, it means that there are some difficulties in their relationship or a quarrel has occurred. So she tries to remove the bad, to take away the negative emotions that the husband and wife experience towards each other.

If a cat wants to lie down on a certain area of ​​a person’s body and sleep there, it is trying to treat him. It climbs on the head - the owner suffers from headaches, on the neck - it tries to cure problems with the larynx, colds, on the stomach - it treats the digestive tract, on the legs - problems with the musculoskeletal system. If a cat comes to lie on the belly of a pregnant woman, it protects both the baby and its mother. In the early stages of pregnancy, such behavior, especially not typical of the animal before, indicates a possible threat of miscarriage.

Read the article about the most evil cats, purebred, hybrid and even wild.

Other signs associated with cats

There are many beliefs associated with cats, among which the following are especially relevant and entertaining:

  • If your pet constantly meows and behaves badly, there is an excess of negative energy in the house.
  • A cat attacks and bites your legs - warns of misfortunes and illnesses.
  • The pet catches mice and brings them to the owner - trying to win the respect and love of a person.
  • If the dog twitches its tail nervously and walks restlessly, difficulties will begin in the owner’s life.
  • Sits on the dining table after friends leave - removes the negativity brought by guests.
  • The cat broke the mirror - signs predict illness.
  • Following a person on his heels means an improvement in his financial situation.
  • Meows continuously - signifies the birth of a baby.
  • Hearing cats fighting on the street means enemies are up to no good.
  • He sits on the windowsill and looks out the window - guests will soon arrive, whose visit will cause a lot of trouble.
  • Finding a pregnant cat near your home is a great success. You should shelter the animal and keep one kitten for yourself, then luck will never leave the house.
  • If a kitten is thrown onto the threshold, you cannot kick the baby out. Signs promise that with the arrival of an abandoned pet in the apartment, the life of the owners will improve significantly.

There are a great many superstitions and beliefs associated with furry purrs, but they can be correctly interpreted only by taking into account all the details and nuances. If signs promise negative events, you should not be upset, much less take your anger out on the cat. The animal only warns the owner, giving the person time to prepare.

Cat in the house

There are many signs associated with cats of different coat colors. The leader, of course, is a black cat, which many take as a harbinger of misfortune. Such beliefs are connected with the fact that previously in villages it was believed that only witches had black cats without a single blond hair. With the help of their pets, they enter into a conspiracy with evil spirits, since evil favors such animals.

Some believed that at night or only during the full moon, the witch was able to enter the body of the coal cat to do evil deeds.

Of course, this is a slander, and black cats are not to blame for anything. On the contrary, many have noticed that a black pet is able to protect the home from troubles, negative energy, and even bring happiness to its owners.

It is considered a particularly negative omen if a coal-black cat crosses the path of someone walking. There will be no way to where the person is going, or misfortune awaits him along the way. In fact, it’s worth postponing your planned hike and returning home if a black cat literally throws itself at your feet, trying to block the path. In other cases, you can safely move on, even if a completely black animal has crossed the road. Especially if the cat did not pay any attention to the passerby.

If a black cat crosses the road behind the person walking, it is believed that this indicates that the person has successfully avoided some kind of trouble or the trouble has passed by.

We recommend reading more about signs about black cats. And also see the article about why you might dream about a coal cat.

The second most popular are the signs about tricolor cats, which bring happiness to their owners. In the old days, it was believed that getting such an animal as a pet was a great success; a tricolor beauty could become a real talisman. Just seeing her on the street while going to an important meeting was considered great luck and a good sign.

Red cats are second only to black cats in terms of the magical properties attributed to them. When starting a saffron milk cap, a person tries to attract the attention of the gods who are responsible for luck and material well-being. If a fiery-colored kitten wanders into the house from nowhere, this is good news and happy changes in life. The cat must be sheltered and well looked after.

Offending a red-haired pet is considered impermissible; this can incur the wrath of higher powers (however, this applies to cats of all colors). Read more in the article about signs about ginger cats.

Gray cats combine the ability of black cats to protect the home from evil spirits and the ability of red cats to bring financial well-being. It is believed that having a gray or smoky animal in the house means big and happy changes. In addition, such a cat crossing the road is considered a good sign.

If a gray cat prefers to sleep on its back, this indicates that it feels completely safe. For the owner, this means that in the near future he will not have material problems, hunger, or a lack of anything. Read more interesting things in the article about signs about gray cats.

White cats, according to legend, have good energy and are able to saturate a house with it, making it cozy and its inhabitants calm and happy. Meeting a white cat on the way to an important meeting is considered a good sign. This promises the success of the planned enterprise, and may also portend good news.

It is believed that white animals can “pull together” the hosts of the disease. This is especially successful for snow-white handsome men with heterochromia (eyes of different colors). Tortoiseshell cats are also considered good healers.

Snow-white cats can help a lonely guy or an unmarried girl find a mate. According to legend, seven white kittens should be given to good hands. Guys need to adopt cats, and girls need cats. Also read about signs about white cats.

We recommend reading the article about signs about a cat coming and leaving home.

Purring color and folk signs

The color of an animal is an important characteristic in folk beliefs. Each color symbolizes a phenomenon or element:

  • golden – fire, wealth;
  • gray – intelligence, prudence, calmness;
  • black – mystery, darkness, magic;
  • white - prosperity, joy; hope.

Signs are also interpreted depending on the color.


The most signs are associated with felines of this color. In medieval Europe, they believed that sorcerers and witches were turning into them, so they destroyed them without any regret. A negative omen has reached us: a black cat crossed the road - there will be trouble. Many people no longer believe in this, but if your soul still feels uneasy, it is not difficult to avoid the troubles promised by the sign. You just need to spit over your left shoulder three times and form a “fig” with your fingers. Another option is to walk through the dangerous area backwards. There are other signs about black fluffies:

  • the house where the black one lives will never be struck by lightning;
  • the pet protects the owners from evil witchcraft, bad wishes, and the evil eye;
  • a fisherman who has a black cat in his house will always have a catch.


Any shades of this suit symbolize wealth. Therefore, it is believed that a golden cat brings prosperity and joy to the house. It has also been noted that saffron milk caps are excellent healers. It is enough for them to lie on the sore spot, and after a while the person will feel relief. They improve the overall atmosphere in the apartment; their owners are optimistic, cheerful, have a positive outlook on life, and have good relationships.

However, there are also negative beliefs. If a young and healthy ginger cat left home and did not return, the omen promises big problems for the owners. This could be a significant deterioration in health or financial situation (up to complete bankruptcy), a breakdown in relationships between household members, loss of a job, etc.


According to legend, a gray cat brings stability, a calm, measured life without shocks to the house. A smoky cat crossing the road is a good sign; all your plans will come true quickly and without problems. Also, gray pets, like their black counterparts, are able to protect their owners from negative outside influences. One of the signs says that if a smoky kitten is given to newlyweds, then their life together will be long and happy.


There are many signs and superstitions associated with white cats. They are constant companions of healers, light sorcerers and esotericists who practice the magic of the Moon. A snow-white pet will help get rid of psycho-emotional stress, improve your mood, and cleanse your home of negative energy. Known signs about white cats:

  • went to bed with a sick person - he will soon recover;
  • to see on the street - to a joyful event;
  • if an unmarried girl places seven homeless white kittens in good hands, then she will soon be a bride;
  • rubs, spins around a person - shares positive energy with him;
  • climbed into your arms and purred in your ear - you have to find out someone’s secret.

Tricolor, spotted, striped

A person cannot always determine exactly what he wants most: wealth, personal happiness, health or success in business. A tri-colored cat will help you get everything at once. Signs about them always have a positive meaning. It is believed that such pets bring their owners joy and love, health and luck. They have also always been considered a symbol of prosperity; it is not without reason that they are popularly called “rich people.” In addition, it was noted that it is tri-colored cats that are better than others at catching mice and rats.

Spotted and tabby cats are considered the best companions for married couples, as they put people in a positive mood, give them a great mood, and have the ability to neutralize bad energy. They develop the intuition of owners, protect small children from evil entities, and protect homes from witchcraft.

Siamese breed color

This amazing suit is sometimes called royal. It is believed that a pet of this color brings the owner fame, wealth and success in youth, and many years of health and activity in old age. Siamese cats perfectly sense a negative person and fearlessly protect the owner, so they can even attack a guest who wishes harm to the owner.

Cats and weather

Many signs about cats are related to the weather. Today this is not so relevant, but in the old days, climatic conditions and natural disasters greatly influenced people's lives. Therefore, they tried to find out the weather in various ways, including by watching cats.

Here are the most reliable signs:

  • if an animal sleeps curled up in a ball and at the same time hides its nose or covers it with its paw, this means the onset of frost;
  • tries to fall asleep on the stove (in urban conditions - on the heating radiator) - to a strong cold snap;
  • tears the floor, furniture or wall - to windy weather, in winter - to a snowstorm, blizzard;
  • sleeps soundly, spread out - for warm weather;
  • a cat washes itself, washing its ears with its paws - to precipitation;
  • a cat on a ship meows or purrs loudly - to a storm, stormy weather;
  • an animal sharpens its claws on a wall - to a change in weather;
  • licks or spreads its tail - to a storm, blizzard.

Determining the weather by animal behavior

No matter how funny it may sound, you can determine the coming weather by the way a cat behaves. And the most interesting thing is that these signs almost always come true:

  1. In bad weather, the cat sleeps with its belly up - the next day you can expect sun and warmth.
  2. When a cat sleeps, its nose is hidden in its belly or under its tail - cold weather will soon come.
  3. In the cold season, the purr sleeps near a heat source - a severe cold is expected.
  4. The animal fluffed its tail for no apparent reason - expect snow and blizzards.
  5. The cat licks its tail, tries to hide its head under it - soon it will rain.
  6. The pet washes itself diligently, paying special attention to its paws - sunny days are coming.
  7. The cat strokes the fur on its head - good weather.
  8. Murka licks his fur - bad weather is coming.
  9. The cat lies with its paw raised up - towards the sun and calm weather.
  10. The cat scratches behind the ear with its paw for a long time and often - this behavior indicates imminent snow or prolonged rain.

"Fortune telling" by the wind

If you look carefully at how a cat washes itself, you can determine the direction of the wind. In which direction she turns her muzzle when washing herself, from there the wind will blow and wait.


There are many superstitions associated with cats. Today they may not have their original meaning, but knowing about some of them is interesting and sometimes useful.

Here are the most common superstitions associated with cats:

  • you cannot buy a cat, only an exchange for some useful thing is permissible;
  • during a thunderstorm, a coal-black cat should be kicked out of the house (wooden) so that lightning does not hit it and a fire does not occur;
  • You can get rid of a stye on the eye by stroking the sore eye with the tail of a charcoal-colored cat; the tail of a three-colored or four-colored cat will help remove warts;
  • hearing a cat sneeze at a wedding is fortunate for the newlyweds;
  • if a stranger or a stray cat comes into the house - unfortunately;
  • a person who tortures and offends an animal commits a grave sin, and in the next world he will immediately encounter cats that will bite and scratch him;
  • with the help of a cat you can summon the souls of dead people;
  • By catching and boiling a black cat, you can get a bone that will make a person invisible.

Indiana still has a law requiring owners of jet-black cats to wear bells on them when they are allowed outside on Friday the 13th.

The cat came by himself

There are signs regarding the arrival of a stranger or stray animal into the house. It is believed that this happens for a reason. For an accurate interpretation, you need to pay attention to the color and behavior of the guest. For example, if a black cat ran into the house, it means that unexpected news will soon arrive. At the same time, a beautiful, well-fed animal brings good news, while a sick, shabby animal brings bad news. However, you should not kick out the black cat - this can anger the higher powers that sent the warning. You need to cuddle, feed the guest, if possible, keep it for yourself or help with the device. He will definitely repay your kindness by protecting your home from external negativity.

To discover that someone else's cat is sleeping in the house is a sign of a favorable resolution to a difficult situation or a long-standing dispute. A homeless animal sitting on the doorstep is a sign of unexpected joy. For people who take in a pregnant cat, the sign promises happy life changes and good luck in all matters, especially in the field of finance. It is possible to win a big lottery, receive an unplanned bonus or a large sum of money as a gift.

Signs about death

Many signs are associated with cats and death. Here are the most common:

  • the cat is lying on the table - at worst, it is “staying after” one of the household members;
  • lies under the bed or does not leave the side of a seriously ill person, then he will soon die;
  • if a cat shits on the clothes of a person with a cold, it means a speedy recovery;
  • if a cat lies down at the feet of a patient - to recovery, if it leaves him - he will soon end up in the grave;
  • if a cat sleeps in a person’s head, this indicates that the latter will soon end up in a cemetery, since the animal “drives” him out of the house;
  • if a cat suddenly begins to meow loudly and for a long time, this means the death of one of the household members; the animal is trying to ward off death with screams.

Also read the article about a dying cat and signs associated with it.

Cats and energy

Esotericists claim that a cat is able to see and even contact representatives of the other world. This is due to the fact that these animals are very sensitive to flows of energy that is intangible to humans. Many owners of furry pets could observe how the cat looks with interest into empty space or catches invisible objects. It is believed that during this time she views or interacts with guests from the astral world.

Experts are also confident that a cat rubbing against the legs of the owner or another person transmits good energy to him. It is impossible to drive him away at this moment, since the offended animal can transmit negative energy flows. After this, the person will be haunted by failure for a long time.

There is an opinion that felines have energetic vampirism, so people with a weak energy field or internal imbalance are better off getting a dog. However, mystics say that a cat first of all pays attention to the attitude towards itself. If the owner is kind, the pet will share its biofield with him and correct the imbalance. To do this, it is enough to pick up and stroke your pet every day.

On a note! Scientists also confirm the benefits of this action. It has been proven that when communicating with a cat, a person relaxes, and stroking has a meditative effect on the body.

Road signs

The most famous sign: a cat running across the road (usually black, but generally of any color) foretells that there will be no path. Residents of Foggy Albion believe that if they are about to leave the house and hear a loud meow, it means they should postpone their journey.

If you are going to leave the house, even for a short time, you should ask the cat to protect it from uninvited guests and thieves. To do this, you need to gently stroke her and address her in your own words. Together with her brownie ally, she will fulfill the request.

If a cat purrs in response to affection, this indicates that everything will be fine, but if it meows loudly, then you should not leave the house now.

Before a long journey, people pack a bag or suitcase. If a cat climbs into it just to lie down and sleep, then the trip will be successful. If the animal tries to throw things out of the bag, you need to postpone leaving.

Sailors and fishermen always tried to take a cat on board. Initially, this was done for purely practical reasons: the cat destroyed rats - the main destroyers of food, which to remain without at sea meant certain death. Rats and mice could also damage barrels of fresh water, which was nowhere to be taken in the open sea, far from the shore. Over time, a cat on a ship began to be considered simply a good omen, and sailors always took their tailed friends on a trip. Their behavior was also used to judge the upcoming weather.

Also read the article about why a cat washes itself.

Features of the acquisition

The cat hid her nose

It's no secret that a cat gets into the house in the strangest ways. A pet can be bought, received as a gift, found or picked up. There are times when stray cats literally magically appear at the doorstep and quickly take root in the house. Besides:

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  • If the cat was given or given away by the previous owners, then in return you should give not money, but some small object or even a boiled egg.
  • If children brought a kitten or puppy, be sure to leave them in the house. Children have a good sense of how to protect themselves.
  • Receiving a small black kitten as a gift is a great happiness. If he ran away, then get ready for bad changes.
  • If an adult cat comes into the house, you should take her in. It will protect against various kinds of dangers and attract good luck and prosperity.
  • Got a homeless pussy? At the very least, wash her and feed her. Luck will not keep you waiting.
  • You also need to pay for the selected cats. Throw three coins on the street and mentally thank your luck.
  • Did you bring home the pussy? In order for her to take root and not run away, you need to wash her paws and pour some of the water on the threshold.

How to choose

There are many folk superstitions associated with a cat, and if you decide to have a furry pet, then consider several important factors that will contribute to the right choice. When going to see cats, remember:

  • A cat with blue eyes protects from the bad influence of enemies.
  • A gray cat with green eyes heals well.
  • Cats with different eyes help develop extraordinary talents.
  • Siamese cats guarantee success and human glory. This breed extends life years.
  • White cats are called healers; they are indeed endowed with powerful healing powers.
  • Black protects from evil spirits, thieves and other negativity, promotes communication with the other world
  • A smoky and blue cat will provide peace and emotional stability in the home and relieve stress.
  • The ginger cat is a symbol of prosperity and abundance. It embodies solar energy and promotes harmony with a loved one.
  • Tortoiseshell pussies are considered a reflection of femininity. They help you find a life partner and reveal the gift of clairvoyance.
  • The tri-colored kitty will protect the house from fire.

Important: In order for a brownie to like a cat, the color of the animal must match the hair color of the most important person in the family.

Cat and material well-being

Witches and sorcerers have various methods of enrichment, and one of them is associated with the possibility of receiving an irredeemable ruble from an unclean one. You can also get this magical item using different methods, for example, using a black cat. At midnight you should go to the crossroads, stand facing west and pinch the animal so that it meows loudly. In response to these sounds, a spirit will appear and ask you to sell the cat. You must agree, asking for a ruble in return. Such a coin will invariably return to the owner and make him rich.

In China, they believe that keeping a cat in the house is a sign of wealth. If a stray cat comes into the house, material well-being will soon end.

If a cat fawns over its owner, it means he will soon receive an expensive gift or profit.

During the growing month, you should stroke a gray cat wearing white socks to gain wealth and good luck.

Cats as a cause of female loneliness

In the last century, psychologists argued that single women should not have a kitten. Taking care of him will create the illusion of family life, and the girl will lose the desire to get married and have children. This is how, from a scientific point of view, the belief about old maids having many cats is explained.

But recently, many experts in the field of psychology have changed their minds and, on the contrary, advise unmarried women to take a cat into the house. It will create comfort and help cope with insomnia, irritation, and nervous disorders. In addition, animals are considered a good detector for choosing a partner. It has been noticed that if a man treats his pets poorly, beats and abuses them, then it is likely that he has despotic, sadistic tendencies, which will manifest themselves in relation to his wife and children.

According to esotericists, cats perfectly sense what kind of energy a person has. If the animal does not like her, it will avoid the man and hiss at him. A girl should take a closer look at her chosen one. But if a cat sits calmly on a person’s lap or chest, then you can build a relationship with him.

Mr. Cat recommends: the most popular signs

One of the most famous beliefs is that a cat should be the first to cross the threshold of a new home. She will “assess” the energy state of the new home and establish contact with the brownie.

Here are the most common and often true signs associated with cats:

  • the cat broke the mirror - fortunately;
  • washes his face - to the guests;
  • petting a cat if he comes up on his own means good luck and material well-being for the near future;
  • There must always be at least one cat on the ship, then it will return safely to the port (the wives of sailors kept black cats in the house so that their husbands would definitely return);
  • whoever pours water on a cat loses half his life;
  • kittens cannot be given away for free; you must take at least a small coin in return;
  • by feeding stray cats, a person patches up his karma, and also ensures a prosperous afterlife existence for deceased relatives;
  • Taking home a stray cat and taking care of it will bring money and happiness; driving away an incoming animal will incur punishment from higher powers (it is believed that cats only come to places where they are really needed).

Cats have been living next to humans for a very long time, bringing joy with their mere presence. It turns out that they can bring quite material well-being, as well as protect the house from troubles and ward off death. Therefore, you need to protect and care for your furry pet so as not to incur the wrath of the goddess Bast and her comrades from other mythological stories.

Why you shouldn't hurt cats

A bad attitude towards our smaller brothers not only characterizes the owner as a cruel person, but also threatens with unpleasant consequences. Popular beliefs say that an owner who offends an animal will pay for the offense for a long time. A person will face a dark streak in life, illness and other serious difficulties.

Even in a situation where the cat did something bad: broke a potty or went to the toilet in the wrong place, you should not cruelly punish your pet. Feeling cruelty from the owner, the cat will stop protecting the house from intruders and negative energy.

You cannot offend not only your own pet, but also strangers and stray cats. If you notice a kitten in need of help on the street, you should show mercy.

Street antics

Cats are very sensitive to energy imbalances, and if you have been feeling internal discomfort lately, then don’t be surprised that cats are showing increased interest in you even on the street.

  • It's best if a black cat pays attention. It perfectly cleanses energy and drives away evil spirits. If the cat inadvertently marked you, then you should not shout “This bastard pissed on me!” Believe me, the cat spirit will drive away all troubles and misfortunes from you.
  • Is someone else's cat carefully sniffing and rubbing against your legs? You have been accepted into the cat family, which means you have received protection.
  • If an animal tries to rub against its legs and even jump on its knees, then it cleanses the negativity of life and other things. When the kitty moves away, consider the cleaning complete.
  • Did a cat come up and start hissing loudly? The sign believes that the animal really does not like the environment, a certain situation, your or someone else’s behavior.
  • If someone else's cat rushes at you, then you are clearly thinking about the wrong thing.
  • Did you meet a cat on the street who was sitting and actively beating his tail? You are threatened by something invisible.
  • It is a bad omen if an unfamiliar cat bites you. You have clearly done or are about to do something bad.
  • An impudent animal passes by, turning its tail towards you? Alas, you are destined for short-term bad luck.
  • If the pussy literally tags along, then the sign states that you will receive money.
  • When you notice a ginger cat on the left edge of the road, think: “I’ll be lucky” - it will be so.
  • If two people saw that a black cat crossed the road or even brazenly walked between them, then they will quarrel.
  • It is good to meet two or three black cats in a row or within one day.
  • Meeting a black or gray cat in the early morning on the contrary warns of failure.
  • Meeting a white cat at night is unlucky; in the morning or during the day it is good luck.
  • It’s bad when a cat of any breed or color crosses the road to the left. This is a sign of bad luck.
  • A loud cat meowing in front of the road warns of danger on the road.

What to do when a cat crosses the road

A black cat crossed the path? To get rid of the bad consequences of a chance meeting, it is enough to do one of the following activities:

  1. Take the first twig or twig you come across. Break it in two and throw it in different directions. This action literally “unlocks” the road.
  2. Turn around your axis three times and say “Good luck to me, bad luck to you.”
  3. If there is no time to think, then simply return the muzzle or cross your fingers and move on.
  4. Don't look for another way, just spit to the left three times or glance at the trees on the left three times. To be sure, you can whisper “Cheers to me.”
  5. Grasp the button (ideally the third one from the top).
  6. If the cat managed to slip in front of the car, then immediately turn the hat on its head around its axis.

Don't be upset if such actions cause surprise or even laughter from others. This is the best sign of neutralizing a bad omen about cats. Moreover, serious confidence that such events really “work” will help get rid of the doubts that have crept into the soul. The mood will not deteriorate, and all things will go according to plan.

What should you never do?

A pregnant cat that comes to your doorstep should under no circumstances be denied shelter . And if suddenly you see that an animal is stubbornly climbing onto your bed, intending to give birth in your bed, do not frighten or scold the pet.

We recommend: A strange dog has found its way into your home or the dog has left the house. How to interpret signs, what to do?

It is also impossible to drive away a cat, even if it is a stray animal. Most importantly, never hit a cat. Scientists have proven that cats are one of the most energy-sensitive living creatures. A person who treats an animal badly spoils his karma and brings disaster upon himself. The best way to protect yourself from possible problems is to give a pregnant cat temporary shelter, feed and caress the beauty.

It is believed that by driving away or otherwise offending a cat, a person is deprived of protection, and all the negative energy that the cat tried to neutralize will fall on the offender with redoubled force. A person may suddenly become ill, lose an item that is very valuable to him, or even lose his job.

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