Everything you need to know about the character and habits of British cats

Peculiarities of behavior, character and disposition of the British

The plush appearance of British cats, which sets them apart from other cats, is very deceptive. There is a complex personality hidden within. She knows her own worth and has her own opinion. As a rule, mestizos, or half-British people, have the same qualities.

For your information. A purebred British cat is exceptionally straight-eared. The misconception that the breed is fold-eared arose due to confusion with the Scots.

The character of British cats is characterized by independence. They are not as social as other breeds, and this is something you should be aware of before getting a kitten.

They say the British are evil. This is partly true. The animal allows itself to be loved from afar, and graciously accepts affection if it is in the right mood. Otherwise, it is better not to touch it. A British cat will not make a pet that will look at its owner with adoration and impose itself.

Outwardly they are very cold and, in English, restrained in their emotions.

A British cat will not:

  • meow loudly to get attention or food;
  • ask to be held;
  • constantly rub against the owner's legs, showing devotion.

The British are great for people who are often away from home. These cats do not suffer from loneliness and know how to entertain themselves. However, deep down they love their owner very much.

British cats need attention and are very upset if another “pet” appears in the house. This could be a new pet or a child. If you ignore your pet, he will begin to “mope.”

The behavior of British cats is the embodiment of aristocracy and self-sufficiency. Representatives of the breed always behave in an emphatically polite manner. They don't get angry or show any displeasure when strangers come, even if they don't really like the guests.

A British cat will watch a stranger for a long time and sniff his things. Her trust can only be earned over time.

For your information. Both short-haired and long-haired British cats have almost the same character. All of them are characterized by independence and equanimity.

The British are the masters of the house. It is advisable to provide them with access to all rooms so that the cats can regularly walk around their “possessions”. If your pet cannot get into the room, he begins to get nervous.

British cats are very sensitive to the emotional situation in the family. Where quarrels and scandals constantly occur, the behavior and condition of the animal changes for the worse. For example, to express protest, a Briton may go to the toilet past the tray.

Also, British cats do not have high stress resistance. They find it difficult to travel, sudden changes in surroundings, and the constant presence of strangers. Because of this, pets become even more withdrawn.

In good conditions, British cats become patient and non-aggressive. They take part in children's games, are lenient towards pranks and calmly endure all pranks. The British woman would rather just walk away than scratch or bite.

Representatives of the breed do not come into conflict with other pets. There are known cases of friendship not only with dogs or cats, but also with hamsters and even parrots.

Important. Each cat, like a person, has individual character traits. Your pet's temperament may differ slightly from the description given.

One of the not-so-pleasant characteristics of the breed is stubbornness. The British cat will not do anything unless she wants to. There is no point in forcing her. The pet will only get angry and stop communicating.

The British remember grievances for years. The owner may have already forgotten about the quarrel, but the cat will try to find the right moment to take revenge. Therefore, it is better to solve problems that arise with affection.

Grudges are more common in cats than in cats. But boys become more attached to all family members.

Girls are somewhat more sociable and kinder. However, of all the “roommates”, she chooses only those who pay her more attention and care. During pregnancy, British women themselves turn to the owner for another portion of affection, looking for participation and sympathy.

British cats make good mothers. They carefully care for their offspring, leaving the “nest” only when absolutely necessary. Some cats, especially after their first birth, do not understand what is required of them. In this case, the owner needs to intervene and encourage the pet when she licks and feeds the kittens. It is strictly forbidden to shout at an animal.

Should I get a second cat or not?

Do you need a second furry pet in your home? This should be decided by the apartment owners themselves. After all, sometimes one animal is not enough for them and at the same time they have free time and financial resources. However, just so that the first cat doesn’t get bored, you shouldn’t do this. After all, these fluffy, purring lumps are not herd animals. That's why they don't need company. But if the owner of the apartment is not at home all day and he has very little time for his pet, then you can get a girlfriend for her. In this case, the cat will stop getting bored from the lack of communication. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that sometimes, despite all the competent actions of the owner, cats still do not want to put up with each other. Because of this, they are in constant stress, which provokes various diseases in them, both physical and mental. If animals are in this situation, then one of them should be placed in good hands. Owners should be prepared for such a development from the beginning.

Habits and character of British cats

The British quickly get used to relieving themselves in a litter box and following the rules of living together. Kittens adopt basic habits from their mother. Therefore, it is important that she is also well brought up.

British cats are fans of cleanliness. The owner will have to ensure that there is always fresh filler in the tray. Otherwise, these aristocrats would prefer to go to the toilet on the owner’s bed. In the same way they express dissatisfaction with any reason. Representatives of the breed also do not like sudden changes in the type of filler.

British cats are also picky eaters. They often refuse food, waiting to be given their favorite treat.

The British devote a lot of time to grooming their fur. They can groom themselves for hours to get their coat looking perfect. This is a way for cats to relieve stress at the same time. Monotonous actions help them calm down and relax.

If the owner picks up the pet after it has been “washed,” the Briton will begin to lick itself again, eliminating hand odor. This feature must be taken into account so as not to cause inconvenience to the animal.

For your information. To prevent fur from accumulating in the stomach, British cats are periodically given malt paste. It gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract without causing discomfort.

The majority of British cats behave very quietly. Pets rarely meow - more or less loud sounds can only be heard during the mating season. However, there are quite talkative British people who like to “talk” with the owner.

Many British cats make excellent hunters. After all, once upon a time the British bred them not for beauty, but to exterminate rodents. Not only mice, but also birds, lizards, moles and frogs can become prey. If there is nothing “under your paw”, flies or beetles will do.

After a successful hunt, a British cat will definitely come running to its owner to show off its trophy. But his pet will not eat. For him, the process is important, not the result.

It happens that a Briton does not pay any attention to game. Most likely, he is tired or in an inappropriate mood.

Options for combining two animals into a home

Pet behavior patterns differ depending on the sex and age of the purr, as well as the individual characteristics of the particular animal and the characteristics of the breed. Most often, the first meeting of two unfamiliar cats provokes fear in them.

First meeting of two animals

Two cats

Cats are less likely to fight over square footage. Problems may arise if one of them is pregnant or nursing offspring. When two cats meet in the same apartment, events can develop in several directions:

Friendship. Pets do not show aggression, although at first they may be wary. They sniff each other, and having become acquainted, they begin to play and sleep together. Such friends will not mind sharing a tray and bowl. Fear. A new pet is often very afraid and hides, refuses to eat for several days, or comes out of hiding when it is sure that no one is nearby. The result could be a fight. Competition

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Animals behave aggressively, compete for the owner's attention, territory, toys and food.

Regardless of the development of events, at the beginning of acquaintance, two cats can become friends. Problems may develop in the following cases:

  1. One or both cats are pregnant and nursing kittens. At this time, animals make every effort to protect themselves and you should not expect a friendly acquaintance.
  2. The cat is in heat. During a hormonal surge, the animal shows aggression, so it is better to wait a while with new acquaintances.
  3. One of the animals is over 5 years old. Adult cats have an established behavior pattern and are not inclined to change it. It is easier to make friends with young pets. In addition, in the animal world, the age hierarchy is strictly observed.

Two cats

When two cats collide in the house, competition begins, constant conflicts and fights begin. Each furry should have its own territory, a separate room, and a sleeping place. If cats are not neutered, they rarely get along together. The solution to the problem of competition between cats is castration, if the animals are not breeding.

Cat and cat

Sexually mature animals of different sexes quickly form friendships, which result in procreation. If a cat is in heat, then on the first day she may not allow the male to approach her, and he will wait.

Sexually mature animals of different sexes quickly make friends

When a castrated cat and a sterilized cat are placed together, events can develop in two ways:

  1. Competition with the final victory of the cat, as a physically stronger individual.
  2. Development of reflex sexual instinct and dominance of a cat over a cat.

Adult pet and small and kitten

An adult cat will initially be wary of a kitten up to 6 months old. She may hiss, arch her back, and avoid contact. As a result, maternal instinct will prevail and she will take the baby under her care.

If an adult cat is neutered, then the chances of a friendly reception of the new cat are higher. In any case, the cat will not have warm feelings for the kitten; it may respond with a paw blow to the baby’s attempts to play, but it will not cause serious damage. If the kitten is less than 3 months old, you should not leave animals unattended - there is a high probability that an adult animal will attack the kitten.

A cat can show maternal instinct towards a kitten

Features of breeds

The behavior of an animal in a given situation largely depends on the characteristics of its breed:

  1. Derived by hybridization. They are closest to wild roots, which is why they are more aggressive. These include Bengal, Toyger, Savannah, Caraquet, Safari, Chausie. For them, a person is a member of the pack and they do not accept newcomers well.
  2. Natural - Abyssinian, Siamese, Burmese, Burmese, Persian, British, Siberian, Norwegian. They have difficulty getting along with new pets, because they consider themselves the founders of the pack. In this case, the owner acts in their understanding either as the head of the pack, or as a warded member. The exceptions are the calm Russian Blues and Nibelungs.
  3. Bred by selection. Calm animals accept new people more easily. These include the sphinx, exotic, rex, Napoleon, bambino.

It is better to house representatives of aggressive breeds in the same territory at the same time or introduce them as small kittens. Author's advice

The character of British cats - a little about activity

Until a year old, Britons are not much different from other cats. They are active and mobile, and do not refuse to play. Natural curiosity makes them look into all hard-to-reach places, for example, climb onto cabinets.

Kittens love to play hide and seek, suddenly jump out at their owner, imitating an attack, hunt for toy mice or run after balls. If the baby is tired, he pretends to be asleep so as not to be disturbed for a while.

For your information. To prevent the kitten from acting up, it is worth buying him a special play area where he can hunt and splash out the accumulated energy.

As cats age, they become calmer. They are not averse to running after an impromptu mouse, but most of the time they prefer to rest and watch what is happening.

This has its advantages. An adult British cat will not climb on tables, overturn flower pots, tear off curtains or damage furniture. But the owner must ensure that the pet does not gain weight due to low activity.

The British sleep up to 20 hours a day. Moreover, for this they choose the most secluded corners:

  • top shelves of cabinets;
  • open boxes or suitcases;
  • ovens and washing machine drums;
  • places under a bed or chair.

To keep your pet safe, before turning on the washing machine or oven, it is advisable to check if your beloved cat is there.

Features of cat relationships

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The question of whether it is necessary to have two or more purrs in the house is of an exclusively individual nature. Someone is jealous of the animal towards family members and wants their own personal bundle of fluffy happiness (often pets only like women, men, or one specific person). Many owners have succumbed to the charm of cats so much that they simply can no longer limit themselves to one pupil.

There are times when a second tenant is brought in so that the first one does not feel bored and lonely. Given the extreme self-sufficiency of four-legged animals, the need for the company of representatives of their own species is questionable. Of course, such a solution may be advisable if the pet is forced to live almost completely alone. However, it sometimes takes a very long time for two proud people to get along.

Careful selection of a new family member will help increase the chances of further peaceful coexistence. According to research by animal psychologists, relationships between pets depend not only on their temperament, but also on gender and age differences:

  • two kittens together will find a common language more easily due to the lack of full socialization and undeveloped territorial instincts;
  • Individuals of different sexes can make friends without any problems. However, in this case, it is necessary to make a decision on surgical intervention in the reproductive system of at least one of the pets, if the plans do not include further lambing;
  • Adult purrs of the same sex often find it difficult to share territory with each other. This is especially true for uncastrated cats, clashes between which can end in bloodshed;
  • older pets are wary of kittens - the latter's active games can irritate old-timers. In addition, an animal accustomed to the undivided attention of its owner may become angry and begin to play dirty tricks on the baby;
  • if the cub is brought into a house where a sexually mature, and especially pregnant, female lives, the situation can develop in several directions: in the first case, the expectant mother will take custody of the new pet, and in the second, she will refuse to accept it, seeing in the kitten a threat and a competitor for of their offspring.

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It is worth noting that older cats do not always occupy a higher hierarchical position. If they have a gentle disposition, then they can quite easily give in to a young neighbor with a more active and strong character.

Video “How to get along with two cats”

The video discusses the issues of keeping several cats in one house.

Bad habits

The breed is distinguished by aristocratic manners, but even it is characterized by some bad habits:

  1. Kittens can bite during the period when baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones (from 4 to 6-7 months). To prevent this from becoming a habit, the baby is immediately offered to sharpen his teeth with the help of toys, and not the owner’s hands.
  2. Many British cats love to knock various objects off shelves and chase them across the floor. Therefore, it is better to put figurines, pens, tubes of creams, vases and other things away, and treat the favorite place with a repellent spray. The drug can be purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.
  3. The British are inquisitive - they will not refuse to check a bag, reach into a package or rummage through things. If the owner does not like these habits, it is better to put all the “interesting things” out of reach.

Bad habits often arise from boredom or lack of attention. If the cause is eliminated, the British cat will quickly get rid of them.

Will two cats become friends?

It's not easy for two adult cats to get along with each other. Before meeting, it makes sense to give both sedatives, after consulting with a veterinarian regarding the choice of drug and dosage.

Neutered cats who do not mark their territory are more likely to make friends.

It is important that both pets undergo surgery because

an uncastrated cat will begin to offend the castrato. At first, it is recommended to isolate the animals from each other by placing them in different rooms. When reuniting, conflicts are possible, so both should have their claws trimmed, and the doors should be left open so that the fleeing pet can retreat. It is necessary to ensure that all windows are closed.

During the adaptation period, it is important to give both pets the same amount of care and affection. You need to intervene in “showdowns” only in case of a fight

If cats are simply yelling or hissing, it makes sense to give them the opportunity to solve the problem on their own. You shouldn’t take the side of one of them, because this way you won’t be able to reconcile them.

Rules of education

British cats have been raised since early childhood. This breed is quite stubborn and conservative. It will be very difficult to retrain her as an adult.

After a kitten appears in the house, you must:

  • introduce him to the new home and all its inhabitants;
  • show where the tray, places for eating and sleeping are located;
  • gradually accustom to hygiene procedures;
  • bring your pet to the scratching post so that he doesn’t start spoiling things.

Immediately set restrictions. For example, if a person does not want an adult Briton to sleep on the master's bed, the same should not be allowed for a kitten. All family members must comply with the prohibitions, otherwise no result should be expected.

If a Briton makes mistakes, there is no need to shout at him, much less hit him. It is enough to say in a firm voice “No!” and lightly scold with the words “bad”, “naughty”, etc. Soon the kitten will understand what his mistake was and will try not to make it again.

While the British cat is learning good manners, it is better to remove all “temptations”:

  • move the furniture so that it covers the wallpaper;
  • raise the curtains on which the kitten can swing;
  • treat with a special spray the places where the Briton gets used to going to the toilet (except for the litter tray);
  • remove indoor flowers from reach, lubricate the leaves with lemon juice or another non-toxic substance.

For your information. If your kitten constantly eats flowers, you should contact your veterinarian. Perhaps your pet lacks vitamins and minerals.

The scratching post is installed in an accessible place. The kitten is brought to her every time he tries to tear up the furniture. For correct actions, the British are rewarded with sincere praise and their favorite treat.

If you show patience and perseverance, the kitten will grow into a well-mannered pet with noble manners.

uncastrated cat sterilized cat

food for sterilized cats and female cats

In the house there are: a sterilized cat (9 months), a neutered cat (3.5 years) and an uncastrated cat (9 months). They eat dry Royal Canin, food is always freely available.

The question is this: is it necessary to switch sterilized animals to special food? What is the fundamental difference between food for sterilized cats and food for neutered cats? Isn't it harmful if a cat eats cat food, and a cat eats cat food? What if an uncastrated comrade eats one or the other?

those. I would like to understand whether it makes sense to arrange a camp regime for animals with scheduled feeding in three different rooms, or whether there is more marketing in these feeds than medicine.

not according to the subject: one cat was chicked at 7 months, now he is 10 years old, the second cat was chicked at 8 months, now he is 6 years old. I killed my dear one at 7.5, after molesting the cat.

according to the subject: in my amateurish opinion, the essence of all non-medicinal animal feed is the same, they vary within the same framework. As I noticed, one manufacturer’s food line differs only in the percentage of components.

I have a sterilized adult cat, she appeared when the male cat was still a kitten, the cat has CRF in remission, and she was allowed to eat kitten food.

Now the cat has grown up and been neutered, and they do not eat food for neuters, but simply food for adult cats, which I chose solely based on the amount of protein (cats need a low protein content). All doctors agree with me, since I monitor the weight and health of animals.

my castrated cats eat regular dry food, only in smaller quantities in order to avoid weight gain and the consequences of this. So nothing bad will happen.

Strengths and weaknesses of character

British cats behave like real Englishmen. Cold and prim in appearance, they become strongly attached to their owner and love him with all their hearts. The main thing is to find an approach to such a pet.

The main pros and cons of the British cat breed are presented in the table.

Good attitude towards children and other animalsPicky eating
Sensitivity to the owner's mood
Lack of aggression

British cats have a difficult character. But if you treat them with affection and love, they will definitely return the favor.

How to introduce cats

Before bringing a new tenant into the apartment, you need to make sure that he is vaccinated, and in some cases also neutered (sterilized)

It is equally important that the domestic cat is vaccinated with a comprehensive vaccine, including a rabies vaccination.

A new pet is brought into the house undetected by the house cat. It is better to do this in a carrier covered with a cloth. There is no need to introduce animals on the first day. It is better to place the newcomer in a separate room, where there is a tray, food bowls, and a comfortable bed. It is advisable that the room is not the most favorite of the domestic cat. If the apartment is one-room, the new tenant can be accommodated in the kitchen.

Introduction to smells

Cats separated by a door can still clearly hear any rustle or movement. And when everyone begins to perceive someone else’s meow calmly, they are introduced to the smells:

Pass a piece of cloth over one cat and move it into the room with the second, then do the same in reverse. They change toys and scratching posts. This way the animals will get used to each other’s smell. The smell of the newcomer is enhanced. The old resident is closed, and the new resident is allowed to walk around the apartment

Such walks continue until the new cat gets used to it and the old one stops paying attention to someone else’s smell. Then they begin to feed at one point at the door separating the animals. Then someone else's smell will be associated with a pleasant moment.

Room exchange

At the next stage, the pets' rooms are changed, but so that they do not meet. Animals become more familiar with each other's bowls, toys, and sleeping places. At the same time, the owner must play with them and caress them so that positive emotions remain from the new place. It is recommended to change rooms until the cats feel confident.

Organizing a meeting

The most crucial moment is the meeting. But first, the animals’ claws are trimmed to prevent injury in the event of a fight. First, the cats are introduced through a slightly open door. Gradually the slit is increased. If one does not hiss and is calm, and the second reacts aggressively, then focus on the second and continue adaptation through the slightly open door.

If a meeting ends in aggression, it is worth repeating all the stages of dating from the beginning.


After the animals have become acquainted, have undergone adaptation, do not show aggression, and calmly coexist in the same room, then any rapprochement between them is encouraged with treats and affection. Games bring animals and the owner closer together. Only during play should you exclude competition between pets and not direct them at each other. Moving towards is perceived as aggression. The game always ends with a treat.

It is equally important to provide each cat with a scratching post, its own toys, and a litter tray. Feliway pheromones help to adapt to a new environment and normalize the emotional background.

This is an artificial analogue of cat pheromones secreted by the facial glands. This is a friendly scent that allows you to reduce conflicts and establish harmonious relationships between cats.

Feliway pheromones help to adapt to a new environment and normalize the emotional background. This is an artificial analogue of cat pheromones secreted by the facial glands. This is a friendly scent that allows you to reduce conflicts and establish harmonious relationships between cats.

The main thing is not to rush. The adaptation process can take a couple of days or several months.

When reintroduced

If something went wrong during the acquaintance, and real hostility emerged, the animals need to be reconciled, or rather reintroduced. To do this you will need to go the same way again. First, divide into rooms and repeat all steps. If the conflict is serious, it is recommended to keep them in separate rooms for at least a week. But do not consider this as a conclusion for bad behavior, but play with animals and communicate.

External data

This breed of the cat family has a very extraordinary appearance; it is extremely difficult to confuse this cat with some other species

You should immediately pay attention to the unusual fur, which resembles plush fabric. The pet got such a fur coat thanks to the not entirely hospitable climate that prevails in the British archipelago

You can recognize a British cat based on the following characteristic features:

  1. Massive body, powerful and well-developed legs. As for the head, it has a round shape with large cheeks and prominent cheekbones. The neck is short and there is a noticeable fold of skin on it, which is what gives the cat an unusually important appearance. A wide but flat nose and rounded ears that widen at the base.
  2. The coloring is very diverse, the most common seals are smoky, Siamese, and tortoiseshell. Each of them has its own personality, is beautiful and unique in its own way. It is worth noting two-color pets: this color is also common among the British.
  3. Eye color. This breed mainly has yellow and amber eyes or shades of both. In some species you can find green or blue color. The color difference depends entirely on the exterior. As for their shape, it is round, and the eyes themselves are very expressive.
  4. Tail. It is this part that is the hallmark of the British breed. It looks very harmonious with a powerful and massive body and has a characteristic slightly rounded tip.

This is exactly what an amazing British cat looks like, with an optimistic and independent character. But a pet will have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance only if it is completely healthy. That is why your pet needs to be monitored, cared for and fed properly.


The character and habits of the British become fully formed at approximately 2 years of age. If up to this point the behavior of British cats has not begun to correspond to the owner’s ideas, then, most likely, nothing further can be changed. Properly raised pets are clean, quickly accustomed to the tray, so care and maintenance are not difficult. Long sleep is vital for an animal. A cat can sleep for 15-20 hours in a row. If peace is disturbed, the British become angry and impatient. After a healthy sleep, the cat will gladly delight its owner with its presence.

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