Cat Urine: How to Get Rid of Cat Urine Smell

Just one portion of human, cat or dog urine can put an end to a sofa or mattress

And the main problem does not lie in the yellow spot, which, with the right approach, can be removed even with home remedies.
The sharp unpleasant odor of urine cannot be removed either with water, or soap solutions, or household odor neutralizers, or Vanish shampoo. The upholstery and filling will emit a stench until you destroy its source.

From the article you will find out whether you can remove the persistent smell of urine from the upholstery of the sofa on your own. Let's talk about effective methods of dealing with urine stains and odors that dry cleaners use.

We remove odor from different surfaces

The instructions for professional products indicate on what surfaces their use is allowed. With traditional methods the situation is more complicated. Which methods are preferable for certain materials?

  1. Cleaning the carpet is quite simple using lemon (citrus) juice, soda or vinegar.
  2. Marks from linoleum and wooden floors are removed in the same way.
  3. It is permissible to use special shampoos and a washing vacuum cleaner on the carpet.
  4. An effective way to discourage your pet from pooping: use essential oils after cleaning. Dissolve a few drops of citrus essential oil in a glass of water and spray onto the carpet.
  5. The upholstery of the sofa often suffers from the harmful nature of the cat. If the textiles are dark, it is allowed to use potassium permanganate or iodine. If the fabric is light, you will have to act carefully - try methods with soda, vinegar, and lemon.
  6. The most difficult thing is to remove odor from shoes, since uric acid mixes with human sweat, and the odor becomes persistent. Try simply washing sports sneakers in the machine with powder or powder and soda. Place newspaper folded into a tight ball into wet shoes; it will absorb the liquid. Then go over the shoes with a brush and laundry soap. If the cat’s whim is discovered late and the shoes are dry, first treat them with soap and then with a vinegar solution (1:2) until the smell goes away.
  7. Soiled clothes should be washed and then rinsed in a vinegar solution (1 tbsp per liter).

Stain and odor prevention products

To prevent furry residents from getting the idea of ​​pooping in the wrong place again, it is worth using repellents with a strong odor, such as black pepper and orange peels.

More effective means:

  • "Mr.Fresh." Unlearning to shit”;
  • "Antigadin";
  • “Doesn’t spoil, doesn’t mark”;
  • Doctor Vic. Repellent spray.

Such sprays cost from 60 to 400 rubles, are applied locally in small quantities, and are usually effective and economical. You can choose any product available at the pet store, because preventing the appearance of puddles on the floor is more reasonable than removing urine stains and odors every day.

Special equipment

Air purifiers

The essence of this device is that air from the room is drawn into the gadget, passes through a filter, and then blown out clean and odorless. The cleaner is quite expensive, but if you search hard, you can find budget options with prices up to 2,000 rubles.

There are a huge number of specialized products that will make cleaning your apartment easier and eliminate the smell.

One of the disadvantages is the constant consumption of electricity.

Disc odor neutralizer

The most budget option in this category. It doesn't need batteries, or electricity at all. The device itself is made of non-woven material and impregnated with various essential oils (pine, eucalyptus, and so on). All you need to do for the disk to start working is simply to place this gadget near the “scene of the incident.” One of the disadvantages is the small range of action.

Electric odor neutralizer

It differs among its competitors in that it has a fairly wide range of action (on average 200 m2). Doesn't make noise like an air purifier.

The main criterion for choosing a product against urine odor is the active ingredient,

Cons: price. The cost of such equipment can reach tens of thousands of rubles or more.


A device that makes ozone O3 from ordinary oxygen O2. It is used to cleanse rooms of bacteria, as well as to eliminate unpleasant odors. Prices for this device vary from several thousand to 20,000 or more.

Only removing the cause of the smell will guarantee a good result.

Cons: after ozonizing the room, it needs to be ventilated. Also, there should be no things made of rubber in the room. Ozone negatively affects their appearance.

How to train a cat to use the litter box

You brought home a kitten and are trying to train him to use the litter box. We advise you to immediately limit the space, for example, close it in the bathroom along with the tray, food, and water. Place a rug in his bath. Let him get used to the apartment gradually. Children are always introduced to a new place gradually, otherwise they will get lost in the space of the apartment. Pees in the bathroom - blot the area with a napkin and put it in the tray.

Do not wipe the floor with bleach or bleach, as this smell does not repel cats, but rather attracts them to this place. That is, there will be a repeat puddle.

Wipe the area where the puddle was with vinegar or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Pour clay litter into the tray; kittens like it. Don't forget to change the contents of the tray so that there is no smell of cat urine in the apartment. Nowadays there are many special toilets for cats on sale. There is an open toilet, a closed one, a corner one, and a house toilet.

The size, depth and shape of the tray are important. The tray should be of such a size that the cat fits completely in it and can turn around.

If your cat likes to scrub his litter box for a long time, then choose an option with high sides so that the litter does not spill out. If the cat litter box is in the bathroom or toilet, make sure that the door there is always slightly open.

Ways to dry the area

Drying is a necessary step to remove cat urine odor. If the material is not sufficiently dried, it will not only retain odors and hidden stains, but may also cause mold growth due to moisture.

The following items are suitable for drying:

  • Clean napkins. The most effective way to absorb excess moisture.
  • Pages of newspapers and a terry towel will also absorb the remaining water well if napkins are not at hand.
  • Blow dry. Use low pressure for gentle drying.
  • Iron. Some fabrics may become deformed from the impact, so it is necessary to reduce the power and iron the area through fabric or gauze.

Tips: what to do to stop your cat from shitting

Having happened once, the incident of walking past the tray can happen again. Animals are susceptible to the smell of their own secretions, and if it remains even a little, the cat will smell it and return to relieve itself again.

This is why it is so important to eradicate the odor completely. And for insurance, you should use the following tricks

  1. Cats extremely dislike the bright aroma of citrus fruits. You can take advantage of this: spread dry orange, tangerine or lemon peels around the apartment (but not next to the tray, of course). Alternatively, apply a few drops of orange essential oil to pieces of paper and leave them in separate areas of the house as a deterrent.
  2. The same applies to alcohol, garlic, fir, iodine and vinegar. Place a few fragrant “surprises” where the cat is definitely not allowed to shit. You'll see, he'll pass by!
  3. Check if the litter box is the right size for your cat. Perhaps she has already grown out of it, and it just became inconvenient for her to go to the toilet there.
  4. Move the bowl of food to the place where the cat got into the habit of shitting. Cats don't defecate where they eat - that's the law.

If all the recommendations have been tried, and sudden puddles continue to wait in the most unexpected places, take your kitty to the veterinarian. It is likely that the animal’s health is not good and failures by the tray are not his whim.

Unfortunately, it is most likely impossible to get rid of an old, ingrained odor. In some cases, you have to part with a hopelessly damaged item. But if the puddle is fresh, everything can be fixed. Don’t panic and don’t scold your pet, but put all your efforts into treating the apartment. Choose a product you like - folk or professional - and put an end to the unpleasant cat smell in the house!

What not to do

When removing the smell of cat urine, remember the following nuances:

  • Do not use chlorine-containing products under any circumstances: they will not remove the unpleasant odor from your items and may harm your pet’s health,
  • Do not rub a fresh puddle on the fabric. Use paper, paper napkins, an unnecessary piece of dry cloth that you can immediately throw away after cleaning,
  • Do not try to mask the smell of cat urine with aromatic herbs, deodorants or other fragrances. After some time, the smell of urine will appear again, but mixed with the perfume composition. It's unlikely that anyone will like this scent.
  • If you are wiping up your pet's puddle, do not immediately wash the entire floor in the room. This way you will “smear” your pet’s surprise over the entire surface.

Folk remedies

The necessary store-bought drugs are not always at hand, and the cost of some of them is not affordable for everyone. Fresh cat urine stains from the carpet can be cleaned with substances that are found in every home. They not only remove stains well, but also repel cats with their scent.

Alcohol or vodka

The apartment will get rid of the pungent odors of cats if you promptly wash the carpet with water with the addition of alcohol or vodka. First, you can wipe the pile with a cloth soaked in alcohol. Then you need to wash the area with soapy water.

Laundry soap

It is easy to wash off fresh stains using a paste of laundry soap and warm water. Apply the product to the area marked by the cat and leave for several hours. Then you need to rinse clean and dry. Small rugs stained by an animal are easier to wash by hand in soapy water after soaking them first.


For some reason, this remedy comes to mind first when the cat leaves a puddle on the carpet.

They begin to pour acid endlessly, but this must be done carefully. Synthetic bristles may deteriorate when exposed to concentrate

You should dilute vinegar in water, pour it on the stain, wait, and then wipe.

Baking soda

Soda is used as an absorbent when an unpleasant liquid appears on the carpet. It is necessary to carry out the procedure several times so that all the urine is absorbed into the powder and not into the carpet. Then, after sprinkling baking soda on the stain, pour vinegar or hydrogen peroxide on top. This will cause the breakdown of uric acid, which gives off a strong odor, to occur faster.


Urinary secretions are successfully broken down by glycerol. You can use glycerin soap. It is rubbed and diluted with warm water in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is applied to the areas marked by the cat on the carpet. It should be washed off after 1-2 hours.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide solution is often used to remove stains from carpets. It can be used on its own or with baking soda when the two are mixed before applying to the marked mat. You can soak the stain in the solution and then clean it with a damp sponge.

Potassium permangantsovka

If you need to disinfect damaged pile, you should wash the coating with a pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. It is best to use the product on dark-colored items. If stains from potassium permanganate remain, you can wash them in soapy water.


You can solve the problem of unpleasant smell on the carpet from a cat with an ammonia solution. You need to add a spoonful of ammonia to a glass of water. Pour the mixture onto the wet spot and leave for a while. Then wash off the remaining alcohol with clean water. The procedure can be repeated again.


The smell of iodine tincture goes away quickly. You need to drop 20 drops of the substance into water and wipe the stained area. Iodine can leave stains, so it is better to use this method on brown or red carpets.


Fine salt should be sprinkled on the puddle of urine as soon as it appears. Change the salt several times until everything is absorbed. Then leave it overnight, and in the morning remove it from the carpet and rinse it with clean water.

Lemon acid

Cleaning the surface with a citric acid solution helps combat the smell of cat urine. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass of warm water

After mixing, carefully pour onto the stain. Since lemon has bleaching properties, it is used when cleaning light-colored carpets.


Spices or citrus fruits can overcome the unpleasant smell of urine. After removing the stain, saucers with freshly cut pieces of orange and tangerine are placed in the room. You can fight off bad odors in your apartment by roasting coffee beans.

How to remove odor from baby's urine?

It is worth noting that the urine of babies is low-concentrated and therefore does not have a strong odor. But, if the child is constantly on the sofa (and did not come to visit once), when numerous stains appear, the upholstery begins to smell unpleasant.

Of course, it is impossible to cover all the upholstered furniture in the house with special oilcloths, so mothers have to deal with this problem in various ways.

Such embarrassments often occur during the period of potty training a child.

Laundry soap: step-by-step instructions

It is not necessary to use too concentrated laundry soap for such purposes, like what was sold in the USSR. Now manufacturers offer a large number of delicate options (with a pleasant aroma), which are even suitable for washing children's clothes. Thus, the soap will be safe both for the upholstery of the sofa and for further contact of the baby with the furniture.

Step 1. It is necessary to intensively soap the foam sponge with a piece of laundry soap, and then thoroughly wipe the surface of the furniture with the stain.

Do not use the hard part of the sponge to avoid damaging the fabric.

Step 2. Then you need to moisten the stain with clean water and wipe again with a sponge. The foam should be left on the surface of the sofa for at least fifteen minutes. Afterwards, the remaining soap will need to be removed with a damp, clean cloth and the upholstered furniture should be dried.

Try to foam the sponge as much as possible

Important! It should be borne in mind that this method is not always suitable for light-colored sofa upholstery - unsightly stains may remain on the surface, so owners of such furniture will need to rinse the sofa more thoroughly upon completion of the procedure.

Manganese: step-by-step instructions

I would like to immediately note that this method of cleaning a sofa is only suitable for dark upholstery. Light or colored surfaces will leave stains that will be difficult to remove. If in doubt, it is better to first apply such a product to an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the fabric (if it does not stain, then continue).

Step 1. You will need to dissolve a small amount of manganese in clean, warm water.

Potassium permanganate solution

Step 2. Next, you need to dip any old unnecessary fabric into this solution - it will have to be thrown away at the end of the procedure. After which the fabric must be wrung out and placed on the stain. After about 25 minutes, you need to dip the fabric again into the manganese solution and repeat the steps.

Dip the cloth into the solution and place it on the stain.

Step 3. The last step is to dry the upholstered furniture. You can iron the surface of the sofa with an iron or direct a warm stream of air from a hairdryer, but natural drying at room temperature will also work. If this happens at the dacha or in your home, you can even take the sofa outside for airing when the weather permits.

Then you need to dry the sofa

Lemon juice: step-by-step instructions

The main advantage of choosing this method is complete environmental safety. Therefore, if your baby is allergic to chemicals, then lemon juice is the most suitable method for dealing with urine stains.

Step 1. First of all, we need to get the right amount of juice. To do this, squeeze out the lemon pulp in any convenient way.

Squeeze lemon juice

Step 2. After which this juice must be poured into a spray bottle and distributed over the surface of the stain.

Pour lemon juice into a spray bottle

Step 3. After half an hour, you will need to spray the juice again on the upholstery of the sofa and place a damp cloth on top - this will allow the juice to penetrate into the deep layers of the upholstery.

Apply lemon juice to the sofa and apply a damp cloth

Step 4. Now you need to rinse the upholstery fabric with clean water and a sponge.

You need to wipe the stained area with a clean sponge or rag.

Another advantage of this method of cleaning a sofa is the pleasant aroma of lemon, which remains in the room for a long time.

Baking soda: step by step instructions

Baking soda is another non-toxic and affordable way to remove the effects of childhood embarrassment. The main advantage of this method is that it is suitable for almost any type of upholstery (soda does not dye or discolor the fabric). This way you can quickly eliminate any contamination with a strong aroma.

Step 1. You will need to distribute dry soda over the entire surface of the stain.

Distribute baking soda over the surface of the stain

Step 2. Then you need to blot the fabric with a damp sponge, and then add a new layer of soda. The sofa should be left in this form for a while until the soda dries completely.

The soda should dry, after which you need to apply a new layer.

Step 3. Remains of soda can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth - just shake it off the surface.

Removing baking soda residue from the surface of the sofa

Usually one procedure is enough to remove the smell, but you can do this several times.

Why does the cat shit?

Let's highlight the main reasons for cat missteps:

  1. Inconvenient toilet. The size of the tray intended for a cat should be twice the size of the animal. You need to place it in a secluded place, keep it clean, but do not treat it with preparations containing chlorine.
  2. The appearance of a new object/person/smell in the apartment. Cats consider themselves masters of the house and are wary of all innovations. By “treating” the shoes of a guest or the blankets of a newborn child with urine, the animal neutralizes the stranger.
  3. Stress as a reaction to punishment or prolonged absence of the owner. A person who gets a cat needs to keep in mind both the rancor and affection of this animal.
  4. Pet's illness. If a cat urinates on the floor or carpet in the presence of the owner, this should alert you. The best thing to do in this case is to contact your veterinarian immediately.
  5. Tags. Mature animals mark territory, thus attracting the opposite sex. The owner needs to either expand the pet’s sphere of influence (let it go outside) or castrate/sterilize it.

Why might there be an unpleasant odor?

There are 2 main causes of unpleasant odors:

  • Tags . This is a special cat language with which animals declare their rights to territory. In addition, during puberty, pets use marks to show their readiness to reproduce. Sometimes the cause of this phenomenon may be stress or illness. The smell of a fresh mark is much stronger than the aroma of urine due to the specific secretion it contains.
  • Urine . A common problem for cat owners is their cat going to the toilet in the wrong place. Simply washing off urine with water will not work due to the composition of the biological fluid. When urea breaks down, it turns into ammonia crystals with a distinct odor. Urochrome, a coloring pigment, leaves stubborn stains. And uric acid quickly crystallizes and becomes insoluble in water. It is because of the last component that the smell of cat urine is difficult to remove from the apartment, to remove from the surface of textiles, clothing, and furniture.

The cause of an unpleasant “toilet” problem is not always the cat’s bad manners. Perhaps the animal is uncomfortable relieving itself, or it needs help from a veterinarian.

The right litter box and cat psychology

For the most part, those people who live in the same house with cats get so used to the pungent musky smell that they even stop feeling it completely, but those who enter the apartment for the first time have to wrinkle their noses in displeasure. However, there is no need to think that it is better to completely abandon such a pet, since cats can be extremely careful when they are happy with everything. Then you won’t have to think about how to get rid of cat smell. If the animal is well brought up, fed on time, healthy, and has an excellent relationship with its owner, then no problems should arise, but when this does not work out, you should first find the reason, what the animal is protesting against or what it is hinting at.

Need to know

If you have to find out how to remove cat smell from a house or apartment, this means only one thing - your pet has found real reasons to shit outside the litter box. There can be quite a lot of them, from ordinary household grievances to incorrectly selected litter or an inconvenient location of the cat litter itself. Until you find out and eliminate them, you will have to constantly run around with a rag and it is not at all a fact that you will be able to completely remove the persistent aroma.

But first, you should think about the correct selection of the tray, as well as the filler for it, because this may be the main incentive for the pet to refuse to comply with norms and decency. If you can’t guess with this factor, then you’ll definitely have to think about how to get rid of the cat smell in the apartment. Vivid impressions are guaranteed to you, but no one guarantees that they will be pleasant. So how to choose the right tray itself and what is the secret?

  • The tray should be large and deep enough for the cat to comfortably climb into it completely.
  • There should be a lot of filler in the box; it must be in a thick layer so that the cat can easily dig a hole.
  • Purchasing a tray with a grid will eliminate the problem of animals scattering litter throughout the room, but not all cats agree to such options, because rowing is an instinct, be prepared for scratched walls, rugs and slippers neatly pulled into the cat litter box.
  • In order not to worry regularly about how to get rid of the smell of cat litter, the tray should be washed quite often under running water, and it is quite acceptable to use detergents that do not have a strong aroma, or ordinary bleach. This smell attracts cats, the main thing is to rinse the dish well after cleaning, the pet will unmistakably recognize the aroma.

It doesn’t hurt to immediately decide on the correct filler so you don’t have to worry about how to remove the cat smell. It is likely that if you guess wrong, your cat will shit in the corners. There are a huge number of options, fortunately, pet stores now sell fillers by weight, so you can try everything before settling on one thing. In order to no longer worry about how to remove cat smell from an apartment, you should choose a substance that absorbs aromas; you really need to take this moment seriously.

Folk remedies

Pet store products are effective, but often expensive. Even improvised means can kill cat odor. Which? Here are the best folk methods:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide + baking soda. Mix 15 g of peroxide, 2 tbsp. soda and a little liquid soap, rub the stain with the mixture, then rinse with warm water.
  2. You can take the soda separately if the smell is not too pungent. For 2 tbsp. - half a glass of water.
  3. Another option with peroxide is to mix the substance with dishwashing detergent. Proportions - 100 ml per 1.5 tbsp. Apply, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.
  4. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:2. Treat the stain with the solution and leave until completely dry. After this, wipe the area with clean water. The cat should be repelled by the smell of vinegar.
  5. Cats cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits. We arm ourselves with a lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and mix it with a glass of warm water. The result is a powerful product for eliminating odor and repelling cats. Orange and grapefruit are used similarly. Rinse is not necessary and even undesirable.
  6. Potassium permanganate will permanently eliminate the trace of a cat's mark. Prepare a solution of rich color and cover the stained area with it, then rinse.
  7. Iodine will help clean cat tracks. Add 10 drops of the substance to a liter of water and treat the stain.
  8. Alcohol and alcohol-containing products (vodka, cologne) are effective, but leave behind a pungent odor that injures the animal’s sense of smell.

How to clean up a fresh puddle behind a cat

If you caught your pet at the scene of a crime or discovered still fresh “evidence,” then you should immediately start cleaning. Once the urine has dried or soaked in, it will be much more difficult to get rid of the stench.

The easiest way to remove a puddle from a floor covered with linoleum or tiles is to simply wipe the “crime scene” with detergent. However, there are times when urine ends up on the carpet or upholstered furniture.

The basic rule that should be followed when removing a “surprise” from your pet from a fabric surface is the faster the better. The first thing to do is cover the puddle with a paper towel or newspaper. You can also use cat litter. It is important that urine does not saturate the fabric of the carpet or upholstery.

Next, you should proceed directly to removing the stain.

Professional cat urine odor blockers

To restore cleanliness in your home, opt for professional products and remove the nauseating smell of MMB. There are many such products on store shelves. But before you go shopping, study which ones will be effective and which ones will clean the house for a while and will not cope with the main problem.

Factory blockers do not contain irritating or allergy-causing substances. Some contain an antiseptic that stops the growth of bacteria on textiles.

The products are also suitable for the cat's litter box for stinking. After all, it’s not just cat marks on carpets and textiles that are the primary source of unpleasant indoor air. By using the right products to clean your cat's litter box, you reduce the risk of the animal ruining the carpet and its comfortable stay in the apartment.

"Urine-off Cat & Kitten."

Contains live bacteria and enzymes that block pheromones to repel furry friends. Release form: shampoos, sprays or concentrated liquid. You can choose any option convenient for you. Can be used on any surface. Kills dirt after first use.

"Odorgone Animal Gold".

Available in spray format to remove cat urine odor. Non-allergenic, antibacterial, non-toxic and safe for humans and animals. Removes both fresh and old marks.


A Russian product that dissolves and binds the components of cat urine and feces at the molecular level. Cleans and disinfects. Does not contain chlorine, fluorine, phosphates. Harmless.


Available in the form of a spray or gel. The gel is diluted with water. Suitable for use in washing vacuum cleaners. The product contains biogenic surfactants and food fragrances.


Your pet's litter box requires special care if you want to keep your home smelling great. To wash the tray, we recommend using professional products, for example “Pchelodar

"Nodor Litter Spray".

It is best to spray anti-cat odor spray over the litter box. For example, Nodor Litter Spray.

What products will increase the odor and cause harm?

You can't get rid of the smell of cat litter using fragrances. Perfume, air fresheners for home and car, coffee can only mask it for a while. They themselves quickly disappear, but the cat's marks remain.

Do not use products containing chlorine to clean after your pet. When combined with components of urine, it will give a chemical reaction that will increase the unpleasant odor. Chlorine is aggressive, can damage things, harm the health of people and animals, and is difficult to erode.

Ammonia will not work due to the ammonia in the composition, which will again attract the cat to this place.

The smell of cat urine is pungent and persistent, but it can be removed using folk methods or special means. It is worth taking good care of your pet so that this problem does not appear.

How to get rid of the smell from the litter box?

Modern trays are created taking into account the physiological characteristics of domestic animals. Closed trays prevent odor from spreading throughout the apartment. New toilets, as a rule, do an excellent job of their function, but after a couple of months of use, the tray emits increasingly persistent odors.

Proper use of the pet toilet will help prevent the appearance of odor from the litter tray. If this is not done, a stench will appear, which may discourage the animal from going to the potty, and it will begin to urinate on the mattress or rug.

Timely cleaning and replacement of filler

Traditional trays are a plastic container filled with a special bulk composition. The contents of the tray usually perfectly absorb urine, retaining the unpleasant odor, but if the tray is not removed after one or two visits, the liquid will seep to the walls and bottom of the plastic container and crystallize.

Timely cleaning of the vessel will wash away fresh traces of urine. If the liquid sits in a wet tray for a couple of hours, it will be more difficult to remove the smell. How to wash a cat's litter box to remove heavy dirt? Experienced breeders recommend using special hygiene products designed to clean the animal’s toilet.

Changing the filler

Loose contents for cat litter vary. The following types of filler are distinguished:

Clumping filler

  • Clumping. It is good because it reliably holds liquid that does not have time to seep deep, but it is not used sparingly. There are mineral, corn, wood, clay and silica gel.
  • Absorbent. The advantage of this type is that it gives the animal the opportunity to bury waste. Its composition is the same as clumping, but it cannot retain liquid as well. It must be replaced after each cat's visit to the toilet to prevent the smell from appearing.

If the litter box is cleaned daily and the stench of cat urine is still felt, the litter should be replaced. Each animal has its own habits, preferences, and smell. Often, changing one brand of filler to another allows you to get rid of the stench in the apartment.

Removing plaque and urinary stone deposits

Another reason for the spread of an unpleasant odor in the apartment where the pet lives is the appearance of urinary stone deposits on the tray. It releases aromatic substances that cannot be masked. The only way to remove the smell of cat urine coming from an old litter box is to thoroughly clean it at home.

Special products will help get rid of hardened residues of your pet’s urine. Many breeders buy tray cleaners, but you can wash them using regular household chemicals.

Replacing the tray

Trays for cats

Owners are not always able to clean their pet's litter box on time. Over time, a layer of stone and plaque settles on the walls, scraping it off becomes increasingly difficult, so even after washing the toilet continues to smell unpleasant.

The right thing to do is to throw away the old device and buy a new one.

When choosing a litter box for a cat, you should pay attention to models that are larger than the previous one: they will accommodate more filler, so the container will not clog so quickly

Professional solutions

Cat urine contains the following substances:

  • urochrome, which is responsible for its color;
  • urea, which gives a pungent odor;
  • uric acid, due to which urine quickly crystallizes, turning it into a sticky coating, which is extremely difficult to remove.

The area of ​​the sofa must be treated as quickly as possible, before the urine is absorbed into the structure of the fabric and thickens. There are many different industrial products that can effectively remove the smell of cat urine from your sofa.

They are applied to damaged areas, and after a certain time they are wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. The components of these products dissolve liquid and remove odor.

Dry cleaning

Expert opinion

Mikhailova Maria Vasilievna

Furniture store manager. Knows everything about comfort and interior design

The most reliable and effective way is to dry clean your sofa from cat urine. Specialists carry out home visits, not taking upholstered furniture, but carrying out all manipulations in the apartment.

For a cat owner, this option is the simplest and most effective, since professional chemicals are used for cleaning, which are impossible to find in stores. At the same time, this is the most expensive method.

A significant disadvantage of dry cleaning is that the company’s employees will not arrive immediately, sometimes within one or two days.

Cold fog treatment

You can wash off cat urine with a dry mist. This is a simple method to get rid of stains, odors, and also freshen the air in the apartment. This processing has a number of advantages:

  • effectively eliminates the unpleasant odor of cat urine;
  • a special preparation is used in the form of steam, the particles of which neutralize the molecules of substances that emit odor;
  • This method does its job very quickly.

Under the influence of dry fog, urinocrystals completely disintegrate into the simplest harmless substances, as a result of which stains, odors, and marks on furniture disappear.

Hot steam

You can remove stains from a sofa or any other upholstered furniture using a steam generator. In this case, the use of chemical cleaning agents is not required.

The disadvantage of this method is that this method can only be used for fresh dirt that has just appeared, that is, until all the moisture has dried. Old stains are difficult to remove with steam.

How to remove the smell of cat urine

To get rid of the smell of urine, you should know that uric acid dissolves in other acids, as well as in alkalis and glycerin.


Vinegar (9%) should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3. Then it must be applied to the contamination - poured or sprayed from a spray bottle. The last step is to use paper towels to dry the surface.

Using vinegar, you can remove the smell and traces of urine on the floor, carpet, and upholstered furniture. The only thing you need to check is whether the substance affects the color of the textile. To do this, simply apply a small amount of solution to an inconspicuous area.

Lemon acid

You should dilute 1 small spoon of crystals in 100 ml of warm water and pour it onto the area that smells bad, and then dry it with napkins.

It is worth remembering that citric acid has a bleaching effect. It is best not to use it on dark textile surfaces.


Citrus fruits produce essential oils, the smell of which cats really dislike. You can use lemons, oranges, grapefruits, pomelo. Directions for use:

  1. Add the juice of 1 lemon or other citrus to 150 ml of water. Wipe the contaminated area. If the trace of urine is old, the solution should be left for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Add 3-5 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of water. Spray onto the surface.

Multi-component remedy for urine odor

An effective solution to a problem includes several stages and involves a combination of various means. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Collect urine using wipes or cat litter.
  2. Pour vinegar (3%) onto the contaminated area. Cover the top with a napkin. Leave until dry.
  3. Remove the napkin. Sprinkle baking soda in a thick layer. The area must be dry, otherwise the vinegar will neutralize the effect of the soda.
  4. Combine hydrogen peroxide (100 ml), dish detergent or soap (1 small spoon) and water (100 ml). Soap or dish detergent is necessary as it contains glycerin.
  5. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the stain with baking soda. Foam should form.
  6. After 2-3 hours, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner or broom.

This method is suitable for hard floors, carpets and upholstery. But it can lead to lightening of the fabric. When processing textiles, it is worth using a brush to rub in soda and complete cleaning.

Will dry cleaning help with urine smell?

Local removal of dirt gives a superficial result. You can thoroughly treat the deep layers, bleach the fringe, and carry out antistatic and water-repellent treatment using professional equipment using organic solvents.

A cleaning line has been installed at the Chistikov factory. Washing, rinsing, and spinning in a centrifuge occur automatically. Products are dried in a chamber with airflow. This eliminates the development of pathogenic microflora and the appearance of a damp smell. At the last stage, the pile is smoothed and polished with a powerful vacuum cleaner.

  • For products made of hydrophobic pile: wool, viscose, jute, dry cleaning with foam with an active formula is used.
  • The extractor method of pressure cleaning removes moderate contamination.
  • Intensive wet care with a professional stain remover is indicated for removing dirt from the underlying layer. The method is recommended for families with small children and pets that leave puddles on the floor.

The method of removing dirt is chosen by the technologist depending on the quality of the fibers and base. The company works with factory-made and handmade carpets, pile of any length. The cost of cleaning depends on the size of the carpet and the severity of the contamination. You can order extractor dry cleaning at your home or with the products being transported to the factory.

Bad odor removers

To remove the persistent smell of cat urine from an apartment, there are several reliable, proven methods. Remember that it is impossible to remove this cat urine smell with simple detergents. Urine contains uric acid, sodium, and other electrolytes. The more time passes, the more difficult it will be to remove the smell. The urine dries and the urea decomposes, releasing a persistent ammonium odor. Subsequently, thiols are formed, which further enhance the stench. You can kill this smell if you follow simple tips.

Removing odor in three stages

If you want to remove the smell of cat urine from the treated area forever, there is a proven method. It takes place in three stages. Here's what we need:

  1. Table vinegar 9%.
  2. Baking soda.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  4. Dishwashing detergent or liquid soap.

Let's start cleaning:

  • We blot the affected area on the floor, furniture or wall with paper or a paper towel. The moisture should be absorbed into the paper. Another drying option: pour cat litter over this area. Next, if you used filler, vacuum the area. Pour the stain with vinegar diluted with water one to three: 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 3 tablespoons of water. Cover the treated area with paper and leave until completely dry. After this, only thiol substances remain.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the dried stain. The vinegar must first dry completely, otherwise the reaction will not work, since the vinegar neutralizes the soda.
  • Take a container with a spray bottle, pour 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, add a drop of dishwashing detergent, and add water to 100 ml. Shake the resulting solution slightly. Spray the resulting liquid onto the soda so that the reaction occurs and the soda becomes foamy. Leave the stain in this state for a couple of hours. Next, after drying, you need to treat this area with a vacuum cleaner. We managed to remove the smell and it completely disappeared.

Most cats will no longer mark this area. If the surface is porous, such as wood, concrete or parquet, then we will need to treat the surface several times.

Getting rid of smell in the apartment

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Special products and sprays

Do not use chlorine-containing products; chlorine will only increase the cat's odor. In order to remove cat odor, you can use special products and sprays that are now commercially available. They are also effective, it all depends on the concentration of odor in your apartment.

For better results, so that your cat does not mark the washed area, treat it with a strong-smelling product, for example, Zvezdochka balm. Place lemon or orange peels in this place - the smell will distract the cat.

The smell of ammonia repels cats. Wipe the area where the stain was with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia. You can simply put a cotton wool with ammonia on this place. Cats will avoid this place and forget about their marks.

An iodine solution will help eliminate the smell of cat urine on dark surfaces. Dilute 10 drops of iodine in 500 ml of water and wipe the strong-smelling area. If the urine is fresh, try wiping the area with vodka, alcohol, or strong tea leaves. How to remove and permanently eliminate the smell of cat urine in the air? Air purifiers with special filters will come in handy. Place pieces of citrus fruits, pine buds, dry herbs (parsley) in a bag in cabinets and other places.


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Urgent measures to get rid of urine stains and unpleasant odors

How to solve the problem will differ depending on how long ago the stain appeared. In case you just noticed a puddle of urine spreading across the sofa, this makes the action much easier. Indeed, under such circumstances, urine simply does not have time to react with air and does not flow too deeply.

You should clean your sofa as soon as possible, without postponing the procedure until later, using effective methods.

Place several layers of toilet paper or napkins (6-7 layers) on the wet spot and change them as they become wet. Sometimes you have to waste a roll of paper for such purposes, but you should continue such actions until the stain on the sofa becomes dry.

When saving a sofa, don't skimp on toilet paper

You can use a special diaper for such purposes that has an absorbent surface. It must be pressed firmly onto the stain, and then repeat the same actions several times. If you have a baby diaper on hand, you can use that too.

Disposable diapers best absorb any wet marks and odors

When there is no moisture left on the surface, you can lay the napkin again and then press it down with a weight. This is necessary in order to remove any remaining traces. Then you need to remove the weight and replace the napkin. It is recommended to repeat the same steps until the paper stops getting wet.

Finally, you will need to spray the sofa with a cool soapy solution from a spray bottle and wipe with a sponge. It is also better to repeat such actions several times, which will certainly get rid of the smell.

It is necessary to generously spray the area where the stain was

Some housewives recommend drying the stain with an iron or hairdryer before carrying out the procedure to get rid of the smell of urine. Of course, in emergency situations, it is possible to use this method, but it is important not to overdo it, because prolonged heating only intensifies the oxidative reaction.

In addition, the surface of the sofa will have to be covered with gauze, otherwise a stain of a different nature may form on the delicate material.

Heat the stain with a hairdryer for no longer than five to seven minutes.

If such methods do not help get rid of the pungent odor, then you can use other methods that are suitable even for old stains.

Why does a cat make puddles? Why does cat urine stink so much?

Problems with puddles around the apartment are usually faced by owners who have just adopted a small kitten; he is either not accustomed to the litter box, or due to stress due to a change in environment, he must adapt to it within a few days.

  • insufficient hygiene of the tray (rarely wash, rarely change the filler)
  • using too strong-smelling household chemicals when cleaning the tray
  • uncomfortable tray
  • diseases of the urinary or musculoskeletal systems in an animal
  • stress
  • tags

You can find out more about why a cat stops peeing in the litter box and how to get him used to it again here: link

If the cat does not go to the litter box, there is no need to blame his dirty nature. Most likely, there is an objective explanation for this behavior.

The most disgusting thing is that when a cat poops, even if you immediately wipe the puddle, a disgusting smell may remain. You only have to hear it once to realize how sickening it is. The culprit is the composition of cat urine, which includes:

  1. Uric acid. These colorless crystals are not easy to dissolve. You can't remove them with ordinary water or alcohol. You need alkaline solutions, glycerin or hot sulfuric acid.
  2. Urea is a water-soluble sticky substance.
  3. Urochrome is a bile pigment that gives cat urine its color.

The unpleasant odor is primarily due to the presence of uric acid in cat urine. If the puddle behind the animal is removed incorrectly, and soon a new one forms in its place, moisture gets in, and the stench will arise again.

The unpleasant odor of cat urine is due to the presence of uric acid, which is insoluble in water.

If you simply wipe up a puddle of cat urine with water and soap, so to speak, in a hurry, the urea and urochrome will go away, and there will be no visible traces of the animal’s sin.

But the uric acid crystals will continue to emit a disgusting odor. It is necessary to clean immediately and thoroughly, using improvised or special store-bought products. Sometimes such cleaning is carried out in 2-4 stages.

Available means that neutralize the smell of cat urine are:

  • potassium permanganate
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • baking soda
  • laundry soap
  • table vinegar
  • lemon acid

Products that neutralize the stench of cat urine.

Prevention of the problem

It is easier to eliminate any problem than to deal with its consequences like “how to neutralize the smell of cat urine.” Therefore, if this is not the first time your pet has ignored its litter box, you need to find the reason for this behavior. Let's look at what it turns out to be most often:

  • Your cat simply doesn’t like his litter box and is behaving this way on purpose. Hostility can arise due to many circumstances - the cat’s litter box is too small for its owner (the litter box should be twice the size of the cat sitting in it), the cat cannot have privacy during the process (passage place, nearby toilets of other cats), the animal does not have the opportunity to bury their excrement (this is especially typical for cats who, from childhood, go to a tray with filler and sand).
  • The animal discovered an unfamiliar thing with a “foreign” smell. Usually this is the property of the owner’s guests - bags, clothes, shoes. Therefore, in the future, out of harm’s way, put the things of those who come to visit you in the closet.

What's happening to your cat could be a symptom of a serious illness

  • The animal is seriously ill or is in a stressful situation. If a cat has cystitis or urolithiasis, then she simply cannot control the process of urination. And “finished” things, furniture, are just the tip of the iceberg. It is possible that the disease seriously threatens the health and life of the animal, and it urgently needs the help of a veterinarian. Also, a cat may urinate in the wrong places, experiencing extreme stress - the animal is very frightened, is in an unfamiliar and incomprehensible situation or environment, there are many strangers around it, it hears sounds that are scary for it, etc.
  • This is how the cat marks its territory. This is typical for uncastrated animals. To avoid taking your animal for surgery, try letting him go for walks in the fresh air (if you are afraid that the cat will get lost, accompany him by putting a leash or harness on the animal). Some owners recommend a zoopsychological method - to catch the animal at the scene of the crime, take it by the scruff of the neck and menacingly, without blinking, look into its eyes. Whoever wins this “staring contest” and does not take his eyes off first, will be the founder of order in the house. There is also such a strange way: to wipe the place of the cat's mark after cleaning with your sweaty thing.

The main thing is to raise the animal correctly

  • A cat is a very clean animal. And such indecent behavior may be a direct protest to the fact that her tray is completely unsanitary. Try to clean the cat litter box on time, using disinfectants and odor-eliminating products.
  • Sometimes such puddles can be a kind of revenge for old grievances. If you hit the cat and try to isolate it, you will only make the situation worse.

Don’t forget about this universal remedy.
We hope that our article helped you determine how to remove the smell of cat urine from various surfaces using improvised or professional means. Let us remind you once again that with frequent repetitions of such incidents, it is much more important to eliminate the reason that caused this behavior of the animal.

How to remove odor from carpet

First, let's look at the most effective “folk” methods. The basic rule for using various liquids is very simple: transparent, colorless products are universal, and dark, colored solutions are best used on colored surfaces, carpets with variegated multi-colored pile.

The first remedy is potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate

Fill the crystals with water so that you get a light lilac solution. We wet a rag with the liquid and thoroughly rinse the area where the cat urinated.

Potassium permanganate solution

It is better not to wash furniture with potassium permanganate; stains may remain.

The second remedy is alcohol

Wash the stain with alcohol or vodka that does not contain dyes. At the same time, we eliminate the odor and disinfect the floor surface. The smell of alcohol is extremely unpleasant for cats; the risk that the cat will reward the area washed with alcohol is minimal.

Medical alcohol

You can also use Menovazin. The strong smell of camphor will not only cover up the unpleasant aroma, but will also repel the cat.


The third remedy is iodine solution

Add a few drops of iodine to vodka or prepare an aqueous solution at the rate of 10 drops per liter. We use iodine to disinfect, eliminate odors, and prevent cat urine from appearing on the carpet. Cats do not like the smell of iodine.

Preparation of iodine solution

Remedy four – hydrogen peroxide

You may need more than one bottle of peroxide to clean your carpet or furniture. We simply pour it on the stain and rub it with a rag that we don’t mind disposing of.

Hydrogen peroxide

To make the effect of the treatment stronger and better, add fabric softener to the peroxide. Rub the mixture into the stain and leave for several hours.

You can use any fabric softener, even the cheapest one.

You can replace the conditioner with aromatic dishwashing liquid or shampoo.

The fifth remedy is lemon

Take a fresh lemon, cut it and squeeze the juice directly onto the place where the cat peed. After half an hour, wash the stain with a wet rag or sponge.

You can use half a lemon to clean a carpet stain.

If there are no lemons in the house, we use citric acid in the same way. Dissolve up to 50 g of powder (one medium sachet) in a glass of water, then apply the solution to the carpet, rub in and leave to absorb, and after half an hour, rinse.

Lemon acid

Remedy six - soap containing glycerin

Glycerin, which is part of the soap, can successfully combat urea and unpleasant odors.

Glycerin soap

If there is no soap, you can mix dishwashing liquid (2 tbsp) with pure glycerin (1 tsp).

Pharmacy glycerin

You need to thoroughly treat the stain with soap or liquid, brush it, then rinse off the foam with water, and dry the carpet well.

Quick carpet cleaning

Remedy seven - salted carbonated water

You can take any soda, but it’s better without caustic dyes, add table salt to it (up to 3 tablespoons per half liter of drink), apply to the stain. The product aromatizes and disinfects the coating. For the best effect, it is advisable to carry out the treatment twice and allow the product to thoroughly saturate the carpet. Rinse off any remaining soda with plenty of warm water.

Salted soda as a carpet cleaner

How to make a home remedy

If a cat begins to urinate on a carpet or soft sofa, in order to discourage it, you need to completely get rid of the smell.

The strongest and most unpleasant odor comes from a specific substance called thiols, which is difficult to remove. You need to act in several stages:

  • blot the liquid or fill it with tray filler;
  • wait until everything is absorbed, sweep or vacuum;
  • Dilute table vinegar with water in a concentration of 1:3, pour over the stain, cover with paper to prevent it from spreading, let dry completely;
  • sprinkle with soda;
  • in a bottle, prepare a solution of water (100 ml), hydrogen peroxide 3% (100 ml), dishwashing detergent or liquid hand soap (half a teaspoon), shake;
  • using a spray bottle, spray the composition on top of the soda (the chemical reaction will produce abundant foam, leave the resulting mixture for 2-4 hours);
  • Remove any remaining foam; you can clean it by hand (it’s more effective to use a washing vacuum cleaner).

Expert opinion

Mikhailova Maria Vasilievna

Furniture store manager. Knows everything about comfort and interior design

Dirt can be removed with an oxygen stain remover: “Vanish” for carpets or “PreWash” (Amway). They are effective in breaking down urea and thiols.

You can eliminate unpleasant odors using a household ozonizer. Cover the cleaned surface with polyethylene, place a hose under it, press down the edges tightly, plug the device into a power outlet, and leave for several hours.

Folk odor eliminators:

  1. Treat the floor, shoes, furniture with vodka. The aroma of alcohol will gradually dissipate on its own.
  2. Camphor alcohol is suitable for the same purpose.
  3. Disposal can be carried out with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. Dilute potassium permanganate in water, wash the stain, rinse.
  4. An excellent liquidator is lemon. Squeeze the juice into a glass of liquid, stir, and wipe the stained area. Citric acid powder will do.
  5. Removing marks from dark surfaces with iodine. 10 drops per 0.5 liter is enough. Moisten the stain generously, and after a few hours rinse with plenty of warm water.

Reasons why a cat doesn't go to the litter box

If a cat uses shoes or a sofa instead of a toilet, do not rush to scold it. To begin with, it is better to understand the essence and only after that think about how to solve the problem.

Serious health problems.

Pets cannot talk and cannot share what is bothering them. This could be a genitourinary problem in which your pet experiences pain when going to the toilet. And an attempt to change place may be an attempt to get rid of pain. Before scolding your animal, take it to the veterinarian for examination. A course of medication will rid your cat of the disease, and the house will regain its fresh smell.

Stress or anxiety.

This is a common reason that can be justified by a change in food, moving to another apartment, many guests, or renovations. Watch your cat. Indeed, in addition to defecation past the tray, there may be other signs: an increased level of cleanliness, severe excitability or, conversely, drowsiness, increased aggression. If there are several signs of stress, try to eliminate the causes or sedate your cat.

The cat dislikes the litter box or litter.

There could be such a reason too. You may not like the tray for several reasons:

  • Insufficient cat litter size
  • bad location
  • dirty tray
  • the litter is not suitable for your pet.

Preventive measures

It is much easier not to deal with the consequences of the problem, but to eliminate the cause of the unwanted aroma in the house. First of all, make sure that your pet is in good health and psychological condition. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

When caring for an animal, follow the rules:

  • Choose your cat's litter box wisely. It should be 1.5 times longer than the pet's body.
  • Install the toilet in a place that is comfortable for the animal. The cat will relieve itself in the litter box provided it is quiet and comfortable. Do not place the toilet next to the door, on an unheated balcony. The noise of household appliances can also scare away a cat.
  • Make sure the litter is suitable for your cat. Do not use options with a strong aroma.
  • Remember to clean regularly. Cats are clean animals who will not go to an unclean toilet twice in a row. Excrement and contaminated litter must be removed immediately.

The frequency of replacing the filler depends on its type. The absorbent one is changed every 2 days, the clumping one is changed every week. Silica gel ones are completely replaced 2 times a month.

Keep a close eye on your pet's health, pay attention to it, and practice good hygiene to prevent the development of a delicate problem.

What methods don't help?

Some owners try to rid a mattress, sofa, floor or leather shoes of the stench using strong household chemicals. Many of them not only do not help to permanently remove amber, but are also not able to kill it. Traditional methods such as treating with bleach or vinegar will not give results. Moreover, chlorine-containing preparations are harmful to animals and people, and the smell from them is no easier to remove than the stench from urine.

Aromatic oils are also not suitable for combating marks. They only temporarily neutralize the odor, while sealing uric acid crystals to the surface so that it will be even more difficult to wash them.

Experts do not recommend using conventional air fresheners against the smell of cat urine. They won't eliminate it forever.

What precautions should be taken when treating a sofa?

Every housewife must follow safety precautions when treating a sofa for urine stains:

  • make sure there are no small children or pets in the room;
  • protect the skin of your hands and face with gloves and a special mask;
  • open the windows in the room so that chemical compounds do not concentrate in the air (otherwise you can get poisoned);
  • Instead of alcohol or vodka, it is strictly forbidden to use any perfume (this will only aggravate the foul odor).

Of course, it is better to treat the sofa outside, no matter what time of year. After all, both sunlight and cold help remove odors.

Work only with thick gloves

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