Smokey, fluffy lumps - getting to know the variety of gray cats

Gray or, as they are usually called, blue cats are a fairly common type of color, which is characterized by a special nobility and a variety of unique shades. It is found both among purebred and ordinary domestic cats. It can be either uniform along the entire length of the fur or smoky - this means that the upper part of each hair of the animal is colored darker than the lower, and looks as if a dark veil has been thrown over the cat. The dark part of the hair can be even smaller, then the color is called “shaded” or “chinchilla”. What features does a blue cat have and what should you expect when inviting him into your home?


The history of the smoky cat began quite recently, in 1975; the first kittens of the new breed appeared only at the end of 1980.

It took more than 10 years to finally breed the breed, but it was worth it. The first name of the overseas breed was “spotted mist”, which comes from the English word smoky. Later the name Australian Mist was assigned to the breed.

For a long time, the breed was recognized only in Australia, and therefore did not spread throughout the world. More recently, the smoky cat was identified as a separate breed in the international organization of felinologists and TICA.

The most interesting thing is that the smoky cat has no Australian predecessors; they were all brought to Australia. There have never been any felines on the mainland under natural conditions.

TOP 6 cat breeds with blue or smoky coat color - list, characteristics and photos

The soft, unobtrusive gray color of cat fur in some sense adds even more coziness to the home environment. Therefore, cats of gray color (among breeders it is customary to call it blue) are popular, regardless of their origin. Nevertheless, there are breeds that are simply irresistible in this particular color. And in several of them, blue coat color is one of the breed-forming characteristics. But, despite its popularity, it cannot be called common. Of course, this is due to the peculiarities of inheritance.

Blue coat color is a light version of black. In order for it to appear, the kitten must receive: firstly, a coat lightening gene - necessarily from both parents, and secondly, a gene called “non-agouti”, which suppresses the manifestation of the pattern - also from both parents. It is not surprising that many times fewer monochromatic cats with light-colored fur (not necessarily blue) are born than patterned and dark ones.

The blue color has, figuratively speaking, a “subspecies” - smoky. For its manifestation, a gene is required to suppress pigment synthesis as the hair length increases. That is, at the beginning of growth (at the tips), the hairs are normally colored, but with each millimeter they become lighter, and at the roots they are completely devoid of pigment. This gene is called conditionally dominant, since its manifestation is individual.


The smoky cat has an unusual appearance and is one of the short-haired felines. This cat cannot be called not beautiful, and now you will understand why. All representatives of this species are small in stature, however, they cannot be called small. Their body is medium in size with fairly well-developed muscles, which is clearly visible when the cat moves. The chest and shoulders also stand out well.

The large head is attached to the body with a medium-length neck. The muzzle is small and obtuse. The eyes are also medium in size. Their colors vary from yellow to green. The mustache is also small. The nose is medium with a noticeably prominent hollow. The ears are proportional to the head, stand erect, and their tops are rounded.

The tail is also of medium size in length and thickness. It is noteworthy that the tip of the tail is elegantly rounded. The stockiness of the animal is given by its medium-length, well-developed legs ending in small, soft oval paws. The toes are always tightly closed. The entire body of the animal is covered with uniform dark fur, which to the touch is similar to mink fur.

Russian blue

Dimensions3-5 kg
CharacterSmart, loyal, stubborn
UsageFor home use
Lifespan11-15 years

The graceful and graceful Russian Blue is a favorite of many cat lovers. She has an elongated, lean body and a narrow wedge-shaped head with large green eyes and ears.

The fur of the Russian cat to the touch resembles the plush fur of the British cat. It is short, shiny and shimmers in all shades of gray and blue. The origin of the breed is confusing; it is believed that it was once brought to England from Arkhangelsk.

Therefore, the breed was once called Arkhangelsk. Later it was also called Spanish and Maltese, but they still settled on the name Russian Blue and the fact that the breed comes from Russia. Blue cats are especially revered in Japan and the USA. They have a good-natured disposition and are attached to their owner, but can be stubborn. They enjoy spending time outdoors and are wary of strangers.


The smoky cat breed has a “golden” character and a quiet melodious voice. They are very friendly towards everyone around them (they even get along with dogs if introduced correctly). As a rule, they choose one family member to whom they express their devotion and love: they walk behind him, love to sit in his arms and purr with pleasure.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, these cats have different attitudes towards children. You need to know that the latter do not tolerate noise: loud screams, scandals. In such situations, they try to hide, but can bravely engage in hand-to-hand combat with the source of noise. Therefore, if the child is very capricious, then you should keep them away from each other. But in general, the smoky cat breed is characterized by peacefulness, innate good manners and tender affection for the owner. She is not intrusive and will not scream loudly when hungry. By running alternately to the owner, the bowl and the refrigerator (or other object in which her food is stored), she will make it clear that she is hungry.

Maine Coon

The Gulliver cat cannot be confused with any other breed. A long body, high strong legs, powerful paws, a luxurious tail, lynx tufts on the tips of the ears and, of course, an indescribable expression on the face, serious and good-natured at the same time. The Maine Coon's coat is not very thick, but it is quite long. Breed standards allow many colors. And there is no doubt that a blue Maine Coon (like any other) looks very stylish! These are smart, playful, sociable, but unobtrusive cats.

The Maine Coon is one of the most famous, recognizable and popular breeds bred by American breeders. However, selection, in the modern sense, began only in the middle of the last century. Meanwhile, evidence of the existence of these cats dates back to the middle of the 20th century: the first known Maine Coon made a splash at a country fair, striking the public with its impressive size and shaggy appearance.

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Gray cats for the most part have strong immunity and tolerate significant drops in temperature well. You can feed them both natural food and industrial feed - the main thing is that the food is balanced. Don’t forget about timely vaccinations and regular hygiene procedures: ear cleaning, dental examination and claw care.


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If your pet is a show specimen, then it should be limited in many ways, for example, walks in clear weather should be reduced to a minimum, not allowed outside during rain or snow, and a more careful approach to the preparation of the diet. First of all, this is necessary for the beauty of his coat, since the ash shades will remain ideal only if a certain menu is followed (with a low iodine content). As for direct sunlight and high humidity, they can provoke the appearance of red spots. As a result, this will certainly affect the assessment of the beauty of a purebred animal.

In general, such cats are considered long-lived, and with proper care they will delight you with their company for 14-16 years. Pay attention to your pet's nutrition, do not forget to care for her luxurious gray coat and always show sincerity towards her. And she, in turn, will be your devoted friend and reliable companion.

British shorthair and longhair

It would be unforgivable to forget about the Briton - with his magnificent, thick double coat of “untwisted” blue color and amber eyes! Most cat lovers perceive them in this color variation. Meanwhile, this massive, but compact, well-proportioned cat with an important expression on her cheeky face can be of almost any color - no less spectacular than blue!

The British are one of the most famous and popular breeds bred in the UK. Persians were involved in selection (this was required after World War II, when the breed was on the verge of extinction). The long Persian coat gene has been making itself felt for many generations. Long-haired kittens were not born very rarely, but were considered a breed defect. However, they were beautiful, and enthusiasts decided to form a standard for a new breed.

Blue and smoky colors are allowed by many breed standards, but are rare in most cases. In addition, these are one of the most capricious colors of a cat's fur coat - if not the most capricious. The fact is that the quality of color is affected not only by age (in all older animals the fur coat somewhat loses its beauty), but also by sunlight, as well as nutrition. Intensely colored food gives it a dirty tint.


According to the breeders, the Australian Mist has good health and is not affected by diseases inherent in other breeds. One can only envy their immune system.

Of course, one cannot overlook the fact that the conditions in which a smoky cat is kept also affect its life expectancy and health. And a wonderful gene pool will not help here.

The main thing is that you need to adhere to some rules:

  • balanced diet;
  • the quantity and quality of water and food must be normal;
  • maintaining a healthy indoor microclimate.

Additionally, there is no need to take the haze outside, since it spends its energy playing in the apartment. Please note that all vitamins and minerals must be present in the diet. In this case, the owner will be able to avoid serious health problems for the smoky cat. It should be noted that the Australian Mist is prone to obesity (look at the photos of overweight cats), so the owner should pay attention to the portion size.

What to feed your Australian Mist

Despite the fact that smoky cats are not picky about food, you cannot feed them exclusively dry ready-made food. It is acceptable to add them to broth or porridge. Do not give your cat hollow bones; mists cannot handle them and there is a risk of injury. Australians are not at risk of poisoning, because... they will never eat food that smells stale. Changing food or water can cause diarrhea in your cat. It’s not scary, after getting used to the new product everything will work out.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the animal. Kittens 2-3 months old are fed two, if possible three times a day. It is recommended to give rice, buckwheat, oatmeal with the addition of finely chopped chicken, beef or offal. Every other day, it is recommended to offer fermented milk products and boiled fish. Once the cat reaches one year, you can switch to two meals a day.


Nibelungs are called the long-haired version of the Russian Blue, since representatives of this breed were actively involved in their selection. Indeed, their appearance is similar, and the tips of the Nibelung's hairs also have silver tipping. But there are also differences. First of all, it is long (more precisely, semi-long) thick fur, more developed muscles, and not such a bright eye color. This is a smart, good-natured and affectionate cat.

Despite the obvious relationship, the “founding fathers” of the breed were ordinary mongrel cats that were born in the United States in the 80s of the last century. Their owner logically reasoned that her unusual animals were worthy of the attention of the geneticists of the TICA felinological system. Indeed, she managed to interest specialists, and a decision was made to create a new breed. It received a beautiful legendary name for two reasons. The word "Nebel" means "fog" in German, which suits her appearance very well. And of course, in honor of the famous German epic.

Signs associated with gray cats

You might be pleased to know that if a gray cat crosses your path, you don’t need to be scared, spit, or change direction. Just the opposite! Such a meeting promises you good luck on your journey, especially if you say at the same time: “A gray cat is a happy path.”

Very often, frankly mystical properties were attributed to animals of this color:

  • It is believed that a gray cat endows its owner with beauty and harmony, both physical and mental.
  • Such cats perfectly protect the house from troubles and brownies.
  • Their presence is very useful for pregnant women.
  • Gray cats with green eyes, according to popular belief, are endowed with the ability to absorb lunar energy and heal sick people with it.

If a gray cat comes into your dream, this is a warning of impending trouble. Just don’t scold her for it! - after all, she, on the contrary, acted as a guardian angel, giving you the opportunity to prepare for the blow of fate or even avoid it.

British Shorthair

These animals will certainly interest those who want to learn about the breeds of gray cats. England is considered their homeland. It was there that serious work was carried out to create this breed. Among their ancestors are Persians and ordinary London cats that lived in city parks. In 1898, the British were recognized as a separate breed. The official standard was approved even later.

Outwardly, the British give the impression of massive and clumsy animals. The average weight of an adult is from 4 to 8 kilograms. But sometimes there are cats whose weight reaches 12 kg. These are powerful, muscular animals with a wide chest, short thick neck and heavy paws. On a rounded head with weighty cheeks and an interesting line of the mouth there are large golden eyes. The Briton's massive body is covered with thick short fur. The most common color of this breed is considered gray. But the standard allows other options.


The limited number of representatives of the breed makes these smoky cats increasingly desirable for many. You should be extremely careful when purchasing a pet. It is very difficult to find them in nurseries; kittens are waited for several months. It is impossible to acquire such a treasure by hand.

What to pay attention to

You need to purchase an animal from nurseries that specialize in breeding and have a license . Kittens from there are sold already litter box trained, trained in basic hygiene rules and vaccinated. Not only color, but also character, late puberty, loyalty and lack of aggression make cats of this breed the best for living in a family with children.

Therefore, you should not take risks and purchase exotic kittens from unverified sellers who, at best, will pass off a culling (sterilized babies with defects - they cost several thousand rubles cheaper) or a half-breed as a smoky Australian Mist.

Australian Mist breed price

Only a few catteries breed Mist cats, most of them are located in Europe. In Russia and the countries of the former USSR, there are no such nurseries and breeders who have the right to breed mysts.

The price for these cats starts from 400 dollars (in Russia from 25 thousand rubles). A person who wants to sell a kitten must have documents for a baby or an adult animal, vaccination certificates, and a very detailed pedigree.


An elegant, medium-sized cat, flexible, strong, muscular but not ponderous, with an amazing heart-shaped head, shiny short fur with a thin undercoat and olive green eyes. Korats have a very lively, sociable character, they do not like loneliness and love to take part in all household chores.

The homeland of Korats is northern Thailand. These cats have been known for hundreds of years and were mentioned in the famous Thai treatise on cats. Korats were brought to Europe more than a hundred years ago, but breeders were not interested. Moreover, they were called a “breeding marriage of Siamese.” Only in the middle of the last century, American breeders imported several cats from Thailand and developed a breeding program to develop a new breed.

Owner reviews

You can leave your reviews about the Australian Mist breed, other users will be interested: In our country, the Austrian Mist is quite difficult to find. While an incredibly large number of reviews can be found about other breeds, information from Australian Mist owners is minimal. The breed is common in Australia, the USA, and some European countries.


“I’m proud of my beauty, because she is truly exclusive. They brought it to me from Australia as a birthday present. The best friend. Loyal, affectionate, understanding, loving. He doesn’t go outside and doesn’t suffer from it. He limits himself to going to the balcony and watching what is happening at the window. For 3 years I have not been sick with anything, my health is good, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract occasionally occur. This happens when changing food. Then the body gets used to it, everything is fine.”


“I’ve been waiting for the Australian Mist for six months. A handsome lilac-colored man came to see me. I immediately fell in love with her big, smart eyes. A creature of the kindest disposition. Living soft toy. The little niece is simply crazy about him. And he is not indifferent to her. He understands perfectly. He doesn’t climb on tables, he was already trained to the tray, all that was left was to show him the place where to look for him. Funny, active. I went everywhere, even got into a bag of flour. Silent, meows occasionally. You won't hear his voice. We also pleased our mother.”


Burmese cat

This is one of the old breeds that appeared back in 1919 in Europe; the cats themselves are small, although they create the illusion of massiveness. They are good-natured, affectionate and get along well with other pets in the house and do not cope well with loneliness. Yes, they are playful, cheerful and curious, but at the same time quite calm. The main feature of this breed is its color, which acquires a different shade with age.

Burmese cat

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