A cat lies on the stomach of a pregnant woman - what causes this behavior and is there a threat to the woman?

Knowledge about healing cats is passed on from parents to children: even a three-year-old child knows that if a cat lies on a person’s stomach, then it heals. Cat owners constantly observe furry pets sleeping at their feet, on their backs, or even at the owner’s head. They say that if a cat sleeps in your bed, then it takes away illnesses and negative energy.

Why does a cat sleep on a person?

So far, scientists have not proven whether a cat goes to sleep on a person’s bed in order to cure his ailments or for any other reason, but science cannot explain a lot of things. There are only a few assumptions explaining the reason for cat behavior:

  1. Cats are attracted to warmth. The place to sleep must be dry and warm, which is why kitties love to sleep on radiators, televisions, cabinets, window sills, radiators and, of course, in the owner’s bed. Scientists also explain this phenomenon that cats lie down and knead sore spots on the human body: the temperature rises in the inflamed area of ​​the body, this is imperceptible to people, but cats are much more sensitive and accurately detect pockets of heat.
  2. Its own smell. Cats are endowed by nature with an excellent sense of smell and can distinguish aromas that are elusive to humans. But the strong ones are also tolerated, since the smell of a loved one is calming - the animal feels safe and sleeps soundly. But not every person will become one for the cat, but only the one in whom he feels the leader, the leader of the pack.
  3. Adoration. Tailed purrs tend to become attached to any family member, and therefore they happily sleep with their pet.
  4. Fears. Cats usually sleep soundly, so they intuitively try to choose the safest place - next to the person, but at the feet, so as not to inadvertently crush them.
  5. Jealous. If the kitty did not fall asleep in the owner's bed before, and when a small child, kitten or other family member appeared, the animal began to do this, then the reason is jealousy. By leaving its scent on the owner, the pet shows the stranger that this is his person.

Scientists neither confirm nor refute the assumption that cats can take away negative energy and give out positive energy, draw out all the bad things from people and cure diseases.

Why does a cat sleep at his feet?

According to folk signs and superstitions, if a cat sleeps at his feet, this means that he cleanses the owner’s energy from negativity and tries to draw out all the negative energy accumulated by a person during the day.

Psychics confirm that it is in the legs that negativity accumulates, and when an animal lies down there, it makes you aware of the problem. Perhaps a hidden pathology is developing that requires medical attention. Mustachioed purrs, according to ancient legends, know how to treat joints and diseases associated with them.

If everything is in order with health, it means that the cat is trying to relax the owner, feeling his fatigue and tension. And when a cat sits at the feet and begins to lick itself, it thereby expresses its love and affection for a person. By licking their fur, cats are not just carrying out a hygienic procedure - it is a kind of ritual of “shedding” their scent in order to find a common language with their brothers.

Around the head

A folk superstition says that cats most often go to sleep next to a person’s head when that person suffers from nervous exhaustion and has too many unnecessary thoughts. Thus, cats indicate the urgent need to rest.

And the cat lies next to its head because it completely trusts and feels safe next to this person.

By laying down near the uncovered parts, near the neck or face, cats also warm up, because a person loses at least 10% of heat through the head.

It is interesting that the smell of tobacco does not scare away cats; on the contrary, when an owner smokes, the animals not only sit on the pillow, but also lick the face and “comb” the hair with their claws.

If the cat gets bored with its behavior, you will have to wean it by constantly moving the purr to another place or smearing it with cream, the aroma of which is unpleasant to the cat. Cats do not attach importance to the smell of pungent sweat, but they do not like all perfumes.

On the stomach

According to ancient beliefs, if a cat lies on a girl’s stomach, then she needs to see a doctor as soon as possible; she is most likely expecting a child. Cats are very sensitive to the energy of conception and instantly pick up on it, curling up on their owner’s stomach.

But it happens that a cat comes up, lies on its stomach, kneads with its paws and soon leaves - which means there is no pregnancy. Perhaps a woman has health problems in this area, with the gastrointestinal tract, for example. Then it would be a good idea to seek advice from a specialist and undergo a full examination.

If neither pregnancy nor illness is observed, most likely the animal is simply comfortable and warm to sleep on the owner’s stomach.

On the back

There are several reasons why a cat lies on a person’s back at night, and they are the same as when positioned near the head:

  • she is warm there;
  • feeling of security;
  • out of love for the owner;
  • found the source of inflammation (heart, kidneys, blood pressure);
  • takes away the negativity.

Cat owners with many years of experience in breeding animals unanimously claim that thanks to their pets they have recovered from illnesses and lost unpleasant symptoms.

The sign that millions of people believe in has its own name - felinotherapy. This is the name for the ability of cats to treat various ailments, although the healing side of cats is unknown to scientists today and has not been fully proven.


There is a belief that a cat predicts the outcome of a situation with its purring:
At the patient’s bedside - a speedy recovery.

Sitting on a suitcase - an easy road.

In preparation for the wedding - a happy family life.

Fishermen have a rich catch.

On the guest's lap - a good relationship.

Purring, or rumbling, in cats usually accompanies a state of pleasure, hence the sign - if the cat is happy, then everything will be fine.

Sound originates in the muscles located around the vocal cords, which begin to vibrate under the influence of electrical impulses from the cerebral cortex. It is worth noting that not only cats can purr, but also many other animals: hares, foxes, badgers, bears and even elephants.

Do cats really heal people by lying on them?

The healing abilities of cats have been known since ancient times. Back then, cats were specially bred and treated with respect. They also knew that when an animal tramples with its paws, it takes away bad energy and gives out good energy . Tibetan healers confirm that every disease occurs as a result of an imbalance of energy, which cats can correct.

Cat abilities have been carefully studied and so far the following conclusions have been drawn - the electromagnetic field of cats is as strong as that of modern medical devices. And this is no longer just a hypothesis, but the result of research.

But a cat will not treat under duress. If an animal leaves a sore spot, it means that it is saturated with negative energy, and an excess will destroy it.

Felinotherapy is a technique related to alternative medicine , which does not replace doctors and medicinal methods of treatment; there has not yet been a single case of curing serious diseases with cats alone (oncology or tuberculosis, for example).

Cats affect humans:

  1. A purr with a frequency of 15 to 48 Hz , at which the body’s immune system wakes up and diseased cells are restored. Vibrations are similar to ultrasonic influence. Communication with a purring cat increases defenses, accelerates tissue healing, relieves or significantly reduces pain in the head or in other places, regulates heart rate, stabilizes blood circulation, and cures insomnia.
  2. Heat of 37-40 °C warms up the owner during chills, improving well-being. Heat also eliminates pain, accelerates blood flow and stabilizes metabolic processes. This promotes faster healing of wounds and fractures.
  3. Biocurrents, like electrophoresis . Natural physiotherapy relieves inflammation even in a sleeping person, improves blood circulation, restores tissue and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  4. Peace. When stroking a cat, tactile receptors on human palms are activated. It is pleasant to touch the soft silky fur of a cat, it calms and improves mood. A pet reduces the likelihood of suicide, helps to recover from drug or alcohol addiction, and become more self-confident.

When a cat sleeps at a person’s feet, it alleviates his condition from many ailments. The fact of favorable interaction between children at home and purring pets has been proven - children get sick less often, grow faster, are more intellectually developed, socialize faster, and grow up kind and noble.

The most developed healing gift is:

  • in black cats - they absorb negative energy more actively, have easier contact with people, and heal the cardiovascular system;
  • cats have a white color - they are like batteries, they feed with positive energy those who feel a lack of it;
  • among the gray ones , they combine the gifts of white and black;
  • for redheads - they give a lot of good energy;
  • in cream-colored cats – they can add vitality and vigor to their owners;
  • Sphinxes (without hair) have the most healing properties - they free you from negativity;
  • in Siamese breeds – they destroy all pathogenic bacteria in the house;
  • Long-haired cats - Siberian, Persian and Angora - are faster than others in treating neuroses and depression, relieving fears and irritability, and eliminating insomnia.

Interestingly, cats cope more effectively with nervous diseases, and cats manage to successfully treat pain.

But a cat will never help a person who treats it with indifference or anger, offends it or does not care about the animal. Felinotherapy takes place only with mutual sympathy and caring attitude towards each other. No deterioration in health was recorded after interacting with cats.

Folk signs

Different peoples at different times had ambivalent relationships with cats - from deification to ridiculous accusations and extermination. The animal was endowed with mystical and magical properties - sometimes with a “plus” sign, sometimes with a “minus” sign. That’s why folk signs connecting a cat and a woman’s pregnancy are so different.

There have always been many signs associated with cats for pregnant women.

Three-color amulet

Most of the positive superstitions have formed around the tricolor cat. This is not surprising - what we now call tortoiseshell or calico color has been very highly valued in cats since ancient times. They were called three-haired and rich, considered brownie’s girlfriends, amulets for the home, “magnets” for good luck and material wealth. That is why, according to popular opinion in many countries, such cats could only bring benefits to a pregnant woman.

The Slavs, for example, have always been sure: if a tricolor kitten asks to go into a house where there is a pregnant woman, it must be allowed in and taught in every possible way. After all, in this way an unborn child receives a protector, and his mother becomes a lucky talisman. For the same reason, the departure of the “three-furred girl” was considered very bad news, predicting the death of the baby. Needless to say, the attempts of such a cat to settle on the belly of the expectant mother were welcomed in every possible way.

The tricolor cat color is considered lucky throughout the world.

What is possible and what is not

It's funny, but popular superstitions often contradict each other, even to the point of mutual exclusion. According to one version, a cat on a pregnant woman’s belly is a good sign: the child is protected, as mentioned above. But there is another, no less common sign: in this way the animal signals that trouble is about to happen to the fetus. It turns out that no matter what happens, there will be an explanation for everything.

The Japanese have always treated cats with the deepest respect.

The Japanese, famous cat lovers, only welcome a cat lying on a pregnant woman's belly. And if the pussy also purrs, moves its paws and “plays” with the moving fetus, that’s absolutely wonderful. However, this is not a superstition at all - it has been proven that the rhythm and timbre of a cat’s purring has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body, setting them in a beneficial mood.

Video: signs for pregnant women

Pregnancy test

And this sign has migrated from antiquity to our days. If a woman notices that a cat stubbornly tries to sleep on her stomach over and over again, it makes sense to take a pregnancy test - it will most likely be positive. Our great-grandmothers knew nothing about such tests, but they paid close attention to cat behavior.

I don't know why, but it really works. My friend was first “informed” about both pregnancies by her cat Lucy. By the way, there is also a neutered cat living in the house, but he remained absolutely indifferent to the owner’s pregnancy.

What to remember when falling asleep next to a cat

Whether or not to allow a cat to sleep on the bed is up to everyone. But before giving up some sleeping space to a furry friend, people should make sure that the cat is healthy, not infected with worms and ringworm, and that it doesn’t hurt to play with its hair or let out its claws.

The purring of a cat that is not sick will bring great benefits to a person. Lying down next to the owner, cats will take away all negative energy, protect against electromagnetic radiation and eliminate pain. It turns out that in a dream a person will receive a large charge of positive energy necessary for his physical and emotional health.

How to get your pet to sleep longer with you

Many people like cats to sleep with them. You can train your pet to stay in bed at night as follows:

  1. Cover the windows with thick curtains that do not allow light to pass through.
  2. Do not feed the animal immediately after waking up. Otherwise, the cat will demand food at night, preventing you from sleeping.
  3. Do not respond to morning attempts to wake up the cat. Otherwise, he will constantly wake up his owner whenever he wants.

If you want your cat to be with you at night, you need to make sure that your pet is clean and healthy. Otherwise, instead of a restful sleep, you can get a lot of problems in the form of infectious diseases. The cat must be vaccinated and treated against fleas and worms.

Cats can sleep during the day in the absence of their owners. In order for your pets to sleep soundly at night, you need to try to pay them more attention, walk, and play with them. A tired animal will sleep on its own and let its owner sleep.

Is aggression possible?

It is extremely rare that cats, instead of showing affection and wanting to lie down near the pregnant woman’s belly, show aggression towards it. As soon as conception occurs, they begin to hunt their mistress and try to scratch or bite her on the stomach.

No matter how fantastic the idea that cats can sense pregnancy may seem, it is true. They are the first to know that a new life has arisen, and how this happens still remains a mystery that may never be revealed to people by cats. The cat insists on lying down so that it presses against its stomach and can remain in this position for hours.


Many owners do not see anything extreme in letting their pet into bed, especially if we are talking about a clean and affectionate cat. When this state of affairs is a long-established habit, there is no point in looking for a mysterious background in Murka’s behavior. But it happens that an animal suddenly changes its inclinations and stubbornly settles down where it had not been noticed before. With what it can be connected?

Sleeping together at night

Probably, at least once in their life, everyone has had to while away the night with a cat. This creature loves to sleep with a person, but always gives preference to its owner. Why is that? There is also no clear answer to this question. However, why a cat lies on a person at night can be understood by reading different opinions.

  • Cats are so proud that they strive to subjugate the person in charge of the house. Lying down next to him at night at the head of the bed, they are thereby, as it were, stronger than their owner.
  • The animal loves to control everything, and at night this is how total control over the owner is exercised.
  • Cautious lovers of comfort and peace look for the safest place in the house for the night. And where, if not at the head of the house under a barrel, can you relax and not fear for your life.
  • Subconsciously sensing a sore spot, the animal seeks to help its friend and breadwinner.
  • Cats are often attracted to the pleasant aroma of cosmetics used. They settle on the head and even lick the mistress’s hair.
  • The life of a little kitten begins in a large company of sisters and brothers, they eat together, sleep together in warmth and safety. Once in the hands of a person, the baby tries to find in him a replacement for his furry family.

The versions are, of course, controversial, but one cannot but agree: there is something in this!

Three-color amulet

The largest number of positive prejudices is associated with the tricolor cat, or, as it should be said, tortoiseshell. This is not at all surprising, since previously this color was considered rare, for which it was valued. It was believed that a tricolor cat protects the home, attracts good luck, success and material well-being. That is why in most countries of the world it is believed that if such a cat lies on the belly of a pregnant woman, the baby will be happy and rich.

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For example, the Slavs were sure that if a tricolor kitten asks to come into the house where a pregnant woman lives, they must not only let it in, but also tame it. After all, the unborn baby received a protector from evil, and his mother was a talisman. For the same reason, the departure of a tortoiseshell cat foreshadowed trouble and even threatened death for an unborn child.

Is it worth mentioning that the attempts of such a cat to settle on the belly of a pregnant woman were encouraged in every possible way. And today, such a resident of the house is considered an advantage only if the cat was not purchased or given as a gift, but came to the door itself. Supposedly she was sent from above to protect a woman expecting a baby.

Fragrance theory

For many pets, the owner's scent has a calming effect. They have a sensitive nervous system and sometimes do not even sleep, but simply doze, catching sounds around them. Adequate sleep for cats is possible only in conditions of complete safety. This feeling is given to them by their beloved owner. In addition, furry friends love the smell of hair, especially housewives who use sweet shampoos and conditioners. Dizzying and fragrant aromas work on the purr better than any valerian.

Attention! You should not allow your cat to lick your hair. Many styling products, shampoos, gels and varnishes contain synthetic compounds that are dangerous to the animal’s gastrointestinal tract

The interpretation will take into account the pet’s posture

The posture of a cat lying on the table can also indicate impending changes. Folk signs say the following:

If the pet constantly turns and stretches, it means worsening weather and cold weather.

Dozing peacefully and calmly - to changes on the love front, problems at work or minor everyday troubles in the house.

Settled on its side and washing itself - the pet warns of a visit from uninvited guests or an imminent meeting with friends.

Purrs loudly, hisses, or acts restless. This behavior portends a serious disaster: a fire, gas leak or robbery.

The owner should be careful not to scold the cat for trying to help.

Cats are amazing creatures that sense many things hidden from humans and try to warn the owner. When choosing a place and position for sleeping, the pet thus gives clues to the owners, so you should not ignore cat oddities

It’s better to be careful once again and play it safe, because it was not for nothing that our ancestors unconditionally believed in tailed purrs

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