Brit Premium cat food: reviews and composition analysis

Castrated and sterilized cats are calm, affectionate and playful. They don't show aggression. At the same time, the level of physical activity in animals decreases, and they are prone to gaining excess weight. The likelihood of developing urolithiasis (UCD) increases. To prevent health problems, it is important to feed your pet properly. Veterinarians recommend ready-made diets, since such nutrition is completely balanced. A good choice is Brit for neutered cats. The product is manufactured in the Czech Republic by the family company VAFO Praha.


First, let's talk about the manufacturer, which is the production organization VAFO Praha sro, located in the town of Rudna in the Czech Republic. In addition to cat food, it specializes in selling food for dogs, rodents and ferrets.

It was founded in 1994 and gradually transformed from a private family company into a powerful production workshop, which employs several hundred employees. Products are exported to 70 countries. The dry food production plant was built in the Czech Republic, and wet products are manufactured in Thailand.

The manufacturer refused to test on laboratory animals, using special analyzers instead. The products comply with all necessary requirements - ISO 9001 and HACCP.

How to choose food

Natural food is considered the best food for a pet, but it is not always possible to match the percentage balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the natural needs of the cat’s body. In such a situation, the animal should be fed with industrial feed with a dietary composition as close as possible to natural food.

Currently, there is a wide variety of diets on the market, both domestic and imported, and for a beginner it will be a problem to choose quality food for your pet.

To choose the right food, it is important to navigate your pet’s taste preferences, the presence of allergic reactions or diseases, and physiological needs. It is necessary to first obtain the advice of a veterinarian in selecting food for your pet.

Which cat food to choose?

What you need to know! The main rule in choosing industrial food for your pet is to give preference to holistic, super-premium, premium food. The higher the quality of the food, the greater the percentage of meat components, which means the cat will receive the necessary microelements for a developed and active life.

When switching from eating natural products to industrial food, remember that the cat must consume a lot of clean water. Also, the transition should be carried out smoothly; gradual introduction of small portions of dry food will not lead to digestive tract upset. To begin with, you can use soft food in pouches or canned food. The ideal combination is dry and wet, feeding recommended by most experts.

When choosing food, pay attention to the composition and the place that meat occupies - it should come first


The Brit Premium line of dry food includes the following types:

Brit Premium Kitten. Food for small animals (up to 1 year). The composition is identical to food for adult cats, but with slightly more vitamins.

Brit Premium Adult chicken. Complete option for adults (over one year old) with tender chicken and delicious chicken liver sauce. Yucca extract removes the pungent odor of excrement, and chicken protein is easily digestible.

Brit Premium Sterilized. Option for cats who have undergone sterilization or castration. Light but nutritious food.

Packaged in packs of 0.3, 0.8, 1.5 and 8 kg.

Wet food is:

  • Chicken breast & cheese (main components - cheese and chicken breast);
  • Tuna & salmon (with tuna and salmon);
  • Kitten chicken (with chicken meat for kids);
  • Tuna, carrot & pea (with chicken fillet).

Jar volume - 0.07 kg.

Price and stores

Unizoo online store:

  • “Brit Premium” packaging 1.5 kg – from 417 rubles;
  • “Brit care” package 2 kg – from 817 rubles;
  • pouches 85g – from 36 rubles;
  • tin can 80g – from 73 rub.

Prices for Brit food in the Unizoo online store

Online store "Magizoo":

  • “Brit Premium” packaging 1.5 kg – from 457 rubles;
  • “Britcare” packaging 2 kg – from 895 rubles;
  • spiders 85 g – from 47 rubles;
  • tin can 80 g – from 77 rub.

Part of the assortment of the Magizoo online store

Woof's online store:

  • “Brit Premium” packaging 1.5 kg – from 503 rubles;
  • “Brit care” package 2 kg – from 985 rubles;
  • pouches 85 g – from 48 rubles;
  • tin can 80 g – from 88 rub.

Prices for food from the Woof's online store

Prices are not official! Prices are for reference only!


The composition of Brit Premium cat food is as follows:

  • meat and offal (including meat flour);
  • fish and fish products (salmon, fish oil, tuna);
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • cheese;
  • fructooligosaccharides and mannanoligosaccharides (prebiotics);
  • cereals and vegetables (corn, beet pulp, rice);
  • extracts and dried herbs and fruits (turmeric, citrus, cloves, rosemary, dandelion, Yucca Schidigera);
  • minerals and vitamins.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The advantages of the product for neutered cats are:

  • enrichment with all necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • maintaining the correct ratio of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • contains a large number of meat components;
  • taste appeal;
  • absence of soy and harmful substances.

Brit Premium is better than many premium analogues. The manufacturer honestly indicates how much and what it contains.

The disadvantage is the presence of corn in the composition, as it can provoke allergies. Good foods contain little or no of it. The percentage of carbohydrates is a little high. However, if feeding standards are observed, this will not harm the animal.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The BRIT Premium line of food is affordable.
  • The assortment is pleasing to the eye: you can choose a formula for cats of different ages, both older and younger.
  • There is not only dry food, but also wet food.
  • Natural ingredients are used (rosemary, mixture of tocopherols).
  • A lot of canned meat: up to 82% (and there are many types of meat).
  • Food is sold not only in pet stores, but also in many universal hypermarkets operating in the Russian Federation.
  • The sauce used is unknown.
  • Some formulas contain corn, a filler that is only beneficial for humans. For cats, it is simply harmful: due to its low amino acid composition, it causes allergies, and due to excess carbohydrates, it causes obesity.
  • The phrase “meat meal” may hide processed parts of the carcass that do not provide any practical benefit to animals. For example, feathers, beaks, parts of limbs. In holistic feeds, judging by the high price, sirloin parts are used, but in relatively inexpensive feeds this is hardly possible.
  • In wet versions, the indication of offal - unspecified, not listed point by point - raises questions.
  • Brewer's yeast added to some formulas may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Added dyes and flavors to canned food.

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Brit Care Cat Missy: Supplements for Neutered Cats

We also found L-carnitine in Brit Kea for neutered cats - it is believed to enhance metabolism and promote slimness. Since cats often gain weight after castration and sterilization, the presence of this ingredient here can rather be considered a plus.

Also, if you look at the analysis of the diet, you can see that the share of total fat here is relatively low and amounts to only 12% - this is also a positive factor for cats after surgery.

The presence of another additive in the food - sea buckthorn extract - the manufacturer explains by its ability to support the health of the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole. Of course, this is a useful ingredient, but we doubt that such a small amount of the plant in dry food will be enough for these purposes.

The label details all the vitamins and mineral compounds that balance the food, so it’s quite easy to get an idea of ​​this diet. Despite the presence of a fairly large volume of animal protein, individual amino acids are added to the feed - taurine, DL-methionine, arginine.

For everyday feeding

Each Brit cat food, dry or wet, is formulated with the utmost care to ensure excellent tolerance.

  • Brit Care Cat Daisy – for pets genetically prone to obesity. Contains turkey meat, L-carnitine, low fat percentage, increased amount of fiber. Natural flavor enhancers are used - salmon oil, chicken liver.
  • Brit Care Cat Sunny Beautiful Hair – food for cats with long hair. The basis of the food is salmon. Omega-3, as well as calendula, zinc and biotin, help maintain beautiful fur and healthy skin.
  • Brit Care Cat Cheeky Outdoor – for active cats that regularly leave the apartment. These animals require a lot of energy. The basis of the diet is venison and rice. The chondroprotectors included in the composition are necessary to support the motor function of the body.

For active pets

  • Cat food Gourmet (Brit Care Cat Cocco Gourmand) – produced for picky pets. Contains no grains. The basis of the diet is duck or salmon. Catnip stimulates the animal's appetite.
  • Brit Care CatLilly Sensitive Digestion – for animals with digestive system disorders. The basis of the diet is lamb meat. This is the best hypoallergenic product rich in protein. The inclusion of milk thistle in the feed promotes the normal functioning of the liver.
  • Brit Care Cat MontyIndoor – for pets who permanently live in an apartment. These animals are sedentary. To improve their digestion, better remove hairballs from the stomach and reduce the intensity of the smell of feces, the food is enriched with plant components.
  • Brit Care Cat Tobby – for large cats. The basis of the diet is duck meat. The food is enriched with chondroprotectors to maintain healthy joints. The food has a large granule size.

For restricted feeding

Brit Care Cat Missyfor Sterilized – for neutered and sterilized cats. The food contains poultry meat. Animals that have undergone surgery are predisposed to weight gain and the development of urolithiasis.

The amount of fat in the feed is reduced and fiber is increased to reduce the risk of obesity. Thanks to the ideal balance of phosphorus, calcium, and a minimal amount of magnesium, the likelihood of the formation of kidney stones is reduced, a normal level of pH in the urine is maintained, and therefore the risk of developing urolithiasis is reduced.

Nutritional value of food:

  • protein – 36%;
  • fat – 12%;
  • fiber – 5%;

Feeding recommendations

Each package of the finished product contains information about its composition, shelf life and method of storage. In addition, there is always a table with recommendations for determining the daily food intake. The serving size varies depending on the weight and age of the animal.

Attention! If after feeding your pet regularly has uneaten food left in his bowl, it is recommended to reduce the serving size. In the case when an animal demands food throughout the day, absorbing its quota without a trace, it should be checked for the presence of parasites.

- I am hungry!..

On average, the daily requirement for an adult cat weighing 4-5 kg ​​is 60-70 g of Premium food or 50-60 g of Super-Premium food.

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