Affinity Advance Adult Cat Sterilized with Turkey and Barley cat food

When studying the composition of ready-made diets for sterilized cats and in the process of preparing their descriptions for our rating, we never cease to be amazed at how different manufacturers have different understandings of what can be included in such foods and what is not necessary. Let's look at the information on the packaging and the list of ingredients of the next food marked Sterilized, this time made in Spain.

The manufacturer characterizes this product as a diet with turkey and barley, and its full name is: Adult Cat Sterilized with Turkey and Barley - we will review its composition below. Our description and characteristics of Affinity Advance food with turkey will reveal its pros and cons, and we hope that comparing it in the rating with other diets for sterilized cats will help our readers make their choice.

Advance Cat Food Review

Advance dry food for cats is produced by the Spanish company Affinity Petcare SA, which has a website with complete information about the entire line of food. By going there, you can study the composition of the food you are interested in, recommendations for its use, and so on. In addition, this company also produces dog food.

The manufacturer classifies its food as a super-premium class, but if you carefully read the composition, you can understand that they are between the premium and super-premium class.

Be that as it may, Advance dry food is developed based on modern research, so it helps pets maintain beauty and good health at any age. Thanks to this food, cats are always cheerful, all systems in their bodies function like clockwork, and their immunity is strong.


Familiarization with the composition of Advance cat food will allow you to find out what ingredients the manufacturer used to make complete food for pets.

The main ingredient is meat, the content of which in the feed is 20%. It can be chicken, turkey, duck, salmon or lamb and they are all good sources of proteins and carbohydrates that are absorbed very easily by the cat's body.

Also included are:

  • cereals (wheat, rice, barley or corn);
  • animal or fish oil;
  • taurine, very beneficial for heart health;
  • immunoglobulins that maintain a healthy intestine;
  • antioxidants that inhibit the aging of the body;
  • proteins that support immunity and promote the development of muscle tissue;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements that are essential for the full development of cats.

It is very pleasing that the food contains no preservatives, flavors or any other artificial additives. It is clear that the manufacturer cares about its reputation.


Advance super-premium cat food has already been appreciated by many pet owners. First of all, they were attracted by the wide range of food, which includes:

  • Kitten series - food for small kittens, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers of cats;
  • series for adult pets (with different tastes);
  • food for elderly pets (with chondroprotectors);
  • food for castrated and sterilized cats;
  • food with special enzymes that help remove hair from the stomach;
  • Sensitive food, intended for cats with problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the range includes special foods intended for overweight cats, kidney failure, and urolithiasis.

And finally, the Advance brand has its own unique solution that sets it apart from other brands - soup for cats, which is made from natural ingredients and has a wonderful taste.

You should familiarize yourself with each type of food in more detail.

  • Advance Kitten food. Designed for kittens that are already 2 months old, and the animal can be fed with this food until it is one and a half years old. Also, the food will be an excellent option for a cat during pregnancy and the subsequent lactation period. The food will help increase the nutritional value of milk and accelerate the postpartum recovery of the cat herself. The saturation of the series feeds with proteins and fats is determined by the proportion 41:20.

  • The series of food for adult pets has its own name - Advance Cat Adult Chicken and Rice (with chicken and rice); This also includes Advance Cat Adult Salmon and Rice , a salmon-flavored gourmet food option.
  • The food for senior pets is called Advance Cat Senior. It contains glucosamine and chondroitin - substances that are beneficial for the joints of elderly pets; but there is much less phosphorus.
  • Food for castrated and sterilized cats is called Cat Sterilized Salmon & Barley. It contains special substances that help stimulate diuresis. This is very important to keep your pet's weight under control. In addition, the food contains glucosamine, lysine and taurine, which are very necessary for animals that have undergone sterilization or castration.
  • A food designed specifically for long-haired cats is called Advance Cat Long Hair . It contains fatty acids, zinc and biotin, more oats, but, on the contrary, there is less protein in the feed. This is how it is necessary to regularly remove hair from the body.
  • There is also a special food for cats that are going through shedding - Advance Cat Hairball . Thanks to the large quantities of plant fiber it contains, wool is removed from the stomach much better.
  • For cats with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to use Advance Cat Sensitive . It is also suitable for pets with diabetes, as it contains inulin.
  • The range also includes Urinary veterinary food . This Advance food is used for urolithiasis in cats. It helps eliminate the symptoms of idiopathic cystitis in your pet, control relapses, and is also an excellent prophylactic agent for preventing the occurrence of stones.

Negative reviews


I decided to change my cat's main food. I purchased Advance for adult cats to try. I switched to it according to the rules, mixing new food with old. The cat immediately liked the taste and ate it with great pleasure. A few days later, after the complete transfer, the cat developed problems with stool, namely diarrhea. For the purity of the experiment, I excluded All cats, which I fed in the evening. The diarrhea has gotten worse. I don’t torture my belly anymore - I’m back on the same food. Not suitable for all animals. Therefore I cannot recommend it.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.


I bought this food at an attractive price. I made a big mistake. The cat eats other food with great pleasure, but did not eat Advance. At all. This has never happened before. She was hungry for 2 days, but did not touch the food.

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We will be glad to receive feedback from veterinarians and customers about Advance food (Advance, Advance). When we receive product reviews, we will definitely post them in this section.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Advance food include:

  • the presence in it only of natural ingredients, which are balanced in such a way that the cat is healthy and all systems of its body function without failures;
  • it is suitable for feeding cats of all breeds and ages;
  • attractive price, which is the most favorable in its class;
  • it is appreciated by owners of cats and cats;
  • high quality.

The food also has disadvantages, but they are so insignificant that they are unlikely to have any influence on the decision to purchase it:

  • some people believe that the price of food is too high, but this opinion is wrong, because the quality level of the food is high, and, therefore, its cost is justified;
  • You won’t be able to buy food at any pet store; you can do it online.

Information on the packaging

The Affinity Advance brand has the following slogan: Advanced nutrition for optimal health - “Advanced nutrition for optimal health.” This inscription is present on each pack. It is important to say a few more words about the design of the package. There is a photo of the cat here, but it is quite small. We also see an image of a whole turkey carcass and barley grains - such photographs always look attractive and make you and I associate the cat’s nutrition with the products from our table.

The label With Turkey and Barley draws attention to the same two ingredients in the composition. Perhaps they are the main ones in this product? We will clarify this below when we examine the list of components in detail.

Price and where to buy

You can, perhaps, buy Advance food in a regular pet store, but you will most likely have to spend a lot of time searching for it. But since most modern people do not have a lot of free time, it will be easier to find the right cat food in the online store and place an order. As a rule, you can always find what you need in an online store, because the entire range is always available there.

As for the cost of cat food from this manufacturer, then

  • A 400-gram pack will cost an average of 183 rubles;
  • a pack of 1.5 kg - 678 rubles;
  • a pack of 10 kg costs 3964 rubles.

At first glance, the price of the food may seem high, but remembering the composition of the food and its high quality, one can only be glad that the pet will eat well and delight its owner with playfulness and good mood.

Description and indications

The veterinary remedy has a long-lasting effect. It spreads over the entire surface of the fur, penetrating deep into the skin.

The main indications for the use of the drug are protection against fleas and ticks. The medication is also used for preventive purposes.

Its use becomes most important for cats that are taken to the country. Animals play in the grass where ixodid parasites live.

The drops have a systemic effect, protecting the pet from insects. Advantix is ​​effective against any individuals at different stages of development. The drug affects their nerve centers, leading to paralysis and rapid death.

The effect of a single application lasts about 5 weeks. The substances included in its composition combine well with other medications.

The medication remains on the surface of the body without being absorbed into the blood. Therefore, the development of an allergic reaction is practically excluded. Typically, Advantix is ​​well tolerated by animals, but when using it, you must carefully study the instructions for use.

Do not forget that the drug belongs to the moderate hazard class. Therefore, its dosage must be observed most carefully.

The manual says that the medicine is for external use. Therefore, sometimes owners think that simply pouring it on their pet is enough. In reality, the quantity must be strictly measured. A smaller volume of solution will not have an effect, and its excess can cause intoxication.

Advance cat food reviews

Despite the fact that Advance cat food has been sold in Russia for many years, there are not many reviews on the Internet about the experience of feeding pets with it.

Reviews from veterinarians

Konstantin Petrovich (veterinarian)

Advance cat food has a very wide range. I was especially surprised by the variety of food for sterilized animals. After studying their composition and finding a large amount of protein and little fat in it, it becomes clear that they can be fed to animals after surgery. As you know, cats run the risk of gaining extra pounds in the first 8 months after sterilization, and by consuming this food they will remain at their normal weight.

The food also does not contain excess phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, and because of this, the risk of developing urolithiasis is significantly reduced. It is a little disappointing that such a large amount of protein in the feed is achieved by adding mainly plant proteins (corn). But it is very good that they are isolated separately from cereals. And although there are quite a lot of carbohydrates in the food, it is not catastrophic.

People who are accustomed to feeding their pets food of approximately the same price segment can without hesitation switch their cat to this food, because this manufacturer has a more thoughtful and balanced composition. And for those who have the opportunity to purchase even more expensive food, I recommend doing so.

Feedback from cat owners

Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be happy to receive reviews about Advance cat food in the comments, they will be useful to other users!


There are two cats living in my house, both sterilized. The veterinarian recommended feeding them Advance food to protect them from obesity. I bought a 1.5 kg pack to try. I can say that the food suits me and my pets in every way. The cats eat it with pleasure, and there are no problems with going to the toilet, and I like the composition of the food and its cost. Since I live in a small town, it is not possible to find this food in our pet stores. I order it from an online store.


I am the owner of a very picky cat. While I was on maternity leave, I prepared natural food for her. But when I had to go to work, I started looking for some normal food for my pet. I started surfing the forums and reading what cat owners wrote there. I was interested in Advance food, they spoke very well about it. I decided to order it. I didn’t even think that I would be able to find food the first time. My cat eats it with gusto, her condition has not worsened at all, her fur coat is shiny. They wrote that the food is a little expensive, but in my opinion, it’s a very reasonable price for premium food. I recommend to all!


We have been buying Advance food for our cat for a long time. We tried different flavors, but he liked the food with chicken and rice the most. Before this, we tried to give the cat food from other brands, but he ate it without much desire, and he also started vomiting and diarrhea. So Advance became a real find for us. I order a large pack (10 kg) via the Internet, it lasts a long time.


I am the owner of a Maine Coon and I can say that he is picky about what else you need to look for. I spent a lot of time and painstakingly selecting suitable food for him, but the pet turned his nose up at everything. One day I learned from friends who have a cat of the same breed that they order Advance food for him. I also ordered several different flavors. And a miracle happened - my capricious pet liked the salmon-flavored food. He is happy, I breathed a sigh of relief. Now I will order him in large packages at once so that it lasts longer.


I have also been feeding my beloved Persian cat Advance food since she was just a kitten. Now she is already three years old, and for a year and a half now she has been eating food not for kittens, but for adult long-haired cats. She and I often go for checkups at the veterinarian, and there are no problems with my pet’s health. This means we are doing everything right. I order a large package and it lasts us freely for 5 months.

Positive reviews


Advance food is a godsend for my cats. Before this we tried different foods, but many of them were not suitable. The price is quite affordable. The quality is simply superb. I have three cats, each with their own preferences, but they all started eating Advance. The fur became thicker and stopped shedding. One of the three cats is a Scottish chinchilla and she has digestive problems. As soon as I started eating this food, the problem disappeared, and I started going to the toilet well. The food has a pleasant smell. So I recommend it.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.


We have a cat of the Canadian Sphynx breed. We tried many foods. We feed him Advance for sterilized ones. A month after purchasing the food, tests were taken. And this is the first food that prevents us from accumulating crystals (urolithiasis).

Advance Cat Food Review

Modern cat food is classified in such a way that it is almost impossible to choose a special diet at a low price. Owners of cats in need of specialized food have to order not the most budget-friendly options. And if this is not possible, then you have to abandon the desired menu in favor of a more budget-friendly one. The young Advance brand offers cat owners special food at an affordable price.

Advance food for cats

Advance is food for cats and dogs that is produced in Spain. The manufacturer of these foods is Affinity Petcare SA. This company was founded in 1963. At first, Affinity Petcare SA produced only dog ​​food, but in the late 90s, products for other animals appeared. The main production plant for Advance is located in Spain, but there are also subsidiaries in France, Italy and other countries. In addition to Advance, the company also owns other brands: Premium, Brekkies, Ultima, etc.

Affinity Petcare SA produces not only Advance, but also other pet foods

Advance: premium or super premium

Cat food is divided into 4 classes:

  • economy - the cheapest food, which may not contain meat;
  • premium - may contain some meat, but may also contain artificial additives (dyes, preservatives, etc.);
  • superpremium - they have practically no “chemicals”, they contain meat (including fresh), but there are also cheap ingredients - cereals, potatoes, rice, etc.;
  • Holistic is the most expensive food, containing up to 90% meat (there are no synthetic components), but you can only buy it from official representatives.

Assortment and features of Advance feed

Advance only has dry food:

  • diets for kittens (Kitten);
  • series for adult cats Adult: for sterilized/neutered cats (Sterilized), for cats over 10 years old and dietary (Light);
  • Sensitive preventive food (for animals with a delicate digestive system);
  • food for cats with long hair (Hairball).

Advance Kitten food for kittens

“Children’s” versions of Advance are available in only 1 flavor – “Chicken with Rice” (energy value - 4360 kcal per 1 kg). However, this was not always the case. The brand's catalog used to include other flavors (and there were also canned foods). Perhaps this manufacturer's feed catalog will be expanded.

Kitten food composition:

  • chicken - 20% (this group of components includes not only meat, but also offal, as well as production waste - feathers, skin, etc.);
  • dried chicken (dehydrated offal, meat, etc.), rice - 16% (source of carbohydrates and budget side dish filler);
  • corn gluten and corn (a source of vegetable proteins);
  • animal and fish oil (source of fats, oils, amino acids and vitamins);
  • dry pork proteins (this group usually includes dehydrated production waste - skin, entrails, bones, etc.);
  • wheat (source of carbohydrates), beets (beet peel is most often used - a source of fiber);
  • broth and plasma proteins (in addition to the protein source, these components act as a natural flavoring);
  • powdered eggs - source of protein, yeast (natural probiotic), fructooligosaccharides;
  • potassium chloride (necessary for the regulation of cellular metabolism), dried salmon (meat and bone meal is a source of proteins and vitamins);
  • minerals, vitamins (A, D3, E and C), soybean oil, taurine, nucleotides, antioxidants.
  • protein - 41%;
  • fats - 20%;
  • fiber - 1.5%;
  • carbohydrates - 6.5%;
  • calcium - 1.2%;
  • phosphorus - 0.9%;
  • sodium - 0.3%;
  • moisture - 8%.

Nucleotides contained in food promote the growth and division of cells of a growing organism, participate in the accumulation and release of energy, and play a role in the formation of the immune response

Advance Adult diets for adult cats

Advance “adult” food is divided into dietary rations, food for sterilized and elderly cats (from 10 years). All of these products contain the same ingredients (only the source of animal protein differs - meat or fish):

  • turkey, salmon, chicken - the main source of protein;
  • chicken, fish and pork flour - an additional source of protein (but the exact percentage is not indicated);
  • corn, wheat and their glutens are sources of plant-based protein;
  • barley and rice are sources of carbohydrates (8% each);
  • animal and fish oil are sources of vitamins;
  • hydrodisates of chicken, turkey or fish - natural flavoring and taste enhancer;
  • green peas - a source of fiber (in Sterilized food);
  • yeast, egg powder, plasma proteins;
  • vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, biotin and taurine;
  • L-carnitine (only in Sterilized food).

The highest calorie of these options is Senior food, and the most dietary is Sterilized with turkey. I know many cat owners who order food intended for sterilized cats for their overweight cats. Most often, these diets contain a lot of fiber, which promotes good digestion, and their energy value is not the highest.


Common parameters
Feed type:Wet
Type of packaging:Pouch (bag)
Purpose:For cats
Minimum age:12 months
Animal size:Any
Special Needs:For spayed/neutered
Feed class:Premium
Main ingredient:Fish
Texture:Pieces in jelly
Minerals:Phosphorus, calcium, zinc
Vitamins:A, e, omega-6, taurine
Weight:75 g
Dimensions and weight (gross)
Weight:75 g
Height:14.0 cm
Width:9.5 cm
Depth:1.6 cm
Additional Information
Country of Origin:Russia
Best before date:24 months
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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