Food for old cats: what to feed an elderly cat over 15 years old if he doesn’t eat anything?

Just like people, animals can change their eating habits and appetite over the years. This is not to mention that a kitten has one nutritional needs, while an older cat has different ones. Let's try to understand the most popular questions and misconceptions in this area.

Don't ask a cat about its age

Tough question: which cat should be considered senior? As with people, among the animals there are both cheerful pensioners and young people who have aged early. On average, you can focus on the seven-year mark, after crossing which most cats enter the category of seniors. But here everything is very individual. For example, cats that give birth regularly age earlier. The same applies to animals that happen to live on the street: even six months of “garbage” food can greatly age the body. And if your ten-year-old cat can jump onto a closet without a run and defeat the neighbor’s Doberman in a fair fight, he, like Carlson, can well be considered “in the prime of his life.”

How many times should I feed?

If your cat eats natural food, then it is fed twice a day.
It is important not to overfeed the animal. The first sign that a cat is overeating: after eating, she leaves some food in the bowl.

This means that the amount of food you eat needs to be reduced. The animal must eat the entire amount at one time so that nothing is left in the bowl.

Does your cat eat dry food? It should always be freely available, but it is very important that the feeding rate is observed. The packaging of any dry food indicates the daily amount that should be consumed by the animal. Do not put more than this in the bowl, otherwise obesity may develop.

When the teeth are no longer the same: What to feed a toothless cat

Often, older cats do not eat food well, not because they are capricious. For example, if a cat has age-related dental problems, it may be difficult for a cat to chew through granules (even small ones). As a result, the pet either refuses food altogether or swallows the granules whole, which is dangerous (you can choke) and is generally harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. A very simple life hack can help here. After pouring the food into a bowl, add a teaspoon of water (no more!) and stir. The granules will become slightly softer and easier to chew.

If you notice that your cat has become worse at eating dry food, you can try supplementing the diet with wet food. In addition to comfort for the teeth, they will provide the cat with an additional source of water. This is especially important for older animals, who often drink less than they should, which can lead to dehydration and the possible formation of stones.

If, in addition to dental problems, a decrease in the sense of smell is added, you can completely switch your pet to wet food. But here it is necessary to take into account that not every wet cat food is complete, so you need to study the composition or clarify this issue when choosing and purchasing food.

It is believed that when pets (both cats and dogs) chew dry food granules, they thereby clean their teeth, preventing the appearance of plaque and subsequently tartar. In some cases this is true. But this does not mean that feeding your cat dry food is enough to ensure complete prevention of dental and gum diseases. We recommend regularly examining the oral cavity for the formation of stones and inflammations, and paying attention to the smell from the mouth or loss of appetite. And regularly brush your cat's teeth with special products .

Another question often worries those who were unable (didn’t have time, got the packaging mixed up in the store, etc.) to buy the right food for an “old” cat. So what happens if you give a fifteen year old cat kitten food? We want to reassure you: nothing terrible will happen in the short term. Therefore, advice: if you suddenly were unable to buy food from your usual brand, take a high-quality diet for kittens for your old cat. In any case, this is healthier than buying age-appropriate “economy class” food in the supermarket.

Age characteristics of older cats

On average, aging in cats begins at 7–8 years. From this age, pets are considered to be elderly, and from 10–12 years old. Of course, these boundaries are conditional and are determined by the pet’s genetics, its lifestyle and nutrition. It will not be possible to avoid age-related changes, but it is possible to slow down their onset or mitigate their manifestations.

As cats age, they become less active and easily gain excess weight.

Age-related characteristics in cats include:

Veterinarians recommend monitoring the following signs of aging in pets:

  • weight loss;
  • decreased activity;
  • change in the structure of the coat - it becomes stiffer;
  • behavior change;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the emergence of picky eating.

What requirements should the diet of an elderly pet meet?

The main dietary requirements for an aging cat are:

  • the use of high-quality protein for feeding a cat, complete in amino acid composition: for example, a lack of taurine can cause retinal dystrophy in an elderly pet and the development of blindness, as well as loss of muscle mass;
  • limiting the content of phosphorus and sodium to improve the function of the urinary and cardiovascular systems;
  • the increased content of vitamins, both fat-soluble (especially A and E) and water-soluble group B, helps slow down aging;
  • sufficient content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and zinc to maintain good skin and coat condition.

There are different opinions regarding the amount of protein in food for older pets:

  • some manufacturers slightly reduce its content, believing that this will reduce the load on the kidneys and protect them;
  • others believe that in a healthy aging animal the need for quality protein even increases, and for cats with kidney failure there are veterinary diets, and high-protein diets are reserved for older pets.

It is very important to avoid sudden changes in diet in older cats, as the digestive system's ability to adapt to changes is greatly reduced. It is better to feed an older cat more often in smaller portions.

Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the cat drinks. To do this, carefully monitor the purity of the water in the bowl and use a drinking fountain that is attractive to cats.

A drinking fountain can help encourage your cat to drink enough water; in addition, the water in it is saturated with oxygen

Video: Viyo drinks

How does food for an elderly cat differ from regular food?

Foods for elderly pets have a number of features:

the analytical composition has been changed - the fat content and total caloric intake have been reduced, conscientious manufacturers pay special attention to the quality composition of the protein, which helps maintain muscle mass, and the reduction in caloric intake helps to avoid the development of obesity; ingredients have increased digestibility; the composition must include dietary fiber that stimulates peristalsis; attention is paid to maintaining renal function - the amount of phosphorus is reduced, components are introduced that prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract, usually these are polyionic complexes that optimize the acidity of urine; to support the immune system, feed must include antioxidants and vitamins; to improve the function of the musculoskeletal system, chondroprotectors are introduced into the feed, for example, mussel extract, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate; to maintain the function of the cardiovascular system in feed, the sodium content is reduced and enriched with taurine and polyunsaturated fatty acids; The size of kibble for older pets is usually smaller, which makes them easier to chew and soak (if necessary).

What can wrong feeding lead to?

Improper feeding of an aging pet can result in a significant reduction in its life expectancy, as well as a decrease in its quality. According to statistics, the most common causes of death for domestic cats are:

  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • oncological diseases.

A balanced diet can reduce the risk of these diseases.

With age, the need for quality meat ingredients in cats only increases.

Rating of the best dry food for cats over 7 years old

Place in the ranking№7
Name of foodPro Plan Adult 7+
Protein composition and its amount%Salmon (19%), Poultry Total protein content 37%
% fiber2,5
% fat18
VitaminsA; D3; E; WITH;
MicroelementsIron, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium
% phosphorusNot specified by the manufacturer
Features specified by the manufacturerContained in the LONGEVIS complex, it promotes the health of intestinal microflora. Contains essential minerals and ensures the regulation of urine pH.

7. Pro Plan

Place in the ranking№6
Name of foodTrainer Natural Mature
Protein composition and its amount%Chicken 13.5%, Turkey Total protein content 31.5%
% fiber2,9
% fat16,5
VitaminsA; D3; E; WITH;
MicroelementsIron, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, calcium, magnesium,
SupplementsTaurine, Choline Chloride, DL-Methionine, L-Lysine, Biotin
% phosphorus0,7
Features specified by the manufacturerMaintains oral hygiene. Prevents urolithiasis. Improves wool quality. Contains brewer's yeast and probiotic complex. Supports the functions of the digestive system.

6.Trainer Natural Mature

Place in the ranking№5
Name of foodRoyal Canin Senior Consult Stage 2
Protein composition and its amount%Chicken Total protein content 28%
% fiber5,3
% fat14
VitaminsA; D3; E; WITH; B1, B2, B6
MicroelementsIron, copper, zinc, selenium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium
SupplementsTaurine, arginine
% phosphorus0,55
Features specified by the manufacturerSuitable for both sterilized and non-sterilized cats. Contains antioxidants. Supports normal kidney function. Has increased energy content of the diet. Designed to create an environment in the urinary system that prevents the formation of struvite crystals.

5. Royal Canin Senior Consult Stage 2

Place in the ranking№4
Name of foodMonge Senior
Protein composition and its amount%Chicken 10%, Total Protein 28.00%
% fiber4
% fat14
VitaminsA; D3; E; WITH; B1, B2, B6, B12
MicroelementsIron, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium,
SupplementsTaurine, choline chloride, DL-methionine, L-carnitine, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid
% phosphorus0,9
Features specified by the manufacturerHelps support the immune system. Maintains the natural balance of intestinal microflora. Easily digestible. Small granules for cleaning teeth from plaque and preventing the formation of tartar.

4. Monge

Place in the ranking№3
Name of foodEukanuba Adult Top Condition 7+
Protein composition and its amount%Chicken Turkey 29% Chicken liver 9% Total protein content 38.00%
% fiber1,8
% fat26
VitaminsA; D3; E; WITH;
MicroelementsIron, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium, cobalt
SupplementsTaurine, DL-methionine, L-carnitine
% phosphorus1
Features specified by the manufacturerHelps strengthen the immune system. Contains minerals to strengthen bones, has good digestibility. Optimal size granules Supports the health of the genitourinary system.


Place in the ranking№2
Name of foodGrandin Holistic Senior
Protein composition and its amount%Chicken 20% Rabbit 15% Lamb 15% Pork liver Total protein content 34.00%
% fiber3,4
% fat14
VitaminsA; D3; E; WITH; B1, B2, B6, B12
MicroelementsIron, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium, cobalt, sodium
SupplementsTaurine, choline chloride, DL-methionine, L-carnitine, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin
% phosphorus0,9
Features specified by the manufacturerMaintains the animal's optimal weight due to increased protein content and reduced fat content. Supports joint health. Improves metabolism and supports liver functions. Has an immunomodulatory effect. Suitable for cats prone to allergies.

2. Grandin

Place in the ranking№1
Name of foodHill's Science Plan Active Longevity
Protein composition and its amount%Chicken 13%, Total Protein 30.80%
% fiber1,2
% fat17,3
VitaminsA; D3; E; WITH
MicroelementsIron, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium, sodium, potassium
SupplementsTaurine, beta-carotene
% phosphorus0,64
Features specified by the manufacturerContains taurine, essential for heart health, and balanced minerals to support kidney and bladder health, Keeps skin healthy and coat shiny. Supports activity, immunity and organ health. Helps support brain function. Promotes optimal digestion.

1. Hill's Science Plan Active Longevity

The first place in the rating of dry food for older cats was taken by Hill's Science Plan Active Longevity, the composition of which is optimally balanced and contains vitamins, amino acids and other useful additives. It will help your cat stay fit for a long time, staying healthy and active.

Foods that should not be given to cats

We often decide that products that are harmless to us will remain equally harmless to our pet. It’s not uncommon for us to treat our pets to food from the common table that, it would seem, cannot cause them any harm. But don’t rush to conclusions, even the most harmless products at first glance can cause irreparable harm to your pet.


Never let your cat near grapes or raisins. These tasty and healthy foods for humans can cause great harm to your pet. The fact is that in a cat, raisins can cause almost instantaneous kidney failure.

It happens, of course, that they themselves steal some raisins from you or feast on grapes. If you notice this, be sure to watch your cat and, if you notice any strange behavior in its behavior, grab your pet and take it to the veterinarian. Symptoms can usually be noticed within the first 24 hours. This is usually weakness, loss of appetite, and decreased urination.


Onions are one of the most dangerous foods that should not be given to pets. Onion is a slow poison that destroys the red blood cells in the cat's body and causes anemia.

But don’t rush to think that your onion consumption is limited only to rings chopped into salads or stews. No, onions are a very insidious product that is added to semi-finished products, ready-made minced meat, spice bags and even baby food. Before treating your pet to anything from this list, read the ingredients.


Garlic is much more dangerous than onions because it contains all the same substances, but in larger quantities. Fortunately, garlic is added to a limited number of foods, but you shouldn’t forget about it.

Alcohol and tobacco smoke

Alcohol and tobacco are inherently harmful not only to animals, but also to people. Many owners watch with affection the cat's reaction when their pet drinks a little beer or wine.

In general, tobacco and alcohol cause the same harm to them as to humans.

But take into account their size! These products are ten times more harmful for cats.


Never offer your pet chicken, fish or pork bones. During culinary processing, such products can cause internal injuries to the animal, which will have a bad effect on its well-being.

Milk and cream

There is a common belief that cream and milk are cat's favorite foods. Not at all, they can only be considered favorites among kittens, but not among adult animals. Adult animals are often lactose intolerant, which leads to dehydration.

List of common diseases

Often, minor symptoms of diseases can hide a number of serious illnesses. It is better to know about them in advance. After all, you can not only support the cat, but also help it overcome the disease.

A person can always tell what hurts and where it hurts; cats not only don’t talk about it, but also try to mask their illnesses. For example: people try to hide pain in the body behind a calmer lifestyle. They don’t jump to their favorite place, sleep a lot, and try to pester their owner less. With such signs, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian.

General symptoms:

  1. Problems with the digestive system may be hidden behind loss of appetite;
  2. Diseases of the genitourinary system are manifested by thirst or frequent urination;
  3. Problems with joints and pain when moving are usually manifested by lameness and a sedentary lifestyle;
  4. Frequent startling and disorientation can affect feline behavior.

It is important that the older the cat gets, the more often it is worth visiting the veterinarian. The doctor will help recognize diseases and eliminate pain.

Recommendations and advice on feeding sterilized cats

After sterilization, the cat’s lifestyle changes: he is no longer interested in cats, and all his attention switches to food. In many cases, a problem such as obesity arises some time after surgery. Most owners constantly give something tasty to their pet, feeling sorry for it

At the same time, many simply do not know that their metabolism is slowing down, and their diet also needs to be changed accordingly. As a result, weight increases and various diseases appear. For the longevity and health of your pet you need to follow some rules

Most owners constantly give something tasty to their pet, feeling sorry for it. At the same time, many simply do not know that their metabolism is slowing down, and their diet also needs to be changed accordingly. As a result, weight increases and various diseases appear. For the longevity and health of your pet, you need to follow some rules.

The main thing is not to overfeed the animal

It is very important to play with it for much longer. In most cases, the pet will begin to additionally beg food from other people (both family members and guests). Therefore, it is worth warning them and telling them about the great dangers of such snacks.

Therefore, it is worth warning them and telling them about the great dangers of such snacks.

If these recommendations are followed, but the cat continues to gain weight, it is necessary to give him a weekly fasting day.

It is also important to divide the daily diet into 4-5 parts and give them to your pet throughout the day, so he will be less likely to beg for more. Since he sleeps longer after sterilization, choose fun and entertaining games for him. There should always be enough water in the bowl

Although after surgery the cat needs to drink often and a lot, neutered animals may not understand this, drink less and, as a result, go to the toilet less

There should be a sufficient amount of water in the bowl at all times. Although after surgery a cat needs to drink often and a lot, neutered animals may not understand this, drink less and, as a result, go to the toilet less.

Over time, especially with the transfer to specialized dry food, the pet will begin to drink more. If this does not happen, you may need to consult your veterinarian about diuretics.

The content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus should be reduced in the composition of pet food. An excess of these substances leads to damage to the genitourinary system and the formation of kidney stones. Such substances are found mainly in fish and dairy products - they must be completely excluded from the animal’s diet.

Often, some time after castration, animals may refuse to eat. This happens due to problems with teeth and gums. Therefore, you need to give your cat treats that massage the gums and maintain healthy teeth. It is imperative to give preventive medications against worms and special vitamins.

The most important thing is that due to changes in metabolism and other hormonal processes, the daily portion of food for your pet should be less than in the preoperative period!

Every owner or mistress wants to make the life of their pet as pleasant as possible and create conditions for their comfortable stay in the house.

An integral part of caring for pets is feeding; cats must have a balanced diet and therefore you need to choose food carefully and carefully

Age classification and feed production

However, there is a more detailed age classification of cats, similar to human ones:

  • Average age – from 7 to 10 years;
  • Elderly (senior) – from 10 to 14 years;
  • Geriatric age: old, corresponds to human age from 76 years) - cats over 15 years old.

At the same time, food manufacturers usually do not take this gradation into account and create a single line of “Senior” food for cats and cats over 7 years old. As a rule, these same foods are intended for feeding overweight pets and (often) for castrated and sterilized cats and female cats, regardless of age.

Features of age-related foods from different manufacturers

It should be taken into account that different manufacturers have different approaches to creating lines of specialized feed. Some separate diets for older cats and cats, others - food for sterilized cats and neutered cats, which are also suitable for “age” animals. Sometimes a brand has one food for all the categories of pets described above, with the only difference being feeding rates (portions for older people are usually smaller).

Associated diseases: feeding older spayed and neutered pets

Cats with chronic diseases are a different story. As a rule, such animals move into the senior category earlier. If you constantly feed a sick pet with special medicinal food as prescribed by a veterinarian, then do not worry about the possible inadequacy of nutrition for age - veterinary food is produced according to the “diagnosis” principle. The main thing is to follow the prescribed feeding rate.

Requirements for natural products

Feeding cats natural food usually requires more time and resources, but this type of nutrition is more natural. It is quite difficult to prepare food that is balanced in all components at home.

With a natural diet at home, the cat should receive the following products:

  1. Meat. This is the basis of the diet. Chicken, veal, beef, and turkey are suitable for cats. You can also use various by-products. Usually cats love liver, stomachs, hearts.
  2. Cereals. Porridges are a source of slow carbohydrates that animals need for energy. However, porridge should not be the basis of the diet. You can feed your pet rice, oatmeal, and less often buckwheat.
  3. Fish. Also a source of proteins. In addition, it contains beneficial fatty acids and phosphorus. However, fish cannot replace meat in the diet. You can feed your cat fish about once a week.
  4. Dairy products. It is not necessary to give milk to adult cats. Whole milk often leads to digestive disorders. It is better to feed your cat low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, less often hard cheese.
  5. Vegetables. They are a source of vitamins, but cats don’t really like them.

Types of feed


Produced in the form of dry granules with an optimal composition for cats aged 7+.


  • balance;
  • reduction of cooking time and feeding time;
  • saving money;
  • long shelf life.


  • increased carbohydrate composition;
  • harm to teeth;
  • not enough moisture;
  • presence of aromatic additives.


Canned food for aging pets, packaged in tins, lamisters, soft pouches or plastic pots. They consist of large or small pieces of meat or fish, vegetables or cereals, drenched in jelly or liquid sauce.


  • large selection of flavors and textures;
  • carb free;
  • a lot of moisture;
  • gentle processing.


  • short shelf life;
  • high price.

Types of feed by class:

  1. Holistic – the highest quality food without flavorings, dyes or other chemical additives. The ingredients are only of organic origin.
  2. Super-premium - contains a lot of meat products, sold in special pet stores.
  3. Premium - natural meat composition from chicken, high-quality by-products that are well digestible and safe for cats.
  4. Economy - cheap food with a minimum meat content (about 4%). Contains flavorings and dyes.

Problems with well-being

If your pet has lost interest in food, the first thing you need to do is rule out health problems. Older cats (and it happens to young cats) sometimes refuse dry food due to problems in the oral cavity. In this case, the animal still wants to eat, but is afraid of chewing the pellets because it causes pain. Examine his mouth for redness of the gums, ulcers on the mucous membrane, and loose teeth.

If something like this is discovered, you need to contact a veterinarian and follow his recommendations. During the treatment period, dry food will have to be soaked or temporarily replaced with wet food.

Sometimes cats don't eat well because they're in heat or in hot weather. In this case, you just need to wait a little, and interest in food will return by itself. The main thing is not to forget about clean, fresh water: it should be freely available around the clock.

When, in addition to refusal to eat, other alarming symptoms are observed: fever, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea, you should not hesitate to seek veterinary help. You should also sound the alarm if your pet eats absolutely nothing for 2-3 days.

How not to harm your pet when correcting nutrition?

There are several points that it is advisable to observe before deciding what to feed an elderly cat.

  1. Don't change your diet suddenly. The digestive tract needs to adapt to digesting new (or differently prepared) foods.
  2. In some cases, the diet does not need to be changed unless absolutely necessary. For example, if a cat has been eating certain foods all its life, and new ones cause severe digestive disorders, then it is better to leave everything as it was. At least until the animal is fully examined.
  3. Monitor your fluid intake.
  4. Do not use unknown or not recommended supplements or medications.
  5. Do not engage in self-medication or treatment “via the Internet”.

Older cats are a special category with their own specific requirements. They may be different for everyone. But it is important to remember that proper nutrition directly affects the quality of life of an older cat.

Natural products for cat exhaustion

The products from our table are not suitable for dietary therapy of cats with cachexia (moreover, such food is not suitable even for healthy animals). Our food may contain sugar, salt, spices, smoked meats, and dyes that are contraindicated for cats.

The cat must drink water. If she refuses to drink for more than a day, it is necessary to carefully pour in some water with a teaspoon.

This must be done very carefully, no more than two teaspoons at a time, every hour (until the cat starts drinking on its own)

In the first days of the diet, it is best to give your cat a light broth of white chicken meat and a little chopped boiled chicken breast. At night you can give about 2 tbsp. l. low-fat kefir. It is better not to feed raw meat yet; it takes much longer to digest.

On the third day of the diet, you need to start introducing other foods. Below is a list of approved foods for nutritional therapy for emaciated cats.

20 approved foods for malnourished cats:

  1. Boiled chicken breast.
  2. Raw beef meat, deveined.
  3. Turkey raw and boiled.
  4. Boiled beef.
  5. Boiled lamb meat.
  6. Boiled rabbit.
  7. A small amount of raw beef liver (a lot of liver acts as a laxative).
  8. Rice water.
  9. Raw chicken egg.
  10. Raw quail egg.
  11. Light chicken broth.
  12. Boiled sea fish.
  13. Boiled beef heart (minced).
  14. Low-fat kefir.
  15. Cottage cheese with low fat content.
  16. Sour cream (up to 15% fat content).
  17. Classic yogurt, without sugar and fruit fillers.
  18. Buckwheat (as a complement to meat).
  19. Rice cereal (as an addition to meat).
  20. Ready-made canned meat baby food.

All foods should be fresh, at room temperature or slightly warmer. For the first few days of diet therapy, portions should be very small, feeding approximately 5–6 times a day, 20 g each. Then portions and breaks between feedings can be increased.

Sour cream and cottage cheese are on the list of allowed foods, but you should not give them more than once a day. Raw yolk is always recommended for weakened, sick, post-operative pets. It is best to mix it with cottage cheese or boiled meat.

Listed below are foods that should not be included in a cat's diet. They are especially dangerous for weakened animals.

20 foods prohibited for feeding cats:

  1. Raw pork.
  2. Lard (in any form).
  3. Sausages.
  4. River fish.
  5. Bones.
  6. Chicken heads, paws, skins.
  7. Flour products.
  8. Smoked meats.
  9. Milk.
  10. Salt.
  11. Sugar.
  12. Spices.
  13. Starch.
  14. Onions in raw or heat-treated form.
  15. Green onions in any form.
  16. Condensed milk (often bred for kittens).
  17. Yeast dough.
  18. Tomato paste (primarily this applies to those who like to feed their cats sprat in tomato).
  19. Cabbage (provokes flatulence).
  20. Legumes.

Natural food for older cats

Prepared foods are definitely the best choice for your older pet. Their composition is verified, the calorie content per serving is calculated in advance, and the taste is adjusted to the cat’s perception that has changed with age. However, adherents of feeding animals with natural homemade food can create a suitable menu for their elderly pet, but this will just require spending much more time and effort.

Permitted and prohibited products

From the usual food available in the refrigerator, cats can eat cottage cheese and fermented milk products, lean boiled meat, steamed vegetables (carrots, zucchini, celery, asparagus, broccoli and cucumbers), as well as cereals and bran. At the same time, the following are completely excluded from the animal’s diet:

  • fish (it contains a lot of phosphorus);
  • milk;
  • potatoes and beans.

Food consistency and portion size

As cats age, they become more demanding of the consistency and temperature of the food offered to them. The main reason for this is sore gums and tooth loss. To make the old man's meal easier, most owners resort to small culinary tricks. For example, they soak the food in water, add a few drops of sunflower oil to the dish, and lightly heat the food in the microwave before serving. Surprisingly, such modest tricks often return old cats to their lost interest in food.

Having passed their second decade, any animals, even those that have retained their previous appetite, as a rule, begin to quickly lose weight. This should not be a cause for alarm. There is no need to try with all your might to fatten your pet to its previous state. On the contrary, it is better to cut down your pet's standard dinner portions.

Dish recipes

For cats, especially aging and neutered ones, ordinary human food with added sugar, salt and other spices is contraindicated, so you will have to cook for your pet separately. There are several recipes for simple, but satisfying and appetizing dishes that you can offer to your pet:

  • Ice cream. Half a kilo of cottage cheese and half a glass of fermented baked milk with a pinch of vanillin are mixed in a blender until smooth, which is then distributed into small molds and cooled for 6 hours. Before serving, the dessert is warmed in your hands so that it comes off the walls of the container more easily.

How to feed a cat if he doesn't eat

When a cat is healthy and feels comfortable living in a house with its owners, there is no reason to force it to eat. Sometimes a pet is so passionate about getting food that it begs for it even more often than it really needs it. Typically, such cats always have a variety of food in their bowl, which they do not even eat completely. Therefore, an animal in normal health will always be interested in getting more goodies, and there will be no reason to force it to eat food.

Causes of decreased appetite in cats

If a beloved domestic cat suddenly stops eating well or refuses to eat at all, this immediately alerts the owners. The reasons that a pet does not eat food can be different. The most common reason is that the cat is overfed and his body requires unloading. This is the most harmless reason, which usually does not bring with it any bad consequences. But most often, cats eat poorly due to weakness and malaise, a clogged nose (the animal cannot smell the food), and also due to stress. Stress can be caused by a sudden rearrangement of furniture, moving, or lack of attention to the animal.

A caring owner will immediately discover that something is wrong with the cat if he has not touched food for a whole day. When a cat does not eat for more than two days, this is an indicator of a serious illness that needs to be treated. The most unpleasant thing is when a pet refuses food and water completely. He may lose serious weight and become very weak. This cannot simply be left alone, which is why veterinary practice often resorts to force-feeding animals.

Force feeding

In this case, you cannot think that the cat will start eating on its own in a couple of days. Most likely, he will need serious help and should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. The most important thing is to understand why the animal stopped eating, became lethargic, and lost interest in life.

It is important to carry out all the necessary studies and even an ultrasound of the abdomen, since refusal to eat can be caused by abdominal pain, dysfunction of organs, as well as abscesses in the oral cavity. Force feeding includes:

Special diets

The result of the examination allows the doctor to immediately prescribe proper nutrition, a diet that will need to be strictly followed. But if the cat already eats poorly, then specialized food is unlikely to be to his taste. If a very small kitten is sick, you will even have to wake him up specifically to feed him. Alternatively, you can try finger feeding your baby, but you need to do it carefully, do not push your finger down his throat, and be a little more patient. Then the kitten will lick the food itself.

It is worth knowing that a very small kitten, which is not yet six months old, will not live even a day without food. Therefore, along with patience, you need to be persistent if you want to help your baby survive. An adult cat can live for two days, but this is all relative, because there are different diseases, more complex and milder.

Syringe feeding

For syringe feeding, the doctor prescribes veterinary pates, which are well diluted with water. If the food is dry, it needs to be soaked only with boiled, warm water. Before you start feeding, the food itself also needs to be warmed up, because it is its warm state that increases the aroma and can entice the kitten to try it. To force-feed your pet through a syringe, you need to hold the kitten by the head and gradually introduce food with a syringe without a needle.

Feeding solid foods

You need to watch the cat for a while. If the body positively perceives the portion of food that it managed to inject by force through a syringe, then over time you can give it more. If the diet is not too strict, then you can switch to homemade food - semolina, warm broths, dairy products. If, after a couple of days of feeding, the cat still does not eat on its own, then you can also force-feed it, but use solid food for this.

You can use regular food for adult animals and kittens, but soak it a little in milk to make it easier to swallow. Suitable pieces of boneless fish, minced meat, soft pieces of white bread. To do this, you need to take the cat under your left hand, unclench its teeth, and push a small piece from the side with your right hand. Then help her clench her jaws - most likely the cat will swallow the food. You should never mix medications into food - the animal will hear a foreign smell, and this may further discourage it from eating.

In order for the cat to recover quickly and begin to eat on its own, it is advisable to accompany each meal with pleasant emotions - talk to it affectionately and stroke it. Then your pet’s health will improve faster.

Is it necessary to add additional vitamins, microelements and minerals to the diet?

Additional vitamins can be added to an elderly cat’s diet only on the recommendations of a veterinarian. In order to understand whether a cat needs to add something, especially for animals that eat natural food, it is necessary to do a biochemical blood test. This will avoid an overabundance of any substances that can only worsen the health situation.

Beneficial for older pets:

  • omega-3 fatty acids (as fish oil);
  • B vitamins.

Features of the aging process

Aging is a process that is a set of unfavorable changes in the body, as a result of which the risk of cell death, tissue destruction and, ultimately, the death of a living being increases. This process is individual for each animal, although it has common features. For example, the “transience” of old age depends on many factors, such as genetics, ecology, quality of food and life, and many others. At the micro level, degradation manifests itself as disruption of cell function under the influence of free radicals, which leads to suppression of immune function, aging of genes and changes in chromosomes.

What changes occur in the body of an aging cat?

In any living organism, changes begin at the cellular level. Taken together, this process affects the functioning of all organs. For example:

  • muscle mass decreases. At the same time, the volume of adipose tissue, with an incorrect diet, can, on the contrary, increase;
  • metabolic rate decreases;
  • The quality of wool and skin deteriorates. For example, peeling, dryness, irritation appear;
  • the functionality of internal organs and systems decreases (especially cardiac and urinary);
  • the acuity of the senses (primarily hearing and vision) worsens, and more.

Changes are observed in all mammals. But in domestic animals they are more noticeable. Since the pet is under constant supervision. On the one hand, keeping a cat at home protects the cat from many unfavorable factors, but on the other hand, it becomes more gentle and susceptible. Whereas in the wild, predators are more dependent on their physical condition than protected domestic animals.

Choosing commercial food for an old cat

The choice of food must be made taking into account not only the age, but also the physiological status of the animal. It’s easy to buy super-premium food designed for older pets and feed it to your cat. But this approach is not very justified, since for a cat the threshold of old age is considered to be age starting from 7 years, and a special diet for a particular animal can only be useful after 10-12 years of age. Some cats at 8 years old lead a full life and can bear offspring, while another 8-year-old cat may suffer from arthrosis and have limitations in movement.

When choosing food, it is important to check the integrity of the packaging. Opened canned food should be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for no longer than two days. Food must be warmed before feeding. In this state, the food is better absorbed, does not irritate the pet’s stomach and smells good, increasing the appetite of an aging cat.

Before choosing food and when deciding to switch to a special line of diet, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the food, find out the presence of by-products, soy protein or artificial substances in canned food. It is not recommended to use food with such ingredients for feeding older cats in order to avoid negative consequences.

Wet food with a correctly calculated composition should contain 80% moisture.

You can choose the right diet from the proposed industrial feeds based on the cat’s needs, taking into account the animal’s tendency to obesity and bowel disorders in the form of constipation. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact whether the animal is spayed or neutered or not, as well as to the functionality of the kidneys and liver of the aging four-legged friend.

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