Euthanasia of cats in Moscow and the Moscow region

Cats have 9 lives, but they too come to an end sooner or later. Unfortunately, their journey does not always end quietly and calmly. In some cases, pets experience suffering. Euthanasia of cats is an unpleasant but necessary procedure if you do not want to watch your four-legged friend suffer.

The question of whether to euthanize a sick cat in a veterinary clinic does not make sense if the animal’s suffering is obvious. Humane euthanasia is resorted to under the following circumstances:

  • complete loss of functionality;
  • severe form of incurable disease;
  • infection with a dangerous virus;
  • injuries incompatible with life;
  • unjustified aggressive behavior.

All of the above points, except the last one, are associated with pain and suffering, so euthanasia of cats at home is an extremely necessary service provided by the Ring of King Solomon agency in Moscow.

You will find information on how much it costs to painlessly euthanize and cremate a cat in a veterinary clinic and how this happens on our website. Please note that we also provide cremation and offer ritual items - urns for ashes, wreaths, baskets at reasonable prices.

How much does it cost to euthanize a cat in a clinic / at home in Moscow

WeightHumane euthanasia and general cremationHumane euthanasia and individual cremation
Putting an animal to sleep without cremation1400 RUR
Catany2000 RUR4000 RUR

Cancerous tumors, as well as infectious diseases that will not only kill the animal, but also pose a mortal threat to humans, lead to the need to painlessly euthanize the cat. The relatively small size and indomitable curiosity of domestic felines often lead to injuries incompatible with life. Numerous fractures and damage to internal organs cause painful agony, which you can stop. You can give many examples of various tragic circumstances when you definitely need to euthanize a cat if you care about it, no matter how scary it may sound.

Euthanasia methods for cats

To alleviate suffering and the last minutes of life, the clinic carries out procedures to relieve pain, immobilize, and put your patient into a sleepy state. Doctors are doing everything possible to ensure that eternal sleep comes without agony, without spasms and pain, fading sounds and without other unpleasant signs.

Therefore, in many cases, the owners agree or ask to euthanize the cat at home themselves - this way the animal will not experience discomfort when transported to the clinic.

In order for euthanasia to be painless, the pet is first put into a narcotic state - for this, a solution with a high concentration of sedative effect is injected into the body, which causes deep anesthesia. After this, drugs are introduced that relax the muscles of the respiratory organs, blocking the contraction of cardiac fibers. Thus, death occurs quickly, painlessly and without complications. However, a doctor is always with the cat to monitor the procedure, increase the dose of anesthesia if necessary, and confirm the fact of death.

Euthanasia of cats at home is the best option

Humane euthanasia and cremation of cats are included in the list in Moscow. We will do everything necessary to ensure that your pet does not suffer. The procedure is completely painless and consists of 3 stages:

  1. Putting the animal into deep sleep by administering a potent sleeping pill.
  2. An intramuscular injection of a drug that depresses respiratory function.
  3. Death was pronounced after 5 minutes.

Significant financial costs are not needed to euthanize a cat; the price is completely affordable for everyone. You can see for yourself after reading the cost of the agency’s services on the website.

The procedure is best done at home. In this case, the animal does not need to be disturbed, caused pain and unnecessary inconveniences that are inevitable during transportation. The pet will feel calm within its own walls.

Prices for euthanasia of domestic cats

Service listGeneral cremationIndividual cremation
Euthanasia of an animal (dog, cat) without cremation
  • Visit of a veterinarian to your home;
  • Examination of the animal;
  • Injection of general anesthesia;
  • Injection for euthanasia (putting to sleep);
2000 rubles
Euthanasia + cremation at home (a set of services together)
Cat up to 5 kg2000 rub.4000 rub.
Veterinarian visit to home
in Moscow0 rub. (for free)
in the Moscow region and beyond50 rub. per km
Additional services
Video report2000 rub.
Euthanasia of aggressive animalsfrom 2000 rub.
Plastic trash can0 rub. (for free)
Earthenware, porcelain urnsfrom 1000 rub.
Urn delivery in Moscow0 rub.
Delivery of ballot boxes outside the Moscow Ring Roadfrom 500 rub.

The cost of individual cremation includes:

  • doctor's visit to your home;
  • euthanasia of the animal (if required);
  • preparation of documentation for cremation;
  • removal of the body for cremation;
  • cremation and subsequent delivery of the urn to your home;

* Please check with the operator for all prices for services!!!

Stages of euthanasia

  1. Administration of a narcotic drug that renders the animal unconscious.
  2. Administration of an injection that stops the functioning of the respiratory and vasomotor parts of the cat’s brain.

High-quality certified drugs are used to euthanize cats. The owner of the animal decides for himself whether he remains during the euthanasia procedure or leaves the clinic before the process begins.

At the owner's request, the animal can be cremated. Remember that the decision to euthanize cats in Tsaritsino is made only by the owner of the animal, the veterinarian only performs the procedure. We recommend using euthanasia only when nothing can stop the pet's suffering.

Why us

We work with love for animals, focusing primarily on their interests. There should be no pain in the lives of animals, they do not deserve it, and we do everything to save our pets from it.

Misfortune does not choose a free date on the owner’s calendar, so we work around the clock, 7 days a week, without weekends or holidays. Our specialists will arrive at your home within 1.5 hours, provide moral support to the owner and quickly and painlessly relieve your pet from suffering.

You can always clarify any nuances and ask any questions by calling our specialist consultants; they also work every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How cats are euthanized

Deciding to say goodbye to your beloved animal is very difficult, especially when the cat has lived next to you for many years, side by side. Unfortunately, sometimes doctors’ forecasts and the stage of the disease leave the owner no choice, and euthanizing the cat becomes the only humane option.


The Murkosha shelter insists that euthanasia is an extreme measure that cannot be used if the owner is tired of the cat, if the owner or someone in the family is allergic to the cat, due to a move, renovation, the birth of a child, or in the event detection of obviously treatable diseases in a cat. It is monstrous that some people euthanize cats and kittens because of problems like lichen. You cannot euthanize cats simply at will; there must be serious reasons for this.

An adequate reason for euthanasia is an incurable fatal disease, injury or congenital pathology that is incompatible with life. Euthanasia of cats in such cases relieves the animal from suffering, and the cat does not suffer. Since narcotic drugs cannot be used to relieve serious pain in a cat in our country, unlike human medicine, in such cases it is really more humane to euthanize the cat so as not to turn his life into torture. Before making a decision about euthanasia, it is worth consulting with several specialists to confirm the diagnosis and eliminate the possibility of error.


Cats should be euthanized only by a veterinarian and only for medical reasons. To euthanize an animal, a large dose of anesthesia is administered intravenously to the cat. The anesthesia contains propofol, which puts the cat into a state of deep sleep, similar to a hypnotic trance. Then the cat gradually stops breathing. Due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood, a condition develops that depresses the heart and ultimately leads to cardiac arrest. The cat doesn't feel anything. Since the body of sick cats is weakened, no additional injections are usually required for euthanasia.

If the heart can cope with a large dose of anesthesia, another drug is administered that purposefully stops cardiac activity. The nervous system, including the brain, respiratory system and others, no longer work by that time. Actually, the administration of a drug specifically to stop the heart is not always required, but only as a final stage, when the cat has actually died (since the brain has died due to lack of oxygen). In most cases, the doctor still limits himself to a high dose of anesthesia. And the cat seems to fall asleep.

The owner can be present during the euthanasia, remain in the waiting area, or immediately go home. All people experience saying goodbye to their cat differently.


As mentioned earlier, for cats, death from a high dose of anesthesia is the same as a quiet death in their sleep. The cat does not feel pain and simply calmly walks away.

Of course, euthanizing a cat is a difficult decision for the owner. But the volunteers of the Murkosha shelter know from their own experience that such care is incomparably better than the death throes or suffering due to constant pain.


Some people want their cat to go home surrounded by loved ones. If you are considering this option for your cat, think about whether your apartment will then be associated with the latest sad event for you or someone close to you. This may be a problem for some, so it's best to discuss options in advance. Owners usually deeply experience saying goodbye to their beloved animal, which has become both a friend and a family member for them.

It happens, of course, that the cat’s serious condition does not allow it to be transported to a veterinary clinic. Then euthanasia occurs in the apartment. But only a doctor can still euthanize a cat.

You can ask the doctor to euthanize without your presence, or you can stay with the cat until the very end. One way or another, it's your decision. As well as the choice between a veterinary clinic and home as a place of farewell.

Important! Euthanasia at home can only be performed by a veterinarian. Fraudsters who do not even have special education often act under the guise of a mobile veterinary service. History is completely silent about what drugs such “doctors” administer to animals instead of the necessary ones. Therefore, if you are focusing on euthanizing a cat at home, call a doctor from a trusted veterinary clinic.

To summarize, the staff of the Murkosha shelter would like to note that in a situation of a fatal incurable disease, injury, sharp and irreversible deterioration in the quality of life (the cat cannot go to the toilet on its own, eat, has difficulty breathing, etc.), the owner should make the difficult decision and euthanize the cat. The right decisions are not always easy, unfortunately. However, no matter how difficult it is morally for you, it will be much better for the cat to leave calmly, and not suffer for an indefinite period of time.

Why clients choose the UsiplenieVet clinic

Your beloved cat can be put to sleep at any time, so we are ready to help 24 hours a day, we work without holidays or weekends. For euthanasia, special certified drugs are used, and it will be administered by a qualified veterinarian. Specialists will arrive anywhere in Moscow within 2 hours, or will euthanize the cat within the walls of the clinic. Our services also include individual cremation of pets with removal by our transport, if necessary. Before euthanasia, the veterinarian will examine the animal and if there is a chance of recovery, he will not insist on euthanizing the pet.

How to place a call?

To do this, you just need to use one of the following methods:

  • call the clinic by phone;
  • order a call back through the website;
  • fill out the online form;
  • visit the clinic in person.

In any of these options, our doctors will try to help the animal as quickly as possible, responding to a call within one hour.
At the same time, the cost of euthanasia in your house or apartment will not differ significantly from a similar service performed within the walls of a veterinary clinic. Call a doctor

How do I know that euthanizing my cat is the necessary and most humane step?

Regular, honest, and open communication with your veterinarian throughout your cat's life will help create a supportive environment for understanding each other as your pet's life begins to decline.

In some situations, the animal is diagnosed with a fatal disease, such as chronic kidney disease or cancer. In this case, immediately after diagnosis, it is necessary to assess the cat’s quality of life.

Cat quality of life is a rather subjective concept introduced by veterinary oncologists and includes a quality of life scale that helps the pet owner objectively evaluate the daily life of the animal. This scale allows you to track changes over time, or more precisely, deterioration of the condition over several days and weeks.

Your veterinarian will be able to accurately determine the moment of euthanasia when you provide him with complete information about your pet's daily condition. Talking to your veterinarian will help clarify specific points in your cat's illness that may indicate that euthanasia is necessary.

This is what the questions related to checking the quality of life look like and arise when approaching the date of euthanasia:

  • What signs of illness and symptoms will help me understand that it is time to euthanize?
  • What activities are missing from my pet's daily activities?
  • How do I define daily quality of life?
  • How often will I measure quality of life?
  • How often will I discuss changes in my pet's quality of life with my veterinarian?
  • What quality of life criteria are critical for my cat?
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