When do Maine Coon kittens' tails become fluffy?

Washing features

The fluffiness and length of the Maine Coon's tail is the pride and problem of the owners of the breed. You can keep the area representative clean by bathing. So that the cat is not afraid of the procedure, it needs to be taught to it from an early age.

The basin is filled with liquid. You need to add the selected product to cleanse your hair. Experts advise using baby shampoo or cat product. You need to put something at the bottom of the container to prevent it from slipping.

The ears of a representative of the Maine Coon breed should be carefully plugged with cotton balls, and the animal’s head should not be wet. Detergents must be washed off carefully. The owner must ensure that the shampoo does not remain on the pet’s skin and hair. Care must also be taken when selecting a product for cleaning wool. Its composition gives the appearance of a cat.

Maine Coons should be bathed regularly. As the kitten matures, the small container becomes small. The manipulation will have to be performed in the bathroom. It is necessary to close the door so that the pet does not jump out and run away.

To minimize stress, use a mug to rinse them. The water should reach the cat's knees. Only the body should be washed. The owner must ensure that water does not get into the pet’s ears, nose and eyes.

You need to dry the animal with a towel or hair dryer. Frequent washing is not recommended. If the owner plans to send a representative of the Maine Coon breed to an exhibition, it is worth bathing him 8 days in advance for the event. A photo of a Maine Coon cat's tail will give you an idea of ​​what a healthy animal should look like.

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed require careful care. It is imperative to trim the hair under the tail. If you leave long hairs, dirt and fecal particles will accumulate on them. The Maine Coon will not look very good.

The area itself also needs treatment. To reduce the oiliness of the coat, the area is treated with starch or baby powder. To clean your pet's fur, gently rub the product into the area and leave for 2 minutes. When the period is over, the product is carefully removed from the wool.

There is an alternative way to take care of the tail. Before washing, greasy areas are treated with a special paste. Then the breed representative is bathed and the product is thoroughly washed off.

An important part of care is feeding. For a Maine Coon to have a fox tail, the animal must eat well. Vitamins should be included in his diet. Due to a violation of mineral metabolism, a curled tail may form in a Maine Coon cat. Its presence may become an obstacle to obtaining a title at exhibitions. This problem does not correspond to the description of the breed. A hook on the tail of Maine Coons can also appear as a result of injury. Therefore, you need to treat your pet carefully.

Greasy tail in a cat: causes and treatment

A greasy spot on the tail or a completely greasy tail in a cat indicates that the tail gland is producing too much oil. The pathology is not life-threatening: it can rather be called cosmetic. But this does not mean that there is no need to treat your pet: fungi and bacteria may join the process - and then things will be difficult.

The cat has a greasy tail: reasons

Veterinarians do not yet have an exhaustive list of the causes of this condition, because the pathology has not been sufficiently studied. We can only talk about the propensity of certain groups of animals to this problem, as a result of which we can name possible risk factors.

Tail fat in a cat is most often the result of overworking sebaceous glands caused by increased hormonal levels and imbalances. Veterinarians made this assumption because the problem occurs more often in unsterilized males, so this pathology is also called the tail of the breeder or the tail of breeding cats. It also occurs in females and castrates, but rarely. Although in relation to cats, the connection with hormonal levels is not a proven fact, unlike dogs, in which such a relationship has been studied far and wide.

Sebaceous glands are external secretion glands located in the skin and secrete a fatty secretion - sebum (sebum), consisting of triglycerides, wax esters, fatty acids and squalene. The greatest development is achieved during sexual maturation under the influence of sex hormones.

Tail gland hyperplasia is a seborrheic condition that appears as a collection of seborrheic discharge along the dorsal (upper) portion of the tail.

Another cause of greasy tail may be excessive fat in the diet. If this is the case, the fat content needs to be reduced.

Sebaceous glands on the tail of cats

Pathology often occurs in nurseries where cats are kept in cages. In this case, part of the treatment will be to provide the animal with sufficient space to live.

Also, some doctors cite poor hygiene as one of the reasons: they say the cat doesn’t wash itself well. This opinion seems controversial, because Many cats don't wash themselves very well, but they don't have this problem. And, on the contrary, it happens that cleaners have a greasy tail.

Another version of the causes of the pathology is metabolic disorders, which are often associated with excess weight. In this case, first you need to review your diet and lose weight.

Development of the problem

When the defect just begins to develop, it may not be noticed, especially in long-haired animals. Then an oily stain appears on the surface of the fur. Then the owners think that the cat has gotten dirty. However, if you pull apart the fur, you can already see that not only the tips of the hairs are in fat, but also their bases, as well as the skin.

Sebaceous tail syndrome is just beginning and is almost invisible

Further, an increasingly large area of ​​the tail is involved in the process: the pathology acquires a serious scope - it is no longer possible not to notice it. The cat looks dirty and unkempt.

Often, due to hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland, hair falls out on the tail and black crusts form, making it appear as if the cat has a black tail. In addition, you can often notice redness and comedones on the skin (sebaceous plugs, which in small quantities look like individual black dots, and in large quantities - like a black coating on the tail). The color of the coat may also change and concomitant pathologies may develop: secondary bacterial and fungal infection with the formation of boils and pyoderma (purulent skin lesions), as well as seborrheic dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). In general, there are plenty of ugly and unpleasant consequences.

The problem progresses and is already noticeable to the naked eye.

As a rule, when owners see fat on a cat's tail, they decide to wash it, but the problem does not go away for long, because... As a result, the gland does not begin to work normally (the cause of the pathology has not been eliminated!) and continues to produce new fat. Washing is an important component of therapy, but by no means the only one. We’ll get to therapy later, but now let’s talk about correct diagnosis.


Usually making a diagnosis is not difficult. But differential diagnosis with other dermatological diseases may be required. Sebaceous gland hyperplasia should be distinguished from ringworm, demodex (mite) and neoplasms. These diseases are dangerous, some of them are contagious.

An experienced veterinarian can distinguish sebaceous gland hyperplasia from other pathologies during an in-person examination. Also, in some cases, tests are required to make an accurate diagnosis.

How to wash a cat's greasy tail?

The fat on a cat's tail can be washed off. For this purpose, a remedy for greasy cat tails is selected in the form of paste, powder and sprays. But it is better to use a special shampoo: shampoos marked “for greasy hair”, “against seborrhea”, “for seborrheic dermatitis”, etc. help against a cat’s greasy tail.

If you don’t have cat shampoos at home and you urgently need to wash off the fat, you can use a specialized product for people aimed at solving a similar problem. But only premium or professional, not mass market. For example, Vishi shampoo against seborrheic dermatitis is good because, in addition to drying substances, it also contains moisturizing components: after washing with products based only on drying substances, the skin becomes overdried and additionally needs moisturizing, but Vishi does everything itself. Of course, if possible, use a special cat shampoo on a regular basis.

In two soapings, the tail is washed off perfectly: no fat or greasy crusts remain on the skin.

If suddenly after washing there are areas with greasy crusts and dirt, and also in order to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection, the remaining grease and dirt can be additionally removed using a cotton pad moistened with a solution of chlorhexidine digluconate.

Some owners try to wash off the fatty base of the cat's tail using Fairy. Surprisingly, similar advice can be heard from veterinarians and felinologists. Indeed, “Fairy” washes the tail well, until it squeaks. But you still don't need to use it. Fairy and other dishwashing detergents disrupt skin pH and microflora, and also lead to other problems.

How to wash a cat's greasy tail if he is afraid to swim? Firstly, being afraid of bathing does not mean that the animal cannot be washed. Many people are afraid - not many people fight to the death in the bathroom. If the cat does not go into a crazy state at the sight of water, it is quite possible to wash it by force. Secondly, if this task is really difficult or there is nothing suitable for washing at hand, you can use ordinary potato starch: it absorbs fat well. Apply starch liberally to the skin and fur of the tail, rub, wait a little so that the fat has time to be absorbed, and comb out the starch with a comb.

Starch and special dry shampoos can be used every day or as fat accumulates. But washing a cat’s tail under water every day is not recommended, so as not to dry out the skin and get the opposite effect - even greater activity of the sebaceous glands. However, you will now have to wash your tail often to prevent the consequences of such an unpleasant condition. This is done as oil and dirt accumulate on the skin.

How to treat a cat's fat tail?

Many owners have a reasonable question: if a fat tail is a cosmetic defect, then maybe it shouldn’t be treated at all? You can, of course, not treat it. But do not forget that the development of the disease is extremely unpleasant for the owner and pet and has consequences for health. Let us recall that among them are:

- baldness of the tail;

- inflammation of the skin;

— the addition of a bacterial infection with the development of folliculitis, furunculosis and abscesses;

- itching and scratching;

- pain and discomfort, changes in behavior for the worse as a result of painful sensations.

The consequences could even be like this

Thus, it is necessary to treat, and the sooner the better. A cat's greasy tail can be treated comprehensively - externally and by eliminating internal causes.

  1. If a bacterial infection has already joined the process, a course of antibiotics is used as prescribed by a veterinarian, as well as external treatment. If fungi have joined the process, antifungal drugs are prescribed. If the process proceeds without infection, no antibiotics need to be given. The decision to prescribe medications is made only by the veterinarian!
  2. After confirmation of the diagnosis, castration is recommended, because Most often, this pathology occurs in fertile cats as a result of the action of sex hormones. However, castration is not a guarantee of getting rid of the problem, because Neutered men can also suffer from this pathology. At the same time, if the defect is caused by a riot of hormones during puberty, it may itself disappear over time. However, if the cat is not planned as a breeder, then he will still have to be castrated, and a greasy tail is an excellent reason to do this right now.
  3. In the case when a breeding cat is sick and because of his greasy tail he is not given high marks at shows, hormonal drugs that suppress sexual function are prescribed as symptomatic therapy - this is a way to externally eliminate the defect until the assessment is received. Let us emphasize once again that this is not a treatment, but only a temporary elimination of the defect. And it may not work, because... The cause of pathology is not only rampant hormones.
  4. The tail should be regularly washed with shampoo or another special product, cleaned and combed.
  5. Also, if there is a threat of developing a bacterial infection, treatment of the tail skin with a cotton pad moistened with a solution of chlorhexidine digluconate is prescribed. This is a mild antibacterial agent aimed at preventing the development of infection. But there is no need to treat with alcohol, because... it dries out the skin and provokes even more sebum secretion.

The prognosis for the course of the disease is usually favorable. Treatment takes about 2 months. The main methods of therapy are castration, normalization of lifestyle and tail hygiene. However, sometimes even the most radical measures do not help - the defect does not disappear. However, they help to ensure that the pathology at least does not get worse.


Greasy wool: how to deal with it?

Animals have sebaceous glands. Discharge from them leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the coat. This phenomenon is common in unneutered cats, regardless of whether they were purchased from a cattery or purchased elsewhere. Females may have excess fat, but this is rare . Greasey fur in the area is eliminated during castration.

The greasy tail of the Maine Coon cat requires special care. Regular cleansing of the skin and coat improves the condition of the pet. To treat Maine Coon problem areas, you can use:

  • degreasing pastes;
  • special shampoos;
  • baby powder;
  • starch.

When choosing a product to normalize a Maine Coon's fat tail, you need to consult a specialist. It is better not to use shampoos for humans and other unnatural products not intended for cats.


Usually making a diagnosis is not difficult. But differential diagnosis with other dermatological diseases may be required. Sebaceous gland hyperplasia should be distinguished from ringworm, demodex (mite) and neoplasms. These diseases are dangerous, some of them are contagious.

An experienced veterinarian can distinguish sebaceous gland hyperplasia from other pathologies during an in-person examination. Also, in some cases, tests are required to make an accurate diagnosis.

The appearance of bald spots

Sometimes a Maine Coon can lose its luxurious six. There are known cases of the formation of bald spots. If your Maine Coon has a loose tail, experts advise starting to eliminate the problem by identifying the cause of its occurrence.

Changes often occur due to poor nutrition. The animal's body may lack essential substances. With proper nutrition, hair loss indicates that the necessary substances are not absorbed by the pet’s body.

If hair loss occurs, you should contact your veterinarian. An expert will help identify the cause of the problem.

A representative of the Maine Coon breed can peel off due to the fault of the owner. Faced with the problem of excess fat in the area, owners strive to restore their pet’s former luster by any means necessary. There are cases where people tried to get rid of the problem by using dishwashing detergent. The result of such manipulation was loss of hair in the area. A similar effect can be observed when using inappropriate shampoos or other cosmetics. You should also not comb your cat after washing.

It should be remembered that the hair in the area is restored slowly. There is a possibility that bald spots may remain for life. For this reason, in order not to think about how to restore the tail of a Maine Coon, you must be careful about caring for it in advance. It is better to solve the problem of excess fat content together with a veterinarian.


Advanced cases and their treatment

Excessive oily secretions in Maine Coons indicate poor health. The most common manifestations:

  • ulcers;
  • baldness;
  • redness;
  • wen;
  • ichor;
  • blood at the scratch site;
  • tissue necrosis (very rare).

With such symptoms, the behavior of the sick animal also changes. It becomes irritable, may meow nervously, eat poorly, bite and tear its tail with its paws. Together with cloudy discharge from the eyes, they indicate:

Hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands is detected in most cases when visiting the clinic. It is important to maintain Maine Coon hygiene, but not to overuse grooming products and frequency of treatment. You can learn the correct actions from masters from grooming salons and breeders. Castration of a cat eliminates the vast majority of problems with a greasy tail.

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles preserved about that period of human life when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man got modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its wild ancestor. Proof of this is archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During excavations, bones were found belonging to domestic animals of the ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, domesticated animals accompanied us. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals caused by humans. For example, let's take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile soil for life and development. An example of this is hares or rabbits in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. The first confirmations in chronicles and legends we meet are a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used by humanity in the ancient era. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in large numbers after the Crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used various animals to catch mice, such as weasels or genets.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live directly in the same room with a person.

The second type is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure time, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them are almost useless for practical purposes in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A prime example of this is that rabbits and ferrets are kept at home as pets, but are also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some waste from pets can be used, for example, the hair of cats and dogs for knitting various items or as insulation. For example, belts made of dog hair.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families who keep animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing a pet and caring for it.

If you have interesting observations of your pet’s behavior or would like to share information about some pet. Or you have a nursery, veterinary clinic, or animal hotel near your home, write to us about them at , so that we can add this information to the database on our website.

What kind of Maine Coons are they?! We will try to answer this question by generally describing the Maine Coon breed. In the following sections of the site we will talk in more detail about the breed: character, health, breed standards, and so on. And here we will give a general description of the breed so that you can have an idea about these cats.

Maine Coon breed

The breed was bred in the USA and received its name in connection with the associations of a raccoon; the first Maine Coons appeared in the state of Maine, hence the name “Maine Coon” - maine coon - Maine Coon. They were kept on large farms, where they guarded livestock, grain stocks and warehouses.

Adult cats, unlike cats, were taken for hunting, but only those who were black tabby and fiery red in color, cats that were large and had excellent health. Their task was to scare away hidden game. The owner let the cat out under a bush, and he galloped away; as soon as the sound of the hooves died down, the cat raced through the tall grass, ears of corn, and the birds flew up into the air. Here the hunt began.

Body weight at different stages of development

From the moment of birth to the peak stage of growth, the development of the Maine Coon is divided into four main stages:

    Stage one: neonatal. It lasts for the first four days. Average daily weight gain is directly related to the condition of the baby after birth. Stage two: sucking. The stage continues for the next 4 weeks. Body weight increases steadily and evenly: the average increase is from 20 to 50 g. By the end of the first month of life, kittens of the same litter level out, and prenatally underdeveloped babies are restored to a normal state. The weight of a one-month-old kitten should be from 0.5 to 0.8 kg, and that of a two-month-old kitten should be from 0.9 to 1.5 kg. Stage three: transitional. The stage continues until seven weeks of age. It is characterized by a change in the type of feeding. In the fifth week, due to the transition to solid food, a slowdown in weight gain is acceptable. But by the seventh week this transition ends and body weight should rise again. Kittens begin to gain weight, as the new diet includes almost all the required vitamins and nutrients. Stage four: post-suction stage. The period lasts from the eighth week until the animal completes its growth. These are the kitten’s first steps towards an existence independent from its parent. Growth stops by the age of three, and the final formation of the body ends at 4–5 years of life.

By regularly measuring the weight of a Maine Coon, you can understand whether the formation of offspring is proceeding normally, and give a forecast of what it will be like. The table below shows weight from the first week of life to the age of three.

Age Cat body weight, g Cat body weight, g

7 days240 — 260240 — 290
14 days320 — 410340 — 420
1 month550 — 740640 – 820
2 months1000 — 14001100 — 1500
3 months1600 — 22001800 — 2400
4 months2600 — 35003000 — 3800
5 months2800 — 43003200 — 5500
Six months3200 — 45003900 — 6000
7 months3400 — 49004200 — 6500
8 months3700 — 52004500 — 6900
9 months4000 — 54005000- 7000
10 months4100 — 58005200 — 7700
11 months4200 — 61005700 — 8000
Year4500 — 68005700 — 9000
1.5 years4500 — 70006000 — 9500
2 years4500 — 720010000
2.5 years4500 — 720012000
3 years4500 — 750013000 – 15000(neutered)

The ideal average weight of a healthy Maine Coon reaches 10 kg, but there are also slightly larger individuals up to 12 - 13 kg. But this is rather an exception, typical of neutered cats aged three to five years.

Excess weight is also observed in artificially fed kittens, since a large number of biological additives cause disruption of the endocrine system. Maine Coons should not be overfed.

A young kitten that has already gained more than 10 kg will have health problems, since obesity causes severe diseases of the pulmonary, cardiovascular system and other internal organs.

No matter how strong and resilient a kitten is, it is also prone to hip dysplasia and other serious, difficult-to-treat diseases, the possibility of developing which increases with every extra kilogram. Such animals must be constantly under the supervision of a veterinarian.

There is no need to believe in the existence of mythical 20-kilogram cats and chase records, achieving the maximum body weight of your pet in every conceivable and inconceivable way. After all, the handsome Maine Coon is not raised for slaughter. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for your pet, provide a high level of quality of life, maintain his health, and not strive to raise a giant.

Fighting tangles.

The basic rule when caring for a Maine Coon's coat is to brush the cat at least once a week. A few omissions and it will be quite difficult to get a beautiful animal. For combing, two types of metal combs are used - with rare and frequent teeth. Using the first, they comb the entire fur, sorting out areas that are more susceptible to the formation of tangles: the stomach, armpits, neck, “pants”. If a tangle is found, it must be carefully separated into small strands with your fingers and combed. It's easier to do this on dry wool.

The second step is to comb the cat with a fine-toothed comb from head to tail to remove loose hair and various contaminants.

Important: If the Maine Coon licks itself frequently and persistently, gaps appear in its hairline, scales appear on the surface of the skin - an allergy to food or insect bites is possible. Currently, this is the most common cause of deterioration in wool quality and thinning.

Maine Coon kittens.

Usually very young Maine Coon kittens are not given to a new family; a good breeder knows this very well that kittens cannot be separated from their mother before 3.5 – 4.5 months. Otherwise, the kids will often get sick and protest in the form of disobedience in the new family. A strong and well-built kitten at 4 months should weigh:

  • Girl – 2.6-3.7 kg;
  • Boy – 2.9-3.9 kg.

From 3.5 months, kittens should be able to feed themselves, be able to use the litter tray and sharpen their claws on a scratching post. Healthy babies are playful, their large and long paws, tail and muzzle are mobile. Maine Coon ears have a special distinctive feature: they are large and must have tassels at the tips, like those of a lynx, fluffy and long.

Character, intelligence, habits and habits of Maine Coons

It's "mainstream" to praise the impressive size of Maine coon cats, but the real beauty of this breed lies in their amazing intelligence and character.


In terms of intelligence, Maine Coons are not like most other breeds - they understand commands very well, are able to remember many words, and are sensitive to the intonations and emotional state of their owners; They take completely conscious actions and adapt to the rhythm of life, habits and daily routine of their owners.

They can perceive and interpret even human body language - gestures, looks and sounds. Their body language is also developed. Thus, a slight blow to the head means a particularly reverent attitude. Moreover, they communicate with humans, literally. In the communication arsenal of coons there is not only the usual meow, but also a wide range of other sounds that are completely atypical for cats - a kind of chirping, various squeaks, trills and many variations of purring.

The behavior of Maine cats directly depends on the quality of their upbringing.


The key character traits of Maine Coons are neatness, peacefulness and calmness. They are not at all prone to mischief, knocking over things, or doing something out of spite. Thanks to their developed intellect, they are well aware of the boundaries of what is permitted and do not cross them.

It is generally accepted that cats view everything around them as their property. But in this sense, the Coons are an enviable exception - they divide all objects into theirs and those of others, treating the latter very carefully.

Maine cats generally behave very carefully. They do not like to climb cabinets or mezzanines, preferring to lie on the sofa or carpet. They prefer open spaces; like all predators, they instinctively strive to occupy some elevation in order to observe what is happening around them.

Maine Coons behave in many ways like dogs.


These animals are very fond of water procedures in any of their manifestations. Bathing for a Maine Coon is a real holiday. This is worth remembering if you have an aquarium or other open containers of water.

Maine Coons are natural hunters, so all foreign animals within their reach will be caught, strangled and, most likely, eaten. At the same time, they are smart enough to realize the presence of other pets and not offend them, even birds and fish.

Cats of this breed are very playful, but they need a partner to play. If you have one cat, you should regularly play with him or at least allow him to spend time with you. They do not tolerate loneliness well, so it is worth making sure that the animal has something to occupy itself with, fortunately, many different toys are sold today.

A lively mind provokes a very developed curiosity in Maine Coons. If you live in a private house and let your cat out for walks, keep in mind that excessive curiosity can lead to dire consequences. And I can simply steal such a noticeable animal - you shouldn’t forget about that either.

With their love of water, Maine Coons are radically different from all other cats.


Cats get used to their owner very quickly. They carefully study their person, adapt to the characteristics of his behavior, and learn to understand him. They single out one “main” person, but easily accept other family members and pets.

Maine Coons have a clear “friend or foe” division - they ignore and even avoid strangers who come into the house. However, after several meetings, “acquaintance” does occur, especially if the new person does not try to touch the cat. Representatives of this breed generally do not like to be picked up or placed on laps. Although these behavioral reactions may be different if the coon is accustomed to being on your hands or knees as a child. And sometimes animals themselves feel a desire to get closer to a loved one, but this still does not apply to unfamiliar people.

Maine Coons love children, take care of them and even tolerate children's pranks. It is still better to explain to the child that the kitty is alive, it may be unpleasant for her, she may defend herself. But often such problems do not arise - developed intelligence allows the kun to “forgive” a child much of what would be unforgivable for an adult.

By the way, Maine Coon males are excellent dads. They take a direct part in raising the offspring - they are not separated even from newborn kittens. Perhaps this is why they are lenient towards human cubs.

Maine Coons are highly social animals.

What to consider when choosing a kitten.

A real, purebred Maine Coon kitten is not cheap, and therefore it is worth taking the choice seriously, so as not to be deceived and not to buy a crossbreed, there is a lot to consider.

It is best, of course, to take a pet from professionals with documents and a contract, but even if you decide to take a kitten simply from the hands of amateurs, then you should do the following:

  • Draw up a contract and print it out;
  • Ask the seller to sign the contract;
  • Look at the kitten's parents;
  • Define metrics;
  • Examine the kitten for signs of disease;
  • A true Maine Coon is not shy or aggressive;
  • A Maine Coon kitten at 4 months is 5 times larger than a regular kitten!
  • A true purebred Maine Coon has thick, long, dense and fluffy fur;
  • They have a wide, long nose with a large jaw;
  • The tail of a purebred Maine Coon is always longer than the spine;
  • Maine Coons are very calm, they never climb into corners, under sofas or hide.

Important: A cross with another breed will be very noticeable by 4 months, so you should not adopt a kitten earlier.

Appearance and character

The Maine Coon breed standards are recognized and described by all felinological associations under the following codes:

  • WCF (World Cat Federation): “II – MCO”
  • FIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline): "2 - MCO"
  • TICA (The International Cat Association): "MC"

The appearance of Maine Coon cats is recognizable and stands out clearly among numerous cat breeds. A kitten of several months already has a huge size, by cat standards. Their main treasure is a luxurious, shoulder-length tail, wide at the base and tapering towards the tip. However, the characteristics of the Maine Coon breed are not limited to the tail. Powerful build, wide chest, rectangular outline of the body, fluffy collar and thick, almost waterproof coat, shorter on the head, shoulders and sides, but lengthening closer to the belly and “pants”. By these signs, Maine cats are unmistakably identified. But the most typical breed standards are manifested in such characteristics as paw length, profile, color and ears.

Paws: endurance and protection

The paws of Maycoon cats are not too long, but very strong and proportional. The pads are quite large, rounded and protected by tufts of hair growing between the toes. Nature made sure that Maine Coons did not freeze in the snow and did not slip on ice.


Head: bright personality

Head and ear placement

Coons have outstanding “facial” features - the nose and chin are large, protruding strongly, and should form a distinct angle in profile. The eyes can be yellow or green, but a clear color is almost always required.

Also, they have very noticeable ears: large, with a wide base, almost vertical and often decorated with elegant tassels (this is not a mandatory feature; some Maine cats do not wear tassels).

From the ears, as well as from the paws, it is easy to see in what natural conditions the breed was formed; in a Maine Coon cat, the ears are pubescent not only from the outside, but also from the inside, and the skin on them is very dense.

Color: color variety

In any description of the Maine Coon breed you will find a mention that Maines have many color options. Only chocolate, lilac and point breeds are rejected. The standards allow piebald, harlequin, tabby colors, but Maine Coons look most beautiful in solid (or so-called “solid”) colors - gray, red, cream and others.

Personality: calm, Nordic

The characteristics of the breed extend not only to appearance, but also to character. Maine Coons are calm, self-possessed, despite their menacing appearance, and are absolutely not aggressive. They avoid strangers, but respond well to affection and are able to quickly find a common language with anyone if they are treated well. Their loyalty to humans, responsiveness, good memory and ability to learn commands surprise many; some coon owners even joke about their relationship with dogs.

Also, a description of the breed would be incomplete without mentioning that Maine Coons get along well with other pets. However, the latter does not apply to rodents. This is where the predatory nature of the Maine Coon will make itself felt. Do not forget that, for all their good nature, these cats are hunters.

Another important point: Coons clearly distinguish between what is theirs and what is not theirs. Maykun needs to allocate his own, at least small, living space, where he could sometimes be alone - and then you don’t have to worry about the safety of the furniture and wallpaper. An equipped scratching post is a must! A house with a platform is also desirable; Maine Coons love to be on a hill.

Causes of increased oily coat

The tail coat is prone to natural oiling, which is due to the location of the sebaceous glands. If something is disrupted in their functioning, the fat content of the entire integument may increase. At the same time, the skin pores become clogged and the quality of the coat decreases. All this can provoke an extraordinary moult, from which it will be difficult to recover.

The use of degreasing shampoos can help reduce the oiliness of the coat. Their use is acceptable from time to time even for healthy animals. Shampoos alone cannot solve the problem, and if the coat constantly becomes oily, not only on the tail, this is a signal to change the diet and consult a doctor.

Choosing a name for a kitten.

Many people find it very difficult to choose a name for a kitten, or one that is too long in the pedigree or simply doesn’t like it. It is worth paying attention that it is best to choose a name for the baby, paying attention to the external characteristics, color, and behavior of the little Maine Coon.

Important: No matter how cute and small your pet is, do not call him with very gentle, diminutive nicknames like “Muska”, “Kroshka”, “Small”. Or ridiculous nicknames - “Pig”, “Red”, “Crow”, etc. Remember that the pet will grow up, become big and will visit exhibitions, a veterinarian, matings and a beautiful, suitable name will become an adornment for a chic Maine Coon .

Care and health.

The Maine Coon is a large cat with thick hair, naturally the main part of caring for it is. Every day it is necessary to comb your pet, inspect the ears, behind the ears, and the armpit area; if lumps are found, they must be cut out. And if foci of baldness appear in these areas, it is necessary to urgently treat the animal for lice and exaparasites on the body. If a kitten or an adult pet shakes its ears and scratches them all the time, and there are black dots inside the ear, it means that it has mites.

Harmful and difficult to remove mites inside the ear can be transmitted from other animals or get in with dirt, or brought in from the street. First of all, you need to contact a veterinarian! Basic care for Maine Coons is practically no different from caring for any other breeds; perhaps the main difference is nutrition and an active lifestyle. For this, Maine Coons require much more than ordinary cats, because they are much larger!

Breed standard

The following characteristics are characteristic of purebred representatives:

  • The body is elongated, dense, muscular, with a wide chest and a rectangular back.
  • The head is wedge-shaped, medium in size or slightly larger (male cats have larger heads than cats).
  • The forehead is convex.
  • The chin is well defined.
  • Cheekbones are high and clearly defined.
  • The eyes are large, oval-shaped, slightly slanted. They can have a green, golden, blue tint. Among white cats there are “different-eyed” individuals.
  • The nose is of medium size.
  • The ears are large, wide at the base, pointed at the ends, set high. The ears are mobile, densely covered with hair not only outside, but also inside, decorated with “lynx” tassels.
  • The neck is strong, muscular, and of medium length.
  • Paws are large, strong, with rounded feet and hair between the toes. Pedigree representatives are characterized by polydactyly (polydactyly).
  • The tail is long, fluffy, thick at the base, thinner at the end.

The appearance of bald spots

Sometimes a Maine Coon can lose its luxurious six. There are known cases of the formation of bald spots. If your Maine Coon has a loose tail, experts advise starting to eliminate the problem by identifying the cause of its occurrence.

Changes often occur due to poor nutrition. The animal's body may lack essential substances. With proper nutrition, hair loss indicates that the necessary substances are not absorbed by the pet’s body.

If hair loss occurs, you should contact your veterinarian. An expert will help identify the cause of the problem.

A representative of the Maine Coon breed can peel off due to the fault of the owner. Faced with the problem of excess fat in the area, owners strive to restore their pet’s former luster by any means necessary. There are cases where people tried to get rid of the problem by using dishwashing detergent. The result of such manipulation was loss of hair in the area. A similar effect can be observed when using inappropriate shampoos or other cosmetics. You should also not comb your cat after washing.

Products, cosmetics and methods for care

A greasy tail is not aesthetically pleasing and can lead to unpleasant consequences. Regular cleansing of fur and skin from secretions improves their condition. The following are suitable for treating problem areas:

  1. Special pastes based on degreasers.
  2. Shampoo from a veterinary pharmacy.
  3. Food starch.
  4. Cosmetic toning products.
  1. Baby powders.
  2. Household chemicals.
  3. Human shampoos.
  4. Any creams.

It is not advisable to use balms and masks locally. They clog pores, creating a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. Also, Maine Coon owners and groomers avoid aggressive products due to increased sebum production.

Starch is a gentle option with excellent results. It does not have a drying property, but only absorbs fat and wax. Afterwards, you can wash the tail with regular cat shampoo. Starch is available and does not harm the Maine Coon.

Pastes give a long-term effect. It is better to choose a product from a professional line of trusted brands that is suitable for coons. They are carefully applied with a brush to the base, after 5-10 minutes they are thoroughly washed off with warm water. Pastes are used before soaping with shampoo. White Maine Coons need tinting agents, because wool of this color fades even after treatment.

A comb with wide metal teeth is an indispensable assistant in caring for fairly thick hair. The tail of a purebred animal cannot peel off due to this, unless there are other reasons.

How to litter train a Maine Coon

Before bringing a kitten into the house, it is necessary to close all places where the pet can get through unnoticed. It is also better to close the doors to the rooms; in the corridor and in the bathroom it is worth laying different materials on three or four plastic trays:

  • For the first, an ordinary rag (an old cotton towel, thick and well-absorbed, is perfect, not a diaper from the store!);
  • Place soft, non-rusting paper on the second one (you can tear toilet paper coarsely);
  • For the third, special sawdust, soft. There is such sawdust that is sold for animals kept in cages, yes, many cats love to go to the tree;
  • On the fourth one, pour the usual litter for cat trays.

Love and care.

Every creature on the planet loves and appreciates affection and attention; Maine Coon kittens are like children, they want warmth and care, but you can’t pamper them too much. Just don’t forget that severity and cruelty are two different things, but the best advisor is justice!

Maine Coons are a semi-long-haired cat breed bred in America. They owe their popularity to their large size, bright appearance and gentle character. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its bushy tail. Its size can be equal to the length of the cat's body. In order for the Maine Coon's tail to maintain its beauty, it must be carefully looked after.

How to treat a cat's fat tail?

Many owners have a reasonable question: if a fat tail is a cosmetic defect, then maybe it shouldn’t be treated at all? You can, of course, not treat it. But do not forget that the development of the disease is extremely unpleasant for the owner and pet and has consequences for health. Let us recall that among them are:

  • hair loss of the tail;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • the addition of a bacterial infection with the development of folliculitis, furunculosis and abscesses;
  • itching and scratching;
  • pain and discomfort, changes in behavior for the worse as a result of painful sensations.

The consequences may even be as follows.
Thus, it is necessary to treat, and the sooner the better. A cat's greasy tail can be treated comprehensively - externally and by eliminating internal causes.

  1. If a bacterial infection has already joined the process, a course of antibiotics is used as prescribed by a veterinarian, as well as external treatment. If fungi have joined the process, antifungal drugs are prescribed. If the process proceeds without infection, no antibiotics need to be given. The decision to prescribe medications is made only by the veterinarian!
  2. After confirmation of the diagnosis, castration is recommended, because Most often, this pathology occurs in fertile cats as a result of the action of sex hormones. However, castration is not a guarantee of getting rid of the problem, because Neutered men can also suffer from this pathology. At the same time, if the defect is caused by a riot of hormones during puberty, it may itself disappear over time. However, if the cat is not planned as a breeder, then he will still have to be castrated, and a greasy tail is an excellent reason to do this right now.
  3. In the case when a breeding cat is sick and because of his greasy tail he is not given high marks at shows, hormonal drugs that suppress sexual function are prescribed as symptomatic therapy - this is a way to externally eliminate the defect until the assessment is received. Let us emphasize once again that this is not a treatment, but only a temporary elimination of the defect. And it may not work, because... The cause of pathology is not only rampant hormones.
  4. The tail should be regularly washed with shampoo or another special product, cleaned and combed. But you can’t wash it with a too aggressive product that washes it out “to the point of squeaking”: then you can get the opposite effect - the iron will increase secretion.
  5. Also, if there is a threat of developing a bacterial infection, treatment of the tail skin with a cotton pad moistened with a solution of chlorhexidine digluconate is prescribed. This is a mild antibacterial agent aimed at preventing the development of infection. But there is no need to treat with alcohol, because... it dries out the skin and provokes even more sebum secretion.

The prognosis for the course of the disease is favorable. Treatment takes about 2 months. The main methods of therapy are castration, normalization of lifestyle and tail hygiene. However, sometimes even the most radical measures do not help - the defect does not disappear. However, they help to ensure that the pathology at least does not get worse.

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Washing features

The fluffiness and length of the Maine Coon's tail is the pride and problem of the owners of the breed. You can keep the area representative clean by bathing. So that the cat is not afraid of the procedure, it needs to be taught to it from an early age.

The basin is filled with liquid. You need to add the selected product to cleanse your hair. Experts advise using baby shampoo or cat product. You need to put something at the bottom of the container to prevent it from slipping.

The ears of a representative of the Maine Coon breed should be carefully plugged with cotton balls, and the animal’s head should not be wet. Detergents must be washed off carefully. The owner must ensure that the shampoo does not remain on the pet’s skin and hair. Care must also be taken when selecting a product for cleaning wool. Its composition gives the appearance of a cat.

Maine Coons should be bathed regularly. As the kitten matures, the small container becomes small. The manipulation will have to be performed in the bathroom. It is necessary to close the door so that the pet does not jump out and run away.

To minimize stress, use a mug to rinse them. The water should reach the cat's knees. Only the body should be washed. The owner must ensure that water does not get into the pet’s ears, nose and eyes.

You need to dry the animal with a towel or hair dryer. Frequent washing is not recommended. If the owner plans to send a representative of the Maine Coon breed to an exhibition, it is worth bathing him 8 days in advance for the event. A photo of a Maine Coon cat's tail will give you an idea of ​​what a healthy animal should look like.

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed require careful care. It is imperative to trim the hair under the tail. If you leave long hairs, dirt and fecal particles will accumulate on them. The Maine Coon will not look very good.

How to choose a kitten

Before choosing a kitten, take a look at its parents. This will give an approximate idea of ​​the weight and size of the animal as an adult.

When choosing, it is also important to understand whether you are going to breed or not. In any breed there are three classes of kittens:

  • for home;
  • for breeding;
  • for exhibitions.

There are quite a few breed standards that are used in various felinological systems, the largest of which are TICA, WCF and CFA. As a result, the classification of a kitten depends on which felinological club the breeder belongs to and is determined through certification - establishing compliance with breed qualities. The cost of kittens directly depends on the class.

Maine Coon kitten for breeding, female, blue cream ticked

The main attention is paid to the strength of the kitten's build, the size of its paws, the density and length of the tail - it should reach the shoulder blade. Also, kittens should have high, vertical ears and a regular head with characteristic features - a “square” muzzle and a small crease on the bridge of the nose

But “branded” tassels are an optional element, although desirable.

There are two main types of Maine Coons: European and American. The former have a longer tail and body, an elongated muzzle, and large tufts on the ears. The latter are larger, squat and stockier.

Male Maine Coons are larger than females by an average of 2–3 kg; they have a more straightforward and independent character. If you are interested in affection and the ability to comfortably hold a cat on your lap, take a female, they rarely weigh more than 6 kg and are much more affectionate.

The optimal age for purchasing a kitten is 3 months. By this age, he had already completely switched to solid food and was litter box trained. He received his primary vaccination and was probably already introduced to brushing, bathing and nail trimming. At the same time, at 3 months behavioral reactions are still being formed, so the animal lends itself well to training.

Like other cats, Maine Coons love to get a good night's sleep.

Where is the best place to buy a kitten and how much can it cost?

Advertisements for the sale of kittens can be found on the Internet and in pet stores. But you need to buy a kitten only from professional breeders if you have all the necessary documents: passport, pedigree, medical certificates of the parents. The seriousness of the approach will also be indicated by the agreement on the transfer of the animal, which the breeder will give you to sign - this is a mandatory condition of all felinological clubs.

To find breeders, visit cat shows or search the Internet for contacts of local felinological clubs.

The price of a kitten “for home” starts from $300, “for breeding” - from $1000. Prices vary greatly depending on the breeder.

Maine Coon kitten, one and a half months old, looking out of a box

X-ray diagnosis of tail development abnormalities in dogs and cats

1. The tail is in its usual non-standard position. More often, this state of the tail can be seen in a calm, domestic state of the animal. At an exhibition, it is quite difficult to see a cat’s tail thrown over its back like a husky’s. We observed such a case, and in a state of emotional excitement, the cat’s tail became normal. Sphynxes love to curl their tail into a spiral and press it to their warm side or, sitting in a piggy bank, wrap it around their paws and hide the tip inside. Such a tail easily straightens and occupies a standard physiological position, in which no deformations are detected. Thus, this deformation is not anatomical, but physiological, which makes it possible for the expert not to reduce exhibition ratings and titles.

2. “Nervous” tail. In an excited state (“show stress”), the tip of the tail appears rigidly tense and slightly bent. In a calm or distracted state, normal flexibility returns to the tail and it straightens completely. There are no bone knots or other fixed deformities. The exhibition rating is not reduced.

3. Asymmetry of the last, rudimentary vertebra - both in the form of a nail and in the form of a crooked awl does not result in a reduction in show scores. In a lion, by the way, the tip of the tail is covered with keratinized skin, turning into a tail claw, which can cause serious damage when struck.

4. A short, blunt-ended tail without the characteristic reduced end vertebrae raises a reasonable suspicion of cosmetic correction of any defects. Now veterinary specialists have begun to practice cosmetic surgeries to correct tail defects, cryptorchidism, hernial openings and other anomalies. Properly carried out, they do not leave scars: many operations on cats pass without a trace. In the absence of a postoperative scar, a reduction in score is possible only for a shortened tail. Veterinary documents confirming the absence of surgical interventions are not taken into account.

5. Tail with a “pouch”. Excess skin at the end of the tail, the so-called “pouch,” is not related to bone deformities, but raises suspicions about the removal of a defective vertebra without proper correction of the skin residue. At the same time, it can arise on its own. Veterinary cosmetology may be in line with the spirit of the times, but the dishonesty of a certain part of the breeders who use “corrected” animals in breeding does not allow them to take its successes into service and recommend cosmetic operations on the tail to owners of animals with minor deformities of the terminal caudal vertebrae, no matter how positive the cosmetic this did not achieve any effect.

Greasy wool: how to deal with it?

Animals have sebaceous glands. Discharge from them leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the coat. This phenomenon is common in unneutered cats, regardless of whether they were purchased from a cattery or purchased elsewhere. Females may have excess fat, but this is rare . Greasey fur in the area is eliminated during castration.

The greasy tail of the Maine Coon cat requires special care. Regular cleansing of the skin and coat improves the condition of the pet. To treat Maine Coon problem areas, you can use:

When choosing a product to normalize a Maine Coon's fat tail, you need to consult a specialist. It is better not to use shampoos for humans and other unnatural products not intended for cats.

Development of the problem

When the defect just begins to develop, it may not be noticed, especially in long-haired animals. Then an oily stain appears on the surface of the fur. Then the owners think that the cat has gotten dirty. However, if you pull apart the fur, you can already see that not only the tips of the hairs are in fat, but also their bases, as well as the skin.

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Sebaceous tail syndrome is just beginning and is almost invisible

Further, an increasingly large area of ​​the tail is involved in the process: the pathology acquires a serious scope - it is no longer possible not to notice it. The cat looks dirty and unkempt.

Often, due to hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland, hair falls out on the tail and black crusts form, making it appear as if the cat has a black tail. In addition, you can often notice redness and comedones on the skin (sebaceous plugs, which in small quantities look like individual black dots, and in large quantities - like a black coating on the tail). The color of the coat may also change and concomitant pathologies may develop: secondary bacterial and fungal infection with the formation of boils and pyoderma (purulent skin lesions), as well as seborrheic dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). In general, there are plenty of ugly and unpleasant consequences.

The problem is in development and is already noticeable to the naked eye

As a rule, when owners see fat on a cat's tail, they decide to wash it, but the problem does not go away for long, because... As a result, the gland does not begin to work normally (the cause of the pathology has not been eliminated!) and continues to produce new fat. Washing is an important component of therapy, but by no means the only one. We’ll get to therapy later, but now let’s talk about correct diagnosis.

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