How does a cat’s behavior depend on its breed, color and eye color?

Before choosing a kitten, you need to pay attention to its color. Research by scientists from different countries has proven that color influences the character and habits of the animal. Based on the color of pets' fur, they can be divided into typical groups. Having studied the characteristics of each species, it is possible to choose exactly the cat that suits the temperament. But in order to make the right choice, you must take into account your character.

Black magic cats

Such a pet will not allow its owner to suffer from headaches.
There is a myth that these cats are related to mysticism. This is due both to the appearance of the animal and to the fact that they subtly sense the state and mood of the owner. Black cats, on the one hand, are self-sufficient and independent, and on the other hand, they know how to cheer up, feel sorry for and even cure a headache. They are not aggressive, easy to navigate, and react to changing weather. Representatives of the black color are graceful, love to take beautiful poses and will become a decoration of the house.

Spots and stripes on hunting cats

Such cats are familiar and familiar; they can be from white to “mustachioed-striped.” Stripes are balanced, not prone to hysterics and whims, and not vindictive. They quickly get used to new conditions and surroundings. We are used to relying only on ourselves. Self-reliance and independence are the main traits of their character. By nature, they are hunters (this is influenced by natural agility and activity), but they are attached to the house and to the owner, they love to warm themselves in their arms or take a nap in a warm place. If you pick up and bring a spotted or tabby cat into your home, the house will become happy and the money will not be lost.

Affectionate purrs or ferocious predators

The color of a cat is determined not only by the combination of random genes, but also by the breed. It’s not for nothing that veterinarians write detailed characteristics of each of them: lazy British cats are too different in character from Bengal and Siamese cats. Russian blue beauties and beauties are harsh not only externally, but also internally, but they are considered the most faithful. Well, Persian cats, on the contrary, look like small soft toys: affectionate, pliable and absolutely not vindictive, unlike their Siamese brothers.

The character of a purebred cat can be determined by the color of its coat and coat:

  • White animals are the most defenseless and gentle, but in some cases they can show character and behave unpredictably. According to veterinarians, white cats are more sensitive than all others, they can tolerate poor treatment for a long time, and at one point they can simply turn around and run away.
  • Ginger cats are one of the most mischievous and independent. They can be both affectionate and friendly, and bold and independent. You must not lose attentiveness with them, otherwise a meat or fish product left unattended will quickly fall off the table at their mercy. Moreover, only red-colored cats turn out to be mischievous, while cats, on the contrary, can become lazy, clumsy and very affectionate. Animals of light peach colors are calmer than cats with white spots, endowed with a bright apricot or brick color - you can only expect a trick from these predators, but you definitely won’t be bored with them.
  • Sandy brown cats are real robbers. They are definitely worth getting yourself a parrot or leaving a sandwich with red fish on the table unattended. The brighter the stripes, the more unpredictable the pet's character. Such animals often run away from home and then return within a few days.
  • Gray cats with faint stripes are the calmest. They do not cause trouble, but also do not tolerate too intrusive attention. Tabby kittens of light gray tones are playful, spoiled, and love attention. But if you start squeezing them too often, they can scratch painfully. They hate being alone, but they also really don’t like being bored.
  • Smoky cats are the most contradictory in character. If they have the British breed in their genetics, they will be gentle, lazy and friendly. But if any of their ancestors were Korat or Russian Blue, beware. Such animals are real predators, capable of not only hissing at their owners, but also bringing dead birds, rats and mice into the house. But cats with a smoky color are friendly towards those who treat them kindly.
  • Black cats do not always bring bad luck into the house. On the contrary, they are very obedient, unpretentious and not annoying. They like to purr on their owner's lap from time to time, but can be aggressive towards strangers in the house.
  • Pedigree beige and brown cats have a soft character. They love affection, attention and rarely behave aggressively.
  • Tricolor cats, like any animal with a bright, contrasting color, are the most unpredictable. They can be both affectionate and pliable, and ferocious to the point of aggressiveness. It is believed that they bring happiness to the house, but along with it they will not let you relax, that’s for sure. Therefore, when purchasing such an animal, you should constantly expect some surprises.

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Character of cats according to zodiac sign and horoscope

Cat astrologers claim that the character of cats can be predicted by knowing the zodiac sign under which the animal was born.

Thus, Capricorn cats are very sociable and stand out among their four-legged counterparts for their dexterity and cunning.

Aquarius cats have an independent and contradictory temperament. Animals of this sign are not afraid of obstacles in achieving their goals and easily endure life’s failures.

Cats born under the sign of Pisces are inert; they are easily distracted from the work they themselves have started. They love to sleep and are not averse to gawking from the window at what is happening, preferring not to interfere in events.

Aries cats are economical and homely natures. The favorite pastime of these cats is to eat well and relax after eating.

Mustached Taurus are characterized by a sense of self-esteem and increased concern for their external attractiveness. They are neat and noble.

Gemini cats are open and unpredictable. The main trait of their character is curiosity and independence.

The Cancer cat is a sincere creature, distinguished by its devotion and tenderness. He is more vulnerable than others and does not tolerate injustice.

Cats whose zodiac sign is Leo are brave, independent, but trusting. They have a truly brave and courageous “lion” heart. Nevertheless, despite their modest dimensions, these animals sincerely feel like kings of nature.

Virgo cats are prudent, but capable of mischief animals.

Cats born under the sign of Libra are good-natured and peaceful. They love to be admired and to be the center of attention.

Cats and Scorpio cats are four-legged jealous and stubborn people who consider themselves the rightful owner of the universe. The same cannot be said about animals born under the sign of Sagittarius. The latter love to wander and are bored and uncomfortable in the house. Therefore, if Sagittarius cats are not given freedom, in a fit of resentment, flower pots, curtains and other objects lying in their field of vision may be harmed.

Character of cats by nicknames or name

A new pet’s nickname is usually not given right away, but after several days of the new pet’s life in unusual conditions. So cats who like to sleep get the nickname Sonya, those who like to eat - Gryzlya, shaggy pets are called Pushko or Barsik, and fighters - Tyson.

The opposite also happens. A mongrel kitten named Marquis or Lord eventually acquires royal manners, and a purebred cat named Vaska or Kuzya becomes a rogue and a bully.

Personality of cats by eye color

Cats' eye color is finally formed by the 4th month of life; before this period, almost all breeds of these animals have blue eyes.

Adult cats that have retained their invariably blue eyes are characterized by their playfulness and trustfulness; green-eyed animals among people are considered the most intelligent representatives of felines; cats with yellow-honey eyes are known as cunning and insidious; gray eyes are affectionate and undemanding; eyes - fickle in character, but bringing wealth to their owners.

Cat character by date of birth

Numerologists claim that a cat’s character is directly related to its date of birth. Any animal owner who reliably knows the date of birth of their pet can refute or confirm their opinion.

To do this, he only needs to calculate the character number of his pet and check the attached table, which gives the characteristics of the animal (the desired character number is determined by adding all the numbers of the animal’s birth date to one. For example, a cat born in the year will have a birth number of 1 ( 2+0+0+1+2+0+1+4= 10 and 1+0=1).

Cats whose birth date is dominated by 1 are characterized by an energetic and brave character. These are wayward and stubborn animals.

Cats number 2 are emotionally unstable and hypersensitive.

The number 3 in the animal’s date of birth speaks of its endurance, love of freedom and aggressiveness, 4 – devotion and friendliness, 5 – tendency to wander.

Animals with the number 6 have pronounced charisma and rancor, while animals with the number 7 have developed intuition and the ability to sense the mood of their owner. The number 8, according to numerologists, indicates a combination of opposite qualities in the cat’s character, and 9 speaks of selfishness and the desire for leadership.

How the character of a cat changes after sterilization and cats after castration

Many owners of cats who have undergone sterilization surgery and neutered cats claim that their pets have become more balanced and calm, because such an operation relieves all hormonal problems of the animal.

A decrease in sexual activity leads to another problem - with a lack of physical activity, the animal begins to gain weight, which makes it difficult for the heart and other internal organs to work.

However, one cannot expect drastic changes in the character of male cats after sterilization or castration. Petty animals will continue to express their indignation by hissing, and those not accustomed to scratching posts will continue to tear up furniture.

There is no sample for taste or color - you can’t argue with this statement even when it comes to the colors of cats. Some people like solid colors, others like spotted ones, others like black and white, etc. However, it is still a very common opinion that you can guess the character of a kitten in advance by its color. In other words, when you choose a pet based on its coat color, you also choose its character.

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Two-color cats are doubly treasures

Among these pets, most have a balanced character.
Bicolor is the name of the two-colored color of pets. The character of two-color cats determines the dominant color. The colors are very diverse, for example, black and white, white and red, chocolate gray and many others. These animals require increased care: thorough bathing and combing, and once every 10 days. These cats have:

  • softness;
  • kindness;
  • poise;
  • friendliness;
  • obedience.

Blue cats

These animals have their own opinions, easily make decisions and follow the rules of behavior established in the house. Such a pet can determine by the owner’s mood what is expected of him. The cat's character is almost perfect. Curious, happy to keep company on a walk. Blue cats will find a common language with children. They are smart and observant, they understand human speech. They get along with other animals in the house and are open to communication with them.

These pets are suitable for those who are looking for a smart, affectionate, tolerant and devoted friend.

American Studies

American scientists from the University of California recently tried to confirm this by asking more than a thousand owners of cats of different colors to answer the question under what circumstances and how many times a day their pets show aggression.

According to the website, it turned out that the most aggressive are tricolor cats, which can bite and scratch when trying to pick them up and are generally very harsh in everyday communication with the owner.

Black-and-white and gray-white animals are also not very agreeable, but unlike tricolor animals, they behave worst of all when visiting a veterinarian. But as a result of the study, cats of uniform black, white or gray color, as well as striped ones, were recognized as the kindest.

With sound reasoning, it becomes clear that the study, to put it mildly, is very subjective. The character of a cat is not directly related to color, because the character of an animal is influenced by many different factors, both genetic and social, and this question, as far as follows from the publication, has not been clarified at all.

Tabby - brindle cats

Such pets splash out excess energy during games.
An ancient and common color of cats. These animals are similar to their relatives - wild cats. There are: marbled, striped, spotted. Tabbies always want to be the center of attention, always in the company of people. They have endless energy and love to play. These large representatives do not require special care. They are attached to the owner, but at the same time get along with other pets in the house. Such a pet needs a spacious home. Before you get one, please note that brindle cats have health problems.

Color - character: conditional data

But be that as it may, many people believe in the special features that are inherent in this or that color of cats. Especially for them, we present this data, which is relevant for outbred cats and mixed breeds.

We warn you that we are not responsible for the accuracy of this information. Why - read above! And besides, we are sure that one of the main factors shaping the character of an animal is the relationship that a person has managed to build with it.

Early socialization, a deep understanding of a cat's instincts and behavior, kindness and affection can actually work wonders.

Black Cats

Loyal, suspicious of strangers, good-natured, persistent, friendly and sociable.


Calm, peace-loving, friendly and timid cats.


These cats are well-mannered, cunning, unpredictable, unfriendly and hot-tempered.


These are affectionate, quiet, gentle, calm and peaceful cats.

Blue cream (diluted tortoiseshell)

Animals of this color are lively, active and mischievous.


This color is found only in cats. They are, as a rule, good mothers, quick-witted, naughty, hot-tempered, and temperamental.

Calico (tortoiseshell and white)

These are calm, good-natured, mischievous and active animals.

Black and white

Bicolors are calm, balanced, friendly, and love to travel.


Tabby cats are phlegmatic, good-natured, lethargic, homebodies, good for indoor keeping.


Pets with spots are very friendly.

Black smoky

Cats of this color are relaxed and good-natured.


Very gentle and good-natured.


As a rule, cats of this color are apathetic.

Color point (Siamese color)

Always gentle, energetic, but restrained.

Tortoiseshell beauty

These cats got their name due to their color; there is no such separate breed. This color is a mixture of red or red and black, shades of sand, cream and ash. The personality of tortoiseshell cats consists of a number of unique features. This is a strong will, eccentricity, irritability, unpredictability and independence. They are smart and jealous of their owner. Turtles are sociable, playful and more active than other cats. Such a multi-colored miracle will bring good luck and protection to the house, and will become a faithful and devoted friend.

Chinchilla cat

This is a cute creature with an aristocratic character. She is a flexible, intelligent and affectionate animal. According to chinchilla color, they are divided into three types: silver, shaded silver and golden. The chinchilla is compliant and friendly, but at the same time requires increased care. If you don't pay special attention to her, she becomes depressed. Chinchilla kittens are playful, while adults are reasonable and reserved. But they do not get along with other pets. Chinchillas tend to be overweight, so they need proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. This must be taken into account if you want to take such a sole farmer into your home.

Scientific approach

So, is there any homespun truth in such statements and folk myths about cats of different colors? In order to detect it, it is necessary to seek the help of scientists, because only they can reliably prove the “color-character” connection, that is, the parallels between the genetically determined behavioral characteristics of cats and the color of their coat, which is also genetically determined. Unfortunately, this question remains open for now...

Belyaev's experiment with foxes

Indirectly, the possible existence of such a connection is indicated by an experiment that is not at all related to cats. It was carried out since 1959 by the Russian biologist D.K. Belyaev at the scientific station in Novosibirsk. The goal of the experiment, which, by the way, is still ongoing, is to breed a domesticated fox.

Only relatively loyal animals with low aggressiveness were selected for crossing. As a result, already in the fifth generation, not only the character of the foxes changed, but also the color of their fur! White spots, found in wild counterparts only on the tip of the tail and chest, decorated the domestic foxes all over the body and even scattered like stars on the face.

The results of the experiment are thought-provoking, but foxes have not yet been able to obtain such a variety of colors as in cats, which means there is little room for imagination. In the case of our pets, only the connection of red and tortoiseshell color with the gender of the animal, but not with character, has been proven so far.

Aggression and natural selection

As for the latter, everything seems to depend solely on the data of the parents, no matter what color they are. If a breeder of purebred animals does not think about selecting sires based on their character, then it is impossible to give any guarantees of the docility of the resulting offspring.

And in this sense, a kitten from the street, that is, born through natural breeding, can turn out to be much nicer and friendlier. The fact is that increased aggression in nature, and especially in the urban environment, is a factor that impedes the well-being of the animal.

Aggressive cats often die from injuries received in fights and are expelled from established street prides, which means they leave fewer offspring.

An aggressive cat is constantly in a nervous, excited state, which is why she makes mistakes, gets into life-threatening situations, and even loses kittens as a result of miscarriage, or they are born dead.

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