Bozita cat food: what you need to know before buying

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Bozita is a cat food from a Swedish manufacturer made from natural ingredients with a high percentage of meat and belongs to the super-premium class.

There are lines of dry diets for kittens, adult cats, sterilized, domestic, large and active cats; there is also a wide selection of canned food.

The Swedish brand Bozita is a cat food made from natural ingredients.

Tetra Recart packaging reliably preserves the aroma, taste and freshness of the product.

The manufacturer presents a line of dry and wet food.

You can choose a complete Bosit diet for adult cats and kittens.

  • 2 Composition
  • 3 Pros and cons
  • 4 Specifics
  • 5 Reviews
  • 6 Conclusion

Video Review

Bozita Feline is a super-premium cat food, which is produced in Sweden and is a fairly high-quality product that supplies your pet with all the necessary substances.
Bozita is represented on the market by two types of products: dry food and wet canned food (pouches). This brand does not have a veterinary line of medicinal food, only everyday food for healthy cats.

The ingredients used to create this food undergo state quality control, so the company guarantees the absence of harmful or dangerous components for animals. Particularly pleasing is the fact that Bozita contains FRESH meat and fish, and not the mysterious meat by-products that often appear on packages of lesser-quality food. However, it should be borne in mind that fresh meat for use in the production of cat food must first be dried and then ground into flour - that is, the percentage of meat or fish meal will actually be less than that indicated on the package of fresh meat.

Bozita cat food contains:

  • a lot of animal protein;
  • the required amount of ballast substances;
  • taurine, vital for cats;
  • other mineral and vitamin supplements.

The company is especially proud of the Macrogard complex, developed as a stimulator of the immune system of animals.

Bozita very rarely causes allergies in cats, as it does not contain artificial colors and flavor enhancers, as well as allergens such as gluten or corn gluten that are often found in cheap food.

Cat owners especially often praise Bozita wet canned food, which can be of two types:

Cats, as a rule, prefer meat pieces, as they are more convenient to eat (especially short-faced breeds, such as Persians).

Pros of this food:

  • Relatively affordable price (more expensive than economy or premium food, but cheaper than holistic food).
  • High-quality ingredients, balanced composition.
  • Good ratio of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, important minerals.
  • Wide range of both dry and wet food.
  • No allergens, artificial additives, soy.
  • The protein is mostly of animal origin, not plant-based.
  • The food contains salmon - a source of very important vitamins and vital substances for cats.
  • There are lines of food for cats of different ages and different breeds, which allows you to select nutrition for each animal individually.
  • Positive reviews from a large number of felinologists.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Bozita food are:

  • the composition is based on meat and whole fish, not offal;
  • feed ingredients undergo state control;
  • contains fiber and natural proteins;
  • no dyes or other artificial additives;
  • excellent taste;
  • relatively low cost for a premium product;
  • availability (sold in many pet stores);
  • Wet food comes in very convenient packaging that is easy to open and close.

Disadvantages include:

  • the brand does not have a line of therapeutic and prophylactic food;
  • the main sources of carbohydrates are corn and wheat;
  • the antioxidants and preservatives used are not specified.

Important! Corn is a strong allergen. If your pet suffers from allergies, introduce Bozita food into the diet gradually. If there is no reaction, then you can safely give this product.

Bozita Dog Food Options

Bozita dog food is manufactured in Sweden, the food undergoes a number of international tests, and quality certificates can be found on the official website.
The main feature of the food is the use of only natural products that are grown on special farms of the company. The main ingredient is natural lamb, chicken or beef. Food is sold as:

  • dry croquettes 5, 9 and 15 kg;
  • wet canned food and spiders 75, 400 g (more than 13 options).

The composition offers a number of natural products, without flavors and dyes:

  • fresh meat at least 30%;
  • cereals in the form of corn, wheat and rice;
  • flax extract;
  • vegetables in the form of potatoes and beets;
  • egg powder;
  • rosemary;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • vitamins.

By the way, all Bozita food lines contain fatty acids, probiotics, antioxidants, lactic acid, chondroitin, and a natural immunostimulant.

All food lines are divided into categories:

  • for puppies;
  • for adult dogs;
  • delicacies in the form of wet canned food.

You can find several feeding options to prevent certain diseases (obesity, allergies, sensitive digestion).

Choosing food is a responsible matter

Today, the choice of cat food is very diverse. Manufacturers are actively fighting for buyers and offering different foods for cats, taking into account the breed, character, age and diseases

When choosing food, it is important to follow a number of rules in order to get truly healthy food and not harm your pet.

The cat is a natural predator, so the basis of its diet should be meat. Lack of the required amount of protein can lead to deterioration of health and illness of the pet. High-quality food must contain a sufficient amount of meat to maintain the normal functioning of the animal.

Under natural conditions, a cat eats its prey entirely, along with the contents of its stomach, thus receiving the required amount of plant food. Therefore, in addition to meat, industrial feed should include vegetables and cereals

When purchasing ready-made food, you must first pay attention to the composition of the feed.

When choosing industrial food, you need to take into account the presence of allergies in your cat. If you have any doubts about whether prepared food is suitable for your pet, you can consult your veterinarian.

Feed disadvantages

Most owners speak positively about Bozita cat food. The reasonable price and quality of ready-made food produced by Lantmannen DOGGY definitely deserve the attention of buyers.

However, one of the main drawbacks is the absence of “Bozita” medicinal food for cats in the line. And the presence of rice and corn flour in the composition can negatively affect the pet’s digestion and stool. Therefore, all food of this brand is suitable only for completely healthy animals.

Feed line

Depending on taste preferences, as well as age and breed, owners can choose one or another type of food for their tailed “wards”.


This food is developed taking into account all the characteristics of animals. Depending on the needs of the pet, dry food can be for:

  • pets with poor digestion;
  • pregnant cats;
  • dry food for active and active animals;
  • sterilized females and castrated males leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • cats that belong to large breeds (including Maine Coon);
  • dry – for pets with long hair.

By eating this food, the cat gets everything it needs for its health and longevity. Therefore, there is no need to supplement with other products. It should also be noted that the manufacturer made sure that the dry food was appropriate for the age of the animal. So, you can start with kitten food, and then, as your pet gets older, switch to Bozita food or canned food for adults.


While the kitten is still small, you can buy him Bozita wet food for babies with chicken pieces. Judging by the reviews, your pet will definitely like the tender meat and will be easily absorbed in the body.

For an adult cat, you can choose a wide variety of foods that contain meat or fish ingredients:

  • canned lamb pieces in jelly;
  • wet food with deer meat;
  • meat cocktail in sauce;
  • canned duck with sauce;
  • pieces of chopped rabbit in jelly;
  • canned fish of various types (pieces of salmon, mackerel);
  • canned seafood (lobster, mussels);
  • wet food with pieces of beef;
  • white meat food (chicken, duck, turkey).

If your cat is neutered, an excellent food based on jelly chicken can be found for her. These canned foods help improve the animal’s metabolism and prevent the pet from gaining excess weight. The food is enriched with selenium and taurine, which help the cat stay healthy for many years.

Does your cat have poor digestion? Then opt for canned food with pieces of various meats in jelly. The composition contains tender chicken, young beef and lean pork. The wet food also contains an unusual ingredient: pieces of moose, which are sure to please your kitty.

Do you have an active and lively cat? Then choose a diet for him that contains salmon and specially processed oats. There are no dyes in the food, but there are many useful substances. Well, for pets whose owners are sensitive to their appearance, the Swedish company offers canned salmon. The beneficial fatty acids contained - Omega-3 and Omega-6 - have a beneficial effect on the coat of cats and cats, making it, according to owners, thick and silky.


Anna: “I have two Persian cats; I adopted them as kittens. I sterilized them and started thinking about quality food for them. The pet store offered me Bozita food. The cats fell in love with this food almost immediately. After a while, I noticed that their fur became even thicker and began to shine. My pets have already grown up and still eat Bosita. In addition, it is inexpensive, considering that it belongs to the premium class.”

Elena: “I have a Scottish Straight, a little picky cat. I bought Bozita jelly “pieces of deer in sauce” for him. I thought that I wouldn’t eat, but no, I ate everything right away. I was surprised. I bought a pack weighing 300 g, this is enough for my pet for 2 days. I will continue to experiment; in the store I noticed that there are a lot of types of wet food with different tastes. In general, the cat liked the food and I recommend it.”

Natalya: “We have 3 cats in our family – a British cat and 2 noble cats.” We feed him twice a day: in the morning with dry food and in the evening with wet treats. We buy all feed from Bozita. There have been no problems with cats for a year now! The fur is shiny, the eyes are sparkling, they have become stronger and don’t get sick.”

Bozita cat food: basic information

Bozita cat food is produced in Sweden, where, as you know, there are quite high requirements for the manufacture of this kind of product. “Bozita” belongs to the super premium class, it can be found in the form of dry food and canned food. The manufacturer of this product is Doggy AB, which also produces dog food, so be careful when choosing. You can mistakenly buy dog ​​food with a similar name (Bozita Robur, Bozita Naturals, Bozita Nordic By Nature and others).

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Despite the good reputation of the manufacturer and the high quality of Bozita food, the product has one unpleasant feature - incorrect translation of the product’s composition. Let's look at the example of the description of Sensitive Hair & Skin dry food. So, in the description of the composition on the product packaging in the Russian version, you can read that the food contains dry chicken meat. However, on the manufacturer’s website and in the English version of the description of the composition we see dreid chicken, which indicates the presence of dehydrated chicken in the food. The difference, it would seem, is small, but it still exists, because adding dehydrated chicken to the food implies the presence of not only chicken meat in the product, but also by-products, whereas the Russian description does not say the latter. The same applies to the translation of pork meal, which should sound like “pork flour” and not “pork meat meal”.

Unfortunately, the translation of the composition of Bozita food into Russian is incorrect (on the left is a photo of the composition from the packaging, on the right is data from the official website: above - from Russian, below - from English)

Pros and cons of this food

On the official website of the Russian Quality System you can find an extended analysis of Bozita feed. Among the advantages of this product highlighted by experts we see:

  • the use of high-quality proven products in the process of preparing food, because all ingredients undergo strict state control;
  • balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • the food is safe - no flavorings, dyes or preservatives were used in its production;
  • the food is enriched with a complex of vitamins and amino acids;
  • The taste of the food does not deteriorate by the end of the shelf life.

Bozita food has been on the shelves of domestic stores for quite some time, so based on reviews from veterinarians and cat owners, it is already possible to highlight a number of pros and cons of using products from this brand. So, usually buyers highlight the following advantages of this food:

  • a wide range of Bozita food - you can choose the right product for literally any pet;
  • prevalence - the product can be found in many pet stores in literally any city in Russia.

Lantmannen DOGGY produces two types of Bozita cat food: dry and canned.

Among the negative aspects, experts identified the following:

  • the presence of trace amounts of the pesticides permethrin and piperonyl butoxide;
  • discrepancy between the actual set of micro/macroelements and the declared one;
  • too much calcium.

And veterinarians and cat owners point out the following disadvantages:

Specifics of Bonsita feed

When choosing these mixtures for their pets, owners should evaluate the benefits of using the Bozita Feline brand and take into account its individual characteristics.


The advantages of Doggy AB products include:

  • Only locally grown products are used.
  • The meat included in the feed is exclusively fresh, without prior freezing.
  • The variety of types allows you to choose mixtures and canned food for picky animals with any preferences.
  • Pets eat these foods with pleasure; the taste of the products is high.
  • Special mixtures are produced for various breeds and age groups of cats.
  • Tetra Recart® packaging allows you to tightly close the opened pack of dry or wet food.
  • All Bozite products are certified and have a manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • The optimal price-quality ratio is a relatively inexpensive food for its price segment.


The disadvantages of the Bozita brand are significant:

  • There are no lines of therapeutic and preventive feeds. If a cat accustomed to this diet suffers a systemic disease, it will have to switch to products from another manufacturer.
  • The cornmeal, wheat and oats included in the formula cause diarrhea in some animals. This is the cheapest type of plant protein, usually not included in super premium foods.
  • The source of Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids is most often low-quality bone fat.
  • Bozita feed also includes dehydrated and hydrolyzed chicken and pork flour. That is, it contains not only natural meat, but also offal.
  • The food packaging does not indicate which additional substances are used as preservatives and antioxidants.
  • The mixtures contain a low content of additives that prevent the development of urolithiasis. After feeding your cat Bosit products for a week, you should undergo appropriate tests to make sure that your pet is not at risk of developing the disease.

Bozita cat food – brands, characteristics, cost

  1. Bozita Funktion Kitten 35/18 – dry food for kittens;
  2. Bozita Feline Elk – Chunks in Jelly – wet food with elk meat;
  3. Bozita Feline Indoor & Sterilized Chicken – for sterilized cats;
  4. Bozita Mini Kitten Chicken – canned food in jelly for kittens;
  5. Bozita Outdoor&Active – for active cats;
  6. Bozita Sensitive Hair&Skin – for healthy skin and coat, medicinal;
  7. Bozita Sensitive Diet&Stomach – for sensitive digestion.

Bozita Funktion Kitten 35/18

Super-premium Bozita cat food for kittens with salmon, chicken and rice provides the increased energy needs of a growing body. Suitable for pregnant and lactating cats. The ratio of protein and fat is optimal for these categories of animals. Proteins – 35%, fats – 18%.

Ingredients: dried chicken, corn meal, animal fat, Scandinavian salmon, rice, meat meal, oats, corn gluten, chicken broth, dried fish, yeast, beet pulp, whey. Scandinavian salmon meat contains Omega-3 and Omega-6. Enriched with vitamins and minerals.

  • Pro: easy to digest.
  • Con: Contains corn gluten, an undesirable ingredient.

Price: pack 400 gr. – 315 rub., 2 kg. – 1241 rub., 10 kg. – 4931 rub.

Bozita Feline Elk – Chunks in Jelly

Complete wet food with elk meat - pieces in jelly. Each piece contains 4% elk meat. The basis of the diet is chicken. In addition to chicken and elk, the food also contains beef and pork.

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The total amount of meat ingredients is 93%. Vitamins: A, E, D3. Minerals: copper, zinc, calcium carbonate, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iodine. Contains taurine, an essential amino acid. Yeast is a source of beta-glucans. Cassia gum is used as a thickener.

  • Plus: it contains no vegetable proteins.
  • Disadvantage: high cost.

Price: pack 370 gr. – 146 rub.


All company products undergo strict control according to the Swedish quality system and meet international standards.

There are two types of cat food.


Available in the form of pate, jelly and cocktails. The content of natural meat corresponds to 90%. It is divided into 18 types depending on the main component - chicken, turkey, liver, lamb, duck, beef, rabbit, elk, venison, shrimp, shellfish, lobster, perch, mackerel, salmon. Suitable for all age categories of pets.


According to the technology, the meat content in the mixtures is 23%. In addition, they contain the following ingredients: wheat and corn flour, animal fat, dried whole chicken egg, beet pulp and cellulose, meat and bone powder, whey (exclusively for kittens), yeast and an immune supplement - the Macrograd vitamin complex.

They do not contain GMOs, attractants, chemical dyes, or any other harmful components.

There are six varieties of Bozita dry cat food available, they are listed in the table below.

We recommend reading the article about the composition of industrial cat food.

Types of feed

The manufacturer produces a variety of products, which are regularly updated with new products. There are several product lines for different categories of animals. The product has two types of release:

  • wet food;
  • dry.

Wet food

Available in tetra bags of 440, 370 and 190 g. Canned food of 440 g contains meat pieces in jelly and has the following types of ingredients:

Canned food can be made from chicken.

  • chicken meat + elk + Scandinavian salmon;
  • chicken;
  • chicken liver;
  • sea ​​fish.

370 g feed options include the following ingredients:

  • chicken + turkey;
  • elk;
  • salmon + mussels;
  • chicken;
  • minced beef;
  • chicken liver;
  • lobster;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • mackerel;
  • chopped turkey;
  • beef;
  • shrimps;
  • rabbit;
  • chicken + turkey;
  • salmon;
  • deer.

Small-volume canned food can be produced with duck meat.

190 g food contains the following ingredients:

  • For kittens:
  • For adult pets: poultry;
  • deer;
  • lamb;
  • Seafood Cocktail;
  • duck;
  • meat cocktail;
  • chicken;
  • salmon;
  • elk;
  • chicken + salmon + beef + pork.

Dry food

The products are packaged in 0.4, 2, 10 kg. Swedish dry food Bozita has several varieties, which are presented in the table:

KittenFor kittens and cats during pregnancy and lactationChicken, salmon and ricePromotes normal growth and development
Feline Funktion Grain FreeFor growing and adult pets, for cats with sensitive digestive systemsChickenGrain-free
Helps normalize the digestive system
Helps get rid of hairballs
Outdoor&ActiveFor active individualsChicken, rice, elkStrengthens the immune system of cats that are very active
Feline Funktion LargeFor growing and adult large breed petsSalmonHelps remove fur from the gastrointestinal tract
Strengthens immunity
Indoor&SterilizedFor sterilized, inactive and aging individualsChicken and riceHelps reduce excess weight
Easy to digest
Hair&SkinTo improve the condition of the skin and coatChicken, salmon and riceHelps remove hairballs from the stomach
Strengthens the immune system
Diet&StomachFor sensitive digestive systems in growing and adult catsChicken, elk, oats and riceNormalizes digestion


The manufacturer produces dry and wet food. The ratio of vitamins and nutrients is specifically designed for a particular period in a cat’s life. Series of granular mixtures:

  1. For cats older than one year with an active and energetic lifestyle. Contains 30% protein, 20% fat. The main ingredient is salmon (a source of vitamin E, polyunsaturated acids and antioxidants). It also contains rose hips, which strengthen the immune system, and a special MacroGard formula with beta-glucan.
  2. For kittens and young animals, for cats during pregnancy and lactation. The mixtures are high in protein (35%) and low in fat (18%). The main ingredient is Scandinavian salmon. A special formula with beta-glucan helps restore normal intestinal microflora.
  3. For pets with sensitive digestion or excess body weight. The main ingredient is chicken meat. Feature – low fat content (10%).
  4. For castrated and sterilized pets. It is possible to feed overweight animals. Reduced protein and fat content reduces the energy value of the mixture. The composition includes substances that improve metabolic processes, stimulate digestion, and prevent the appearance of hairballs in the stomach.
  5. For cats with sensitive stomachs and long-haired breeds. Salmon, chicken eggs, vitamin B7 and zinc keep your pet's coat in good condition. The food contains substances that prevent the formation of hairballs in the cat's stomach.
  6. Food with large granules based on chicken and salmon, intended for cats and kittens of large breeds. Suitable for pets with long, sensitive hair and skin. The composition includes healthy fatty acids, amino acids and microelements that improve digestion and stimulate metabolism.

Wet food is suitable for cats of all ages. Made from natural ingredients - meat (chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit, venison, elk), fish and seafood (salmon, shrimp, mackerel, lobster, shellfish, perch).

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Bozita dog food - reviews

Review of Bozita dog food , writes Alexandra. Good afternoon. Although my dog ​​does not have any allergies, it was not possible to find the food the first time. First of all, I tried holistic food, because I believed that the food should contain more meat and should not contain any grains. But the fussy eater doesn’t eat everything well; he ate without much appetite. I decided to try Bozita Robur food after the advice of friends who had been feeding it for several years.

The dog liked it, he’s been eating it for half a year now and still with the same pleasure as the first time. Despite the rather small feeding rate, the dog eats up, which means the food is satisfying. I buy 12.5 kg bags because my dog ​​is actually a huge dog)) The only criticism is that the granules are quite small. The bag has a convenient clasp to prevent it from getting too hot. Overall, I'm happy with everything (except for the recent price increases)

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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