Runaway cat steps to find a lost pet

02/22/2020 9 543 Interesting things about cats

Author: Olga

Unfortunately, this situation when a cat gets lost happens often. Pets play and fall out of balconies and windows, disappearing in the countryside or in the forest during country walks and picnics. What to do and how to find your lost pet, let's figure it out together.


Preparatory activities for the search

In order to return a missing cat, you must immediately begin searching after the loss is discovered. Pets often run away from home and fall off the balcony due to increased curiosity that arises against the background of hormone activity.

Successful searches largely depend on the implementation of certain preparatory activities:

  • using a flashlight, since in the dark the eyes of cats display optical light, which helps to quickly locate the missing animal. During the search, it is necessary to explore the darkest and most secluded places, and when night falls, the pet can crawl out of its hiding place (for example, the basement of a residential building, ventilation, boiler room);
  • binoculars and other optics. In such cases, you can detect your pet from a distance and not scare it off, as it may be in a highly stressed state. The devices allow you to thoroughly study the terrain within a range of several kilometers (dense thickets, forest, other hard-to-reach places);
  • you can find a missing pet with the help of your favorite toys, since many cats observe surrounding activities from a hiding place and can jump out into the street at the sight of familiar and familiar objects;
  • treats for cats. Shaking dry food in a can may be one of the cat's favorite sounds, so this method can also help in finding the animal;
  • using a clicker, since the pet associates such a sound device with receiving a treat. If he hears these sounds, he can quickly return to his place of residence.

If a cat runs away from home, then its owner must pull himself together, calm down and plan the right search plan. Avoiding panic will give results faster and help you find your missing pet.

Actions taken by rescuers that could aggravate the situation

One of the saddest cases of misinterpretation of cat behavior is when a rescuer observes a cat with a fearful temperament and, based on its fearful behavior, concludes that it is an undomesticated feral cat. While feral, undomesticated cats that are not accustomed to human contact will indeed hiss, snort, lunge, attack and urinate if caught in a humane trap, these wild animal behaviors are also exhibited by cats that are prone to fearfulness. We were told about this by the owners of missing shy cats who had to be humanely caught in order to be returned home; these owners confirmed that their cats acted like wild cats while trapped. This behavior is due to their timid temperament and not to life in the wild. Shelter or Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) program staff should check all feral cats for microchips and conduct appropriate research (look for classified ads, missing cat reports, etc.) to determine if this "feral" animal is someone's shy cat that escaped, perhaps weeks or months ago.

To learn more about how lost cats behave and for more tips on rehoming them, visit and/or read Kat Albrecht's book The Lost Pet Chronicles: Adventures of a K-9 Cop Turned Pet Detective.

Don't lose hope, keep looking

Remember that not only searches are important, but also additional measures to return the runaway cat. Try to attract him with a familiar, homely smell. Check the dust container of your vacuum cleaner: if there is any pet hair left there, scatter it near the door. Hang an unwashed item from your wardrobe, a T-shirt or turtleneck, behind the door. There is a known case when a cat came to sleep in an old baby stroller, which the owner, having almost despaired of finding her pet, wisely left it outside.

Many people recommend putting the cat's favorite food outside the door or spraying the door with catnip, but this, despite its obvious appeal, is a controversial measure. Using it, prepare for a visit from neighbor or street cats.

The main thing is, don’t stop searching! Try to spend more time at home and at your dacha, delay your departure time if possible - your pet can return at any time! There are cases where a missing cat was reported months after it was lost, so don’t despair!

Kaverin Igor

Possible places where an animal can hide

Considering the issue of a domestic cat running away, how to find it requires studying the probable places of the loss. In practice, an animal can approximately hide in the following places:

  • entrances from the upper floors, while at the same time you need to try to inspect baby strollers, buckets, shoes, other items located on landings, places near the garbage chute;
  • basement, attic. In order to open these premises, you must contact the Housing Office and receive the keys to the doors;
  • carrying out searches on the street, since cats love elevated places and can be on a tree, roof of a house, pole, balcony, tall bush;
  • in winter, a cat can hide in places such as heating pipes, a car engine, or a heating radiator located in the entrance;
  • possible search locations on the street (garage, shed, other utility rooms);
  • in many cases, the animal gets lost on the street in hard-to-reach places, so storm drains, sewers, and drainpipes must be checked;
  • When searching for a cat, a hungry animal is often found near trash cans and food preparation areas (a dining room kitchen or a cafe located near the house).

Possible places of loss in the house:

  • inspection of furniture, closet, niche, space under the bed;
  • the upper part of the closet, sideboard, furniture wall, since cats love to hide in these secluded places;
  • empty boxes and other containers that can accommodate an animal;
  • the window of the washing machine, which is constantly open and ventilated;
  • balcony and adjacent structures.

Finding a cat in the country is much more complicated due to the large territory, great access to wild nature (proximity to a forest, river), and possible collisions with wild animals. In this case, the pet may take refuge in a neighbor’s house, so it is important to check this option.

During search activities, you need to call the animal by name, try to rustle it with its favorite food, or wear a toy that is familiar to it, as these factors can make the task easier and find the missing cat on the street.

How to properly organize the search for a pet

Initially, it is worth noting that the sooner you start looking for a pet on the street, the more effective these searches will be. Also, if you start urgently looking for your pet, then there is a possibility that he simply will not have enough time to move very far away from you, therefore, the effectiveness of such search activities will be high. The most basic rule if you have lost a cat is not to panic and not to make hasty conclusions, since the pet will definitely be found and everything will be fine.
Before leaving the house and starting a search on the street, it is worth initially inspecting the living space, since the fugitive can hide behind pieces of furniture and wait for the moment to come out. Thus, you need to carefully inspect the entire apartment, most of all paying attention to sofas, corners and other secluded places. Thus, the most common places where you can look for an escaped cat within an apartment may be as follows:

  • cabinets, both inside and on their surfaces;
  • mezzanine;
  • bathroom, especially under the bathtub itself;
  • other furniture;
  • corners behind curtains and other secluded places.

Thus, the probability that the kitten could hide in these places is approximately thirty percent of all existing options.

How to find a runaway cat

Author KakSimply!

In newspapers, social networks, and simply on poles, advertisements periodically appear that owners are looking for their lost cat.

Or in such a situation, you can look for the cat on a nearby neighbor’s balcony.

Of course, you need to interview all your neighbors, especially those who also have cats. You can douse the area with valerian.

There are situations in which it is not known what to do and what the right thing to do is to return home a lost or simply runaway pet.

You can look here, although the text is slightly different, but the meaning is the same. The main thing here is faith and a sincere desire for the animal to return.

Unfortunately, I don’t remember the text, and for some reason I can’t find it on the internet.

One is done with tarot cards, the other is simply read at the window.

Do you know effective conspiracies (magic rituals, runic formulas, prayers) to return an animal home? In our house (in the basement) the cat lived alone, affectionate, not wild, lame.

So let them leave on their own, let’s not offend them...

So the cat doesn’t get lost, but goes to its yard, to my good. You're a cat, come. If the cat is purebred, look for a cat for him at an exhibition. And our Masha was found. Great goddess Bast. You protect the entire cat family. And save (name) from troubles. May he be healthy and beautiful. There are people who are related to cats, Their souls wander along cat paths, They understand cats' silent speeches, Cats happily jump on their shoulders. Don't forget them, Bastet and Sekhmet!

You will protect the kittens from the terrible wheels, Sekhmet and Bastet, I ask you, listen!

So that meowing songs can be sung joyfully (it’s not for nothing that felix rhymes with felis) – Give your pets the opportunity to tame People – caution is needed here!

God, you see the cat Mishka is lost, help me so that he can be found. A stolen cat is difficult to find. Lost your cat on a walk? We wanted to take him home with us, but while we were preparing everything, the cat went on a spree and has not come for more than a month.

One woman called and said: write down a conspiracy (that’s what she said, I think) to bring back an animal or a person. Yes, there are such good conspiracies, I myself was personally convinced of their effectiveness. I thank everyone who wrote prayers and spells. Conspiracy and prayer for all animals. It is better to make a defense, but there are also conspiracies - A conspiracy for an escaped animal.

How to pronounce a spell?

It is better to pronounce the plot that you read for the return of the animal so that other family members or neighbors do not hear you. If the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the street, then you need to wait so that no one bothers you.

Still, conspiracies and various rituals are magical actions that should not be carried out in public. They must be done alone with oneself, in nature, in the forest, as in the case of a letter to the King of the Forest.

This is a sacrament that is aimed at appealing to the Higher Forces of Nature, to the Cosmos, as they say now. But any such action does not tolerate noise, fuss, or a large number of people. And then other people who do not believe in such actions can simply laugh and “dispel”, “negate” all the work that will be done by you.

As with any conspiracy or uttering a whisper-quick conspiracy, you must believe in what you are doing. Only in this case will the Higher Powers be able to come to your aid.

How to find an animal on the street

Searching for a frightened animal is quite difficult, since a cat can hide in a secluded place for a long time (for 2-4 days), so it is necessary to organize a proper search and carefully check possible places.

Often the pet can be found in the company of street cats, as sex hormones play a role, and it is drawn to the street during the period of active mating games. If it is important that the animal is completely domestic, then it needs to be sterilized.

In some cases, after searching, the cat does not want to return home at all, so homemade traps (cardboard boxes or other suitable containers) may be needed.

A cat that finds itself in an unknown situation hides for a long time (for 5-6 days) and does not go outside. She starves and becomes unadapted to the conditions that arise.

At the same time, animals do not run away over long distances, so searches are best carried out within a radius of several kilometers from the house. Cats are under severe stress, so they may simply not respond to their name or favorite treat.

Cats that are lost on the street often like to hide under cars parked in the yard, so these places need to be checked first.

Lost cat: where to look?

The primary question, in our opinion, will not be “how” to search, but “where”: maybe the animal is not lost yet?

Start your search in your own home and thoroughly check all the closets, as well as the attic and basement: perhaps you accidentally locked your furry friend and he simply cannot get out.

Knock on all your neighbors and ask permission to inspect their plots, and if possible, their houses. The task is not an easy one, but the fact that a cat could visit a neighboring house and also fall into a trap there is more than real.

Look in dark, dry places - in dense foliage, bushes; perhaps in old pipes, boxes, crates, abandoned buildings.

Also, do not forget to raise your head and inspect the “second tier”: trees, roofs of houses, sheds and garages.

Be sure to return to the old search site - escaped cats tend to hide and not respond for several days, and only then, when they get hungry or calm down, speak up.

Lost cat

The reasons why a cat is lost could be anything. He can slip through an unlocked window or an open door, run away from the house on his own, or get lost from fright in an unfamiliar place. The main role in this situation is played by the time when you discovered the loss. The sooner you realized that your pet is not at home, the better it will be. If the animal is dear to you, you will not regret either the time or money searching for it. Remember that when searching, every detail and minute is important, on which even the life of the animal sometimes depends.

Of course, you need to be alarmed if a kitten goes missing, since in most cases there are many dangers lurking for it on the street. Kids are afraid of cold, dampness, hunger and strangers. A kitten is unlikely to find its way home on its own, unlike an adult animal. Most often, he will look for a secluded place, meow pitifully and seek help from people. According to statistics, without human help, kittens die in 80% of cases, while an adult cat can get food for itself and survive.

According to statistics, if a pet goes missing, people find only 50% of cats, but 70% of dogs. However, 65% of cats that escaped and 7% of dogs return to their owners on their own.

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Possible places where you can look for a pet outside your home

After you have carried out search activities throughout the apartment, you need to start searching on the street. So, the most common places to try looking for a lost pet could be:

  • Entrance. This is logical, since if the cat escaped from the apartment, logically it will definitely end up in the entrance. Thus, to look for a missing cat, you need to start from the very top floors and gradually go down to the exit, checking all the nooks and crannies.
  • Basement or attic roof. If the cat escaped through a window, then most likely it can be found in the attic, however, if the exit for it was a door, then it is also necessary to very carefully inspect the basement and the surrounding areas.
  • Yard A lost person will be found much faster if the search begins early in the morning. This is due to the fact that in the morning there are not many people in the yard and it is most likely that the lost person will be quite easy to find.
  • Country house. How to find a cat if it gets lost during a trip to a country house? Thus, it is necessary to initially search all the surrounding areas and nearby premises. It is also worth asking all your neighbors if they saw your cat that ran away. To do this, you need to tell them how she could have gotten lost and her main signs.
  • Park or forest park. If there is a park or forest plantation near your house, then you need to look for your pet there. This is due to the fact that the cat could be very frightened and it is necessary to look for it at the top of one of the trees. Thus, when looking for a pet, you need to call a cat that has run away quite quietly and calmly, this will instill a certain trust in her, and she will definitely give a voice.

“These are the most common places where your pet might be and should be investigated first, as most often when they go missing, that’s where they are found.”

What to do if you couldn’t find your missing cat in the first days

When searching for a missing cat, it is not always possible to find it quickly, but you cannot abandon this idea and you need to continue the undertaking. Some recommendations:

  1. posting advertisements about searching for an animal in the area of ​​residence, indicating external data, photographs, and the amount of reward. In this case, the form can be hung up in veterinary clinics located in the district;
  2. social networks (in contact, classmates), as there are special groups where you can post information about a missing animal. This technique is quite effective, since the ad can be read by a large number of people.

The above methods can help in the search even after a long time, since the animal can stray to any place.

At the same time, fraudsters can take advantage of such advertisements for their own benefit:

  1. a call is made and the owner is notified that his animal has been found;
  2. most often the voice of the person calling is absolutely calm, measured and does not arouse any suspicion;
  3. then the person demands a reward in a friendly tone with the transfer of the animal after some time (several hours, in the morning or in the evening);
  4. at the same time, scammers often ask to top up a card or mobile phone number as a reward, and then disappear;
  5. if the owner refuses to transfer the money, they may face threats (for example, kill the animal or not give it back, but throw it out into the street).

In order to prevent the development of such events, the following measures must be taken:

  1. ask for the possibility of providing a photo using any electronic resource (mms message, viber, mail, whatsapp);
  2. checking the name of the animal when naming it is incorrect and if the cat responds, then this is a fraudulent scheme;
  3. checking for special signs or finding out any other characteristic features of the animal. If confusion begins, then most likely it is just scammers trying to illegally receive a reward.

What to do, how to find a missing cat?

Start searching as soon as you discover that it is missing - perhaps the cat did not have time to go far.

Be sure to take a flashlight with you, even if your search operation takes place during the day: let us remind you that you will have to explore the darkest, secluded places of your site and the surrounding area.

Don't shout while searching! Try to call your cat in a quiet, soothing voice: the animal is most likely currently in a state of stress and a sharp cry from even a familiar person will frighten it even more.

Be sure to stop and listen to see if meowing is coming from somewhere. Cats are known to often vocalize when they are in trouble: they are hungry or cannot get out of a trap.

During the process, do not hesitate to ask everyone you meet if they have ever seen your cat: any information can be extremely useful.

Don't neglect searching at night: in the dark you have a much better chance. It is at this time that the escaped cat, feeling more confident, comes out of the shelter and moves.

Involve as many helpers as possible in the search: it will not be easy to come to an agreement with adult neighbors, but teenagers and children are quite possible to join the search for a symbolic reward, or just to have fun. Just don’t forget to instruct them in detail!

Don’t take your dog on the search and ask your helpers to do the same: these wonderful human rescuers will simply scare away the cat.

Print out flyers with a photo of your missing pet and post them wherever possible. Indicating the reward amount in the ad will serve as a good motivation for others.

Caring for a foundling

Unfortunately, about half of the animals that escape from their homes are never found. But if the search brings results, the cat returns home, you should not only surround him with attention and affection. During the trip, the pet could communicate with stray cats and cats, could get hurt, or eat a low-quality product. He needs to be examined by a veterinarian:

  • Tests will show whether there was any infection with parasites or dangerous viruses.
  • A specialist will check at the veterinary clinic for the presence of wounds, including hidden ones.
  • A doctor may prescribe a sedative for a cat if it is very frightened or in a state of stress.
  • There is no need to overfeed your pet right away, even if he looks hungry. It is better to feed him light foods for a while so that the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved.
  • At a veterinary clinic, a specialist will prescribe medications to prevent fleas, ticks, and parasites. Processing must be carried out.

Why don’t cats live in the house for a long time, what does this mean?

Some homes do not accommodate cats. Superstitious people believe that pets are driven away by brownies or the spirits of once dead animals. Naturally, this opinion has no scientific confirmation. The only reasonable explanation for why cats often run away from home is that they are mistreated. Felines subtly sense the coldness of their owners.

It is unlikely that any animal will stay in a family for a long time when the lack of warm feelings is accompanied by constant screaming and humiliation. An unhealthy psychological situation in the house will also force the pet to leave it at the first opportunity, even if it is generally treated well.

Useful tips

Useful tips from experts when searching for a missing animal:

  • gradual expansion of the search area only after a thorough inspection of all local areas and other places located nearby;
  • search activities are best carried out at different times of the day, since frightened pets can come out of their hiding places in the evening or at night, when it gets dark;
  • calling your pet, using your favorite food, toys, or clicker is best used early in the morning or late in the evening, since it becomes quiet outside and the animal can hear familiar sounds and run towards them;
  • It is best to carry out searches with assistants, since it is quite difficult to inspect vast areas alone. Additional help can speed up the receipt of positive news;
  • finding out information from strangers (neighbors, children walking on the playground, pensioners on benches). You can show a photo of the animal, leave contact information and find out if anyone has seen it in the surrounding area;
  • You can also contact janitors or permanent residents who often feed stray animals and may encounter a lost cat on their way.

Catch and prevent further escapes

Most likely, the cat settled nearby, within a square kilometer from the house. This happens quite often, because over time, walking cats become less and less attached to humans and establish more and more connections with their fellow cats. Since it is very difficult to find a missing cat that has “lost” of its own free will, owners can only hope that the pet will come home on its own.

Sometimes such cats “go on a spree” for several weeks, months and even years. It is impossible to predict whether the cat will return home. As a consolation for the owners: a free-roaming cat knows perfectly well the laws of the concrete jungle, knows how to find water and food, stand up for itself or escape from enemies. Such cats rarely end up under cars or in the mouths of stray dogs.

  • the search should be carried out in an expanding spiral;
  • during the search, you need to call your pet by name, rustling with a bag of food or a toy;
  • the pet is scared. Probably even in a panic. Since it is very difficult to find a missing cat if it has frozen in place from fear, you need to rely on your own strength, without hoping that the cat will come out when called. You can't miss a single bush or tree! Be sure to look under each car, inspect the entrances from the first to the last floor, looking behind the garbage chute pipes;
  • if the search is unsuccessful, it’s time to explore the basements. You will need a powerful flashlight, a bag of usual food and your pet’s favorite toy.

Since it is easier to find a cat on the street if the owner has help, you should immediately inform friends and relatives about the problem. You need to look for a fugitive by breaking into pairs and dividing the territory between groups. If it was not possible to find your pet during the day, the “search operation” is scheduled for late evening or early morning of the next day - a calm, quiet time when the cat is less frightened and more willing to respond to the call.

It's time to connect word of mouth. Distribute high-quality photographs of your pet to your helpers. Pictures should be shown to children, pensioners and teenagers (people who spend a lot of time outdoors and almost certainly have free time). Explain to them how to find a lost cat (ask them to look around the yard, bushes, trees, look under cars, etc.).

The most important thing is to promise a reward and don’t forget to leave a piece of paper with contact information. Explain that the cat is lost and is not adapted to the street, and that it must be returned home before it gets into trouble. Typically, older people and children show sincere sympathy and really help in the search.

The next step is to notify the local population. Again, monetary rewards should definitely be mentioned. Advertisements should be posted along the search path (in an expanding spiral) and posted on the Internet. In the ad: a photograph (an ad without a photo does not work, it has been verified many times by hundreds of owners), special features, gender, contact information and a mention that the cat is domestic.

If the cat is purebred, talk to doctors at local clinics, leaving them with contact information and a photo of the cat. On the back of the photo write gender, age, special features. People who find a purebred pet do not always voluntarily return the assigned cats and dogs, but at some point they will have to visit a veterinarian who can recognize the missing cat and report the find to the real owners.

What to do if your animal is lost, and how to help it find its way home?

Many people have heard stories that even a cat taken many kilometers from home still found its way back after some time. There are various theories about how this animal manages to navigate unfamiliar terrain, but, unfortunately, only those cats that live on the street are capable of this. Only one or two out of ten domestic sissies can find their way home; the rest, finding themselves alone in an unfamiliar place, simply panic.

Often those cats that go for walks on the street choose freedom for themselves and do not want to return home. Such an animal will be even more difficult to find, because in no case will it respond to the owner’s call, but, on the contrary, will try to run away and hide from him.

If a domestic cat is lost, then you need to find it as soon as possible, because it is in great danger - the animal can get hit by a car or become easy prey for a pack of stray dogs. You shouldn’t sit and wait for your pet to return on its own – start actively searching for it.

Where to look for a lost cat? She won't stray far from her home, so look for her in the surrounding area while moving in an expanding spiral. The cat will not cling to its homeless relatives and will probably try to hide, so while searching, call her by name, rustling a bag of food or her favorite toy.

Keep in mind that a frightened animal may not respond to the owner’s call and may freeze in some secluded place, literally numb with fear. Therefore, carefully inspect the entire area adjacent to your home. Do not ignore the attic, the stairs, the basement, or even a single tree growing in the yard.

If you are unable to find the cat on your own, then go out searching with the support of relatives and friends. Break up into pairs and comb the area, best done in the late evening or early morning. At such a time, the street is quite quiet and deserted, and the animal is more likely to come out when called.

Be sure to distribute to your assistants and place on porches and pillars high-quality photos of your animal with your contact number and a request for the finder to return the cat for a reward, and also post them on social networks and forums in your city. In the ad, be sure to indicate the special characteristics of the animal. Post the same notices in pet stores and veterinary clinics.

Do not delay your search under any circumstances, and then, with a high degree of probability, your pet will soon be home again.

  • What to do if your cat is lost?
  • Catch a runaway cat

First, try to look for the cat in the entrance; perhaps he has hidden himself under the stairs.

The hardest place to find a cat is at the dacha, because there he has free space for festivities.

It pinches and breaks, gnaws and throws, shakes and crushes, ties the veins into knots. As this fire goes out, the thief will feel bad.

First of all, let's look at the reasons why cats run away from home.

There are several such reasons.

  • The desire to find a mate. The instinct of procreation forces uncastrated cats and unsterilized cats to run away from home.
  • Pursuit of prey. Cats often jump out of windows when they see birds or large insects such as dragonflies or butterflies.
  • Fear. A cat may run away when frightened by noise (family quarrel, moving furniture) or to avoid punishment. A domestic cat, frightened by the unusual sounds and sight of the street, may also jump out of the carrier when it is being transported.
  • Curiosity. The English say: “curiosity killed the cat.” Some cats will run out the door or jump out the window simply to explore new and unfamiliar territory.

What to do to prevent the cat from running away?

  • First of all, spay/neuter your male cat. In this way you will solve many different problems, in particular, the problem of the animal’s desire to run away from home.
  • Train your cat to respond to your name. This is not difficult to do, and it helps a lot when searching for a cat (even within an apartment).
  • Place screens on the windows. Nets should be metal, not mosquito nets. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you'll only open the windows a little, or that your cat is lazy and isn't interested in the window. In urban environments, a huge number of cats jump out or fall out of windows. This is the most likely way to lose your pet. If you open windows (to wash them, for example), lock the cat in another room or in the bathroom.
  • If there is noisy activity in your home that involves opening doors (moving furniture, renovation work), do not let the cat out of your sight. Lock her in a separate room or bathroom for a while. You can even put her in a carrier. Under no circumstances should you simply carry a cat down the street in your hands, no matter how lazy and obedient it may be! Buy a good carrier and check all zippers and fasteners before transporting your cat. Keep in mind that some cats can open zippers.
  • Watch the front door. Don't talk to anyone across the threshold when the door is open. A cat can slip past you completely unnoticed. In every doubtful case, check whether the cat has run out into the corridor or into the entrance. The situation is especially dangerous if the light goes out in the corridor outside the front door. The cat can see in the dark, but you can’t, so it’s easy for her to run past you unnoticed.

What to do if the cat does run away?

If you find your frightened pet in an unfamiliar place, be careful. She might just run away from you. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent escape from fright and predict the cat’s movements. You need to approach her slowly, you can hold out your favorite treat at arm's length. Gently pick up the animal.

Make sure that this is really your ward. Examine him carefully, he may have wounds or injuries. If this becomes necessary, take the cat to the veterinarian. At home, create comfortable and calm conditions for the animal, surround it with attention and affection. Do not give a lot of food right away, because during the days of absence the cat could simply starve. And if this is so, then, of course, he will attack the food, which will lead to indigestion.

A healthy adult cat has passed away - what should I do?

If an unneutered pet left home, it is possible that he began to estrus and went in search of a partner for mating. Pregnant pets often leave to give birth to offspring in a calm environment. A pet can also leave home due to poor treatment or the addition of another animal to the family. What to do when a healthy adult pet runs away? How can I get it back?

Will the animal find its way home?

Cats are territorial animals. They always strive to return to their habitat. Lost pets usually find their way home on their own. They are helped in this by vision, smell, hearing and memory. With the help of a keen sense of smell, they are able to detect the smallest concentrations of odorous substances and determine the location of the source of the smell. The hearing aid in cats is designed in such a way that they perfectly remember not just a “video sequence,” but a full-fledged “video clip” with a sound track. Thanks to this ability, they can reproduce it in memory, finding their way home.

The easiest way for a free-range pet to return to its native land is because, unlike a pet, it is familiar with the area. There are many stories about cats returning to their owners, traveling hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. There are even cases where pets returned to their owners 5 years after they went missing. Scientists have not yet been able to figure out how they do this. Presumably, cats use an electromagnetic field to orient themselves in space. How exactly they capture radiation is unknown.

How long can you wait?

If a cat is lost and has never been outside the home, the search should begin immediately after the loss is discovered. An animal not accustomed to the street may run away out of fear in an unknown direction and get into trouble. The more time passes from the moment your four-legged pet left home, the less chance you have of finding it.

Don’t panic and search the entire yard if your pet, which is free to go outside, went for a walk a few minutes ago. You should start searching if the animal has not returned by the end of the day. It is advisable to begin the search operation before dusk, so that the cat does not have to spend the night in the open air, and its owners do not have to worry all night.

Where to look for a pet first?

To return a pet, sometimes it is enough to search the home. Perhaps the cat did not go somewhere beyond its boundaries, but simply hid, for example, under a sofa, closet, bathroom, behind a curtain, in a box, on a sideboard or in a pantry. Some tailed pranksters like to hide in the washing machine. If the animal was not found in the house, you need to look for it:

  • Under the windows. Perhaps your pet, while hunting for a bird or a sunbeam, fell from a balcony or window.
  • At the entrance. If a cat sneaks through a slightly open door, it can be found on the upper or lower floor.
  • In the attic, when there is easy access to it.
  • In an open basement where a frightened pet that had fallen out of a window could hide.
  • Under the cars. Frightened animals, once outside, look for secluded places.
  • On the nearby trees. To escape from dogs, passing cars, and aggressive relatives, they climb higher.
  • In neighboring areas. If a cat has disappeared from a private home, it may be hiding with neighbors.
  • In buildings located in the local area: in a garage, bathhouse, barn, woodshed.

If the missing tailed animal has not been discovered, you should not give up trying to find it. You should ask your neighbors if the cat has wandered into theirs. You also need to walk along the road, suddenly an animal trying to cross it is hit by a car, it lies on the side of the road, and it can still be saved.

Children love animals and are unlikely to let a well-groomed beautiful cat walk out of their sight. It is worth asking local children if they have seen the cat. It is necessary to name the special features of the pet.

You should try to look for your pet again when it gets a little dark and the bustle outside has died down. In the silence of the night, extraneous sounds will not drown out the owner’s call, and there is a high probability that the cat will respond to a familiar voice. In addition, in the dark, the animal can be given away by its glowing eyes. Grandmothers talking on a bench near the entrance, janitors, mothers with strollers - all these people can help in the search for a missing animal.

What to do when a cat is found

If a missing cat is found, then at the first meeting he may experience discomfort and be in a stressful state due to a sudden change in circumstances and being in an unknown environment for a long time.

You need to approach the found animal carefully and show it a treat in order to lure it and not scare it away. A hungry animal will gradually approach the food and then you can carefully try to pick it up.

Once the animal has been found, it is necessary to inspect it and identify the possible presence of wounds, injuries, fleas and worms. Such activities are carried out when visiting a veterinary clinic.

At first, it is necessary to limit the amount of food, since a hungry animal can attack the food and then get severe digestive disorders. It is best to eat small meals up to several times a day.

Additionally, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to prevent the repeated loss of the animal:

  • access to the street must be limited for some time or regular monitoring of the animal must be ensured;
  • it is necessary to accustom the cat to its nickname, which should be simple and not complicated. This will make it easier to find the animal if it gets lost;
  • carrying out castration, sterilization, as the animal’s sexual instincts are dulled and it becomes calmer. However, this method does not eliminate the risk of it disappearing from home;
  • installation of metal bars on windows, especially in multi-storey buildings, since their landing is not always successful for general health;
  • the use of durable carriers, special harnesses instead of a collar when the owner and the cat move long distances;
  • microchipping cats and having a special collar will help you quickly find them, since the chip indicates information about their place of residence;
  • You can also try to teach the cat to walk outside so that he returns home on his own. However, it takes an indefinite amount of time to develop such a habit.

Basic tips on how to catch an escaped cat

What to do if your cat is lost? The answer is simple - you need to follow these basic tips, and you will soon understand where your pet may be:

  1. If you have lost your cat, you should search using a bright flashlight. This simple device will come in handy if you need to search a basement or attic; also, in the light of a flashlight, your pet’s eyes will immediately begin to sparkle and it will be much easier to spot him.
  2. Grandmothers near the entrances can tell you how to find a missing cat. This is due to the fact that they could notice a frightened domestic kitten who does not know where to run to find his home. Janitors who clean the yard can also be very effective. They may also notice a hungry animal that appears confused and scared. With the help of a face-to-face interview, a kitten can be found faster and much more efficiently.
  3. In order for the owner to find his pet much faster, it is necessary to place an ad about his loss. As for the details described in the advertisement, it is necessary to describe all the signs of the cat; if it had any features, then they should also be described colorfully. If you want to maximize the effectiveness of your request, then when creating an ad you need to supplement it with tear-off pieces of paper with your contact information and phone number. Such leaflets should be posted everywhere in the yard and its surroundings. It is best to supplement them with a photo of the cat, if available. As for even greater effectiveness, such leaflets can be placed in veterinary clinics or used to search for a pet on social networks, which is quite common today.
  4. How to find a lost cat, if it has already been wanted for a long time, then in this case you need to look for it in a flock of stray cats that exist in almost every yard. Thus, a cat that is lost can be located there and already be sufficiently adapted to outdoor conditions. Initially, such pets are afraid and hide in the corners, but over time, the fear passes and if it is lost, then over time it begins to get used to it and joins the homeless pack of cats. Thus, there is no need to despair if the cat has not been home for a long period of time. This is due to the fact that quite often cats are found after a month or more. It is best to continue your search and not lose heart, only then will your efforts be fully rewarded.
  5. Almost every city has special points where you can find lost animals. Thus, people who find stray cats can take them to where they are temporarily staying. They will definitely help you and if your pet is there, then you can take it with you.

What causes cats to leave home most often?

As for the most common reasons why cats leave their home, there can be a huge number of them, but the most common of them should be listed below:

  • the cat said to jump out of the window after noticing an individual of the opposite sex through its smell. This is quite simple to do, especially if it’s summer outside and the window is constantly open;
  • birds in windows also very often attract the attention of cats;
  • the instinct of nature called the cat and beckoned him with the taste of freedom;
  • the pet could have become very frightened of something and hastened to leave the premises.

Thus, to summarize, it should be noted that there can be a huge number of reasons for a cat to leave the house, but it is worth taking them all into account and limiting the pet’s penetration outside as much as possible. It is imperative to monitor the cat’s health and take timely measures so that the pet does not have the desire to go into all serious troubles on his own.

However, if your pet is on the street, then outdoor cats may not be very fond of it, which can also greatly affect its health. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and protect him from unnecessary stressful situations.

How long can it take for a missing cat to return?

Real-life cases show that lost cats can return home after several months or even years. According to statistics, up to 50% of lost owners find their pets healthy and unharmed.

65% of cases confirm the fact that cats return home from distant places (cottage, village or other places where the animal was early). Intensive searches, patience and perseverance increase the chances of finding the loss within a short time.

Therefore, if the cat suddenly disappears, then you need to immediately start searching in all possible places. In this case, the animal can return home on its own after some time. Much depends on the pet and the circumstances of each specific situation.

It's best to do your best and try to check all your options. The loss of a beloved pet is an unpleasant matter, but it can be resolved if you follow the recommendations presented.

Attract people

Searching for a missing animal alone is much less effective than searching with other people. First of all, contact your friends and relatives - they will be happy to help comb the area, and there is a chance that the smell of your friends will not scare away the cat.

It wouldn’t hurt to ask people who are constantly near your home for help - these could be janitors, salespeople at kiosks, or fitters. It is possible that they were among the first to notice a frightened animal nearby.

Children willingly participate in the search for missing pets. You can involve a group of schoolchildren walking in the yard in the search, but you must definitely warn them about following the rules of behavior - excessive activity and loud noises will frighten the cat even more.

Actions of the owners that can aggravate the situation

The behavior of the owners themselves often significantly reduces their chances of finding a missing cat. They develop tunnel vision and fail to find their pet because they are based on incorrect theories. They try to avoid grief and quickly stop searching. They feel helpless and alone, and others often discourage them from continuing to look by reproaching them and telling them that “it was just a cat” or “you’ll never find your cat.” But one of the biggest mistakes is that all the owners' efforts to find their pet are limited to posting missing cat notices and searching the cages of local shelters. While these methods are important and should not be neglected, the primary method for rehoming a lost cat should be this: Ask your neighbors for permission to enter their yard and personally thoroughly search for your missing cat (and set humane baited traps if necessary). It's not enough to just ask your neighbor to look for your missing cat! Neighbors won't crawl on their bellies under their decks or around their house looking for someone else's missing cat.

Make bait

Felines' sense of smell is much better developed than vision, so smell is an important landmark that can lure a lost pet.

Baits are placed within a radius of 100-200 meters from the house or a little further, preferably in places that can be checked regularly. You can use the following “beacons” for searching:

  • the owner's things - the cat will be attracted by an old jacket or slippers with a familiar smell;
  • a toy, bedding or other favorite thing - a pet can follow its own scent;
  • a small amount of filler from the tray will remind you of the marked territory of the house;
  • food or treats - you can use it, but be careful; most likely, the feeder will attract stray animals.

Walk around the marked points about two to three times a day; it is better not to get too close to them, but to observe from the side.

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