What to feed and how to care for a Scottish Fold kitten


Along with nutrition, caring for a Scottish Fold kitten and its proper organization is one of the first places in importance. This is necessary to ensure that your Scottish kitten always remains healthy, playful and does not need additional veterinary care.

Care consists of proper nutrition, organization of sleeping space, availability of necessary toys and scratching posts, as well as a timely cleaned toilet with the correct filling. If all these requirements are met, caring for a Scottish kitten will not take much of your time , he will know which territory is his own and will not be mischievous in the house.

On a note

Owners of this breed note that the Scottish cat is quite calm and balanced and can spoil or do some kind of mischief only if the owners do not adhere to a sufficient level of cleanliness and care and do not provide everything necessary for the pet’s life.

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An integral part of the care is also a planned, independent examination of the ears and eyes, timely trimming of nails and comprehensive care for the pet’s coat, as well as a visit to the veterinarian for vaccination and carrying out all necessary procedures according to the schedule.


The Scottish cat has a slightly playful character, kindness and calmness. This breed becomes strongly attached to its owner and is good friends with other pets and small children. The main advantage of the Scottish cat is silence; they rarely meow and are very quiet.

This breed will be ideal for a person who leads a quiet life without fuss. Small lop-eared kittens may behave badly as children, but do not cause damage to the home. Animals love to hide various small objects. These cats love cleanliness very much, they are quite smart.

Adult cats are affectionate, calm and understand everything well. They know how to obey if it is in their interests. They can be stubborn if they don't want to do something. This breed loves to be friends with people; cats choose their leader and are constantly with him. Animals are very loyal, but never impose themselves. They love to lie near their owner, but not in a person's arms.

The Scottish Fold cat loves to meditate and stretches its paws forward. A pet of this breed prefers to sleep on its back and loves massage treatments performed with special combs. The cat has a gentle and soft character, so it will become a good friend for every person.

Most owners say that this breed is considered an ideal pet, as it does not harm and is well-bred. Externally, cats are cute, beautiful and gentle, they will not leave anyone indifferent. The character of the Scottish cat itself is good and harmless.

Organizing a personal space for a kitten

In order to understand how to care for a Scottish cat, you need to study a little about its character and basic habits that are inherent in all representatives of the Scottish breed. Scottish cats are quite clean and not picky about grooming , but they require that everything they need is always within reach and the Scottish cat must have its own place. Where he could hide and be alone with himself.

Scottish cats are quite undemanding in terms of attention and care, they are mostly left to their own devices, they are perfect for those who are often not at home, but who want to be greeted by their beloved Scottish kitten, without suffering from a lack of attention and care due to the dense owner's work schedule. The main requirements that must be met in care are:

  • availability of a clean toilet;
  • timely and proper nutrition;
  • having your own bed;
  • scratching post


The Fold cat has gained popularity due to the fact that it has a gentle character and beautiful appearance. The animal has a rounded head and a firm chin. The cat's jaw is powerful, extending into a small neck. The cat has beautiful round eyes, their shade goes well with the coat.

Cats have a short nose, but at the same time wide. If you look at the pet, its profile is streamlined and soft. The cat's ears point forward and are triangular in shape. The tips of the ears are slightly rounded.

The body of the Scottish Fold cat is medium-sized, strong and muscular. The pet does not look like he has extra pounds. The cat has rounded paws. The tail is long or medium in size and proportional to the body. Cats are a little more than cats.

Organization of a toilet for a Scottish kitten

Considering that representatives of this breed are quite clean, proper care includes timely replacement of litter and its correct choice. The most optimal option is to use the litter that was in the nursery, so the Scottish kitten will not have to adapt and will quickly adapt to the new place of residence and toilet. And the character of Folds is such that he can shit or go to the toilet in the wrong place only if he does not find his own tray or the toilet was not cleaned on time.

If a Scottish kitten went to the toilet in the wrong place, under no circumstances should you punish it, as this will be regarded solely as aggression and will not lead to any results.

In this case, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the place where the kitten went to the toilet and additionally show him where the tray is so that he can find it on his own next time.

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What should you not feed lop-eared and straight-eared kittens?

What Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kittens enjoy eating does not always coincide with what is good for them. Learn the list of do's and don'ts.

SweetIt is not allowed in any quantities. If a cat asks for sweets, this means that he is interested in something else in the product, because cats do not have receptors that recognize sweet taste. Don't buy into your cat's requests: he can develop diabetes very quickly.
SaltyWe don’t add salt to kitten food at all. We also don’t serve salty products from the store. Salty foods can cause kidney and bladder problems in cats, which Scots are already prone to.
SpicyKittens should not have spices at all. They upset digestion.
Onion garlicLikewise, garlic and onions can cause serious problems.
ChocolateEven if chocolate is not sweet, as it should be according to the classics, it is still under no circumstances allowed for a cat: for an animal it is poison.
CoffeeLikewise, coffee is poisonous to cats. If your cat asks for coffee, he may be attracted to the milk you add to the drink.
MilkKittens are supposed to eat fermented milk, but milk, which contains lactose, causes gas and indigestion in cats older than 3 months. Owners often don’t notice this, but in fact the animals don’t feel well after drinking milk. If you really want to feed your kitten milk, pay attention to goat milk or special ready-made milk formulas for kittens. After 3 months, cats do not need milk at all.
MarinadesKittens cannot eat anything marinated, not just meat. This applies to any conservation.
SmokedJust remember that it is poison.
BoldExcessively fatty and fried foods, no matter whether it is meat or not, are prohibited. The kitten's pancreas cannot withstand such nutrition. Even sour cream for a Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold kitten may be too fatty a food, so nutritionists do not recommend it.
Fatty porkPork with hanging pieces of lard is not allowed for cats. But sometimes a small piece of the lean part is allowed. Just keep in mind that pigs have Aujeszky's disease, which is fatal to cats and can be transmitted through raw meat. Therefore, it is better to bake pork at the most gentle temperature possible, rather than serve it raw.
Canned foodAny canned product is always generously supplied with salt, spices and preservatives. This in itself is harmful even for humans, not to mention the digestive and urinary system of a kitten, which is much worse adapted to such food than ours.
CitrusAs a rule, cats cannot tolerate lemons, oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits. But there are exceptions. Citrus fruits contain pungent essential oils that attack cats' keen sense of smell. Plus, eating them can cause indigestion.
FruitsThe digestive system of cats is not adapted to eating fruits and berries, so they can cause stomach upset.
MushroomsMushrooms are too heavy a food. In addition, they can cause poisoning.
PotatoPotatoes are pure starch, which is very difficult to digest and is poorly absorbed by the cat’s body. Recently, cat nutritionists have allowed the consumption of only a few grams of potatoes per day.
BeansPeas, lentils, soybeans and other legumes are prohibited because... This is too heavy food for a kitten, plus they cause fermentation.
FlourAll flour products, including bread, are harmful to kittens and have no nutritional value for them. Instead, it is better to purchase special yeast for cats in the form of a supplement.

Feeding with ready-made food involves using mixtures created at the factory in the form of pastes, pieces of jelly, canned food and dry pads. Typically, such mixtures contain everything that is included in natural food, but it is specially processed for long-term storage. Draw your own conclusions. But in any case, you cannot feed cheap mass-market food such as Whiskas, Kitiket, etc. According to veterinarians, cheap cat food is made from who knows what, so consuming it will lead to illness. Veterinarians recommend only super-premium and holistic food.

Supporters of ready-made food put forward the main arguments in favor of such nutrition that, firstly, the substances in the food are already balanced, and, secondly, such nutrition is easier for the owners: buy it, take it out, pour it in.

Please note that it is not advisable to mix natural food and ready-made food - choose one. And the brand of food should also always be the same. Otherwise, it is very difficult to create a balanced menu, because... Each food has its own characteristics.

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If dry pads are on the menu, the cat will need increased consumption of fresh water. Buy your cat a special fountain to encourage him to drink more.

Porridge for Scottish kittens

Porridge for Scottish kittens is not a recommended diet if it includes grains and beans. Therefore, the answer to the question of what kind of porridge Scottish kittens can eat is - none. Of course, many are accustomed to feeding cats porridge and see nothing wrong with it. But, if we are talking about ideal nutrition, then such a component is unacceptable.

Scratching post and toys

Mandatory care attributes that any Scottish kitten should have are:

  • one or two scratching posts that will allow you to sharpen your claws and clean them in a timely manner - as the basis of care;
  • various types of toys in the form of balls, mice, fishing rods with feathers and other entertaining toys that you and your pet will enjoy.

Having these toys will not only amuse your animal, but will also allow him to have fun while you are away. And if you wish, you can always play with your pet without thinking about where to get a ribbon for playing or a candy wrapper in order to attract a Scottish kitten.

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Organizing your own place

Comprehensive care for a Scottish cat includes organizing your own place for the kitten and preparing special toys. These include not only a scratching post, but also many small toys in the form of mice, balls, and various fishing rods, which not only develop the Scottish cat, but also allow you to protect your personal belongings from the kitten’s harm.

The representatives of this breed themselves, Scottish cats, are quite well-mannered and will not play with the personal belongings of their owners, but still a large number of toys will only please your pet. A prerequisite will be the purchase of a house or bed , which will become its own personal space for your Scottish cat.

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Carrying out hygiene procedures

Organization of special care for Scottish Fold kittens includes:

  • timely bathing;
  • cleaning and examining the eyes and ears;
  • cleaning and cutting nails;
  • mustache and coat care.

British Fold kittens especially need careful care. First of all, these are regular hygiene procedures, examination of the ears and care for them.

Considering the specific structure of the ear, special attention is paid to their cleaning, care and timely hygiene. And in order to clean the ear, you need to unscrew it and wipe it with a damp swab on the auricle.

If light-colored, odorless sulfur remains on the swab, then your Scottish kitten is completely healthy. If, when examining the ears, an unpleasant, specific odor appears, the wax turns yellowish, this indicates the presence of an infectious disease that requires urgent diagnosis and treatment by a veterinarian or insufficient care.


Scottish cats have a genetic predisposition to various diseases. This may not occur in all animals, but it is important to be aware of what problems a future owner may face. Thus, fold-eared cats are predisposed to diseases that are associated with the skeleton. Osteochondrodysplasia, which is inherited, is not excluded. This disease causes skeletal deformation, impaired movement and problems with the tail. The disease can develop in both a kitten and an adult.

The following signs of pathology are observed:

  • lameness;
  • stiff gait;
  • avoidance of jumping;
  • touching the cat's tail hurts;
  • the animal walks squat.

If such a disease develops, it is forbidden to allow the animal to be mated. When breeding with a sick pet, there is a high probability that kittens will be born with problems with the motor system.

Scottish cats are prone to heart disease. If you get vaccinated and visit your doctor regularly, preventive measures can improve your pet's life. On average, this breed lives from 10 to 15 years.

Eye hygiene

The anatomy of Scottish cats provides for a high risk of infection of the tear duct, therefore it is necessary to pay special attention to the hygiene and care of your kitten's eyes . Very often, owners of Scottish cats consider it normal for this breed to have a tear streak from the eye. However, this approach is not correct, since purulent or brown discharge from the tear duct signals that you urgently need to contact a veterinarian and clean the tear duct, because the main cause of such discharge may be infection or improper care.

It is recommended to wipe the eye from the corner and along the inner edge with a damp swab weekly, and if desired, you can purchase a special liquid for eye hygiene and care. It is also imperative to inspect the eyes every morning and, if a dark coating forms, remove it with a regular sponge.

These simple rules will help keep your pet healthy and avoid visiting the veterinarian.

Cat nutrition after 12 months

After 12 months, Scottish kittens are fed in the same way as adult animals: either ready-made food or all approved products. The number of meals is reduced to 2 times a day.

It is not advisable to practice a mixed diet - feeding your pet different types of food. Digestion of natural food and industrial feed requires different enzymes. The gastrointestinal tract does not have time to rebuild, which leads to digestive disorders.

Occasionally, you can give your Scottish kitten a little ready-made food when feeding “natural” and vice versa. But this needs to be done at different feedings so that the food does not mix.

Proper nutrition ensures good health and long life for your Scottish kitten. A caring owner of any cat does not need to skimp on food, because only high-quality food benefits the body.

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