Guarantee of successful mating of Maine Coons: basic rules


Mating a Maine Coon is a very responsible process that requires thorough preparation from the owner and his pet. A grown-up male Maine Coon signals his readiness to mate by beginning to mark his territory, and the females meow protractedly and rub against various objects, the legs and arms of the owner.

Physiological maturation in a Maine Coon female begins at 5-6 months, and puberty begins by the 9th month. The process of maturation in females is accompanied by estrus - discharge from the genitals.

This is a special period of sexual activity in a cat, during which the egg matures and the body is fully prepared for fertilization.

What do novice owners need to know?

It is not advisable to allow individuals older than two years to mate. Due to their lack of experience, they may develop behavioral problems.

It is best to contact a felinological club, where they will find a “partner” for your pet. Or you can contact the owner of the Maine Coon after meeting him at the exhibition.

Extra forethought in such situations is only welcome, since the intended candidate may well be busy at the right time.

Beginning owners need to know a few nuances before breeding Maine Coons/Yandex Collections

The selected animal must have participated in exhibitions and be rated at least “very good”. Otherwise, the kittens will not be purebred, even if both parents are coons.

Before mating cats and Maine Coon cats, the animal must be vaccinated against a number of different diseases.

Suitable age

The first heat in Maine Coon cats occurs at approximately 7 months. But it is not yet possible to breed an animal at this time, since early matings will negatively affect the health of both mother and kittens. The minimum acceptable age for mating, according to the club rules, is 10 months: at this age cats can already be untied. But for cats, mating is recommended no earlier than 1 year.

The first mating should be carried out on the third heat. By its onset, the cat is already able to get pregnant normally, bear, give birth and feed healthy, full-fledged offspring.

However, in some individual cats, puberty occurs earlier: at 6 months.
This is why it turns out that the third heat occurs before a year.

In this case, there is no need to postpone mating, as this can lead to inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and hormonal imbalance.

But, if the cat is bred for the first time before the age of one year, then it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the veterinarian about the individual characteristics of the animal and the need for early mating in connection with them.


The nervous system of cats is also not made of iron, so it is better to bring the female Maine Coon to a potential partner in advance so that she becomes familiar with the situation. It's better to do this in a couple of days. It is also important that future parents get to know each other in advance.

Despite the fairly fast mating process in cats, it is recommended that Maine Coons be given plenty of time for mating, since certain difficulties with communication may arise. So, this can take from several hours to a day.

You need to bring the cat to the cat's owner's house on the second day of estrus. You should also take all the female’s things: food, dishes, tray. It is important to take care of the documents and take a copy of the pedigree with you.

How successful the process will be can be determined by the cat’s behavior. If he does not show any interest in a potential partner, the mating will not take place.

Advice! Before mating, trim your pets' nails to prevent them from scratching themselves during interaction.

For an experienced female, you can select any male, and vice versa. It should be remembered that after the first meeting the cat does not always manage to become pregnant.

If the result was not achieved, after some time you need to organize another date with the same male.

Mating Maine Coons can take from several hours to a day/Yandex Collections

It is important to know!

Mating of four-legged pets should not happen during the female’s first heat. This can have bad consequences for the health of your pet, since at the time of the first heat, the cat’s body has not yet matured enough.

© shutterstock

There are certain features of cat relationships, so it is extremely important to carefully prepare for the mating process, following the basic rules:

  1. First of all, the owner of a Maine Coon should think about finding a suitable partner in advance. Regarding the issue of breeding, you need to contact the relevant clubs. A partner for regular mating can be found at cat shows or through an advertisement.
  2. Animals' claws should be trimmed to avoid injuries that they can cause to each other during mating.
  3. You should not wash the female before mating; this neutralizes the natural cat odor that is so attractive to the male Maine Coon.
  4. It is mandatory for the Maine Coon to have all the necessary vaccinations, as well as deworming (treatment for worms).
  5. One of the pair of animals should be more experienced in intimate matters, preferably a cat. Maine Coon cats are available for mating in specialized nurseries, and you can also find a worthy candidate on thematic forums. The classic option involves mating on the cat’s territory, which gives the male more confidence.
  6. If mating is planned in an unfamiliar environment for the animal, the owner of the Maine Coon needs to take the cat’s tray, bowls and favorite treats with him. In addition, it would not hurt to bring with you a Maine Coon carrier that the animal is accustomed to. In case of a stressful situation, the cat can hide in its carrier and rest for a while. All this will help your four-legged pet quickly adapt to a new place.

Optimal environment for mating

Typically, a closed room with a minimum amount of furniture is chosen for mating. This is done so that the cat, in case of problems with communication, can hide from its boyfriend, but remain in his field of vision.

A heavily crowded room will most likely slow down the process, which in such conditions may not take place at all - the animals will simply get tired and change their plans.

The process can take place in different ways. Some Maine Coons are quite loud, while others are so quiet that it may seem like they are not doing anything at all.

Animal behavior also varies. Some behave quite aggressively, while others, on the contrary, are affectionate in communication.

For breeding Maine Coons, choose an enclosed space / Yandex Collections

Usually human intervention is not required, but there are times when it is necessary. For example, if a cat has taken a position that is uncomfortable for the male, she needs to be held in the right position.

Signs of estrus in cats

The following signs indicate that a cat is in heat:

  1. The pet meows invitingly.
  2. Becomes more affectionate than usual.
  3. Requires additional attention from owners.
  4. Squats on its hind legs, taking a characteristic pose.
  5. During heat, a cat often rolls around on the floor.

A pet that is in heat will arch its back and move its tail to the side when stroked.

Signs of a successful mating

It is better to perform mating in the evening, when there is no noise or screaming in the room, and nothing distracts the animals. In this state, they do not experience stress, which allows them to fully concentrate on the process.

You can determine how successful the mating was by the behavior of the cats. If the cat stops behaving aggressively towards its partner, but shows signs of affection, this means that everything went well.

Maine Coons can mate more than ten times per day. It is better not to allow this, since kittens of different ages may be born.

A cat usually stays with its partner for up to four days. If the male no longer shows interest in the female, she can be taken home - the mating has taken place.

It is better to prevent communication between cats that lasts less than one day - this can disturb the psyche of the animals.

Signs of pregnancy in a cat may appear 20 to 30 days after mating. If there are none, the mating process is repeated.

Maine Coon without documents

“Maine Coon” - My affectionate and mischievous cat-horse) Update 06/08/16 and new photos Affectionate, playful, active Good day to all readers of Review! Today I will tell you how a new and full-fledged member of our family appeared in our family, a little more than 5 months ago. Meet Fidelmi, for your Del or Fedya (for their special passion for hooliganism). But first things first... My husband has wanted to get a Maine Coon for a long time, he really liked the size of this cat breed, but the price for them is quite high, so we just enjoyed looking at photos of these beautiful cats. Somehow, while looking for new photos of kittens on VKontakte, I came across an announcement about the closure of the nursery and the distribution of adult cats for free, and kittens for a dime. We took a risk and wrote there; we didn’t want an adult, and there were only two kittens left—girl sisters. They sent us their photos and announced a price of 5,000 rubles, provided that from 9 to 11 months we sterilize our kitty, at which time they will give us her documents. We had to wait until Fedka was 3 months old to pick her up. Before the kitten was given away, Fedka became ill, her eyes were very festered, the release was delayed (then they treated her themselves). The day came when my husband went to pick up our kitten. I saw a photo where she was only 2.5 months old; she came to us at 3.5 months. And I expected to see a fluffy angel, but I saw... Fedenka cried and mewed all the way in the car, and my husband brought home such a wet and unhappy creature. I was shocked. We also have a cat named Maruska, so we were afraid how she would perceive the kitten, and for the first three days Fedya lived in our room. At first, of course, she was afraid of everything and hid under the bed. On the second day I became a little bolder, but only recognized my husband. On the third day, she already lay with us on the crib for a while. I started going out into the corridor and studying everything. Maruska ignored her. There was one incident when Maruska began to hiss loudly and rushed at the kitten, but we put her in Fedka’s carrier for an hour. Masha was offended for a couple of days, but after this incident she no longer tried to offend the kitten. Now they can even sleep on our bed together. Although, after Fedka appeared, Masha herself went to live and sleep in her son’s room, and only three months later she returned to us again. Fedya is a very talkative girl. She constantly purrs and meows. Always when my husband comes home from work, he runs to meet him and meows until he takes her in his arms and starts stroking her. This is not just a cat, but a cat-horse, no special accuracy in movements, like a small tank demolishes everything in its path. She especially loves to jump onto the window and God forbid she leaves a flower pot there on her way, it will immediately be on the floor. The cat is very curious and stubborn. If she’s interested in something, even if there’s a stake on her head, you can’t drag her away from an activity that interests her. The cat is very affectionate, loves to be played with and stroked, and this goes so strangely with her majestic gloomy pug. Now she even loves coming to my lessons and lying down in front of her laptop. She sleeps there for three hours, although sometimes she tries to misbehave and steal a student’s pen or pencil, but then she knows that she will be removed from the lesson. The breeders trained her to use the litter box and she immediately began going to this house. It is very comfortable and odor-resistant. It's even suitable for small dogs. The issue price is 800 rubles. But Fedka also goes into a regular litter box without any problems. Of course, for every owner, his pet is perfect and unlike anyone else, but in comparison with Maruska, who is a quiet and intelligent cat, Fedka, like a little “barchon”, believes that the whole world revolves around her, she even when she goes to bed , trying to lie down in the middle and not move it in any way. She loves to wake up at 4-5 in the morning and wake up her dad so that he can pet her (like a real child) and after 15 minutes she falls asleep again. He loves water; it is recommended that Maine Coons have a large bowl of water, since cats first rake the water with their paws before they start drinking. I love our Fedenka very much, she is lively, interesting (her legs are like those of a hamster, she is always trying to hold something with them. Like a dog, she constantly carries something in her mouth (usually a paper napkin, she really likes to play with them and take them to our bed ), there is never a dull moment with her. So, if you are looking for a kind but active pet, then the Maine Coon is your option. But here are her very recent photos taken on December 26, 2014. Fedka is 9 months and 1 week old here. She was so carried away by looking at the pictures and plates, that for a long, long time we had to kiss her kisses until she turned around. We finally sterilized our Fedya, in mid-April. Her character has not changed at all, she remained as playful and affectionate as she was. Now she has become better gain weight. A couple of recent photos. Here she is already two years and 2 months old. Here they are getting ready before going to the dacha. There is her blue house near Fedya, she rarely lies in it, she comes and lies down on it only when Masha comes to her house. We smear her with tick drops and let her walk around the property. But she doesn’t go far from the house, more often she just sits on the window or between the frames and catches midges.

White marks

Many Maine Coon fans try to breed kittens with touching white spots. This is explained not only by the fact that the markings on raccoon cats look spectacular, but also by the fact that some felinologists consider the absence of white in the color to be a real defect.

White spots on the Maine Coon's coat can be located on any color and be of completely different sizes, but they are always clearly visible, unlike Siamese cats, whose spots are shaded and do not have clear boundaries.

Color classification of Maine Coon with white spots

Russian color nameEnglish color nameColor characteristics
White glovesmittedthe presence of white “slippers” on the paws
White medallionlocketthe presence of a white mark on the chest, which may resemble a tie, bow tie or even a collar
White buttonsbuttonsthe presence of one or more small spots that have a clear outline
Bicolorbi-colorMaine Coon's coat is exactly half white
Harlequinharlequinthe coat is completely white, except for a few large colored spots
Wangvanthe coat is completely white except for the head and tail
The tuxedotuxedoa gentleman's set of a beautiful combination of white gloves and a white medallion on colored wool (this definition has not yet been officially recognized)

Pet (for yourself)

The second case is when the pet was purchased as a pet. In this situation, it is necessary to know how often and how long the cat’s heat lasts in order to promptly provide assistance in overcoming the accompanying stress. When breeding animals is not planned, you can use one of the following tips:

  • Use hormonal medications to stop estrus. The use of such medications is not allowed more than 2 times a year. Violation of this regime or a low-quality product can lead to malfunctions in the body or even the appearance of a tumor of the ovaries or uterus.
  • Use sedatives. During the period of estrus, the cat can be given drugs such as “Fospasim”, “Cat-bayun” and others. But the results of their action do not manifest themselves in everyone. And for some, it can even cause allergic reactions.
  • Distracting attention from stress. When the use of various drugs for calming is impossible due to health problems of the animal or because of the desire not to harm it, then it is worth resorting to various types of activity. If you play with your cat before going to bed, you can ensure that she sleeps peacefully all night without harming herself or others.
  • Sterilize the animal. This operation will completely stop the occurrence of estrus.

Attention! When sterilizing an animal, it is necessary to completely remove the uterus and ovaries. Simply tying the tubes will cause the cat to continue to demand a “groom”, but will not be able to become pregnant and subsequently give birth to offspring. At the same time, her condition will worsen significantly.

Caring for an animal is a rather complex process. A pet requires sufficient attention and quality care, just like a full-fledged member of the family (it’s not for nothing that they are often compared to children). And the reproductive estrous cycle is one of the integral parts of his life. This material revealed in as much detail as possible the answers to such questions as: how long does estrus last in cats, how does it manifest itself, what to do to calm the animal at this time, and others.

However, we strongly recommend that you obtain all the necessary information about this process from a professional veterinarian.

If there is a kitten in your house and it is female, sooner or later the question arises: when does puberty begin and readiness to bear kittens, how long does estrus last in cats and how often it can occur

How to calm an animal?

If you do not plan to breed Maine Coons, the easiest way to save yourself and your cat from constant stress is sterilization. Some breeders are against the procedure, they consider this operation inhumane, and prefer to give Maine Coons sedative hormonal drugs, but this is extremely risky. Due to such medications, cats may experience hormonal imbalance, which can lead to cancer, multiple cysts and purulent inflammation of the uterus.

Such sedatives can be given to a cat after mating. Having given birth to kittens, the furry kunsha needs rest for 1-2 heats in order to restore the body. For these purposes, sedatives made from herbs are also used; they have less effect on the nervous system and are not addictive. But you should definitely consult a veterinarian. The main thing is to show patience and kindness when your cat is walking. She needs to be picked up more often, stroked, and possibly distracted with games. At night, it is advisable not to leave your pet alone, much less close it. When going outside, you must wear a leash.

What colors are considered the most expensive and respectable?

The fashion for the color of cats changes over the years. Either red marble soars in price, or Harlequin. Colors can be truly rare and original. But the value of animals is not in them, but in their health and breed characteristics.

A cat is a friend, a family member. It doesn't matter what his fur is. They choose a friend with their hearts and for a long time, and the colors are all good in their own way.

Cheaply choose and acquire a friend in the Lakiss nursery, Novosibirsk. For example, a black marble male kitten costs 5,000 rubles.*

Kittens are delivered to any city in Russia and abroad by the AKBARS nursery in the city of Ufa. They are purebred with passports and pedigree. The average price is 15 thousand rubles.


The tortoiseshell Maine Coon comes in two types – torby and torty.
The first type is a combination of red and black shades of wool, expressed in a dark brown color. The torti has a greater addition of red with dark cream. Of particular interest is the fact that tortoiseshell coloring is most often found in cats. The probability of a male being born with this coloring is approximately 1 in 1000.

On such cats, markings of different sizes and shapes are more clearly visible. Based on the severity of these spots, several colors can be distinguished:

  • calico;
  • flap;
  • chintz.

These cats are characterized by the presence of red shades of fur. The classic color, consisting of three colors, is obtained by mixing black and red. This makes the coat more variegated. There are also several tortoiseshell shades.

Scaly tortoiseshell

Reminiscent of fish scales, the order of spots on the body is checkerboard. These spots alternate in black and red tones and are unevenly distributed. Any one of the colors may predominate.

Calico and solid tortoiseshell (patchwork)

The spots of black and red color resemble flaps. They have defined boundaries and can overlap each other. If the wool has white patches, this color is called “tortoiseshell white” or calico. Red and black spots are solid in color and clearly visible on the animal’s body.

How to knit a cat for the first time

At what age can you breed a Maine Coon cat?

I'm just amazed at some of the comments. Do your breeders do nothing but advise you over the phone for life? Does each of them have such a cool center? Do not make me laugh! Since you became the “lucky owner” of Kunyakha, you are your breeder’s COMPETITOR, at least potential. For example, my breeder, having made sure that the child was in good hands, simply stopped answering my calls (rare, by the way)

Question: My fold-eared beauty is 3.5 years old, has never knitted, was not given hormonal pills (in heat once every 2 months), without documents. I wanted to crossbreed with a cat at least once (I already found a straight-eared one). Question: is it possible to knit for the first time at this age? Isn't it harmful to health? I also ask you to evaluate the breed from the photo.

Answer: There are several very good reasons not to breed your cat. Let me start with the fact that the belief that a cat must be bred at least once and for it to give birth is an extremely dangerous and erroneous misconception. A cat is not a woman. If you haven’t untied her since her youth, then there’s no point now injuring her psyche and body.

Now specifically about your cat. Your cat is undocumented for a reason. The breeder who gave birth to such a kitten most likely classified the animal as pet-class (i.e., not meeting breed standards) and sold it as a pet. Each litter, even from experienced breeders, produces kittens of different breed classes. But you can tell what class a kitten is only after 3 months - you can see rats. The breeding class is determined by the breeder himself. Well, the contender for the title of show animal is determined by several experts at an international exhibition, which must be visited by paying 3,000 rubles. Least.

1. And the main thing is insufficient fit of the ears. They must "hang" and cum


Possible offspring

No significant changes are expected in terms of coat color. Most domestic cats without admixture from other breeds have the colors acceptable in Maine Coon Cats. But genetics suggests unexpected results. Mutations, such as polydactyly, which is common in coons, are likely to affect part of the litter. Coat color and pattern are inherited according to established laws.

Useful to read: How much do Maine Coons cost?

Science knows interesting facts about eye color. Usually it does not depend on the color of the coat, but blue pigment accompanies color-point colors (Siamese cats), and less often white. In practice, if you cross a green-eyed coon with a blue-eyed female, the offspring will most likely take after the father for this trait. This happens because green is dominant to blue. When white kittens are born, the situation may change.

All Maine Coon cats have medium-length fur. If you cross a representative with a smooth cat, the litter will be short-haired. The birth of kittens with long hair is possible if there are two long-haired parents.

Character and behavior are unpredictable in this combination. Street cats are more aggressive by nature, this is dictated by the laws of survival in difficult conditions. Pedigree cats are softer, because purposeful work has been carried out for decades to consolidate behavior that is comfortable for humans.

Weight and body structure are also difficult to calculate, but most half-breeds are distinguished by their impressive dimensions, although they are inferior to their purebred parents. Kittens are born with different characteristics, some are smaller, some are larger.

Metis requires the same careful attention as a purebred animal. A balanced diet, walks, and the love of the owner are mandatory criteria for the happiness of any pet.

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