Vitamins for old cats - how to choose according to composition, release form

Many owners believe that if a cat eats dry or wet food, especially super-premium or holistic food, his body is fully provided with all the necessary vitamins. Others are convinced that with a high-quality diet of natural meat and fish, their pets also do not face a lack of nutrients. Both of them are mistaken. No balanced diet can give an animal absolutely everything it needs. In nature, wild cats instinctively choose the right herbs and minerals, but they often suffer from a lack of vitamins, and their life expectancy is shorter than when kept in captivity.

Another common mistake that pet owners make is giving them vitamins that are sold at a regular pharmacy. A cat’s body, especially if it has been sterilized, is significantly different from a human’s, and you should not give it the same medications as a child. In addition, it is very difficult to calculate the exact dosage for her, so only special cat vitamins should be used.

What vitamins, minerals and amino acids are important for kittens


are a group of low molecular weight organic compounds with a fairly simple structure and diverse chemical nature. These compounds are involved in many biochemical reactions, are catalysts for metabolic processes, and complement some of the functions of prohormones and hormones.

The following vitamins are especially important for a kitten’s developing body:


Needed for cell growth and renewal, normal vision and immune system maintenance.

Group B.

Such vitamins affect almost all vital processes. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, the development of muscle tissue, and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Their deficiency negatively affects the condition of the coat and the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Vitamin B3, also known as nicotinic acid, is very important for a kitten. It must come from food. Its deficiency can affect the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, the condition of the skin and coat, and cause frequent diarrhea due to problems restoring the intestinal mucosa. Nicotinic acid is destroyed during cooking.

Vitamin B6 is no less important. Its deficiency is manifested by baldness in the head and abdomen, a tendency to form uroliths, and sometimes even damage to the central nervous system.


It stimulates the immune system, helps the body provide protective functions, promotes the absorption of mineral compounds, and is actively involved in metabolism. In kittens, this vitamin is synthesized in the liver, but with severe helminthic infestation or other pathologies, its deficiency may occur.


This vitamin promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and is essential for the normal growth of bones, teeth and claws. Vitamin D for kittens should be supplied “in the company” of minerals, and in the correct, biologically based ratios.


It is an antioxidant that fights free radicals. In addition, this substance is necessary for the normal development of the reproductive system. Very important for kittens during early development.


A vitamin involved in hematopoiesis and is responsible for the normal pattern of clotting.

Of 23 amino acids

11 are not synthesized in the cat's body. These are taurine, arginine, isoleucine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, phenylalanine, valine and histidine. Moreover, they are indispensable for normal metabolism and the functioning of all body systems. These amino acids must come from food.


– biologically significant elements. They are divided into macroelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine) and microelements (bromine, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine, chromium, zinc). The former form organs and tissues, are part of the main body fluids, the latter are part of enzymes, hormones and other biologically active compounds. With a deficiency or excess of these elements, the kitten becomes susceptible to a number of diseases and lags behind in development.

Customer reviews about vitamins for cats

Arina: “After castration, the veterinarian advised us to give the cat special vitamins for such animals. We bought Famavit NEO for castrated people. The cat refused to eat the whole tablet, so we had to mix it into his food. She feels good, we don’t see any problems with urination or obesity, her tests are all normal. I don’t know how the vitamins affected the cat’s well-being, but we continue to take them.”

Leonid: “I treat the manufacturer Gimpet with respect, so when our Scottish mother gave birth to kittens and they grew up a little, I chose vitamins for babies without a doubt. I bought “Gimpet BabyTabs” at the pharmacy – a jar of special vitamins for kittens. These are three-color round tablets with different flavors and additives. The manufacturer recommends giving up to 10 pieces per day, but I give from 5 to 7. This is enough. The tablets are large in size and must be crushed before giving to kittens. Both the kids and their mother liked the taste of the vitamins.”

Nadezhda: “I bought the fortified treat “Kitty’s + Taurin-Biotin” with taurine and biotin on the advice of a veterinarian when my beauty’s fur began to fade and shed heavily. The crackers are made in the shape of cream-colored hearts. The cat literally begs me for vitamins when he sees the box. I don’t know why they attract her so much! It’s too early to talk about the effect, we only drank half the package, but the fur began to come out noticeably less, and a gloss appeared on the fur.”

Renat: “I bought 8 in 1 Excel Brewers vitamins for skin and coat after reading reviews from veterinarians on the Internet and did not regret it. The composition is very good and balanced. But the main thing is that I immediately noticed the effect - my Persian went through all three summer months and did not shed! This is an achievement for him. Of course, I attribute this effect to taking vitamins; my veterinarian confirmed my assumptions.”

Irina: “I’m not one of those cat owners who chase expensive food and feed additives. Why overpay? There are many inexpensive domestic drugs that are high quality and have been proven over the years. Radostin is one of these; it is available in every veterinary stall and pharmacy. The price for it is very affordable. I bought Radostin for adult animals, for kittens and for pregnant cats. Both I and my animals were satisfied with all the drugs. The cats are healthy and active, and my wallet has not suffered.”

How to understand that a kitten lacks vitamins from food

If a pet lacks certain vitamins, its health begins to suffer, its beauty is lost, and its behavior changes. The following signs are typical for vitamin deficiency:

  • decreased activity, loss of interest in toys;
  • growth slowdown;
  • prolonged sleep, lethargy;
  • lack of confidence in movement, clumsiness;
  • dull appearance of fur, its loss;
  • lack of weight gain or sudden weight loss;
  • susceptibility to infectious diseases.

These symptoms indicate that you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible. You can find out which vitamins and elements your kitten lacks through laboratory tests.

What living conditions do Scottish Fold cats require?

Representatives of this breed will be quite comfortable within the walls of an ordinary apartment. The main thing is to give them their own secluded place where the cat can spend time alone with itself. In this case, the bed should be located away from drafts that are dangerous for Scottish Folds.

Protect your pet from drafts /

For the safety of the animal, it is advisable to install special protective nets on the windows. If they are not there, the cat may fall out of the window when trying to catch a bird or a falling leaf.

It’s worth taking care of your cat’s leisure time. In addition to a sleeping place and a tray, a Scotsman definitely needs a scratching post. With its help, he will be able to put his paws in order and will not encroach on your furniture.

Diversify your pet's leisure time. belchonock /

Causes of vitamin deficiency

Poor nutrition.

Cats are small predators. The ancestors of our mustachioed pets ate mouse-like rodents, birds, even insects, and if they could catch them, then fish. Small bones, feathers, fur, and internal organs of the prey fell into the cat's stomach. Since cats hunted small game, they did not bury the remains of their prey, like dogs, for example, and ate it fresh, just killed. Therefore, you should not feed your cat food high in carbohydrates, spoiled foods or table scraps! It is also undesirable to use only clean meat, especially boiled meat, without vegetables and other additives. The kitten's diet must be balanced!


. Any stressful situation is an active consumption of the body’s reserves and associated problems. The kitten may “worry” about being separated from its mother cat, being handed over to new people, or not receiving enough attention.

Changing teeth

. A kitten's teeth usually change between 3 and 5 months of age. This process is gradual and requires the owners to pay attention to the baby’s health. First of all, you need to pay attention to nutrition. The food given to the kitten should be rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Their deficiency can lead to improper formation of the tissues of new teeth and subsequent rapid destruction. There is also a risk that new teeth may grow unevenly, which will affect the quality of chewing food. You should pay attention to the presence of safe toys on which the baby can “scratch his teeth” without the risk of swallowing a piece.

Artificial feeding

. Kittens that consume mother cat's milk receive from it all the vitamins and minerals the body needs. If for some reason babies are left without a mother and are fed with special formulas, then special attention should be paid to their “post-milk” diet and include additional vitamins in it.


. Parasitic worms that are in the kitten’s body take away many nutrients and bioactive substances from it. The body's strength is depleted. In this case, you need to not only take care of nutrition and introduce vitamin-mineral complexes, but first of all get rid of helminths.


. Various diseases also undermine the body's strength. During treatment, you should be sure to provide your baby with adequate nutrition and introduce supplements recommended by your doctor into your diet.

Fast growth

. Increased growth in kittens is an additional burden on the body and requires diet correction.

Puberty in the British

Active puberty of British breed cats begins at the age of 8-10 months. It is at this age that cats begin to walk and ask for a cat.

It is recommended to breed British cats after 1 year, when the body is fully formed to the required degree.

A British cat is in heat

On average, the first heat in cats of the British breed begins at the age of 7-9 months. However, it is impossible to determine the exact period; it all depends on the individual genetics of the British woman, the conditions of her keeping and feeding. In addition, premature estrus can be caused by an adult uncastrated cat with its “calls” if it is somewhere nearby.

The duration of one heat is 8-10 days, the first – 4-5 days. The break between them usually lasts about 20 days, but again it all depends on the hormonal level of the animal.

You can determine when a British cat is in heat by the following signs:

  • frequent loud meowing and purring;
  • changes in gait (the cat coquettishly bends its knees);
  • friction against various objects and the owner’s legs;
  • rolling on the floor;
  • a sharp change in character;
  • demand for increased attention to one’s person.

So the British woman starts asking for a cat. You can help your cat in one of the following ways:

  1. Let go for a walk;
  2. Give sedative drops;
  3. Sterilize.

Mating of British breed cats

Crossbreeding of British cats is recommended at the age of 1 to 2 years. The first mating of a British breed cat up to a year old can lead to an interrupted birth process or even death, and cats can lose the ability to reproduce by the age of 2 years. Therefore, it is recommended to skip the first 2 heats of a British female. However, mating should not be delayed too much - after 2 years, the cat may become so aggressive that it will not allow the cat to come near it.

In most cases, the cat is brought to the cat on the 2nd day of estrus and left for 2-3 days. Remember that officially the British cat breed does not allow mating with other breeds, so if you want purebred kittens, breed only straight-eared British cats.

If your cat doesn't get pregnant the first time, don't despair, just wait for the next heat and try again.

Features of vitamin-mineral complexes

Kittens that are fed a natural diet are susceptible to a lack of vitamins and minerals, since it is quite difficult to balance the diet at home. The worst situation is with macro- and microelements. High-quality feed already contains the necessary substances and takes into account the average statistical needs of the animal. However, even when using them, a deficiency of certain substances may occur. Then the question arises about the additional use of vitamin-mineral complexes. Today their choice is very wide.

Direction of action

. Vitamins have a complex effect on the body. There is no specific vitamin that would be responsible, for example, only for hair growth. B vitamins, which are often promoted for “healthy skin and a beautiful coat,” are also necessary for the synthesis of blood cells, the development of the nervous system, the immune response and perform many other functions. Micro- and macroelements are needed for the full development of a growing organism and are closely related to vitamins. Therefore, very often vitamins and minerals are combined in one complex. But not all bioactive substances are compatible. In order not to cause unwanted interactions, the drugs are prepared according to a special recipe.

Method of application and forms

. As a rule, vitamins in injectable form are prescribed to animals with reduced or absent appetite, serious diseases and disorders. For prevention, food forms are sufficient. Fat-soluble vitamins are often offered as oil solutions. They must be used very carefully and strictly dosed in accordance with the instructions, since these vitamins are excreted slowly and can be deposited in the body. Tablets and powders contain a formative base, vitamins themselves and sometimes various additives.


Vitamins are quickly destroyed and have a short shelf life. Be sure to read the instructions. Do not expose preparations to humidity, sunlight or high temperatures. You should never use expired vitamins!

The AVZ company offers the following vitamin preparations for your little pets.

Comparative characteristics

To choose the best vitamins for kittens, check out the comparative characteristics.

NamePurposeRelease formPrice
Doctor ZOO “Healthy Kitten”For fur and immunityPillsFrom 75 rub.
GamavitFor rehabilitation after illnessInjectionsFrom 80-140 rub.
Veda "Fitomina Hematocat for kittens"For blood, after illness, for immunityPillsFrom 90 rub.
Farmavit Neo "Growth Energy of Kittens"For proper development, immunity, woolPillsFrom 131 rub.
Agrovet protection "Radostin"To strengthen the immune system, improve digestionPillsFrom 134 rub.
Beaphar Kitty's Taurine + BiotinTo improve skin, coat, increase overall tonePillsFrom 211 rub.
Unitabs SterilCatFor castrated and sterilized animals. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism PillsFrom 249 rub.
Beaphar laveta superTo improve coat during shedding periodPillsFrom 294 rub.
8 In 1 Excel Brewer's YeastStrengthens the immune system, improves coat, digestionPillsFrom 392 rub.
Polidex Immunity UpFor the bones. Suitable for large kittens, British PillsFrom 534 rub.
Canina Cat Mineral TabsFor animals that eat natural food. Improves digestion PillsFrom 560 rub.
Viyo Reinforces Cat KittenImproves digestion, promotes proper growth of kittensDrinkFrom 573 rub.
Beaphar brewers yeast with garlicFrom intestinal parasites. Improves the condition of fur, skin, claws PillsFrom 923 rub.
Grau SanoforBeneficial for blood and gastrointestinal tractPowderFrom 963 rub.
Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Forti FloraFor rehabilitation after illness or infectionsPowderFrom 1258 rub.
Anivital CaniAgilHeals the entire body, improves the production of hormones, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, blood, and nervesPillsFrom 2807 rub.
Wolmar Winsome for KittenFor the proper formation of the skeleton and organs in kittensSoluble tabletsFrom 1360 rub.

So, we found out that the best vitamins for adult and small kittens of all breeds are Anivital CaniAgil. They improve your pet's overall health and help make their coat look better. Ideal for transition from breastfeeding to regular food. But they are quite expensive.

The Russian complex Agrovetzaschita "Radostin" has the best comparative price-quality characteristics. This supplement also strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also solves hair problems.

Gamavit is most suitable for recovery after serious illnesses and operations. But to use it, you will have to learn how to give injections yourself. This supplement improves immunity, stress resistance, and restores health and strength.

If your animal eats natural food, then give him Canina Cat Mineral Tabs. It is specially recommended for those who do not eat dry food. You can give it as soon as you wean the kitten from the cat’s breast, along with the first adult food.

Radostin® for kittens

Radostin® is a vitamin and mineral complex in which the substances are in a balanced, physiologically based ratio. To ensure the best bioavailability of active substances and prevent their antagonistic effects, microelements are enclosed in chelate form, and vitamins are in microcapsule form.

Radostin® contains the following active ingredients:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, provitamin B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E, H;
  • iron, potassium, calcium glycerophosphate, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc;
  • "Bio-Mos" (mannanoligosaccharides);
  • raspberry leaf, mussel hydrolysate, chitosan succinate, spirulina, taurine (according to the recipe);
  • auxiliary components.

This vitamin and mineral complex has a synergistic effect on the health of kittens, helps normalize metabolism, prevent vitamin and mineral deficiency, as well as diseases that develop against their background. Radostin® increases the pet's vitality and the body's resistance to disease. The multicomponent composition of the drug makes it possible to solve many problems of deficiency of bioactive substances.

BIORHYTHM for medium-sized dogs, 10-30 kg

Medium-sized dogs, due to their high activity, spend a lot of energy, so the composition contains a prebiotic - inulin, which helps the development of beneficial intestinal microflora, which in turn helps the body absorb food as much as possible and resist infections.


Vitamins: A – 25000 IU, E – 50 mg, B1 – 8 mg, B3 – 1.8 mg, B6 – 8.0 mg, L-carnitine -0.5 g

Minerals: Magnesium – 10.0 mg, Manganese – 10.0 mg, Copper – 5.0 mg, Zinc – 4.0 mg, Iron – 3.0 mg, Iodine – 10.0 mcg, Selenium – 2.5 mcg , Molybdenum – 2.0 mcg, Inulin – 0.5 g


Vitamins: D3 – 175 IU, H – 1.3 mg, K – 0.06 mg, B2 – 1.0 mg, B5 – 6.0 mg, B9 – 2.0 mg, B12 – 1.6 mcg, B4 – 0.8 g, L-carnitine -0.5 g

Minerals: Calcium – 5.0 g, Potassium – 0.5 g, Phosphorus – 2.5 g


Combined vitamin preparation. Contains vitamins A, E, D3 in physiologically reasonable ratios. Intended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis A, D, E, xerophthalmia, rickets, osteomalacia, dermatitis, poorly healing wounds and ulcers, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes, as well as to increase the viability of young animals. Vittri, like any drug containing fat-soluble vitamins, must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions and never exceed the dose. To prevent rickets in a kitten, one drop of the drug is enough for 2–3 months. This drug is especially relevant for kittens born in autumn and winter.

Do not forget that even the best and most expensive vitamin preparations are ineffective if you feed your kitten food that is unbalanced in the main nutritional components, spoiled food or table scraps.

Vaccinations for British cats

During the first year and a half, British kittens, due to their weak immunity, can easily pick up various infectious and viral diseases. To prevent this from happening, Britons need to be vaccinated against:

  1. infections in the respiratory tract;
  2. ringworm;
  3. panleukopenia;
  4. rabies.

The first vaccination is usually done in the nursery, when the baby is only 9-12 weeks old. Vaccination helps protect Britons from diseases such as panleukopenia, tracheitis and calcivirosis. The vaccination is repeated after about 2-3 weeks, adding an anti-rabies drug. Then the event is held once a year.

If the breeder at the nursery has not vaccinated the animal, do it yourself or with the help of a veterinarian in a new home, at the age of 2-2.5 months. After 2 weeks, repeat the procedure again.

Important! It is recommended to vaccinate against rabies after a British cat is six months old. If you want your pet to take part in exhibitions, make sure that all vaccinations are stamped in the veterinary passport

If you want your pet to take part in exhibitions, make sure that all vaccinations are stamped in the veterinary passport.

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