Oxytocin during cat birth: characteristics of the drug and its effect


Oxytocin is a hormonal drug that affects uterine contraction, myoepithelial cells and mammary ducts. In a cat's body, this is a hormone from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which is produced during contractions and when the nipples are irritated. Oxytocin is used during childbirth in cats to quickly expel the kitten's fetus and further reduce it.

The composition of Oxytocin acts quickly: the substance dissolves in the blood in no more than 6 minutes, and the body’s first reaction is observed within 3-4 minutes.

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Correct Application

The place for administering the hormone to the animal is the withers.
In order not to provoke an overdose, Oxytocin should be injected after consultation with a veterinarian. The doctor will select the required dose for each specific cat depending on its body weight. You will need to resort to medication between contractions when they have subsided. With this, it will be possible to achieve stimulation of the smooth muscles of the uterus. It is recommended to administer about 0.3 ml of medication at a time. The cocktail is placed at the withers. If the contractions slow down, the cat owner will need to carefully remove the kitten themselves, using sterile gloves.

Sometimes you need to arm yourself with Vaseline.

Should a cat give birth?

I have an 8 month old cat, and soon she will ask for a cat. When I took her from the breeder, they told me that she had to give birth once in order for everything to develop there and not have any health problems. My plans for the future of her marriage include a lot of stress. The real question is, should she give birth? Or should she be sterilized now?

What will you do with the kittens later - drown them or throw them in the trash? Of course, sterilize, stop creating homeless people.

I don't know about cats. But I can speak for the dogs. I had a dog for 17 years and never gave birth. She died of cancer (it started at the age of 12, but she had 4 operations, the girl’s health was excellent, she endured everything). She died from metastases. And so the body was not worn out, she would have lived a couple more years. Until the last days she remained active (she jumped on the sofa herself)

The author is that you are a breeder listening to stories, that’s all! If you get her together for the first time, then she will ask the cat to bring kittens and scream at night AND CASTRATION WILL NOT HELP A BLIT. I CHECKED THIS FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE so don’t even think about it.

The author is that you are a breeder listening to stories, that’s all! If you get her together for the first time, then she will ask the cat to bring kittens and scream at night AND CASTRATION WILL NOT HELP A BLIT. I CHECKED THIS FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE so don’t even think about it.

+1. I join in, speaking as an already experienced person. If you bring her together once, you will need to bring her together with a cat at least once a year or two, otherwise you will be tormented by constant yelling and crawling with her belly on the floor. Sterilize after that, well, I don’t know, my habit of yelling remains, apparently they realized it too late.

I don't know, I had 2 cats. Both, on the advice of the veterinarian, gave birth once (the kittens were distributed without problems), then we sterilized them. Neither one nor the other wanted a cat, the first one lived for 16 years, the second one is now 12, t-t-t)))

Sterilize! So as not to breed cats


When is it prohibited to use?

Oxytocin should not be given to cats that have smooth muscle scarring. This precaution is due to the fact that the use of the medication can cause traumatic injuries. Pharmaceuticals are not used in situations where the fetus is lying incorrectly. Intensifying contractions can cause serious injuries to the baby. Oxytocin should not be used if the cat has been diagnosed with bronchospasm or tachycardia. It is prohibited to use the medication if your pet is individually intolerant to certain components contained in the composition. A high risk of eclampsia is also considered a contraindication.

Why is Oxytocin used?

The hormonal drug is used in weak labor, when the cat’s contractions disappear. Most often these are old animals over eight years old. Oxytocin causes contractions of the uterus, and helps it quickly release the fetus. The hormone is also effective after childbirth. It stimulates rapid cleansing of the uterus and the secretion of breast milk.

Oxytocin is administered during labor, between contractions. And preferably after the birth of the first kitten to avoid uterine rupture. A small amount of the drug can also be injected after childbirth.

Adverse reactions

The drug can lead to an allergic reaction in your pet.
Sometimes “Oxytocin” provokes allergies in cats, which in its manifestations is similar to anaphylactic shock. A slight redness in the area of ​​the injection is considered a normal physiological reaction of the pet’s body and should not alert its owner. It is important for the owner to take into account that the medication interacts with other medications. Therefore, if several pharmaceutical products are used at once, it is important to consult a veterinarian. In the opposite situation, “Oxytocin” can interact, resulting in the formation of chemicals that can cause poisoning in the cat’s body.

Normal and abnormal course of labor

Prevention of all possible complications during childbirth begins with caring for a pregnant cat . As soon as you discover that your pet is pregnant, regardless of whether mating was planned, she must be shown to a veterinarian.

A cat's pregnancy can be determined from 2–3 weeks using a blood test. At 3–4 weeks, the expectant mother's mammary glands swell. As the gestation period increases, the following signs are observed:

  • Increased hunger.
  • Redness of the nipples.
  • Toxicosis.
  • Slight but constant weight gain.
  • Behavioral changes - frequent meowing, restlessness, unusual affection or irritability.

During the normal course of pregnancy, by about 5–6 weeks, the pet’s belly becomes noticeably rounded. If gestation proceeds without complications, the cat receives decent care, has no genetic defects, and birth occurs from 64 to 71 days of pregnancy.

Important! During the normal course of pregnancy, before the onset of contractions, the cat should not experience any discharge from the genitals. The only exception is early rejection of the mucus plug, which can occur several weeks before birth.

It will be easier for an inexperienced owner to cope with the situation if the nest for birth is prepared in advance. It is necessary to monitor the cat’s behavior; most often, she herself chooses a suitable (from her point of view) place. You can take the initiative and equip a nest for your cat from a spacious box. In order for the expectant mother to feel safe, the box must be closed (have a roof).

During the first contractions, you may find that the cat is restless, constantly entering the nest, or looking for a suitable place to give birth to kittens. The pet can meow loudly and attract the attention of the owner, especially if she is about to give birth for the first time. The first contractions bring discomfort, but the cat successfully hides the pain. The owner may not notice the discharge of amniotic fluid and the rejection of the mucous plug, since the cat licks the genital area.

As the labor process progresses, contractions will intensify and the interval between them will decrease. When the interval is reduced to 20–30 seconds, the cat will lie down on its side and prepare to push.

The first kitten takes longer to be born than all the others; to expel it, the cat will need to make 3-4 strong attempts. The total duration of the process from the start of contractions to the appearance of the first kitten can take from 2 to 24 hours. Normally, contractions last up to 12 hours, and pushing at the birth of the first kitten lasts up to 1 hour.

Note! After the birth of the first kitten, the remaining babies should appear at intervals of 10–20 minutes.

As soon as the baby is born, the cat licks its face, gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the afterbirth. If the woman in labor does not pay attention to the kitten, and the expulsion occurs too quickly, the pet may be in rapid labor. This complication is associated with severe pain, so it is advisable to immediately remove the kittens from the nest, remove fluid from the respiratory tract, rub them and place them on a heating pad.

special instructions

While using the medication, the cat owner is prohibited from eating, smoking and drinking. After the first injection and each subsequent time, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. The container containing the medicine must be disposed of immediately and not used for household purposes. If the medication gets on the mucous membranes or skin, you need to rinse them as soon as possible with plenty of water. When allergy symptoms appear, you should not hesitate to visit a medical facility.

Prevention of prolonged labor

With high-quality care and a normal pregnancy, most cats give birth to offspring without outside help. A young mother is quite capable of setting up a nest for herself, preparing for childbirth on her own, licking all the kittens and pushing them towards the nipples.

As long as the birth occurs without complications, owner intervention is not required, but many women in labor prefer to be observed by a trusted person. Observe the expectant mother; by her behavior you will understand whether she wants your presence during childbirth. If a cat is hiding, try to watch it from the side.

Do not forget that physical activity is very important for the normal development of kittens and preparing the body for childbirth. Try to provoke your cat to play and run. In addition to natural stimulation of the birth process, physical activity during the entire pregnancy will allow the pet to maintain a normal weight.

Important! Obesity in pregnant cats increases the load on the heart, purification and respiratory systems. Significant excess weight often leads to complications during childbirth.

A cat may deliberately delay giving birth if she is unsure of the well-being of the expected offspring. To reduce the stress of the expectant mother, prepare a nest in advance in which the cat will feel cozy and safe. The nest site is usually chosen by the cat.

Before inducing labor at home, be sure to measure your temperature. Before giving birth, the cat's base temperature drops to 37.1–37.2 degrees. If your pet's body temperature has dropped, do not resort to stimulation for two days or until the veterinarian prescribes therapy.

If the gestation period approaches 65 days, and the pet is not preparing for childbirth, red marlin ( common marlin) can be used as a folk remedy to induce labor. The drug is usually sold in gelatin capsules that are easy to open. The contents of one capsule are mixed with canned or natural food once a day.

For stimulation, you can massage the abdomen and nipples . Regardless of whether you use a medicated supplement, try to gently massage your cat's belly and mammary glands. Your manipulations will lead to increased production of oxytocin, the critical concentration of which should trigger contractions.

Monitor closely for behavioral and physiological changes. About 12 hours before the birth of kittens, the expectant mother may experience trembling in the limbs, severe anxiety, deep and rapid breathing, breathing with an open mouth, and active meowing. All these signs indicate that labor is proceeding normally and stimulation is not needed. However, if this condition lasts more than 24 hours, and contractions have not started, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Analogues of the drug

If the doctor deems it necessary, he can prescribe a similar drug to the animal - Oxytocin-Richter.
Pharmacy chains also offer other medications that are given to cats during childbirth. The doctor may prescribe the following pharmaceuticals:

  • "Desaminooxytocin";
  • "Oxytocin grindex";
  • "Oxytocin-biolek";
  • "Oxytocin Richter."

It is important to remember that it is strictly prohibited to independently replace a prescribed medication. All medications have their own side effects and contraindications for use, which are important to consider before using them. Only a veterinarian who is familiar with the cat’s medical history and the individual characteristics of its body has the right to replace the medicine.

Description of the veterinary drug

"Oxytocin" is a veterinary drug that is used in veterinary medicine. Used for preventive purposes and treatment of gynecological problems in cows. This is a clear, colorless or yellowish solution. Packaged in ampoules or glass bottles, closed with rubber stoppers and aluminum screws. Common packaging: 1, 5, 10-100 milliliters.

The active ingredient is oxytocin. 1 milliliter of veterinary preparation contains 5 units (IU) or 10 units (IU) of the active component. Excipients: nipagin, water for injection. The veterinary product is completely ready for use. The medicine is used, as a rule, once, at the time of weak labor activity. After the injection, animal meat or milk can be consumed without restrictions.

Help with prolonged labor

Make it a rule not to interfere with the birth process until you are sure that the woman in labor needs help. Stimulation of the birth process and other interventions can harm not only the kittens, but also the pet.

Be sure to contact your veterinarian if you notice the following complications:

  • Black, green, bloody, or foul-smelling discharge during labor.
  • Labor lasts longer than 36 hours.
  • Contractions last more than 12 hours.
  • Pushing that lasts longer than 30–60 minutes and does not produce a kitten.
  • An amniotic sac has appeared in the birth canal, but the horse cannot push it out for more than 10 minutes.

With such complications, self-help is not only useless, but also dangerous. If you cannot call a veterinarian at home, ask for instructions over the phone. Listen carefully to how to induce labor in a cat, write down the names of the medications and pay special attention to the dosage.

To stimulate labor or pushing, the well-known drug Oxytocin . The average dosage is 0.3 ml once an hour, for a cat weighing 4–5 kg. Oxytocin is not recommended to be administered more than three or four times, since excessive stimulation can lead to weakening of the body, damage to the birth canal and bleeding.

Note! Oxytocin is used for several purposes: to speed up labor, resume contractions or pushing, enhance or initiate lactation.

If difficulties in childbirth occur due to the fact that a dead kitten is stuck in the tract, after its expulsion it is necessary to carry out resuscitation measures. Open the amniotic sac and remove amniotic fluid from the respiratory tract using a syringe without a needle. Actively rub the kitten with a dry towel; if it does not begin to breathe or move, place it on a heating pad and continue rubbing the body from the limbs to the sternum.

Note! If the kitten's skin turns pink when rubbed and warmed, it means there is blood flow and you still have a chance to revive the baby.

When you contact your veterinarian, you will most likely be given several options:

  • Use of Oxytocin.
  • C-section.

Recently, the reputation of Oxytocin has deteriorated greatly; experienced owners prefer to use it only in extreme cases. Despite the reviews, Oxytocin was and remains the only, unique drug that can effectively stimulate labor. Veterinarians say Oxytocin is not dangerous if administered in the correct dosage and under medical supervision.

Note! If induction of labor in a cat occurs in a clinical setting, Oxytocin is administered intravenously and gradually (drip).


Surgery is considered the most reliable solution in case of protracted labor. Experienced cat owners sign up expectant mothers for a planned caesarean section as soon as they learn they are pregnant. It is never too late to refuse surgery, but if complications arise, the owner will be confident that his pet will be taken care of.

A caesarean section is an abdominal operation in which the walls of the peritoneum and uterus are cut. Kittens are removed from the uterus along with amniotic sacs and placenta. Typically, several doctors are involved in the operation or the veterinarian is assisted by a paramedic who performs resuscitation measures while the doctor stitches up the cat.

If your pet is outbred, the pregnancy was not planned or was accompanied by severe complications, during a caesarean section, the doctor can remove the uterus and ovaries - castration. Before abandoning the proposed alternative, keep in mind that a cat who has had a cesarean section (most likely) will no longer be able to give birth on her own.

After a cesarean section, the kittens should be bottle-fed for 24 hours, since there will be drug residues in the mother’s blood. If the uterus and ovaries were preserved during the operation, wait several days for the cat to begin lactation. If lactation does not begin, drug therapy is used.

Note! When performing a cesarean section followed by castration, the chance of lactation occurring is significantly reduced (although not excluded). Before the operation, the veterinarian will warn you that the kittens will have to be artificially fed.

Contraindications and side effects

A veterinary drug used for females can cause side effects only in the case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In this case, individuals note:

  • tachycardia;
  • short-term arterial hypotension;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus.

In case of overdose, hyperstimulation of the uterus, cardiac arrhythmia, hypoxia, and fetal death are possible.

Oxytocin is strictly contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug, as well as if there is a threat of uterine rupture due to fetal hypoxia, which is caused by its incorrect location. In this case, the veterinarian performs a caesarean section.

The medicine is not administered if the natural passage of the fetus through the birth canal is impossible, as well as in case of its deformities, obstetrics in cases of a large fetus.

If there are contraindications to the use of oxytocin or obvious side symptoms are noticeable, stop taking the medication. Animals are prescribed symptomatic therapy. In case of hypersensitivity to oxytocin, other pharmacological agents may be prescribed to enhance the contractile function of the smooth muscles of the uterus and stimulate labor.

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